Chen Yi knows that the problem in the later stage is that he has experienced the wounds of the Three Kingdoms. The experience is absolutely enough, just like the battle between ag and R. Even if he plays an advantage, he is still killed by R’s rich experience.

The more you hit the late Chen Yi, the more cautious you are now.
But at the last minute, I was pulled back by the wounds of the Three Kingdoms. The output of the troops was too wild, and Gao Chengfeng’s clockwork was directly shot by a big mouse in the dark because of his position.
Missing a key output point lk, I fell in love and retreated.
Was it finally changed to 4?
The second game was defeated by the Three Kingdoms.
Chapter 74 Game 3 of the playoffs
"The situation is a little complicated."
Lk didn’t complain about losing the second game, but he was aware of the danger.
"I can’t beat them later."
Erhong found the obvious problem, even though he had great advantages in the early stage, lk was dragged to the later stage by the Three Kingdoms, and then suffered losses in the team battle, which led to the final defeat.
"array problem"
It is an indisputable fact that Chen Yi saw that the output mechanism of horses and mice made them unable to fight against the late stage, so it can be said that lk fell behind the Three Kingdoms in selecting candidates.
If you lose, you lose at a point in the mouse. The output of the mouse is too high in the later stage.
This is beyond lk’s control, but everything else is under lk’s control.
"Why don’t we have another pre-array?"
Er Hong also thinks no about Riven’s extreme exercise.
"You can’t fight until Riven is released from the opposite side. We can’t make a set of Riven plans, and Riven will definitely not be released again."
After hearing Chen Yi’s words, Erhong also knows that he is too young. After all, it is rare for a hero like Riven to be released after losing money once.
"Well, think about countermeasures. We can’t beat this situation again in the later period."
Erhong has a headache at the thought of mice. This kind of super-large meat shield is in the front row, which makes him force to vomit.
"Well, it’s time to consider how to restrain this thing."
Chen Yi was also annoyed by horses and mice. With Lulu protecting lk, she could hardly touch the mice.
In the third game, lk returned to the blue side and ban dropped Lulu, big mouth and revenge spear.
Compared with the big mouth and revenge spear, the mouse threat is still not very classy.
In the Three Kingdoms, ban lost Riven, cask and tsar.
"Hey, what’s the situation?"
Gao Chengfeng, a man from ban, got excited instantly.
"What’s wrong with Gao?"
Looking at Gao Chengfeng so excited, Erhong didn’t see white.
"They don’t have ban Victor."
Erhong discovered that the wounds of the Three Kingdoms did not ban Victor, but ban dropped the barrel.
"Yes, yes."
Gao Chengfeng is quite happy that Victor is a hero who plays very well, and now it is rare for him to be released in the playoffs.
"I took it"
Erhong directly locked Victor’s wounds in the Three Kingdoms with the first hand and took Ritz and Rexay.
And the wounds of the Three Kingdoms finally took out a single Virus to fight against Victor, which made the field cheer again.
"It’s interesting."
Seeing Verus appear, I understand the meaning of the Three Kingdoms. Single Verus not only has output but also control. Plus is an ad, but he doesn’t lose Victor in the middle of the road.
The two sides are lk Dannar, Wild Leopard Girl, Zhong Dan Victor, Lu Shi Aircraft and Bloom.
The Three Kingdoms war was fought by Dan Ruiz, and the single-virus road was played by Lunma and Bud.
The wounds of the Three Kingdoms are very fond of Bud’s assistance.
"Bud again"
Erhong saw that the aid of the Three Kingdoms was very useful. Although Bud was not very strong, his skills were combined and controlled too much.
Wang Dongdong saw that this guy also had some headaches. Wire control combined with ad output was a more annoying guy, but Zhou Qiang didn’t like this assistant very much. After several times, the effect was not satisfactory and he finally gave up.
Now it’s time to talk about seeing the Three Kingdoms ruin playing very smoothly.
However, Bud is not the enemy’s control, which is bound to sacrifice the output, which also leads Bud to eat teammates very much in the later stage, which is equivalent to lk being five to four.
"God, what if you lose?"
Before being pulled back, confidence swelled, and Erhong was a little restless. It is a pity that victory is closer than falling here.
"If you lose, you will make a comeback with Hao. What are you afraid of?"
For Chen Yi’s words, Erhong is a strong refutation, and Zhang Hao is still lying quietly in the hospital at the moment.
"Let’s play the game seriously."
In the cheers of the game, once again, the Three Kingdoms Wounded chose the tactics of late development, and the team fighting ability of lk was not lost to the Three Kingdoms Wounded. Both sides were set to see the real chapter in the team fighting.

Tophro naturally doesn’t like winning skin color, but if he wants this, he will be driven away … It’s only for members of the uneducated class, and he obviously won’t be so impulsive.

He knows very well that Changsheng is Lotito’s loyal lackey, and he has made Lotito’s position stable in Lazio.
Because he can really bring champions to Lazio, which Toflo has to admit.
The China man is right. Lazio fans will support him if he can still win the championship.
All we have to do is get him out of here
But how do you get it away?
During this time, Toflo let his hands go around to collect information and intelligence, hoping to find something that can benefit him.
If he finds it, he will definitely fry it to achieve the goal of forcing the palace …
An hour and a half before the game, the stadium finally put all the ticket gates to let the fans in.
Untouchable fans have been entrenched outside several entrances of the North Stand before they moved.
The north stand is their territory. They always watch the home game like this. They just wait outside the north stand and check in. They just go inside and know who they are, and they don’t check in at all.
Then Lotito came, and the good days ended.
It’s time to check in!
No tickets allowed!
After a period of struggle, the incorrigible faction still didn’t win because Lotito said that the club’s financial crisis existed in every euro.
Even if their ticket money is divided by the city Council, it is better than nothing.
So they gave in and paid for the tickets.
Now the incorrigible fans take out their tickets and prepare to enter the stadium.
Lotito is also waiting in the queue for admission.
But after waiting for a few minutes, the team did not move, and he felt strange.
Look at the other entrance teams next to them. They have already filed in!
What is going on here?
While wondering, there was a commotion in front.
"What happened? !”
He asked to drink.
Soon someone came back panting and reported the situation.
"Commander! No way to the entrance! !”
"What? !” Tophro was surprised.
Then he pushed the messenger and strode past hand in hand.
He saw the entrance door through the crowd without walking a few steps.
There’s no worker at the ticket gate. The door is carved with iron and closed!
Really not!
Chapter one hundred and seventeen Closed North Stand
Toflo had a bad premonition, which made him feel bad. He didn’t care about himself. It was all his hands. He waved his hands and pushed those who were in the way aside and strode to the ticket gate.
To heaven, there are people who check tickets here, and the non-indoctrinated fans check tickets here. Of course, they have to go through security check.
But security here is generally sloppy.
It is natural for non-indoctrinated people to get through these festivals
If the security check is too strict, the uneducated will enter the stadium with their fists and mouths. How can we create a home atmosphere? Who is responsible for the flood of slogans, portraits and huge flags in the North Stand? It’s their incorrigible faction!
Then the iron gate will be hit behind the security checkpoint.
After passing the ticket check and security check, the uncivilized fans will step up from here and enter their territory to decorate the home atmosphere with various slogans.
There are four such entrances in the North Stand of the Olympic Stadium.
Thousands of non-indoctrinated fans can enter the stadium at half an hour faster-they have to enter the stadium quickly because they have to set up the stands first because the security check is not very satisfactory.
Setting up the stands is the best support for Lazio …
It seems that they have won every special item for supporting Lazio …
But this time things are different.
There is no one at the security checkpoint. The iron door is closed.
He climbed over the low security checkpoint and came to the tall iron gate with more than two people through a passage
He looked up at the iron gate and then grabbed the railing and shook it hard.
The door clattered, but it just wouldn’t pull.
It’s really locked
Damn it!
A bad feeling took shape in Toflo’s heart.
He thought of the former Lazio club official.
They said that they would ban the more than 230 untraceable fans for one year at home!
They are serious! ?
But there are still many people here who didn’t take part in that incident!

