Tophro naturally doesn’t like winning skin color, but if he wants this, he will be driven away … It’s only for members of the uneducated class, and he obviously won’t be so impulsive.

He knows very well that Changsheng is Lotito’s loyal lackey, and he has made Lotito’s position stable in Lazio.
Because he can really bring champions to Lazio, which Toflo has to admit.
The China man is right. Lazio fans will support him if he can still win the championship.
All we have to do is get him out of here
But how do you get it away?
During this time, Toflo let his hands go around to collect information and intelligence, hoping to find something that can benefit him.
If he finds it, he will definitely fry it to achieve the goal of forcing the palace …
An hour and a half before the game, the stadium finally put all the ticket gates to let the fans in.
Untouchable fans have been entrenched outside several entrances of the North Stand before they moved.
The north stand is their territory. They always watch the home game like this. They just wait outside the north stand and check in. They just go inside and know who they are, and they don’t check in at all.
Then Lotito came, and the good days ended.
It’s time to check in!
No tickets allowed!
After a period of struggle, the incorrigible faction still didn’t win because Lotito said that the club’s financial crisis existed in every euro.
Even if their ticket money is divided by the city Council, it is better than nothing.
So they gave in and paid for the tickets.
Now the incorrigible fans take out their tickets and prepare to enter the stadium.
Lotito is also waiting in the queue for admission.
But after waiting for a few minutes, the team did not move, and he felt strange.
Look at the other entrance teams next to them. They have already filed in!
What is going on here?
While wondering, there was a commotion in front.
"What happened? !”
He asked to drink.
Soon someone came back panting and reported the situation.
"Commander! No way to the entrance! !”
"What? !” Tophro was surprised.
Then he pushed the messenger and strode past hand in hand.
He saw the entrance door through the crowd without walking a few steps.
There’s no worker at the ticket gate. The door is carved with iron and closed!
Really not!
Chapter one hundred and seventeen Closed North Stand
Toflo had a bad premonition, which made him feel bad. He didn’t care about himself. It was all his hands. He waved his hands and pushed those who were in the way aside and strode to the ticket gate.
To heaven, there are people who check tickets here, and the non-indoctrinated fans check tickets here. Of course, they have to go through security check.
But security here is generally sloppy.
It is natural for non-indoctrinated people to get through these festivals
If the security check is too strict, the uneducated will enter the stadium with their fists and mouths. How can we create a home atmosphere? Who is responsible for the flood of slogans, portraits and huge flags in the North Stand? It’s their incorrigible faction!
Then the iron gate will be hit behind the security checkpoint.
After passing the ticket check and security check, the uncivilized fans will step up from here and enter their territory to decorate the home atmosphere with various slogans.
There are four such entrances in the North Stand of the Olympic Stadium.
Thousands of non-indoctrinated fans can enter the stadium at half an hour faster-they have to enter the stadium quickly because they have to set up the stands first because the security check is not very satisfactory.
Setting up the stands is the best support for Lazio …
It seems that they have won every special item for supporting Lazio …
But this time things are different.
There is no one at the security checkpoint. The iron door is closed.
He climbed over the low security checkpoint and came to the tall iron gate with more than two people through a passage
He looked up at the iron gate and then grabbed the railing and shook it hard.
The door clattered, but it just wouldn’t pull.
It’s really locked
Damn it!
A bad feeling took shape in Toflo’s heart.
He thought of the former Lazio club official.
They said that they would ban the more than 230 untraceable fans for one year at home!
They are serious! ?
But there are still many people here who didn’t take part in that incident!

When the royal clan and the king of Nanhai County saw the iron tower Han coming in, they looked up lazily and asked, "What?"

"The people in the Imperial Valley should have no problem."
Tieta Han said, "This man is profound but not me, but a few words about his youth have drawn my deep thoughts. He upholds the so-called chivalry like the people in the Valley of Kings in previous dynasties, but he also has the mind to pursue rich profits and high names."
"With a lot of criminal evidence, it has become a goal for him to make a name for himself. I think he is looking forward to someone singing his name and resuming the glory of the Imperial Valley after the official begonia is demoted and raped."
The king of Nanhai county evoked a smile "seeking a name?" That’s good. If he really has enough things, the king will not hesitate to give strong support to make his fame surpass that of the emperors and valley lords of past dynasties. "
Tower Han briefly relayed Huang Xuemei’s words.
The south China sea county king smile is even more obvious, holding the roll and clapping your hands. "Good! Ok! Having such an eye to kill the official begonia and then kill the enemy makes Wang look forward to it, especially if Wang Hui is confident that he can kill the official begonia. There are few people who can match him now? "
Tower Han’s face changed slightly.
It seems that he didn’t pay attention to him. The king of Nanhai County has naturally turned the conversation and said, "Maybe he will become a king soon, and his second love will be second only to you, the king of Tota."
Han Tieta immediately handed over and said, "I’m flattered."
"The official begonia is two days away from the southeast camp. We want her to kill her forty miles away from the southeast camp the day before she arrives."
The king of Nanhai County raised his hand and ordered, "A total of 27 people and 413 elite soldiers will arrive at the right time."
"This time can’t be too early or too late. You must make overall plans and continue to stare at the pigeon house."
Your health should be turned away.
As soon as he went out, a light suddenly flashed from the bottom of a beam five feet away from the right of Nanhai County King.
The light lit up the dark corner and showed a figure who had been crouching there.
This man is dressed in a pure black cloak and a black towel, half of his face is covered with an eye patch like a owl’s wing, and half of his face is covered with a thick beard. The whole person is mysterious and ferocious.
With a pair of blue eyes like the sea, this person adds a bit of "human" flavor.
Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum
The king of Nanhai County looked unhappy and said, "Jun’s health is not high, but when he was twenty years old, he practiced the golden bell jar with a thirteen-Pacific Insurance to the top of the door."
"When the martial arts conference was held in Houjiang Lake, the secret book was crazy, and he also benefited greatly. Ten years ago, he had already climbed from a rising star to a handful of top experts in Wulin. If you are positive, he may not be able to escape his magic fist."
The men in black disdained to smile. "It seems that there are still some guns in front of us that are unnecessarily arrogant. Why don’t we beat me in martial arts?"
"Before your layout, you transferred Cheng Shifei, the former Xu, and the first master around Guan Haitang to the sea. You also think that if I kill these two people, I can’t kill your female duke?"
The king of Nanhai County said calmly, "I want to make sure that this matter is more certain. Since my father and king planned to operate hateful iron guts for decades, they died suddenly and succeeded to the throne."
"This time, the selection of the most elite troops in terms of force, regardless of sacrifice, is to finish the battle. If there is a way to weaken the protection force around Guan Haitang, it will be achieved by hook or by crook."
In every sentence, the man in black seems to be smiling. "Hehehehehe, but I heard that there should be another master around her. Why don’t you transfer that?"
The king of Nanhai County waved his hand and stood up. "You mean that TIANYA DUAN, in the name of a royal guard, commanded the real king to find out for a long time that he must hide his identity and secretly go to Fusang to worship his master for two months every year."
"Now that commander is just an official begonia to help him cultivate an impostor."
Men in black are full of tongues.
"It seems that you have really done your best in this respect to some extent."
"Okay, I’m happy and relaxed, too."
"But after killing the official begonia, I will find them one by one and bring back the heads of the three men, and we will make an effective sacrifice of the Covenant."
As soon as the lights go out
The doors and windows are still closed, but the figure in black has disappeared.
The king of Nanhai County went to the beam and stared for a moment, and he put out the candle.
"King Hum, the barbarian of Fanbang, is looking forward to it …"
Chapter 39 An assassination outside the United States
It’s cool and breezy in autumn.
The team of Jing Shenhou has set out since the cock crows at dawn and the sun rises.
After they set off from Beijing, they will arrive at the Southeast Camp in about two hours according to the schedule.
The number of this team is nearly 1,000, all of them are powerful and powerful, and they are equipped with steel knives, which are an elite dedicated to guarding Jing Shenhou.
There are more than ten people around the guard frame, although their clothes and shapes are similar to those in the army, but they are armed with weapons. There are even more elderly people riding donkeys and carrying sticks, and women holding umbrellas. Obviously, it was originally a Wulin middleman who later defected to the court.
After they left the city, they soon came to a Okawabe and walked along the river bank.
There are boats and boats in the river, and there are people coming from several commercial cabins, large and small, parked by the Han River.
When the escort team passed by, they saw that one side was the river and the other side was the dense forest. In a sense, it was a good place to ambush, so they put on a slight guard.
And some shirtless men who were originally on the deck saw them dressed up and quickly fell into the cabin.
This is also the normal reaction of some businessmen and people when they see officers and men, so it is not worth making a fuss about.
However, when this team passed half the time, the largest boat moored on the bank of the river suddenly shook and squeezed a few feet towards the shore.
A large amount of mud on the shore was squeezed into the river by this, turning up a large muddy wave.
During the deformation of creaking wooden structure, the whole hull leans towards the shore.
A large shadow covered the soldiers’ heads, and the power of dumping huge objects made the whole team panic involuntarily.
Fierce horses hissed and ran away, guarding the scene closely, and the formation was suddenly scattered a lot.
"What all panic? !”
A muffled thunder is like drinking all over the fields.
The old man riding a donkey jumped out from the side, and dozens of soldiers stamped their heads over their feet. They got up again and flew to the side of the big ship with their hands pushing together.
Although such a big ship is far less than the imperial navy warship, it will weigh hundreds of thousands of pounds even if it doesn’t count the goods. Unless it is as peerless as the iron-hearted God Hou and the Emperor Valley Master, who dares to speak out of turn?

