"Oh, wait, Oka, didn’t you just say that we still have a lot of things to do before we can recruit troops to the south?" Old Andrew hurried forward to hold Orca’s shoulder and face, as if to say whether you’re’ too excited’.

"That’s plan 1!" Oka said quickly while putting on his heavy armor, "Now that we have obtained ironclad evidence that the Queens are notorious and enemies all over the world, we don’t need to wait for the wave or do those precautions. Leah will immediately set up an army and we have work to do."
"Good, I’ll get ready at once." Leah finally turned away with a hint of excitement.
"It’s unbelievable. Are you going to lead an army of tens of thousands of people to make the Queen’s crimes public while going south?" Leah stepped away from the camp and Andrew immediately asked eagerly, "Do you know that this matter is not that simple? Are you going to throw them a multiple-choice question directly? Oka, you know politics needs politics. Roman proverb, we have enough chances to win, but we still need a little patience. "
Oka turned his head and his eyes revealed a kind of coldness and determination that had never been seen before.
"Listen, Andrew, I’m sorry, but I really hate damn politics, especially when it’s necessary to cut the gordian knot," Oka finally said, wearing a helmet. "So I’m no longer cautious. No one can predict that her ambition will make her continue to do something more terrible. We must stop her as soon as possible! Or simply destroy her. "
Even if you leave a message of * _ *, it will be a success. Please work hard!
& You can read the release chapter, please remember the website. If you like snowy romance, write Glory to Rome.
The seventieth day square bloody case
Trajan Square in Rome
"Mob! Crazy! Somebody catch those guys who spread rumors! No one is allowed to let me go! " The square covered with marble of various colors were packed with people and filled with noise. A sudden news spread all over the streets and lanes, which completely plunged the already jittery Rome into an atmosphere of trepidation.
But it was an officer in leather armor who was in charge of Rome’s public security. From his expression and roar, it can be seen that he was in front of him. These people were very embarrassed because they listened to rumors and flocked
It is no wonder that this officer was so angry that since the news of Gratian’s unfortunate assassination in northern Xinjiang arrived in Rome, the situation in the whole Italian peninsula has suddenly changed. For ordinary citizens or high-ranking nobles, Gratian’s death is not a simple obituary, but it is enough to shake the empire’s major events. In Rome, Milan and various cities, a cloud of rumors has instantly enveloped the whole Italian peninsula and the top of the Roman empire
Today, the unlucky officer was called up from the warm bed and hurried to the square early in the morning. As a result, it was such a scene of "mixing" and "chaos" in the lane of ten thousand people. There were rumors about the crowd that came out overnight. The rumors were simple, but they made everyone dizzy like a thunder!
Secretly sent a confidant to sneak into northern Xinjiang to "lure" and "buy privately", so Maximus, the garrison commander of the Paris Military Region in northern Xinjiang, colluded with the Germans, the number one enemy of the empire, to jointly plan the assassination of Gratian. The real culprit behind the assassination was the queen’s status as regent and mastered half of the Great Justina of the Western Empire!
This kind of news is extremely sensitive to the news, and Rome can imagine how terrible it will be!
For example, the hapless officer rushed to the square with hundreds of troops for a few hours and saw more and more people in the square, almost to the point of being packed in front of his chest and sticking to his back. What’s more serious is that the whole square is like boiling water, and there is no way to suppress it.
The officer was so angry that the three dead gods stormed, but he was helpless to catch those guys who first spread rumors, but it was dark and overwhelming with just a hundred hands. It was like looking for a needle in a haystack to catch those guys who were smoother than snakes.
However, this unfortunate officer also suffered. In fact, he didn’t want to get involved in this damn muddy water at all. Because of the catalysis of rumors, Rome is now a volcano Vesuvius that may erupt completely at any time. No one can predict what will happen if these emotions’ excite’ the people and are incited by those hidden guys! Think about how many times there have been riots in the history of Rome. Officers feel that the sweat behind their necks stands on end!
It happened that he didn’t have a choice from the news of rebellion in northern Xinjiang to Rome. After that, the Queen, who was alone and living in seclusion, immediately’ showed up’ and declared that Rome was in a state of emergency through the Senate. The capital Rome was directly executed by officers, guards and garrison troops. At the first time, the Queen ordered the commons to enter Rome, and the murderous soldiers took control of all the key points and main streets of the city. At that time, the whole Rome was in full swing, and the citizens were locked at home all day, and they dared not leave the’ door’ everywhere.
The martial law lasted for several days before it ended, but the tension showed no signs of easing. Because of a series of big moves after the queen took over the court affairs again, all those who care about it had a hunch that Rome, which has been "swinging" repeatedly in recent years, would face another new storm.
Several messengers with secret orders flew out of Rome and rushed to various provinces of the empire, including the provinces that really belonged to Gratian’s rule in the Locarno Agreement, and there was also a drastic reshuffle among the Senate and the nobles. A large number of Gratian allies or simply represented the elders in northern Xinjiang, and the nobles were almost forcibly deprived of their power. However, all the troops in Rome and Fiona Fang were under house arrest for dozens of miles, and all the members of the family belonged to the Sirata family were in charge. The original commanders were asked to return to Rome and were not allowed to make any changes nearby.
For these or undercurrents, it is the most clear that Rome’s top officials and big noble are suspected, but obviously, except those who have been grounded, closely monitored and even arrested, the rest of them have been very’ wise’ to realize all this. This theory is equally applicable to the rule of officialdom at all times and in all countries. They quickly joined the queen’s skirt
However, this seems to have been a situation of Tietong, but there is still a flaw. Two days ago, a northern Xinjiang scout brought the news that he rebelled against the chaos to quell the rebels’ murder of Maximus in Gratian. Otherwise, everything was shocked, so the news finally made the nerves tense to the extreme. Rome relaxed a little. Since the rebellion has quelled the northern Xinjiang and there are no signs of instability, it seems to many queens that the battle for the rule of the western empire, which lasted for several years, will finally be settled.
Gratian was assassinated, and the Valennians were the only blood. Although little Flavis was still an inexperienced child, less Rome had a’ smart’ and energetic queen, didn’t it?
Even those northern Xinjiang factions who hold high the banner of Roman revival are doomed to lose everything if they are unwilling to die in Gratian. Unless they dare to abandon their hard-earned banner of Roman revival and openly rebel against’ chaos’, they can no longer compete with the queen for chips. They can admit defeat and bow to Rome.
Although many Roman nobles have deep sympathy for the death of the kind, gentle and young Roman Caesar, they can’t help but sigh, but the political game has always been cruel. The loser is doomed to fall into the dust of history. No one will’ wave’ even a tear at the loser in the cheers of the winner.
Just as the Queen sent their attention to the victory scales gradually tilting towards them, they were ready to celebrate with each other. Just a sudden news from the people made it seem that victory was within reach and shattered like a bubble.
The Queen was accused by name of colluding with the Germans, buying off rebel leaders and plotting to assassinate Gratian!
This kind of news, whether true or not, will inevitably set off a stormy wave of public opinion. It turns out to be true. In just over ten hours from the news to now, the whole city of Rome has already set off a wave of discussion and quickly passed through the caravan. I’m afraid that the whole Italian peninsula Roman town will know the news in a day, which is even more frightening. Perhaps at this moment in the imperial province, these rumors that are enough to make people’s hearts "Sao" and "chaotic" have already been heard.
"catch! Grab it for me! Don’t worry so much. If you see anyone say rumors again, you will be arrested by our department and thrown into prison! " At last, his eyes were overwhelmed and his heart was disturbed by the impatience of being swayed by considerations of gain and loss. The officer finally lost his mind and pulled out his dagger and roared toward the sweating department around him in a ferocious manner.
"Yes, yes … yes!" Those soldiers were also scared silly. When they heard the sudden roar of the chief executive, they were all shocked and provoked. Then they rushed into the crowd, kicking, beating and cursing, and the sound system started.
When I saw the edge of the moving square here, I was watching the crowd turn around in a hurry. Other public security teams immediately seemed to have a backbone and rushed into the crowd with knives from all sides. The reckless intervention of the public security brigade made the situation in the square like throwing stones at water.
Those public security soldiers who didn’t know what to do rushed into the crowd purely according to orders, but raised their hands but didn’t know what to do or catch. The crowd around them scolded and shouted, and the waves struck the eardrum, which made these soldiers who were deeply immersed in the sea suddenly feel like they were submerged, and their minds were in a daze, so an involuntary violent mood developed.
Avoidable tragedy happened …
Ah! Abrupt a piercing scream rang out from the crowd gathered round and round. At the moment, the scream came to the core. The crowd around the core forcefully withdrew a few steps away from it, and everything was exposed in broad daylight.
"Kill people! Killing people! " Deadly silence lasted for several seconds until a sharp’ woman’ in the crowd woke the crowd up in a violent tremor.
There is no need to dwell on what happened next. The people who were’ excited’ by the angry crowd were like wild animals, and those who were’ forced’ by the angry crowd were undoubtedly able to fight against a bloody conflict in Trajan Square. It was not until an hour later that Gaius Cassius Longinus decisively sent troops to the square to disperse it that the old calm was finally restored. However, this calm paid the price of blood.
On the edge of the square, watching the soldiers drag away the dead horrible bodies from the crowd with a pale face, Gaius Cassius Longinus looked at the corner of the eye of the horrible bloody square and twitched slightly, and the blood faded.
Even if you leave a message of * _ *, it will be a success. Please work hard!
& You can read the release chapter, please remember the website. If you like snowy romance, write Glory to Rome.
Section seventy-nine Garrison
Midio Ranum in the Alps
This is a permanent fortress embedded in a sunken valley in the middle of the Alps in the north of Apennine Boots. It is small in scale, and the number of soldiers stationed all the year round is only a few thousand. However, its strategic position is particularly critical. It not only guards the’ gate’ that leads across the Alps to the heart of the Italian Peninsula, but also is the headquarters of the entire Alpine military garrison.
Thick snow, gray mountains and winding mountain roads constitute the monotonous background here for ten years. There are no restaurants, no women and no entertainment. For officers and men guarding here, they have nothing to do except training and duty every day. Chatting is isolated from the outside world and they can’t find anything new. Service is almost equivalent to punishment.
However, there are dozens of other garrisons along the Romarie Alps. These Italian Peninsula barriers, which block the vast northern Xinjiang continent, have irreplaceable and neglected significance, especially in the eyes of the Romans, who attach great importance to unity and reality. Although the northern border of the empire has been pushed to far away places in the past few centuries, a considerable number of Romans subconsciously still stubbornly believe that crossing the Alps is a wilderness and on the side of towering mountains. It is the real pure land of literature, so whether it is self-restraint or regional discrimination, the Alpine Military Region has always been established from the Republic period, and it has never been revoked one day. It is like an irregular huge shield that makes the Italian peninsula enjoy a quiet and rich life. The Romans’ hearts have faded away from the fear and worry about the savage land of ice and snow in the north and the barbarians living there, thus making Apennine Boots truly an undisturbed paradise.
However, this shield is not always able to protect the heart of Rome, Hannibal Expedition, Gaul invading the Germans in the Second World War. These Romans do not want to recall the past, and Rome has faced an unprecedented crisis. The enemy soldiers have more than once found the throat of the empire, and the Alpine garrison has been torn and torn many times. It is conceivable that the collapse of this final barrier means that Rome, including the eternal capital, is like a desperate resistance throughout Italy, but it is still exposed by brute force.
At present, it seems that the Alpine garrison will face another severe test, and this time it is not only military pressure, but also political choice. As we all know, whenever one thing is involved in politics, its trouble will increase by several orders of magnitude in an instant.
"General, this is a letter sent by a messenger from northern Xinjiang. The messenger said that you must open it yourself." There is only one building in the southeast corner of the camp that looks like something. All senior officers of the Ranum Garrison of Midio are gathered at the moment. Lukums, the supreme commander and a military tribune, is listening to the report of the front lieutenant with a hard face, but when his eyes consciously touch the latter, he can’t help but change constantly.
Although he knew very well how hot this letter was, Lukums had to bite his teeth and come over to read it carefully. Even after reading it, his face was as gloomy as the sky before the rainstorm.
And noticed that his god’ color’ changes around the other generals, as if they had got some confirmation from it, avoided each other’s test eyes without trace, and it was golden for them to play silence.
"How long are you going to keep this attitude? Wait until the northern Xinjiang army arrives in the city or wait for the queen to send a supervisor to take the sword across your neck? " Worried, Lu Combs saw that a bunch of generals were vowing not to take a stand to the end. Finally, he couldn’t help but break the silence first, because others might have to wait, but he, the commander of the garrison, could not continue to watch from the other side. He had to make a definite choice at once.
"You must know this letter if you don’t read it." Lukums lowered his voice to make his tone sound less anxious. "We have been colleagues for many years, and there is nothing to say at this time. I might as well put it straight. I’m afraid many generals present have received the" private "letter from northern Xinjiang before seeing this official letter, just like me."
As soon as Lukums’ voice just fell, the whole parliament hall suddenly burst into a buzz of whispering’ private’ words, and many generals were unable to hide their dismay. Obviously Lukums was sincere and let their hearts break completely.

