Shui Lian Yue method imagines that having such a soft voice is like being in a fantasy and being casual and indifferent. It turns out that the person will be a general in Dongshuo country.

"You are always so calm. Somehow you are also my first general in Dongshuo." The thyme gamer ordered Beichen Rong’s chest to laugh and say.
Beichen Rong’s light eyebrow eye seems to be very dissatisfied with the second emperor’s words. "These are all given by parents to Rong and can’t be controlled. Besides, is it necessary to win the battlefield by sound?"
The voice just fell, the game was a little stunned, and then a grin seemed to cover up his embarrassment. "Hey, Rong, you are so old everywhere, or are you like a child? Can you change your temper?"
Nazhi, this sentence seems to have provoked Beichen Rong again. He frowned slightly and looked at it indifferently. He hummed, "Is it true that the second emperor recognizes Rong as a child’s temper and wins the position of general? In that case, please ask the second emperor to take back his command and not be the general?"
"You, what’s going on today? You came back from the palace, so unless you cherish fragrance and commit tomfoolery." Pack up your smile and look at Beichen Rong with a full face of sadness [
"Can Rong blame the princess?" The voice just fell and the game burst out laughing again.
"Ha, ha, ha, Xi Xiang was spoiled by my father since childhood, and I, a princess in Dongshuo, have a bad temper naturally, but her heart is still kind. Please excuse me a lot. Besides, it is a miracle that I open the princess in Dongshuo to listen to your general’s words. What are your complaints?"
Beichen Rong snorted and turned away from watching the game sound of thyme, which was even more indifferent. "If you come here, you can’t say this."
After the thyme game smell speech, I sobbed and put away my smile at the corners of my mouth. Wen Ya’s face suddenly gave a faint chill and looked at the night sink. He said, "The four emperors of san huang have started to act. In these five days, they have raised a lot of hay, and even the commander of the barracks has been bought by them. Although you have a lot of troops here, it is far away from water and can’t put out the near fire. It is to leave from this moment except for exposing too much, which will arouse my father’s suspicion and even make it impossible to catch up."
Beichen Rong Zheng wanted to think and asked, "But they are not afraid to act like this under the emperor’s eyelids."
"Hum" listening to the hundred-mile game, with a cold hum, my eyes flashed with a sharp color. "The great emperor is now serving around his father day and night, and he has won a lot of letters from his father. It is not easy for him to know if he does something."
Beichen Rong frowned and looked at Baili Game lightly. "What do you mean?"
"The emperor wants to get rid of a big emperor from his two hands first, and then he will lose an arm."
Beichen Rong looked very dignified after hearing this. "But are they your own brothers?"
What do you mean by "Huang Bai"? The hundred-mile game sighed lightly and his face was a little more melancholy. "It is essential to be born in the royal family, and it is this truth that everyone in the royal family is good at being bullied and ridden, especially when it comes to that brother’s affection. If cool thin Emperor doesn’t make moves, that person will be himself. Do you want to see me die?"
Turn his eyes to Beichen Rong. They haven’t spoken for a long time, and a touch of melancholy lingers in the courtyard.
Shui Lianyue, who has been hiding in the dark outside the hospital, overheard them stop talking and got up and started to move. Unexpectedly, when I wanted to squat, my calf was too long and numb. I accidentally bumped into a plum tree stem, and many plum petals began to fall off.
"Who’s who outside the courtyard? Didn’t I tell you not to go near here without my permission?" Beichen Rong heard the movement and immediately opened the door in the direction of the gate, looking for the sound just now and walked over to find that there were a lot of plum petals falling in that faint plum blossom fragrance, which seemed to be mixed with another elegant fragrance.
After a while, the game of thyme followed and came out to Beichen Rong’s side. He looked at the place with a dignified expression and whispered, "Send someone quickly to find out if it is a big emperor."
"Well" Beichen Rong gently sniffed the quietly elegant fragrance in the air and nodded slightly.
Shui Lianyue’s hiding all the way to Tibet was almost discovered by patrol guards. After leaving the general office of Beichen, he relaxed. Looking back at the gate not far from the general office, he felt that it was not easy to move the hundred-mile game and the dialogue between Beichen Rong. It would also cause him a lot of trouble. It should be the turbulent period of Dongshuo State Department, but what a pity it would be if he missed it.
So Shui Lianyue will target the four emperors of san huang. If she can save the lives of the four emperors san huang, waiting until the emperor leaves the palace will make him more distressed and angry than killing the game of thyme.
After returning to the inn, Shui Lianyue simply tidied up and lay down, only to hear Nangong Yu’s low voice, "Wang advised you not to make trouble or it would not be so easy to go to Tianchishan and his party."
Shui Lian-yue’s body froze but soon recovered. He laughed lightly and said, "You don’t believe me when you say you are afraid of death. Don’t worry, I won’t delay finding an antidote for you."
Nangong Yu’s mind is really stupid if it doesn’t know what she is going to do.
"Hum Wang is afraid of death, but it’s really a great misfortune in life if he is dragged down by you."
I can’t see the Nangong Yu expression in the darkness, but I can also imagine the contemptuous expression and sarcastic expression from his tone. Shui Lian smiled a light way. "Since you said so, let me drag you down to death. Chapter 196 Syracuse.
The next morning, according to the original plan, I should leave Hu City to find the entrance of Tianchi Mountain, but suddenly I decided to change my plan because of the water ripple, and I took Nangong Yu to Pingyang City, ten miles away from Hu City.
If you continue to stay in Hucheng, you won’t be discovered by a hundred-mile game. Although Hucheng is big, the people here almost know each other. Because of the climate in Dongshuo, people from other countries don’t want to come here, except for two strange faces like businessmen and fur vendors. Last night, she was almost discovered by Beichen Rongbaili game. If they trace it, they will definitely find them.
Along the way, the two hired a carriage and went to Pingyang City at a rapid speed. The carriage Nangong Yu never said a word, and the decision was made by Shui Lianyue. It was not until he was close to Pingyang City that he slowly said, "Wang wakes you up, don’t be smart and witty, so you can’t fight the big emperor. This shows that the big emperor san huang and the four emperors still have some things."
"That’s like" water ripple month light swept the eye Nangong Yu continue to repose [
The nangongshan Yu hum a pair of water ripple on this careless attitude was a little angry damn what he was angry about.
"Although the third is poor in martial arts, he is smarter than the National People’s Congress. Almost all the machines in the imperial palace are designed by the third, and the fourth is poor in brain, but he is born with great strength and poverty. Earlier, Wang Zeng and his opponents were slightly inferior to Wang."
After hearing the Nangong Yu’s remarks, Shui Lianyue slowly opened her eyes to see if she seemed to be carrying coals to Newcastle. If it is really like Nangong Yu said, it is not easy to send someone to assassinate the third or fourth child in the thyme game. I didn’t hear any concerns about the thyme game yesterday. If I didn’t know the fatal flaw of those two people, I would never be so confident.
Take back your thoughts and look at Nangong Yu. I can’t help but ask, "What are the shortcomings or fatal points of the old three or four, or hobbies that are more important than life?"
The nangongshan Yu smell speech slightly zheng eyes cold look at the water ripple on this damn woman really want to kill old three old four does she want to help thyme game?
"If you want the king to tell you, unless you tell the king your plan, the king will never tell you a word and then wake you up. The king knows all about their secrets."
Looking at Nangong Yu’s handsome and resolute face with a sly color, he tried to calm down the impulse to slap him, smiled and got up and gathered around Nangong Yu to gently pick an eyebrow and say with smile, "I can tell you the plan, but you must ensure that everything you say is correct, or the aunt will never spare you."
Just as Nangong Yu was about to speak, the carriage bumped suddenly, which made the water ripple on the moon fall into Nangong Yu’s arms, and a touch of elegant fragrance instantly floated into Nangong Yu’s nose, and his soft body was rippling in his heart because of the bump of the carriage in his arms.
And Shui Lianyue didn’t think that she meant to threaten Nangong Yu in the past. By the way, if he doesn’t pay attention to his acupuncture points, if he doesn’t tell the truth, he’ll be rude to him. Who would have thought that the carriage would be jumping at this time? The powerful heartbeat and broad chest made her white cheeks red in the dark carriage.
"Hey, what’s the matter?" Shui Lianyue barely sat up and shouted outside the carriage.
After hearing this, the driver outside the carriage apologized and said, "I’m sorry, madam, but the road just now was bumpy, so it was bumpy."
Shui Lian was embarrassed to move back to his original place and stop talking, and Nangong Yu turned his head to hide his embarrassment. The soft body left his arms and his heart gave birth to a bit of sadness. Damn it, how could he have such an idea?
For a long time, the carriage slowly pulled into Gongyu, south of Pingyang City, and then gently coughed to continue the topic "You haven’t said your plan yet"
Shui Lian Yue has already returned to normal. After all, she is a modern person. She quickly accepts and adapts to it. She glanced at Nangong Yu lightly. "Do you know that Baili Game designed you?"
"What did you say?" The nangongshan YuWenWen immediately surprised drink a way.
"Ying Du thing is a hundred-mile game". Suddenly, the water ripples on the moon, and Chu Yihua stopped. If it hadn’t been for that time, maybe we would have become very good friends.
Nangong Yu saw that Shui Lian Yue stopped talking and was impatient, but he sat up on his own. "Who is he and you are quick to say?"
"Hundred Li Game Chu Yihua"
"How do you know?" Nangong Yu looked puzzled at Shuilian Month. She didn’t seem to have left Wangfu since she married into Wangfu. She knew the outside world and more than he did [
Shui Lianyue Zheng smiled at random and laughed. "If people don’t know, I have my own way, but this is a fact. I think you should have checked for a long time. Today, you don’t know who is behind the things in Ying Du, including the fighting in taoranju. They also have it."
Nangong Yu pondered over the water ripple and recalled what happened in Yingdu. Later, the interception on the way became more and more wrong. It happened in Yingdu for quite a while, but Nangong Ling didn’t respond until things in Yingdu were about to be sorted out. Was it that the interception on the way was framed by others for Nangong Ling, which made them fight forever? Once there was turmoil in Chaogang, the biggest beneficiary was Canglan Guo Dongshuo Guo.
"But Chu Yihua also participated in it, which is somewhat puzzling. He is a Jinxi person. What good will it do if Jin Xi has any changes?"
Shui Lianyue shrugged his shoulders and shook his head. "I don’t know about this. Maybe the hundred-mile game has made him a lot of benefits, but I am sure that if you follow his hundred-mile game, you will find it."
"But this is also my business. You have to help the old three and the old four."
Water ripple month sneer at a "you Nangong Ling things they know, and I am the emperor, they also know very well that if I die in Yu Wangfu, what do you think will be good for you?"

