Is it a crazy word?

However … This is NaLanQing!
The imposing manner shocked the other party. Lin Zhi was stabbed by his own soldiers and finally tied up as a sacrifice to ask the fiend for forgiveness!
Lin Zhi never thought that one day he would lose so badly. He felt what despair was from the inside out.
He was tied up by Wuhua and thrown in front of Nalanqing. His head was trampled on by Hu Sanli. Hu San was covered in blood and showed fierce eyes. "What should I do with this?"
"What can I do if I can’t eat or cook?" She can’t help but be funny. Although Hu Sanping was gentle and honest when he was bullied, no one was afraid of him when he really launched a malicious attack.
He is no different from the winner in fighting.
"You can’t eat or cook it, but it’s good to beat it like a sandbag!" Hu San shrugged his shoulders, and his big face made the fierce expression more fierce.
"Hu three why are you so fierce? It’ s almost as good as that group of winning people! " Xie Shi patted him on the shoulder with a face of Nai, who usually looks like he will have a meal. He didn’t win anything when he was fierce.
"Don’t always associate the winners with the Chani people, do you understand?"
"Yes, yes, yes … I’ve never heard of a tribe and I don’t know where they are!" Xie Shi patted him on the shoulder with a face of perfunctory fundus surprise.
The flaming army laughed all around. What is the Chani nationality? Hu San keeps saying this, but they have never heard of it …
Flame army as a joke but NaLanQing she didn’t as a joke!
Eyes staring at Lin Zhi waved "Kill!"
Lin Zhi kept staring at NaLanQing in the end with a face of hatred, wishing to let her eyes kill her.
Waving at Hu San, Hu San came to her and bent down …
"Are you a Chani?" LanQing she asked
"Yes!" Hu San truthfully answered his doubts. "I didn’t say it?"
"You didn’t say that!" She’s pretty sure that a Chani is in her eyes. How could she not know?
Hu San touched his head and looked embarrassed. He said, "I forgot … My name is not Hu San, but He San!"
"Well, the heads of the Cheni clan have a long history …" Hu San is not holding his head with some bad intentions.
Hector three looked at NaLanQing truthfully said, "I’m actually out looking for my missing sister since I was a child … but I’m out of money … I heard that the army has enough to eat and drink …"
So I joined the army …
NaLanQing with black line "…"
Looking at HeSan, a big man wriggled like a little girl. She reached out and rubbed her eyebrows. "Did your sister find it?"
Speaking of which, Hector three fundus flashed a trace of disappointment and a trace of discomfort.
"My sister disappeared from the Cheni clan when she was five years old. She was about to wander to a corner of this continent … The Cheni clan is belligerent, and even a five-year-old child’s fighting capacity is comparable to that of an ordinary adult … My sister should not die and live somewhere in this world …"
I forgot my way home.
Na Lanqing looked at him and suddenly thought of something. "How many years have you been looking for your sister?"
"About ten years …"
Na Lanqing "…"
Looking for it at the age of ten?
Ten years old or a child? Let one child go out and look for another child … How can you rest assured?
Hector three sitting on the ground some depressed "looking for ten years didn’t find my sister …"
How can you find nonsense in the army?
"I heard that all of you Chani people are very poor and full of close combat … is everyone like this?"
He sighed deeply and nodded. "It’s the winning clan. It’s our Cheni clan who stayed in the blood thousands of years ago. The outsiders intermarried to produce the semi-Cheni clan … that is, the winning clan … the fighting capacity of the Cheni clan men, women and children is much higher than that of the winning clan … at the same time, they can remain rational in the battle … but the Cheni clan will not be born if they obey the orders of Emperor Yan!"
Listen to HeSan talking a little bit about the Cheni people, Nalanqing. She listened very carefully.
She has a lot of mystery and curiosity about these Yan Emperor’s families.
"Your sister is a Chani, so she should be particularly conspicuous … Is it possible to be mistaken for winning the race?"
Hector three leng leng and then shook his head. "It should be impossible … the winning royal family is equivalent to the destructive power of the Chani family … the general physical quality of the people is not very good … If my sister is recognized as a winning family, it may be the royal family … but I didn’t hear that the winning family has a princess!"
Suddenly NaLanQing mind flashed a picture …
Shang shallow sing!
She has great destructive power and can win against Yan Che … At that time, she was a winner … Now think about the general winner, who will win against Yan Che?
Impossible, right?
There’s an incredible look on her face. If it’s a coincidence, it’s a coincidence …
"Hector three you go to the twilight chamber of commerce to find a business shallow singing girl …"
"Huh?" Hesan is not too white.
"You go and have a look first!"
Hector San is not too white to ask him to find a little girl, but he will still obey the orders of the adults.
Xie Shi looked at He Sanli’s back and smiled. "Did you find his sister, Commander?"
"I’m not sure at present. Let him go and see …"
Do you have any tickets? Monthly ticket recommended votes can be voted for moonlight! XOXO
Welcome everyone to join the group. There is soft moonlight to flirt with.
Qingjie Story 53371262
Qingjie Story 53371262
Qingjie Story 53371262js3v3
62 Fire Magic Soldiers This is Na Lanqing (1)
Xie Shi nodded and looked at NaLanQing gently. Suddenly, his face sank and he came to her again. He plopped down and knelt down directly …
"At the head of the adult belongs to one thing has not said …"
"You’re not from a tribe, are you?" NaLanQing she ponder hook lip joking.
Xie Shi a face of serious "is a day wave people … at present, I have received orders from the heads of the fathers to monitor you, but it is a member of the Flame Army, and everything is at the head of the adult first …"
He LanQing face take a smoke.
"Are you kidding?"