Did he accidentally cover the cat when he was fighting with Numabuchi Kiichirou and his accomplices?

Gangqi Chengjiang’s coffee table base is very low, which is almost the same as the height of the basin upside down. If the basin is accidentally buckled and pushed to the bottom of the coffee table, it is indeed possible to catch the cat.
….. But this cat is not dumb. It barks. How can a black cat not find it?
Unless the opponent is too strong, the black cat can’t care about these.
As soon as it is difficult for the black cat opponent Conan, a suspicious curly hair wearing a black mask gradually emerges in his mind.
But in the final analysis, this is also based on subjective speculation
What’s important now is-what’s going on in this secret room murder case?
Put your wallet in your heart. Is this a murder or a serial murder? The police can’t believe that Gangqi Chengjiang committed suicide.
….. Conan heart tired according to the press the eminence.
The easiest way is to find a black cat and ask him about it.
Speaking of cats, it doesn’t matter, does it?
Conan looked up at the cat in Mao Lilan’s hand and suddenly felt that there seemed to be something more in front of the cat’s neck from his own point of view
Look carefully, it seems to be a very small ball covered with hair and almost invisible.
Conan wondered for a moment to get the cat from Mao Lilan for convenience.
However, as soon as he reached out his hand, the cat suddenly woke up.
It looked up at Mao Lilan for a while, raised its tail and wrapped it around her wrist, and her fingernails popped up to hook her sleeve and wrote "I don’t want to go"
Mao Lilan took a decisive look at Conan after a second’s stay and reached out to hold the cat back in her arms.
"…" Conan eminence jumped two.
I’m not sure yet.
But now he understands it completely.
This is definitely the black cat!
….. Its neck is a transmitter? Or a bug?
Is it true that the black cat has never been here? This is that herding cats went out to track freely, and then the cat found Numabuchi Kiichirou himself and was detained by Numabuchi Kiichirou and his wicked companions?
This speculation seems to be more reliable than the first two.
Because there are not many signs of struggle in the room
And if the black cat really came here and fought with Numabuchi Kiichirou and his accomplices, it would never be so quiet.
Only in this way can Numabuchi Kiichirou and others make it easier to create a murder chamber.
….. but again, the murderer has confirmed that there is a ghost in the chamber of secrets.
Criminals really can’t guess by common sense.
Baishi didn’t pretend to sleep all the time
The main reason is that Mao Lilan will send it to a pet shop for rescue so that he can’t follow them into the congressman’s house
Cat slaves are really treasures.
There is not much to check at the scene. Several people will soon return to the police station to continue investigating several dead people.
Judging from Gangqi Chengjiang’s reaction before her death, she must have known Ye Anhe, which means that Numabuchi Kiichirou didn’t kill people at random this time, and his targets must be related to each other.
All the way, Sakata Suksuke’s various hints finally made Bu Pingji and Conan notice the common ground of "driver’s license"
Later, they went all the way to the driving supervision office and finally found out about the driving training class twenty years ago and found that issue of graduation photo.
Twenty years ago, six young students were photographed around the coach.
The current coach has been drunk and killed, and six students have also died. Four of them are still alive, leaving Numabuchi Kiichirou and the rural councillor.
Baishi prone Mao Lilan shoulder probe glanced at the photo.
Inaba tetsuji, he and Sakata Sukehsuke are as long as a hair fork.
Shiraishi turned to look at Sakata Suksuke and found that he was really a little nervous.
Fortunately, for some reason, the coach’s face just has a ray of light to cover his face. Conan and Buping have not found any problems for the time being.
-At a glance, the most attractive thing in the photo is that Numabuchi Kiichirou has not been captured today.
"There must have been something bad in this driving training class twenty years ago." Bu Pingji speculated and tried to restore the truth
"After Numabuchi Kiichirou escaped from prison, he thought about it and blackmailed the Secretary of State to help him escape, but he was refused. He slaughtered the relatives to threaten the members?"
Conan shook his head and felt that it was wrong. "He is an ordinary person except a member of parliament. Can this really threaten many rural councillors with bodyguards?"
"Don’t forget that Numabuchi Kiichirou is likely to have an accomplice. Maybe killing these people was inspired by his accomplice.
"And I always feel that Numabuchi Kiichirou is not dominant in this matter, because it is generally the oppressed party to kill people unless Numabuchi Kiichirou is a homicidal maniac …"
Ubeiji is still not used to discussing problems with such a small child.
But he looked around and found that no one else thought it was wrong except the cat’s eyes.