Huang Xuan smiled and sat down with his hands on his hands. Later, he simply looked up at the ceiling of the base and muttered, "The 15-level base seems very high …"

The air in the room seems to be very good and exhausted. Huang Xuan experienced two days full of twists and turns and tension, and he was already tired. For a 17-year-old boy, his body was far from ready to bear these hardships and he soon fell asleep in a daze.
When he woke up again, he was awakened by the yellow light on his arm.
"Great and wise yellow master, you chose an old man to be as great as you …" Nick cried when he saw that Huang Xuan woke up, just like a sparrow whose husband and wife’s life was not harmonious.
"Old man? Old goat! "Huang Xuan got up like a nap, and his eyes swept around him, and the energy screen suddenly felt wrong. Look at the past, the column of network limit actually said level 15.
"How long did I sleep?" Huang Xuan’s first question is to look at the time.
"3 hours, 2 minutes and 32 seconds" Nick’s time view is very accurate.
Huang Xuan took another look at the energy screen around him and reached out and hit it twice. While watching the situation of the base, he confirmed, "15-level network limit?"
"The old man you chose is called Gary the old goat," Nick said in imitation of Huang Xuan’s tone. "He has transported the funds back and forth 27 times …"
"What about the loss?" Huang Xuanma interrupted Nick. He is not good at math and can’t calculate the complex number. He can calculate it 27 times according to 5% of 1 trillion funds, even if there are few left.
Nick excitedly said, "Profit 7.1 billion Hot Circle"
Huang Xuan is going crazy. If the old man is in front of him sometime, he will kiss him. He suppressed his excitement and said, "Don’t call that goat again. Let’s go now."
The river instantly brought Huang Xuan back to Area B. Gary, an old man, was holding Ba Zheng and discussing something with his old department.
Huang Xuan applauded at the door. "Mr. Ken, I heard that you got an amazing answer."
"But the answer is too simple." Gary’s expression remained. "Does Mr. Huang have confidence in me now?"
"I’ve always had confidence in you," said Huang Xuan, walking beside Gary and watching them doing energy screens. "You surprised me for 27 consecutive times …"
Listening to Huang Xuan’s words, Bill Hope said sullenly, "You don’t seem to be very profitable."
A normal foreign exchange trader who has no financial leverage makes a profit of 71% in three hours and the average tax rate is 4%, which is a miracle. If Wall Street, the profit of this fund is likely to rise to 1%.
Huang Xuanxiao moved his fingers and got a stool. Gary ignored his body temperature, Hope, but pointed his finger at the screen and said, "I’m more concerned. The more times I transport money back and forth, the happier I am. I can bear the loss and limit the loss, but of course it’s not 2% at a time."
He didn’t know until he looked at the energy screen that Gary didn’t put 1 trillion yuan into 27 times, but more than 5% invested in 27 times with a high amount of money. The overall capital flow was about 2 trillion yuan.
Gary wan is a consultant, so-called "if you don’t care about profit and loss and bear the 4% tax rate, then I think we can probably move faster."
Nino also seems to see Gary’s value, suggesting that "maybe we should annihilate some stars from P1".
Chapter five hundred and twenty-three Limit the storm (2)
Can Huang Xuan’s little dream beat faster? Destroy the stars?
He turned to avoid Gary’s eyes, and his lips were dry and dark. "How much energy can Ning’ ao annihilate the planet?"
"Every star, that is, as you know, there are many stars in the center of the Milky Way. Some of them have just entered their infancy, while others have entered the last year. Choose them to lose energy. At least one newborn star can get energy. The starting base will determine that Lorraine will be upgraded in half an hour. If the 12-level base disappears, at least 3 trillion heat circles can be obtained."
3 megahertz is a big number, but before Huang Xuan said anything, Lorraine interjected, "It takes 1 megahertz less energy to annihilate a planet at the 12-level forward base."
"What?" Huang Xuan doesn’t like to pay a sum of money before he gets anything. Qian Ning’s Olympics sounds like a scam.
Ning Ao smiled, "The annihilation reaction is to accelerate the death of a star, let it quickly age from infancy and radiate energy. We accelerate the energy. This reaction is like a nuclear bomb. Besides, you have no management situation. We must make energy to get energy."
One trillion hands are bound to be more than the expected three trillion thermal circles. Huang Xuan hesitated, "Can’t it be like a supernova explosion?"

But when one side places its hopes of winning on luck, then the team is not far from being finished.

