Without Herman Goering, Rudolf Hess and Goebbels, does this man still have a chance to become the devil of the world and change Germany into the world?

Chen Tianxin’s answer is very contradictory. Without such an environment, this person’s potential cannot be denied. You know, rebellion was doomed from the moment he was born, and living in Vienna gave him a profound understanding of reality. During the war, he disdained to join the Austrian army because he saw through the decay and decline of Habsburg dynasty and was crazy about war, which reflected his human nature on the other hand.
Just as Chentian was immersed in his thoughts, juliana woke up a little
This will make the atmosphere very awkward, and Chen Tian soon realized this.
"Major, I forgot you hurt your hand … is it okay to eat like this?"
After all, it is very likely that the lines designed by a dramatist are not in good condition in actual situations. It is hard to imagine in which direction this meeting will be held, whether it will be an instant hit or a blunt scene.
Obviously, this problem also caught Adolf off guard. Fortunately, this "celebrity" who has received a lot of attention has not shown the situation on this occasion.
"Positions although some difficult but less can also fork and spoon! Fact … It is a great honor to have lunch with your Queen’s Temple. Even so … there will be no regrets! "
"Major, don’t you worry that the attendants will cut the food for you!" Juliana comforted Adolf with a smile. "This is an informal dinner party. You see there is no stranger here … I said yes!"
"Yes!" Chen Tian hurriedly agreed that for a monarch who is not very sociable, a queen like juliana who grew up in a royal family and has a good grasp of etiquette and words on various occasions is a very useful supplement, but it is still the most important factor in politics for outsiders to see the combination of the two.
Adolf’s own free hand over there gently pulled the napkin and said in a small way.
"The Queen’s Palace … It’s very kind of you!"
Chen Tian nodded to the attendant on one side to signal that the dinner party was formal.
Fish roes from Russia are carefully cooked by the royal chef, and roasted rabbit meat makes people appetite at first sight. Fried steak, fragrant pine mushroom and clam soup, as well as local Spanish mackerel and sea shrimp are a normal lunch for Chentian and juliana, but it is definitely a rare delicacy for Adolf, a soldier who came from the front not long ago.
During the meal, Chen Tian and juliana tacitly reduced the frequency of speaking so that this special guest could focus more on the food. It can be seen that Adolf is really hungry. During the meal, he kept his proper manners as much as possible, but he forgot that when members of the royal family attended the high-level dinner, would anyone eat half a rabbit, three steaks, a fish and a plate of soup, even though these foods were cut by the attendants before putting them on his plate?
Fortunately, Chen Tianhe and juliana didn’t mind this, but looked kindly at Adolf, who was still eating. Before the temperature of some food on the table dropped to need to be reheated, he finally put the spoon in his hand. The squire immediately removed the table and tray to change coffee and tea for three people-Chen Tianhe and Adolf were both coffee and tea in juliana.
"I saw your story in General Hartman’s report. To be honest, you are one of the few officers I know who can combine wisdom, courage and command, so I specially arranged such a dinner party and asked them to keep it strictly confidential until you arrived here!"
Chen Tian’s words are a supplementary reason for inviting Adolf to dinner. Although this invitation doesn’t have to have any reason, Chen Tian hopes that this explanation can reassure Adolf. After all, it is impossible for him to tell him about another world.
Adolf brushed up from his position. "It’s my honor to be appreciated. It’s a high reward for me to have lunch with you. Now I hope to get well as soon as possible, return to the army as soon as possible, and contribute my strength to the empire and career, even if I have to sacrifice my life!"
It’s not surprising that this lofty aspiration comes from another person’s mouth, but who is this in front of you? Others don’t know Chentian, but it is very clear.
Is he really willing to live in a house? So his hidden ambition lost the opportunity to sprout?
At this time, there is an indescribable feeling that once a certain branch of history changes, many things will change with it, but this change is by no means complete. Herman Goering died in the battlefield. Rudolf Hess retired from the Sixth Army and went to a small factory. Goebbels worked as a teacher at the University of Heidelberg, but Deng Nici, Lei Deer, guderian, Manstein and Rommel have a life track quite close to history. Most of their talents have been recognized, especially Deng Nici and guderian, two heroes who have long been in Germany. Compared with Adolf, they are still unknown.
Chen Tian waved a face of excitement and Adolf sat down.
"Major, your courage and loyalty are beyond doubt. You deserve this medal after your contribution!"
A ring has already been prepared to stand beside Chentian, and the attendants will hit a delicate wooden box with a medal with two colors of blue and gold, which is lying quietly inside. The cross is made up of four arrow shapes, which is a kind of blue arrow between sky blue and sea blue, and four golden arrows are flying eagle.
This is the second place in the German army, second only to the Grand Cross. For a German soldier from a civilian background, winning the Blue Max Medal is already a very high honor.
When I got up, I personally took the medal out of the box and went to Adolf. I gently pinned it on Adolf’s chest and saluted.
"Pursuit …" Adolf’s eyes were full of tears. Since he was told at the door half an hour ago that "Emperor Pursuit invited you to have lunch", he was like entering a dream and was happier than dreaming.
Just when Adolf was too excited to know what to say, Chentian patted him on the shoulder. "Come on, I think we can have a good talk!" "
Adolf rushed nodded.
"Is that okay?" Chen Tian smiled and looked at the tea being served. juliana, a former Dutch princess, was very keen on tea from the East when she came here. This time, it is natural to taste all kinds of famous teas in person. It seems to Chen Tian that her English drinking method of pouring milk into tea can not taste the real taste of tea.