Because both Lu Min and Mr. Comas have a superficial understanding of the glory nobles, Nick is even less likely to come up with higher-level information, which means that if the glory nobles have contact or communication methods, Huang Xuan’s fate will be miserable

In order to find something in Yu Rongguang, Huang Xuan was in a hurry.
But apart from some superficial things, he almost got it.
Judging from Nick’s access to the Internet, there is no uniform standard for glory aristocrats. Officially, the so-called glory is a special glory aristocrat, that is, when an individual wants to get it, the Administration recognizes that the plane and the plane base have high fitness, physical conditions and bloodline elements, and have certain commitments-it sounds simple, but it is difficult to decide who the base belongs to even after years of fighting, and the result is that a plane base is often forcibly occupied. In this era, it is already difficult to create a new plane base (it is not impossible to make it). This kind of fighting is something that the Administration tries to avoid.
Because the essence of the administration is the interests of extended families, they prefer slow exploitation to revolution.
However, the people give glory another concept, that is, they meet all the conditions except "being approved by the administration at the time" and come from the era of big planes. The former families are called glory families, and the members of these families are called glory aristocrats. Its two main hardware components include plane, base, position plane and inheritance.
Therefore, when Huang Xuan saw the description of glory nobles, one exception was to praise their cultivation and envy their lives, and to discuss their luxury, but few people talked about the strength of glory nobles
This is very strange. It seems that glory strength is not in doubt.
It is precisely because of the war that Huang Xuan destroyed the prosperity and prosperity of the era that people were so afraid of war. Just like after World War II, European countries hated the danger of nuclear bombs and opposed the containment of war, including the ruling institutions of the three sides and the time management authorities, all of which were doing the same thing to curb the war workers, and the nobles rarely had the opportunity to fight.
Of course, this does not mean that glory is kindness.
They are standard monopolists, selling plane resources, selling technology, buying raw materials and occasionally killing people.
In the last ten thousand years, there have been three human face destruction incidents, one of which came from Master Hou Junlong, a first-class traveler who was a member of the Administration. The remaining two times are from the glory nobility.
The r-plane is only one minute south latitude, and Nick can’t get more information, which makes Huang Xuan feel more and more uneasy. The thought that Comus will force him to meet Hou Junlong Huang Xuan has the feeling that a mouse is a son-in-law for a cat.
Chapter two hundred and fifty-four R plane (9)
Shi Yu, who has recently obtained the first-level certification, seems to be the first time to be a father monkey and jump away from relatives and friends for fear that others will not know that he has been promoted. For a traveler who was born in a small family and just graduated from school for two standard years, Shi Yu’s level is indeed worthy of pride.
And Mr. Comas also intentionally noticed in two meetings that Huang Xuan wanted to meet more people, so Huang Xuan had to hand over some of the visitors’ lists transferred from the Revolving Palace Hotel to Nick for screening.
Even so, he met with more than 12 people in just two days.
The most important thing in this kind of informal meeting is to understand each other or understand the official saying that reaching a consensus is called Huang Xuan’s conversation with official representatives such as the financial officer of the Comas family, the official of the Wendling family, the member of R1′ s daily administrative committee and the member of R39′ s autonomous administrative committee, but there is no contact with the people’s representatives, let alone the media.
The advantage of doing this is to maintain political freshness and political energy, and at the same time, it will not be in the limelight, which is a more stable way to do things.
Huang Xuan didn’t recognize his surfing ability until he received a more formal education and had more experience.
After seeing off the last executive member of the No.3 base’s shareholding Committee, Nick exaggerated the wave-like tone, "The great yellow masters Shi Yu and Lu Min asked to see him and brought some friends."
"Let him in," said Huang Xuan, sitting in the conference room and taking a sip of incense (a drink that he often drinks). "How was the Northern Dynasty?"
"He went to Nanlu College today and said that if you have anything for him to do, you will find him again."
Speaking, Shi Yu came in. His flat face seemed to be cracked by an elephant. He laughed, "Mr. Huang, I brought an old friend to see you."
Huang Xuan got up and met Shi Yu with a tall middle-aged man behind him. An iconic moustache floated on his chest and wanted to think and laughed. "Is it Mr. Yue? You left me a horse specially, but it helped a lot. "
This Yuezhong Spring is also a horse lover whom Huang Xuan met during the Three Kingdoms period. It was the one who left a message saying that he couldn’t help taking a good horse.
Yuezhong Spring has long been a first-class traveler, but at this moment, it seems that he is still at a loss to shake hands with Huang Xuan and put out his wrong hand. He rubbed his leg and changed his hand. "Hello, Mr. Huang, we have been thinking about you. I heard that it was a bar mitzvah?"
Liu Min winked at him because Huang Xuan always disliked his glorious identity-this was naturally due to his shyness, but Shi Yu just didn’t like publicity.
Huang Xuanhuang began to say, "How long ago?" But he didn’t answer his question directly.
Shi Yu also interposed, "Mr. Huang, the three of us came here today to discuss a matter."
Shi Yu looked at Lu Min, who coughed, "Mr. Huang, your R1 assets still have 100 million hot circles and 25% of No.3 base stocks. So much money is put in Qianzhai, and I think it’s better to hire a professional investment institution to transport it, so I may be too busy alone, and Shi Yu and Yue Chunquan are willing to help you with these."
"If so, your speed of getting contribution points will be reduced."
"No, I’m already a level 1 traveler." Shi Yuxian smiled twice and added, "Mr. Huang is organized and capable, and he doesn’t bully others. We are all eager to do things behind you."
Yuezhong Spring also voted, "Mr. Huang has no chance to meet in a hurry. This time, I really want to follow around. Although I am not very skilled in this piece of capital, I am very good at cultivating all kinds of biological products, such as horses, cows and other economic products, as well as dinosaurs and mammoths. Generally, I am responsible for logistics support and staff when organizing groups."
This is a little surprised Huang Xuan a smooth way "your family? Level 1 travelers should have several base limits, right? "
He said that Yuezhong Spring was a little embarrassed. "I have a base limit because I have not made less special contributions, and my contribution points are all accumulated. It is not good to apply for his base limit. There are few people in my family. Now I am the only one." Because travelers live alone for a long time, they account for the majority.
He said as if remembering something. "Mr. Huang is now based on himself?" This is a lot of energy, right? "
"Used to be familiar with some" Huang Xuan in the mind a surprised face is calm.
Yuezhong Spring suddenly said, "Actually, you can also apply to the R plane through your base. Many senior people do this, although it is really convenient to apply to one base at a time."
Lu Min also brightened up at the moment and said, "Mr. Huang, apply for one. The No.1 base with the highest R1 level is limited to level 6. You should be able to apply for a good level."
Huang Xuan still laughs but doesn’t talk. If Nick really applies for R1 base, let alone what level he can apply for. Just exposing the base makes him reluctant.
Four people were just saying this when Nick suddenly said, "Look at the energy screen."

All of a sudden, the sky was full of golden stripes, and several golden lights were wrapped around huge lotus flowers, flying out of the void and shining in the void.