Atletico Madrid hoped that the goddess of luck would take care of them. When they found that the goddess of luck did not respond to their request, they were flustered, and the game became more and more chaotic.
Hertha, on the other hand, saw that Atletico Madrid was flustered and the more they played, the more confident they became. If some balls were placed in normal times, they might not break at all or even break them, they would be fouled.
But today they not only broke, but also broke cleanly.
"Hertha is in a good state today. How can she fight?" Crespo also sighed with emotion.
For Atletico Madrid, this scene is simply suffering.
If you don’t look at the jersey, you will be calm. Hertha is Atletico Madrid, the big brother team in Madrid, and Hertha is the team that is in a hurry.
For Atletico Madrid players and fans, they lost many games this season, but none of them can compare with today’s game.
If they lose the game in the end, it will be unforgettable.
Because they lost to a group of hillbillies in Madrid.
No matter how they lose, at least in Madrid, they still have a very high status, and they can still dominate the world in Madrid.
They were not even afraid of Real Madrid. In the season when they were relegated, although they were eventually relegated, Atletico Madrid still prevailed in the same city derby in Madrid. With Hasselbaink’s second goal, they beat Real Madrid at the Bernabeu Stadium 31 and returned to their home court. They didn’t let Madrid get a bargain, and the two sides drew 11.
With such performance, Atletico Madrid naturally has reason and capital to be proud of other teams in Madrid.
Even if we are downgraded, our influence in Madrid is still not to be ignored!
However, the game against Hertha pulled the last fig leaf from Atletico Madrid.
A cruel way to tell everyone-now Atletico Madrid is a paper tiger! They just look scary! Actually … vulnerable!
Atletico Madrid fans can accept being defeated by Real Madrid because they think that they have been persecuted, even if they fail, it is a glorious failure, and they are glorious martyrs in the struggle against the strong.
But they were defeated by Hertha, whose status, strength and name were far less than theirs. What is the matter?
Atletico Madrid fans watched all this with disappointment and then anger.
Their anger needs an outlet.
Kiko’s mediocre performance on the court has become the target of some extremely disappointed Madrid fans to vent their anger
For the first time in Atletico Madrid, people heard about Kiko. Shh!
Although it’s not loud, it says a lot of problems.
Kiko missed many games due to injury this season, but he didn’t score a goal in his appearance.
When he promised to stay, Atletico Madrid fans cheered and rejoiced that Atletico Madrid would be able to return to the first division after a season, when the scene was not completely forgotten, and hissed at Kiko …
Professional football is so cruel and cold no matter how warm it is.
Ever-victorious looked at Kiko, who was still at the stadium, with some regrets.
Dedicated to Atletico Madrid for seven years, the most beautiful time of his youth career, even if the team was relegated, he insisted on staying in the flag, which was abandoned by the fans because he failed to bring hope to the team’s upgrade.
The former vows of eternal love have become a thing of the past. He once gave cheers without stint, but now he thinks it is very ironic.
Maybe Atletico Madrid fans will regret their actions today, sincerely repent and praise Kiko again, but the damage to Kiko is already there and it is hard to erase. Even if Kiko forgives these fans in the future, it is impossible for both sides to think of each other as the most beautiful time.
Once a crack occurs, it can be repaired by law, and even then it is impossible for both sides to recover.
What is all this about?
Due to failure
If Atletico Madrid is not relegated, if Atletico Madrid can March forward like Hertha, ranking first in the league and hopefully returning to the first division before, even if Kiko doesn’t score a goal, Atletico Madrid fans will definitely not do so.
Victory makes them feel good, so naturally there is nothing wrong with it, while failure makes them feel bad and likes to take it out on others.
Kiko was obviously angry.
When these Atletico Madrid fans booed Kiko, they didn’t think that when Atletico Madrid was demoted, many people rushed to leave Kiko. The invitation to the king, leader and flag of Atletico Madrid would not be less than that of other players, but he didn’t choose to leave, but he was willing to stay with Atletico Madrid and work hard to return to the first division. Because the economic situation of Atletico Madrid was not very good after the demotion, he still played for Atletico Madrid this season without a penny!
What a great sentiment is this?
However, this loyalty has become penniless under the stimulus of failure.

Lorraine calmly said, "Without travelers, the energy output efficiency will be very low. At present, if Brazil scans and compares everyone here, it will consume too many unnecessary resources."

Huang Xuanpei pointed to the sky and said, "How many people?"
"Seven, four houses, three cars outside."
Huang Xuan tidied up a dress and looked at Li Shenggang next to him. "You should go home first. You know what the problem is recently. Ask Nick if he should talk if necessary."
"Yes" See Huang Xuan is willing to tell himself that Li Shenggang couldn’t wait to show his heart to the boss. At this moment, passive Nuo Nuo suddenly disappeared from the pavilion.
Huang Xuan called another "Lorraine" and whispered, "Look at Li Shenggang and don’t let anyone find out that he went out from here."
"I see."
Huang Xuan took a break and crept to his room secretly. His house should be like a thief. This kind of thing Huang Xuan has done since childhood, but it seems that he will continue to do it.
In addition to the housekeeper and two nannies, there is no one else in the house. Huang Xuan can rest assured to change his clothes in the room and lie back in bed. "Lorraine, show me the images and information of a few guys outside. In addition, you can try to find the information of my brother’s unit to see if it is available to us."
Business is business and private affairs are completely different, but Huang Xuan is not worried about both. God knows when that Chu Yi Ning will kill him again and then blow himself into slag without saying anything. At this time, if someone affects himself, he is a little brother and has nothing to show.
Less also want to call cousin sister-in-law mother will interrogate to death.
The image came soon. There was a man outside Huang Zhai who was known by Huang Xuan. The restaurant was called "Big Head". He seemed to be a technician. He hid in a nanny car and fucked his brain. Lorraine scanning was one meter more accurate than Yankee satellite, or one micron more. You can look around as you like. The higher the requirements, the more energy you consume.
Huang Xuan’s face was as heavy as water, while holding his energy screen, he read what Lorraine had found in advance and urged the keeper to ask, "Can’t you hurry?"
"My buffer is still IBM, and it is old now."
Huang Xuan stared. "Last year, it was 20,000 dollars. Did you find their documents?"
A moment later, Lorraine said "no"
Huang Xuansong breathed a sigh of relief. Since my little brother is a private matter, there is no big problem.
Get up and do some activities. Huang Xuan took out a set of exercises from the cupboard and changed the way, "Lorraine, how much energy do you have now?"
"500 million energy circle"
"Enough to hit people" Huang Xuan twisted his wrist and said, "protect me later."
"if you think about it."
Huang Xuanzheng and Nick were talking, and a slightly cold voice beside them said impatiently, "I am the manager of the newly-built 16 base, and now I need to name it."
"Level 16 Base" Huang Xuan stumbled and almost clipped himself to the door frame, but the new base supervisor also appeared just in time when calculating.
"Don’t you have a name yourself?" Huang Xuan asked, "Are you the supervisor of this base?"
"But my drawing code is 1, so the default name is 1."
"Don’t," Huang Xuan quickly waved. "I have your management, don’t I?"
"It’s complete management"
This is the advantage of drawing construction. If the drawings were not valuable, all major areas outside the city would have abandoned the previous generation of public bases. However, as part of the public policy and democratic system, everyone will still build some public and semi-public bases.
Huang Xuan mused, "A pet that can turn the wheel of history is generally called Xiaobai. Sometimes it is also called Xiaohei. Which do you like?"
? 1 in silence
Huang Xuan was in a high degree of excitement and quickly asked, "What ability do you have now? I mean a comprehensive base and a 16-level special place? "
"The medical part can cure the first-class trauma, and the production part can produce 6% of the second-class materials. I am biased towards the logistics comprehensive base, so I am in a weak position in mercenary and biological training, but I can solve the problem of the 16th-class biological epidemic. The construction of the 2nd-class information base and the short-term joint high-output energy should also reach the 1st level. In addition, I can travel on the plane accurately to a location plane in two years."
"What is a location?"
According to the buffer zone, the answer is Nick, who is quite jealous. "The higher the buffer zone energy, the larger the location range of the plane, while the lower the buffer zone energy, the smaller the location range of the plane. A location in the P plane can make us accurate about 15% similarity."
"So I can reach the plane with 5% similarity to P112 at will?"
"But this range is also his range." The answer this time is the new base. He continued to ask "My new name manager."
"Call me boss," said Xiao Huang, who took a glance and decided to take out his recent history. "This new guy, since you are biased towards logistics, you can call him Xiao. I’m Liu Xiu …"
The 16th-level base of "OK to determine the name Xiaohe" put the word "Xiaohe" on the energy screen greatly and then said, "By the way, Xiao’s boss is Liu Bang …"
Chapter two hundred and ninety Violation
Huang Xuan is deeply dissatisfied with Comrade Xiaohe’s violation of retrograde in the new base, but he still feels quite worried about having a new base.

All of a sudden, the sky was full of golden stripes, and several golden lights were wrapped around huge lotus flowers, flying out of the void and shining in the void.