Section 72

The tree lay in bed and thought solemnly, "Well, I promised to try dating first."
"Wow, my dear, you have finally taken this step. I can guarantee that this is the most correct decision you have ever made. Believe me, I can’t be wrong in judging people. He is indifferent to others, but he is fond of you. I really feel that this man has given all his enthusiasm to you, dear. I wish you happiness."
"Well, I will try my best to make myself happy." After listening to Ruoyan’s words, Lin Shu also had confidence in this relationship.
"If we will be happy," Ruoyan nodded as if he were determining something.
Happiness also requires hard work and commitment. I hope that she will try her best to make herself take this step and will not let her down. They will keep going like this.
It’s gone today. That’s all!
73 Christmas gifts
Confirmed that the relationship is backward, the enthusiasm hangs over the trees like a raging fire, and the trees feel full of vitality every day. Every morning, they wake up full of expectations, and the cold wind outside the window is not harsh, and it is particularly refreshing rather than biting.
The sunshine is especially warm, which she has never experienced before. She feels that being with Anchen before is more like being a grown-up parent who has made amends for settling down for a long time. She also feels guilty for a long time, which has become a habit and should.
But now it is true love, like all men and women in love, which is occupied by sweetness every day. Because of the good mood, even the employees of the company feel that the president is happy from the inside out, even if he accidentally does something wrong, he will not be reprimanded and compared. The employees of the company feel that the day is as beautiful as spring.
On Christmas day, every female employee of Shi’s received a flower and a cake unexpectedly, and everyone was boiling. The president should have thought so carefully and arranged so much. This gift was so sweet to them.
On behalf of the female employees, the chief secretary of the president’s office expressed gratitude to the president. "The president insisted that I thank you. This is the most expensive gift they have ever received."
I quickly signed the document "I remember that every Christmas before, I would send a sum of money to the treasury."
"The president’s family has given us enough money, and we prefer this year’s gift." The secret director is married, but she expresses her excitement like a girl. Everyone can imagine that this is a Christmas gift from the president. Even in simplicity, it is more gratifying than Jinshan Yinshan.
After expressing his thanks, the secret secretary went out and pressed a number, "What’s so special about this Christmas present?"
The cheerful sound of Lu Ming sounded from the inside. "How about a rose and a piece of cake? Am I creative? Now our family is as happy as the Chinese New Year. After I said, you should change your money into this kind of thing. No woman will not like it and save a sum of money … Oh, I said that you didn’t directly treat them. It’s not your idea. Don’t discourage employees … "
"You are getting more and more bold, and you don’t even ask my opinion."
"Hey, before you thought these things were tacky, the company was nervous and lifeless with you. Now that you are in love and energetic, you have to let everyone feel it together."
I hung up before he could speak because Lin Mu sent a short message "Thank you for the flowers and cake"
Lean down and relax, forgive Lu Ming this time, and know that you don’t forget a share of the trees.
He clumsily typed the new news letter by letter, and the Chinese character "It will be a bigger surprise to have dinner together at night".
The forest tree replied, "Can a handsome guy reveal something before?"
Being praised and handsome is in a good mood. "Is there a reward?"
The trees have a big red lip.
I remembered to owe me a real kiss.
Trees "…"
"Is my present ready?"
"Give me a gift again."
"I want to label myself so that I can think of you even when I breathe."
"Stop it. It’s disgusting."
"Where’s the hemp? I’ll rub it for you."
Trees "…" can’t communicate any more, otherwise it may be even worse, and you can’t listen.
"I’m going to see the patient. You’re busy."
Put away his mobile phone, and now he can finally understand his father’s mood. He is like a follower behind his mother. He hasn’t seen you for a second, like Sanqiu.
At the international airport, a petite girl came over with a suitcase and covered half of her face with a pair of big black sunglasses. She couldn’t see her expression and appearance. Her small nose and skin made people feel that she must be a particularly beautiful person. She still looked slim in her coat in such a cold day. She was really weak and lovable.
She never stopped walking with her suitcase. It was dark outside, and the night was about to cover the earth. She walked out of the airport and walked to the road with something called rejection, without even looking at the traffic lights.
"Squeak" The car in front rubbed against the ground with her footsteps and stopped. The car behind had to brake suddenly, causing several cars to collide, and she was unfortunately scratched to the ground.
Many drivers shake the glass from the window and scold her badly. No one cares whether she is a beauty or not. Even Changmei is a crazy woman. Why do so many cars run red lights?
She was lying on the ground clutching her ankles, and her thin black stockings were scratched and oozing blood, and her white coat was stained with dust.
She seems to faint at any moment, and all the drivers know that she is responsible, but they can’t touch her.
She took out her cell phone and made a call.
The handsome man at the other end of the mobile phone is playing with the woman he loves, and it is Christmas and a popular holiday abroad, but it is no different from Valentine’s Day for lovers in love.
Gifts, flowers, wine, beauty, night, everything is so beautiful
The gift turned out to be a simple and dazzling necklace. It is simple because the chain has no complicated patterns. It is a simple chain. It is dazzling because there is a ring hanging in it. The ring is huge and bare, and the edges and corners as big as glass reflect colorful light.
Good. He’s trying to propose.
The city may have passed the first round and then the second round pk. I love you at 12 o’clock.
74 refused (second watch)
Section 73
It’s not the right time for the cell phone to ring. He frowned and took it out. He saw the number displayed on the screen and thought about it or hung up. This is such an important moment. Even if he tried his best, the forest may not be able to promise. If it is interrupted, it is conceivable that the atmosphere will lose sincerity, nature and marriage proposal will fail.
How could he give up all this? He is so obsessed with trees.
The phone didn’t stop because he hung up, and then it rang again.
Lin Muchao made a face at him. "It seems that God doesn’t want to help you. You also said that it was an auspicious day to lie to me."
Angry and anxious, the preparation machine saw that the number displayed on the screen was not the original one, but the 11 police called. His face was so cold that he couldn’t help but answer "What’s the matter?"
It’s not the police’s rough voice, but the girl’s weak trembling and crying. "Third brother, I’m at the gate of the international airport. I’m in a car accident. I’m so scared. Can you come and pick me up?"
Look dignified. I changed my mobile phone in one hand and "give it to the police"
The girl handed the phone to the police.
"The degree of injury?"
The police were shocked by the momentum coming from the mobile phone. The girl couldn’t help but report that "there was blood on her ankle, and she had to go to the hospital to know that no trauma was found elsewhere for the time being."
"What’s the matter?"
"When she crossed the road, the brakes of the vehicle hit 12 from time to time." The police heard his cold voice and were afraid that he would hang up immediately and quickly added, "Sir, are you a family member? Please come and deal with an accident and you will be responsible. "
"Okay, I get it."
I called Lu Ming immediately after I hung up. Lu Ming happened to be near the airport, so let him pass. Lu Ming also knows that the most important thing for him now is a beautiful date every day, and he will be handed over to him when things fall down. He is really unlucky
However, there is something wrong with the wine and he has just returned from abroad. His brother should go there anyway. Oh, it’s so heartless that nothing can compete with his date.