Chapter VII Blood red

London, England
In a very ordinary warehouse of the British Navy, a group of very unusual people are waiting for a very special cargo.
A small motorcade came, except for a truck covered with thick canvas, all the other cars were auxiliary armed gendarmes. The motorcade stopped near the warehouse, and soldiers drove around to form a tight security circle. A car and the truck in the motorcade entered the warehouse.
After the canvas was removed, the eyes of the group lit up. A plane with bullet holes and skewed wings appeared in Huo Ran, a truck. This plane was the motive of the German attack on Pascal Flo port and was forced to land on the dock o11 "Swordfish" torpedo machine.
The British navy transported the plane with complete main structure to London as soon as possible, including the Secretary of the Navy, and a large group of senior generals came to see this weapon that bombed their warships in a mess, along with the best British aircraft and motive engineers.
No, it’s far less exquisite than the furniture in an Englishman’s house. It’s ugly. It’s covered with bullet holes of different sizes. Some are British destroyer machine guns, while others were later tried to destroy it. The German plane left a long strip-shaped fuselage, which was neither a cylinder nor a square. The cloth wrapped it in a semicircle and a half.
No, one of its wings was broken during the forced landing, and now it is lying like a wounded bird, and I have tried to imagine it in good condition through the other wing.
Narrow cabin, crude instrument, black machine gun
People are puzzled. Is this the thing that blew up the majestic and noble British battleship everywhere? It seems that the appearance of the aircraft recently produced in Britain is not much different from it. When the Germans attacked Pascal Flo, most of the British aircraft were deployed on both sides of the English Channel and on the French front. There were several old water reconnaissance planes in Pascal Flo. I don’t believe that the Germans dared to leave the port to challenge the British navy, let alone attack the British naval port far from German soil on a large scale.
"According to you and your research group, does Mr. Paul have a great advantage over our plane in studying the performance of German planes?" After studying for a long time, a navy general asked him that there was a middle-aged man with a tired face next to him. Before he was on the way to ship, he and his technical team made a preliminary study of the plane.
"Structurally, their plane is stronger and more stable in flight, which is better than ours, but the gap is not much greater than the motivation. We need to do further research, but according to the sailors at the battle site, it is faster than most British planes, and their weapons are also very interesting. This simple device allows machine bullets to pass through the propeller gap without hitting the blades. It is gratifying that this device is very easy to copy!"
"That’s great! We urgently need to produce a large number of fighter planes that can compete with German planes to protect the capital and ports. In addition, we are actively studying more effective ground defense weapons. The Germans will never stop there after the attack. I believe they will soon attack British soil! Mr. Paul, the king and the people need you to develop a fighter plane no less than this German plane in one month, and come to our factory to work together to produce a British plane that can protect you in two months! " Churchill, the secretary of the navy, was extremely excited. Although most of the responsibility for the destruction of the British fleet was attributed to the captured Admiral Gerald, Churchill, the secretary of the navy, was also under great pressure from all sides.
The problem facing the British is not only to deal with German planes, but also to lose control of the North Sea, and to add German submarines everywhere. Their lifeline is in jeopardy, which is even more frightening. The main German fleet may appear outside the port at any time.
Although the engineers said that the problem was not serious, Churchill knew very well that two months could produce enough pilots in such a short time, so why did he come?
In fact, the Germans didn’t even plan to give to Churchill for two months.
The huge fleet of Port William is ready to set sail again. One week after the attack on Pascal Flo and the annihilation of the British fleet, the German sailors actively repaired and equipped the aircraft carrier. The materials needed for the aircraft carrier were also transported from East Prussia by railway line, and the bombs, torpedoes and fuel were continuously delivered to the carrier fleet. Everyone in the fleet was full of energy and gearing up.
Include Deng Nici and his uo39, have been busy in that submarine force for a long time. They patrol the North Sea and the ports in the east of England day and night. The bold captain even broke into the British harbor at night to attack merchant ships and small warships. The St. George’s Cross flag of the British empire rarely fluttered in the whole North Sea. The first batch of German merchant ships slowly sailed out of the port. The cruisers escorted them into the North Sea, sailed into Norway, sailed out of the North Sea and sailed to the Americas, and sailed to the outside world. Although Britain still had strong naval strength in overseas colonies, the Germans’ move was a solemn gesture to the world. The British
For the reborn sea trade, Erpitz is worried about not only the British overseas fleet, but also the British submarine force, which is not inferior to Germany in quantity and quality. If they sail into the North Sea, they will stifle the still fragile German sea transportation line at the door of the German house. However, the British have not done so. Many submarines are scattered around the Turkish ports to guard against and defend the German navy, especially the German aircraft carrier, which is still separated by a mist.
On the morning of September 10, the German high seas fleet, including 12 formidable battleships, 7 old battleships, 1 light cruiser, 2 aircraft carriers, 2 seaplane carriers, 36 destroyers, 11 submarines and 5 transport ships, slowly sailed out of the dock of Port William. German soldiers paid their attention to the capital ship moving like a hill, and other sailors moored in the harbor were even more envious. Since the post-war Germany has won brilliant victories on all fronts, they knew that this fleet would also triumph with great victory.
The flagship of the fleet is still "frederick the great" and the commander of the fleet has been replaced by Prince heydrich. He is as confident as all naval officers and men in the fleet. At this time, Britain has no ability to compete with the fleet. There are only four new battleships and two battle cruiser in the sunset empire, while 4o old battleships are widely distributed in soil ports, the Mediterranean and the Pacific. This is also the main reason why the British defend most submarines in the soil.
The German fleet is out of port!
This is a news that almost suffocated the whole of Britain. At one time, my heart had turned into a beast with a big mouth. The whole royal family was in a panic. Churchill’s Admiralty was ordered to keep a close eye on the movements of the German fleet, so as to stop them from threatening London. In King George’s view, London was their most valuable goal.
Churchill was so impressed by this. Now the British navy is not what it used to be. The cruiser patrol fleet in the North Sea has already withdrawn to Britain. What should we do to closely monitor the German fleet?
After leaving the port, the German fleet went northwest and then disappeared into the vast sea and disappeared into the sight of British spies.
Britain’s main fleet berthed on the Thames will be led by the new fleet commander David Betty. This fleet is mainly composed of two dreaded battleships and 23 old battleships. Betty will only be the flagship of the British navy’s George V battleship Ajax, and the other dreaded battleship is the hunting battleship Ray. The rest are all water-armored battleships 19o6 years ago. Although they are not formidable rivals, which dreaded ship will suffer more in the fleet battle?
Betty didn’t go with this German fleet, but scattered cruisers and destroyer submarines at 10 nautical miles outside the river estuary, while dozens of British planes took off from the airport near Dover and searched in the northeast sector at 1o5o nautical miles in front of the fleet.
Looking at many British planes in the sky, Betty and all the British sailors who have experienced Pascal Flo’s attack are relieved. They don’t know that many of those planes are unarmed and have two-seater planes. The co-pilot temporarily moved the machine guns to combat effectiveness, which is really flattering.
Manfred and his companions are blowing sea breeze at a temporary airport near Calais. In this hot summer, even the sea breeze is warm. Manfred is sitting in a big tree and watching the ground crew busy refueling and loading. His fighter squadron just moved here yesterday afternoon. He doesn’t understand why he wants to come to this coastal city far from Paris and the front line. Why should he bomb the British on the other side of the strait? But it should be a bomber squadron? Although the strait is about 3o miles from Dover, the British coast, it is a full 1oo miles to London. His hummingbird can barely show his face from here and must return to the suburbs of London.
Manfred closed his eyes and cultivated himself, but soon he heard the mid-team leader’s order.