"Of course!" Juliana elegantly held the teacup in front of him. This happy major is certainly not a dangerous man. What can men talk about together besides being keen on the military?
So when Chen Tian and Adolf had a long face-to-face talk in the room, Adolf was still a little restrained, so Chen Tian deliberately chose some things like military career, Adolf, such a light topic as battlefield anecdote, gradually let go. When talking about Austria, especially Vienna, Adolf showed his knowledge in humanities, history and art. Before he knew it, Chentian changed from a protagonist to an audience, and Adolf became a speaker from a guest. He not only gave Chentian, an art layman, a small lesson in modern art, but also did not shy away from pointing out the existing establishment of the Navy’s Sixth Team. Some shortcomings of equipment warfare mode Adolf euphemistically expressed his view that Japanese people are stubborn and despicable and can be saved. They and their emperor system should be eliminated, but it is too expensive to directly land on the 6 th island. It is more suitable to deal with such island bombing and water blockade.
Three hours of long talk, let Chen Tian tell the world adolf? Hitler got some deeper understanding, but before he gave Adolf a new position, the wounded man who even had problems walking freely had to take care of his injury honestly.
Destroy the day Chapter one hundred and thirty-five Artificial hero ()
On the second Wednesday after Chentian came to Qingdao, Christmas came quietly in 1929. It was windy outside, and it was cloudy but there was no snow. In Germany, the square and buildings next to the streets in Qingdao, the military and economic center of the Far East, were carefully arranged according to the German Christmas habit. Small lights and gift boxes can be seen at the entrance of shops and hotels, and a Christmas carriage will be placed to attract people’s attention. Even if the economic conditions are poor, some merchants will write "Merry Christmas" in German with pictures or large banners.
Because the street is busy, it takes a little longer than usual for the bus to cross the city to go to the Far East Group headquarters. However, it will calm down if you look at the cheerful pedestrians outside the window and the children with different heights, western faces and oriental faces in the church choir, and then listen to the heavenly carols sung by their children’s voices.
"Merry Christmas!"
It’s only a few tens of meters away from the entrance of the headquarters to the main battle command room, and the oncoming officers greet each other. In Germany, Christmas is a good day to drink beer and eat roast duck and go out for a trip. Although the soldiers here have to continue to struggle in their respective posts because of their duties, everyone is very relaxed except one person, that is, the nephew of Marshal mackensen, the first assistant intelligence officer in Chentian.
"This came from Berlin an hour ago!" As soon as he entered the door, Schobert had an extremely serious expression, which made people know at a glance that he brought bad news.
Chen Tian took a document from him, which occupied half of the paper. Three paragraphs roughly said that Rheinische Zeitung published an encouraging anti-war article today, accusing the government of spending huge manpower and material resources to fight a war far away from Wan Li and killing a large number of outstanding German soldiers in the distant battlefield. This is neither rational nor responsible. Because Rheinische Zeitung has a great influence in central and western Germany, especially in small and medium-sized cities, this article is likely to let more German civilians join the anti-war camp. In addition, the intelligence department learned that opposition parties and some civil organizations, such as the Freedom League, which has always held peaceful and anti-war views, are actively preparing for an anti-war demonstration, and their activities are mainly aimed at workers in major factories. Although their demonstrations will be arranged for most workers to rest on Sundays, such activities will obviously affect the enthusiasm of workers to continue the national war machine.
After reading this report, Chen Tian’s expression is a little serious, he said to Schubert
"I know you go first! I’ll call you again if I have any orders! "
"Yes!" Schubert left with that look on his face when he came in.
Thinking alone for three or four minutes, Chen Tian rang the bell and asked the attendants to call Lundstedt and Manstein, who had just returned to the headquarters to report on their work.
Five minutes later, the three generals walked into Chentian’s office in turn according to their ranks. Today, they are all wearing the new 6 th Army, and they are all very clean and tidy. However, the color of the Kleist Army is a little lighter than that of the other two, which is not obvious. But when the three of them are side by side, the difference is still obvious. This is the difference between commanding the first-line troops to weather the wind and rain outside and staying in the room most of the time.
"Please convey my Christmas greetings to your families and ministries, wishing them a merry Christmas, happiness and health!"
Almost unanimously, the three men replied, "Thank you, we will give it to you!"
"Please sit down!" Chen Tian led them to the square sand room on the side of the office. When everyone was seated, he said, "I called everyone here today to tell you that the anti-war sentiment in China is gradually rising, and there are more and more calls for us to end the war as soon as possible!"
Of the three people, only Kleist was surprised that Lundstedt and Manstein stayed in the group headquarters so that they could hear more outside the battlefield, and they didn’t deliberately hide it.
Lundstedt was the first to say, "I beg your pardon, the voice of opposing war has been there since we fought against the Japanese. I think these people are either economically or otherwise connected with the Japanese and are afraid that the war will damage their interests;" Either it is biased against the government and the army; There are still some people who I think are Japanese spies or bought by the Japanese early! "
"Yes, I think so!" Manstein then said, "No matter when trying to maintain peace by non-war means, there are people, but history has proved that only by force can a country’s security be guaranteed and real peace be achieved!"