Jun Chen didn’t say a word from beginning to end. He took the top draft and solemnly handed it to Lin Yu.

Full of uproar
And some like expected.
All the people in the temple wondered who the emperor would give this decisive sign to.
If you give it to Tang Jinfeng, Lin Yu will lose completely.
If you give it to Lin Yu, it’s a draw. There’s still a chance.
But in the end, there is not a word to evaluate the emperor’s decision, which is enough for people to see clearly.
Now the situation is-
Tang Jinfeng’s eleventh signing champion Lin Yu’s eleventh signing champion.
The two men really tied regardless of height!
Tang Jinfeng’s eyebrows moved and looked at Lin Yu’s eyes with how much profound meaning Lin Yu calmly looked back.
Wenwu Baiguan is worried.
Holding the dust aside, Ling Yan is also worried.
How can this be good?
How can they decide if they are tied?
Mujunze took one ugly look at his brother Jun Chen and didn’t give him half a day’s response.
Lin Yu corners of the mouth a hook staring at the plush chair now.
If she didn’t guess wrong, there must be a turn for the better. She and Tang Jinfeng will definitely decide on a high level!
"Master Fu is here!"
A sharp and loud voice rang at the door, and Lin Yu shook three times unconsciously.
Fu Yi, a veteran of the Four Dynasties, walked steadily into the hall with a dark red waist, purple gold and jade belt. Even Jun Chen, who had been sitting in the dragon chair without saying a word, stood up in awe at once.
Fu Yi went to Jinjie and saluted Jun Chen, saying, "Long live the old minister to visit the emperor."
Jun Chen immediately looked up and said, "The Fu is old."
His eyes motioned MuJunZe MuJunZe immediately to hold Fu Yi Fu Yi nodded slightly to him.
"Today, palace examination Fu Lao is here. It’s really my luck in Francis Blackwell Forbes!" Mu Ninglang paid tribute to Fu Yi before saying
Fu Yi will no longer respond at a glance.
He has been in his teens and died three years ago. Now, the visit to palace examination is a sign of honor to the emperor.
Mu Ninglang’s kindness is not to curry favor with him.
Although their royal brothers are all Fu Lao brothers, Fu Lao always knows that teaching students in accordance with their aptitude is not the same, and the talents cultivated are also great in all aspects.
For example, Lin Xin Yao, his favorite pupil, became the first wonderful woman in China.
For example, Mu Junchen, his favorite pupil, became the first youngest emperor in China.
From the moment Fu Yi stepped into the Lizheng Temple, Lin Yu could feel that the gas in the temple was like condensation. Even Sun Re-ling, Tang Tiande and others were staring at her impudently, and her eyes flashed like a thief.
She is also a gambler. Although she is different from Jun Chen in controlling the situation, she has fully demonstrated her advantages.
She waited for Fu Yi to make the final decision.

Did he accidentally cover the cat when he was fighting with Numabuchi Kiichirou and his accomplices?

