"I’m not a good father, and my daughter didn’t even get married. Even if I gave my daughter a dowry," Wu Shijun handed the check to Wu Jing to see Ma Hang. Ma Hang nodded. "Elders can’t push it." Wu Jing collected the check.

Wu Shijun ha ha a smile. "Well, this matter has just passed. I want to ask you what you plan to do in the future. You can’t stay long in the capital, Tianjin and Zhili."
Ma Daodao: "To tell my father-in-law, I didn’t come to Beijing this time. My long stay was due to the death of my ex-wife at the hands of a Japanese. I have been chasing this matter from Nanhe to here, and I am going to the Northeast."
"To the Northeast" Ma Hang nodded. "My second brother is Zhang Lingong and Zhang Xueliang, the king of Northeast China, and I want to take refuge in him."
"Ha ha is very good," Wu Shijun praised. "Our China is divided and humiliated by the great powers. I also do business to save the country. I want industrial means to save my China. The gentleman is determined to do everything in the world. I will recognize you as a son-in-law if you don’t abandon Jinger and humiliate a China person."
Wu Shijun was very happy that he didn’t agree with Wu Jing’s marriage with the Wangs. The Wangs were Yuan Shikai’s "God of Wealth". He must not let the Wangs intervene in business. When Wu Jing got married, he was still worried that Ma Xingyi had helped him but saved him a great event.
Wu Shijun led Ma Hang and Wu Jing around the company, shipyard and wharf, and told them about a trick to do ship business. Ma Hang also benefited a lot. In the afternoon, Wu Shijun got a table in Guanshengyuan, the best hotel in Tianjin, and invited a few friends who were like-minded to introduce his son-in-law Ma Hang to them.
This banquet is not only for eating, but also for eating a lot about the future and future of the horse line. Many people have pointed him out and helped him in the future road of the horse line.
Chapter one hundred and sixty-four Yuan Shikai’s Emperor Dream
It’s almost the end of the year. Every family is busy in the New Year, and the business of every shop is getting better. Ma Hang is still watching Wu Jingshou together all day. The other people are very envious of the newlyweds. It’s understandable that Liu Wu stopped Heiwa and Longjie from disturbing them. It’s very comfortable to have a sweet life.
At noon this day, Ma Hang and Wu Jing were whispering in the sun in the courtyard. Han Xiaomo came at the same time as Chang San, which surprised Ma Hang very much. Chang San was a gangster and a Yuan Keding native. Han Xiaomo was arranged by Zhang Lin to explore two camps in Beijing. It was really shocking.
Han Xiaomo brought a letter from Zhang Xueliang from the Northeast. In the letter, Zhang Xueliang congratulated Ma Hang on his marriage and felt sorry for leaving without saying goodbye. By the way, according to Zhang Xueliang’s news, Yuan Shikai will be enthroned as soon as this year, and the Japanese have made great efforts. Ma Hang’s enemy, Kazuo Noda, has been appointed as Yuan Shikai’s personal adviser.
Seeing this, Ma Hang screamed and scared Han Xiaomo and Chang Sandu. A Ma Hang asked, "Are you sure that Scar has been appointed as Yuan Shikai’s personal consultant?"
Han Xiaomo nodded. "According to the agreement signed between the Japanese and Yuan Shikai, the Japanese Yuan Shikai ascended the throne and borrowed 10 million yuan. This Noda is the representative of Japan."
Chang San also said, "Dagong doesn’t like these Japanese people either. He is going to launch an army to remonstrate Yuan Shikai’s abdication on the day he ascended the throne. He sent me to invite Ma Hang to discuss it."
"Military remonstrance" Ma Hang looked at Han Xiaomo. "Yuan Keding, this is a drunkard’s sake. Yuan Shikai proclaimed himself as the emperor. He is the emperor when Yuan Shikai dies. He will launch a military remonstrance."
Chang San laughed. "You can’t say that Heaven and Republic are the general trend. Yuan Shikai will defeat Dagong sooner or later, which is also good for Yuan Shikai."
Han Xiaomo said, "Tell the truth. What is Yuan Keding doing with Ma Dage?"
Chang Sanxiao said, "Brother Ma’s marksmanship is magical, for example, if a soldier fails to remonstrate, he still hopes Brother Ma."
"Do you want to assassinate Yuan Shikai? He’s Yuan Keding’s father." Han Xiaomo couldn’t believe that Yuan Keding still wanted to assassinate Yuan Shikai. Yuan Shikai had already seen through this time. If Yuan Shikai didn’t succeed, how could he live in Yuan Keding again? Han Xiaomo looked at Ma Hang.
Ma Daodao "But it’s a pity that the gun that Yuan Keding gave me was taken away by the police. There is no suitable guy."
"This is difficult." Chang Sanyi waved and someone came in at once, and there was a long box in his hand. Chang Sanyi walked over, shook his sleeve, reached for the box and picked up the gun. "This is German goods, which are much better than one, and can play for miles. This is specially made by Dagong. This operation cost a lot of money."
Ma Hang took the gun and Wu Jing twisted her head and leaned in to see "karabiner9k". Wu Jing gently read out a row of letters of various shapes on the gun body. Everyone looked at Wu Jing and laughed. "I didn’t expect my wife to know all this. It’s really a talented woman among women."
Wu Jing smiled shyly and bowed his head to the street. "That’s my wife, but high flyers of Beijing University will be much more than that."
A good gun, of course, is to be collected from Yuan Keding’s invitation to Ma Hang, who didn’t promise to let Chang San tell Yuan Keding that he would definitely go when Yuan Shikai ascended the throne.
In the capital, Yuan Shikai was enthroned, and preparations are being stepped up. Cao Kun led his troops to clean the Forbidden City. In those days, Xuantong was preparing for the throne. Some ceremonies were rummaged out by the ceremony department. Yuan Shikai personally patrolled the most famous shoes and hats store in Beijing to prepare himself for the throne robes.
Everything is ready, but it is announced to the public that this day should be a day when the National Assembly is sparse according to the daily arrangement. Several members of parliament entered the venue, and the speaker has not yet sat down. Cao Kun led a large group of soldiers into the venue, and the members immediately got angry and got up and abused.
Cao Kun ignored them and went straight to the podium in front of the speaker. "You are ordered by the President to dissolve the National Assembly from now on. If you have any objections, you can go to the Presidential Palace to complain. Please go back."
"Yuan Shikai is crazy"
"Yuan Shikai really wants to restore my excellent national government and will be buried in the hands of Yuan Shikai, a thief. It’s a pity but hateful."
One by one, members of parliament stamped their feet and wailed. Facing the armed deputy soldiers, what can they do? A large group of people, old and young, were thrown out of the parliament gate and surrounded by people. They had never seen these well-dressed gentry crying like this.
Just at the gate of the National Assembly, Cao Kun said again that he would dissolve the National Assembly in front of the people, and announced that "from now on, all the national flags of the government of the Republic of China will be replaced with new ones."
Cao Kun said, glancing behind him, a soldier walked slowly into the parliament with a flag in his hands. Soon the flag on the roof of the parliament fell slowly, and there was a red ball flag flying slowly at the top of the parliament in a strip made of five colors. No one had ever seen this flag before, and the people looked up and watched it.
On Cao Kun Avenue, "The Republic of the Five Ethnic Groups is rising in the sun. This is our new national flag. Let’s hurry home and change it. Some people will check it and arrest all those who don’t hang it." As soon as everyone heard it, they immediately turned home and rushed to make the five-color national flag.
What do you think of the new national flag sent by Chang San? Heiwa said with a smile, "It’s the same as that of people who have no money in our hometown, and they have a patch when they are connected one by one."
Everyone laughed and Wu Jing shook his head. "You look at the five colors, red, yellow, blue, white and black, which represent our country’s five ethnic groups, namely, Han, Hui, Mongolian, Tibetan and Manchu. The red circle in this center means that the sun rises, which means very good. It seems that Yuan Shikai does not resist the Republic and hopes to go to a monarchy like Great Britain and Japan."
"Sister-in-law said that Yuan Shikai is not bad and hopeless," leoco asked.
Wu Jing nodded. "After Japan’s reform, its national strength rose greatly, and the Beiyang Navy was defeated in the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895. At that time, some people made reforms, but the Qing court didn’t have the courage. If Yuan Shikai can really succeed, it may not be a bad thing for China."
Ma Hang smiled. "I don’t want so much to kill Scar and avenge the fire sisters. It doesn’t matter to us whether Yuan Shikai is the emperor or not."
Chapter one hundred and sixty-five He ascended the throne ceremony
There are faint snowflakes in the sky, and the north wind blows people cold. Soldiers lined up neatly outside the gate of the Temple of Heaven in the north wind, and dozens of black cars roared in from the main gate, followed by nine loud guns exploding in the middle, which shocked the whole capital.
Ma Hang was lying on the roof of a shop not far from the Temple of Heaven. He vaguely saw the figure of the Temple of Heaven shaking and the car door being beaten. Some people dressed in strange expressions walked aside the car. Longjie handed the telescope to Ma Hang. "Look at the big brother."
Yuan Shikai is wearing a newly-made dragon robe with a flat crown on his head, which is not too big for him. Perhaps it is because the weather is too cold that Yuan Shikai is very fat when he wears too much inside. He looks even more bloated. Yuan Shikai, accompanied by several officers, walked step by step to the top of the Temple of Heaven.
"Why don’t you see Scar this bastard?" Ma Hang carefully searched the crowd for Longjie and shook his head.
According to the ancient ceremony, Yuan Shikai made his own ritual of offering sacrifices to heaven. The etiquette officer shouted "Drink Yuan Shikai" and all the people followed this shout and made kowtows to incense. This ritual was very complicated and tedious, and it didn’t end for two hours.
Ma Hang has been looking for scar in the crowd, but unfortunately he didn’t see it. Seeing that the sacrifice to heaven will end, Ma Hang put away his gun and said to Longjie, "Let’s go and start the Forbidden City."
According to the arrangement of Yuan Keding Yuan Shikai’s enthronement ceremony, Yuan Shikai worships heaven and earth first, and then the enthronement ceremony will be held in the Hall of Supreme Harmony in the Forbidden City. At that time, all officials will go to the venue and choose three places. The Temple of Heaven is the best place to assassinate, but the scar does not appear. It seems that we can go to the last place.
The Forbidden City is the place where emperors of Qing Dynasty lived and worked. Yuan Shikai chose this place to control the sky from the Forbidden City just like those emperors.
At 12 noon, the ceremony of enthronement was officially another drum music and salute. Yuan Shikai walked slowly up the steps just in front of the Hall of Supreme Harmony. A Zhang Long chair had already been placed there on both sides. The so-called imperial secretary waited on Yuan Shikai to be an old pedant and read a yellow scroll.
Ma Hang, they were far away, and they didn’t hear anything. Longjie suddenly shouted, "Over there, over there, I saw scar, right over there in the car."
Ma Hang quickly adjusted the angle of the telescope. It’s good that his hateful face is disgusting. Ma Hang will never forget to put the telescope on for a generation. Ma Hang took up the rifle. "You keep an eye on him and see how I kill him."
This rifle is very fond of its style or comfort. I don’t know how many times it is better than hunting a shotgun by myself. Five methods Huang Chengcheng pressed it into the gun chamber and pulled the bolt to aim it at the gun. Looking through the mountain and the sight, those figures in the crowd suddenly became clear.
Scar, that is, Kazuo Noda, is a representative of the Japanese legation who came to watch the ceremony. Next to him, representatives from France, Britain, Russia and other countries are sitting neatly. It is also the first time that they have seen the ceremony of Emperor China’s accession to the throne, and they still have a lot of curiosity.
Looking at those people in Taiwan, they performed Scar like singing opera, thinking that this ceremony of enthronement is too complicated and the emperor’s ceremony is not so good.
"Bang!" There was a noise from far away in the silent square, which was particularly harsh. Scar quickly turned his head. Just in the east of a shop, the fire flashed on the roof. Scar was a genius. He immediately made a mistake, didn’t wait for others, and immediately bent down to lie down.
Behind Scar, the Russian representative screamed, and a blood hole in his right shoulder was bleeding outward. Scar couldn’t help thinking about it. He rolled over and hid behind the car, and two bombs exploded one after another where he rolled, destroying two pieces of blue bricks.
"An assassin" didn’t react until this time when the crowd scurried around. Yuan Shikai glared at his side with a black face. Cao Kun Cao Kun swallowed hard and quickly turned away. A good enthronement ceremony was messed up by three shots.
"His mama this little too cunning" Ma Hang didn’t hit the center three times.
The opposite situation of Longjie can be clearly seen. "Let’s go, big brother. People have already come out. If you don’t leave, you can’t leave."
Scar slowly poked her head out from behind the car and looked east. When she saw no movement, she shouted "Hurry up in the east"
In the face of the panic crowd, Yuan Shikai looked sullenly for a long time and finally didn’t hold back and roared, "Give it to me." Behind him, Yuan Keding smiled, with an easy grace and Liu secretly glanced at his heart and immediately became white.
Liu secret to Yuan Keding side "great grandfather, why are you afraid?"
Yuan Keding smiled. "Afraid of it? Three shots are all those foreign ghosts. What do you want me to see? It must be those who don’t like the foreigner revolutionary party, but it’s lucky that the bullet didn’t hit here. If you pursue it."
Liu Mi quickly covered Yuan Keding’s mouth and Yuan Keding pushed Liu Mi’s hand and smiled, "Don’t you think so?"
Cao Kun will be back soon. Facing Yuan Shikai’s eyes, he can shake his head awkwardly. Yuan Shikai glanced at it. "You are all Chinese imperial officials. In the face of such a trivial matter, you have to continue honestly."
An accident didn’t interrupt Yuan Shikai’s successful ascension to the throne. The second half of Yuan Shikai’s enthronement ceremony ended hastily. Yuan Shikai said, "From today, the Chinese Empire was founded and I acceded to the throne in accordance with God’s will and people’s will. Dier and others should remember that their duty is to make contributions to the Chinese Empire."