There is no doubt that Su Jing has made great achievements again, and the real person is very busy there with the treasure blade of luck. After he has finished his business, he will not delay greeting his companions and return to the East.
Su Jing also declined princess royal’s request not to go with her to visit the Six Wings Imperial Pool. The temptation curse is to go back to the body collector and kill a thousand knives in the hot sun. It’s 960 knives away from dzogchen. This last step is not finished. Su Jing, if you can get unnecessary entertainment, hurry up and practice.
Su Jing left in a hurry without even eating a meal. princess royal was a little lost in his heart. How can I say this feeling? It’s not Su Jing’s contempt, but it seems that there is no place worthy of attention … But princess royal didn’t expect that a great event will happen soon after the end of the mountain alliance.
A full-accumulated monster with a huge spirit state went straight into the sphere of influence of the final mountain alliance. A large group of demon fairy soldiers will be wearing helmets and armor, and the new leader will lead a group of immortals to worship the mountain. They want to ask the monsters who came here to ignore a member of the general, and if you dare to step half a step, you will invade Tortoise State. Then fight!
The ferocity of demon fairy’s fierce and fierce Lingzhou is amazing. This group of fierce immortals is by no means affordable to the final mountain alliance.
When the new leader was at a loss, the tortoise state leader, the big snake monster, the second leader, the commander-in-chief of the Silver Dragon, the third leader, the mighty general, and the fourth leader … One-inch black snake, I don’t know what’s going on, and a group of leaders and commanders were fierce. demon fairy went directly to the Six Wings Imperial Pool, and the monsters in the field were diffuseness, and there was no more ferocity. The root was to visit friends and worship the mountains.
Turtle state moves into southeast fairy heaven
This state is a small light-headed family territory, and specially went to the Southeast Six Wings Imperial Pool to watch the neighboring areas. From then on, the Six Wings Imperial Pool swung its arms and turned its somersaults. Let’s eat the sea and see who dares not to be black and windy. Let’s see who dares to covet Dongtiandao and give a stack of resources to princess royal!
Su Jing will return to the sun of the corpse collector and then escape into the sun where the predecessors left a hundred miles. Continue to practice killing thousands of knives and practice leisure. Su Jing will also think of one thing … a lance.
Although there is a joke in Gao Cailie’s words, it is also a fact that Su Jing didn’t match the technique today.
Gan Lin’s sword has been refined into himself. Without Su Jing, he is a sword. He is a weapon himself, and he doesn’t need to take it anymore. This is true, but if there is another magic sword, Su Jing’s combat power will rise to a new level.
Besides, Zhenyang and Zhenmo are both good magic swords, and Su Jing’s two swords can bear Su Jingli’s display. However, these two swords can only ensure that Su Jing can exert one hundred percent of his fighting power, while good magic is one hundred percent of his bonus, which is very different.
It’s Su Jing who is too powerful today. The universe is vast and poor. It’s not easy to find a weapon while taking advantage of it. It’s hard to find a weapon material even if you ignore the length of time.
For example, when the fake Buddha got the "Tianyuan Iron Moon", it was already a great material. Otherwise, the fake Buddha wouldn’t have to cast a special spell to hide the treasure, but the treasure cast by the iron moon was far from being worthy of Su Jing.
Life and death can’t be too close and far apart, but they don’t delay talking. Obviously, Jin Liangliang has already told the Xiaojinwu that when he saw Su Jinglai, Jin Liangliang waved "ask, ask".
A group of kids saluted in disorder, saying that they were all younger generations. See the only one who didn’t bow down to Su Jing’s robe, but called him uncle.
After the ceremony, it was a mess to sign up for the big sun, which was very taboo to the body collector. It also affected the little sun dolls, and they all dared not look Su Jing in the eye. So did the little girl who gave a gift to Su Jingxing’s peers. His name was Jin Lao, and it was so easy to remember the name.
Jin Liangliang, the young man who signed up, touched his hair and said to Su Jingdao, "Don’t underestimate him. Don’t look down on him. Although it’s a doll, you and I respect him. He has great talent. Three hundred years ago, he was proved to be a cunning general."
Ascending to the seventh rank will not change the seniority of the God Crow, but the God Crow will not show seniority and treat each other with courtesy.
The phrase "asking the spirit" is too vague. Su Jing is not very platinum and bright. He knows that he is puzzled. He patted the "little old child" with his palm. "Can it be put to good use here?"
"Can anyone die here?" It seems that Jin Lao, who is only five years old, nodded happily and followed his hands, respectively. He pressed his eyebrows and his heart to curse, and then Su Jing and others suddenly heard a heavy sigh.
This sigh comes from the depths of the star stone, which is old, naive and sad. It is by no means a movement in a group of large and small suns.
Su Jingxian is one leng before blinking … The star stone near the corpse collector’s sun has been visited by him, so we know that this star stone has a named body. Ordinary immortals don’t know whether it was hunted down or why he died alone. This star stone has been there for many years before Su Jingcheng’s corpse collector.
Su Jing won’t disturb the dead and ignore it.
At the moment a sigh from the body nearby.
"A sigh before death is not a last word, but also an obsession. It was his last thought when he died … so long after he died." Jin Lao blinked and explained vaguely, but shed tears. The tears of the sun fell to the ground and became a flame. It was beautiful. The small spark easily burned this star stone through the hole of little finger thickness.
"Ask the spirit" is not a dialogue between the dead, let alone wake up the corpse soldiers. Ghosts will only restore their "scattered thoughts" before they die, but ask the spirit that when they die, the sad little Sun feels the same way, and he will shed tears unconsciously.
Nothing to do … but it’s amazing enough. God knows how evil Buddha’s mind was before he died. How long did he die?
This star stone body is the most common fairy family, and it is amazing that it has been dead for countless 50,000 years or 500,000 years, and it can also restore a sigh before his death.
Su Jing looks strange and magical, but he doesn’t have much practical experience to seal the crow’s nest.
Anyway, god crow is all kinds of crooked ways and tricks, and once you get to the extreme, you can seal it
Jin Liangliang shook his head. "He can help you a lot, and then … this child will have a big place in the future. God knows, please take good care of him."
God knows what will make sense. Su Jing immediately nodded and followed Jin Liangliang and pointed to his little sun "still … and this group of children are all the younger generations in my family who want you to take care of them."
Su Jing has experienced too many dangerous and strange things, and her body and mind are deep enough to be really surprised, but after hearing Jin Liangliang’s words, Su Jingxin’s earthquake was extremely terrible!
What is this?
Divide into orphans
Unless there is a catastrophe, what else can make the big sun take care of the child again and ask them to send it to the corpse collector to look after it?
Su Jing’s face sank. "What’s going on?"
"In the future, my uncle will personally tell you that" Jin Liangliang’s eyes are dim "and that I won’t travel far or far recently. You can look at each other from afar, and we can take care of the little babies together, but it is more and more appropriate for them to follow you."
The body collector is unlucky, but the body collector is very powerful. This fairy is stronger than Su Jing. A few little girls in the fairy family are more secure in the sun.
Jin Liangliang is also a god who will not fight, but he is far from Su Jing.
However, Su Jing’s strength may not be able to "offset" his bad luck. It is still a god knows what will happen. His old man’s house has its own meaning, and the sun needs to ask and do it.
Su Jing won’t refuse to nod his head and want to ask the truth of "trusting an orphan" again. Jin Liangliang shook his head. This matter will be told to Su Jing by God crow in the future …
I have seen Jin Liangliang, and Su Jing has a few hundred little things around him. Su Jing frowned when he went back.