"Ah, good"

In the bedroom, Yan Yan was still lying in bed with her eyes tightly closed. She heard footsteps again. She didn’t open her eyes and went straight to the cold exit. "Get out!"
But instead of being far away from her, the footsteps are getting closer and closer, and the surrounding air suddenly becomes a little different. She directly opened her eyes and turned her head slightly to Xiao Jing and stared coldly. "How did you come back?"
He looked down at her quietly about half a meter away from the bed. "Do you think they can hold you down if I don’t come back?"
An Yan moved his eyes and looked at the ceiling quietly. "It’s different when you come back. It doesn’t make much difference what I said."
At this time, he looks extremely calm, and his black eyes are as deep as a deep pool.
After a while, the man leaned over slightly and tucked her side, saying, "Is it fun to make peace with me?"
The woman closed her eyes silently without speaking.
Xiao Jing took off his coat and sighed. The tone in his heart was completely relaxed. He took out the hair dryer from the cupboard and sat on the bed and touched her face. "You should sleep for a while and then blow dry your hair first or you will catch a cold."
She didn’t move. She said, "Didn’t you say I was messing with you? You’d better stay out of my sight or let me stay out of your sight so that I won’t bother you. "
After a pause, she continued, "I took a bath. Is this all wrong?"
The man put aside the hair dryer, got her out of the quilt, forced her to rest her head on her thigh with his hands through her armpit, and then blew the hair dryer. The slender fingers passed through her thick hair, bringing up a bit of lingering meaning "You are right to take a bath, but you are prone to accidents."
Keep her out of his sight … Compared with this, she should continue to torment him.
I’m afraid a man can’t stand what she said just because she was so angry before. What’s worse, he … knows that he cares about her now, but he still wants to say that.
Although he had a posture that was about to get out of control at that time, he passed her face in his mind and suddenly there was nothing.
The hair dryer whizzed the sound, and there was almost no distance between them. She sniffed carefully and then frowned and complained, "You stink after drinking wine."
A woman’s low voice is scattered in the blowing sound and has a hazy feeling.
The man’s fingers were still running through her thick hair, and she complained that her fingers were stupefied. It wasn’t long before Anyan whispered in his leg, "Ah, it’s hot, don’t you blow it? My scalp is going to burn."
A soft voice is a kind of coquetry that people can perceive.
Xiao Jing quickly took the hair dryer and rubbed his palm in that place. He continued to slowly blow her hair and slowly said, "I’ll plant my scalp for you if I don’t burn it." Similar quips made him unable to help but pull his lips and then said, "Don’t say anything after talking. I’m really angry today."
It’s a little strange to get along with each other now. An hour or two ago, they were at daggers drawn. She hated him to death, and his face was terrible. I wanted to strangle her.
But two people can blow their hair to the other in such an abnormal harmony.
An Yan’s eyes flashed and continued to enjoy him with his eyes closed. Then he slowly said, "Are you not afraid that what I said is true? In this way, it should have challenged your dignity as a man. Can you bear it? "
She continues to challenge his bottom line step by step.
The man rubbed his fingers hard on her head again, making her hair very soft and messy, which seemed a little short-tempered, but the words were so mild. "So you are very proud?"
The daughter snorted and rolled from his leg when he put away the hair dryer. It was very fast, but she was still in the bed. Xiao Jing bent over her long arm and grabbed her. The whole person bumped into his arms and then bumped into a big one.
And the man’s body smell flooded into her nose, and the strong smell of wine could not be ignored.
He looked down at the soft and fragrant woman in his arms, and the one in his heart was suddenly filled, or was he holding Shu, so he suddenly regretted that he had moved on. Why did he want to go out in most of fun run?
"Don’t make fun of that man named Mu with me. I’ve already let him go back, but it’s nothing serious to say that he got a shot in the leg. When everything is settled, you need to be good to me. I’ll spoil you very much. Do you want that?"
At this moment, Anyan was buried in his arms with his waist tightly folded. She didn’t speak at first, and then answered him irrelevantly. She still said with a little complaining voice, "You smell a little bad. Did you go out for a drink?"
He looked at her exposed to the air, her long legs and delicate feet were beautiful, and her heart throbbed and she bowed her head and kissed her on the cheek. "Well, I drank a little."
As soon as the voice fell, she looked up from his arms and saw that his radian was almost perfect. "Xiao Jing, you are so touching, but I don’t know if I am sick or my heart is too hard. What should I do if I don’t seem to feel anything?"
An Yan’s serious voice is not like a joke. A pair of eyes are bright and dark, and Xiao Jing interprets this amorous feelings as charm with a style that people can ignore.
He couldn’t help but reach out and rub her face, and then the mood in his eyes gradually deepened. He bowed his head and slightly grew some blue stubble. While rubbing her face, he bewitched her and said to her with some tragic meaning, "Then pretend to like me and pretend that you still have to be me?"
The last two words, the man’s voice is low and a little low.
Ann laughed and then said, "but aren’t you dreaming?" What if I wake up that day? "
Or does he want to take the second best approach? Before he likes someone, he should let her get used to it. He often loves it, not the last thing that people are afraid of.
Xiao Jing bowed their heads and quietly looked at her and then failed to resist directly bowed their heads and covered it-
Smelling wine is one concept, but when you taste wine yourself, it is another concept.
When the overwhelming strong breath in his mouth came into silence, she almost didn’t think, and immediately frowned, pushed her finger and held her kiss man without moving.
"It’s time for you to take a bath …" Anyan woke up lightly.
Section 466
"Wait a minute. I’ve had a big shock tonight. Let me calm down first."
His powerful palm clasped her waist and kept her from escaping. He brushed every corner of her mouth until he put everything he had on her.
When he finally got enough to stay in his arms and gasp, he still pinched the tip of her jaw and said, "Are you with that Huo Jingyan?"
It’s … childish to let her admit that she didn’t have anything with Huo Jingyan.
She knew that he didn’t dare to do anything with her, so there would be no scruples. Naturally, she was not afraid that he would bite her. It was quite difficult to say, "We have lived together for a long time. It is impossible not to …"
This sentence is in exchange for a deeper kiss from a man. That posture means that she will be torn apart and eaten into her stomach. She will scream again and again.
Xiao Jing laughed deeply and slapped her hip with her hand. "What are we doing if the servant outside hears you?"