Gangqi Chengjiang’s coffee table base is very low, which is almost the same as the height of the basin upside down. If the basin is accidentally buckled and pushed to the bottom of the coffee table, it is indeed possible to catch the cat.
….. But this cat is not dumb. It barks. How can a black cat not find it?
Unless the opponent is too strong, the black cat can’t care about these.
As soon as it is difficult for the black cat opponent Conan, a suspicious curly hair wearing a black mask gradually emerges in his mind.
But in the final analysis, this is also based on subjective speculation
What’s important now is-what’s going on in this secret room murder case?
Put your wallet in your heart. Is this a murder or a serial murder? The police can’t believe that Gangqi Chengjiang committed suicide.
….. Conan heart tired according to the press the eminence.
The easiest way is to find a black cat and ask him about it.
Speaking of cats, it doesn’t matter, does it?
Conan looked up at the cat in Mao Lilan’s hand and suddenly felt that there seemed to be something more in front of the cat’s neck from his own point of view
Look carefully, it seems to be a very small ball covered with hair and almost invisible.
Conan wondered for a moment to get the cat from Mao Lilan for convenience.
However, as soon as he reached out his hand, the cat suddenly woke up.
It looked up at Mao Lilan for a while, raised its tail and wrapped it around her wrist, and her fingernails popped up to hook her sleeve and wrote "I don’t want to go"
Mao Lilan took a decisive look at Conan after a second’s stay and reached out to hold the cat back in her arms.
"…" Conan eminence jumped two.
I’m not sure yet.
But now he understands it completely.
This is definitely the black cat!
….. Its neck is a transmitter? Or a bug?
Is it true that the black cat has never been here? This is that herding cats went out to track freely, and then the cat found Numabuchi Kiichirou himself and was detained by Numabuchi Kiichirou and his wicked companions?
This speculation seems to be more reliable than the first two.
Because there are not many signs of struggle in the room
And if the black cat really came here and fought with Numabuchi Kiichirou and his accomplices, it would never be so quiet.
Only in this way can Numabuchi Kiichirou and others make it easier to create a murder chamber.
….. but again, the murderer has confirmed that there is a ghost in the chamber of secrets.
Criminals really can’t guess by common sense.
Baishi didn’t pretend to sleep all the time
The main reason is that Mao Lilan will send it to a pet shop for rescue so that he can’t follow them into the congressman’s house
Cat slaves are really treasures.
There is not much to check at the scene. Several people will soon return to the police station to continue investigating several dead people.
Judging from Gangqi Chengjiang’s reaction before her death, she must have known Ye Anhe, which means that Numabuchi Kiichirou didn’t kill people at random this time, and his targets must be related to each other.
All the way, Sakata Suksuke’s various hints finally made Bu Pingji and Conan notice the common ground of "driver’s license"
Later, they went all the way to the driving supervision office and finally found out about the driving training class twenty years ago and found that issue of graduation photo.
Twenty years ago, six young students were photographed around the coach.
The current coach has been drunk and killed, and six students have also died. Four of them are still alive, leaving Numabuchi Kiichirou and the rural councillor.
Baishi prone Mao Lilan shoulder probe glanced at the photo.
Inaba tetsuji, he and Sakata Sukehsuke are as long as a hair fork.
Shiraishi turned to look at Sakata Suksuke and found that he was really a little nervous.
Fortunately, for some reason, the coach’s face just has a ray of light to cover his face. Conan and Buping have not found any problems for the time being.
-At a glance, the most attractive thing in the photo is that Numabuchi Kiichirou has not been captured today.
"There must have been something bad in this driving training class twenty years ago." Bu Pingji speculated and tried to restore the truth
"After Numabuchi Kiichirou escaped from prison, he thought about it and blackmailed the Secretary of State to help him escape, but he was refused. He slaughtered the relatives to threaten the members?"
Conan shook his head and felt that it was wrong. "He is an ordinary person except a member of parliament. Can this really threaten many rural councillors with bodyguards?"
"Don’t forget that Numabuchi Kiichirou is likely to have an accomplice. Maybe killing these people was inspired by his accomplice.
"And I always feel that Numabuchi Kiichirou is not dominant in this matter, because it is generally the oppressed party to kill people unless Numabuchi Kiichirou is a homicidal maniac …"
Ubeiji is still not used to discussing problems with such a small child.
But he looked around and found that no one else thought it was wrong except the cat’s eyes.

Lian Fangzhou has a kind of arguable feeling that he only has a wry smile.