A thousand silk kites did not move.

"What to do?" Ling Si night asked incredulously
"Tang Ying can always make it fly." Tang Meng said faintly that he knew that it was very close to him. Suddenly, some people thought that he was also afraid that the gentle jade man had been enduring so much, but he didn’t know that his care for the past five or six years was already someone else.
He must have been there that night, right? It must have hurt a lot.
Ling Si took the kite in the night and stood in the palm of his hand. He just "lifted" the kite and flew.
"How did you do it?" Tang Meng frowned.
"Just put the strength in the palm of your hand," Ling Si said with a smile at night.
Tang Meng took the kite and made a "start" according to Ling Si’s night talk. If so, the thousand silk kites flew.
"It worked! If the snow that wench but practiced several times! " Tang Meng has a smiling face.
"Dream, let’s wait for news from my father," Ling Si said lightly at night.
Tang Mengxin Zheng is naturally white, so it is not good to confront Tang Ying head-on. If he is really looking for blood foxes, it will be very troublesome.
"Well" nodded and promised not to ask much.
Suddenly there was silence, and the colorful thousand silk paper kites were suspended.
Tang Meng’s eyes are full of complexity, serious meditation and sudden hesitation. Should I tell Tang Ying the truth?
Let him face Tang Meng forgetting or let him face Tang Meng leaving?
It seems that everything is cruel.
He calculated so painstakingly that he arranged beside her Ouyang Qing and thyme drunk to the case of Xiangfu Jiao Ren to attract Ling Si’s attention at night. What is it that attracts them all the way up to now?
The only thing that is certain will not harm her …
Bai di Huang cheng
A bustling scene, however, is not a business trip at most, but a tourist
The most famous in the imperial city is the White Jade Palace.
Almost the whole palace is made of white jade, but those who go to Baidi Imperial City will spend a few days watching along the palace wall, although they can’t enter the palace.
The appearance alone is unforgettable, let alone the palace, but few people can enter the palace.
In addition to the opportunity for the ministers of the DPRK to go out early every day, outsiders can enter the Baidi royal family, and now there is only one queen of the phoenix dance, who was the only daughter in the former Taidian and was not born by the princess.
No one knows that Taidian hasn’t been there since Taifei disappeared, nor does Taidian know that Taidian is about to inherit the throne and suddenly dies of illness.
For so many years, Prince Ning has dealt with all matters in the DPRK, and the minister in the DPRK was once a consort of Prince Ning, who will one day usurp the throne. However, after so many years, Prince Ning has devoted himself to assisting the Queen’s roots, and the minister in the DPRK has devoted himself to it. Such a strange phenomenon is really rare.
The palace is really more luxurious than all the palaces are decorated with jade, but it is nothing to the royal family who has mastered many jade mines.
Ministers whispering at the white jade stone steps went outside the palace in succession.
The phoenix dance is on the side of the tower, looking at everyone with a lonely face. Behind the palace is a lonely and huge palace. In fact, she is such a master.
"What does the emperor think?" Ning prince came up respectfully asked
"Uncle, take me to the slave palace!" Feng Wu turned his head and got excited. There is still an uncle who hasn’t left.
"Emperor, this is not the place where you can go." Prince Ning has a serious face.
"Uncle! I’ll just walk over there and people probably won’t recognize who I am! " Phoenix dance adamant4 up.
"The emperor should have an emperor in this palace." Prince Ning is still serious about pulling hands.
Phoenix dance frowned and said, "Report, you should also go back." Anger and anger said that it was to turn around and stride towards the bedroom and go to a large group of handmaids and slaves not far behind, hurriedly and quickly.
Until the phoenix dance figure disappeared in the line of sight, Prince Ning slowly turned around and his handsome cold face gradually revealed Naise.
Behind this high platform is a magnificent palace, and you can have a panoramic view of the whole imperial city when you look at it in front of you. I don’t know if you can return to your place when you are in the imperial palace, and you can unify this continent in nine days.
The white magic behind him is Ouyang Qing.
"A new group of people in the suzerain slave palace have been waiting for a long time" with a low head and a respectful attitude.
"How much?" Prince Ning asked lightly that all those who entered the slave palace had something to ask Prince Ning to come on his own initiative. It was Tang Ying who invited him on his own initiative that year.
"There are fifteen left after passing the examination," Ouyang Qing answered truthfully.
Prince Ning turned and walked to the right without saying anything more.
The outermost tower on the right side of the palace goes straight into the sky, which is particularly eye-catching. It is made of black jade. From a distance, it is gloomy. This is the slave palace. Layer by layer is a test. It has reached the nineteenth floor, and it is possible to make a contract for a slave.
Everyone knows that this is a slave palace, but they don’t know that this is also part of the magic way. The 19th floor is the magic way.
25 major disasters
Update the tyrant as soon as possible. I swear I won’t miss the latest chapter!
A stream on the edge of Wandashan Mountain flows out slowly to hide in this dense forest. The boat has stopped for a whole day and a night.
The bow Lingsi night and Tang Meng sat silent for a long time. Tang Meng slid back his shoes and socks and fiddled with the water barefoot, raising waves of water from time to time.
Ling Si frowned at night and didn’t know what he was thinking.
And the little doll in the cabin still didn’t wake up.
"It’s time to start." Ling Siye finally said.
Tang Meng was stupefied. "What about the child?"
"Kill" Lingsi night light replied.
"No" Tang Meng immediately denied it
"She is very dangerous." Ling Si said seriously at night that Xiao Lao had inquired about everything from the village. The child was afraid that it was really Tang Ying who stayed.
"She is a child!" Tang Meng said angrily.
"You saw the couple’s death." Ling Si gently took her over at night. The child was only five or six years old, but she could be so cruel. If she is really Tang Yingdi, the only possibility is that the child is possessed and can’t control her magic.
Tang Meng Zheng didn’t know what to say in her heart. After Xiao Lao came back, she and Ling Si went to die in person in that big house. The old couple obviously died of blood. The blood everywhere in this house is like a hell.
This child is dangerous, dangerous.
It will be a great disaster if we don’t save another day today!
Ling Si will get up when she sees her in silence at night.

Once he put his life’s practice to work, he cultivated himself from the mountain in a way that was most beneficial to the clan, and finally gave him the consolation of the evil spirit, but he was a little relieved.