The firm but gentle light of the palace hall is like ice and snow. When it meets the scorching sun, it disappears in a flash, and then the desperate faces of Shu people look up and watch themselves melt. Everyone’s expressions are solidified. That despair is unwilling for a moment.

"Father, if you really know what to say now? Do you really want to see all your people die in front of you? "
Yue Yu’s beautiful eyes are full of sadness. She asked her father why she could watch her people die so tragically, but she was indifferent. Now, through all kinds of strange places, she has been able to infer that her father is not as ashamed as she knows … She is very willing to implement the policy of autumn and military affairs, and the Shu family is not a koo!
"Royal son, you are not white, even if you sacrifice everyone, I will not hesitate." Shu Wang’s eyes are also sad, but more is determined. Gradually, he can’t even see the sadness in his eyes, but reveals a smile as if he finally made something and felt his heart.
Spin and he looked at Qin Changfeng, "Xian Jun, my son, has a splendid chest and a splendid dry Kun. If it is not limited by the Jinghai clan, it will not be inferior to Yu Nuxian, forgetting that you can accept her side and be a female servant, and you will make a contribution someday."
Qin Changfeng laughed. "Do you want me to stay with an enemy of genocide?"
King Shu looked at Yue Yu and shouted, "Yu Er, today, you swore to be loyal to Xian Jun in front of me, and you can’t give birth to a rebellious heart from now on, otherwise Yuan Shen will die and be punished by lightning!"
"Father? !” Yue Yu was horrified. I can’t believe that Shu Wang would let her swear this poison.
ShuWang eyes angry stare "do it! Do you want me to die unsatisfied? "
"Okay, I swear!"
Yue Yu suddenly burst out laughing with tears in her eyes. "Shu Yue Yu swore that from today on, the handmaiden would not dare to have the slightest infidelity. If there is any violation, it will be called the devil take the hindmost …"
Chapter nine hundred The truth
Yue Yu swore to laugh and cry at the same time. Never before did she feel that this world is so cruel and cruel that a Shu family is so cruel that she wants to commit herself to a genocidal enemy. The most cruel thing is that all this was arranged by her father Shu Wang!
He did not hesitate to ruin the whole ethnic group and let his daughter live forever for the rest of her life. What are all the guardians in pain?
If he doesn’t say that no one knows the answer, he can be so cruel that all his people will die to shake him.
Looking at her daughter’s poison oath, watching the people die in the firm but gentle, watching the whole Wangshu Island fall into a dead silence, and Fiona Fang Wan Li did as Qin Changfeng said when he first arrived. There was sadness in King Shu’s eyes and a smile at his mouth.
Then he dispersed all defenses with open arms and took the initiative to fly to the sword wheel composed of four eternal swords, like a moth to embrace the hot sun and meet with self-sacrifice
Qin Changfeng calmly looked at all these faces. Gujingbo today, if he has an ending, if the truth can’t be solved, then the Shu nationality will be extinct, and a statue of God King and a statue of Fairy King will be finished.
So there is an explanation for all parties in heaven.
But when Shu Wang was about to be submerged by the sword light, he suddenly sighed, and the heavens and the earth sounded faint, with complexity, nai and dismay … Directly into everyone’s ear, as if the whole world was left with this sound at the moment.
Then a slender figure came out from the depths of Shu ruins.
His white hair, shawl, Tsing Yi, not stained with dust, and eyes as deep as the ocean, Zhou Tianxing Hua spontaneously condensed and sighed when he stepped out, making the heavens silent.
"Yi Qiujun?"
"How is that possible? ! !”
Everyone was horrified, and it was unbelievable on the spot. Because of this elegant demeanor, the peerless man turned out to have been recognized as dead.
But now there is a curse mark between his eyebrows, and Bi Liang has obviously broken out.
Yiqiu Jun came to Shu Wang’s side one step at a time, and with a wave of his hand, his palm leaned out into the air, and he condensed the high mystery of causal reincarnation, just like The six great divisions in the wheel of karma blocked the four swords in the virtual.
"This …"
It’s the first time that everyone has been blocked at the same time since the four swords revealed the battlefield with horror, and there is still room for strength in seeing the expression of Yiqiu Jun. From this comparison, it seems that it can be confirmed that he seems to be stronger than the virtual fairy king Xiansan!
"Yi Qiujun was not only swallowed up by the curse of final silence, but also greatly increased in strength?"
The Godsworn of the Dark Decisive Division of the Fairy Ship is not frightened. Now, Qiu Jun is far from the tens of thousands of kings who once ruled the Dark Decisive Division, but the new fairy king of the virtual clan!
It seems that the root of the virtual clan is unable to distinguish from the body
"Why did you come out? Everything was wasted!" Shu Wang gawked at Yiqiu Jun as if he stretched out his hand to touch his face, but he dared not take back his palm.
"From the time you and I met, it was always my fault for you. If I still watch you die in the end, will Yiqiu still have a face in front of me?"
Yi Qiu Jun Shu Wang looked at each other with a faint joke and reached out and gently stroked his head. This scene made Yi Qiu Jun, the fairy ship, not stunned … Yi Qiu Jun was always known for his indifference and silence. Has he ever had such a soft side?
Although he seems to be a virtual family now, he still has memories in his appearance, so it can be confirmed that he transformed from the living spirit to the virtual family by the highest way, and inherited his self-cultivation and memory perfectly
Therefore, in addition to changing from the celestial fairy king to the virtual fairy king, he is still the autumn king.
"Imperial Ancient Emperor once said that I am not the best person to be in charge of the Dark Division. Now it seems that you should be able to do better than me."
Yiqiu Jun looked at Qin Changfeng with a gentle tone and praised the successor of his own dark department and the first time he met Xian Jun.
"Yiqiu Jun is willing to change everything in the direction of heaven. The virtual family can be seen to be in charge of the dark department. Your eyes are nothing." Qin Changfeng’s words are full of temptation with a light smile.
"If I can, I hope I will always be a celestial fairy, even if I end up in the battlefield for the rest of my life."
Qiu Jun looked at Qin Changfeng and laughed. "Isn’t what you want the truth? I didn’t bewitch the imaginary family, and I didn’t force me to voluntarily transform the imaginary family. I don’t know what is the right choice for you. It’s also to let my descendants in heaven not be implicated. Unfortunately, all of them have been punctured by your persistence. Now I want to take Wang Shuyue away from Jun. Can you stop me? "
It turned out to be a voluntary transformation?
Qin Changfeng’s mind flashed through hundreds of thoughts, and the impression in heaven suddenly became mysterious … It is impossible for nature to make a sudden change in mind. It is necessary to do so if you want to transform yourself into a virtual family. What things or people in the whole heaven can force Yi Qiujun to do so?
"I’m afraid Qin Mou can’t let you leave Yiqiu Jun to defect from the imaginary family today, which is a fatal blow for dark decision. Even if I worry about you and ruin your trust, I can’t let this happen." Qin Changfeng’s calm tone has condensed murder
Yiqiu Jun indifferently asked, "You mean …"
Qin Changfeng seriously replied, "Yiqiu Jun was ambushed and killed by the virtual family mirror sea, and Xianjun appeared in the mirror sea to destroy the Shu family’s three kings of mirror sea, and Xiansanjun avenged himself and finally comforted your soul."