As soon as the golden lotus came out, the monks who had closed their eyes suddenly stared at the lotus with their eyes open.
The golden light suddenly flashed more than ten golden figures, and nine golden arhats and two bodhisattvas suddenly flashed out. Both bodhisattvas were sitting with their eyes closed in the lotus terrace, but the nine golden arhats stood behind the two bodhisattvas and looked extremely pious.
Suddenly, a strong Buddha’s light rose all over the body, and the Buddha’s light faded away. After that, the two Bodhisattvas actually got up and looked as pious as those golden arhats. Suddenly, a bodhisattva roared, "I Buddhists are still coming out to meet the South Sumeru Light Buddha."
Many monks were suddenly frightened to disgrace. Although these bodhisattvas and arhats are all talking about the characters, they have been here for many years after all. These monks know their presence more or less, but suddenly a Buddha can make people not panic.
"Welcome to the South Sumeru Light Buddha"
More than 10,000 monks shouted out the pure Buddha’s power, and suddenly it spread all over the Huangshan Mountains. In the past, the arrogant monsters fled from their powerful strength, but when they were weak, they turned to their original forms and fell to their knees in the mountains, afraid to move at all.
The golden light flashed, and a huge turtle flashed first. The turtle’s eyes shone with pure Buddha’s light. The back armor leaned against a big ear, and the monk’s body looked a little thin. To put it bluntly, it was a typical malnutrition, wearing a dark gray Buddha’s clothes and sad eyes.
The big-eared monk slowly opened his eyes and slowly swept through many monks and whispered "Amitabha"
Simple four words will stop talking, hands folded and tortoise shells will flash a golden screen, and hundreds of tadpole-sized ancient characters will be like living things looming on the screen.
"Nine Lotus Sword Sect is really a hidden person of the remnants of the wild. Today, it is a special order for Nansumi Light Buddha to lead me to the Buddha. It is decreed that 37,000 disciples of Nine Lotus Sword Sect must go to A-bi Hell and suffer eternal suffering before they can reincarnate and re-enter my western paradise."
More than 10,000 monks immediately went to the virtual line to pay homage and be pious, and said, "Get the Buddha’s decree."
Jiulian Jianzong Mountain Gate is now teaching real couples Jin Sheng Zhang Jiao Jin Miao Zhang Jiao’s wife led thousands of younger brothers to drive various flying swords and stood in the middle of the battle waiting to see more than 10 thousand monks outside the mountain array.
Suddenly, a blue sword light flashed at a high speed, and a brother in red flashed a virtual face at Jinsheng Zhangjiao and said, "Master, the mountain gate has long been surrounded by these bald donkeys, and all the information can’t be sent out to protect the ancestors."
Jin Sheng Zhang Jiao slowly waved to him not to say anything, and said slowly, "Go back first!" "
Enduring heartache, Jin Sheng said to thousands of younger brothers behind him, "If there is an opportunity, I will allow you to surrender, and you all don’t know it. You shouldn’t die so hard."
All of a sudden, these thousands of younger brothers are like frying pans. They are not qualified to practice in the forbidden area of the back hill. However, they don’t know that Jiulian Jianzong is a’ Tianzhong’ clan. The fact can be seen from the edict of South Sumeru Guangfo that everyone is white, but now they are asked to surrender. No one can accept this reality.
Jiulian Jianzong has always been killed and never surrendered. In those years, the great war in the wild was closely related. In the end, hundreds of millions of people in the whole wild clan died and surrendered, except for nearly 10 million people who were controlled by Buddhism and Secret Law.
Suddenly, a master of the golden generation roared out, "I will definitely implement it if I don’t teach real people your words. Although I may not be very white, one thing is that I was born in Jiulian Jianzong, which is my home. Although I know that I don’t read much in practice on weekdays, I still abandon my home for nothing. I would never do such a thing. I would rather die than surrender."
"I will never surrender to the death of Zongmen."
"common death, common death, common death"
At that time, more than 1,000 disciples who were in the lowest rank among the Nine Lotus Sword Clans roared out in anger, and the backbone in their bones was suddenly aroused, and the high fighting spirit pervaded everyone’s mind.
Looking at these brothers, Jin Shengshen, please fade away and feel sad in your heart. These people will face death before they even know their true identity. Is it unfair?
"War, war, war"
Suddenly tens of thousands of roars came out of the forbidden area in the back hill, and angry roars resounded through the heavens and the earth.
Chapter 27 If you want to die, I’ll be you!
Chapter 27 If you want to die, I’ll be you!
I feel that tens of thousands of people are excited about fighting spirit, so I can’t throw cold water on everyone at this time. I roared, "Good body against Jiulian Jianzong will die together, even if the last person fights, these bald donkeys will not compromise."
By this time, Jin Sheng knew that there was no room for retreat, and he was puzzled that the ancestors suddenly disappeared. Zongxiu is the most powerful, but it has just reached the degree of robbery. Although the number of some uncles and grandfathers is huge, it is close to more than 40,000. But looking at the huge array outside the Guardian Mountain, Jin Sheng knows that it is a trivial matter to live and die today, but the ancestral Millennium foundation will be destroyed. My heart is full of unwillingness.
As soon as the Buddha made a big-eared monk, he continued to lie on the giant turtle and never looked at the two bodhisattvas in the eye. He nodded secretly, and a golden arhat behind them immediately said knowingly to more than ten thousand monks, "Let’s do it!" Get rid of these remnants early, and be clean early, so we can go back to heaven and pay the decree. "
Looking at the golden screen in the middle school, more than 10 thousand monks dare not neglect and hurriedly respect the law.
As soon as the voice was finished, these old monks who had been sitting dead for many years immediately shone with a strong Buddha’s light, and their lives were repaired. The Buddha’s treasures were all around, and they were transformed into golden light and shot at the Fanghu Mountain Array.
More than 10,000 monks have spent at least one time. For less than 40,000 monks, the highest practice is just approaching one time. To be honest, the root of strength is one-sided, and there is no need for any skills at all. The more than 10,000 monks have not made any secret teachings, but simply released their own treasures.