Dad Han …

When essence tidied up the dishes, Korea’s father took Korea’s mother from the floor.
She wiped her hands and cut, "Mom, are you okay?"
Han’s mother showed a loving smile. "It’s okay, your temper is unstable during menopause. Don’t argue with me."
Dad Han …
What do you mean by graduating from a drama school? This is it.
Essence didn’t think too much. "Then I’ll give you a hot meal. I didn’t eat much just now."
"Yeah, I’ll help you."
Korea’s mother said to help the essence to pick up the dishes and chopsticks and went to the kitchen.
Sitting on the sofa playing with toys, Han Zhaoxue looked at the kitchen and turned to ask the master, "Is my mother okay?"
"Don’t worry," Han’s father said earnestly. "Her menopause can be postponed for at least another 20 years."
Han zhaoxue …
Just as they said this, there was a knock at the door.
Little darling jumped out of the sofa and said, "Little uncle is back."
Said the unter den unter den ran to the door.
Sure enough, Han Zhaolin held a penguin doll at the door and smiled at the sight of the little girl’s eyes. He put the doll into the little girl’s arms and bent down to pick up the little girl. "Yo, is our little girl grown up and can’t hold her brother-in-law?"
"Sometimes the chicks are too heavy."
Little darling immediately cleared his name and never admitted that he was fat.
Han Zhaolin gave her a big kiss on the cheek "How cute"
Little darling sniffed the path on him like a puppy. "Is Uncle Mo Mo here? You smell like him. "
Han Zhaolin was embarrassed and patted little ass, a little darling, with a low voice saying, "Uncle Mo Mo is not allowed at home after you are a dog."
She actually likes that Uncle Mo Mo looks so good-looking, which is better than both Dad and Uncle Xiao.
"You don’t want Uncle Tian to take you swimming." He paused and continued, "And Uncle Mo Mo."
My little girl immediately got excited, covered her mouth and said, "Little darling, keep it a secret."
Han Zhaolin pinched her little face. "Good boy."
As soon as I got to the living room, I jumped out of him. "Dad is going swimming with his little uncle and uncle Mo Mo."
Han Zhaolin …
What about keeping it a secret?
Little darling, you little villain!
Han Zhaolin smiled wryly, grabbed her hair and called out, "Where are dad and brother?"
The master snorted, "I know I’m coming back."
"Isn’t this busy?" Han Zhaolin smirked and sat beside Han Dad. "Dad, there is a teahouse opposite our branch. The boss hired Mr. Shuo. I saw Chen Shu and Song Shu playing chess over there. Aren’t you always complaining that no one is with you? I’ll take you there to play with a bunch of old and young gentlemen."
Han’s father sobbed at the corner of his mouth. "Is your Chinese taught by a physical education teacher?"
Han Zhaolin was surprised, "Dad, the word" you "is advancing with the times. If our government is full of talents who keep pace with the times like you, where is the class generation gap?"
"If you go, you will find my heart."
Korea’s father has a face of disgust, but his eyebrows are smiling.
Han Zhaoxue was relatively independent since he was a child. Naturally, Han Zhaolin was not close to them. Although Han Zhao’s father and mother always disliked Han Zhaolin, they loved him more than anyone else.
Essence has always appreciated Korea’s dad and Korea’s * * * educational methods. Whether the two children are excellent or not, they are all equally treated, and neither heart is less than half a point.
Han Zhaoxue held grandma in her lap and turned her head. "How can I be willing to come back today?"
Han Zhaolin had the cheek to say, "It’s not that I haven’t come back for dinner with you for a long time for fear that you will miss me."
"You think too much, and no one remembers."
Han’s mother came out of the kitchen and heard this sentence without mercy.
Han Zhaolin smiled and said, "Why doesn’t anyone want to miss your brother-in-law?"
Little darling holding the little penguin hand paused, blinked and said "don’t want to" calmly.

Even the middle-aged man’s eyes are slightly loose.

They have great faith in each other’s strength.
One step is more than one foot, and Yang Shu rushes several steps, but one person rushes out of the momentum of charging with hordes in an instant.
The flurry of hunting and flying in the battlefield is like being in a fierce battlefield. Cold light flashes and kills and melts into the roaring guns.
The gun is like a dragon!
Cold and chill enveloped Zhou Jia.
"Military Wushu?"
Zhou Jia’s eyes are miniature and thoughtful.
The martial arts of Xuantianmeng are different. The military martial arts emphasize imposing manner and weak moves. After all, the chaotic army has no chance to display exquisite martial arts.
But this does not mean that the military Wushu is not suitable for fighting alone.
On the contrary.
The military Wushu pays attention to the outbreak, and every move is almost perfect after several kills, except for a few shortcomings.
"Hum …"
The great power of pike shaking made the gun body tremble and sent out a mountain tsunami.
Zhou Jia also feels that it is extremely difficult to move a step when his body is locked by something.
He stepped forward against the pike.
Compared with the height of nearly two meters, Zhou Jia is magnificent, just like the difference between an adult man and a young boy.
Shield cross front
Yang Shu eyes a clot has felt the power in my heart but fear.
The gun body misses me!
My feet stomped to the ground, and the half-strip trembled all over the sky, and the gun shadow suddenly gathered together to gather the vitality and stab it out with a gun.
Gun mans like a meteor flagrantly landed.
Stuffy ring
Yang Shu’s body felt as if he had hit a towering mountain, and he roared with all his strength, but the result was even more desperate.
The momentum is like a mountain!
Guns and shields are smashed before.
An axe light flashed across Yang Shu’s body as if he were being pulled around, and he flew towards both sides in a split second.
Half of the body hit the wall and collapsed.
"Jingle …"
Pike also rolled aside.
A quiet in the field
"Brother Yang!"
"Uncle Yang!"
A line of people in Zhengqi Hall roared in succession, and there was a chill coming from my heart.
Yang Shu’s strength is clear to them, but it was a few moves against the strong black iron, but now it has been killed by an axe.
Fight back!
Is the strength of the director of Xicheng gambling house so horrible?
"Xiaoqi takes Yaoer first!" The middle-aged man with a sullen sword hand stared at Zhou Jia’s mouth and drank heavily.
"Let’s go!"
"Yaomei, go!"
Xiaoqi knows that it’s not too late, regardless of the female cry, pulling her to jump sideways.
Zhou Jia glanced at several people’s faces, and their eyes slowly fell on the middle-aged man’s body.
"It’s interesting to burn jingxie to increase strength. Although the increase is not small, it’s a pity that the damage is too big and some of it is not worth the loss."
In this short moment, the breath of the other person has soared a lot.
But the foundation is also seriously damaged.
This time, even if you are afraid of living, there are not many days left.
On the outbreak potential …
Even the top secret method of Xuantianmeng has almost no sequelae, and it is also a joke before the violence of the fierce star.
Middle-aged male cold hum
"Take it!"
Before the sound fell, he rushed towards Zhou Jia with his sword in one.

"The Covenant heaven stands upright."