As soon as the golden lotus came out, the monks who had closed their eyes suddenly stared at the lotus with their eyes open.
The golden light suddenly flashed more than ten golden figures, and nine golden arhats and two bodhisattvas suddenly flashed out. Both bodhisattvas were sitting with their eyes closed in the lotus terrace, but the nine golden arhats stood behind the two bodhisattvas and looked extremely pious.
Suddenly, a strong Buddha’s light rose all over the body, and the Buddha’s light faded away. After that, the two Bodhisattvas actually got up and looked as pious as those golden arhats. Suddenly, a bodhisattva roared, "I Buddhists are still coming out to meet the South Sumeru Light Buddha."
Many monks were suddenly frightened to disgrace. Although these bodhisattvas and arhats are all talking about the characters, they have been here for many years after all. These monks know their presence more or less, but suddenly a Buddha can make people not panic.
"Welcome to the South Sumeru Light Buddha"
More than 10,000 monks shouted out the pure Buddha’s power, and suddenly it spread all over the Huangshan Mountains. In the past, the arrogant monsters fled from their powerful strength, but when they were weak, they turned to their original forms and fell to their knees in the mountains, afraid to move at all.
The golden light flashed, and a huge turtle flashed first. The turtle’s eyes shone with pure Buddha’s light. The back armor leaned against a big ear, and the monk’s body looked a little thin. To put it bluntly, it was a typical malnutrition, wearing a dark gray Buddha’s clothes and sad eyes.
The big-eared monk slowly opened his eyes and slowly swept through many monks and whispered "Amitabha"
Simple four words will stop talking, hands folded and tortoise shells will flash a golden screen, and hundreds of tadpole-sized ancient characters will be like living things looming on the screen.
"Nine Lotus Sword Sect is really a hidden person of the remnants of the wild. Today, it is a special order for Nansumi Light Buddha to lead me to the Buddha. It is decreed that 37,000 disciples of Nine Lotus Sword Sect must go to A-bi Hell and suffer eternal suffering before they can reincarnate and re-enter my western paradise."
More than 10,000 monks immediately went to the virtual line to pay homage and be pious, and said, "Get the Buddha’s decree."
Jiulian Jianzong Mountain Gate is now teaching real couples Jin Sheng Zhang Jiao Jin Miao Zhang Jiao’s wife led thousands of younger brothers to drive various flying swords and stood in the middle of the battle waiting to see more than 10 thousand monks outside the mountain array.
Suddenly, a blue sword light flashed at a high speed, and a brother in red flashed a virtual face at Jinsheng Zhangjiao and said, "Master, the mountain gate has long been surrounded by these bald donkeys, and all the information can’t be sent out to protect the ancestors."
Jin Sheng Zhang Jiao slowly waved to him not to say anything, and said slowly, "Go back first!" "
Enduring heartache, Jin Sheng said to thousands of younger brothers behind him, "If there is an opportunity, I will allow you to surrender, and you all don’t know it. You shouldn’t die so hard."
All of a sudden, these thousands of younger brothers are like frying pans. They are not qualified to practice in the forbidden area of the back hill. However, they don’t know that Jiulian Jianzong is a’ Tianzhong’ clan. The fact can be seen from the edict of South Sumeru Guangfo that everyone is white, but now they are asked to surrender. No one can accept this reality.
Jiulian Jianzong has always been killed and never surrendered. In those years, the great war in the wild was closely related. In the end, hundreds of millions of people in the whole wild clan died and surrendered, except for nearly 10 million people who were controlled by Buddhism and Secret Law.
Suddenly, a master of the golden generation roared out, "I will definitely implement it if I don’t teach real people your words. Although I may not be very white, one thing is that I was born in Jiulian Jianzong, which is my home. Although I know that I don’t read much in practice on weekdays, I still abandon my home for nothing. I would never do such a thing. I would rather die than surrender."
"I will never surrender to the death of Zongmen."
"common death, common death, common death"
At that time, more than 1,000 disciples who were in the lowest rank among the Nine Lotus Sword Clans roared out in anger, and the backbone in their bones was suddenly aroused, and the high fighting spirit pervaded everyone’s mind.
Looking at these brothers, Jin Shengshen, please fade away and feel sad in your heart. These people will face death before they even know their true identity. Is it unfair?
"War, war, war"
Suddenly tens of thousands of roars came out of the forbidden area in the back hill, and angry roars resounded through the heavens and the earth.
Chapter 27 If you want to die, I’ll be you!
Chapter 27 If you want to die, I’ll be you!
I feel that tens of thousands of people are excited about fighting spirit, so I can’t throw cold water on everyone at this time. I roared, "Good body against Jiulian Jianzong will die together, even if the last person fights, these bald donkeys will not compromise."
By this time, Jin Sheng knew that there was no room for retreat, and he was puzzled that the ancestors suddenly disappeared. Zongxiu is the most powerful, but it has just reached the degree of robbery. Although the number of some uncles and grandfathers is huge, it is close to more than 40,000. But looking at the huge array outside the Guardian Mountain, Jin Sheng knows that it is a trivial matter to live and die today, but the ancestral Millennium foundation will be destroyed. My heart is full of unwillingness.
As soon as the Buddha made a big-eared monk, he continued to lie on the giant turtle and never looked at the two bodhisattvas in the eye. He nodded secretly, and a golden arhat behind them immediately said knowingly to more than ten thousand monks, "Let’s do it!" Get rid of these remnants early, and be clean early, so we can go back to heaven and pay the decree. "
Looking at the golden screen in the middle school, more than 10 thousand monks dare not neglect and hurriedly respect the law.
As soon as the voice was finished, these old monks who had been sitting dead for many years immediately shone with a strong Buddha’s light, and their lives were repaired. The Buddha’s treasures were all around, and they were transformed into golden light and shot at the Fanghu Mountain Array.
More than 10,000 monks have spent at least one time. For less than 40,000 monks, the highest practice is just approaching one time. To be honest, the root of strength is one-sided, and there is no need for any skills at all. The more than 10,000 monks have not made any secret teachings, but simply released their own treasures.
Although it has just reached the "order", there is a dust that these old guys favor good babies and many of them are taken for granted. At the first moment, when more than 10,000 monks attacked Jin Sheng, they found that the situation was grim and they looked dignified and nervous.
All over the sky, the golden uh guano fell like a light rain, and Jin Sheng suddenly roared, "The brothers who guard the array all go back to their positions to guard the large array. Even if it is bound to be broken, let these bald donkeys consume some mana to try to make other brothers more or less."
Immediately, hundreds of younger brothers immediately returned to their own positions, and the nine lotus firm but gentle shots were desperately instilled into the large array to keep the large array of defenders in the most powerful state of defense.
Buddha’s treasure retreated, but the original indestructible Guardian Mountain Array actually turned into nothing at the first time. Hundreds of brothers suddenly vomited blood and fell to the ground. Although there was no life worry for the time being, it was only a matter of time before the Guardian Mountain Array disappeared and others didn’t come to cover their death.
Strength is one-sided, and now the ending is also expected by Jin Sheng. He didn’t expect it to be so fast. He thought about how to protect the defense of the mountain array and how to maintain it for a few tens of seconds so that the remaining brothers can make full use of the most powerful force of the nearly 40,000 brothers.
The array hasn’t been finished yet, but it has disappeared. Before Jin Sheng can react, the second wave of attacks has already fallen. Jin Sheng suddenly looks dim, and this palm teaching is perhaps the most failure, even the real strength of the enemy can’t be analyzed clearly.
With sharp and aggressive Buddha roots on all sides, there is no escape, and it is possible to fight back against the past. The flying sword roots have produced many brothers who are suddenly submerged in the Buddha’s light.
"Bastard" Jin Sheng was so short of breath that he even said dirty words.
"Brother, let’s put it together. The ancestors taught us sects to carry forward the law. It’s not time for me, but your faction leader must get up and lead everyone at this time. You will point to their flagship and they will fight there. Only in this way can they give full play to their greatest strength."
Looking at his wife’s most intimate school sister Jin Miao Jin Sheng’s heart suddenly rose a little sweetness and said to Jin Miao, "School sister said that the ancestors gave us the baby today. If we can’t drink enough blood from these bald donkeys today, it’s too sorry that the ancestors favored it."
They have been husband and wife for many years, and there is no need to say more about Jin Sheng’s words. A pale blue flame immediately rose above their heads a few months ago. When the ancestors moved in the forbidden area of the mountain, the elder personally took care of the male and female.
These two tokens were personally sacrificed and refined by the great elder Xuanzhenli’s own inflammation Yang Zhen fire. Even the ordinary fairy wares were melted at the touch, and even the ordinary people’s instruments were close to each other by ten meters.
The sun makes a female and a male take care of each other and entwine with each other. Suddenly, they fight out a piece of heaven and earth. The number of Buddha treasures suddenly loses its due power. The earth suddenly turns into molten iron. Those Buddha treasures that belong to chicken ribs are not very powerful. They are directly vaporized and disappear forever.
The younger brothers hurriedly drove their powerful magic weapon, the flying sword, to follow closely after the order of inflammation and yang, and more and more younger brothers also noticed that they would not be restrained by those Buddhas after following the order of inflammation and yang.
You can’t attack Yang Ling with tens of thousands of flying swords. Even Lohan with golden body can’t say that his golden body can withstand the shelter. Two flying swords with Yang Ling followed by them are like two dragons rampaging through the middle of the school. Exquisite monks all died in the fire of Yan Yang for no reason.
Although there are still nine lotus sword brothers who die in the Buddha’s treasure all over the sky all the time, Jin Sheng and Jin Miao led the couple to fight their way out, and there were thousands of casualties on both sides. However, in these powerful magic weapons, almost all the bodies of the victims were vaporized
"Hum rice beads also want to shine."
A bodhisattva finally can’t see the past. Although he doesn’t value the life of these monks, he feels very uncomfortable when he feels the true fire of the sun. His hands suddenly become two golden hands and he takes a hard shot at the couple.
The 3,000-secret method of Buddhism in Fo Yin needs a few simple handprints and pure Buddha power to start, but it must reach the realm of bodhisattva to exert its greatest power.
Two stuffy hum a simple trick, and Jin Sheng and his wife were severely pressed to the mountain like shells, and they couldn’t stop spitting blood. They looked haggard and pale, and even the sun made them lose their joint efforts and induction.
Look at that bodhisattva Jin Sheng and his wife, who have lost their combat power, he said, "It’s a pity that you can’t exert your power!"
After that, the Bodhisattva grabbed the true fire of the inflammation Yang. Although his heart was full of fear of the true fire of the inflammation Yang, he also knew that if the power of this fire could be collected and refined into a magic weapon, his own strength would certainly be further improved.
Just as the golden hand was about to seize the burning sun, it suddenly exploded with a cold hum, "If you want to die, then I will be you!"
Chapter 279 Shame on your face, then don’t blame me for being cruel!
Chapter 279 Shame on your face, then don’t blame me for being cruel!
Hearing this seemed like roaring from hell, the white bodhisattva’s body trembled and suddenly became dignified. It was a kind of fear from the soul, just like the fear of seeing Vulcan Zhu Rong when he killed God in the great war tens of thousands of years ago.
Growling just fell a golden orange fireball, and the white bodhisattva suddenly frightened and hurriedly released thirty-six big Fo Yin, thirty-six giant bergamot with a strong murder Buddha’s light arranged in a vertical line to meet the rapid fireball.
"Hum to death!"
A cold hum came out of the fireball like a meteor and slid over 36 roads. Fo Yin was as fragile as paper and was broken in an instant.
In the eyes of tens of thousands of disciples of Jiulian Jianzong, the golden orange fireball broke 36 great Fo Yin, and then wrapped the white bodhisattva that had not yet escaped.
"ah! ! !”