The first rain in the world not only broke the magic of "Blissful Death", but it was pure and pure. It was the source of life-it was the first time that Zhongtu Gankun appeared in the real spirit, and it was the rain that made every brother who left the mountain and every treasure that was refined in the body moistened, and its power soared!
From the mirror-closing order to "do everything possible" for a group of demon monks to Shen Tu Lingling to meet the enemy in the rain, it took only three or two breaths. After the heavy rain fell, my brother was hitting six thousand ink arrows.
Rain has the effect of clearing the heart and inspiring Gem’s power. Unfortunately, rain can’t erase the demon monk’s testimonies …
Rainstorms on sunny nights become violent flashes and thunders.
Tianyun, but that flash came to the sharp purple arc, and it was ferocious and fierce, as if the whip of monty was going to tear the sky apart … It really cracked the vast night, and a black and purple crack was visible to the naked eye!
Just after the purple flash bloomed, a deep crack remained in the center of the canopy.
The thunder roared and flashed and bloomed endlessly, each time more dazzling than the last, each time sharper and fuller than the last. I don’t know what heaven has violated. At this moment, it is sinful and is being beaten by heavy lightning!
The scars and cracks are so heavy that they seem to collapse.
Thunderstorms come and dissipate faster, and the thunder is ferocious in two breaths and dissipates after two breaths, so it is quiet for a day.
Suddenly, one hand stretched out from a crack in the sky, and the slender, white and beautiful fingernails were trimmed smoothly and roundly, smeared with impatiens juice, which should be the most beautiful hand in Middle-earth.
Without holding a small tambourine in hand, she giggled for a moment, and the owner squeezed into a person from the crack in the awning, with a high bun, big gold rings on her ears and an ancient skirt with an off-the-shoulder tube top.
The woman is not young, and the crow’s feet are in her forties. She was a peerless beauty when she was young, but now she is still so beautiful that she can’t help breathing in front of her.
It’s a pity that Qi Dong has gone to ascend the demon. If he hadn’t left, if others had left the mountain, he would have screamed at the moment, then made a grand gift and shouted, "Grandchildren meet granny tambourine. You look so beautiful like my mother."
Chapter nine hundred and seventy Reinforcements
There is no tambourine in the 3,000-year-old world.
Among the 37,000 demons throughout the ages, it ranks as the 231st tambourine monty!
Rinrin … The tambourine and the monty tambourine are very interesting. It’s like children playing with rattles, but the red rope is wrapped around the drumstick, not wood or stone, but two exquisite bells, which are very pleasant to shake.
The monty tambourine rang.
And the tambourine rattles instantly, and the weirdo shows up instantly, causing cracks all over the sky, and people in the cracks are frowning. Middle-aged coolies, young people who are young before they get old, stupid but dressed luxuriously and fat, beaming with joy, riding a six-legged ox with a red coat, an old woman with a huge gourd in her hand, turning her head and mending her white hair with a thick needle in her hand, one after another, squeezed into a whole hundred weirdos from the cracks.
It’s lucky that Qidong has gone to ascend the demon. If he hadn’t left, if others had left the mountain, he would have broken his head. Monty hesitated vigorously. Monty married Monty, gourd Monty, stingy Monty … A weirdo is a monty!
Group demons join the WTO
After that, the demons danced wildly and rushed to the ground to fight at nine o’clock, and the flower demon monk turned into a hundred arhats.
Monty vs. Lohan! There are no spells, no spells, no spells, monty dancing, monty fighting, monty moves, biting people in his mother’s mouth, scratching his face and pulling his legs on a cloudy day, killing people without looking good, asking him to die!
Not a real monty
Monty stands at an altar among thousands of deities and buddhas in the vast universe. They have a font size and a banner. If the real magic comes at the worst, they can fight against the evil monks in World War I. How can one hundred demons fight against one hundred arhats … There is a real monty loyal and loyal magic Qin Chui in Middle-earth.
But there is also a mountain in the middle earth, and there is a monty hall, where there are 37 thousand demons from ancient times to the present! 1000 magic statues have real images! These images are all true gods and spirits, and Qin Chui is full of spirituality. With these spirits and spiritual demons, he will live in a hundred places and enter the war.
Qin blew his robes, and those who were the magic deities couldn’t come, but they all heard the great curse of Qin Cone, which really entered people and themselves, like loyalty and monty driving them into battle again.
The golem fighting in Farouhan is the unfinished repair of the old monty fighting mirror flower, which ranks fourth among the 17 monks.
Monks and demons went crazy only after World War I …
It was still dark, and Luo Mao woke up in the darkness.
Luo Mao didn’t know that there was a man with the same name and surname who was doing the same job with him in the same place more than 1000 years ago. It was a good job to eat imperial grain, an iron rice bowl and a generous salary to help the world. In the world of the true gentleman, he couldn’t become a monk. Ordinary people have to become monks, eat meat, drink, marry and even go to brothels, but it is allowed to give money. If you don’t give money, you can’t help the world. You can’t rub sand in your eyes
Luo Mao didn’t know that the elder with the same name had encountered a strange thing more than a thousand years ago. A monster came to the temple of the real king and changed his boots unnoticed … But today Luo Mao’s strange thing is much more frightening than the ancient Luo Mao.
Night enveloped the heavens and the earth, and the long lights in the hall made Luo Mao silently pray to the statue of the true king. He prayed for my family’s peace, my mother’s longevity and my son’s health. After that, Luo Mao got up and suddenly saw the tall statue of the true king of Yingwu in front of him and blinked.
Luo Mao was shocked and quickly rubbed his eyes and looked at the elephant or the elephant change. Luo Mao was relieved that he had just woken up and was dizzy, but he didn’t wait for his long breath to make a sudden loud noise, like frowning and staring with anger. The elephant raised his hand and threw himself into the sky!
The statue of Youshi Zhenjun broke through the hall and disappeared in the night!
Luo Mao was stunned and screamed. As soon as he sat down, there was a basin of water behind him to prepare for sweeping. Luo Mao fell into the basin and sat wet on his ass.
Luo Mao wasn’t the only one who fell and flew away, nor was this great statue of the true king.
At the same time, everyone in the hall of the true king in the eastern part of the great flood territory fell in a strange cry; In every hall, the great statue of the real king is broken and disappeared into the night …
A hundred days before the mountain, the magic statue came with great vigour, but that statue was much bigger than the possessed statue, but the Buddha came quietly, like a trace of a breeze. As soon as he appeared in the battlefield, he was burned by karma.
Monty is a fake Buddha, but it’s really big. If the magic weapon in the mountain bun looks solemn when he comes, he sits still and can’t print his smile-he has become his own Buddha. He has not broken it yet. He has to stay at home and cook rice, oil and salt, and continue to cook with the teacher.
Mud plough purgatory is gone, not gone, to be exact, it has become smaller, spreading hundreds of miles of flames, and the hell has become a bigger bonfire. When the fire is gathered, it will not burn others and burn Aozhu alone!
Mud plough purgatory is a flower-by-flower purgatory, which is a fire, but it is not that the demon monk has to burn Aozhu, but that he has to burn it, or that Aozhu has to step into the battlefield, use whatever he wants to curse, and a person "gathers" and bears all the flames.
Aozhu said come at me.
Aozhu said if I don’t go to hell, who will go to hell?
Aozhu said that I was playing with fire in the sea, and that monk was me. Don’t rob anyone.
The fire of the color industry had to flock to Aozhu alone. This is the Dharma of Zhongda in the sea! Just like Qin blowing monty, like Arhat to Fa, he put the magic monk to spend flowers one by one to make the Buddha invincible and resist the pure mud plough flame; The rice, oil and salt are the stars of the universe, and the heart is facing the fire of Buddhism.
Let’s see if the flame burns to the end and the wind goes out, or if my giant Buddha with dragon blood is baked into a delicious turtle. I’m not sure about Aozhu, but there’s a thought in Big Aozhu’s heart that you can’t bake the fragrance, so you die … Aozhu fights alone!
If Aozhu wants to fight alone, how can a demon monk speak the rules and fight fiercely? When Aozhu was on the rampage, that god thunder turned sharply and chopped it off toward Aozhu’s head! The enemy’s strong support has been combined to kill the entrant Wang and then destroy the mountain to win.
The thunder died, and the thunder demon monk released the flowers and swallowed the scriptures. The thunder broke and chopped … When it cut to Aozhu, a big hole suddenly appeared in front of the thunder.

Chapter 322 Believe it or not, I’ll chop your paw.

Zhang Qiang almost sprayed a table.
Others are a face of shock at ling day like looking at a silly.
You hit Zhao Yiming?
Can you blow it any bigger?
"Ha, ha, ha, little security guard, do you know how ridiculous you are?"
"Beat zhao less? Bah! "
"Zhao, one less finger is enough to run you over a hundred times!"
Wang Yong aside is also a full face of teasing way.
"Hey, don’t say I didn’t wake you up."
"Don’t go out and talk nonsense."
"We don’t think Su Qingya will give you out."
"If someone hears you insult Zhao, be careful that you can’t leave Jiangzhou alive."
Ling day eyebrows is not a wrinkly some language way
"I really hit him."
Ling Tian rescued Su Qingya and wanted to find a hotel to stay.
As a result, a drunk was beaten by Ling Tian for touching Sue Elegant.
Why don’t you call yourself Zhao Yiming?
Why don’t these people believe it?
"Lingtian is enough!" Tong Feifei really can’t listen to it.
Have no affection for ling day in my heart.
She has decided to wait to see Sue elegant must have a good advise their girlfriends.
This kind of person had better break up before it’s too late.
"I’m almost done."
"I’m a little tired, too. Let’s get together another day!"
Tong Feifei got up and was ready to leave when she was not in the mood.
Just then a group of people came from the bag on the second floor.
TongFeiFei together suddenly caught the eye of the gang.
The young man who walks in the forefront like a moon can’t help but shine at the moment.
"What a beautiful girl!"
A young man can’t walk.
"Did Yang watch less?"
"How about an appointment in the past?"
The crowd behind them immediately winked and booed and said
"I think so!"
The young man known as Yang Shao walked past with glowing eyes.
"Hello, this beautiful lady."
"Can I invite you to my house for a drink of Lafite for 2 years?"
Young men’s wear a personable face with a faint smile asked.
When Tong Feifei was in college, it was common for the beauty queen to be entangled with boys.
I am used to this kind of occasion for a long time.