Although it has just reached the "order", there is a dust that these old guys favor good babies and many of them are taken for granted. At the first moment, when more than 10,000 monks attacked Jin Sheng, they found that the situation was grim and they looked dignified and nervous.
All over the sky, the golden uh guano fell like a light rain, and Jin Sheng suddenly roared, "The brothers who guard the array all go back to their positions to guard the large array. Even if it is bound to be broken, let these bald donkeys consume some mana to try to make other brothers more or less."
Immediately, hundreds of younger brothers immediately returned to their own positions, and the nine lotus firm but gentle shots were desperately instilled into the large array to keep the large array of defenders in the most powerful state of defense.
Buddha’s treasure retreated, but the original indestructible Guardian Mountain Array actually turned into nothing at the first time. Hundreds of brothers suddenly vomited blood and fell to the ground. Although there was no life worry for the time being, it was only a matter of time before the Guardian Mountain Array disappeared and others didn’t come to cover their death.
Strength is one-sided, and now the ending is also expected by Jin Sheng. He didn’t expect it to be so fast. He thought about how to protect the defense of the mountain array and how to maintain it for a few tens of seconds so that the remaining brothers can make full use of the most powerful force of the nearly 40,000 brothers.
The array hasn’t been finished yet, but it has disappeared. Before Jin Sheng can react, the second wave of attacks has already fallen. Jin Sheng suddenly looks dim, and this palm teaching is perhaps the most failure, even the real strength of the enemy can’t be analyzed clearly.
With sharp and aggressive Buddha roots on all sides, there is no escape, and it is possible to fight back against the past. The flying sword roots have produced many brothers who are suddenly submerged in the Buddha’s light.
"Bastard" Jin Sheng was so short of breath that he even said dirty words.
"Brother, let’s put it together. The ancestors taught us sects to carry forward the law. It’s not time for me, but your faction leader must get up and lead everyone at this time. You will point to their flagship and they will fight there. Only in this way can they give full play to their greatest strength."
Looking at his wife’s most intimate school sister Jin Miao Jin Sheng’s heart suddenly rose a little sweetness and said to Jin Miao, "School sister said that the ancestors gave us the baby today. If we can’t drink enough blood from these bald donkeys today, it’s too sorry that the ancestors favored it."
They have been husband and wife for many years, and there is no need to say more about Jin Sheng’s words. A pale blue flame immediately rose above their heads a few months ago. When the ancestors moved in the forbidden area of the mountain, the elder personally took care of the male and female.
These two tokens were personally sacrificed and refined by the great elder Xuanzhenli’s own inflammation Yang Zhen fire. Even the ordinary fairy wares were melted at the touch, and even the ordinary people’s instruments were close to each other by ten meters.
The sun makes a female and a male take care of each other and entwine with each other. Suddenly, they fight out a piece of heaven and earth. The number of Buddha treasures suddenly loses its due power. The earth suddenly turns into molten iron. Those Buddha treasures that belong to chicken ribs are not very powerful. They are directly vaporized and disappear forever.
The younger brothers hurriedly drove their powerful magic weapon, the flying sword, to follow closely after the order of inflammation and yang, and more and more younger brothers also noticed that they would not be restrained by those Buddhas after following the order of inflammation and yang.
You can’t attack Yang Ling with tens of thousands of flying swords. Even Lohan with golden body can’t say that his golden body can withstand the shelter. Two flying swords with Yang Ling followed by them are like two dragons rampaging through the middle of the school. Exquisite monks all died in the fire of Yan Yang for no reason.
Although there are still nine lotus sword brothers who die in the Buddha’s treasure all over the sky all the time, Jin Sheng and Jin Miao led the couple to fight their way out, and there were thousands of casualties on both sides. However, in these powerful magic weapons, almost all the bodies of the victims were vaporized
"Hum rice beads also want to shine."
A bodhisattva finally can’t see the past. Although he doesn’t value the life of these monks, he feels very uncomfortable when he feels the true fire of the sun. His hands suddenly become two golden hands and he takes a hard shot at the couple.
The 3,000-secret method of Buddhism in Fo Yin needs a few simple handprints and pure Buddha power to start, but it must reach the realm of bodhisattva to exert its greatest power.
Two stuffy hum a simple trick, and Jin Sheng and his wife were severely pressed to the mountain like shells, and they couldn’t stop spitting blood. They looked haggard and pale, and even the sun made them lose their joint efforts and induction.
Look at that bodhisattva Jin Sheng and his wife, who have lost their combat power, he said, "It’s a pity that you can’t exert your power!"
After that, the Bodhisattva grabbed the true fire of the inflammation Yang. Although his heart was full of fear of the true fire of the inflammation Yang, he also knew that if the power of this fire could be collected and refined into a magic weapon, his own strength would certainly be further improved.
Just as the golden hand was about to seize the burning sun, it suddenly exploded with a cold hum, "If you want to die, then I will be you!"
Chapter 279 Shame on your face, then don’t blame me for being cruel!
Chapter 279 Shame on your face, then don’t blame me for being cruel!
Hearing this seemed like roaring from hell, the white bodhisattva’s body trembled and suddenly became dignified. It was a kind of fear from the soul, just like the fear of seeing Vulcan Zhu Rong when he killed God in the great war tens of thousands of years ago.
Growling just fell a golden orange fireball, and the white bodhisattva suddenly frightened and hurriedly released thirty-six big Fo Yin, thirty-six giant bergamot with a strong murder Buddha’s light arranged in a vertical line to meet the rapid fireball.
"Hum to death!"
A cold hum came out of the fireball like a meteor and slid over 36 roads. Fo Yin was as fragile as paper and was broken in an instant.
In the eyes of tens of thousands of disciples of Jiulian Jianzong, the golden orange fireball broke 36 great Fo Yin, and then wrapped the white bodhisattva that had not yet escaped.
"ah! ! !”