"Is this the way to get through?" Sun Sheng wondered that monsters that are supposed to block the east-west passage should be very powerful. These are not as powerful as before …

Because the ground is covered with a thick layer of snow, Sun Sheng didn’t notice that the melted snow water didn’t flow along the ground, but gathered in a limited way. Even when there was snow outside, it would avoid gravity and flow in many places like water. As more and more snowmen melted, blood water gathered more and more.
In less than half an hour, the snowman was cleaned up by Xiao Yan and Xiao Hei. Although Sun Sheng was somewhat puzzling, he didn’t stop and wanted to ride on the gray.
When Sun Shengcai entered the range of melting snow, he made a sound when he stepped on the ground and found that something was wrong. He quickly let Gray go back, but it was too late.
After listening to a "click" sound, the snow on the ground froze into ice in a few seconds, and even the gray limbs were frozen inside. Sun Sheng quickly asked the small flame to come and breathe fire, but at this time the ice was not as easy to melt as the snowman just now, and the small flame sprayed out. At a high temperature, it could only melt the ice a little, and then it was frozen again.
With the ice quivering, a monster with an ice crystal body rose from the ground, and Gray was turned into hands. The pile of ice was brought up by Sun Sheng, who saw that the situation was not good, jumped on the back of Gray and took Gray back to his pet.
Sun Sheng looked around and wanted to take advantage of the fact that this monster has not yet formed, but the ice crystals on the ground can’t be stepped on casually, and it seems that those thorns are erected on the ice crystal monster. If you force through, you may be shot down.
Just as Sun Sheng tried to find a way to do it in such a short time, an ice crystal monster with a height of 10 meters, a width of 5 meters and a thickness of 4 meters rose from the ground and sent Sun Sheng a big gift. Dozens of ice thorns as thick as thighs fell from the sky and covered Sun Sheng with three meters near him.
Sun Sheng scolded a fly and spread it aside.
At the sight of Sun Sheng hiding from monsters, those who waved stopped like rain and ice thorns, but it was dark a few tens of meters above Sun Sheng’s head. Sun Sheng was still prone to look back, and his eyes almost popped out. He hurriedly called Xiao Yan and Xiao Hei to interrupt the monster to cast spells. Xiao Hei was faster and fit. He rushed over and hit the ice crystal monster. The ice crystal monster was stabbed to pieces, and the splash monster was hit by Xiao Hei. The casting was also interrupted. Sun Sheng’s head was scattered again.
At this time, Sun Shengcai took one look at the monster attribute.
Iceberg gatekeeper (level 9); Life 1; Yuanqi 5
Not the kui is a gatekeeper really fierce! That 100,000 lives alone will not be solved for a while, even if Xiaohe and Xiaoyan are together, they may not be able to fight.
Black attack bases rely on hand-to-hand combat claws, teeth and tails. These are its combat weapons. Every time you hit this monster, it will break up a part of the monster’s body with ice thorns. Although it seems that its body is harmless, Sun Sheng sees that white black life is consumed in this attack again and again, which is better than small black flames. The ice crystal monster spits out waves of cold and dodges back and forth. Although it will occasionally suffer some injuries, the situation is still optimistic.
It is this ice crystal monster that is too resistant to being hit. It doesn’t hurt to hit it. If you don’t forget that point of health, it is almost negligible compared with its total health.
After the ice crystal monster sprinkled frost-colored gas on himself once, Blackie lost her life when she hit it. Moreover, the ice thorns on the monster’s body didn’t smash this time, but two were broken, while Blackie was picked up by those ice thorns and screamed with pain.
Xiaoyan no longer retains the transformation into a flaming phoenix, but all her skills are greeted by the monster. However, the effect is still very small. On the contrary, it is no longer easy to escape from the monster’s frozen gas and ice thorns because of the larger body. The life drop speed is also accelerated, and the transformation effect base is also offset by these injuries.
Look at the little black with half his life left, and then look at some embarrassing little flame. The monster with more than 90,000 lives gritted his teeth and turned to retreat outside the canyon. Guess it’s about time Sun Sheng rode Xiaoyu to greet the little black and little flame out of the valley together.
"I can’t beat you myself. I’ll find someone to pick you up!" Sun Sheng looked at Xiaohei’s miserable eyes and felt a little distressed, and Xiaoyan lost several beautiful feathers.
"Let’s go find someone and have a good meal!"
Chapter one hundred and ninety-six Glass
Still walking along the iceberg, two days later, Sun Sheng finally came to the first inhabited place in the west, a small village with a place where novices were born. The western village has a distinctive style. Although I don’t know which country it is, it is not big for Sun Sheng. In Sun Sheng’s view, all European countries are the same.
There is still a small flame on the top of his head, and Xiaohei was taken into the pet Sun Sheng riding into this small village because of his ostentatious appearance.
There are still a dozen novice players in the village who saw Sun Sheng coming. Although they were a little surprised, they didn’t care too much. After all, there are many people with oriental faces in Europe, and Sun Sheng doesn’t talk to these players. After a round of the village, he found a man who was cleaning up a vegetable garden. He asked him about the way to the city.
Sun Sheng is not interested in English, and he has never studied it seriously, especially after passing CET-4. Now it is really difficult to talk with NPC in English.
Finally, Sun Shengcai got a rough idea. Xie Sunsheng turned and was about to leave when he was stopped by a novice player.
Sun Sheng looked at him strangely and thought, Is it to be equipped?
"Are you from China?" Sun Sheng listened and thought that this year is really different. Although it sounds awkward for foreigners to speak Chinese, his nasal voice is too heavy. But since he asked Chinese, he saved himself the trouble of translation, so he smiled and said, "Yes, I am from China."
"You just came from China?" This man looks a little excited for questioning. Look at Sun Sheng’s hair. This guy is not a glass, is he …
"Do you have any questions? If not, I think I have to go. "
"No, no, no, please wait a moment. I think we can be friends, can’t we?" Hearing this, Sun Sheng’s face suddenly changed and he quickly turned his horse’s head and left the glass, especially the glass he was interested in. Sun Sheng thought it was better to hide away.
I don’t want this person, but I’m determined to grab the reins of the horse and say to Sun Sheng, "Dear friend, don’t go, please stay and let us know each other better …" What else did he want to say, but Sun Sheng didn’t want to give him the chance to jump out of the horse and rushed to the village. I thought the distance was enough before the horse was still in that person’s hand.
Walking out of the village, Sun Sheng rode Xiaoyu for more than ten miles, only to slow down a little and catch his breath, thinking that he was really unlucky to meet the first player who talked to him here. It turned out to be a glass, which really turned me off.
According to the principle that Dahu was Sun Sheng’s flight to the southwest for more than ten miles, he finally saw a decent city. When he entered the city, Sun Sheng’s first thing to do was to collect barbecue in various hotels first, and collect almost two tons of barbecue all the way.
Sun Shengcai stopped at a restaurant and ordered some food and drinks.
Before drinking two glasses of wine, I heard the stairs thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump.
"dear oriental friend, we meet again. can you invite me to sit down and have a drink with you?" The tone of this man’s voice is familiar to Sun Sheng, but it was in the novice village that he met the glass.
"Ahem, ahem …" Sun Sheng was frightened by this sound and ran into the trachea, coughing and pointing to the man, not knowing what to say.
"Yes, you remember me, don’t you? We just met, but that was my leisure to practice a trumpet."
Now that Sun Sheng is surrounded by people, he is not going to leave again. Will he still be afraid of a glass? Besides, it doesn’t make sense to say that this glass bubble has found four people to help it. How can a glass bubble man put on such a big fight for fear that no one in the world will know?
"What do you want with me?" Sun shengshun shun qi you’re welcome asked
"It’s nothing, just seeing that you are very beautiful, I can’t help but want to make friends with you and ask you something."
Hearing this, Sun Sheng almost spit out what he had just eaten, and a man with black hair and eyes like Sun Sheng tugged at this man’s clothes.
"what’s that matt, dear Hai?"
The word "boast that men can’t be beautiful" is a clear pronunciation and mellow voice. Chinese makes Sun Sheng look at him more than he can help.
I’m even more embarrassed by Sun Sheng’s look at the sea. I secretly said two words in the glass ear. Sun Sheng also took a look at the glass with his eyes open. His name is spelled in letters, but Sun Sheng was at a loss for this name. Fortunately, there is a Chinese translation … I didn’t expect that he really called the glass crystal. The glass grade is quite high, reaching level 5 higher than Sun Sheng.
I was told by the sea that my face was a little red, and I was sorry to say to Sun Sheng, "Please forgive my dear friend, and I’m sorry if I caused you trouble earlier."
He said this is quite sincere, and Sun Sheng is not good. He nodded slightly to his face.
The glass turned to the sea and said a few bird words. Sun Sheng didn’t recognize what he said. Then the sea sat on the glass and Sun Sheng explained it to Sun Sheng.
Sun Shengcai knew that his current position was Ukraine, the easternmost country in Europe, and this crystal glass was the biggest gang in Ukraine at present. The lion-awakening leader discovered Sun Sheng’s game not long ago when he was playing trumpet to relieve boredom in the novice village. It was strange that orientals talked to Sun Sheng with an intuition and inference before trying to understand a Sun Sheng’s calendar, but he was misunderstood by Sun Sheng.
Sun Sheng didn’t want to let go of the glass before he made things clear, so he quickly changed the size and sent four people to the gang to look for Sun Sheng’s trace. Although there were many oriental faces, there were still a few, especially Sun Sheng, who bought barbecue everywhere in a big way as soon as he entered the city. It was too distinctive and was quickly recognized by the lion rouser, and then he reported it to the glass and glass and came here with several people.
"Come on, what’s the matter?"
The waves smiled and said, "Nothing. We just want to know how you came here. Did you come directly from the East in the game or did you just play in Europe?"
Sun Shengliu knew what they were thinking about when he thought about it. It was also the national war. "I came directly in the game."