"Listen up, everyone. Now, more than 40 British planes have taken off from several temporary airports in Dover, and now they are hovering northeast of Dover. According to the order of the level, we will take off now to repair those British planes!" As soon as the mid-team leader finished speaking, the pilots cheered as if the British had become their food.
"Well, everyone back to their own machine to prepare! I wish everyone a full return, but don’t underestimate these British people! "
In a roar of engine start-up, 3o hummingbird fighters glided on the ground, followed by a flying Manfred cockpit with a big 11 painted next to it, which was the number of his fighter in the squadron.
No one spoke during the flight, and everyone’s face was full of longing and excitement, because this time their target was no longer the small fish and shrimp, but the plane, the British plane.
Shortly after this fighter squadron took off, two other fighter squadrons were stationed a little far from the coast, and two bomber squadrons also sent out their bombs to deal with old battleships and cruisers there.
Fighter pilots saw from a distance that the British planes hovering in the sea broke up in a neat formation, and they picked their respective targets and rushed like wolves.
Manfred aimed at flying low, and a British two-wing single-seat reconnaissance plane rushed over. This was his first real battle. Manfred felt his heart suddenly hang up. He tried to calm down and remember every step of the attack in training and simulation. On the 11th, he suddenly turned around a big bend and occupied the excellent attack position on the side and rear of the British plane.
British pilots have already seen these ill-fated German planes. They are either old birds who have gone through the chase in France and returned to England, or rookie who has never participated in the battle in England. In front of Manfred, the rookie who let his clumsy plane swing from side to side and escape around the big bend will know at a glance that he was guided by the old bird-still a junior rookie.
Knights don’t need pity for rookie opponents at a distance of 15 meters. Manfred made a long shot and then made a sharp turn. The whole attack process ended in just a few seconds, as if a knight gracefully raised his knife and fell to see the enemy fall off the horse. Everything was so coherent that the bullets were fired from the fuselage of the plane to the wings, and the wooden fragments scattered in the middle. It suddenly lost its balance and staggered to the sea, quickly spinning around and finally splashing a small splash on the sea.
Manfred glanced back at his prey, but he soon realized that this feeling was far from what he wanted. The battle in his dream was that two knights came to each other and each raised his own combat knife. The man continued to live and fight, and the loser slowly fell off the horse.
Manfred, who was wandering in melancholy, soon found a new prey. A British plane was chasing another German fighter plane and fled to his side. The British plane kept spitting out a series of white spots, forcing the German plane behind him to swing from side to side in confusion to avoid bullets.
Manfred was already excited after just trying his hand. He naturally made every move, turn and climb as in the usual training simulation, and then plunged into his prey. Almost when both pilots could see each other’s faces, Manfred made a short shot and then suddenly turned in front of the British plane dozens of meters to leave the British pilot with wide eyes and blood pouring into his chest and his smoking motivation. Just now he saw a horrible dark knight flash past him, and then this fatal blow.
Another British plane dragged smoke into the sea, and Betty and his sailors stood there again in less than ten minutes. In the day, there were almost German planes painted with huge iron crosses that made them gnash and fear, and only a few planes in the distance were still playing cat and mouse games.
The British sailors clung to the ship’s machine guns and the guns also rose to the maximum angle. However, those German planes had no intention of attacking these warships after the war. They circled tirelessly at a height of 1000 meters.
Manfred hasn’t recovered from the excitement of the battle just now, and his physical strength is not consumed, but he is panting heavily when another fighter plane leans over and the pilot shouts while waving his fist.
"Manfred, you’re so young that you grab the late beer from my mouth. It’s your treat!"
Manfred smiled and finally killed two enemy planes. Perhaps he was a born knight as the prince said.
A few minutes later, dozens of German bombers appeared in the British fleet. The bomb explosion echoed across the sea with the British sailors’ frightened screams. The British people’s long-held anger was finally vented by counting machine guns and machine shells. The whole place was covered with shiny white spots. When the German bombers saw it, they quickly raised it, but two planes were unfortunately hit by bombs. One of them was very angry. The German pilots were stunned just now. Pascal Flo was attacked. Although the British have moved as many machine guns as possible to warships for a short week, their machine guns and shrapnel have a certain level of flying aircraft.
At this time, Manfred’s fighter squadron found the British airport in a meadow in Dover, and several British planes were parked on the ground. Manfred pressed his No.11 nose and slid it obliquely from more than 50 meters until it was more than ten meters high. Then he pulled up two shuttles and drilled two rows of neat bullet holes on the ground, and several German fighters followed suit, while others ravaged the ground and strayed around the British.
Manfred checked one of his bullets and was able to fire again, so he circled in the middle and fired again from the same position just now
At this time, not far from those parked British planes, several British soldiers were hiding next to the warehouse and shooting rifles at them, but their move seemed futile, because no German plane gave up attacking because of them, but they never gave up.
At the moment when the nose was pulled up, Manfred suddenly felt a numbness in his right arm, and a rifle bullet penetrated the thin cabin wall and hit him.
"Damn it!" Manfred gritted his teeth and pulled the plane up, then treated a wound urgently. When almost all the British planes had collapsed on the ground, the German fighters left satisfactorily.
When he returned to Calais, Manfred’s right arm was soaked with blood. After the plane stopped, he looked at his blood and vowed to let all the enemy’s blood pay him back.
Emperor pitied the young pilot’s right hand, and he kept the opportunity to fulfill this oath, but Manfred had to leave this battlefield for three months. Fortunately, the war will not end so soon, and the battle here will be more intense in three months.
Betty looked at the wreckage of a British plane floating on the sea, and the fleet formation became chaotic. She felt in her heart that the delay in the arrival of the main German fleet made her mood more complicated. Even he didn’t know whether he was expecting the fleet to appear or continuing to speculate anxiously about the German whereabouts.
Soon the Germans solved this puzzle for him.
At 1: 34 pm on September 10, Newcastle was attacked by Germans and several naval fortresses in northeast England were shelled.
Chapter v raging
After leaving Hong Kong, the main force of the German high seas fleet led by Prince heydrich did not go straight to them as the British imagined. The first goal of this fleet was Newcastle, the main shipbuilding base of the British Navy. There were not only the famous Armstrong Shipyard, but also many other small and medium-sized shipyards. They were building new warships day and night, including the Queen Elizabeth battleship built in October 1913 and expected to be flooded in mid-1915. There were many other surface ships and submarines.
In the eyes of Navy Secretary Erpitz and Prince heydrich, London, the British political and cultural center, is probably the best target to attack. Both the naval fleet and bombers taking off from the French coast can attack there. However, it is depressing that Kaiser Wilhelm II has great expectations for relatives across the strait. He believes that the British will soon withdraw from the war. If they are attacked at this time, Germany and Britain will be in a state of fire and water, so he has not approved the attack plan for London, and Erpitz has been expecting to limit it. The submarine-making war is not over yet. With the approval of William II, submarine forces are allowed to attack British merchant ships. At present, there are still many neutral ships sailing between British ports. However, in the first month after the war, especially in the week when Germany won the North Sea War, the record of German submarines has been staggering. They sank 17 British merchant ships with a total tonnage of more than 5 million tons.
Extremely disappointed that they couldn’t attack London, Erpitz and heydrich could settle for the second best. They turned their targets to major British shipyards in the hope of minimizing the British war potential.
The sea surface is undulating, and the atmosphere in the North Sea is much calmer than the sea surface. Apart from seabirds and hovering reconnaissance planes, people can see this fleet, such as forest masts and thick smoke columns. The sailors are doing their own work in the cool sea breeze, and one plane is sent to the deck of the aircraft carrier. From time to time, reconnaissance planes take off and land, and there is an orderly and busy scene.