Where is she asking too much? The point is that the little guy is too demanding of himself!
It was he who kept chanting the first prize in front of her all day, which made her unconsciously influenced and asked her out!
Alas, she is really worried at the moment. I don’t know what will happen if he doesn’t win the first place in the exam!
Of course, these words can’t be told to everyone. In the face of all kinds of persuasion, she can recognize them and quickly express that she will change her attitude immediately when she knows her mistakes.
In less than two quarters of an hour, even Che and Jane finally came back, and people in the village gathered one after another to congratulate them, including Zhang Lizheng, village elders, Mr. Xue Li and other Qin stewards, and so on. Congratulations and admiration rang out.
Even Che’s face is full of smiles. The little guy smiles with bright eyes, and his little face is flushed with excitement, showing a bit of pride.
He won the first place in the exam!
Even Fang Zhou’s heart was completely glad when a stone fell.
Sun got the news and came here. Even Hai Bian came with him.
Today is a good day, even Fangzhou and others naturally won’t care about him, but he soon found himself uncomfortable.
Everyone has not seen him, but he has met him. Many people put him together and said that even the family is really talented. One is better than the other! Lianhai is the first scholar in the village. Forget it, Che Er was admitted to Tongsheng at such a young age or first place!
It’s really amazing!
This used to be a fact that everyone said, but it forced Lian Hai to recognize others as sarcasm. It was better for Lian Che to be unhappy at the moment.
He’s not angry. He thinks he’s just a boy. It’s not even a serious fame! That’s just getting started!
How many prodigies finally "disappeared from the crowd"! This is nothing!
Lian Hai couldn’t help laughing. "Tong Sheng is nothing but a small trial. You can’t be proud. Make persistent efforts to get a scholar as soon as possible. Let’s win glory for our family!"
Most of the villagers were simple and honest and didn’t recognize the different flavor in his words. Many people also echoed with smiles.
Even Fang Zhou’s Jane looked at each other, but she was slightly unhappy. How can this person be so annoying? He must come to spoil others’ fun when others are happy!
You can’t get used to his stupid problem. You really think he’s amazing!
Even fangzhou then forward to even che laughed. "Cousin said it was very che’s son. You can listen to cousin’s teaching! Cousin didn’t win the first place in the examination of Tong Sheng and Scholar, but she got in at least, didn’t she? Well, it’s still your predecessor! He is so concerned about you, you must live up to your expectations and get a good score to show him! "
Sun had listened to even the sea words and some eyebrows. Even Fang Zhou couldn’t help laughing. How could she suffer?
He also smiled and said, "Yes, Cher, you have to refuel! Your qualifications are better than ours. We didn’t get your grades at your age! "
Lian Che was busy, respectfully agreed and generously thanked Lian Hai.
Looking at Lianhai is a bit at a loss. Even Fangzhou did Sarah laugh! Who told you nothing to spoil the fun!
On the second day, Lord Lu, the grandfather of the county, gave a banquet in the county government’s back office to entertain the newly admitted students. The dean and gentlemen of the county school will also be present, and local celebrities and squires will also be invited. Some scholars who have passed the exam will also choose the best among them and invite several to the banquet.
Even Hai and Sun are invited.
However, adults did not expect that it was Ding Taifu who accepted the invitation to attend!
Of course, local celebrities with the oldest qualifications and the highest reputation are invited, but no one expected that he would agree to attend.
After all, this is just a little boy’s exam! Last year, a county grandfather gave a banquet after the list of Chinese scholars was released, and Mrs. Ding was not present!
Everyone is excited and has a little curiosity.
Of course, even if you are curious, no one dares to ask Dr. Ding, let alone accuse Dr. Ding of not attending last year.
Ding Taifu’s status does not need to explain to others or consider how others feel when doing things here. Who dares to say anything when his mind comes?
Some wise people, such as Lord Lu, speculated that there must be a reason why Dr. Ding did this, so they looked forward to this banquet even more!
In the early morning of this day, Lian Che was dressed neatly, accompanied by Jane and Lian Ze, and accompanied by Lian Hai and Sun.
"Don’t forget your sister told you to go!" To the county yamen mouth Jane helped him the car patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile
"I’ll take care of Cher. Don’t worry!"
Even che nodded and smiled at Jane. "Jane’s brother can rest assured! I know! "
Jane smiled and even Ze watched him go in step by step.
It’s not very kind of Jane to even talk about Shanghai. Think to yourself, it’s not enough that you’re too busy making people. Where can you take care of Cher?
Besides, you don’t really care about Cher, so don’t take care of it. The more you take care of it, the more you help …
It wasn’t until the moment of the bid that everyone came out one after another, talking and laughing, and it looked very pleasant.
"It’s finally out!" Even ze breathed a sigh of relief.
He and Jane have been waiting here for a long time.
Suddenly, I saw a group of people pouring out, in which Lian Che was waving and calling out "Che Er!" Rush forward
Jane followed.
"This son! You are out! " Even ze beaming laughed
"Brother!" Even che with a gray beard, wearing a light brown dark-striped Confucian shirt, good-natured, tall and thin old man looks quite respectful. Chapter 556 Apprentice
He quickly smiled at the old man. "Master, this is my second brother!"
"Oh, it’s your brother!" Ding who swept Hu smiled and nodded his head.
"I met the old gentleman in Lianze!" Even ze busy polite upon.
He doesn’t know Taifu Ding.
Jane knows each other.
Jane was just about to meet Ding Taifu before, and by the way, from the side point, even Ze’s two sentences. In case he says something wrong, it’s always wrong, but he sees that even Ze is quite reproachful and frowns. "What old gentleman? This is Taifu Ding! "
Then he bowed down and bowed deeply, saying, "Dr. Ding is polite to the sea!"
Jane picked his eyebrows and didn’t go to the side to avoid it.
"Ding Taifu?" Even ze was taken aback and exclaimed with disbelief. He looked at Ding Taifu and said, "You, you are Ding Taifu! That’s the one who retired from the capital and returned to his hometown, Ding Taifu! "
Ding Taifu Zheng couldn’t help laughing and nodded and smiled. "Well, it’s the old man!"
Even ze face reddish embarrassed scratched his head hurriedly back two steps upon "wang li also please forgive me a teacher! You have taken my son Che as a disciple, and my sister will not be happy if she knows! "
Even ze couldn’t help but raise his mouth. Everyone could see that the joy in his heart could not help but be influenced by his flamboyant emotions.
"hinder hinder! He who doesn’t know is not guilty! By the way, why didn’t your sister come? " Ding Taifu couldn’t help but smile when he saw it, and he sighed in his heart that even his brothers and sisters are very close, so that the family would not do anything to corrupt this disciple.
Think this Ding Taifu is in a happier mood!
You know, scholars usually enter the county school after they have passed the examination of Tong Sheng, so that they can study for scholars.
Today, the director of the county college and several gentlemen are here. The main purpose is to meet the students in the new exam and choose their apprentices by the way.
Lian Che Tong Sheng won the first place in the exam at such a young age, just like a piece of rough jade, which has great potential for exploration and carving.
Several teachers in that county school, including the dean, are eyeing him now! Everyone has mustered all his strength to take him into the door today.
Think about what can make a teacher more gratified if he can train a champion to explore flowers in the future?

A complete tour of the geocentric park takes less than one day, even if it starts from the mantle layer subway, it takes at least half a day and the environment is closed … It is really suitable for communication.