Four-wing chicken is a middle-aged couple. "Do you accept it here?"

However, I shook my head and took out 2 yuan from my pocket and handed it to Mi Wan.
Chen Xiaoxing, who is being educated by the couple, watched with envy as more and more people came over there, but there was no good place nearby. He ran back and forth screaming, "It costs 55 yuan to park on your shoulders and have a private seat at the top of your head!"
"Pay the money quickly!"
Soon he had a pile of money in his hand.
The wooden club also holds its own stones to promote sales.
"A limited number of 55 private rooms are available on a first-come-first-served basis …"
Soon I rented out half my body stones.
Chen Xiaoxing’s mouth is watering. This is a lot of Qian Qian!
"You still envy others! Be good to me! " Xin Chen is in distress situation.
Zhang Lili said, "Look at how calm the six girls are and learn from them."
Six Eva looked up and saw his one eye, bowed their heads and took a small drawing.
They don’t know that Liuwa hired a lot of people today, and the income from selling all kinds of small businesses in the crowd is even much higher than these two little guys.
She is so calm because she is the boss.
After the restart of the exile era, the layout of Liuwa’s former exile era was completely white, but now that it has reconnected with the exile era, Liuwa Chamber of Commerce can naturally set sail again.
The middle-aged couple next to them are smiling at Xin Chen and Zhang Lili, shaking their heads and sighing, "This child needs a good education, otherwise it will be difficult to educate him when he grows up. You can’t listen to what he says."
"Yes, especially boys, if they are not careful, they don’t know what they have done."
"That’s how we get moths for us every day. We both regret how we didn’t educate him well when we were young. As a result, we grew up. Everyone is slower than others. Everyone else is married. My son didn’t even have a girlfriend! Don’t know we are in a hurry, we are still waiting to have grandchildren … "
"Our little star is quite good. It’s quite feminine." Zhang Lili next to him immediately touched Chen Xiaoxing’s head and said with a little pride.
Xin Chen felt something was wrong there. The middle-aged man looked familiar?
Zhang Lili has said, "But don’t worry too much about young people. Sometimes they just like to play. When they are tired of playing, they will know that they are relieved. When they get married, they always have to take their time. Where is your son now?"
"Well, there it is." The middle-aged man reached forward and pointed to "the second one on the left."
At this time, Zhou Ye, the groom’s official, has come out. His four groomsmen accompany him. The leftmost one in military uniform is a large group.
And the second is not far from Zhuang.
He was wearing the manor’s main shirt, which was obviously composed of newly woven lines and gold threads.
"Alas, this child is better to be obedient," sighed Zhuang Dad.
Then I reached out and touched Chen Xiaoxing’s head. "Don’t be like him, little guy."
Chapter 1424 Pandora’s Box
Hundreds of experts in white coats are busy in a heavily guarded facility in Nut State.
The outside wall of the laboratory was painted with the portrait of the robbery squad and a big red cross was made.
There are also huge words "fire prevention, theft prevention and robbery prevention"
There are all kinds of broken parts and instruments in the laboratory.
This is the only time piece from the explosion of Indigo Emperor that has been searched in Nut State.
All the important things were taken back by the robbery team, and all that was left was some junk.
However, what is left is also a valuable asset for Nut State. By deciphering the technology of factory owners, they have also broken through some technical problems.
Of course, the main force is not them.
In the corner of the laboratory, there is a man with long white hair wearing a red robe instead of a white coat. He is wearing reading glasses and lying on an independent workbench, fiddling with something like a square box.
He carefully packed all kinds of scraps from his machine into this small box.

Yan Shaoqing must take the initiative in such a thing.

Meng Jia Wu was very surprised.
Look transfixed at Jiang Jiang turned out to be in her face to see an expression similar to just look back.
A little beyond imagination
She’s lost in thought. Jiang Jiang has turned away.
Meng Jia Wu also called Jiang Zhuoning to go out with Yang Yang as she asked.
Naturally, she and Jiang Zhuoning are in front and Yang Yang is in the last.
Looking at the apple, he thought that when Jiang Jiang turned around, he saw Jiang Jiang conveniently take a box of things on the shelf next to the cashier.
A bag of apples in Yang Yang’s hand almost landed directly.
Consciousness grasped him and turned quickly.
A face is red.
Until Jiang Jiang casually walked to a few people, his face temperature didn’t drop.
She also blushed a little when she looked at Jiang Jiang.
Yang Yang’s eyes rested on her bare slender neck, and her mood was a little complicated, but she kept her usual smile and asked, "What did you buy?"
"Bought a can of mirinda" Jiang Jiang smiled at him.
Yang Yang echoed, "The heating in the dormitory is too strong, so we need to prepare more drinks."
"Well" Jiang Jiang smile.
Yang Yang looked at her and suddenly remembered Yan Shaoqing once.
Is Jiang Jiang, an excellent man like that, so cold and quiet to him as usual?
Definitely not.
He thinks Jiang Jiang Jiang must love that man very much.
How can a girl with such a thin face take the initiative to buy that kind of thing?
Yang Yang sighed with a heavy heart.
Jiang Jiang never noticed that he was unusual.
Thinking about my heart, I went back to the dormitory without talking all the way.
Meng Jia Wu also came back in a few minutes.
Pulling up his chair, he sat beside her with excitement and asked curiously, "Are you going to die?"
"Uh-huh" Jiang Jiang fiddled with the newly bought decoration and responded lightly.
"I went to your reaction is wrong." Meng Jia Wu gave her a depressed look. "Did you rebuild it? Why is it so weird today? Speaking of this kind of thing, it shouldn’t be like this. What is the stimulus? "
"No" Jiang Jiang glanced at her from the side. "I just want to give it to him."
"You want to give it?" Meng Jia Wu stare big eyes "maybe Yan Shaoqing didn’t want it?"
"Well" Jiang Jiang nodded.
"What a man!" Meng Jia Wu pie pie show surprised.
After all.
Yan Shaoqing is twenty years old, not ten.
Isn’t it time for a man who is still abstinent at the age of 20 to become extinct?
She gave Jiang Jiang Jiang an odd look and said mysteriously, "That name is Yan, isn’t it?"
Jiang Jiang rolled his eyes at her.
"Ahem" Meng Jia Wu cheerful way "I just say"
"Does it hurt?" Jiang Jiang suddenly asked
"What?" Meng Jia Wu one leng in hindsight to react "you said you were so thin and he was so tall and greatly, what do you think? I think you two models certainly don’t match. "
"…" Jiang Jiang language to look at her.
Just took a toothbrush to wash.
Come back again-
Meng Jia Wu has climbed into bed to see the brain.
She poured water, drank medicine, got ear drops and went to bed.
I didn’t drop the medicine until after lights out.
Lying flat on the bed, looking out of the window, a little light leaked in, making me stay.
My head is full of Yan Shaoqing.
Want to give it to him
Besides, she doesn’t know how to make two people closer.
She is eager to have a blind date with Yan Shaoqing.
What about him?
Brother Yan wants it or not?
Jiang Jiang thought for a long time and didn’t get an answer. He felt sleepy and fell asleep.
I stayed in school for two days.