He needn’t be afraid of Wei Feifei.

Tang Meng’s little brain thinks quickly, but she can’t even think about it.
Just then the door was suddenly pushed.
Ling day came in from the outside and said to Tang Meng
"Miss, someone has just reported that Ling Tian has come back to see you."
Tang Meng is more stupid.
If she hadn’t personally helped Ling Tianyi, she would now doubt whether this man was Ling Tian.
But why did he say that?
Before she asked the duke has mouth.
"Where is he?"
"Just entered the city"
Ling day answer while observing the duke’s expression.
Previously, the duke spoke to Tang Meng in a deliberately low voice, but he still heard it clearly outside.
When the duke suddenly sounded Wei Feifei, he was also confused.
But he soon realized that something was wrong.
This man is by no means Wei Feifei!
Tang Meng, who previously found out that each other was not one of their own, asked, "Are you Feifei?"
And the duke asked, "Are you not a smoker?"
There seems to be no difference between the two, but the actual difference is too big!
If the other person is someone you know, you should ask like Tang Meng, not like the duke.
In other words, the duke didn’t recognize Tang Meng!
He knows that this person is not a cloud!
How wrong it is to say that Ling Tian worried that Tang Meng’s exposure could make an excuse temporarily.
I don’t know if I can fool the duke.
Sure enough, the duke was not in a hurry.
He would have informed to see Ling Tian or Wei Feifei immediately.
But he hasn’t been informed now. How did Lingtian go to town?
Can he fly?
But after thinking for a moment, he decided to go and have a look.
It’s always wise to play safe; One cannot afford a single mishap
If ling Tian has been hiding in the wooden fence, he’s not ready to make moves.
But since this guy dares to go back to the border town, don’t blame him!
"You wait for me here, I’ll leave first."
Say that finish the duke hurried away.
Before leaving, I also specially sent people to guard the yard.
It is euphemistically called the cloud is not a smoke.
Actually, it’s surveillance
Chapter 712 Trapping and killing
Tang Meng was full of doubts and never asked.
She didn’t ask until the duke left.
"You are not looking for Feifei? Why did you send her away when you saw her? "
"Do you really think he is Wei Feifei?"
"Isn’t it?"
For Tang Meng brain ling day is a thorough language.
"Don’t you feel wrong?"
"What’s wrong?"
The score is Wei Feifei’s sound

Still don’t use weapons!