After hearing the words of suspection.i Zhantian, that guy is a root and doesn’t stay crazy at all, heading for the distance.

After seeing this guy’s performance, I believe that he won’t deceive himself.
"Eldest brother, what do you want to come here? Oh, I don’t understand. Do you want to kill someone with a knife? But I don’t understand the boss. This dark domain has been fighting with the old five for so long and they haven’t been destroyed. How can they help us? Besides, I’m afraid they have no ability to destroy them! " Small deep and remote doubt looked at suspection.i Zhantian asked.
"Hehe, it’s not white, isn’t it? They can’t destroy the fifth property before. Let’s just come!" Any suspection.i war days mysterious laughed
After hearing Huangfu Zhantian’s words, Xiao You shook his head and didn’t speak again. Anyway, if there is a boss, we can do anything. Just listen to the boss.
Any suspection.i Zhantian with that, he jumped directly into the black deep domain.
Xiaoyou wanted to say something, but when he saw that the boss had rushed away, he didn’t bite his teeth again. He followed Huangfu Zhantian directly and jumped to Section 54: Laowu Wuya.
This dark field is not deep, but the two of them soon came to the bottom, but it was here that shocked Huangfu Zhantian. His unfavorable knowledge was actually nothing, and he was blind. There were black fog roots everywhere, and he couldn’t see who was opposite. If it weren’t for Xiao You and himself who often added Huangfu Zhantian together, it was a abnormal intuition, and I’m afraid I wouldn’t feel Xiao You.
"Treat the guests like this when they come!" Any suspection.i war day light said
As soon as the words of Huangfu Zhantian fell, she heard a hearty laugh, and then the black fog melted away like hot sun and snow. Before Huangfu Zhantian, there was a row of people. After careful observation, these are definitely real human beings.
"Boss, they are going to give us Ma Wei!" Small deep and remote clenched fist to suspection.i Zhantian said
"No, if we don’t have that strength, they won’t care about us at all!" Any suspection.i Zhantian laughed [
"Ha-ha, my friend, you’re right. Well, let’s get rid of those empty heads. Let’s get down to business. What do you two want to do here?" A little old man with a height of less than one meter said smilingly to Huangfu Zhantian, but those stout men next to him didn’t respond, as if the old man should speak. It seems that the old man has a high status in the black abyss 2.
"What’s the purpose of my coming here? Presumably, the prophet’s adult should know it. I will ask this question again! If you don’t agree with one sentence, you will have two advantages and two disadvantages! " Huangfu Zhantian took a deep look at the little old man, and said word for word that after these people appeared, Huangfu Zhantian noticed that the old man had a strong spiritual force, which was not similar to magic, but belonged to the general temperament of teacher Xiaoyu, which belonged to the spirit of the prophet. Huangfu Zhantian hit the nail on the head of the old man.
After hearing the words of Huangfu Zhantian, the old man appeared a little surprised for the first time in his calm eyes, but he soon hid it.
"Of course, we have been waiting for this day for a long time. I didn’t expect you to come so late! Remember him? " The little old man smiled and said, then he pointed to a shining golden warrior beside him.
"It’s you! You saved us at the beginning! " Huangfu Zhantian followed the old man’s hand to hope that when he first entered the virtual space, he happened to meet the virtual storm. At that time, a shining armor man chopped the virtual storm with a knife. It was this one in front of him.
"Yes, that’s me! My name is Jin Sheng! " The golden man, such as Hong Zhong, said.
"oh! It turns out that you paid attention to me at the beginning. What did I say? I always get lucky. Brother Jin Sheng, thank you! " Huangfuzhan, as in the heavenly heart, is very unpleasant. He didn’t think that he had been wasting himself in the control of others all the time. He was also a god of war. It was bad, but now it seems that it is not the same thing.
"Don’t be angry, little friend. We really didn’t mean anything. At the beginning, my own life cost. We predicted once that we would face extinction and there was a chance in it. That was you. We had to go all the time. And I guarantee that we didn’t intervene in you except that time. His affairs were the most dangerous in your life. If Jin Sheng didn’t make moves, you would have been torn apart by a virtual storm and our black field would have ended up miserable. It’s a terrible place for you, and we have to do it ourselves. Besides, the old man, I still have three days to help us. The real thing is to help yourself. I hope that Xiaoyou can let bygones be bygones. What do you think of Jin Chenghe? " The little old man smilingly explained
After listening to the old man’s words, Huangfu Zhantian’s anger has subsided a little. People really saved their lives, so they can’t be stingy.
"Well, the past is over. Let’s talk about what to do next!" HuangFuZhanTian since figured it out, so also won’t go to think about these things.
"It’s so cool to express our sincerity. We will send you a gift from Heiyuanyu. With this gift, I think we will have no worries!" The little old man laughed.
"Great gift!" After hearing the little old man’s words, Huangfu Zhantian’s eyes shrank with a jerk because he sensed something.
Sure enough, after the old man finished speaking, a group of people appeared in front of Huangfu Zhantian. After seeing these people, Huangfu Zhantian and Xiao You suddenly looked at this person dumbfounded.
"Boss, you finally found us. You didn’t even know that we were killed by those bastards …!" See a figure quickly came before suspection.i zhantian cried
It turned out that these people were all here when Tianyu City was robbed. This made Huangfu Zhantian very moved, and the complaints about this little old man dissipated, while Huangfu Zhantian was more attached to this little old man.
Wait until everyone is excited after suspection.i Zhantian was called away by the little old man alone.
"thank you for your other words. I won’t say much. Thank you very much!" Any suspection.i war day grateful to the little old man said
"Don’t thank me, I’m also helping myself. Now you should have nothing to worry about. How about your plan!" The little old man said with the wave
"I’m new here, and I’m a stranger here. What plans can I have? I know you’ve made a plan. Tell me, if there’s no problem, we’ll listen to you!" Huangfu fights heaven [
"I know better than anyone what the strength of Wuya is, let alone you. Even if there is one more you, no one can win Wuya. But now Wuya is in a breakthrough period, but it is an opportunity for us. If we miss this time, I am afraid we will never have such an opportunity again!" The little old man looked serious and said
"Oh, yes, Wuya is the bachelor you said!" After that, the old man added a verse 55: Small world.
"Special period? What special period is it? " Any suspection.i war days after hearing the old man’s words, the in the mind is raised a bad feeling immediately asked eagerly.
"Wuya brought a cauldron from your Shenyuan mainland, but this cauldron is an antique once in a thousand years. The so-called antique is to refine it into an ancient Dan by a special method, and this ancient Dan is to make Wuya break through to that realm, that is, the realm where the chaotic venerable was at the beginning, which can be stopped but not reached!" The old man said
"Old man, tell me who that cauldron is?" Any suspection.i war days after hearing this, a flicker came to the old man’s side and held out your hand and grabbed the old man’s hand anxiously asked.
"What? You let go! What are the two big men like pandering! " The little old man a clap suspection.i Zhantian hand muttered
"Say it quickly!" Any suspection.i war day root didn’t go to the old man’s words mean suddenly and violently shouted [
"That cauldron is a little girl. I have never seen it before. It’s too poor to know that she is less than three years old. I don’t know what her parents think of children!" The little old man said with a face of pity, but suspection.i Zhantian had already disappeared.
Huangfu Zhantian’s mood at this time is like a mess. He doesn’t know what to do. He has determined that the little girl is his daughter, the cloud. That’s his daughter. Damn it, young man.
After a good half-day, suspection.i Zhantian came back with a sad face, but the little old man had been smiling and waiting in situ.
"When you come back, there is no more grief. Now the most important thing is to save your child. Don’t ask me what I know. If I can’t predict it at all, I won’t be mixed up. Well, now our mutual foundation is more solid. I know Wuya better than anyone else. You can rest assured that I can definitely destroy Wuya according to my plan!" The little old man laughed
"Then tell me if my cloud is in danger!" Any suspection.i wars day keeping a close eye on the little old man asked.
"I don’t know!" The little old man shook his head nai said

But many people talk about Master Deng taking 1.22 million silver from the government! That’s a lot of money!