To put it bluntly, this tattoo is castrated.

This castration has two meanings.
The first is that they have children by physiological methods.
But since they entered the realm of ascension, they have never seen a child or an old man. Many people seem to be old people, but they are just pretending to be real. Everyone will be in good health-even if they have illness, it is not a big problem for these flying people. They need to die once and come back to life, and everything will return to the original healthy and happy appearance.
This sounds very beautiful. Everyone lives in the prime time of life, but this kind of beauty is just like being picked and put into a fruit bowl. It looks very touching, but it has lost its life and is a dead thing for the whole fruit.
For a text, the loss of reproduction is equivalent to the loss of metabolic ability-although this text looks good, it may be a paradise with a little transformation.
But it seems that Shen Changwen and yevgeny have stepped into the coffin. Even if they save it, the only thing they can do this time is to listen to it and continue to catch a few more breaths in the coffin.
The second is that the spirit of this article is also castrated.
This castration is precisely self-confidence in their own culture, which can be seen from their active choice of life style such as flying man
This article used to be nothing more than a text similar to the original clan era of the earth-such an organizational structure can be said to be just a kindergarten student, not to mention facing the whole universe, even by the standard of the earth language.
And come to their planet and finally make a deal with them, that is, make the whole planet. Even the most conservative speculation is an ecological article that can shuttle stars and easily transform a star.
Earth standard this is an absolute strongman-yevgeny, they don’t know to what extent the strongest text in the universe is, but the earth standard can naturally draw a conclusion-they are at least four or five grades higher than the earth.
It’s like an ordinary kindergarten child facing a superman … Superman left a lot of things for the child. He used weapons to wear clothes and learned knowledge, but he inadvertently took away the most important thing from the child-that is, to grow up confident.
In yevgeny’s words, it’s not too bad to take all the modern scenes, such as skyscrapers, cars, planes and trains, into various pictures and then let a person take them through the past. Go to Europe in the Middle Ages or China in the Song Dynasty more than a thousand years ago and let the ancients look at these things and tell them that you want to make them in the next thousand years.
What would the ancients think? Will you be very happy and proud?
I’m afraid it’s not necessarily like a billionaire telling him what great achievements he will make when he returns to his business … This huge expectation is almost beyond imagination and will crush the other party at the first time.
This is the biggest problem facing this flying man.
They are different from the "wild" text of the earth. The development of the earth is all figured out by itself. Whether it is success or failure, whether it is pride or lesson, it is the history of the people of the earth.
For people on earth,
We have stepped on our own historical footprints step by step, and we can be proud of today’s achievements, and we will have enough confidence to deal with the current problems.
Because of history, we have dealt with it several times, whether it is handled well or not, we have survived anyway.
247 Wen pathological way
This is the lucky deviation.
For the fact that everything has happened, no matter how difficult it is and how cruel it seems, it is already a thing of the past. If the results are still satisfactory, all historical pains are just like scars left by warriors, and everyone can tell them proudly with stories and history.
But if you put these same things in front of a warrior again and let him experience them again …
I’m afraid few people in this world can bear it.
If suffering has any meaning, its greatest meaning is that behind it, success is possible and those are unsuccessful.
A warrior’s body scar is a glorious death … It can be called a historical lesson.
Just find an original text to show them the history of the earth for thousands of years.
Tell them to be brave, persevere, study agriculture, build a country, try to turn people into slaves, try to resist slavery, create a religious war and stop the war.
Tell them that everyone needs to work all day and finally die of famine and war. Only those who are the luckiest can get the support in this bloody fire …
After telling them, they will become wise, understand the world, try to observe the earth and the stars, try to smelt steel and make machines for production, self-defense and killing …
Tell them to try to think of one ideal after another and watch them burst again and again …
Tell them that after thousands of years of this ordeal, if this poor man is not doomed by all kinds of possibilities in this long ordeal, then they will probably master a higher standard of living, and they can control everything in the world like gods, understand the world and transform it according to their own wishes.
"Even a confident nation will feel scared when it hears such tortuous progress," yevgeny concluded. "Why do these flying people want to completely abandon all the technologies they have learned? Go back to this foolish life? Simply because they feel worried and afraid about their future … "
"If we take the current life style of the earth and the cost of many world wars to the Middle Ages, people in that era will be scared out of mental illness, not to mention thousands of years. When I was 10 years old, if someone told me that I needed to detonate a nuclear bomb myself in the future, I might be too scared to eat and grow up."
"For the weak, knowledge is both the greatest weakness and the greatest wealth," yevgeny added. "But now we just tell them that they can’t know it anymore."
"These people must have made great determination to decide to transform their memories and live in such an environment, and we appeared and pulled them back."
"If we tell them how to avoid the causes of this crisis, it will mean that they have made a full circle when the history of ascending to heaven for more than 1400 years is over, and they have returned to the starting point-maybe it is still a worse starting point."
"With all due respect, this reformed tattoo life style is fragile, just like the modern life style-the more complicated things are, the more easily they are destroyed."
"Even if these ships they won’t destroy that other aspects? Now we know that the high-energy laser tools with magnetic field on this planet-ask them to aim the laser at the outer shell material that wraps the whole planet-maybe they will do it later. Aren’t they always envious of the outside world of the universe? They also called it the virtual environment … "
"If they really smoke this wind one day, the whole planet will collapse like a punctured balloon for the first time. You know, this planet has no gravity source, just like a soap bubble floating in it."
"To tell the truth, this planet can last for more than 1,400 years … I think it is incredible that the history may be longer before calculation."
Yevgeny’s statement can be summed up in one sentence-it is a miracle that these flying people can live to the present, and God knows how they will toss and die.

"You have a girlfriend. Have you thought about how I feel?" Meng Jia Wu frowned tightly.

