Du pterosaur was worried about how to provoke it, but instead commanded "speed up"

The captain’s terminology ordered "speed forward"
The 25-ton fishing boat is no smaller than the 3,000-ton destroyer, and the fishing ground was immediately disturbed by the wind and waves.
In addition to throwing a harpoon, we can avoid a 100-ton kid desperately, especially because the fishing boat of the martial arts school suddenly turned and was almost overturned by the waves.
In this way, it not only destroys the achievements of the fleet in one day, but also …
An impatient Slavic made a shot, perhaps a pike during the Russo-Japanese War, regardless of pulling the trigger.
"Bang" is a bit boring, which finally lifts morale.
Du pterosaur "ha ha" laughed. "This is their first shot. Okay, let’s rush over and return."
"It’s the return flight". The captain quickly ordered that he didn’t want to be killed by random guns. The history of dead rifle admirals is quite shameful.
The 25-ton fishing boat turned its head and went to the deep bay. The flat body swayed as if it had not damaged the roots.
The Slavs of the fishing boat were naturally angry, especially when the fishing gear was damaged. Several boats did not hesitate to chase after them. Anyway, there was nothing else to do today.
Du pterodactyl is a modified new ship, and it can run happily when two engines are started. The fishing boats behind it will follow after all.
Near the deep bay, Du pterosaur picked up the telescope and counted, "One, two, three, four, five ships are not bad, captain. Let’s trick them into entering the port slowly."
The 25-ton fishing boat wriggled and gradually returned to the simple dock in Shenwan.
The fishing boat behind hesitated for a moment, but it followed, especially the fisherman with an old gun from the Russo-Japanese War, who was sharpening his knife and preparing for a big fight.
However, anyone who lives by plundering natural resources has a heroic spirit of fighting against the world, or it is said that barbarism is synonymous with manual labor farmers. If you can’t fool the seven fairies, miners, loggers and fishermen who usually plan the earth for a generation will give people a different impression. Strong muscles and hot temper often represent the most desperate groups …
Du pterosaur fishing boat disturbed their harvest for a day and broke many objects. Whether they can get compensation or not is always right to teach them a lesson.
In a rather strong revenge, five fishing boats finally saw the simple pier
"When was there anything here?" The sailors of the first fishing boat ran off the deck.
In front of them is almost a modern military fortress
The iron fence on the concrete wall is like a middle camp in the shadow.
A mortar shell fell into the water.
"Bang bang bang"
This time it’s M2 Browning’s third burst.
"Ship is ship" Du Yilong hand also took out light and heavy weapons and turned to the Russian ship.
The old gun owner touched the old gun and was stopped by the crazy crew.
After all, they are fishermen, and they have never seen a shell explode at close range.
The captain around Du pterosaur should be more shy than they are-naval officers can’t get enough of guns.
Five fishing boats, with heavy machine guns, watched the Dupterosaur fishing boat commander stop at the simple dock in turn.
"Let’s all take a boat." Du Yilong patted his raincoat and felt that his pants were getting wet.
How good can the natural conditions be in Suwu where sheep can stay?
"Are you pirates?" Fishermen have reason to wonder that although Lake Baikal has an area no less than that of the offshore and a depth more than that of the offshore, it is a lake after all. Who will do what pirates can’t escape, and more importantly, what will they rob to make a fortune?
Fishermen have fish, which does not meet the demand of pirate cash distribution.
Du pterosaur touched his ear and smiled. It was a bit strange to borrow the konjac talking line. "You broke into our fishing ground."
"How hard is it to understand that this is our fishing ground?"
"We have been fishing here for generations."
"Oh, don’t come fishing here after your ship is confiscated, is that clear?"
Of course, the fishermen didn’t do it, but they were forcibly twisted out.
The captain couldn’t bear to say, "They are poor workers after all."
"We will compensate them when they are assigned to the Siberian camp." Du pterosaur didn’t bother to pay attention to this stupid navy. If everything is fair and just, everyone will build warships and raise the navy.

She said that Han Fei made herself like that. Will others believe her? No!

Hanfei gives people the impression that she is always soft and moist, and she is an overbearing advocate.
Others will say that she is not only domineering but also ridiculous, even so shameful! Will she say more?