"The farm environment is bad"
"The manor is now in good condition and completely destroyed."
"The manor is out of control."
"The manor armed defense force is destroyed"
"This manor has no profit value, only some natural resources can be used."
Not far from Zhuang, I don’t know what to say.
The lock-picking device has accumulated a lot of "time oil". Not far from Suozhuang, I tried my best to hit the biggest door nearby.
When I first heard that this is a "manor continent", Zhuang was not far away and was pleasantly surprised.
Lanshiye Manor is just a manor city, and it is already so huge and rich.
Get rich! Get rich!
But when the manor was tested, it was like a pot of cold water pouring over the head, which destroyed the illusion that Zhuang was not far away.
Mom lost her eggs!
It turned out to be such a dilapidated manor!
Zhuang walked around the top of the mountain not far, and the temperature on the top of the mountain made him shiver, so he quickly put on down to keep out the cold.
After searching in the hall for a long time, I found that there were really no profitable resources, so I resigned myself.
It seems that even life is extinct at the top of this mountain. After staying for less than an hour, Zhuang couldn’t stand it. He looked around at the foot of the statue and found a place to plant grass.
Manor said, "At present, the flow rate is gradually increasing when it is out of control. Are you sure to dock?"
Not far from Zhuang, I thought that the velocity of the manor is different, and the velocity of the manor can be controlled by the great power of God. It should be nothing, right?
Besides, this is a valley clause. At most, it will develop into a manor and a small village. It’s a big deal to throw the rabbits over and then lose the door not far from the village.
After confirmation, the manor was docked, and the servants of the manor appeared not far behind the manor.
"Why is the landlord so fast?"
"Yes, I planted it in the blink of an eye?"
Blink of an eye?
Is the speed so fast here?
But now is not the time to consider.
It’s serious to deal with rabbits quickly
The manor servant hit the rabbit cage, and the rabbits rolled out of the rabbit cage like a group of plush balls, and the tide flowed from the mountain.
If it weren’t for the rabbits who didn’t take Zhuang not far away, I felt that I would certainly hear the rabbits cheering.
"Oh, what a fright!"
"Run, run!"
But not all rabbits left directly.
Not far from Zhuang, I found many rabbits with scales crawling and his feet gently touching his feet.
At this time, Zhuang heard a sign not far away.
"Congratulations to the owner of Renci Manor for domesticating a new species-Rabbit Dragon Man and making his complex thinking reach the intermediate domestication stage."
"Congratulations to the owner of Renci Manor for his domestication achievement. 2/5 of the current domestication progress of’ Minzhida’ is dog dragon and rabbit dragon."
That moment not far from Zhuang is simply in distress situation.
Mom, are you sure this is not a joke?
These rabbits can also become rabbit dragons?
And when you wake up next time, can you be early?
Forget it, forget it. Now the rabbit is free, and you can’t regret it.
Not far from Zhuang, he squatted and touched a rabbit’s head and said, "Well, this vast world already belongs to you. Go and multiply at will."
"The Creation of the Rabbit Dragon Code" recorded that "in the first year of the creation, the ancestor garden of the Rabbit Dragon made a big mistake, and the two-legged god was furious and wanted to put the Rabbit Dragon to death, and the King of God was merciful and the Rabbit Dragon opened up a new world to thrive"
"All rabbit dragons are guilty, so we should make penance, beg the forgiveness of the king of two feet and return to the kingdom of God … The king of God blessed me with spiritual wisdom to lead our rabbit dragons to thrive. I am the first generation of high priests with white claws."
Chapter 595 Military Competition
A military training ground in a state has been in the middle of a military actual combat contest.
A total of five days, four nights, and dozens of simulated combat events have been completed, which is several times harsher than Malasson’s. All the participating teams have reached their limits in physical strength and spirit.
And even the team leaders who accompanied the competition had heavy psychological pressure in their hearts.
Military honor and blood are sometimes above everything else.

Without Herman Goering, Rudolf Hess and Goebbels, does this man still have a chance to become the devil of the world and change Germany into the world?