"Still have a discount?" Huang Xuan’s face is going black.

Miss had expected the current situation with a gnashing of teeth. "The actual number of soldiers is about one thousandth of the rated number, and there are no level 9 travelers."
Huang Xuan was dumbfounded. "Do I have to finish the war?"
Chapter six hundred and forty-three Five garrison (7)
One thousandth of the rated number is equal to 40,000 third-level mercenaries, more than 10,000 second-level mercenaries, and one-level mercenaries have not been raised by Huang Xuan himself. Soldiers and travelers want to know how many are left.
Mies rolled her eyes twice. "According to your limit, the 27th division is enough to meet the needs of the early war …"
"Where is his deputy chief?"
Miss carefully said, "The first deputy, Lord Craig, and the fifth deputy, Lord Nestor, jointly command the second division, and the second and third divisions control the 29th division."
"The 2nd Division has half the military strength, and the 29th Division has one third."
Huang Xuan turned around in the middle of "grace" and asked Samby, "Can I command these two divisions?"
"Lord Craig and Lord Shimokan have also finished their combat information." Miss Trail.
Huang Xuan has been playing tricks for nothing, but he is surprised that there is an illegible flower lover behind him. Chu Yi Ning probably won’t try his best to help himself, but he doesn’t know what it means.
The liaison dare not speak, and meditate "I can’t see me" in the shadows, leaving Huang Xuan to think hard.
At this time, Samby felt that he should click Huang Xuan and smiled. "Huang Xuan, have you read the documents of the former administration?"
"Do you mean to defend the five families?" Huang Xuan followed Samby’s train of thought. After all, this person who was a member of the Authority left his post, that is, he still grasped the secrets of the Authority in a hundred years.
Samby said with a smile, "The life limits of the five ethnic groups are different every year, and sometimes there will be new limits. You see that half of them were released at 12 o’clock five years ago. Have you noticed the biggest difference in your life limits?"
"It seems that the complete five-clan garrison has not appeared for thousands of years?" Thousands of years sounds like a lot, but the administration only orders the five-nation garrison once every three or five hundred years, although the number can be limited at a time, which is usually determined by the situation. Huang Xuan seems that with his own life, there will definitely be a new batch of five-nation garrison.
Samby smiled two times. "Which of these limits do you think is the most special?"
"Complete civil service benefits?" By comparison, Huang Xuan said that the complete civil service benefits are really very profitable. For now, even if he doesn’t have a single soldier in his hand, it’s up to him to decide the distribution of personnel and so on-but this is a theory. Craig, these people are all sky-high. If the limit alone is overwhelming.
Samby laughed again. "Think about the problems you encounter and then think about which special limit can be solved?"
There are a total of 12 limits. Huang Xuan hesitated and said, "I haven’t granted it for many years."
After he came back, he read the provisions carefully, which means that the enemy’s medicine will not be punished no matter what it does. This means that unless the rebel administration goes to his five-nation garrison post, it will pursue the requirement of being clear and not interfere. This great personal benefit will hardly be granted since the administration has stabilized.
Chu Yi Ning is definitely not qualified to make a similar motion and let Huang Xuan think that if the current situation is really premeditated, maybe it is the flower lover who wants to see his ability.
Huang Xuan thought in a dark voice, "You won’t let me take it, will you?"
Samby burst out laughing.
Huang Xuan was quite flustered and suppressed. "The second time I saw Craig, there were at least two senior travelers around him. Now I have a division and three senior travelers …"
"What’s the matter with senior travelers?" Samby laughed. "A plane can make up to 15 pounds of energy."
"Isn’t there a certificate exception?"
Samby hummed "Think for yourself"
Then he really didn’t say anything.
Huang Xuan is really moved and domineering, and he has done a lot of things. He really wants to go out to war. It’s not nonsense that the battlefield makes the enemy pity. It’s better to solve the problem than the A plane. Anyway, there is a clear hand management bureau. I’m afraid it hasn’t been ordered yet. Let’s deprive the five families of their courage on the same day
Samby stopped talking and Huang Xuan simply said, "Nick is looking for Cai Yan and Galatea."
In this way, Lorraine and Ning ‘ao can’t understand that Cai Yan always thinks that the problem is more comprehensive, while Galatea always has some similar ideas with Huang Xuan.
It took Huang Xuan less than half an hour to turn around and say, "Where do you think the 2 nd Division and the 29 th Division are stationed?"
"A3" Miss said that Huang Xuan didn’t understand and hurriedly said, "After the second division, the first division was temporarily established, and all of them were trained in A3 for no more than two standard years."
Huang Xuanyi came here for nothing. It seems that it is not a whim for the administration to order the five families to defend. It must be that the troops were formed before and after the evaluation of the glory nobles. He said without missing a word, "Is my 27 th Division nearby?"
"Look," Huang Xuan said, and walked out.
Miss Xiao Bu joined forces with Huang Xuan, and Chu Ning opened his mouth and said, "Do you know anything about the 27th Division?"
Chu also set up a shielding function in his office, saying, "It’s the Committee’s resolution that they want to suppress one thing or two because they think you are too limited because of the flower lover."
"I’m afraid it’s requested by the old Committee member Craig." Huang Xuan, such a pediatrician, can see through it at a glance
"It’s not that simple." Chu is also worried that Huang Xuan is too boastful. "You should be careful. Even if you don’t have a soldier, two senior travelers will not dare to peek at you. You are qualified to distribute the meritorious military service and you will never suffer."
Huang Xuan’s nose buzzed, thinking I’m going to take the meritorious military service. I have a fart to cover my throat and take the journey. "I’m going to take it."
"Take what?"
"Of course, I can lead and I should do it." Huang Xuanang suddenly realized that the other party could not see, but he still held his head high. "I have gaps. What do you think I want to do?"
"Don’t mess around."
Huang Xuan smiled two times. "I don’t want you to help me personally even if I mess around. It’s good to let me know if the Committee has anything."
Then he closed the communication.
Chu was also angry and anxious, but he didn’t stop Huang Xuan from saying that he really couldn’t find anything wrong with taking it from the root. Where is the deputy army chief? This is the result of the Committee’s struggle for profit. If Huang Xuan really took the army, others really can’t say anything.

How can we fight this war?