This meeting with the search and rescue team is not an official meeting-at least it is not an official meeting with the first earth. Strictly speaking, the search and rescue team is only invited by the consul of the second earth. Of course, the name of the invitation is to familiarize the search and rescue team with the virtual world environment
The ship sped up the sinking speed, and Changbai could feel the gravity become slightly weaker. The dark blue water gradually became dark, which was as dark as ink. Changbai realized that he had thought of the stars. In the past three years, he and Changxing looked at the bright dark stars several times and worried about their future fate … Now their fate has been linked with other complete strangers.
The sightseeing ship soon descended to the bottom of the sea. At this time, a large number of similar broken patterns suddenly appeared on the ship’s glass-many new tourists were scared and screamed, but Changbai knew that these cracks were just some gimmicks that provoked tourists’ nerves-not to mention that this is not the real underwater world, and even the federal technical level is not worried about this level of water pressure … The pressure can be tens of millions of times higher than the requirements of this ship.
I don’t know why Changbai immediately remembered what Changxing once said when commenting on this war. He said that this war is not a real war, but it is a gimmick for politicians to attract people’s attention. Ironically, politicians find that people are not moving at all. From beginning to end, they are only those who are called rebel AI.
After the ship entered the tunnel, there was a little light around it. They could see a depth sign every dive distance. As the number of this sign became bigger and bigger, Changbai felt that his weight became lighter and lighter. Finally, when his weight reached zero, the ship stopped-and then the ship door was hit immediately.
Other tourists all went out in diving, and there was Changbai who left the cabin alone, but there was no difference. The water outside was still slowly penetrating along the door, and the gap was toward the center of the earth. Although theoretically it was the deepest time of the ball water, there was no water pressure coming in here, and it was hard to see the characteristics of the liquid. They were more like a mass of clouds and bubbles, flying and moving slowly in the cabin air, like a deformed cloud being blown by the wind.
When Changbai saw a com, he counted the countdown in his heart. At this time, a man came in from the outside. After entering the cabin, he seriously looked at Changbai a lot. Then he seemed to recognize his identity and went straight to sit beside Changbai.
"I’m Wu Xiaoqing from the search and rescue team." The other party introduced themselves voluntarily. "It’s much easier for us to talk like this before."
Changbai looked at each other’s virtual world, and now his figure looks no different from that of normal federal people.
Immediately after Wu Xiaoqing, another man came in. He was still wearing a gorgeous gift, and rows of medals were shining on his chest.
"I’m the current consul of the Second Earth." Someone introduced himself. "Welcome to the Second Earth."
23 literary art forms
"Does it bother you to change into our physical appearance?" The consul of the second world seems to be a very diligent person, and after letting the sightseeing boat continue to move forward along the route, he took the initiative to make a conversation.
"No …" Wu Xiaoqing said, "Your body structure is not much different from ours as a whole … it’s just a size gap."
"This is thanks to the fact that when we met," the consul joked. "If we met tens of thousands of years ago, we might be predators and prey in the food chain."
Wu Xiaoqing smiled faintly and then pointed to the tunnel wall outside the window and asked, "How did you solve the high temperature of lava in the planet?"
"It’s very simple," said the consul. "Let’s just dig up the planet first …"
Wu Xiaoqing patted his head, and it was true that he was a "small literary mind" from the earth, and he forgot that they were capable of planetary transformation.
"I also think you will pay attention to the authenticity of this world first …" The consul is curious about the model essay. "Is there a similar virtual world design in your article?"
Wu Xiaoqing shook his head. "Our virtual world is still very rough. It is impossible to do it just by imitating the physical level of the real image. This is far worse than yours."
"But you don’t seem surprised at all."
Wu Xiaoqing didn’t answer his question, because to answer it is bound to involve A. According to the search and rescue team, he immediately changed a topic, "I heard that you wanted to ask me about the second earth."
"It’s the second earth." Although there’s only three of them in the cabin at the moment, the second consul can’t help but lower his voice. "It is said that you and the first earth also invited rebels to participate in this meeting. Are you here to mediate this war?"
"In a way."
"Then you should also know that this war …" The second consul hesitated before saying, "There is no such thing as justice and evil … quality is still a dispute between the two sides."
"There is justice and evil only when there is a struggle for interests," Wu Xiaoqing said. "The interests are always greater and longer, and that is more just, but if it is outside the interests, it doesn’t matter whether it is good or evil."
"Then which side in this war do you think represents greater and longer-term interests?"
This is a cliche that can’t be more obvious. Wu Xiaoqing took a look at each other-he was not used to dominating this furry body, but he was sure that the meaning should be expressed-that is, he was not very willing to cooperate with these problems, and then he said, "I heard that the second earth is already an independent country in name."
"That’s true … but we are still a member of the Federation."
"But I heard that you represent several members of virtual social groups to express their opinions on this war."
"Yes," the second consul said directly, "We have always reserved our opinions on the federal government’s hasty war to deal with this so-called’ rebellion’. Do you have any opinions or suggestions on our attitude?"
Wu Xiaoqing rejected the consul’s rich imagination. "No, we pay attention to these problems because they are part of the war. We hope to mediate this war. That’s all. From this point of view, our goals should be the same."
The consul was silent for a while and could feel that at this moment he must be playing a game by practicing others to get more information. Sure enough, a minute later, the consul asked Wu Xiaoqing, "We also want to know what is the basis for your judgment on the intervention in the Wen War."
"The simple question is whether a text has enough potential, and the war can destroy this potential … We will try our best to save the health text that died due to accidents."
"Healthy?" This is a new law. "Do you think our language … is healthy?"
"Of course," Wu Xiaoqing said in surprise. "Don’t you think so?"
The second consul shook his head slowly. "I’m afraid there will be no more than ten thousand people in the whole Federation who have this kind of cognition … maybe one thousand."
"What?" Wu Xiaoqing had guessed the reason, but he still took the initiative to ask for this purpose.
"It’s very simple because no one pays attention to real practical problems anymore," the consul said. "Nearly 95% of the people in the whole Federation are more concerned about the virtual world than the huge consequences that this war may have. They are more concerned that their wealth will not be destroyed because of hundreds of years of games."
"Game wealth?"
"Yes," the consul said, "the government has proposed several times to levy a part of the war tax on maintaining virtual world resources directly to the war industrial production."
This view is very surprising in the eyes of Wu Xiaoqing, a pure earth person-shouldn’t it?
The social phenomenon of dwarven literature has been popularized by the former search and rescue team-this is the social normal for literature entering the virtual age.
It sounds impossible for the game to consume resources and affect a war on the earth, but it is a very serious social reality in the dwarf literature. For a highly mature literature like them, it is an inevitable trend for the normal development of society to put most of their energy into the game when they did not love rebels before.

Small mosquito glanced at his eyes some weird "slave … slave dare not read"

"I am afraid of being punished by the empress."
Damn it, how did the mosquito tell the truth?
"I’m worse than Yueyue!"
The mosquito said softly, "Empress’s writing is all night."
"The night is like a stranger? Who is it? " Nan Lichuan curled his lips. "I hate it when he takes him to prison!"
Zhuge Yue "…"
I can’t see that this fool is still a tyrant, but it would be better to catch this night like a stranger, which would save her from looking for him all over the world!
The little mosquito silently said, "Emperor, you can’t catch this night like a stranger."
"This night is like a stranger, but the strength of the main palace of Xiaoyao Palace … people can’t even get close to him, and even the Lord of God VI can’t do it!"
Zhuge Yue listened to the mosquito’s words and kept running in his head. I didn’t expect this night to be so bad as a stranger!
So if he really taught her something, wouldn’t she even be afraid of Nan Haochen?
Isn’t this what she has been pursuing?
Just as Zhuge Yue’s eyes were turning around, Nan Lichuan tore the paper to pieces. "I don’t like it when you write his name and I teach you to write my name."
He actually tugged at her hand and taught her the words Nan Lichuan carefully, which is the only thing he can write!
ZhuGeYue although a full face of nai, but also from his meaning.
I didn’t expect this stupid emperor to be so possessive …
-dividing line-
It was dark, and it was hard to wait until South Lichuan fell asleep and Zhuge Yue slipped out of the palace again. Once she met a place where the night was like a stranger, she remembered it vividly.
That kiss made her thunderous!
In fact, after the escape, she has been struggling. On the one hand, she really wants to get close to him and let him help him send her back with one arm, but think about the fact that the man is overbearing and powerful. I don’t know what the chances are that he will help him if he tells the truth. Chapter 15 is too weak.
She walked according to the second route, and this time she found a sign standing at the door of the land with the word "forbidden area" written on it.
That dark and gloomy place turned out to be a forbidden area!
Are you going in or not?
I was wondering if someone was coming …
A pair of patrol guards came, walked through here, made a turn and then left.
When they left Zhuge Yue, they leaned out from behind. It seems that this place is really forbidden!
She swept the card with dark eyes and finally went in …
The lush forest is as full of yin as last time. This time, crows can be heard vaguely. It’s so unlucky!
"Murderous" Since the last time she actually saved the egg enemy, the egg was actually angry for a long time and didn’t talk to her. It seems that it is really dangerous and healthy!
ZhuGeYue immediately from bring up the dragon blood wand clenched face alert into combat mode!
Suddenly, a light came closer and closer until Zhuge Yue, about ten meters away, saw that it was actually a huge lantern.
But these lanterns are bulging with big eyes and staring at her suddenly. It’s scary!
Zhuge Yue, a modern man who is well informed, has never seen such a terrible creature. He immediately turned pale and shivered with fear …
She clung to the wand but had no strength at all!
"Attack! Attack! Are you going to die here? " She can’t get out without turning the ring’s balls.
As those terrible creatures get closer and closer, the terrible face almost sticks to hers and suddenly cracks. It seems that its mouth is red and its teeth are sharp!
Look, that big mouth can wrap her in one bite!
Zhuge Yue still has no ability to act. In addition to fear or fear …
At this moment, the slim waist suddenly burst into a hot temperature followed by two words "too weak!" "
She was driven to fly, and a light flashed in front of her eyes, followed by all the lanterns, and there was nothing left …
ZhuGeYue this just have exhaled breath again like a drowning man back to the road!
Her chaotic brain controls her limbs and takes the initiative. She looks back at the people who are close at hand.