Chen Tianxin’s answer is very contradictory. Without such an environment, this person’s potential cannot be denied. You know, rebellion was doomed from the moment he was born, and living in Vienna gave him a profound understanding of reality. During the war, he disdained to join the Austrian army because he saw through the decay and decline of Habsburg dynasty and was crazy about war, which reflected his human nature on the other hand.
Just as Chentian was immersed in his thoughts, juliana woke up a little
This will make the atmosphere very awkward, and Chen Tian soon realized this.
"Major, I forgot you hurt your hand … is it okay to eat like this?"
After all, it is very likely that the lines designed by a dramatist are not in good condition in actual situations. It is hard to imagine in which direction this meeting will be held, whether it will be an instant hit or a blunt scene.
Obviously, this problem also caught Adolf off guard. Fortunately, this "celebrity" who has received a lot of attention has not shown the situation on this occasion.
"Positions although some difficult but less can also fork and spoon! Fact … It is a great honor to have lunch with your Queen’s Temple. Even so … there will be no regrets! "
"Major, don’t you worry that the attendants will cut the food for you!" Juliana comforted Adolf with a smile. "This is an informal dinner party. You see there is no stranger here … I said yes!"
"Yes!" Chen Tian hurriedly agreed that for a monarch who is not very sociable, a queen like juliana who grew up in a royal family and has a good grasp of etiquette and words on various occasions is a very useful supplement, but it is still the most important factor in politics for outsiders to see the combination of the two.
Adolf’s own free hand over there gently pulled the napkin and said in a small way.
"The Queen’s Palace … It’s very kind of you!"
Chen Tian nodded to the attendant on one side to signal that the dinner party was formal.
Fish roes from Russia are carefully cooked by the royal chef, and roasted rabbit meat makes people appetite at first sight. Fried steak, fragrant pine mushroom and clam soup, as well as local Spanish mackerel and sea shrimp are a normal lunch for Chentian and juliana, but it is definitely a rare delicacy for Adolf, a soldier who came from the front not long ago.
During the meal, Chen Tian and juliana tacitly reduced the frequency of speaking so that this special guest could focus more on the food. It can be seen that Adolf is really hungry. During the meal, he kept his proper manners as much as possible, but he forgot that when members of the royal family attended the high-level dinner, would anyone eat half a rabbit, three steaks, a fish and a plate of soup, even though these foods were cut by the attendants before putting them on his plate?
Fortunately, Chen Tianhe and juliana didn’t mind this, but looked kindly at Adolf, who was still eating. Before the temperature of some food on the table dropped to need to be reheated, he finally put the spoon in his hand. The squire immediately removed the table and tray to change coffee and tea for three people-Chen Tianhe and Adolf were both coffee and tea in juliana.
"I saw your story in General Hartman’s report. To be honest, you are one of the few officers I know who can combine wisdom, courage and command, so I specially arranged such a dinner party and asked them to keep it strictly confidential until you arrived here!"
Chen Tian’s words are a supplementary reason for inviting Adolf to dinner. Although this invitation doesn’t have to have any reason, Chen Tian hopes that this explanation can reassure Adolf. After all, it is impossible for him to tell him about another world.
Adolf brushed up from his position. "It’s my honor to be appreciated. It’s a high reward for me to have lunch with you. Now I hope to get well as soon as possible, return to the army as soon as possible, and contribute my strength to the empire and career, even if I have to sacrifice my life!"
It’s not surprising that this lofty aspiration comes from another person’s mouth, but who is this in front of you? Others don’t know Chentian, but it is very clear.
Is he really willing to live in a house? So his hidden ambition lost the opportunity to sprout?
At this time, there is an indescribable feeling that once a certain branch of history changes, many things will change with it, but this change is by no means complete. Herman Goering died in the battlefield. Rudolf Hess retired from the Sixth Army and went to a small factory. Goebbels worked as a teacher at the University of Heidelberg, but Deng Nici, Lei Deer, guderian, Manstein and Rommel have a life track quite close to history. Most of their talents have been recognized, especially Deng Nici and guderian, two heroes who have long been in Germany. Compared with Adolf, they are still unknown.
Chen Tian waved a face of excitement and Adolf sat down.
"Major, your courage and loyalty are beyond doubt. You deserve this medal after your contribution!"
A ring has already been prepared to stand beside Chentian, and the attendants will hit a delicate wooden box with a medal with two colors of blue and gold, which is lying quietly inside. The cross is made up of four arrow shapes, which is a kind of blue arrow between sky blue and sea blue, and four golden arrows are flying eagle.
This is the second place in the German army, second only to the Grand Cross. For a German soldier from a civilian background, winning the Blue Max Medal is already a very high honor.
When I got up, I personally took the medal out of the box and went to Adolf. I gently pinned it on Adolf’s chest and saluted.
"Pursuit …" Adolf’s eyes were full of tears. Since he was told at the door half an hour ago that "Emperor Pursuit invited you to have lunch", he was like entering a dream and was happier than dreaming.
Just when Adolf was too excited to know what to say, Chentian patted him on the shoulder. "Come on, I think we can have a good talk!" "
Adolf rushed nodded.
"Is that okay?" Chen Tian smiled and looked at the tea being served. juliana, a former Dutch princess, was very keen on tea from the East when she came here. This time, it is natural to taste all kinds of famous teas in person. It seems to Chen Tian that her English drinking method of pouring milk into tea can not taste the real taste of tea.
"Of course!" Juliana elegantly held the teacup in front of him. This happy major is certainly not a dangerous man. What can men talk about together besides being keen on the military?
So when Chen Tian and Adolf had a long face-to-face talk in the room, Adolf was still a little restrained, so Chen Tian deliberately chose some things like military career, Adolf, such a light topic as battlefield anecdote, gradually let go. When talking about Austria, especially Vienna, Adolf showed his knowledge in humanities, history and art. Before he knew it, Chentian changed from a protagonist to an audience, and Adolf became a speaker from a guest. He not only gave Chentian, an art layman, a small lesson in modern art, but also did not shy away from pointing out the existing establishment of the Navy’s Sixth Team. Some shortcomings of equipment warfare mode Adolf euphemistically expressed his view that Japanese people are stubborn and despicable and can be saved. They and their emperor system should be eliminated, but it is too expensive to directly land on the 6 th island. It is more suitable to deal with such island bombing and water blockade.
Three hours of long talk, let Chen Tian tell the world adolf? Hitler got some deeper understanding, but before he gave Adolf a new position, the wounded man who even had problems walking freely had to take care of his injury honestly.
Destroy the day Chapter one hundred and thirty-five Artificial hero ()
On the second Wednesday after Chentian came to Qingdao, Christmas came quietly in 1929. It was windy outside, and it was cloudy but there was no snow. In Germany, the square and buildings next to the streets in Qingdao, the military and economic center of the Far East, were carefully arranged according to the German Christmas habit. Small lights and gift boxes can be seen at the entrance of shops and hotels, and a Christmas carriage will be placed to attract people’s attention. Even if the economic conditions are poor, some merchants will write "Merry Christmas" in German with pictures or large banners.
Because the street is busy, it takes a little longer than usual for the bus to cross the city to go to the Far East Group headquarters. However, it will calm down if you look at the cheerful pedestrians outside the window and the children with different heights, western faces and oriental faces in the church choir, and then listen to the heavenly carols sung by their children’s voices.
"Merry Christmas!"
It’s only a few tens of meters away from the entrance of the headquarters to the main battle command room, and the oncoming officers greet each other. In Germany, Christmas is a good day to drink beer and eat roast duck and go out for a trip. Although the soldiers here have to continue to struggle in their respective posts because of their duties, everyone is very relaxed except one person, that is, the nephew of Marshal mackensen, the first assistant intelligence officer in Chentian.
"This came from Berlin an hour ago!" As soon as he entered the door, Schobert had an extremely serious expression, which made people know at a glance that he brought bad news.
Chen Tian took a document from him, which occupied half of the paper. Three paragraphs roughly said that Rheinische Zeitung published an encouraging anti-war article today, accusing the government of spending huge manpower and material resources to fight a war far away from Wan Li and killing a large number of outstanding German soldiers in the distant battlefield. This is neither rational nor responsible. Because Rheinische Zeitung has a great influence in central and western Germany, especially in small and medium-sized cities, this article is likely to let more German civilians join the anti-war camp. In addition, the intelligence department learned that opposition parties and some civil organizations, such as the Freedom League, which has always held peaceful and anti-war views, are actively preparing for an anti-war demonstration, and their activities are mainly aimed at workers in major factories. Although their demonstrations will be arranged for most workers to rest on Sundays, such activities will obviously affect the enthusiasm of workers to continue the national war machine.
After reading this report, Chen Tian’s expression is a little serious, he said to Schubert
"I know you go first! I’ll call you again if I have any orders! "
"Yes!" Schubert left with that look on his face when he came in.
Thinking alone for three or four minutes, Chen Tian rang the bell and asked the attendants to call Lundstedt and Manstein, who had just returned to the headquarters to report on their work.
Five minutes later, the three generals walked into Chentian’s office in turn according to their ranks. Today, they are all wearing the new 6 th Army, and they are all very clean and tidy. However, the color of the Kleist Army is a little lighter than that of the other two, which is not obvious. But when the three of them are side by side, the difference is still obvious. This is the difference between commanding the first-line troops to weather the wind and rain outside and staying in the room most of the time.
"Please convey my Christmas greetings to your families and ministries, wishing them a merry Christmas, happiness and health!"
Almost unanimously, the three men replied, "Thank you, we will give it to you!"
"Please sit down!" Chen Tian led them to the square sand room on the side of the office. When everyone was seated, he said, "I called everyone here today to tell you that the anti-war sentiment in China is gradually rising, and there are more and more calls for us to end the war as soon as possible!"
Of the three people, only Kleist was surprised that Lundstedt and Manstein stayed in the group headquarters so that they could hear more outside the battlefield, and they didn’t deliberately hide it.
Lundstedt was the first to say, "I beg your pardon, the voice of opposing war has been there since we fought against the Japanese. I think these people are either economically or otherwise connected with the Japanese and are afraid that the war will damage their interests;" Either it is biased against the government and the army; There are still some people who I think are Japanese spies or bought by the Japanese early! "
"Yes, I think so!" Manstein then said, "No matter when trying to maintain peace by non-war means, there are people, but history has proved that only by force can a country’s security be guaranteed and real peace be achieved!"