"Two years passed quickly." Jiang Zhuoning saw that she didn’t leave, so she just sat on the bench by the side of the road, holding hands together and calmly said, "I know that you are definitely not willing to do this, but love is not a life department, it should be a driving force, not a resistance, and it should make people become better, not a standstill. It is not as short as three to five years after we are together. It is quite normal to treat it rationally."
"Didn’t you do this before?" Meng Jia Wu also sat by his side "can you not be so rational? I know I made a mistake this time, but I have already explained that you haven’t cooled down yet? "
"I said I’m not angry." Jiang Zhuoning raised his hand and pressed it between his eyebrows. "Applying for an exchange student is not angry. I decided on the basis of future career development. I have already explained it."
"You don’t have me in your future plan" Meng Jia Wu pursed her lips.
Jiang Zhuoning looked at her seriously. "I told you this is a career plan. I have you in my life plan."
"Do you love me?"
"Since you love me, can’t I give up such an opportunity?" Unblinkingly Meng Jia Wu eyes looked at him with expectation.
Jiang Zhuoning sipped his thin lips and shook his head "No"
Meng Jia Wu nails are clenched in his hand to "what kind of love is this?"
Jiang Zhuoning looked at her and said nothing.
The mood is indescribably complicated, so I got up and left directly.
Meng Jia Wu grabbed his sleeve for a long time, took a deep breath and said slowly, "What if I say you leave?"
Jiang Zhuoning looked at her deeply, clean and deep, as if he could see through all her thoughts. He slowly said, "Meng Jia Wu, what are you worried about? Worried about my change of heart or … yourself? "
Meng Jia Wu breath consciously loosened his sleeve.
She doesn’t know what she’s worried about.
She knew that she had thought it over for two days and still felt that she had to keep Jiang Zhuoning.
First, because she has never talked about such a long-term, long-distance relationship, most of the men she goes to can come and go at will, and even if she can’t get it, there will always be other people who come after her to play.
She must be worried that her passion will be exhausted by time and distance. Especially recently, Jiang Zhuoning has gone abroad to prepare, and the two people are almost very close.
Secondly, Jiang Zhuoning has gone further and further.
He’s already the first in the hospital. What else do you want?
He studied journalism and law, and his second major was to be an exchange student.
His future is clear and sure, and she knows that people like him are sure to succeed.
It’s not that she doesn’t want him to succeed, but she’s really worried that she feels that Jiang Zhuoning is getting farther and farther away, but she still has the heart to learn about it.
She has no patience to do things, and it is difficult to persevere. Even if she wants to study hard, she is often hot for three minutes.
It’s not that I don’t want to learn, but I really can’t help it
She has never loved learning such a thing, and she is so preoccupied with Jiang Zhuoning that she can’t study hard.
What should we do?
What can she do to keep him?
Meng Jia Wu frowned thinking about the in the mind suddenly flashed an idea.
The second time she and Jiang Zhuoning had their period, they just had nothing to do. When Jiang Zhuoning specially bought emergency contraceptives at lunch, she didn’t even know that she was relieved in a moment of peace.
In this case, he must be afraid that she will get pregnant. People like him …
A child may be able to keep him?
Meng Jia pursed his lips and thought of looking up at him and whispered, "Is it because that man is Jiang Jiang?"
"What?" Jiang Zhuoning one leng don’t know how she suddenly got ginger again and was diverted for the first time.
Meng Jia Wu looked at him with a wry smile. "I’m worried that Jiang Jiang liked her before. You know that she also applied for an exchange student this time, and her professional grades are also very good. There are people behind her. It is very likely that you will get a place. You two will go out to a foreign country and a school together. Maybe you will have feelings for her again after a long time."
Two people have been in love for so long, except for a Meng Jia Wu, who has never cared about ginger for a long time.
Eyes suddenly talked about Jiang Zhuoning’s coming back to life.
His face changed a few times, and suddenly his head turned to one side without looking at her and asked, "Do you know what you are talking about?"
Meng Jia Wu sipped his lips and didn’t talk.
Jiang Zhuoning seems to have breathed a sigh of relief. "You are simply insulting and questioning me."
It is hard for him to accept
Jiang Zhuoning looked at the passing vehicles in the night and felt that Meng Jia Wu seemed to challenge his bottom line again and he was not as angry as before.
His handsome side face is really cold. Meng Jia Wu raised his hand and hugged him.
Hold him tightly and whisper, "But I’m really afraid that I’ve never been so swayed by considerations of gain and loss, and I don’t want you to make this decision. It really pains me, you know? I’m jealous that Jiang Jiang Jiang can see you at any time in two years."
She buried her face deeply in Jiang Zhuoning’s arms.
Close your eyes slightly.
Jiang Jiang is married. She knows that.
She used to play, but she never said such things against her will.
Whether Jiang Zhuoning or Jiang Jiang has feelings for Yan Shaoqing, she can’t be more white.
She needs to keep Jiang Zhuoning.
According to the day, it should be in a critical period today. She has to leave Jiang Zhuoning outside.
The dormitory is about to open at 11: 30. Jiang Zhuoning, who has always followed the rules, is definitely not willing to stay in a hotel after class.
Not only will she stall him from going back, but she will also provoke him.
I really don’t dare other boys to stimulate him again
I want to think about the matter of Jiang Jiang. She said a few words, but she did not care about her before Jiang Zhuoning. She didn’t know that she wouldn’t hurt a hair.
Yes, Jiang Jiang didn’t know anyway.
She felt a little guilty because she hadn’t stimulated Jiang Zhuoning with such words for a long time.
It’s nothing. Just think of it as a catalyst for her relationship with Jiang Zhuoning.
Anyway, Jiang Jiang doesn’t know
Meng Jia Wu took a deep breath and held Jiang Zhuoning’s waist and arms and tightened some cheeks. He rubbed his hard chest over and over again and felt so helpless.
Section 374
Jiang Zhuoning was depressed and slowly distressed Naidao. "You let me say what you are good for."
"I love you. I love you so much." Meng Jia Wu lifted her face and her delicate lips looked lovely in the night.
Jiang Zhuoning Adam’s apple rolling a shortness of breath.
Meng Jia Wu tiptoed to kiss him.

"According to the master of array law, this array is the most mysterious and powerful sacrifice of creatures."

Tianhe continued exit
"After our observation, the passage of the ice mine department is not static, but will change with time."
"at present, we can’t find the middle law."
There’s one thing she didn’t say
It is the master of array law who said that if we can master this law, it is very likely to trap and kill the seven-order peak exotic species.
Unfortunately …
It’s almost impossible!
Zhou Jia’s visual array shows meditation.
Tianhe qihaokou
"You suddenly became interested in ice mines?"
"I’ve been to this array in what I left behind." Zhou Jia took the array and waved his sleeves to let the array change its position from time to time.
"It is because of this congenital array that the chaotic fetus can play a certain role in other methods."
"According to what he said, the core array eye hides the mystery."
Tianhe’s eyes lit up
"What’s mysterious?"
"Remember the vague" Zhou Jia shook his head.
"It seems to involve the big secret of this world."
"Big secret?" Tianhe pie mouth
"This word doesn’t mean danger in all kinds of novels and paintings in my memory. Let’s not touch it."
"You’d better be careful." Zhou Jia chuckled.
"Rest assured that I was curious …"
His eyes twitched halfway through the words.
"The core of the array should be the center of the giant’s head."
"Not bad"
Tianhe nodded
"That’s where the brain is. If there is the core of the law, it should be there."
Zhou Jia didn’t say anything but looked at the law thoughtfully for a long time before he shook his head gently and waved his sleeves to put away the array and continued to close his eyes and retreat.
He is interested in pure secrets, and sometimes he might as well go and have a look. After all, it is not dangerous for others to go.