"risk your life?" Even Fang Qing ridiculed a smile "auspicious noble this is a bit interesting! So you are not afraid of death? "
"yes! Does the imperial concubine want the life of a concubine? " Auspicious noble one leng immediately replied
It’s hard to ride a tiger. She can say the same thing.
"That’s good!" Even Fang Qing clapped his hands and sneered, "You keep saying that Gong beat her, so be it! The palace is right here. If you don’t fight back, you can still hit the palace! It’s more pleasant and straightforward to avenge her than to complain to the emperor! "
Everyone was surprised and there was a low pumping. Even the princess was still weeping and sobbing.
Auspicious noble also froze suddenly a little unprepared.
Lian Fang laughed coldly. "Dare not? You’re not even afraid of death. Are you afraid of this? "
Xiang Guiren was overwhelmed by Lian Fangqing’s words.
Every word she says is from the bottom of her heart, and when she says it, she is half-fake. She wants to ask Han Fei for justice, even if it is in front of the emperor, even if it costs her life!
That’s not true! It’s not like this!
Let her slap the imperial concubine in the face in front of the public, and Han Fei will take revenge. She dare not do it!
But if she doesn’t hit her, how can she face justice before the emperor?
And in the future, will she still face Han Fei? Like facing other concubines?
Xiang Guiren gritted his teeth with a cruel heart and said, "We have sinned!" Yang hand toward Lian Fang Qing face.
"Sister Xiang!" Hanfei secretly called "Oops!" Fiercely hugged the auspicious noble arm and grabbed her desperately and shook her head and cried, "No! Never! I don’t blame the imperial concubine for her heart! It’s not her fault! You can’t do this! No! "
Of course, she can’t let Xiang Guiren beat Lian Fangqing.
If she did, wouldn’t the injustice she suffered today be halved? Then what’s the point of her suffering and careful planning?
"Sister Han Fei, you!" Xiang Guiren glared at Lian Fangqing with anger and love, deeply hating himself for not moving fast enough just now!
"Sister Xiang!" Han Fei’s attitude is more determined and sincere than crying, "Is it difficult for my sister to force her to death?"
Auspicious noble Zheng suddenly lost his struggling strength and turned around to hold Han Fei. She looked at her with red cheeks, red eyes and a full face of tears. She couldn’t help but feel a sour tear in her heart.
Two people holding a cry.
Even Fang Qing looked annoyed and disgusted, and turned to leave with a cold hum.
Ning Er, bright son hurriedly with.
Silverscreen and the others had just gathered around Princess Han and the noble Xiang to make a bitter exhortation.
This matter seems to have inserted wings and soon spread to the sixth house.
To everyone’s great surprise, I think it’s actually reasonable. The personality of the imperial concubine Empress is now spoiled by Han Fei. It’s only 153. Chapter 153 is not wronged.
Is that Han Fei is too weak to cry after being beaten!
Well, who will the emperor help?
Everyone is excited! Look forward to it!
The news also reached the Ganqing Palace. Emperor Guangyuan was in the process of approving the memorial. When he heard the news, Xiao Liao also stayed away.
After determining the mistake, I was puzzled and ordered Xiao Liaoguifei to go to the Qing Palace to see it.
After such an unexpected and shocking thing, it wouldn’t seem abrupt for him to call the imperial concubine.
Even Fang Qing is awkward, disgusting and uncomfortable! Hanfei, what the hell is this? Just to frame her to get more love? Well, congratulations! She made it!
Now she must have been in the sixth house, right?
And in the process, there must be all kinds of embellishments. Her image must be more brilliant than she can imagine! Shock ratio!
Even Fang Qing knew that it must have happened when Xiao Liao came to do the Qing Palace by himself. Without saying anything, he said, "Let’s go!" Lift your feet and go
At this moment, she also misses him very much. Only with him can she get rid of that strange feeling in her heart!
Only he will be suspicious and believe what she says!
Into the south room of Ganqing Palace, Lian Fangqing called out "Emperor!" Then he ran towards Emperor Guangyuan and threw himself in his arms and refused to look up.
Guangyuan emperor couldn’t help heart took her down and smiled "qing son what’s going on? You still look unhappy when you hit someone? Does it hurt to hit your hand? Let me have a look! "
Even Fang Qing giggled and looked up at him and said, "Does the emperor also think that I hit your beloved concubine?"
Emperor Guangyuan’s eyes narrowed dangerously. "Qing’s son will be punished for saying the wrong thing!"