One claw and one palm forced the two men back. He was about to move, and his heart suddenly jumped.
"Make …"
The arm suddenly swung out of the bud.
That arm is only a few feet long and as immature as a baby, that is, with a gentle wave of physical strength, it entangles Zhou Jia with a few feet apart.
At the same time
A field full of confuse thoughts reverberate.
"Kill him!"
"Kill him!"
Pang Zheng turned over and drew his sword. Wang Chong drew a long knife and pointed it at Zhou Jia.
Xuanbing’s hand, their deterrence has also increased sharply with the explosion, which makes Zhou Jia’s flesh consciousness collapse tightly.
There is a threat to yourself!
"Still want to influence my mind?"
Zhou Jia’s eyes narrowed and he knew that Hailei oscillated, crushing all the ideas of attempting to invade and stepping towards Qihua.
There is almost no drop pressure.
At the same time, his big hand reached forward and his arm collided.
"Click …"
The arm breaks and a wisp of smoke retracts into the bud, and Zhou Jia’s big hand also holds the flower diameter and five fingers to pull it out.
"Stop it!"
The sword clanged and flashed.
Zhou Jia, however, just like not seeing one hand grasping the flower diameter suddenly.
"Come out!"
"Going …"
The earth trembles and the mountains shake.
Accompanied by Zhou Jia’s flower diameter, a thing was ripped out and put into view, which also made everyone breathe.
Even the parents stop moving.
That’s a monster with everyone’s face!
For example, thick vines take root underground, and several faces cry, laugh, panic or rejoice.
Several faces intertwined and covered each other to form a huge vine, and the whole valley trembled with Zhou Jia’s pulling.
The ground cracked rocks shook, and vines rolled out of the ground and came into view.
This valley
Impressively, all packages have been given by monsters.
Monsters are not exotic flowers!
It’s a huge vine that stretches across the bottom of the valley. Everyone has stepped on the monster since the moment they stepped into the valley.
"Let me go!"
"Let me go!"
Zhou Jia is a monster who catches strange flowers and flower paths, but he is as scary as being tied, and his huge body is rolling wildly and his mind is roaring.
Do Lei Guang surge along the arm into the monster.

This kind of shady business base is a tacit understanding. If it is urgent, the income will be higher. At this level, they have greater advantages than others.

It is because they can buy information before, for example, the informant is very anxious for money, and it is still a question whether anyone will buy this information. When confirming that this information is valuable, this informant is valuable.
Then they will buy this information and then wait for an opportunity to sell some of it. It is too time-consuming to sell it, but this is not a problem for businessmen.
Because they have enough financial resources to support their acquisition, of course, if you dare to deceive them with false information or expired information, the consequences will be serious, and it will be the best result for one person to do things.
There is an unnamed video of a family being tortured and killed in the dark net. It’s not without business. It won’t come out and say that I did it, but no one will think that it wasn’t them.
At a certain level, mercenaries can be channels that can receive information, but few mercenaries will go. Most of them are those channels that carry their own firearms and weapons to the battlefield.
At the same time, they will also receive it here, so it is not simple cannon fodder, which is completely different from receiving those outside
They don’t have to face their employers, and they don’t have to worry about not receiving money. It’s a headache. Some people just default on mercenaries or other means.
That’s terrible. It’s really terrible. Mercenaries won’t talk nonsense to you about killing your account directly and being brutally murdered. It’s not that at that time, besides squeezing your money out by torture, they will make you die ugly and disgusting.
To warn others to try to default, but it is not low to do so. After all, his default means that he is ready to accept your revenge. It will be a tough battle, and it may cause heavy casualties, but he has to fight.
There is no such problem, you just need to finish it, and the employer will give you the money if he doesn’t give it to them. Of course, the employer has to pay several times the price in exchange for living or choosing to be killed.
Most mercenaries who reach a certain level will have their own brokers. These brokers often stay where some brokers don’t mind selling their mercenaries’ information for more money, and even quietly arrange mercenaries to carry out their duties and swallow their money.
Some of them honestly take over for the mercenaries and then draw their own commission to live. Both of them will cause some problems. Once the former words are discovered, the outcome can be imagined.
Mercenaries are not judges. They won’t investigate and collect evidence from you. They need to simply suspect that if you do, they will have reason to kill you and even your family, especially some mercenaries who are already famous.
If you want to be their agent, you can row from the west coast of the United States to the east coast of the United States to kill an unruly agent. Naturally, other agents are willing to replace them.
Honest broker base also means that Mu Na can’t do anything. They take orders honestly and give the money to their own mercenaries in the safest way. Of course, they will succeed.
However, this kind of broker is not very extensive, and there are not many resources to access. You can still get it and wait for it. You will never lack it.
Today, a local tyrant in the Middle East intends to create some chaos in a certain country. In the future, South American drug lords intend to fight their opponents, or a tribe in Africa has received support and supporters do not consider coming forward in person.
So they need a group of people to go to the local area to help them do something they don’t want others to know they did.
One of the advantages of taking orders is that you don’t have to worry about being silenced. There are countless examples here, but if you want to help, they will explain the precautions to you clearly.
Don’t ask, don’t ask, don’t look, don’t listen, walk away, don’t listen, keep your mouth shut, and tell the truth, then the whole team will have to pay for their foul mouths
"We don’t have enough time, but we have a lot of demands." Hou Dasheng put his glass down and looked at these old men and whispered, "When we get back, we should make it clear to everyone that our road will be different."
"We want to have sunshine force in the gray area, and we also want to have it. Our goal now is to become the sixth largest force in five foreign countries." Hou Dasheng smiled and looked at everyone and whispered, "The sixth largest force is not obvious, but I don’t want absolute dominance. I want us to appear in the back battlefield. If we are fighting, we must have us."
"No war can be called war without us."
Chapter six hundred and thirty-two Cut the cake
Without us, war can’t be called war, but if this sentence is put into history, especially in the history of European and American countries, you will find that war without mercenaries is really not war.
Near Syria, Iraq, the crusades, and even the ancient Roman Empire, mercenaries were in almost all wars. Although their origins have been changing, their identities are extremely unified. That is, you pay me to fight.
Although it sounds arrogant, the sentence that war can’t be called war without us is very likely to be realized if the jackal really achieves the market coverage of 5 in the mercenary field.
This "5" not only refers to the black jobs of mercenaries in the gray area, but also includes many things that companies need to do, such as WFP to help refugees, such as medical teams going deep into the war zone, and some war reporters want to go deep into the war zone to obtain information.
Of course, Hou Dasheng hates war reporters. Although he admires these people, some of them will send true reports, but those "truths" are interest groups that want the public to see the truth.
If interest groups don’t want the public to see it, then media groups will withhold reports and insist on sending war correspondents. Naturally, a stray bullet, a shell and an ied will die unexpectedly in the battlefield. Who can tell?
If you die, your bones are normal. Who can guarantee that you will never die in an accident on the battlefield? The rest is that you don’t want to die in an accident. Of course, they are unlucky and can’t help it.
After all, the bullet is really not long-sighted, even in Anying camp, and it may be blown in and killed by 17.
"According to our current market share, we only occupy less than 15 markets." One piece of information was handed over to these old men.
Show them all kinds of charts and data, and tell them how many companies jackals own and can control the market share at present.
This is the second day. When you’re finished, you should take out the real thing. Otherwise, if you don’t have a plan, how can people believe that you are sincere and not fooling everyone? Let them go back and have an account. Then there must be something to give to others.
"These materials can be in this meeting room, I hope everyone will be white." Everyone nodded and knew the importance of confidentiality. It was a sign of sincerity that Hou Dasheng was willing to show them these materials.
However, Hou Dasheng lit his desk and said, "After the adjustment of the industry, several regions of our country will be re-divided. According to each state, the members of the Executive Committee and the main responsible persons will be coordinated by you and then reported to the headquarters."
"In this respect, the headquarters will not interfere too much with the person in charge of the problem as before, and the recommendation guarantee and the main person in charge will be jointly and severally responsible for the affairs of the Army Corps and will not be disclosed to the public."
Consequences Hou Dacheng didn’t say what organization jackals are. In the final analysis, it’s still a mercenary organization. What will mercenaries do to traitors? It’s better to kill ourselves than to be captured.
Before he became a core figure, he was worried about his family. No one dared to worry, which means that he may explode at any time. Anyway, it is not impossible for him to fight and betray you.
People like that can be cannon fodder, but they will never come to the core.
"Deyang, armored regiment, ri, these companies.
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Now it occupies a big part of the market. After all, they can receive enough orders from NATO. "Hou Dasheng lit the desktop and sank." There are also S aspects. "
"At present, g4s, ads, rg, di and so on are the big players in the market. They all have good social networks in Europe and America, and it will be more troublesome for us to grab orders from them."
Hou Dasheng said with a smile on his lips, "But we are jackals, we are the best and the strongest, and we are the top five foreign countries."
"Ha, ha, ha," the old men laughed with pride. No one recognized Hou Dasheng’s arrogance. On the contrary, they all recognized Hou Dasheng’s modesty.
In the top three of the five countries, the Soviet Union once fell the jackal over Grozny, where the jackal also stayed. To some extent, the jackal has secretly confronted several other countries.
Of course, the strength of the five major countries is still strong and huge, and the jackals can’t compete with others in terms of resources. However, it is not impossible for the five major foreign countries, even some moderately developed countries, to create some chaos and change their dynasties without interference.
Jackals have enough money to buy a lot of weapons and equipment, and they can inquire about the situation of many ordinary people in those countries through the business intelligence network
They can create chaos, create misunderstanding and eventually create war, but if it is not necessary, jackals will not do so, and they will invest too much, which will also cause dissatisfaction among other informed countries.
The fundamental reason why investors can keep making war money is that they dare not let the war break out easily, and they don’t deliberately guide it. Sometimes, there are signs that things are getting better.
They will communicate with the investors step by step, and then balance all interests before supporting the outbreak of war.
So they can make a fortune in these years because everyone knows that they will not go to war and have no desire to rule anyone. They are helping to make some money when certain things break out.
Who can guarantee that there will be no shortage of money? Who can guarantee that there will be no need for external forces to invest? It is likely that a large number of investors will be offended if they can’t get rid of it, and they will have to fight back to death.
No one knows how many investors there are and what kind of energy they have. Even the investors themselves know and guess at most.
In the same way, they are a platform, and it is very troublesome for everyone to cultivate and counter a spy. Things are cyclical, long and risky