After hearing the words of suspection.i Zhantian, that guy is a root and doesn’t stay crazy at all, heading for the distance.

After seeing this guy’s performance, I believe that he won’t deceive himself.
"Eldest brother, what do you want to come here? Oh, I don’t understand. Do you want to kill someone with a knife? But I don’t understand the boss. This dark domain has been fighting with the old five for so long and they haven’t been destroyed. How can they help us? Besides, I’m afraid they have no ability to destroy them! " Small deep and remote doubt looked at suspection.i Zhantian asked.
"Hehe, it’s not white, isn’t it? They can’t destroy the fifth property before. Let’s just come!" Any suspection.i war days mysterious laughed
After hearing Huangfu Zhantian’s words, Xiao You shook his head and didn’t speak again. Anyway, if there is a boss, we can do anything. Just listen to the boss.
Any suspection.i Zhantian with that, he jumped directly into the black deep domain.
Xiaoyou wanted to say something, but when he saw that the boss had rushed away, he didn’t bite his teeth again. He followed Huangfu Zhantian directly and jumped to Section 54: Laowu Wuya.
This dark field is not deep, but the two of them soon came to the bottom, but it was here that shocked Huangfu Zhantian. His unfavorable knowledge was actually nothing, and he was blind. There were black fog roots everywhere, and he couldn’t see who was opposite. If it weren’t for Xiao You and himself who often added Huangfu Zhantian together, it was a abnormal intuition, and I’m afraid I wouldn’t feel Xiao You.
"Treat the guests like this when they come!" Any suspection.i war day light said
As soon as the words of Huangfu Zhantian fell, she heard a hearty laugh, and then the black fog melted away like hot sun and snow. Before Huangfu Zhantian, there was a row of people. After careful observation, these are definitely real human beings.
"Boss, they are going to give us Ma Wei!" Small deep and remote clenched fist to suspection.i Zhantian said
"No, if we don’t have that strength, they won’t care about us at all!" Any suspection.i Zhantian laughed [
"Ha-ha, my friend, you’re right. Well, let’s get rid of those empty heads. Let’s get down to business. What do you two want to do here?" A little old man with a height of less than one meter said smilingly to Huangfu Zhantian, but those stout men next to him didn’t respond, as if the old man should speak. It seems that the old man has a high status in the black abyss 2.
"What’s the purpose of my coming here? Presumably, the prophet’s adult should know it. I will ask this question again! If you don’t agree with one sentence, you will have two advantages and two disadvantages! " Huangfu Zhantian took a deep look at the little old man, and said word for word that after these people appeared, Huangfu Zhantian noticed that the old man had a strong spiritual force, which was not similar to magic, but belonged to the general temperament of teacher Xiaoyu, which belonged to the spirit of the prophet. Huangfu Zhantian hit the nail on the head of the old man.
After hearing the words of Huangfu Zhantian, the old man appeared a little surprised for the first time in his calm eyes, but he soon hid it.
"Of course, we have been waiting for this day for a long time. I didn’t expect you to come so late! Remember him? " The little old man smiled and said, then he pointed to a shining golden warrior beside him.
"It’s you! You saved us at the beginning! " Huangfu Zhantian followed the old man’s hand to hope that when he first entered the virtual space, he happened to meet the virtual storm. At that time, a shining armor man chopped the virtual storm with a knife. It was this one in front of him.
"Yes, that’s me! My name is Jin Sheng! " The golden man, such as Hong Zhong, said.
"oh! It turns out that you paid attention to me at the beginning. What did I say? I always get lucky. Brother Jin Sheng, thank you! " Huangfuzhan, as in the heavenly heart, is very unpleasant. He didn’t think that he had been wasting himself in the control of others all the time. He was also a god of war. It was bad, but now it seems that it is not the same thing.
"Don’t be angry, little friend. We really didn’t mean anything. At the beginning, my own life cost. We predicted once that we would face extinction and there was a chance in it. That was you. We had to go all the time. And I guarantee that we didn’t intervene in you except that time. His affairs were the most dangerous in your life. If Jin Sheng didn’t make moves, you would have been torn apart by a virtual storm and our black field would have ended up miserable. It’s a terrible place for you, and we have to do it ourselves. Besides, the old man, I still have three days to help us. The real thing is to help yourself. I hope that Xiaoyou can let bygones be bygones. What do you think of Jin Chenghe? " The little old man smilingly explained
After listening to the old man’s words, Huangfu Zhantian’s anger has subsided a little. People really saved their lives, so they can’t be stingy.
"Well, the past is over. Let’s talk about what to do next!" HuangFuZhanTian since figured it out, so also won’t go to think about these things.
"It’s so cool to express our sincerity. We will send you a gift from Heiyuanyu. With this gift, I think we will have no worries!" The little old man laughed.
"Great gift!" After hearing the little old man’s words, Huangfu Zhantian’s eyes shrank with a jerk because he sensed something.
Sure enough, after the old man finished speaking, a group of people appeared in front of Huangfu Zhantian. After seeing these people, Huangfu Zhantian and Xiao You suddenly looked at this person dumbfounded.
"Boss, you finally found us. You didn’t even know that we were killed by those bastards …!" See a figure quickly came before suspection.i zhantian cried
It turned out that these people were all here when Tianyu City was robbed. This made Huangfu Zhantian very moved, and the complaints about this little old man dissipated, while Huangfu Zhantian was more attached to this little old man.
Wait until everyone is excited after suspection.i Zhantian was called away by the little old man alone.
"thank you for your other words. I won’t say much. Thank you very much!" Any suspection.i war day grateful to the little old man said
"Don’t thank me, I’m also helping myself. Now you should have nothing to worry about. How about your plan!" The little old man said with the wave
"I’m new here, and I’m a stranger here. What plans can I have? I know you’ve made a plan. Tell me, if there’s no problem, we’ll listen to you!" Huangfu fights heaven [
"I know better than anyone what the strength of Wuya is, let alone you. Even if there is one more you, no one can win Wuya. But now Wuya is in a breakthrough period, but it is an opportunity for us. If we miss this time, I am afraid we will never have such an opportunity again!" The little old man looked serious and said
"Oh, yes, Wuya is the bachelor you said!" After that, the old man added a verse 55: Small world.
"Special period? What special period is it? " Any suspection.i war days after hearing the old man’s words, the in the mind is raised a bad feeling immediately asked eagerly.
"Wuya brought a cauldron from your Shenyuan mainland, but this cauldron is an antique once in a thousand years. The so-called antique is to refine it into an ancient Dan by a special method, and this ancient Dan is to make Wuya break through to that realm, that is, the realm where the chaotic venerable was at the beginning, which can be stopped but not reached!" The old man said
"Old man, tell me who that cauldron is?" Any suspection.i war days after hearing this, a flicker came to the old man’s side and held out your hand and grabbed the old man’s hand anxiously asked.
"What? You let go! What are the two big men like pandering! " The little old man a clap suspection.i Zhantian hand muttered
"Say it quickly!" Any suspection.i war day root didn’t go to the old man’s words mean suddenly and violently shouted [
"That cauldron is a little girl. I have never seen it before. It’s too poor to know that she is less than three years old. I don’t know what her parents think of children!" The little old man said with a face of pity, but suspection.i Zhantian had already disappeared.
Huangfu Zhantian’s mood at this time is like a mess. He doesn’t know what to do. He has determined that the little girl is his daughter, the cloud. That’s his daughter. Damn it, young man.
After a good half-day, suspection.i Zhantian came back with a sad face, but the little old man had been smiling and waiting in situ.
"When you come back, there is no more grief. Now the most important thing is to save your child. Don’t ask me what I know. If I can’t predict it at all, I won’t be mixed up. Well, now our mutual foundation is more solid. I know Wuya better than anyone else. You can rest assured that I can definitely destroy Wuya according to my plan!" The little old man laughed
"Then tell me if my cloud is in danger!" Any suspection.i wars day keeping a close eye on the little old man asked.
"I don’t know!" The little old man shook his head nai said