Especially looking at Li Yuanqing Ying Ting’s confident smile on her face, Shu Murong simply felt very hateful.
But in her heart, it was already faintly felt that these distant ethnic groups across from her were going to be pound-foolish.
She really wants to run to them and tell them to leave this eternal life without bothering them, but she can’t do it at all.
Shumurong bit her red lip tightly and her two small hands were constantly entangled in front of her.
At this point, she also wants to see whether this man will handle the present situation.
At this time, not far from the front, there was a bitter north wind. Instead of feeling the slightest cold, Li Yuanqing’s blood in his chest seemed to be boiling.
Opposite the Tatar Coalition forces have reached the track as he expected.
They have built a bonfire to cook and eat.
Many auxiliary soldiers have scattered to the surrounding old forests to find firewood.
It can be seen that they are not carrying enough firewood.
This is actually inevitable.
After all, in the north, on the banks of the vast Heilongjiang River, there are old forests everywhere looking for firewood. Naturally, these Tatars don’t want to March in time and bring a lot of firewood.
It’s about 12 o’clock, and the snow has decreased a little in the day, but the wind is getting stronger and stronger, and it’s freezing cold.
In the east, the Tatar Coalition camp has collected firewood, and many slave soldiers have come back. It’s about time.
Li Yuanqing suddenly smiled and waved to Niu Gensheng, saying, "Our military orders let Huang Guoshan and Kong Youde attack! Kill as many tartars as you can! "
Niu Gensheng’s spirit can’t help but respect: "Yes!"
Hurry to order!
Soon as the passionate horn sounded, two thousand teams, Huang Guoshan and Kong Youde, outside the east gate quickly rushed out from behind the warm snow wall and came to the front array.
Aside ShuLuoHuan and his minions and around two hundred minions allied forces also quickly lined up around Huang Guoshan and Kong Youde two flanks!
This way, the Tartars rode out of their wits and hurried to report to the Coalition camp.
Soon, with the new orders of Li Yuanqing Zhongjun, the two armies suddenly sang the slogan "General wins!"
"Changsheng Camp wins!"
"Great victory!"
Kong Youde, the sixth thousand corps, rode a tall brown Mongolian horse, waved his hand with a steel knife and shouted, "Boys kill Tartars!"
"Wan Sheng!"
Almost without thinking, all the idlers shouted, led by officers in various ministries, like a red tide rushing in the direction of Houjin camp.
The same is true of the Fifth Thousand Corps of Huangguoshan next to it.
The heavy snow and the terrain have not stopped the two brilliant red figures from moving slowly but quickly.
Opposite the Tatar Coalition forces also returned to absolute being and quickly called their respective forces out to prepare for the military offensive.
Unfortunately, there are very few war horses in this weather, and they have to step into battle. There are hundreds of cavalry archers wandering in the wings to prepare for the army charge.
Against the snow-white world, the bright red figures of the immortals are particularly conspicuous.
Even though they have rushed out of the nearly two miles, they can still see each and every one of them in Chengtou Shumurong.
The contrast between the filthy skins of the bright red allied forces here is so fresh!
Seeing that the two films are about to collide, Shu Murong’s heart is in her throat.
Although the end has almost been predicted in my heart, there is still the last glimmer of hope in Shu Murong’s heart until the fact really happens.
At this time, Huang Guoshan’s vanguard has approached the Tatar Coalition forces before the war.
The archer on the left arrow rain like fireworks’ scratching’ towards the army side.
"Lift the shield! ! !”
Wang Sanwa, their chief pioneer, is on the left wing of the team.
Seeing the rain coming, he dared not neglect and quickly shouted.
For a moment, nearly one hundred and fifty idlers neatly raised their round shields and greeted the rain of Tartars and arrows.

There must be two bodies here. Whether he lied to her or not, Owalin wanted him to live. "I have seen Sakanda" He didn’t think about it. It brought him eternal pain. He forbade himself to sob or whine and forced himself to spit out the words one by one in a calm tone. "There was a huge foggy ocean. It kept rolling and hitting the black rock, and the flame in the melting pot turned everything into red, flashing and splitting into a crazy day." He didn’t want to talk about it, but he forced himself to open his mouth again. "I used to walk. But I went all the way to the path in the hinterland of the demon valley, where the teeth-like rocks rubbed against my head. I walked all the way to the shore of a lava lake full of flames-"Don’t say it again! "The dark Lord is there, and it is in the abyss because he breathes evil spirits. Even at noon, it is still black."