Like ideal city, the cottage is boiling with fiery red hair, and men, women and children don’t cheer. The eyes of adults reveal the hope that children will laugh childlike, and the old people will cry with joy.

"It seems that we should be right?" Qin Changfeng smiled at the snow.
Nod at the snow "like a family"
An old man who was very tall but hunched his back, two Han people came to help him and bowed to them. "Firestone, the head of the fire barbarian clan, has seen two Buddha statues. In the future, the whole fire barbarian will be obedient to the Buddha statue!"
Qin Changfeng hurriedly stepped forward to help and laughed. "Grandpa doesn’t have to be like this. Since we have chosen the fire barbarian, we will be a family in the future. Grandpa just treats us as younger generations. Don’t be born."
The old man coughed violently when he heard it, but he was too eager to laugh, which affected the old injury.
A moment later, the majestic stone drum sounded and the fire broke out. The savage stone city set up a bonfire to kill the livestock and seal the wine to hold the most grand welcoming ceremony.
Chapter one hundred and seventy The fire is quite toward the snow
It is a heavenly order to change the seasons day and night.
Therefore, there will still be days and nights in the sanctuary. Every once in a while, the central sun will be sealed by the circle of magic, and the earth will return to the night.
At this time, the fire barbarian territory in the western border was almost completely dark, but tonight thousands of huge bonfires lit up the whole mountain city as if it were day.
Next to the bonfire roasting the whole monster beast, there was a barrel of fire with a height of ten feet. The barbarian giants held high a big stone bowl with Qin Changfeng’s half body and laughed and greeted him frequently.
One by one, beautiful red-haired girls kept coming by him, pretending to pass by, but they abandoned the hot dancers with more eyes and clothes. In front of him, they showed their charming figure by the name of dance, and their white thighs were towering and crisp, which made people forget.
"A Feng, do you think our fire is pretty and beautiful?" Sit beside Qin Changfeng old clan slap his shoulder down his ear and said
This old man who looks like a dying man is a real fairy, but when he was young, he was hit hard and his foundation was broken. As a result, his body has been bruised and he has been struggling for a long time, but now he has run out of oil and lights, but tonight he drinks in a big bowl and eats meat as if he were young again.
"Everyone is as beautiful as a fairy." Qin Changfeng praised the surrounding fire. The pretty girls listened to all smiles and eyebrows and showed their beautiful posture more enthusiastically.
"Beauty is good if you like it. You hope that they can live up to their expectations and give us a few saints as soon as possible." The old clan’s face was red with bonfires, and his eyes were full of expectations for Qin Changfeng’s spiritual record potential. He knew better than anyone that he hoped to change the blood of the fire barbarians in this way and then the fire barbarians found a way out.
And around the red-haired girls in pairs of clear bright eyes, but also give full hope of not drowning several times to deliberately dance to Qin Changfeng’s side to let him see a clean short skirt scenery.
Qin Changfeng didn’t know anything about being reserved and laughing proudly. "Grandpa, I have a fire source, red-violet fire, which is sublimated enough for my people to stimulate their blood in a short time, so you don’t have to think so much about it."
"Is there really such a divine fire?" The old clan grasped Qin Changfeng’s hands excitedly.
"Of course," Qin Changfeng gave birth to a ray of red golden heaven fire in the palm of his hand, and the old clan leader cried his eyes and reflected light, and then his fingers touched his fingertips to cause severe pain, but he laughed. "Great, great, this is definitely a fairy fire level. If this fire can be turned into a kindling fire, it will be completely alive!"
"However, the sacrament can still be continued, and the barbarians will surely rise again in the shortest time!"
The old clan still doesn’t forget to improve the blood vessels, such as Qin Changfeng, a young Buddha who keeps blood vessels, which will surely give birth to several tianjiao fire barbarians.
Other people around him also followed the input: "Yes, Holy Father, I am a fire barbarian girl. Be tender and tender, be hot and hot, be shy and be shy and like you …"
Suddenly, a snow-white palm stretched out from the side and stopped Qin Changfeng in his arms. He shouted, "This is my man. You little sluts will never succeed!"
Everyone Zheng soon found out that it was another holy statue facing the snow. She pressed Qin Changfeng tightly to her chest like holding a child, even though she burst into laughter, and then someone shouted, "Then please celebrate the early birthday of the holy statue facing the snow."
"Have a baby?" The snow phoenix eyes glanced at Qin Changfeng and suddenly rose from the ground to a barrel and looked up and laughed. "Where is drinking interesting? !”
See her heroism lingyun unexpectedly hands clasped not much lower than her huge barrel, a proud head and gulped down, straight hair drifting, wine flowing into the chest along the corners of the mouth and neck, and then the light tulle skirt was soaked to half.
Fire barbarians don’t panic. Since this wine is naturally produced in heaven, it is not an ordinary wine list. As far as spirits are concerned, some true fairies dare not drink so much, otherwise it will be difficult to lose their manners and affect their dignity.
But this woman not only didn’t feel the slightest discomfort, but showed intoxicating color, and she was half a bucket of wine in a moment, and I don’t know how to pack her flat belly.
Most of the giants are so cool, and the fire barbarians are even more simple. Seeing this, the female heroes suddenly cheered.
The snow will almost see the bottom of the barrel and cover your mouth with a burp. The snow-white skin is covered with a faint glow. When it is really beautiful and beautiful, a smile is full of amorous feelings. At this moment, even Qin Changfeng can’t help but look at it.
Facing the snow, he sat with a weak bone and leaned against Qin Changshen. There seemed to be tenderness in his eyes, and he chuckled in his ear. "You don’t really like me, do you?"
Qin Changfeng smelled the charming fragrance emanating from her body and smiled, "Is it okay?"
"But you’ll never get me!" Exhale at the snow, and finally he gently took a bite from his earlobe.
But her voice fell, but she turned and danced and smiled like a bell.
"I went to the mountain lake to sober up. Some people must not peek."
Qin Changfeng unconsciously has a feeling of loss, which makes his heart sink … Does he really like this bitch?
How is it possible to say that she must love herself first and then abandon her and make her a laughing stock!
Well, I have to pretend to like her before I can convince her, and then I am emotional. I blame my acting skills for being so good that I almost believe myself.
Well, it must be so
The long Qin Changfeng breathed a sigh of relief, and the old clan patted him. "Why are you still rushing to chase?"