What’s more important is that the Deng family once deliberately did it with Li’s adult, and Deng Menghan, the three young ladies of the Deng family, once made tricks to harm Li Furen more than once! It can be seen that Li’s adult can treat him like this. It’s a blessing for Nanhai County to have such a broad-minded envoy who has both business and public affairs …
Li Fu and even Fang Zhou didn’t think that Li Fu’s reputation as a civilian official was actually wandering after this incident!
How embarrassed he is to run away from himself
Because he really doesn’t know anything about ordinary people, the general events include participation in politics and Senate touts, aides who are in charge of cleaning up four big families, all kinds of struggles involving business, and mothers who advise him … How can he be grateful for taking credit from mothers?
On those two days, Li Fu felt very embarrassed when he met Fang Zhou, and even Fang Zhou felt very surprised and confused.
Forced him to tell the reason, and almost didn’t laugh to death. Li Fu told her to laugh even more, and now she has something to rely on. He is so annoyed that her roots itch and she hasn’t been brought to justice!
After the settlement of the business line, it will be the establishment of the chamber of commerce.
Master Lezheng is very frank and will no longer refuse to bear the burden. The president of the Chamber of Commerce and the member departments are all businesses with assets reaching a certain amount, and there is no problem with their reputation. The government does not participate.
Then Master Le Zheng called everyone to select four directors from them by voting to form a Council to deal with the daily chores of the Chamber of Commerce.
Then comes the formulation of standards, strict membership standards, penalties for violation of the articles of association of the membership convention, articles of association, how often the standards are revised and what conditions are needed, and so on. Master Le Zheng leads the board of directors to vote on whether or not to pass.
Master Le Zheng is absolutely respected in the eyes of all people. With him in the seat, people’s hearts are really open, and those who were worried about unfairness and injustice are gradually relieved.
Even the founder of Fangzhou has naturally become a director. A few things have happened, and everyone has lamented that Li Furen does not admire Le Zheng.
Lian Fangzhou has since been officially integrated into the Nanhai County business circle and truly accepted by everyone!
Her integration, of course, also means that Li Fu’s integration has been completed naturally and immovably.
When Master Lezheng came to his senses, he felt a little uneasy. Lezheng’s family always remained neutral and impartial. What happened to him? Unconsciously, he was biased towards the adults and couples.
Master le Zheng sighs long and sighs with a wry smile, and he can’t blame him! It’s really Li Furen who comes up with those fantastic ideas from time to time, which makes people feel surprised and happy, suddenly enlightened, involuntarily attracted to her and involuntarily followed her pace!
How can you treat others like this?
That’s all! It seems that Nanhai County is really going to change!
In less than a year, the four families were divided by the couple, and now there is only one Liang family left! How can Liang Jia beat the government again?
Li’s adult was born in the military, but he beat the conference semifinals and jurchen out of the water, and he was awarded the title of General Hou with military merit! Is it difficult for Liang Jia to take advantage of him by force?
In the past, the key point that those political envoys could not compete with local forces was that they were too weak in force to face the strong Liang Jiagen from resisting, let alone taking the initiative to attack.
Although Li’s adult hasn’t confronted Liang’s family head-on, the chase and interception, which was a trap step by step, didn’t hurt him! That was when he was alone with a colleague from Li Furen who didn’t know martial arts!
And the pirates on rejuvenation island have been running wild in the sea for years. Who are you afraid of coming? But it was wiped out by Li’s adult!
Deng’s family is completely finished. Master Deng is old enough to be an entrepreneur. His qualifications are not outstanding. If he can start a small business, he will never create a great cause! Plus today’s business line, the Deng family doesn’t have any money left in their hands!
Li’s adult will never allow the second Deng family to come into being.
There is also a sudden flash of light in Master Fu Jiale’s mind. I can’t help thinking that it’s not too early or too late. It’s just at this time that the family has changed. Don’t … Is this also related to Li Daren?
Master le Zheng’s heart was pounding, and although there was no evidence, the more he thought about it, the more he felt it was.
What a coincidence!
And after taking back the main position of helping every family, Fu Li will ignore everything under the pretext of unstable foundation, which means that he is absolutely unwilling to oppose the government! Will Yu secretly help the government to help Li’s adult? God knows!
When he said that he didn’t participate, it didn’t mean that he was on the side of the government.
It must be like this!
That is to say, the actual family has taken refuge in the government!
Four families went to the second!
What about home?
Master le Zheng’s legs are soft and busy, holding the chair and slowly leaning to sit.
Li Furen showed kindness to Le Zhenggu. Besides, the couple also saved their third daughter-in-law’s kindness to Le Zhenggu. If they don’t be well-advised, they will be annoyed. Chapter 1358 Decision.
Master le Zheng couldn’t help shivering deeply. le Zheng’s family can’t be destroyed by him!
Master flatly determined to immediately ordered the core members who worked in various places to be secretly recalled to their homes, and he had to re-order the layout.
And Li Furen, you have to let your third daughter-in-law pay a good visit.

The national commentator praised foreign affairs and affirmed and encouraged Weber’s penalty.