The black mamba sits in a crude truck container. Although the compartment is very crude, the ventilation system is quite good. Although the shock absorber is not good, the compartment bounces from time to time, but at least it won’t make people feel too hot or too cold.

Black Mamba is not young, it seems to be about fifty, but his shoulder muscles and weight have not caught his breath at all. It is said that his age has not affected his combat ability too much. Sitting cross-legged beside Black Mamba like him, he is a member of his squad.
There are a small number of 37 people in all. They are an entire war team, including blasters, assault fighters, fire fighters, man-machine reconnaissance, sniper teams, correspondents, etc., which are separate and connected in series. If it was ten years ago, the name of the black mamba in the mercenary circle made several people smell it.
That’s an old fox’s name and a name that means death. Of all the poisonous snakes in the world, the longest, fastest and most aggressive killer is the deadliest poisonous snake. The Black Mamba people are ashamed of this nickname and don’t know how many people died at his hands.
Even several jackals died at his hands, but no one knew that he did it. At that time, he did it under the guise of other mercenary groups. After this, he wisely chose to quit those mercenary groups. Those people were wiped out, but he was still alive.
It seems to be living well now. In fact, Black Mamba always thought he would die in the battlefield ten years ago because he couldn’t retreat until he really died himself. At that time, all his mercenaries died.
In a drug dealer battle somewhere in South America, the opponent is about to wipe out the Black Mamba team. However, a big man said that Black Mamba is alive. Today, Black Mamba doesn’t know who the big man is, who has the same experience as him, and those lucky people from different mercenary groups around him.
Here, we can see that some people in Iron Wall once belonged to King Arthur. These people were all told by some important people after the mercenary corps was almost wiped out. They were regrouped and pinched together, and then they were occasionally sent to carry out some training.
Their families have been settled, their wives and children live in the rich areas, their children live in the best schools, and their identity has also been washed away, and some companies have even become "freelance artists", and they will receive a reasonable fixed salary to keep them selling.
At the same time, they will often go to certain specific areas for joint training or war. None of them know who the big shot is. They are just a bald white man with a housekeeper’s appearance.
He will appear in front of them in a serious swallow tail and be polite, or smile to meet their reasonable demands, or smile to let them perform something they don’t know what to do. They are mercenaries, but they are a little different.
Now they are more like private soldiers, and they don’t even have a chance to meet their own owners. Fortunately, their owners are not interested in killing them, but they are more interested in letting them work. But retiring means losing their sources of income.
Losing the shelter from the host may mean that they are killed by their enemies. Even if they don’t want to, they can often go ahead and let them retire until the host thinks they are hardworking enough and no longer suitable for further execution.
In some venues, they have seen those retired old guys, some of whom they can even recognize ten years ago, but decades ago, they thought they must have died, and now these old guys are safely managing those venues.
It seems that there is no discomfort in giving them training and sorting out weapons. It was also at that time that they knew that they could still retire alive. It was also at that time that they stopped thinking about who their master really was.
This is very important, whether he is the head of a big family or the helm of an organization. He can guarantee that they have a fixed income now and will not completely clean them up after they are old. This is already very good. Why must he meet the master?
Maybe meeting the host will lead to disaster. They think it’s good to be a mercenary now. It’s impossible to know who arrived when they picked it up. They need to pick it up and finish it, and then get the commission from there. That’s it.
In fact, there is no difference between now and then. They have changed their employers to the same person, so they can not only get paid, but also ensure that the old-age care and living resources are very rich
What else do you need to consider? You don’t need to ask others, too. Black Mamba knows that there are still many teams fighting with them. They have cooperated with each other and even several of them have recognized each other.
Even if there is hatred, the reason is very simple. They all have their own identities, they also have their own families, they have concerns and hopes. No one wants to go back to the old life, and they don’t want to go back, and they don’t want to die at home. Then honestly forget something.
This time, the black mamba felt different from the past. Although it didn’t look different from the past, the black mamba found some clues from his subtle expressions
This time, it may be death. Almost everyone in they nest Black Mamba has observed several training grounds. All the old guys have gone to the building. Obviously, they have evacuated those places in an orderly manner. Some of the mercenaries have also lost contact.
"There is still half an hour to arrive at the destination, and we have fifteen minutes to choose weapons, equipment and ammunition." A cold voice came from the earphone. "The map of the target area has been sent to your hand-held gs. The goal this time is to kill all living people there."
Chapter five hundred and sixty Coke
Coke has had a terrible headache recently. Since he received an order from the housekeeper to escort a group of people to a certain country in Asia, Coke has had a worse headache. It is a country where guns are banned. Coke doesn’t know what else to do without guns.
There is nothing wrong with him being a soldier, but he is not an expert in fighting. Without guns, it will cost him more to perfectly protect his goal, but Coke can’t refuse because his family has moved and he doesn’t know where his family has been moved.
The most important thing is that he needs to move those young masters, grandfathers and princesses. These people keep complaining about accommodation and food conditions along the way, which almost drives Coke crazy. Even an idiot knows that it is time to flee.
When I fled, I thought I was wearing leather shoes instead of calfskin, and I wanted to order my own scarves in Milan. Coke felt that it was natural that those families had raised too much waste, and Coke wanted to leave these idiots and run away on his own.
You know, they are not running through the channel now. He has spent a lot of time asking for absolute concealment along the way, but these gentlemen not only failed to understand his hard work, but also complained to him about accommodation and food.
These young masters and gentlemen are loved and protected so well that they are no longer eating people’s food. They are used to enjoying their life of horse racing and hunting in the manor, and they are used to wearing famous clothes and eating food. Coke misses the logistics director day when they serve these people.
Although those arrangements are also very complicated, many times we have to argue with our comrades-in-arms, but few king eggs will not dislike the fact that the field dry food is not delicious, nor will they feel that it is wrong to live in a jungle tent.
They will be happy to accept the occasional lunch meat and thank Coke. They will feel that they have not slept in the thorny vines in the jungle. This is very good. Ammunition should not blame women for not getting guns. They will quarrel, but at least they are never picky.
Even if they get the meat, these gentlemen don’t like it’s not Australian veal. Fortunately, all this will be over soon, and Coke will soon leave these damn bastards alone. They need to watch them go to that country in Haikou.
Then someone else will take over his job. Although it is more dangerous to take over the trade union, Coke thinks it will at least relax himself, and at worst it will be several times better than serving these damn idiots.
In fact, from the moment Coke received the housekeeper’s instructions, he knew that the war he had guessed had entered a white-hot stage. Behind him, his master was fighting a life-and-death battle with some behemoths he didn’t know.
Coke and Black Mamba knew each other, and from the moment they lost contact, Coke knew that the war had broken out on both sides and it was very serious. King Arthur and those people were coke contacts, but he concealed his identity at that time.
When King Arthur and his men fell, Coke knew that it was a big deal. Coke was not a black mamba. Those people who were almost separated from the former mercenary circle still had their original foundation, and the housekeeper needed him to contact them from time to time
"d12 team, you still have half an hour to prepare. In fifteen minutes, the specific coordinates of the target will be sent to you. This time, it is to annihilate all the coordinate areas and remember all the living."
Now coke repeats this sentence, and he knows how many people will die if he repeats this sentence, but he doesn’t mind anymore. He is now thinking about one thing, whether he can safely withdraw after work.
The housekeeper told him that he would receive the message after the work was completed, and that was because his family, even now Coke, could contact the family video once a day to confirm that Ann’s family dared not disclose their location, but told Coke that it was safer now.
Coke can also be carried out step by step according to the housekeeper’s instructions until he can finally evacuate, and even coke himself is ready to be cleaned up. He knows that there are too many things, and no one knows that it is coke now.
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I have a ring of explosives tied to me.
He knows very well that he can’t be a prisoner. He knows that if he can be captured, then death is the best choice. He doesn’t know if he can survive the torture, so he won’t suffer if he dies. Even if he is finally cleaned up, then suicide is the best choice.
Take a deep breath, but the music is low and cold until "d1 team coordinates have been started. Now set out and remember to kill all the survivors."
Chapter five hundred and sixty-nine Battle
Hou Dacheng raised his wrist and looked at his wrist watch, but when he met him, the hour hand pointed to the nine-minute hand, and it was five. He knew that it was less than an hour before the other party reached the standard. The jackal could almost move, and all the teams were in this area.
Now, if the jackal headquarters is raided, it can resist those automatic weapons that have been set up, and then there are a lot of lame and blind people who have no place to go to the old jackal headquarters to get mixed up to that point. Even Hou Dasheng himself would not have thought of this day.
On weekdays, the most common action followed by Hou Dasheng is the black group. The black group has lost several groups of people and changed blood several times, but the fighting capacity is still basic to ensure that other teams will have certain losses more or less in execution.
Fortunately, the jackal channel and salary are always better than others, and it is not particularly difficult for many peripheral teams to supplement excellent manpower. If it were for other mercenaries, they would either be disbanded early or die.
However, even so, the jackals’ losses are extremely alarming, especially during Hou Dasheng’s reign. The jackals’ losses almost exceeded their losses in the last ten years, but no one thought it was not worth it. The treatment of disabled old jackals and living jackals was more than doubled.
At the same time, jackal’s speech weight gain is also the core of jackal. The players all know that if you don’t get the facts, you don’t have to pay. You get what you want, so you have to pay the harvest and have to pay the price.
In the past, everyone just eats the knife and licks the blood. There is nothing to complain about this. It is worthless. Sacrifice should be valued. But if it has achieved value, then sacrifice is worth it. Especially, they sacrificed jackals and made progress, even though it has not been achieved since its establishment.
At this time, Hou Dasheng had almost reached the head of the jackal at Jackal’s sight. At this time, even if he ordered Jackal to attack the capital of a small country, no one would question his order. Of course, Hou Dasheng seemed to have done so, even though it was a war-torn country
"The surrounding area of 200 kilometers has been blocked for 72 hours, and no one will enter this exercise area." The hound was slightly tired according to his headphones and whispered to Hou Dasheng. "All teams have entered the scheduled area and the battle plan has been deduced for ten times."
Hou Dasheng gently nodded with his tea in his hand. "Tell everyone that we will be able to earn a fortune for our children and grandchildren after we finish our work, so don’t say anything. We all died here, including your head and me."
"Don’t think too much about it, just hit it." Take a breath and sip tea gently. "This is our other Grozny. The difference is that this time we hand over enough money to win the position."
Bite a tooth Hou Dasheng knuckles a little pale "so many brothers lost their lives, and the team leader and the old jackals gave everything. We are now the closest to the target, and we are all so shivering. At this time, if the chain is broken, let alone the living jackals are dead, we will be ashamed to see those old brothers."
The black mamba is now dressed in forest camouflage 4a1, equipped with red dot aiming and afg2 corner grip. He carefully crawled forward according to the gun and carefully cleaned up the traces around him. The black mamba has sneaked into this forest with his team for more than 20 minutes, and no abnormalities have been found so far.
They have been moving steadily and safely towards their destination, but the more so, the deeper the black mamba’s heart sank, and the other side obviously concentrated all its strength on important nodes. They gave up unnecessary external defense, thus strengthening the internal defense range and cross-fire guarantee.
Black Mamba doesn’t know who he’s dealing with, but he can be sure that these people are not novices. These experts know better than them that when the attack range is compressed to the mutual support area, the force can play its strongest role.
In particular, although there are a large number of attack force, Black Mamba doesn’t feel that these people have too many advantages. They haven’t finished joint training, and it is very problematic for each team to run in, but their opponents are a whole. They will be more tacit than themselves and others.
"Try to slow down as much as possible. Don’t fire without my order. Remember that we don’t want to be the first crossfire. We just need to find the right time to cut into the battlefield and end the battle." This set of orders was issued in code. "Don’t rush to attack the team and ensure that we can support each other."
Chapter five hundred and seventy You are here and I am here.
Unlike the black mamba, the pumpkin code word keeps reaching the command in the earphone for 30 seconds, and it must be confirmed by a fixed contact for two minutes. The briefing team is advancing towards the goal in an orderly and rapid manner.