It seems that he thought of punishing Lian Fang with a red face and saying, "How can I be happy when I was severely fooled by her!"
Said, and will say out the original things, of course, skip the culvert princess that crazy before that.
Guangyuan emperor heard heart fire up grind scold a way "that woman is crazy! This kind of thing can be done in order to compete for pets! "
Emperor Guangyuan suddenly felt a little shudder because he told him that the woman was his beloved Qing son.
Not only because of love, but also because he believes in her! She won’t deceive herself.
They came to pretend to be at odds with her, and it is even more impossible to beat her out because of "jealousy" of Hanfei.
But if you tell him that it is not his beloved Qing son but someone else? Can she believe such a ridiculous story? Hanfei feels soft, gentle and soft, and she doesn’t look like a person who would do such a thing!
Emperor Guangyuan suddenly felt that he had decided to be a Qing son, and that being with her all his life decided the English ratio.
In this way, his harem will become very clean! A lot less unjust, false and wrong cases
"Yes!" Even Fang Qing than humbled depressed way "I really have the guts-"
Her forehead was struck by lightning! It’s so unreal! That’s what makes a man look bad! Gee! Fortunately, you believe me! I knew you would believe me! "
Guangyuan emperor ha ha a smile to say with smile "I don’t believe who you believe? I am definitely not such a person! Even if you really hate her rivalry, you won’t hit her! "
"That is!" Lian Fangqing curled her lips and blurted out, "I’m afraid I’ll get my hands dirty!"
Provoked Guangyuan emperor to laugh.
"Since she is trying to compete for favor, I will be her!" Guangyuan emperor slightly sneer at.
Even Fang Qing nodded "hmm". "You don’t have to worry about my feelings! Emperor, we can’t wait any longer! You ….. You take the opportunity to love her more and give her more opportunities. She should do something because she can’t stand it! Because she is already shooting! "
Emperor Guangyuan caressed her hairline judo "wronged you!"
Lian Fangqing blinked and smiled mischievously. "Then you have to compensate others later!"
Emperor Guangyuan took her and laughed. "I’ll make it up to you tonight!"
Lian Fangqing’s eyes are red, and she hides her face from time to time. She has never been embarrassed. Although she tries her best to do things, she still makes people see clearly.
Back in Changchun Palace, even Fang Qing’s face collapsed into the temple, so he ordered everyone to go out and stay with his aunt.
Ning Er, bright son they generally indecision indefinite exit two people’s duty is to watch the people are strictly prohibited near.

Feel the body and energy Peng Pai Fang Lin don’t feel uncomfortable. He thinks about the curse and martial arts in his mind all the time. He wants to find a powerful way to make the platform break through the virtual. If he can connect a gap to the real Fang Lin, he can summon the four treasures of the magic door. With these four treasures, Fang Lin is much more sure in the face of the crisis.

"TianKan inverse blade go! Give play to the power of your immortal legacy! Give me a virtual! "
The figure has increased by more than ten times. Fang Lin almost roared and sent out the Tiankan reverse blade, which was a blow. Fang Lin spent a huge amount of reiki. After the Tiankan reverse blade came out, the figure was almost reduced by three points. The treasure of the immortal in ten thousand years was indeed earth-shattering. The Tiankan reverse blade cut through the virtual front, and then a golden crack was split to the outside world. The fresh breath and familiarity with the earth scenery suddenly slipped through Fang Lin’s line of sight, which made the young people feel ecstatic and wanted to escape.
But this time, luck didn’t come to Fang Lin’s side. Fang Lin’s control of escaping light just caught up with the crack split by Tiankan’s inverse blade. A strange force covered this crack leading to the outside world and disappeared.
Fang Lin watched the passage closed but didn’t do anything. He was just about to try again. Suddenly, a faint light flashed in a distant place and attracted all Fang Lin’s attention.
After that ray of light appeared, the faint thunder also gradually contended. With this broken light, Fang Lin looked as far as he could. Slowly, he saw something in that light and almost jumped up in horror.
That light is like a flash, and it is coming straight to Fang Lin’s side. The weaker the light is, the wider the light is. Fang Lin judges that this light is at least tens of kilometers in diameter and the length is calculated by the method. This fiery light is not the only one. On the contrary, Fang Lin can see that there are several magic soldiers in this magic light, and fierce birds and beasts will be rushing and fighting endlessly.