For Webber’s decision to punish Manchester City, of course, Manchester City will quit. With a penalty, their two-goal lead will shrink to one goal in an instant, and there will be more than 40 minutes left to play shjān n. It’s hard to say whether the game will win or lose!
A large group of players theorized around Webber and all the fans were hissing.
But obviously this penalty yjng cannot be changed.
Manchester City players also hope to put some pressure on Webber to make his zj unfair and get it back later!
Rooney puzzled Rooney at the penalty spot when his national team-mate Johart kept jumping and dancing with zj.
But Rooney is also a very jngyàn big-time player. Last season, he relied on a stunning barb to kill Manchester City. The picture is still vivid. Now he is still the top scorer of Manchester United. At this time, he, Aguero and Sun Yao are almost catching up with Van Persie in the scoreboard.
At this time, Van Persie scored 27 goals, Aguero scored 24 goals, Rooney scored 23 goals and Sun Yao scored 23 goals.
There are currently more than 20 goals in the Premier League scorer list, just these four.
Rooney relied on this penalty to go to the road of 24 goals.
Steady run-up shot to the right of the goal!
Joe Hart guessed the right direction, and he flew out and headed for the ball.
Shhou Rooney was extremely nervous and uneasy when he saw that Johart méyou had been deceived by zj and guessed the right direction.
The ball was caught by Joe Hart!
The ball changes course and pops out of the small restricted area from the right. At this time, Clichy quickly rushes to throw the ball out of the baseline!
This shhou gave the other side a corner kick, but they didn’t score the penalty anyway, so they earned it!
Penalty corner kick
Rooney was naturally unhappy and still looked at Joe Hart at the penalty spot. At this time, Joe Hart was celebrating with his teammates and really saved a penalty. Naturally, he was happy to score a goal with zj.
It’s like zj scored another goal.
Not taking a penalty is another blow to Manchester United’s momentum. Now Manchester United is very confused. "Not even taking a penalty?" Is it so unlucky today? "
Manchester United’s luck did come, but it only came for a few minutes until Ashley Young broke the deadlock, and it seemed that their luck was gone.
This shhou Etihad stadium played crazy songs and the enemy missed a penalty in front of zj’s house. This is something to celebrate.
Moreover, the zj team is now two goals ahead and victory is in sight, so they have more reason to sing.
Many flags carry the slogan of Manchester City winning the championship and have the slogan of mocking the sworn enemy.
It’s bad luck for Manchester United fans to insist on how many shjān goals at half time, and their morale is low, and they are hit hard again.
Sun Yao shook an arc outside the penalty area and the ball went straight to the corner of Manchester United’s goal!
Degea was stunned!
"beautiful foot shjè wave!"
"Sun Yaomei twice! It’ s really how to fight and how to play smoothly! " Zhan Jun explained
Sun Yao once again went crazy to the fans’ stands and ran directly to the fans’ eyes for dozens of centimeters to celebrate wèzh them.
In front of the fans, the tsunami roared wildly and waved to Sun Yao. In front of him, the fans took out their hands and slapped Sun Yao on the shoulder to signal that he had done a good job!
Rooney failed to score 24 goals in the league, but Sun Yao succeeded. He scored 24 goals in the league first, and now he is tied for second place wèzh Aguero in the scorer list. However, even if the last two rounds are added, it is still very difficult for them to surpass Van Persie.
Despite Sun Yao’s recent good luck in scoring goals, Van Persie, the league’s top scorer, leads by three goals.
Moreover, the recent state of Arsenal is also very hot, and Van Persie has always maintained an efficient scoring efficiency.
For such an excellent shooter, Manchester City has already extended an olive branch to Van Persie, and Van Persie has also shown that he will not necessarily stay in Arsenal, a team that trains zj. Because yjng is not young, he is certainly more eager to win the championship trophy that zj has been longing for for for a long time!
Of course, at the end of the season, the shhou transfer market, Manchester City also yjng and Manchester United compete.
However, judging from the game, Manchester United suffered another fiasco.
Sun Yao wearing a hat Manchester City leads Manchester United 4-1 with more than 20 minutes left in the game. At this time, I am afraid that Manchester United yjng will come back to heaven.
Chapter three hundred and thirty-one suspense for the last.
In the face of Manchester City’s onslaught, many people wondered if it would be another one-to-one.
Ferguson also saw from the last game that many teams are having problems now. "It seems that it is impossible to finish without jnháng signing in the summer!"
Ferguson was also saddened by the improvement of the cards in his hand after these adjustments
It was this game that slowly made Ferguson decide that he was going to work for another year and didn’t want to retire!
How can it be in line with his temper to retire as a king?
In fact, this game Manchester United is like a microcosm of the whole season.
A series of victories and the downturn of Chelsea, Arsenal and other opponents made them see hope for a time and swept Arsenal 2-0 at home, which made shjè a feel good.
However, after the early exit of the Champions League group stage, they were able to compete wèzh Manchester City in the league, but they ended up in the second place in the standings. Although they once approached the points after Scholes arrived, they finally faced the Manchester City team shhou and could not escape defeat.
This season, Sir Alex Ferguson will not be willing to talk about it.
Sun Yao’s hat-trick completely woke Manchester United up. Obviously, Manchester United had a glorious season, and at the end of the season, yjng was put in a big position.
As far as Manchester City is concerned, the value of the people sitting on the bench is almost equal to that of Manchester United’s main force. In fact, several young people in Manchester United are also very talented, including Welbeck and others, but they are still normal. Now it is difficult to be the overall situation!
When the game entered injury time, Weber also gave me a few more minutes to make up time. shjān made up time because of the score of four to one, which also made me meaningful.
At the end of the game, Manchester City took this key at home, and the championship battle of Tianwangshan was approaching Lang!
Finally, the Manchester City players got together to celebrate this great victory that can go down in history.
Sun Yao, who scored a hat trick, is suspected to be the best player in this game and the best player in Manchester City this season. He just won the best player in the Premier League in March, and he is also very good at winning the best player in the Premier League in April. Of course, he even has the title of the best player in the Premier League this season.
At this time, he is really honored.
Although there is still some distance from the top scorer in the Premier League, Sun Yao has a strong feeling that zj will win the top scorer in the Premier League next season.
Sun Yao made a heart-shaped gesture at the stands.
There is his lover there, and of course the whole Etihad Stadium and Manchester City fans are his lover.
After the game, crowded reporters blocked the players’ passage pángbān, waiting for the players to pass by and get the opportunity to interview the players from both sides.
Ferguson shook hands with Mancini and left quickly. He is not in a good mood now.
Manchester United fans are very disappointed, and they can’t immediately let go of the losers. They are all depressed and left the Etihad Stadium.
There is no doubt in Sun Yao that bjngnénggou, the player who was most blocked by reporters, scored a hat trick in such a game. Sun Yao has reason to be noticed.
"Sun, do you have shme to say about such a victory?"
Sun Yao smiled. "Of course, this is a very enjoyable game. We are facing a top European club. I have heard of Manchester United since I wore crotch pants, but now we are rivals! Méyou teammates are proud of their performance, and I also hope to make persistent efforts. It is still uncertain who will win the championship when the league is over! "
Sun Yao answered the reporter’s questions about the competition conservatively.
"You have scored 24 goals in yjng now, and you are still three goals behind Van Persie in two rounds of the league. Do you think you have a chance to surpass him as the top scorer?"
"I will help the team win and I will score goals by zj. I hope nénggou will win more honors. Of course, the Premier League champion will always be the first one. It is not indispensable for nàme to win the championship with my teammates!"