There is no doubt that Su Jing has made great achievements again, and the real person is very busy there with the treasure blade of luck. After he has finished his business, he will not delay greeting his companions and return to the East.
Su Jing also declined princess royal’s request not to go with her to visit the Six Wings Imperial Pool. The temptation curse is to go back to the body collector and kill a thousand knives in the hot sun. It’s 960 knives away from dzogchen. This last step is not finished. Su Jing, if you can get unnecessary entertainment, hurry up and practice.
Su Jing left in a hurry without even eating a meal. princess royal was a little lost in his heart. How can I say this feeling? It’s not Su Jing’s contempt, but it seems that there is no place worthy of attention … But princess royal didn’t expect that a great event will happen soon after the end of the mountain alliance.
A full-accumulated monster with a huge spirit state went straight into the sphere of influence of the final mountain alliance. A large group of demon fairy soldiers will be wearing helmets and armor, and the new leader will lead a group of immortals to worship the mountain. They want to ask the monsters who came here to ignore a member of the general, and if you dare to step half a step, you will invade Tortoise State. Then fight!
The ferocity of demon fairy’s fierce and fierce Lingzhou is amazing. This group of fierce immortals is by no means affordable to the final mountain alliance.
When the new leader was at a loss, the tortoise state leader, the big snake monster, the second leader, the commander-in-chief of the Silver Dragon, the third leader, the mighty general, and the fourth leader … One-inch black snake, I don’t know what’s going on, and a group of leaders and commanders were fierce. demon fairy went directly to the Six Wings Imperial Pool, and the monsters in the field were diffuseness, and there was no more ferocity. The root was to visit friends and worship the mountains.
Turtle state moves into southeast fairy heaven
This state is a small light-headed family territory, and specially went to the Southeast Six Wings Imperial Pool to watch the neighboring areas. From then on, the Six Wings Imperial Pool swung its arms and turned its somersaults. Let’s eat the sea and see who dares not to be black and windy. Let’s see who dares to covet Dongtiandao and give a stack of resources to princess royal!
Su Jing will return to the sun of the corpse collector and then escape into the sun where the predecessors left a hundred miles. Continue to practice killing thousands of knives and practice leisure. Su Jing will also think of one thing … a lance.
Although there is a joke in Gao Cailie’s words, it is also a fact that Su Jing didn’t match the technique today.
Gan Lin’s sword has been refined into himself. Without Su Jing, he is a sword. He is a weapon himself, and he doesn’t need to take it anymore. This is true, but if there is another magic sword, Su Jing’s combat power will rise to a new level.
Besides, Zhenyang and Zhenmo are both good magic swords, and Su Jing’s two swords can bear Su Jingli’s display. However, these two swords can only ensure that Su Jing can exert one hundred percent of his fighting power, while good magic is one hundred percent of his bonus, which is very different.
It’s Su Jing who is too powerful today. The universe is vast and poor. It’s not easy to find a weapon while taking advantage of it. It’s hard to find a weapon material even if you ignore the length of time.
For example, when the fake Buddha got the "Tianyuan Iron Moon", it was already a great material. Otherwise, the fake Buddha wouldn’t have to cast a special spell to hide the treasure, but the treasure cast by the iron moon was far from being worthy of Su Jing.
Life and death can’t be too close and far apart, but they don’t delay talking. Obviously, Jin Liangliang has already told the Xiaojinwu that when he saw Su Jinglai, Jin Liangliang waved "ask, ask".
A group of kids saluted in disorder, saying that they were all younger generations. See the only one who didn’t bow down to Su Jing’s robe, but called him uncle.
After the ceremony, it was a mess to sign up for the big sun, which was very taboo to the body collector. It also affected the little sun dolls, and they all dared not look Su Jing in the eye. So did the little girl who gave a gift to Su Jingxing’s peers. His name was Jin Lao, and it was so easy to remember the name.
Jin Liangliang, the young man who signed up, touched his hair and said to Su Jingdao, "Don’t underestimate him. Don’t look down on him. Although it’s a doll, you and I respect him. He has great talent. Three hundred years ago, he was proved to be a cunning general."
Ascending to the seventh rank will not change the seniority of the God Crow, but the God Crow will not show seniority and treat each other with courtesy.
The phrase "asking the spirit" is too vague. Su Jing is not very platinum and bright. He knows that he is puzzled. He patted the "little old child" with his palm. "Can it be put to good use here?"
"Can anyone die here?" It seems that Jin Lao, who is only five years old, nodded happily and followed his hands, respectively. He pressed his eyebrows and his heart to curse, and then Su Jing and others suddenly heard a heavy sigh.
This sigh comes from the depths of the star stone, which is old, naive and sad. It is by no means a movement in a group of large and small suns.
Su Jingxian is one leng before blinking … The star stone near the corpse collector’s sun has been visited by him, so we know that this star stone has a named body. Ordinary immortals don’t know whether it was hunted down or why he died alone. This star stone has been there for many years before Su Jingcheng’s corpse collector.
Su Jing won’t disturb the dead and ignore it.
At the moment a sigh from the body nearby.
"A sigh before death is not a last word, but also an obsession. It was his last thought when he died … so long after he died." Jin Lao blinked and explained vaguely, but shed tears. The tears of the sun fell to the ground and became a flame. It was beautiful. The small spark easily burned this star stone through the hole of little finger thickness.
"Ask the spirit" is not a dialogue between the dead, let alone wake up the corpse soldiers. Ghosts will only restore their "scattered thoughts" before they die, but ask the spirit that when they die, the sad little Sun feels the same way, and he will shed tears unconsciously.
Nothing to do … but it’s amazing enough. God knows how evil Buddha’s mind was before he died. How long did he die?
This star stone body is the most common fairy family, and it is amazing that it has been dead for countless 50,000 years or 500,000 years, and it can also restore a sigh before his death.
Su Jing looks strange and magical, but he doesn’t have much practical experience to seal the crow’s nest.
Anyway, god crow is all kinds of crooked ways and tricks, and once you get to the extreme, you can seal it
Jin Liangliang shook his head. "He can help you a lot, and then … this child will have a big place in the future. God knows, please take good care of him."
God knows what will make sense. Su Jing immediately nodded and followed Jin Liangliang and pointed to his little sun "still … and this group of children are all the younger generations in my family who want you to take care of them."
Su Jing has experienced too many dangerous and strange things, and her body and mind are deep enough to be really surprised, but after hearing Jin Liangliang’s words, Su Jingxin’s earthquake was extremely terrible!
What is this?
Divide into orphans
Unless there is a catastrophe, what else can make the big sun take care of the child again and ask them to send it to the corpse collector to look after it?
Su Jing’s face sank. "What’s going on?"
"In the future, my uncle will personally tell you that" Jin Liangliang’s eyes are dim "and that I won’t travel far or far recently. You can look at each other from afar, and we can take care of the little babies together, but it is more and more appropriate for them to follow you."
The body collector is unlucky, but the body collector is very powerful. This fairy is stronger than Su Jing. A few little girls in the fairy family are more secure in the sun.
Jin Liangliang is also a god who will not fight, but he is far from Su Jing.
However, Su Jing’s strength may not be able to "offset" his bad luck. It is still a god knows what will happen. His old man’s house has its own meaning, and the sun needs to ask and do it.
Su Jing won’t refuse to nod his head and want to ask the truth of "trusting an orphan" again. Jin Liangliang shook his head. This matter will be told to Su Jing by God crow in the future …
I have seen Jin Liangliang, and Su Jing has a few hundred little things around him. Su Jing frowned when he went back.

Once he put his life’s practice to work, he cultivated himself from the mountain in a way that was most beneficial to the clan, and finally gave him the consolation of the evil spirit, but he was a little relieved.