"I am the devil, the devil is me! Demons are born, monty is heaven! The magic door of heaven! " Suddenly, there was a hoarse voice in Wang Gan’s ear, and there was unyielding will in his tone.

When this remark came out of his ear, he heard a rumbling sound, like a huge monster walking on an invisible wall and making footsteps. With the rumbling sound, the sky shook violently and there was a strong Skyquake
Suddenly I saw a pair of bony black claws sticking out of the void and tearing the sky like a rag!
Even the influence of this force, Tiandaoli, has all dissipated. After nine days, the vision has gradually subsided, and there is a ferocious crack left. The sky is dark and the people are at a loss.
"Practice is practice breath! What the hell is Wang Gan? " Miao Zezhen’s face "color" looked uglily at the middle school, and his hands trembled slightly, and a very bad feeling rose in my heart.
As he felt, a pure black magic light appeared in the crack, and the surface of the underworld was "shot". All kinds of scenes were full of magic shadows, and the chaotic magic light "shot" Wang Gan like the Buddha’s light, and this magic light also penetrated into the world.
However, this magic light changed beyond Wang Gan’s imagination and made him question everything in the world.
Chapter one hundred and sixty-five demons light magic bet on
In fact, Wang Gan’s world speed is ten thousand times faster than that of the outside world, so it has only been more than ten days since the outside world, and his world has completed the crustal movement and has a complete geographical form.
And then the magical scene caused by magic light is such a fast flow rate.
The magic light "shoots" straight from the void and penetrates into the rivers and lakes covered by the Buddha light all over the world.
Water is the source of life, especially this light water is produced by extremely high concentration of "liquid" qi, which can be said to be the essence of life, so there are several invisible life spores in these lakes.
But it is strange that the temperature and environment are very suitable for life activities, but these spores do not move at all as if they were asleep
It turns out that these life spores will not die, not even their vitality, but when the source of reincarnation appears, the rear wheel pulls back and flows into the river through the ditch outside the wellhead, so these life spores have a cycle of life and death.
But even so, it still makes people feel full of vitality.
Moreover, their life time is too short, and they are almost life-and-death without any signs of evolution.
However, when the magic light came, a strange scene happened. In the micro-world, these life spores actually devoured each other and grew up rapidly. The vitality grew stronger and changed with each generation.
Life forms have become bigger and bigger, and finally they have formed creatures that can be seen by the naked eye. They float on the water or eat algae or devour other creatures, thus continuing life.
Seeing this scene, Wang Gan suddenly understood the meaning of this magic light-it gave life.
According to the theory of cultivating immortals, * * is the demons. It seems that this magic light is the first magic light. Life is born at first. * * Without desire, these lives can’t have a "motive" and will eventually starve to death.
If life has a historical trajectory, then life is a point before the magic light appears, and the length will not advance half a step. However, after the magic light appears, life draws a method to predict the trajectory and gives birth to an evolutionary history that makes people sigh.
Later, as life forms become more and more complicated, there will be differences, and appetite, sex, curiosity and so on will stimulate life to produce "motivation" in different directions
Even the most intelligent human beings will be dominated by * *, and wisdom is just a tool to exercise * *
After discovering this fact, Wang Gan suddenly realized that the six pure and four lustful bliss roots advocated by real Buddhism and Taoism are a concept of stealing and violating the original intention of life.
It is true that satisfying * * can enjoy bliss, but it is a practice to abandon doubt in the process of satisfying * *.
Wang Gan has the deepest understanding of this point, because he has seen with his own eyes that people chasing bliss are the first three peaks of his appearance. Those brothers are like walking dead all day long, and only with Xiaoyao pills can they bring bliss. Except Xiaoyao pills, he is indifferent to everything.
Before that magic light appeared, there were two kinds of life spores. What are the differences between those Buddha’s light enveloping believers?
If Wang Gan hadn’t saved them, all the possible "sex" of these people in the future would have been completely destroyed by Xiaoyao Pill, and a generation could enjoy illusory bliss.
If everything in heaven and earth is also "fascinated" by bliss, I am afraid that life will immediately go back to prehistoric times and return to an original point.
He couldn’t help shuddering at the thought that the Buddha’s Light was to save himself from Monty’s self-attack, but now it seems that if he is "fascinated" and "confused" by Elysium, he will become like a brother of the Three Realms, which is simply a wish to die.
He once heard that the Buddha was feeding the tiger, and later he knew that it was the Buddha who jumped out of the chessboard and gave up his desire for survival without being controlled by the invisible, but now he understands a deeper truth. It is also impossible for the Buddha to do so. The root cause is to give up even the most basic characteristics of life
Can that desire for Buddha still be called life?
"I am the devil, the devil is me! The devil is born, and the devil is heaven! " Recalling what Monty said, Wang Gan suddenly understood the meaning.

"You’re here." Dou Re-mei woke up and saw Qin Shaojie’s hand on his chest and suddenly turned red, but she knew that Qin Shaojie was saving herself and speaking softly.