Fang Lin was curious, but he didn’t dare to look at this light at this time. He was still far away from himself. Lin tried to push the Tiankan inverse blade and tried to carve out an exit first, but he ran out of strength and manipulated it for two or three hours, but how could he escape from this virtual world before the crack disappeared?
If it weren’t for the endless reiki here, it would be almost possible to replenish Fang Lin. At this moment, it would have been consumed by adults. With Fang Lin’s desire to escape, Fang Lin’s bombardment has become a vent. He has gradually whitened himself, unless he can refine himself with Tiankan’s inverse blade to the position of body blade unity, he will never escape.
However, in just two or three hours, Fang Lin squandered so much aura. He has realized the secret of some transport forces. The speed of restoring aura is getting faster and faster. It will take more than ten minutes to take a breath, and the light in his hand can flow brightly and dazzlingly. It is also more and more powerful. Lin has been urging Tiankan Inverse Blade for dozens of times in a row to squander his aura. It has reached the point where it takes two reminders to exhaust his aura.
Although the glow is fast, it is not hundreds of thousands of miles away from Fang Lin, so Fang Lin stopped and looked at the glow rolling in and finally thought, where is this?
According to Bailong, I should have met the unknown Warcraft, but Fang Lin inexplicably fell into this. Although there is doubt that it is the head of Warcraft, there is always a voice in my heart that doubts his judgment.
As the rays of sunlight got closer and closer, Lin Cai saw that the original rays of sunlight were intertwined with blue and gold. The rays of sunlight in the middle blue were composed of several ferocious animals or had a slightly strange appearance like terran. Soldiers wearing animal armor rode fierce animals, and their strength was several times stronger than those animals. In Jin Xia, there were a few people who rode fairy birds and spirits to fight. Although these soldiers were physically walking with long limbs and striding like humans, the armor failed to cover up their heads, but they showed one by one or colorful feathers on their heads.
Green, gold in the two Xiaguang two armies each Wu but after each collision on both sides of the tragic being killed Fang Lin also don’t know exactly is two Xiaguang gave birth to these strange animals and makes or these two strange army soldiers each shine to form the two Xiaguang.
Soldiers on both sides look non-human, but they are never like demons. The bitter fighting between the two armies made Fang Lin, an outsider, look scared.
Occasionally, the animals in Qingxia are blown out by the soldiers in Jinxia, rolling like a long river, or the soldiers in Jinxia are killed by the warriors in Qingxia, and they can recover and continue to fight in an instant.
Think of the energy here abnormal Fang Lin guess these two armies make fierce beasts will restore amazing look for a moment Fang Lin tongue-tied unceasingly, both sides to literally a soldier has a far force and they make magic is amazing Fang Lin not only never seen is heard and never.
According to the formation of two strange armies, Guangxia will pass Fang Lin hundreds of miles around, and Fang Lin will somehow get close to the past and want to have a closer look.
There seems to be a strange force affecting Fang woodland’s mind. When he is in a daze, there seems to be a majestic voice saying, "Be wild and kill!"
Fang Lin jiling was about to think about this sound, but his body was pushed to Guangxia by an unknown force. Fang Lin tried to get away with horror, but no matter how hard he worked, he could not compete with this force.
When his eyes lit up, he had already broken into the blue sky and had a huge rough blue leather armor.
"I! What have I become? "
When Fang Lin saw that his hands were huge and thick, and his arm muscles were as hard as stones, he couldn’t help roaring.
A golden magic like spurge cut to Fang Lin chest.
I don’t know when the blue glow turns Fang Lin’s place just collides with the golden glow. A ribbed colorful wing with colorful feathers fluttering on its head is wearing beautiful armor, and the warrior hands it over with magic weapons.
The sixth world of Warcraft, the seventh time, the green spirit is immortal
The sixth world of Warcraft, the seventh time, the green spirit is immortal
Fang Lin roared, and I didn’t know what I was talking about. A piece of flame came out of his hand to form a flame, and the sword light was recklessly recorded with the other party. When he realized that the flame sword light was his own hand, he was shocked and inexplicable.
Not only did his body suddenly change into a strange warrior in Qingxia, but even Frodam’s horn was transformed into the most suitable form for Frodam’s horn to exert its power. His original refining array disappeared.