"Xiaotian? Has it been refined successfully? " Yuxiaoxian nervous asked

Huangfu Zhantian didn’t answer her, but waved the jade bottle in her hand and handed it to her.
"Great, we finally succeeded. Let’s go to my house." Yu Xiaoxian took Huangfu Zhantian and flew to his home. Section 193: Yu’s home
Being dragged by Yu Xiaoxian into the middle of Huangfu Zhantian, there is not much conflict in his mind. He still likes this girl who dares to love and hate. She doesn’t like Yu Wenhaotian, so she directly gives him a bad face to see her. She directly takes it out. She wants to buy the verve Dan money to assess her pharmacist level. I’m afraid everyone will like it.
Two people’s strength is not bad. After flying for about ten minutes, a large building forest appears, and the sight of two people, Yu Xiaoxian, takes Huangfu Zhantian to land on the surface and directly lands outside this building.
After coming to the door, Yu Xiaoxian saw the people around him staring at him strangely and suddenly thought of what it felt like.
Huangfu Zhantian didn’t mean it, but looked up and found that the strength of this family was good after a little perception of the knowledge of the gods of Huangfu Zhantian. At least several smells were stronger than him, which should belong to the medium god.
"Big miss you can calculate back uncle he …! Hey! " Just when suspection.i Zhantian and Yu Xiaoxian acted quickly and walked in, a lean boy appeared in front of them and some worried way [
Hearing this young man’s awkward words, Yu Xiaoxian suddenly grabbed his shoulder and shook, "Is my father in the end?"
That was YuXiaoXian call red bin young eyes glanced at the suspection.i ZhanTian hostile and then whispered, "uncle, his injury has deteriorated. Who is this man? Don’t you know that strangers are not allowed in our family? " Say that finish after red bin mercilessly stared suspection.i zhantian one eye.
Hearing this young man’s words, suspection.i war genius found that he seemed to have been targeted at Nai and shook his head with a wry smile. suspection.i war day did not speak.
See suspection.i Zhantian didn’t speak, but smiled and shook his head. The red bin’s face suddenly turned red and opened his mouth and roared, "I don’t know about you. You just saw our big lady. I tell you that none of you can succeed with me." Then the red bin appeared with a wave of his hand and two huge hatchets. He waved two bursts of broken clothes at the gas.
"Red bin, what are you doing? This is what I brought to save my father. The refined pharmacist is not allowed to be so polite to the master. "Yu Xiaoxian’s face changed immediately after seeing the red bin move, and she quickly explained that she was afraid that Huangfu Zhantian would leave directly because of this.
"Refined pharmacist? Low-grade refined pharmacist can’t save our patriarch. Look at this small one. It seems that it’s not as big as mine. It’s estimated that the second refined pharmacist is the most. You can find a reliable refined pharmacist, and even if you find such an unreliable one, "Red Bin looked at Huangfu Zhantian and said, at the same time, he kept looking at Huangfu Zhantian.
And Yu Xiaoxian was so angry when he heard what Chi Bin said that he directly took Huangfu Zhantian and walked towards it. At the same time, he explained in a low voice, "Don’t take my brother’s words to heart. He was used to being called a genius at an early age."
After listening to Yu Xiaoxian’s explanation of Huangfu Zhantian, he said with a smile, "I don’t think so. I think this guy is jealous of me. Haha, it’s really an interesting guy."
Gouge out the suspection.i Zhantian mercilessly, and take a look at Yu Xiaoxian to act quickly and go to the front to ignore suspection.i Zhantian.
Go to a big courtyard outside YuXiaoXian stopped and turned to the suspection.i war heaven "this is my home, my father is our danger family grow up" said YuXiaoXian will give the two doors to push and then to return the door HuangFuZhanTian made a gesture, please.
Without saying anything, suspection.i Zhantian came in with his leg lifts. Just as he came in, suspection.i Zhantian saw a courtyard full of bamboo. It seems that Yu Xiaoxian’s father is a bamboo lover.
"This is my father’s favorite kind of bamboo transplanted from many places. At ordinary times, my father likes to fiddle with this thing besides practicing." Yu Xiaoxian noticed these bamboos when he saw Huangfu Zhantian and explained.
Watching suspection.i Zhantian nodded his head and raised a little curiosity about this Yuxian father.
Huangfu Zhantian Yu Xiaoxian led him to a room outside. As soon as he entered the room, Huangfu Zhantian smelled a strong medicine. After smelling this medicine, Huangfu Zhantian immediately frowned because he felt that Yu Xiaoxian’s father seemed to be seriously injured through the dosage of medicine. I’m afraid that his four healing medicines are a little thin.
Sure enough, when Huangfu Zhantian and Yu Xiaoxian came to the room, they saw that Yu Xiaoxian’s father’s face was like gold paper and there was a trace of weakness in his breath. Supposedly, even if he was injured, his medium-level and high-level strength should not be so weak unless he was poisoned besides being injured.
Thought of here suspection.i Zhantian hurried to the front of the bed and grabbed Yu Xiaoxian’s father’s arm and probed it carefully.
"Was your father poisoned before he was injured?" Any suspection.i war day frowning at danger little fairy way.
"Poisoning? You mean my father was poisoned before he was injured and has not been relieved. "Yu Xiaoxian also frowned and said.
"Well, it’s been poisoned for many years. This poison has been lurking in other bodies, and it hasn’t been sent until your father was injured this time. This outbreak is that there is some snow and frost." Huangfu Zhantian has a dignified tone [
"Then what should I do? Xiaotian, please save my father. Please save my father. I will give you whatever you want. "Speaking of this, Yu Xiaoxian’s tone is a bit strange and the volume is reduced.
Huangfu Zhantian has just been thinking about how to solve Yu Xiaoxian’s father’s body poison, but it has no meaning for Yu Xiaoxian’s words.
See suspection.i war day didn’t respond, but a face of meditation YuXiaoXian suddenly inwardly breathed a sigh of relief, and then worry about looking at his father now only will hope on suspection.i war celestial body, but if suspection.i war naive cured his father, then what should I do? Is it really cheap for him? But it seems that he didn’t hear himself just now.
Huangfu Zhantian didn’t care about the messy thoughts in Yu Xiaoxian’s mind, but took it out from the small world very seriously. Section 194: Detoxification
Huangfu Zhantian’s refining this time is not the world’s elixir, but he got it from that cave with a prescription inside, which is a special detoxification elixir. It is said that most poisons can be cured and the most important thing is that the old poison can be eradicated. Of course, there is no way to expect that Yu Xiaoxian’s father is not poisoned by this poison. If this poison cannot be lifted, I am afraid there is no way to treat this injury.