"how about it? Do you feel better? " Qin Shaojie cross picked up DouReMei worry asked.
"It’s okay … I can’t help you anymore," said Dou Ruomei.
She was badly hurt by the palm of Chiyou’s hand. Even if Qin Shaojie woke her up, her training would be reduced a lot. Don’t say Chiyou, even if you fight again, it will be hard for you.
"He gave it to me, and you went to kill Xiao." Qin Shaojiesong Dou Ruomei said and turned to fly to Chiyou.
"I’m going to kill you today, Chiyou," Qin Shaojie said coldly, looking at Chiyou holding the amber sword.
"Ha, ha, ha, you said this sentence thousands of years ago." Chiyou laughed wildly and seemed to despise Qin Shaojie’s words. "But am I still alive now?"
"You see," said the tip of the tip of the human-god sword. "The Sanjie Road has been hit by the ghost world, and there is no stop, even if it is a mountain soldier, how can it be?" Ha ha ha "
"Cut the crap" Qin Shaojie suddenly launched a shadow flash and a palm thunder hit at the same time.
Chi-you, however, does not flash or avoid the amber sword. The palm of his hand thundered together and disappeared in situ after giving a dazzling light.
"bang" one
Disappear suddenly appeared behind Qin Shaojie human-god, and the white palm with a mass of black light was printed on Qin Shaojie’s back. Qin Shaojie was immediately beaten forward and at the same time turned around in the middle, and a sword was also issued.
When Chiyou printed a palm on Qin Shaojie’s back, the amber sword also swung out just as Qin Shaojie’s golden shock wave collided and gave a violent explosion.
"Mom, a coward knows to hide." Qin Shaojie swore that this human-god had disappeared after slapping him.
At this moment, Qin Shaojie suddenly felt a dangerous breath coming from the top of his head. He knew that Chi-you was there, but this time Qin Shaojie couldn’t avoid the corners of his mouth, and then when the palm of Chi-you was patted again, Qin Shaojie disappeared in place like Chi-you.
"Shit" When the Chiyou tunnel is not good, I feel that the danger behind it is just about to disappear again, and suddenly I am horrified to find that my body can’t move.
"How about my mind?" Qin Shaojie appeared behind the human-god disdain said
The disappearance of Chi-you is similar to a spell, and Qin Shaojie’s mind skills have also been enhanced a lot after he entered the realm of Luo Tianxian. Qin Shaojie simply controlled Chi-you with his mind skills. Although Chi-you can’t move, he can’t launch the spell, but Qin Shaojie knows that he can’t stay trapped by himself for long.
"Can you control me like this?" Chi-you disdained to say that Qin Shaojie felt a domineering breath in his mind.
"How can I seal Sanjie Road?" Qin Shaojie asked.
He must get the answer as soon as possible. He already feels that his mind will not last long.
Just after Qin Shaojie finished speaking, he felt dizzy in his brain, and then when his chest was stuffy, the doctor highlighted one mouthful blood.
And Chi-you has also broken away from Qin Shaojie’s control, but Qin Shaojie’s mind art has not stopped, and he is still in control, and Chi-you can’t launch the spell.
"Ha-ha. Now who’s going to lose her mind?" Strange human-god said with a smile
"Don’t you want to know how to seal Sanjie Road? I might as well tell you, "said Chiyou." If you want to seal the Sanjie Road, you must have the magic Dan and the Tiandan people enter the light column at the same time to seal it yourself. Do you think I will help you? Ha ha ha "
Qin Shaojie was worried and watched the ghost world army fight in the crowd, and the shadows kept popping up in the light. Qin Shaojie knew that if it was not stopped as soon as possible, it would be a disaster.
"Will you help me?" Qin Shaojie glanced at Lingfang far away and seemed to decide what the corners of his mouth hung with a faint smile and looked at Chiyou and said.
"What?" When Qin Shaojie, a human-god, didn’t know what to do, he suddenly burst into a strong golden light, which directly submerged Qin Shaojie in the water, which made Human-god even more frightened that the golden light actually produced a huge suction. Did he desperately resist or was dragged to Qin Shaojie by the suction?
"Bastard bastard" Chiyou swore while waving a amber sword while resisting the suction.
He was shocked that this guy dared to deal with himself in this way.
This is a real yuan, that is, a real yuan from the depths of the abdomen. To put it bluntly, this real yuan is wasting one’s life and repairing to break out the strongest attack.
And that suction force is the effect of Qin Shaojie’s starting his mind again after he broke out.
A few swords of Human-God hit the golden light, and Qin Shaojie was suddenly bounced to the center. Qin Shaojie didn’t even have any damage, and Human-God was also pulled in by the suction.
"If you don’t help me, I’ll help myself. Haha," Qin Shaojie said with a smile.
"Xuanyuan let me, I and you split the sky equally." Some human-god panicked and said that he had come here for nothing. What did Qin Shaojie want to do? He really wanted to seal the Sanjie Road himself.
No, I can’t die, thought Chiyou, but no matter how he broke free from Qin Shaojie’s life, he couldn’t break free.
If Ling Fangqiu and Fengling and everyone saw Qin Shaojie’s vision here, but Ling had a bad feeling in her heart.
Seeing the golden light, I vaguely saw two figures, and the direction in which they flew was the light beam that penetrated heaven and earth.
Qin Shaojie took the human-god and flew directly into the light without thinking. The golden light that Qin Shaojie broke out was also covered up by the light, and the two men just disappeared into the light.
They were surprised when they looked at the light beam. Suddenly, the light of the light beam was suddenly full, and then there was a loud bang. The ground shook violently again.
Then everyone saw that the light beam that had just penetrated the heavens and the earth actually converged from two sides and then formed a huge ball of light in the middle.
There was another loud noise, and the ball of light, like the original bomb explosion, formed a huge mushroom cloud in the forest. A strong wind blew everyone stagger, and the ghost world army suddenly disappeared as a black smoke after the explosion.
After that dazzling light, Lingfang gawked at the disappearance of Tian Chiyou and Qin Shaojie.
Elder Tian didn’t know where to come up. When he saw the light beam of Human-God disappear, he suddenly found that the situation was not good. Without Human-God and the ghost world, the death and injury of the magic road were accelerating rapidly.
"Withdraw quickly" Elder Tian panicked and shouted, regardless of the magic brother. He turned around and flew back with the door master.
The general ran away, and the little soldier wouldn’t be silly and desperate again, so all the brothers of Magic Road retreated for a moment and disappeared in a short time.

"That’s right. I’ll freeze the magma with XuanBing sword. You split the rock with purple Raytheon whip. I just noticed that there will be gas in the moment. Although it’s not too much, we can benefit from this gap … 75 Chapter 75 You see, I can still kiss you …

"I don’t have time to take risks," Huang Junyi refused. Controlling one breath is to reduce some breath, which is very dangerous for them now!
"Just accompany me to try how much progress …"
It’s really no way for the emperor to run like this, but it’s too risky. Can he protect her from illness if there is an emergency?
You don’t have to protect her from illness!
"Don’t hesitate-"Ziyun proudly ordered suddenly. "Xuan Bing, listen to me and pour your strength to freeze-"
"Purple Raytheon whips rocks-"
The sudden solidification of the monstrous waves
The rock was split before freezing.
Ziyun proudly stood in the arms of Emperor Junyi. After two people looked at each other, they looked coldly at the magma-
"Sand and stones flying, listen to my order-"
"I change clouds, I change sunlight, I change …"
Gather water into the sea, gather soil into mountains, gather stones, and everything will be stiff.
The two men manipulated the huge rock and changed their positions quickly. Almost in an instant, everything has changed. They actually succeeded in changing the flow direction of magma!
The frozen magma flows in completely different directions.
"Game we succeeded! !” Ziyun proudly hugged Huang Junyi and found that his body suddenly trembled. "Are you hurt …"
He barely uttered a groan and said simply, "It’s just a minor injury."
Ziyun proudly pulled back his finger and walked behind him, but he hid it lightly.
"Let me see."
"Aoer, no, we should find the exit as soon as possible."
"Let me see!" She stubbornly bent over his body. "If you hide from me again, you won’t go anywhere!"
Emperor Junyi didn’t move again
Ziyun Ao saw that a large piece of lava burned behind him was almost bloody, and her vision was blurred for a moment. What kind of pain would make him moan?
What? He can do this every time. If everything hurts like this, how can it be okay?
"The proud son …"
"I told you it was a minor injury."
Silence …
"The proud son-"
"Where did I throw my iced nephrite cream? Where did I throw it?" Ziyun ao kept groping for it. No, no, I couldn’t find out where it was!
"Aoer, I am fine!" Huang Junyi pressed Ziyun’s proud arms to "keep the change"
"How can it be okay to be hurt like this! Every time you say nothing, nothing, no pain, no pain, no pain, no pain, no pain, no pain, no pain, no pain, no pain, no pain, no pain. Are you made of iron? "
Ziyun ao was kissed by Huang Junyi before he finished …
Well, I won’t lie to you, my son, it hurts a little, but what is the pain compared to hurting you? I am nervous and anxious to see you, as if I were a very important person.
I’m not made of iron. I want to be your hero.
I don’t want you to feel distressed because of me. Seeing the pain doesn’t call it pain. Saying it hurts is not pain. The real pain is unspeakable and there is no way to express it.
How can I hurt with you?
I am the injured person, not you. How can I feel pain?