Ovalin has straightened up now. Her eyes are wide open, not afraid, but shocked. "I’ve heard of it, too …" She said this softly, then shook her head and stared at him sharply. "Who are you? What, you’re here? Did someone abandon … Did the apostles send you? What I didn’t receive the notice? "
He looked up his hair and gave a laugh. "Do you want people like you to know what I accepted?" His Lugard accent is getting heavier again. In a way, it is his hometown. "The apostles will tell you everything?" There is a big voice in his heart that warns him of his mistake, but he hates the two performers, and so is the voice in his heart, "Be careful of the beautiful little two performers or they will give you to Modao to play with you."
Her eyes were like icicles stabbing him in the eye. "We’ll wait and see Paden, and I’ll clean up the trouble you caused, and then we’ll wait and see who is in a higher position in front of the apostles." After seeing the dagger, she withdrew from the room until Ovaline covered him for a whole minute.
He growled at himself like a fool, trying to play games with the two performers, bowing to the two performers, but it was hard to restrain his anger in an instant, but it ruined everything. He cut a hole in his body, then put the dagger back in his sheath and licked the wound while putting it in his coat. He was different from what she imagined. He used to be a dark friend, but now he has gone beyond this category, surpassing it and being higher than it. Some are different, some are even worse. If she is contacted by an abandoned light angel before he kills her … it’s best not to try to find the horn of Kawara Tsutomu now. He has followers waiting outside the city, and they should be waiting there. He has implanted fear in their hearts. He hopes those people are still alive.
Before sunrise, he walked out of the White Pagoda, left the island of Tavaron, and lived somewhere, and he was whole again.
Chapter 2 Zhang Jia Pass
Lan Dezheng, the world’s ridge with a vague outline, guided Jieding to climb the rock slope. From this foothill, it is the range of Zhang Jia Pass, and the dragon wall directly pierced the sky. All his peaks turned into short hills in front of it. In the hot sunshine in the afternoon, Rand could clearly see the dragon wall peak, the snow cap, a little bit of white clouds, which could move around the waist of these giant peaks. These clouds didn’t have a desert to bring a drop of rain. Rand couldn’t imagine that anyone would want to climb a mountain, but it was said that people who wanted to climb these peaks eventually turned back in the middle of the way
"… but the Kerian people have exhausted their strength because of the power game," Murray said beside him. "If they believe that you are strong, they will follow you and treat them firmly, but I ask you to treat them fairly. The ruler should achieve real justice …"
Rand tried his best not to pay attention to her, just as he didn’t pay attention to his riders and Hadang, who had left behind the broken canyons and valleys in the desert, but these jagged peaks and ridges in front of him were as barren as a desert and completely unfit for vehicles. It has been more than 20 years since no one has passed this road
From sunrise to sunset, Murray will keep talking to him. What she talks about is very small things at all levels-details of court etiquette in Kerian, Sha Dai Ya or some other place; It may also be some important events-the political influence of the white robes or perhaps commercial trade, such as influencing the rulers to make war decisions. It seems that Murray wants him to complete all the education of a noble before he reaches the other side of this mountain.
To his surprise, Murui sometimes said things that even people in Yimen village would regard as simple common sense; And sometimes she says other things that are completely unusual, and sometimes she says something that surprises people, such as except Murui, Alwen, He shouldn’t believe the news that the people in the White Pagoda and Elida are now a jade throne except Yilan and Nainiwei. Although she has sworn to Rand, she will never tell him how she knew the news. She said that it was someone else’s secret. Unless someone agreed, she revealed that Rand suspected that Murray said that others meant the wise men who could dream, but the wise men stared at him and didn’t even say "yes" or "no". He really hoped that they would swear like Murray that they would always interfere with his communication with the leaders as if he had contacted them through their leaders to be satisfied.
Now he doesn’t want to care about Elida or those wise men, and he doesn’t want to listen to Murray’s sermon. Now he wants to know about the pass in front of him. There is a gap winding forward in this mountain. It seems that the mountain has been chopped by a blunt axe, and each axe is not very successful. If you urge the horse to run for a few minutes, he can enter the middle.
A steep cliff on one side of the entrance of the pass has been cut out for more than a hundred steps. There is a weathered stone carving on the ground-a giant snake coiled around a 300-piece high column. On whether this is a monument, a road sign or a symbol of the ruler, it must have come from an ancient country before Yatu Eagle Wing. Perhaps its history is earlier than the war between the beast and the monster. Rand has seen the disappeared countries before, leaving traces, and even Murray does not necessarily know their source.
On the other side of the mountain (the place is so high that Rand is not sure whether he can really see it), there stands something even more strange on the snow line, which makes the thousand-year-old monument on the mountain become an ordinary sculpture. Rand can swear that it must be the remnants of some buildings. The black mountain wall makes these gray ruins have a shiny feeling. The strangest thing is that the shape of the ruins is like a port, and all kinds of shipping facilities have collapsed. If it is really not from his imagination, it must have collapsed from the world. In the era when the relics remained before the destruction, the surface of the world changed dramatically. It used to be an ocean. He could ask Yasmodine because even he sometimes probably didn’t want to go to that height to investigate to satisfy his curiosity.
The giant snake face is located in Tyne, a medium-sized town with a high wall, which is also a relic. When the Kerian people were allowed to send caravans across the Three Jedi, a lot of wealth was poured into the town from Shata along the Silk Road, but now it gives people a sense of silence. The town seems to have a few birds and gray stone walls arranged in a black patch equidistantly. Matt nut stirrups frowned, a pair of eyes and a wide-brimmed hat looked at the pass in the shadow. Lan Jianyin’s face showed no expression, but he and Mai obviously had no expression. Teke was watching intently as a gust of wind blew around the pass and it became a little cooler. The haze-changing cloak was also slightly tilted for a moment. From shoulders to legs, the haze seemed to become a part of rocks and thorns distributed by those stars.
"Did you listen to me?" Murray suddenly asked her to let her white mare get closer to Rand. "You must!" She took a deep breath. "Come on, Rand, there are so many things I have to tell you. There are so many things you have to know."
The pleading in Murray’s tone made Rand have to take a look at her. He still remembers when he was completely shocked by the two ceremonies. Although she still maintained elegance and dignity, now she looks really small. He should feel protective for such a woman, but this idea is really stupid. "We still have plenty of time after Murray." He said gently, "I won’t pretend that I know as much about the world as you do. I plan to keep you with me from now on." He hardly realized how great changes have taken place in their state.
"Of course," Murray sighed. "As you wish, we still have enough time."
Rand urged his spotted gray stallion to trot, and everyone else followed him, and the carriages behind him also sped up. However, they still couldn’t keep up with the front person, Yasmodine-Jacin Netta-the singer’s patchwork cloak fluttered with the flag he had set up in the stirrup. The bright red flag was painted with the black and white emblem of the ancient two-instrument division in the center, and his face was horribly gloomy. It made him unhappy that this mark was the place where Rand signed. This was perhaps Rudian’s prophecy.
The patches on Tyne city wall are corpses. They were twisted into strange shapes in pain before they died, and they were swollen and swollen by the sun. All the corpses were tied by their necks and hung on the city wall. It seems that these corpses hung around the city wall for a whole circle. Those birds were covered with black light, and their heads and necks were covered with blood. Vultures, some crows were perched on corpses and devoured carrion. It was not surprising that the new arrivals were dry and smelly, and there was a pungent burning smell. The iron door was open and exposed, and there were no living things except birds.
Just like Maros, Rand tried his best to get rid of this idea, but he could still clearly see in his mind the scene when the huge city was recaptured. The huge tower was burnt black or collapsed into a pile of rubble. At every intersection, he could still see the remnants of the big fire. All those who refused to swear allegiance to the shadow would be tied up and thrown into the fire alive. Rand knew whose memory these scenes came from, but he didn’t tell Murray about it. I’m Rand Arthur. Lu Si Serin Tramon has been dead for 3,000 years. I’m myself! This is a war that he wants to win. Even if he must die, he wants to die as himself. Thinking of this, he forces himself to turn his mind to other things.
It’s been half a month since Rudian. In the past half a month, Eigil has been walking from sunrise to sunset every day, and even the horses that follow them have been exhausted. But Kulaiding started a week earlier than them. If they shorten the distance from him, he will ravage Kerry for a long time. And if he wants to trap the sand, it will take longer, which is also not a pleasant idea
"There is someone watching us behind the stone on the left" Lan said quietly that he seemed to be observing the ruins of Tyne City with rapt attention "not Eigil, otherwise I wouldn’t even see a trace of them"
Rand was glad that he let Elvin and Ailinda stay with the wise men. This town gave him a new reason, but those monitors just met his original plan. At that time, he had hoped that Tyne would survive. Alwen still wore the same Eigil dress as Ailinda, but Tyne from Eigil was not welcome, and the lucky people in this town would not welcome them.
He glanced back at the stop, and after seeing clearly the decoration of Tyne City and the city wall, the coachmen were whispering that Hadang was dressed in white again today and was wearing a big handkerchief to wipe his face with a hooked nose. He looked quite calm and pursed his lips thoughtfully.
Rand predicted that Murray would find a group of new drivers after he passed the pass, and Hadang and others might run away at the first opportunity, and he could let them run away. This is not appropriate or fair, but only in this way can Yasmodine be protected. How long has he been doing what must be done instead of doing what is just? In a just world, the idea that these two things should be the same made him laugh, but the sound was more like a hoarse gasp. He was no longer the country boy, but sometimes the boy would sneak into his heart and others would turn to look at him, while he tried his best to stop himself from telling them that he was not crazy.
After a long time, two men and a woman without coats got up from the gravel. All three of them were dressed in rags, barefoot and covered in filth. They came to the crowd hesitantly, turned their heads uneasily to one side and looked at the riders one by one, and then looked at the caravan and the back of the caravan. If someone in this team shouted, they might immediately turn and run away, but their haggard faces and vain steps said that they had not eaten for a long time.
A man in "Thank Light" finally said that his hair had turned gray and his face was covered with deep wrinkles. All three of them were not young. His eyes stayed on the lace to decorate the neckline and cuffs for a while, but a team leader shouldn’t ride a mule and hold a flag. Finally, he grabbed the stirrup of Rand anxiously. "Praise Everbright for walking out of that terrible place alive." This person might call Rand this way because of his blue silk coat. Embroidery with gold thread on the shoulder and the flag behind him or his intention to flatter Rand, despite his gorgeous clothes, there is no reason for this person to recognize that the team in front of him is not a caravan. "Those murderous barbarians came again, and the Eigil war broke out again. No one could have predicted that they would climb over the wall late to kill all those who dared to lift their hands and take away everything that was not fixed."
"Late?" Matt immediately asked him that he was still looking at the destroyed city with his hat down. "Are your sentries asleep? You must have a sentry so close to the enemy, right? If you set up a sentry, even Eigil is not easy to attack. "Lan gave Matt a look.
"We don’t have a sentry, my Lord." The gray-haired man winked at Matt, but answered Rand. Matt can wear a Lord’s body after his green silk coat, but he hasn’t buckled a button and his clothes have been squeezed out. It looks like he even wears this dress when he sleeps. "We … We have a vigil at each door. We haven’t seen barbarians for a long time, but this time … they will set fire to it if they can’t steal it. They will starve us all to death, these dirty beasts! Thank you for coming to save us, my Lord, or we will all die here. I’m Tal Naisin. I’m … I used to be a saddle maker. I’m very good at it, my Lord. This is my sister Ari and her husband Andel Cole. He can make very good boots. "
"They not only robbed things, but also robbed adults," said the woman, whose voice was still full of pain. She may have been quite beautiful, but she was frightened and worried. Rand suspected that the lines would never be completely gone. Her husband’s eyes were lost and vacant, as if he didn’t know that he was in "my daughter’s adult and my son. They took away all the young people, all aged 16 to 30, and they stripped off their clothes in the street and got together to drive away those barbarians, saying what they were and what they served …" The pleading voice dropped to her.
Murui immediately jumped into the saddle and came to Ari’s side. As soon as the hands of the two performers touched this gaunt woman, she immediately gasped and shivered. She looked at Murui with questioning eyes, but Murui held her body as if to support her.
The woman’s husband suddenly opened his mouth wide and stared at the gold-plated belt buckle that Ailinda gave Rand. "His arms are marked like this, so they are all coiled together like cliff snakes."
Tal looked up at Rand uncertainly. "The barbarian leader has this pattern on his arm. They are all wearing the same clothes, but the leader cut off his sleeves and he wants everyone to see the pattern."
"This is a gift I got when I was in the desert," Rand said. He put his hands behind the saddle bridge. His sleeves covered his arms. The dragon pattern is that if someone looks closely, they will see the back of his hand. A pair of leading players, Ari, have stopped guessing what Murray did. Now all three of them are posing as if they are about to escape. "How long have they been away?"
"Six days, my Lord," Tal said uneasily, "They stayed here for a night and a day, and then they left us. They should also leave, but what should we do if we meet them turning back? They will definitely turn back to Selyn? " Seleen is the town at the other end of the pass, and Rand suspects that the situation there will not be any better than Tyne.
"How many people are alive besides the three of you?"
"Maybe there are a hundred people, maybe more than that."

An Shitou quickly dug out a paper box and put it in a box that smells strange, looks strange and feels even more strange. After stacking it tightly, the ribbon tied a beautiful dead button, hung a professional smile and handed it to Conan.