Because both Lu Min and Mr. Comas have a superficial understanding of the glory nobles, Nick is even less likely to come up with higher-level information, which means that if the glory nobles have contact or communication methods, Huang Xuan’s fate will be miserable

In order to find something in Yu Rongguang, Huang Xuan was in a hurry.
But apart from some superficial things, he almost got it.
Judging from Nick’s access to the Internet, there is no uniform standard for glory aristocrats. Officially, the so-called glory is a special glory aristocrat, that is, when an individual wants to get it, the Administration recognizes that the plane and the plane base have high fitness, physical conditions and bloodline elements, and have certain commitments-it sounds simple, but it is difficult to decide who the base belongs to even after years of fighting, and the result is that a plane base is often forcibly occupied. In this era, it is already difficult to create a new plane base (it is not impossible to make it). This kind of fighting is something that the Administration tries to avoid.
Because the essence of the administration is the interests of extended families, they prefer slow exploitation to revolution.
However, the people give glory another concept, that is, they meet all the conditions except "being approved by the administration at the time" and come from the era of big planes. The former families are called glory families, and the members of these families are called glory aristocrats. Its two main hardware components include plane, base, position plane and inheritance.
Therefore, when Huang Xuan saw the description of glory nobles, one exception was to praise their cultivation and envy their lives, and to discuss their luxury, but few people talked about the strength of glory nobles
This is very strange. It seems that glory strength is not in doubt.
It is precisely because of the war that Huang Xuan destroyed the prosperity and prosperity of the era that people were so afraid of war. Just like after World War II, European countries hated the danger of nuclear bombs and opposed the containment of war, including the ruling institutions of the three sides and the time management authorities, all of which were doing the same thing to curb the war workers, and the nobles rarely had the opportunity to fight.
Of course, this does not mean that glory is kindness.
They are standard monopolists, selling plane resources, selling technology, buying raw materials and occasionally killing people.
In the last ten thousand years, there have been three human face destruction incidents, one of which came from Master Hou Junlong, a first-class traveler who was a member of the Administration. The remaining two times are from the glory nobility.
The r-plane is only one minute south latitude, and Nick can’t get more information, which makes Huang Xuan feel more and more uneasy. The thought that Comus will force him to meet Hou Junlong Huang Xuan has the feeling that a mouse is a son-in-law for a cat.
Chapter two hundred and fifty-four R plane (9)
Shi Yu, who has recently obtained the first-level certification, seems to be the first time to be a father monkey and jump away from relatives and friends for fear that others will not know that he has been promoted. For a traveler who was born in a small family and just graduated from school for two standard years, Shi Yu’s level is indeed worthy of pride.
And Mr. Comas also intentionally noticed in two meetings that Huang Xuan wanted to meet more people, so Huang Xuan had to hand over some of the visitors’ lists transferred from the Revolving Palace Hotel to Nick for screening.
Even so, he met with more than 12 people in just two days.
The most important thing in this kind of informal meeting is to understand each other or understand the official saying that reaching a consensus is called Huang Xuan’s conversation with official representatives such as the financial officer of the Comas family, the official of the Wendling family, the member of R1′ s daily administrative committee and the member of R39′ s autonomous administrative committee, but there is no contact with the people’s representatives, let alone the media.
The advantage of doing this is to maintain political freshness and political energy, and at the same time, it will not be in the limelight, which is a more stable way to do things.
Huang Xuan didn’t recognize his surfing ability until he received a more formal education and had more experience.
After seeing off the last executive member of the No.3 base’s shareholding Committee, Nick exaggerated the wave-like tone, "The great yellow masters Shi Yu and Lu Min asked to see him and brought some friends."
"Let him in," said Huang Xuan, sitting in the conference room and taking a sip of incense (a drink that he often drinks). "How was the Northern Dynasty?"
"He went to Nanlu College today and said that if you have anything for him to do, you will find him again."
Speaking, Shi Yu came in. His flat face seemed to be cracked by an elephant. He laughed, "Mr. Huang, I brought an old friend to see you."
Huang Xuan got up and met Shi Yu with a tall middle-aged man behind him. An iconic moustache floated on his chest and wanted to think and laughed. "Is it Mr. Yue? You left me a horse specially, but it helped a lot. "
This Yuezhong Spring is also a horse lover whom Huang Xuan met during the Three Kingdoms period. It was the one who left a message saying that he couldn’t help taking a good horse.
Yuezhong Spring has long been a first-class traveler, but at this moment, it seems that he is still at a loss to shake hands with Huang Xuan and put out his wrong hand. He rubbed his leg and changed his hand. "Hello, Mr. Huang, we have been thinking about you. I heard that it was a bar mitzvah?"
Liu Min winked at him because Huang Xuan always disliked his glorious identity-this was naturally due to his shyness, but Shi Yu just didn’t like publicity.
Huang Xuanhuang began to say, "How long ago?" But he didn’t answer his question directly.
Shi Yu also interposed, "Mr. Huang, the three of us came here today to discuss a matter."
Shi Yu looked at Lu Min, who coughed, "Mr. Huang, your R1 assets still have 100 million hot circles and 25% of No.3 base stocks. So much money is put in Qianzhai, and I think it’s better to hire a professional investment institution to transport it, so I may be too busy alone, and Shi Yu and Yue Chunquan are willing to help you with these."
"If so, your speed of getting contribution points will be reduced."
"No, I’m already a level 1 traveler." Shi Yuxian smiled twice and added, "Mr. Huang is organized and capable, and he doesn’t bully others. We are all eager to do things behind you."
Yuezhong Spring also voted, "Mr. Huang has no chance to meet in a hurry. This time, I really want to follow around. Although I am not very skilled in this piece of capital, I am very good at cultivating all kinds of biological products, such as horses, cows and other economic products, as well as dinosaurs and mammoths. Generally, I am responsible for logistics support and staff when organizing groups."
This is a little surprised Huang Xuan a smooth way "your family? Level 1 travelers should have several base limits, right? "
He said that Yuezhong Spring was a little embarrassed. "I have a base limit because I have not made less special contributions, and my contribution points are all accumulated. It is not good to apply for his base limit. There are few people in my family. Now I am the only one." Because travelers live alone for a long time, they account for the majority.
He said as if remembering something. "Mr. Huang is now based on himself?" This is a lot of energy, right? "
"Used to be familiar with some" Huang Xuan in the mind a surprised face is calm.
Yuezhong Spring suddenly said, "Actually, you can also apply to the R plane through your base. Many senior people do this, although it is really convenient to apply to one base at a time."
Lu Min also brightened up at the moment and said, "Mr. Huang, apply for one. The No.1 base with the highest R1 level is limited to level 6. You should be able to apply for a good level."
Huang Xuan still laughs but doesn’t talk. If Nick really applies for R1 base, let alone what level he can apply for. Just exposing the base makes him reluctant.
Four people were just saying this when Nick suddenly said, "Look at the energy screen."