"What the hell is this place? What the hell have I become? "
Fang Lin haven’t had a chance to sink into thinking, he was killed in a row to the colorful feather soldiers in the golden glow.
Once again, after a violent collision, the part of Lin Suo’s blue glow got rid of the contact with golden glow. Fang Lin was already scarred and exhausted at this time. Although there is plenty of aura here, it is not so simple to recover the wound. Just a short battle has made him physically and mentally exhausted.
Now that Fang Lin has become like this, he wants to communicate with other soldiers in Qingxia to see what information can be studied. But when he looks around, there are more beasts than human beings. Although there are two soldiers who are closer to each other, they also walk upright, but what do you think of their fierce heads? How do they look like beasts with huge mouths and fangs like torches? Fang Lin shouted a few times, and the other party’s reaction suddenly made Fang Lin extinguish his communication mind.
"These also don’t know what things change! Why does it look like wisdom is not high! "
Fang Lin’s breathing must have immediately restored the appearance of the old god. He held the idea of being safe when he came, and he didn’t worry much about his situation. After observing the situation around him, Fang Lin grabbed a fierce beast and sat down in his heart. "It’s a good thing that he came to Qingxia’s side. Otherwise, how could there be more animals here than people in Jinxia? There are more people there than animals running. Of course, he can’t enjoy himself as a newcomer!"

But when one side places its hopes of winning on luck, then the team is not far from being finished.

Atletico Madrid hoped that the goddess of luck would take care of them. When they found that the goddess of luck did not respond to their request, they were flustered, and the game became more and more chaotic.
Hertha, on the other hand, saw that Atletico Madrid was flustered and the more they played, the more confident they became. If some balls were placed in normal times, they might not break at all or even break them, they would be fouled.
But today they not only broke, but also broke cleanly.
"Hertha is in a good state today. How can she fight?" Crespo also sighed with emotion.
For Atletico Madrid, this scene is simply suffering.
If you don’t look at the jersey, you will be calm. Hertha is Atletico Madrid, the big brother team in Madrid, and Hertha is the team that is in a hurry.
For Atletico Madrid players and fans, they lost many games this season, but none of them can compare with today’s game.
If they lose the game in the end, it will be unforgettable.
Because they lost to a group of hillbillies in Madrid.
No matter how they lose, at least in Madrid, they still have a very high status, and they can still dominate the world in Madrid.
They were not even afraid of Real Madrid. In the season when they were relegated, although they were eventually relegated, Atletico Madrid still prevailed in the same city derby in Madrid. With Hasselbaink’s second goal, they beat Real Madrid at the Bernabeu Stadium 31 and returned to their home court. They didn’t let Madrid get a bargain, and the two sides drew 11.
With such performance, Atletico Madrid naturally has reason and capital to be proud of other teams in Madrid.
Even if we are downgraded, our influence in Madrid is still not to be ignored!
However, the game against Hertha pulled the last fig leaf from Atletico Madrid.
A cruel way to tell everyone-now Atletico Madrid is a paper tiger! They just look scary! Actually … vulnerable!
Atletico Madrid fans can accept being defeated by Real Madrid because they think that they have been persecuted, even if they fail, it is a glorious failure, and they are glorious martyrs in the struggle against the strong.
But they were defeated by Hertha, whose status, strength and name were far less than theirs. What is the matter?
Atletico Madrid fans watched all this with disappointment and then anger.
Their anger needs an outlet.
Kiko’s mediocre performance on the court has become the target of some extremely disappointed Madrid fans to vent their anger
For the first time in Atletico Madrid, people heard about Kiko. Shh!
Although it’s not loud, it says a lot of problems.
Kiko missed many games due to injury this season, but he didn’t score a goal in his appearance.
When he promised to stay, Atletico Madrid fans cheered and rejoiced that Atletico Madrid would be able to return to the first division after a season, when the scene was not completely forgotten, and hissed at Kiko …
Professional football is so cruel and cold no matter how warm it is.
Ever-victorious looked at Kiko, who was still at the stadium, with some regrets.
Dedicated to Atletico Madrid for seven years, the most beautiful time of his youth career, even if the team was relegated, he insisted on staying in the flag, which was abandoned by the fans because he failed to bring hope to the team’s upgrade.
The former vows of eternal love have become a thing of the past. He once gave cheers without stint, but now he thinks it is very ironic.