When Anshitong went to clean the tray, Baishi poured a coke with ice and put it in front of Conan.
Conan poked at the sweet box on the desktop with love. He came to buy mystery novels with this money, but it’s not too bad that he can save people from it …
Soon guests came into the store one after another.
At first, it was a beautiful woman. She looked at her watch frequently and looked like waiting for someone.
Conan paid attention to her for a while, but after the woman lost her temper with her, she ruled her out. He didn’t think Mao Lilan would make such friends.
Then came a gaunt college student who was rushing to finish his thesis. A strong man who went straight to the bar after entering the store and shouted out the manager; A beautiful woman with curly hair and a professional suit.
Chapter 1 is that you admit your mistake.
Fei Yingli was the last person to enter the door.
Conan’s intention was to meet her in the line of sight, and his heart suddenly felt cold-although he didn’t recognize Fei Yingli, he intuitively felt that the aunt couldn’t be provoked, so Conan turned around and turned to face the bar instead.
Just then he saw Baishi’s forefinger table point two times and then point forward implicitly.
Because the manager sat next to Baishi without a mouth.
But Conan understood his meaning in a second, which was to express that "Mao Lilan has to wait for someone."
Conan was immediately alert to follow the white stone, and when he turned around, he saw that Fei Yingli was moving towards a position at the door, and the shop door behind her was pushed, and a handsome guy with long shoulder hair came in.
After he entered the door, he looked around the door without looking for a seat
Can the clerk greet him and ask, "Sir, are you looking for someone?"
"Oh, I have an appointment with a girl, but she doesn’t seem to have arrived yet." The handsome guy looked for fruit and tossed his hair at the clerk. "Find me a seat for two."
What he said just now made Conan think wrong.
Conan critically examines the flirtatious gigolo who just entered the door, thanking Baishi in a low voice, and then before Baishi reacts, he runs off to the seat next to the gigolo and sits hostile and stares at the back of his head.
"…" Baishi looked down at his finger and reviewed the scene just now.
But he didn’t say anything
I didn’t point to the wrong person. Conan’s mistake is his business
Moreover, it is convenient for Conan to act by himself with the interference of passers-by
So thinking of Baishi turned to look at the woman who was excluded from Conan’s first entry.
He remembered that this man was the deceased when Fei Yingli appeared. She and the murderer were lovers, which just met the requirements of black widow.
Although it’s hard to imagine that a woman who kills more quickly than chopping watermelons will suddenly die at the hands of a passerby … it’s not surprising that this world is not a villain.
Baishi secretly watched the woman’s actions. After she went to the sanitation, Baishi walked along the staff aisle to the back door while no one was looking, hid her glasses in the next corner, and then turned into a cat and went straight to wash her hands.
Like many small and exquisite restaurants, this restaurant washes its hands and is mixed with men and women.
Yayoi Ji Ye patched up her makeup before she went into the sink.
Before, she used to kill a lover every two or three weeks or even a month.
But recently, I don’t know that her success has been particularly smooth.
After a series of killings, Ji Ye became addicted to strangling Hamanori. After a few days of quiet counting money, she couldn’t stand the loneliness and planned to start work on Temple Hill Thirteen, who had known each other for a month.
Thirteen types of temples and mountains, many people who don’t socialize widely are still lustful, which are all factors that attract Ji Ye Yayoi.
But he is too tough-looking and too burly, which is not Ji Ye Yayoi’s type. She doesn’t take the initiative many times, and they don’t progress as fast as with his lover.
Therefore, recently, Ji Ye Mi gave birth to a few words, and the 13th wife of Dianshan wanted to stir up his family, so that in case of "suicide", the police would give priority to suspecting that Mrs. Dianshan herself could have enough retreat.
Yayoi Ji Ye plans to leave Tokyo for a year or two while selling stolen goods and looking for a new place to live.
When Dianshan 13 pushed the door and pushed in, she looked at the fat sheep in the mirror and greeted it with a thoughtful smile.
But she never thought that Fat Sheep would stun her without saying anything and then stab her in the heart.
Dianshan thirteen money is not earned by himself as he usually boasts, but comes from his rich wife.
Therefore, although I dislike my wife who is old and ugly, I dare not quarrel with her because I can’t live without her.
Recently, when I heard that Ji Ye Yayoi always gets angry with his wife, I thought of novels and those common stories in the video, "I’ll tell your wife about us if I don’t get a divorce." The third mistress suddenly felt bad about Dianshan Thirteen.
He had a nightmare of "Ji Ye Yayoi stabbed two people in front of his wife, and then his wife, father and brother poured cement into the Pacific Ocean".
When people are under too much pressure, they will easily become abnormal. After a while of anxiety, they finally woke up their criminal intuition and came up with a clever killing method.
Ji Ye Yayoi was inexplicably stabbed in the heart and soon died.
Temple Hill Thirteen didn’t pull out the dagger in her heart. He first took his finger and wrapped it in a long bandage. One end of the bandage tied the root of the dagger blade and the other end temporarily tied his wrist.
Houdianshan 13 picked up the body and threw it in along the gap before the partition.
When it fell from behind the blocked door, Dianshan XIII knocked out Ji Ye Yayoi’s satchel and took the money out of her wallet, and scattered the rest of it from Fang to pretend to be a robber homicide.
Then he grabbed the bandage and pulled the dagger out of Ji Ye Yayoi’s chest to let the blood flow out. Finally, he untied the dagger bandage and threw the dagger into the compartment.
This can create the illusion that "the gangster hid in the compartment and killed Ji Ye Yayoi, and then escaped through the gap at the top"
As a result, a big guy like Dianshan 13 who can’t climb the gap was immediately ruled out.
After everything was done, Dianshan 13 pushed through a door and found that the body blocked the door very firmly. He breathed a sigh of relief.
-When it’s finally over, you must pay great attention to finding a mistress. You must never leave evidence of infidelity. You must search the receipt before you leave the house and take it yourself to prevent them from being cunning and threatening yourself …
Temple hill thirteen thought while preparing to flee the scene.
Being distracted, he was frightened by a stray cat that accidentally broke into the toilet.
After returning to the temple of God, thirteen felt a little ashamed of his reaction. He made a strange noise and drove away a few times, and his mind was slightly balanced, so he moved his sight away from the cat.
Twist the faucet, wash off your hands stained with blood, and carefully wrap the bandage around Dianshan 13. This just knocked on the door and returned to the restaurant as if nothing had happened.
Baishi ignored the strange man. After the door was closed, he went to the body and found that the blood had seeped out from the door.
Baishi visually measured a distance, jumped up from the run-up, and the doorknob successfully climbed the partition door and glanced at it along the probe.
Chapter 19 What? Is my teammate cold?
In the narrow compartment, the body lay on its side. Ji Ye Yayoi leaned back against the door leg and stuck to the side wall. The whole person folded into a ninety-degree angle.
There are a lot of things scattered on the ground, and blood spots or blood lines are splashed everywhere, which may be thrown out when the knife is drawn. The ground is not flat, and the body spreads to the side floor drain, where there is almost no foot.
Baishi looked at the sundries on the ground and didn’t find the pendant with a card necklace.
It looked down at the body again and observed it carefully for a moment. Baishi found something faintly reflecting in the neckline of Ji Ye Yayoi.
Squinting slightly, it quickly saw that it was a few grotesque necklaces and pendants, and the outermost one was still familiar. It seemed that Hamano had seen it before.

The influence of Zhang Hao’s wild rhythm on heroes is clear. He has found that blade master’s sense of rhythm is important for blade master to get the head at this stage for later development