Chapter 322 Believe it or not, I’ll chop your paw.

Zhang Qiang almost sprayed a table.
Others are a face of shock at ling day like looking at a silly.
You hit Zhao Yiming?
Can you blow it any bigger?
"Ha, ha, ha, little security guard, do you know how ridiculous you are?"
"Beat zhao less? Bah! "
"Zhao, one less finger is enough to run you over a hundred times!"
Wang Yong aside is also a full face of teasing way.
"Hey, don’t say I didn’t wake you up."
"Don’t go out and talk nonsense."
"We don’t think Su Qingya will give you out."
"If someone hears you insult Zhao, be careful that you can’t leave Jiangzhou alive."
Ling day eyebrows is not a wrinkly some language way
"I really hit him."
Ling Tian rescued Su Qingya and wanted to find a hotel to stay.
As a result, a drunk was beaten by Ling Tian for touching Sue Elegant.
Why don’t you call yourself Zhao Yiming?
Why don’t these people believe it?
"Lingtian is enough!" Tong Feifei really can’t listen to it.
Have no affection for ling day in my heart.
She has decided to wait to see Sue elegant must have a good advise their girlfriends.
This kind of person had better break up before it’s too late.
"I’m almost done."
"I’m a little tired, too. Let’s get together another day!"
Tong Feifei got up and was ready to leave when she was not in the mood.
Just then a group of people came from the bag on the second floor.
TongFeiFei together suddenly caught the eye of the gang.
The young man who walks in the forefront like a moon can’t help but shine at the moment.
"What a beautiful girl!"
A young man can’t walk.
"Did Yang watch less?"
"How about an appointment in the past?"
The crowd behind them immediately winked and booed and said
"I think so!"
The young man known as Yang Shao walked past with glowing eyes.
"Hello, this beautiful lady."
"Can I invite you to my house for a drink of Lafite for 2 years?"
Young men’s wear a personable face with a faint smile asked.
When Tong Feifei was in college, it was common for the beauty queen to be entangled with boys.
I am used to this kind of occasion for a long time.

Four-wing chicken is a middle-aged couple. "Do you accept it here?"

However, I shook my head and took out 2 yuan from my pocket and handed it to Mi Wan.
Chen Xiaoxing, who is being educated by the couple, watched with envy as more and more people came over there, but there was no good place nearby. He ran back and forth screaming, "It costs 55 yuan to park on your shoulders and have a private seat at the top of your head!"
"Pay the money quickly!"
Soon he had a pile of money in his hand.
The wooden club also holds its own stones to promote sales.
"A limited number of 55 private rooms are available on a first-come-first-served basis …"
Soon I rented out half my body stones.
Chen Xiaoxing’s mouth is watering. This is a lot of Qian Qian!
"You still envy others! Be good to me! " Xin Chen is in distress situation.
Zhang Lili said, "Look at how calm the six girls are and learn from them."
Six Eva looked up and saw his one eye, bowed their heads and took a small drawing.
They don’t know that Liuwa hired a lot of people today, and the income from selling all kinds of small businesses in the crowd is even much higher than these two little guys.
She is so calm because she is the boss.
After the restart of the exile era, the layout of Liuwa’s former exile era was completely white, but now that it has reconnected with the exile era, Liuwa Chamber of Commerce can naturally set sail again.
The middle-aged couple next to them are smiling at Xin Chen and Zhang Lili, shaking their heads and sighing, "This child needs a good education, otherwise it will be difficult to educate him when he grows up. You can’t listen to what he says."
"Yes, especially boys, if they are not careful, they don’t know what they have done."
"That’s how we get moths for us every day. We both regret how we didn’t educate him well when we were young. As a result, we grew up. Everyone is slower than others. Everyone else is married. My son didn’t even have a girlfriend! Don’t know we are in a hurry, we are still waiting to have grandchildren … "
"Our little star is quite good. It’s quite feminine." Zhang Lili next to him immediately touched Chen Xiaoxing’s head and said with a little pride.
Xin Chen felt something was wrong there. The middle-aged man looked familiar?
Zhang Lili has said, "But don’t worry too much about young people. Sometimes they just like to play. When they are tired of playing, they will know that they are relieved. When they get married, they always have to take their time. Where is your son now?"
"Well, there it is." The middle-aged man reached forward and pointed to "the second one on the left."
At this time, Zhou Ye, the groom’s official, has come out. His four groomsmen accompany him. The leftmost one in military uniform is a large group.
And the second is not far from Zhuang.
He was wearing the manor’s main shirt, which was obviously composed of newly woven lines and gold threads.
"Alas, this child is better to be obedient," sighed Zhuang Dad.
Then I reached out and touched Chen Xiaoxing’s head. "Don’t be like him, little guy."
Chapter 1424 Pandora’s Box
Hundreds of experts in white coats are busy in a heavily guarded facility in Nut State.
The outside wall of the laboratory was painted with the portrait of the robbery squad and a big red cross was made.
There are also huge words "fire prevention, theft prevention and robbery prevention"
There are all kinds of broken parts and instruments in the laboratory.
This is the only time piece from the explosion of Indigo Emperor that has been searched in Nut State.
All the important things were taken back by the robbery team, and all that was left was some junk.
However, what is left is also a valuable asset for Nut State. By deciphering the technology of factory owners, they have also broken through some technical problems.
Of course, the main force is not them.
In the corner of the laboratory, there is a man with long white hair wearing a red robe instead of a white coat. He is wearing reading glasses and lying on an independent workbench, fiddling with something like a square box.
He carefully packed all kinds of scraps from his machine into this small box.

"According to the master of array law, this array is the most mysterious and powerful sacrifice of creatures."

Tianhe continued exit
"After our observation, the passage of the ice mine department is not static, but will change with time."
"at present, we can’t find the middle law."
There’s one thing she didn’t say
It is the master of array law who said that if we can master this law, it is very likely to trap and kill the seven-order peak exotic species.
Unfortunately …
It’s almost impossible!
Zhou Jia’s visual array shows meditation.
Tianhe qihaokou
"You suddenly became interested in ice mines?"
"I’ve been to this array in what I left behind." Zhou Jia took the array and waved his sleeves to let the array change its position from time to time.
"It is because of this congenital array that the chaotic fetus can play a certain role in other methods."
"According to what he said, the core array eye hides the mystery."
Tianhe’s eyes lit up
"What’s mysterious?"
"Remember the vague" Zhou Jia shook his head.
"It seems to involve the big secret of this world."
"Big secret?" Tianhe pie mouth
"This word doesn’t mean danger in all kinds of novels and paintings in my memory. Let’s not touch it."
"You’d better be careful." Zhou Jia chuckled.
"Rest assured that I was curious …"
His eyes twitched halfway through the words.
"The core of the array should be the center of the giant’s head."
"Not bad"
Tianhe nodded
"That’s where the brain is. If there is the core of the law, it should be there."
Zhou Jia didn’t say anything but looked at the law thoughtfully for a long time before he shook his head gently and waved his sleeves to put away the array and continued to close his eyes and retreat.
He is interested in pure secrets, and sometimes he might as well go and have a look. After all, it is not dangerous for others to go.