The first rain in the world not only broke the magic of "Blissful Death", but it was pure and pure. It was the source of life-it was the first time that Zhongtu Gankun appeared in the real spirit, and it was the rain that made every brother who left the mountain and every treasure that was refined in the body moistened, and its power soared!
From the mirror-closing order to "do everything possible" for a group of demon monks to Shen Tu Lingling to meet the enemy in the rain, it took only three or two breaths. After the heavy rain fell, my brother was hitting six thousand ink arrows.
Rain has the effect of clearing the heart and inspiring Gem’s power. Unfortunately, rain can’t erase the demon monk’s testimonies …
Rainstorms on sunny nights become violent flashes and thunders.
Tianyun, but that flash came to the sharp purple arc, and it was ferocious and fierce, as if the whip of monty was going to tear the sky apart … It really cracked the vast night, and a black and purple crack was visible to the naked eye!
Just after the purple flash bloomed, a deep crack remained in the center of the canopy.
The thunder roared and flashed and bloomed endlessly, each time more dazzling than the last, each time sharper and fuller than the last. I don’t know what heaven has violated. At this moment, it is sinful and is being beaten by heavy lightning!
The scars and cracks are so heavy that they seem to collapse.
Thunderstorms come and dissipate faster, and the thunder is ferocious in two breaths and dissipates after two breaths, so it is quiet for a day.
Suddenly, one hand stretched out from a crack in the sky, and the slender, white and beautiful fingernails were trimmed smoothly and roundly, smeared with impatiens juice, which should be the most beautiful hand in Middle-earth.
Without holding a small tambourine in hand, she giggled for a moment, and the owner squeezed into a person from the crack in the awning, with a high bun, big gold rings on her ears and an ancient skirt with an off-the-shoulder tube top.
The woman is not young, and the crow’s feet are in her forties. She was a peerless beauty when she was young, but now she is still so beautiful that she can’t help breathing in front of her.
It’s a pity that Qi Dong has gone to ascend the demon. If he hadn’t left, if others had left the mountain, he would have screamed at the moment, then made a grand gift and shouted, "Grandchildren meet granny tambourine. You look so beautiful like my mother."
Chapter nine hundred and seventy Reinforcements
There is no tambourine in the 3,000-year-old world.
Among the 37,000 demons throughout the ages, it ranks as the 231st tambourine monty!
Rinrin … The tambourine and the monty tambourine are very interesting. It’s like children playing with rattles, but the red rope is wrapped around the drumstick, not wood or stone, but two exquisite bells, which are very pleasant to shake.
The monty tambourine rang.
And the tambourine rattles instantly, and the weirdo shows up instantly, causing cracks all over the sky, and people in the cracks are frowning. Middle-aged coolies, young people who are young before they get old, stupid but dressed luxuriously and fat, beaming with joy, riding a six-legged ox with a red coat, an old woman with a huge gourd in her hand, turning her head and mending her white hair with a thick needle in her hand, one after another, squeezed into a whole hundred weirdos from the cracks.
It’s lucky that Qidong has gone to ascend the demon. If he hadn’t left, if others had left the mountain, he would have broken his head. Monty hesitated vigorously. Monty married Monty, gourd Monty, stingy Monty … A weirdo is a monty!
Group demons join the WTO
After that, the demons danced wildly and rushed to the ground to fight at nine o’clock, and the flower demon monk turned into a hundred arhats.
Monty vs. Lohan! There are no spells, no spells, no spells, monty dancing, monty fighting, monty moves, biting people in his mother’s mouth, scratching his face and pulling his legs on a cloudy day, killing people without looking good, asking him to die!
Not a real monty
Monty stands at an altar among thousands of deities and buddhas in the vast universe. They have a font size and a banner. If the real magic comes at the worst, they can fight against the evil monks in World War I. How can one hundred demons fight against one hundred arhats … There is a real monty loyal and loyal magic Qin Chui in Middle-earth.
But there is also a mountain in the middle earth, and there is a monty hall, where there are 37 thousand demons from ancient times to the present! 1000 magic statues have real images! These images are all true gods and spirits, and Qin Chui is full of spirituality. With these spirits and spiritual demons, he will live in a hundred places and enter the war.
Qin blew his robes, and those who were the magic deities couldn’t come, but they all heard the great curse of Qin Cone, which really entered people and themselves, like loyalty and monty driving them into battle again.
The golem fighting in Farouhan is the unfinished repair of the old monty fighting mirror flower, which ranks fourth among the 17 monks.
Monks and demons went crazy only after World War I …
It was still dark, and Luo Mao woke up in the darkness.
Luo Mao didn’t know that there was a man with the same name and surname who was doing the same job with him in the same place more than 1000 years ago. It was a good job to eat imperial grain, an iron rice bowl and a generous salary to help the world. In the world of the true gentleman, he couldn’t become a monk. Ordinary people have to become monks, eat meat, drink, marry and even go to brothels, but it is allowed to give money. If you don’t give money, you can’t help the world. You can’t rub sand in your eyes
Luo Mao didn’t know that the elder with the same name had encountered a strange thing more than a thousand years ago. A monster came to the temple of the real king and changed his boots unnoticed … But today Luo Mao’s strange thing is much more frightening than the ancient Luo Mao.
Night enveloped the heavens and the earth, and the long lights in the hall made Luo Mao silently pray to the statue of the true king. He prayed for my family’s peace, my mother’s longevity and my son’s health. After that, Luo Mao got up and suddenly saw the tall statue of the true king of Yingwu in front of him and blinked.
Luo Mao was shocked and quickly rubbed his eyes and looked at the elephant or the elephant change. Luo Mao was relieved that he had just woken up and was dizzy, but he didn’t wait for his long breath to make a sudden loud noise, like frowning and staring with anger. The elephant raised his hand and threw himself into the sky!
The statue of Youshi Zhenjun broke through the hall and disappeared in the night!
Luo Mao was stunned and screamed. As soon as he sat down, there was a basin of water behind him to prepare for sweeping. Luo Mao fell into the basin and sat wet on his ass.
Luo Mao wasn’t the only one who fell and flew away, nor was this great statue of the true king.
At the same time, everyone in the hall of the true king in the eastern part of the great flood territory fell in a strange cry; In every hall, the great statue of the real king is broken and disappeared into the night …
A hundred days before the mountain, the magic statue came with great vigour, but that statue was much bigger than the possessed statue, but the Buddha came quietly, like a trace of a breeze. As soon as he appeared in the battlefield, he was burned by karma.
Monty is a fake Buddha, but it’s really big. If the magic weapon in the mountain bun looks solemn when he comes, he sits still and can’t print his smile-he has become his own Buddha. He has not broken it yet. He has to stay at home and cook rice, oil and salt, and continue to cook with the teacher.
Mud plough purgatory is gone, not gone, to be exact, it has become smaller, spreading hundreds of miles of flames, and the hell has become a bigger bonfire. When the fire is gathered, it will not burn others and burn Aozhu alone!
Mud plough purgatory is a flower-by-flower purgatory, which is a fire, but it is not that the demon monk has to burn Aozhu, but that he has to burn it, or that Aozhu has to step into the battlefield, use whatever he wants to curse, and a person "gathers" and bears all the flames.
Aozhu said come at me.
Aozhu said if I don’t go to hell, who will go to hell?
Aozhu said that I was playing with fire in the sea, and that monk was me. Don’t rob anyone.
The fire of the color industry had to flock to Aozhu alone. This is the Dharma of Zhongda in the sea! Just like Qin blowing monty, like Arhat to Fa, he put the magic monk to spend flowers one by one to make the Buddha invincible and resist the pure mud plough flame; The rice, oil and salt are the stars of the universe, and the heart is facing the fire of Buddhism.
Let’s see if the flame burns to the end and the wind goes out, or if my giant Buddha with dragon blood is baked into a delicious turtle. I’m not sure about Aozhu, but there’s a thought in Big Aozhu’s heart that you can’t bake the fragrance, so you die … Aozhu fights alone!
If Aozhu wants to fight alone, how can a demon monk speak the rules and fight fiercely? When Aozhu was on the rampage, that god thunder turned sharply and chopped it off toward Aozhu’s head! The enemy’s strong support has been combined to kill the entrant Wang and then destroy the mountain to win.
The thunder died, and the thunder demon monk released the flowers and swallowed the scriptures. The thunder broke and chopped … When it cut to Aozhu, a big hole suddenly appeared in front of the thunder.

Four-wing chicken is a middle-aged couple. "Do you accept it here?"

However, I shook my head and took out 2 yuan from my pocket and handed it to Mi Wan.
Chen Xiaoxing, who is being educated by the couple, watched with envy as more and more people came over there, but there was no good place nearby. He ran back and forth screaming, "It costs 55 yuan to park on your shoulders and have a private seat at the top of your head!"
"Pay the money quickly!"
Soon he had a pile of money in his hand.
The wooden club also holds its own stones to promote sales.
"A limited number of 55 private rooms are available on a first-come-first-served basis …"
Soon I rented out half my body stones.
Chen Xiaoxing’s mouth is watering. This is a lot of Qian Qian!
"You still envy others! Be good to me! " Xin Chen is in distress situation.
Zhang Lili said, "Look at how calm the six girls are and learn from them."
Six Eva looked up and saw his one eye, bowed their heads and took a small drawing.
They don’t know that Liuwa hired a lot of people today, and the income from selling all kinds of small businesses in the crowd is even much higher than these two little guys.
She is so calm because she is the boss.
After the restart of the exile era, the layout of Liuwa’s former exile era was completely white, but now that it has reconnected with the exile era, Liuwa Chamber of Commerce can naturally set sail again.
The middle-aged couple next to them are smiling at Xin Chen and Zhang Lili, shaking their heads and sighing, "This child needs a good education, otherwise it will be difficult to educate him when he grows up. You can’t listen to what he says."
"Yes, especially boys, if they are not careful, they don’t know what they have done."
"That’s how we get moths for us every day. We both regret how we didn’t educate him well when we were young. As a result, we grew up. Everyone is slower than others. Everyone else is married. My son didn’t even have a girlfriend! Don’t know we are in a hurry, we are still waiting to have grandchildren … "
"Our little star is quite good. It’s quite feminine." Zhang Lili next to him immediately touched Chen Xiaoxing’s head and said with a little pride.
Xin Chen felt something was wrong there. The middle-aged man looked familiar?
Zhang Lili has said, "But don’t worry too much about young people. Sometimes they just like to play. When they are tired of playing, they will know that they are relieved. When they get married, they always have to take their time. Where is your son now?"
"Well, there it is." The middle-aged man reached forward and pointed to "the second one on the left."
At this time, Zhou Ye, the groom’s official, has come out. His four groomsmen accompany him. The leftmost one in military uniform is a large group.
And the second is not far from Zhuang.
He was wearing the manor’s main shirt, which was obviously composed of newly woven lines and gold threads.
"Alas, this child is better to be obedient," sighed Zhuang Dad.
Then I reached out and touched Chen Xiaoxing’s head. "Don’t be like him, little guy."
Chapter 1424 Pandora’s Box
Hundreds of experts in white coats are busy in a heavily guarded facility in Nut State.
The outside wall of the laboratory was painted with the portrait of the robbery squad and a big red cross was made.
There are also huge words "fire prevention, theft prevention and robbery prevention"
There are all kinds of broken parts and instruments in the laboratory.
This is the only time piece from the explosion of Indigo Emperor that has been searched in Nut State.
All the important things were taken back by the robbery team, and all that was left was some junk.
However, what is left is also a valuable asset for Nut State. By deciphering the technology of factory owners, they have also broken through some technical problems.
Of course, the main force is not them.
In the corner of the laboratory, there is a man with long white hair wearing a red robe instead of a white coat. He is wearing reading glasses and lying on an independent workbench, fiddling with something like a square box.
He carefully packed all kinds of scraps from his machine into this small box.