At the same time, I also have a clear set of play in my mind, which is a very good one. I have already had a preliminary feeling when I first started a hero, saying that I still have some adaptability to this hero.
It happened that blade master is still an assassin hero, which is in line with Zhang Hao’s recent style and gives Zhang Hao the motivation to continue practicing.
"Grasping the rhythm is of great benefit to blade master."
Chen Yi wakes up and rings at the right time. Zhang Hao’s current performance is still very standard. The template explained by Chen Yi is also a little surprised by this situation.
Back home, Zhang Hao quickly made blue wild clothes and shoes to increase the speed of line support. Chen Yi’s explanation in the past inspired Zhang Hao a lot. It is true that sometimes a difference of one or two seconds leads to a different ending of a team battle.
Now Zhang Hao’s understanding of speed has also changed differently.
At 6 minutes, Zhang Hao was heading for the road, and it was not easy to beat Riven. After all, it was highly mobile and explosive, and once Riven’s Q skill level rose, it could not be suppressed.
Man’s only advantage is that the ank robot and Lucian pushed the blind monk into the overall situation, followed by the blind monk who took the lead in killing ez, and Nami was also besieged in the defensive tower to get buff Fisherman and blade master to quickly go to the road for support.
Nami killed the blind monk by walking on his own, but he couldn’t escape being killed. The fate robot and Lucian completed the killing and quickly retreated. The fisherman kept marking blade master to follow.
Zhang Hao will watch the map closely and never give ez and the robot a chance to escape.
Fortunately, there is no eye for the road. Lucian and the robot tried to push the tower, but then they found out that the situation was wrong. After all, the map fish man had disappeared, and the robot and Lucian quickly retreated, but blade master had come from the river.
Seeing them made a big move at the first time.
The robot didn’t hesitate to start the treatment and accelerate its progress.
"Don’t hand in your skills first"
Chen Yi woke up to make Zhang Hao faster. blade master first rushed to the robot, and the fisherman was behind him. blade master kept leveling A robot and caused damage. After the robot handed over E skill, blade master was hammered, and blade master decisively made a Q skill.
At this time, Lucian came to try to kill blade master, but a Q skill put Lucian himself in danger.
Nerusian quickly escaped with E skills, and the robot’s blood was running out.
"You fight against the tower and continue to chase it even if you are dead, so that the fisherman can kill and play an advantage."
At this time, another routine of Chenyi was verified. blade master’s anti-injury teammates made output opportunities to play an advantage
Blade master is still chasing after him, and at the same time, he keeps marking to signal the fisherman not to retreat. Of course, Zhang Hao is also gambling. After all, there is nothing Zhang Hao can do if the fisherman is afraid.
Fortunately, the fisherman understood blade master’s meaning and continued to pursue with blade master. At this time, the robot’s blood volume was already very low, but the speed was too fast to enter the defense tower first, and Zhang Hao A hung up after the last one.
At this time, the stage was given to the fisherman with a Q skill. The fisherman easily approached Lu Xi ‘an and handed over the ignition at the same time. Moreover, the fisherman was very clever and didn’t have the first-hand skills to constantly let the defensive tower attack at the tower output.
At this time, the robot saw the opportunity to turn around and try to attack the fisherman. Look at the opportunity, an E skill leaps up and then slams the robot instantly, while a flat A takes Lu Xi ‘an away.
Zhang Hao secretly praised a really good job, and blade master’s advantage was played out.
"How about this hero?"
"Yeah, it’s good. I found some feelings."
Zhang Hao feels that his state is gradually picking up, which is a good situation.
Chapter 61 Anti-injury story
When the fisherman tried to escape, the clockwork rushed over in the middle. The fisherman quickly vacated and then hit all his injuries. However, it was a big trick for the fisherman to meet him. Even if he handed over the flash, he was still sucked back.
Fortunately, ez has once again rushed to the line to cooperate with the output of the fisherman, which made the clockwork hurt. Finally, the clockwork was poisoned by the fisherman. The situation became:
Zhang Hao breathed a sigh of relief. It depends on the situation. When the situation is stable, blade master Day will get better and better.
At 9 minutes, blade master crouched in the grass of Fanghe River, waiting for gank’s opportunity. Once the fisherman was trapped, it was blade master’s wild charge opportunity.
When the clockwork moved slightly ahead, the fisherman finally seized the opportunity and a big move floated out.
See sharks scurrying from the ground quickly and then grow gorgeous.
"I’ll go"
Zhang Hao covered her face and whined. Can this fucking play happily? No, this is a big move
Just say it
And more importantly, the blind monk came out.
It’s obvious that the blind monk and blade master are both squatting together.
The output of blind monks and clockwork is obviously more than that of fisherman. After all, fisherman has made a big move.
Fortunately, Fisherman didn’t panic and hit all his injuries. E skill and Q skill were flat. The A output part hit the blade master output of the clockwork and made his own contribution.
Zhang Hao didn’t live up to the fisherman’s expectation, but he killed the clockwork in the case of killing the fisherman and then confronted the blind monk one-on-one
At the moment, there is no ability and no big move. The blind monk does not dare to retreat with the double buff blade master, but it is the most brilliant moment for blade master to let the blind monk go.
Wild Ping A kept hitting the blind monk and forced him to hand over the flash, but blade master wouldn’t miss such a good opportunity to flash at the same time and follow up and chase the blind monk until he reached the tower.
Zhang Hao is still chasing, and Q skill once again avoids a defensive tower attack, which is very deadly, but blade master is much better after hiding.
Seeing that he couldn’t run away, the blind monk had to turn around and fight back, but Zhang Hao was afraid that his equipment was better than that of the blind monk, and at the same time, the blind monk had no big move output and blade master was not in the same class.
When the blind monk Duan Q arrived at blade master’s side, after all, there was no more health support and he slowly fell to the ground.
Blade master harvests a head again, and at the same time quickly retreats to the last defensive tower. The damage keeps chasing blade master. If it hits, it will be hard for Zhang Hao and blade master to deal with it.
Zhang Hao is also more comfortable.
"Sharp and awesome, you are a great god"
It’s nice to see blade master play like this, but it seems really nice to say the effect.


I’m glad to see Xu retreat and promise Shen Jiushuang.
"In that case, I have to do it today. I will personally guide you to the secret primary small Sunday to carry the gene chain.
If you can start the foundation of dantian in seven days, you are my brother, and you can stand the benefits.
If you can’t, then you are also a descendant of Mr. Shang, and I have a good marriage and a wish. "
Aside Meng Sixi listened and her eyes were almost staring straight.
He first started this elementary school, moving the gene chain on Sunday, but the senior brothers and sisters took turns to guide Master, and he never did it himself.
Allow this treatment to be refunded
I haven’t even started yet, so Master has to do it himself.
Inexplicably, Meng Sixi also had a sense of urgency to practice well.
Otherwise, if Xu really wants to enter the door, isn’t it necessary for the latecomers to live?
In this respect, Meng Sixi is glad of one thing-he started much earlier than Xu retired.
At least two years earlier.
You must practice hard and never ask Xu to stay back!
Xu tui’s important meditation and concentration suddenly turned into a thin line from Xu tui’s back into the lower abdomen.
"Remember that I am angry with you. Every point is the starting point for the primary small Sunday to carry the gene chain.
When you finish your primary training, you can move the energy field that you have cultivated, so that you can run around at will and feel angry.
Keys can be defended at all times, which is very mysterious for you. "
"I’ll guide you three times. How much you can remember depends on your understanding."
Shen Jiushuang’s voice fell to the ground, and the hot heat in the abdomen suddenly turned into a thin line, which was led out from the abdomen position and ran to the perineum position, and then suddenly there was a stinging and hot feeling at a point in the perineum.
After a few seconds, the line of force extends again.
While giving Xu tui guidance, Shen Jiushuang also spoke.
"A hundred years ago, Xiao Sunday’s handling was carried out from a big hole in the human body, but a hundred years ago, people were able to practice venting, that is, the energy field.
Since the great era of gene, Cheng Fengxi, a great master, first took the path of sudden evolution of gene limit, and then inferred that Gu Wu discovered Xiao Zhoutian’s carrying gene chain.
A total of ten gene base points can form a small closed-loop cycle, which will not only consume the body, but also replenish it and last longer in combat.
These ten gene bases have no fresh features and stimulation methods, which are extremely difficult for others to find and feel.
Later, the unique guiding inheritance of our gene Gu Wu was formed.
You will mainly remember how much you can remember from the ten genetic basis points of the Qi walking route.
Ten gene base points can’t be found accurately. Without this, you can’t find it accurately without dozens of guided localization.
In the future, you can find other people or brothers and sisters to help you guide and locate, "Shen Jiushuang said.
The walking route of the energy field is clear once.
However, as Shen Jiushuang said, it is very difficult to find and remember these ten genetic basis points at one time even if a teacher personally guides them.
The guiding anchor point is a point larger than the tip of a needle at a certain position and not the body surface.
The human body feels less accurate.
No wonder Shen Jiushuang said it would take at least dozens of times.
But it’s hard not to retreat.
Shen Jiushuang directly entered the illusory visual state when he retired for the second time.
Illusory visual state Shen Jiushuang’s guidance is like drawing an extremely simple energy field diagram for Xu tui.
Just make a refund and remember it.
At the end of the third time, Shen Jiushuang recovered his forehead with a single palm and slightly sweated.
This kind of guidance to others is much more difficult than self-cultivation.
This is another important factor that restricts the development of gene Gu Wu at present.
Shen Jiushuang asked about the walking route of Xu’s retreat field. Did you remember that there is no gene base point position? You should take your time after the orientation is correct.
Xu retired and answered, remember.

At the same time, Jinyang suddenly felt this familiar feeling in his heart. It must be because Vulcan Zhu Rong’s little broken Yuan God kept his memory.