An Shitou quickly dug out a paper box and put it in a box that smells strange, looks strange and feels even more strange. After stacking it tightly, the ribbon tied a beautiful dead button, hung a professional smile and handed it to Conan.

When Anshitong went to clean the tray, Baishi poured a coke with ice and put it in front of Conan.
Conan poked at the sweet box on the desktop with love. He came to buy mystery novels with this money, but it’s not too bad that he can save people from it …
Soon guests came into the store one after another.
At first, it was a beautiful woman. She looked at her watch frequently and looked like waiting for someone.
Conan paid attention to her for a while, but after the woman lost her temper with her, she ruled her out. He didn’t think Mao Lilan would make such friends.
Then came a gaunt college student who was rushing to finish his thesis. A strong man who went straight to the bar after entering the store and shouted out the manager; A beautiful woman with curly hair and a professional suit.
Chapter 1 is that you admit your mistake.
Fei Yingli was the last person to enter the door.
Conan’s intention was to meet her in the line of sight, and his heart suddenly felt cold-although he didn’t recognize Fei Yingli, he intuitively felt that the aunt couldn’t be provoked, so Conan turned around and turned to face the bar instead.
Just then he saw Baishi’s forefinger table point two times and then point forward implicitly.
Because the manager sat next to Baishi without a mouth.
But Conan understood his meaning in a second, which was to express that "Mao Lilan has to wait for someone."
Conan was immediately alert to follow the white stone, and when he turned around, he saw that Fei Yingli was moving towards a position at the door, and the shop door behind her was pushed, and a handsome guy with long shoulder hair came in.
After he entered the door, he looked around the door without looking for a seat
Can the clerk greet him and ask, "Sir, are you looking for someone?"
"Oh, I have an appointment with a girl, but she doesn’t seem to have arrived yet." The handsome guy looked for fruit and tossed his hair at the clerk. "Find me a seat for two."
What he said just now made Conan think wrong.
Conan critically examines the flirtatious gigolo who just entered the door, thanking Baishi in a low voice, and then before Baishi reacts, he runs off to the seat next to the gigolo and sits hostile and stares at the back of his head.
"…" Baishi looked down at his finger and reviewed the scene just now.
But he didn’t say anything
I didn’t point to the wrong person. Conan’s mistake is his business
Moreover, it is convenient for Conan to act by himself with the interference of passers-by
So thinking of Baishi turned to look at the woman who was excluded from Conan’s first entry.
He remembered that this man was the deceased when Fei Yingli appeared. She and the murderer were lovers, which just met the requirements of black widow.
Although it’s hard to imagine that a woman who kills more quickly than chopping watermelons will suddenly die at the hands of a passerby … it’s not surprising that this world is not a villain.
Baishi secretly watched the woman’s actions. After she went to the sanitation, Baishi walked along the staff aisle to the back door while no one was looking, hid her glasses in the next corner, and then turned into a cat and went straight to wash her hands.
Like many small and exquisite restaurants, this restaurant washes its hands and is mixed with men and women.
Yayoi Ji Ye patched up her makeup before she went into the sink.
Before, she used to kill a lover every two or three weeks or even a month.
But recently, I don’t know that her success has been particularly smooth.
After a series of killings, Ji Ye became addicted to strangling Hamanori. After a few days of quiet counting money, she couldn’t stand the loneliness and planned to start work on Temple Hill Thirteen, who had known each other for a month.
Thirteen types of temples and mountains, many people who don’t socialize widely are still lustful, which are all factors that attract Ji Ye Yayoi.
But he is too tough-looking and too burly, which is not Ji Ye Yayoi’s type. She doesn’t take the initiative many times, and they don’t progress as fast as with his lover.
Therefore, recently, Ji Ye Mi gave birth to a few words, and the 13th wife of Dianshan wanted to stir up his family, so that in case of "suicide", the police would give priority to suspecting that Mrs. Dianshan herself could have enough retreat.
Yayoi Ji Ye plans to leave Tokyo for a year or two while selling stolen goods and looking for a new place to live.
When Dianshan 13 pushed the door and pushed in, she looked at the fat sheep in the mirror and greeted it with a thoughtful smile.
But she never thought that Fat Sheep would stun her without saying anything and then stab her in the heart.
Dianshan thirteen money is not earned by himself as he usually boasts, but comes from his rich wife.
Therefore, although I dislike my wife who is old and ugly, I dare not quarrel with her because I can’t live without her.
Recently, when I heard that Ji Ye Yayoi always gets angry with his wife, I thought of novels and those common stories in the video, "I’ll tell your wife about us if I don’t get a divorce." The third mistress suddenly felt bad about Dianshan Thirteen.
He had a nightmare of "Ji Ye Yayoi stabbed two people in front of his wife, and then his wife, father and brother poured cement into the Pacific Ocean".
When people are under too much pressure, they will easily become abnormal. After a while of anxiety, they finally woke up their criminal intuition and came up with a clever killing method.
Ji Ye Yayoi was inexplicably stabbed in the heart and soon died.
Temple Hill Thirteen didn’t pull out the dagger in her heart. He first took his finger and wrapped it in a long bandage. One end of the bandage tied the root of the dagger blade and the other end temporarily tied his wrist.
Houdianshan 13 picked up the body and threw it in along the gap before the partition.
When it fell from behind the blocked door, Dianshan XIII knocked out Ji Ye Yayoi’s satchel and took the money out of her wallet, and scattered the rest of it from Fang to pretend to be a robber homicide.
Then he grabbed the bandage and pulled the dagger out of Ji Ye Yayoi’s chest to let the blood flow out. Finally, he untied the dagger bandage and threw the dagger into the compartment.
This can create the illusion that "the gangster hid in the compartment and killed Ji Ye Yayoi, and then escaped through the gap at the top"
As a result, a big guy like Dianshan 13 who can’t climb the gap was immediately ruled out.
After everything was done, Dianshan 13 pushed through a door and found that the body blocked the door very firmly. He breathed a sigh of relief.
-When it’s finally over, you must pay great attention to finding a mistress. You must never leave evidence of infidelity. You must search the receipt before you leave the house and take it yourself to prevent them from being cunning and threatening yourself …
Temple hill thirteen thought while preparing to flee the scene.
Being distracted, he was frightened by a stray cat that accidentally broke into the toilet.
After returning to the temple of God, thirteen felt a little ashamed of his reaction. He made a strange noise and drove away a few times, and his mind was slightly balanced, so he moved his sight away from the cat.
Twist the faucet, wash off your hands stained with blood, and carefully wrap the bandage around Dianshan 13. This just knocked on the door and returned to the restaurant as if nothing had happened.
Baishi ignored the strange man. After the door was closed, he went to the body and found that the blood had seeped out from the door.
Baishi visually measured a distance, jumped up from the run-up, and the doorknob successfully climbed the partition door and glanced at it along the probe.
Chapter 19 What? Is my teammate cold?
In the narrow compartment, the body lay on its side. Ji Ye Yayoi leaned back against the door leg and stuck to the side wall. The whole person folded into a ninety-degree angle.
There are a lot of things scattered on the ground, and blood spots or blood lines are splashed everywhere, which may be thrown out when the knife is drawn. The ground is not flat, and the body spreads to the side floor drain, where there is almost no foot.
Baishi looked at the sundries on the ground and didn’t find the pendant with a card necklace.
It looked down at the body again and observed it carefully for a moment. Baishi found something faintly reflecting in the neckline of Ji Ye Yayoi.
Squinting slightly, it quickly saw that it was a few grotesque necklaces and pendants, and the outermost one was still familiar. It seemed that Hamano had seen it before.