So Jinyang heart is a little surprised. Vulcan Zhu Rong has been falling for tens of thousands of years. freya’s dark golden light is definitely not small. In Jinyang heart, I feel faint that it will definitely build with the universe.
Just then, a loud roar suddenly sounded, and some dragons mingled with it. I felt that Jinyang turned back slightly, and the huge body of Qing Jiao had already shot to my eyes.
In the confused eyes of all, the dumpling body quickly narrowed into a small blue snake with a length of meters, and the fear was greater than that of climbing in front of freya, and the slender snake body trembled slightly.
There was a dust and a spontaneous expression in the presence of people. There was a smile in the depths of their eyes, and everyone else was puzzled, especially the golden sun.
At this moment, freya’s body actually slowly changed back to the body. In the eyes of everyone’s surprise, it instantly changed back into a glittering and translucent blood snake. Zhang Xu’s perfect body is like blood jade, dark red, lotus flower flashing, blood snake belly shining, and there is a blood bead hidden in it, which slowly beats.
In Jinyang, we are very nervous and don’t want to be silent. Everyone is not mortal and breathing is not as big as ordinary people. The beating sound of blood beads is as slow as a human heart, and it will only beat slightly once every ten seconds. However, every time it beats, the lotus flower will be more abundant. In less than ten minutes, the lotus flower will gradually deepen from red to purple.
All of a sudden, all the lotus flower instantly retracted, and freya’s body soon disappeared. Instead, it was a strange purple light, but it was the wild breath released by the purple light that made Jinyang frown.
Although the breath is not very strong, it is indeed the purest breath of the universe. At this moment, the purple blue fairy’s eyes burst into murderous look, and even she herself wondered why there would be murderous look. However, Zhi Xiang’s face was still full of curiosity, and her eyes blinked at freya’s body.
At the first time, Jinyang noticed that his murderous face was covered with frost and gave off a strong cold breath. For Jinyang, freya was his closest relative at present. Who killed freya? That is to say, Jinyang killed his heart. According to Jinyang’s guidelines for treating enemies who had already killed, he would rather kill thousands of people by mistake and never let go of one.
Seeing this dust, two people immediately flashed to Zilan and Zhixiang, and put them in Jinyang to prevent Zilanxian from being harmful to freya.
The two of them know about Jinyang. If something goes wrong with this little blood snake, Jinyang will go crazy. When Jinyang explodes with anger, no one knows whether it will show the breath of the wild, and it will surely attract the attention of you. If the secret of Jiulian Jianzong Back Mountain is exposed, the loss will be great.
Although a dust two people with a full face of vigilance, but eyes still can’t help but show joy from time to time have a glance at freya body full of strange goods.
Jinyang looked at Yichen and knew that freya wouldn’t be in danger. He kept sending out a cold breath. He slowly looked back and Qing Jiao kicked him in the past and shouted, "Tell me what happened?"
Fortunately, Qing Jiao’s body was hard enough, and it was just a painful kick in Jinyang. Although it was nothing serious, he was still furious, but when he saw freya’s body, the irate look suddenly disappeared.
Looked at Jinyang and said with his head down, "She is a dragon clan. Although the dragon clan looks down on our dumpling, we dumpling clan must have an audience ceremony when they meet the dragon clan."
At this moment, the freya snake body suddenly changed, and pieces of scales flashed with purple light. Two purple wraps were like antlers, and the dragon horn suddenly stretched out. A purple light spewed out from Shekou directly wrapped freya’s whole head in it.
Then a dragon sings out the golden sun’s head, and when it is struck by lightning, it suddenly looks at the growing body and mutters, "The ancient blood finally wakes up, and it seems that the dragon clan has not become extinct."
(I’m very tired today, but I’m missing 16 of the 2 chapters. After I remember it, I’ll continue to work on 4 chapters every day. On that day, I’ll make up 5 chapters slowly. The brackets belong to these 16 chapters.)
Chapter 135 Why
Chapter 135 Why
Yi Long’s slender dragon body leaped into the semi-fortunately, the scope of the "four-phase extinction array" was large enough, otherwise freya would not know how many old enemies it would lure.
Cause and effect have been seen in my heart. Seeing this situation, Jinyang hurriedly flew up at an extremely fast speed and followed the past. I was afraid that freya would break the large array and leak her body. Maybe those monks and monks will be annoyed immediately. Although they are a young dragon, the credit is definitely not small.
The Shenlong clan is the strongest individual. If it weren’t for too few members, there would have been more than 10,000 people in its heyday. Tens of thousands of years ago, the Honghuang clan must have been the Shenlong clan. If the Shenlong clan had a million people, the Asura clan would never dare to commit military ambitions, and it would not have been successfully attacked by Western Buddhism.
At the sight of the golden sun, there was another burst of dragons in freya, emitting purple light, and the size of the body shrank rapidly, and soon it returned to normal size.
However, compared with the sleeping child, the figure of a person has changed completely. The body is long and the flesh and blood are even. The face of Lotus is low and the eyebrows are low. A purple light wrapped around the hair naturally hangs behind him.
Delicate melon face flashing purple light eyes overflowing with enchanting body red luo wrapped in a purple, but outsiders can’t see it, let Jinyang slowly put it in the throat, and there are several men present who will eat too much if they are seen.
Gently open those phoenix eyes and shoot out two purple flowers. The first person to see Jinyang’s slightly changed face immediately smiled and said, "Dad? What happened to your face? But it looks much better than before. "
Jinyang Nai’s appearance was changed by following Vulcan body, but I was still delighted to see freya wake up. After so many days, I finally woke up and put the boulder on my heart.
At this time, everyone followed up and looked at freya, who was wrapped in purple. All his faces were flashing with strange looks.
Violet and blue fairy face is more murderous, but she is also very confused. I don’t know why and what will show murderous look uncontrollably.
A dust and autogenous two people must be a face lit up, especially freya’s purple body still has a little common sense about the universe. They are very white and purple in their heads. What does it mean? Although not sure, freya is definitely a dragon clan.
The Hunger’s old ghost looks a little strange. The The Hunger Gate is also described by the Dragon Family. Although it is a simple phrase, there is one thing that he knows. Since the four seas dragon body rose to heaven thousands of years ago, there has never been a dragon, not to mention that the Dragon Family is not at the same level.
Zhi Xiangxian saw a slight change in freya’s face when he raised his right hand and a shiny robe appeared in her hand, giving off a strong fairy aura.
Smiled and came forward to give freya to wear, but spontaneous immediately flashed to the front of her to stop her from being alert. The Hunger, an old ghost, followed suit and shot up. He had long felt the purple and blue fairy body’s murderous look lightly.
Feel the action behind Jinyang turned his head and stared at Zhi Xiang’s handsome and abnormal face. A slight warmth in his heart slowly said, "Let her come over."
I looked at the dust, and the latter sighed. I could slowly give in. Zhi Xiangxian flew to Jinyang and handed freya a robe.
However, when Zhi Xiangxiang approached freya, he was a stranger. The dragon clan was naturally alert and hurriedly prepared to dodge aside. Even after she saw Zhi Xiangxiang’s handsome appearance, her eyes suddenly lit up and her body naturally stopped.
Without resistance, the sense of vigilance was completely put on, and when I took over the robe, I wore it all over my body. All of us could feel that fairy aura disappeared instantly, and the missing part shrank to freya’s body theory, such as trying to detect or detect the slightest.

Du pterosaur was worried about how to provoke it, but instead commanded "speed up"

The captain’s terminology ordered "speed forward"
The 25-ton fishing boat is no smaller than the 3,000-ton destroyer, and the fishing ground was immediately disturbed by the wind and waves.
In addition to throwing a harpoon, we can avoid a 100-ton kid desperately, especially because the fishing boat of the martial arts school suddenly turned and was almost overturned by the waves.
In this way, it not only destroys the achievements of the fleet in one day, but also …
An impatient Slavic made a shot, perhaps a pike during the Russo-Japanese War, regardless of pulling the trigger.
"Bang" is a bit boring, which finally lifts morale.
Du pterosaur "ha ha" laughed. "This is their first shot. Okay, let’s rush over and return."
"It’s the return flight". The captain quickly ordered that he didn’t want to be killed by random guns. The history of dead rifle admirals is quite shameful.
The 25-ton fishing boat turned its head and went to the deep bay. The flat body swayed as if it had not damaged the roots.
The Slavs of the fishing boat were naturally angry, especially when the fishing gear was damaged. Several boats did not hesitate to chase after them. Anyway, there was nothing else to do today.
Du pterodactyl is a modified new ship, and it can run happily when two engines are started. The fishing boats behind it will follow after all.
Near the deep bay, Du pterosaur picked up the telescope and counted, "One, two, three, four, five ships are not bad, captain. Let’s trick them into entering the port slowly."
The 25-ton fishing boat wriggled and gradually returned to the simple dock in Shenwan.
The fishing boat behind hesitated for a moment, but it followed, especially the fisherman with an old gun from the Russo-Japanese War, who was sharpening his knife and preparing for a big fight.
However, anyone who lives by plundering natural resources has a heroic spirit of fighting against the world, or it is said that barbarism is synonymous with manual labor farmers. If you can’t fool the seven fairies, miners, loggers and fishermen who usually plan the earth for a generation will give people a different impression. Strong muscles and hot temper often represent the most desperate groups …
Du pterosaur fishing boat disturbed their harvest for a day and broke many objects. Whether they can get compensation or not is always right to teach them a lesson.
In a rather strong revenge, five fishing boats finally saw the simple pier
"When was there anything here?" The sailors of the first fishing boat ran off the deck.
In front of them is almost a modern military fortress
The iron fence on the concrete wall is like a middle camp in the shadow.
A mortar shell fell into the water.
"Bang bang bang"
This time it’s M2 Browning’s third burst.
"Ship is ship" Du Yilong hand also took out light and heavy weapons and turned to the Russian ship.
The old gun owner touched the old gun and was stopped by the crazy crew.
After all, they are fishermen, and they have never seen a shell explode at close range.
The captain around Du pterosaur should be more shy than they are-naval officers can’t get enough of guns.
Five fishing boats, with heavy machine guns, watched the Dupterosaur fishing boat commander stop at the simple dock in turn.
"Let’s all take a boat." Du Yilong patted his raincoat and felt that his pants were getting wet.
How good can the natural conditions be in Suwu where sheep can stay?
"Are you pirates?" Fishermen have reason to wonder that although Lake Baikal has an area no less than that of the offshore and a depth more than that of the offshore, it is a lake after all. Who will do what pirates can’t escape, and more importantly, what will they rob to make a fortune?
Fishermen have fish, which does not meet the demand of pirate cash distribution.
Du pterosaur touched his ear and smiled. It was a bit strange to borrow the konjac talking line. "You broke into our fishing ground."
"How hard is it to understand that this is our fishing ground?"
"We have been fishing here for generations."
"Oh, don’t come fishing here after your ship is confiscated, is that clear?"
Of course, the fishermen didn’t do it, but they were forcibly twisted out.
The captain couldn’t bear to say, "They are poor workers after all."
"We will compensate them when they are assigned to the Siberian camp." Du pterosaur didn’t bother to pay attention to this stupid navy. If everything is fair and just, everyone will build warships and raise the navy.