Maybe Atletico Madrid fans will regret their actions today, sincerely repent and praise Kiko again, but the damage to Kiko is already there and it is hard to erase. Even if Kiko forgives these fans in the future, it is impossible for both sides to think of each other as the most beautiful time.
Once a crack occurs, it can be repaired by law, and even then it is impossible for both sides to recover.
What is all this about?
Due to failure
If Atletico Madrid is not relegated, if Atletico Madrid can March forward like Hertha, ranking first in the league and hopefully returning to the first division before, even if Kiko doesn’t score a goal, Atletico Madrid fans will definitely not do so.
Victory makes them feel good, so naturally there is nothing wrong with it, while failure makes them feel bad and likes to take it out on others.
Kiko was obviously angry.
When these Atletico Madrid fans booed Kiko, they didn’t think that when Atletico Madrid was demoted, many people rushed to leave Kiko. The invitation to the king, leader and flag of Atletico Madrid would not be less than that of other players, but he didn’t choose to leave, but he was willing to stay with Atletico Madrid and work hard to return to the first division. Because the economic situation of Atletico Madrid was not very good after the demotion, he still played for Atletico Madrid this season without a penny!
What a great sentiment is this?
However, this loyalty has become penniless under the stimulus of failure.

Lorraine calmly said, "Without travelers, the energy output efficiency will be very low. At present, if Brazil scans and compares everyone here, it will consume too many unnecessary resources."

Huang Xuanpei pointed to the sky and said, "How many people?"
"Seven, four houses, three cars outside."
Huang Xuan tidied up a dress and looked at Li Shenggang next to him. "You should go home first. You know what the problem is recently. Ask Nick if he should talk if necessary."
"Yes" See Huang Xuan is willing to tell himself that Li Shenggang couldn’t wait to show his heart to the boss. At this moment, passive Nuo Nuo suddenly disappeared from the pavilion.
Huang Xuan called another "Lorraine" and whispered, "Look at Li Shenggang and don’t let anyone find out that he went out from here."
"I see."
Huang Xuan took a break and crept to his room secretly. His house should be like a thief. This kind of thing Huang Xuan has done since childhood, but it seems that he will continue to do it.
In addition to the housekeeper and two nannies, there is no one else in the house. Huang Xuan can rest assured to change his clothes in the room and lie back in bed. "Lorraine, show me the images and information of a few guys outside. In addition, you can try to find the information of my brother’s unit to see if it is available to us."
Business is business and private affairs are completely different, but Huang Xuan is not worried about both. God knows when that Chu Yi Ning will kill him again and then blow himself into slag without saying anything. At this time, if someone affects himself, he is a little brother and has nothing to show.
Less also want to call cousin sister-in-law mother will interrogate to death.
The image came soon. There was a man outside Huang Zhai who was known by Huang Xuan. The restaurant was called "Big Head". He seemed to be a technician. He hid in a nanny car and fucked his brain. Lorraine scanning was one meter more accurate than Yankee satellite, or one micron more. You can look around as you like. The higher the requirements, the more energy you consume.
Huang Xuan’s face was as heavy as water, while holding his energy screen, he read what Lorraine had found in advance and urged the keeper to ask, "Can’t you hurry?"
"My buffer is still IBM, and it is old now."
Huang Xuan stared. "Last year, it was 20,000 dollars. Did you find their documents?"
A moment later, Lorraine said "no"
Huang Xuansong breathed a sigh of relief. Since my little brother is a private matter, there is no big problem.
Get up and do some activities. Huang Xuan took out a set of exercises from the cupboard and changed the way, "Lorraine, how much energy do you have now?"
"500 million energy circle"
"Enough to hit people" Huang Xuan twisted his wrist and said, "protect me later."
"if you think about it."
Huang Xuanzheng and Nick were talking, and a slightly cold voice beside them said impatiently, "I am the manager of the newly-built 16 base, and now I need to name it."
"Level 16 Base" Huang Xuan stumbled and almost clipped himself to the door frame, but the new base supervisor also appeared just in time when calculating.
"Don’t you have a name yourself?" Huang Xuan asked, "Are you the supervisor of this base?"
"But my drawing code is 1, so the default name is 1."
"Don’t," Huang Xuan quickly waved. "I have your management, don’t I?"
"It’s complete management"
This is the advantage of drawing construction. If the drawings were not valuable, all major areas outside the city would have abandoned the previous generation of public bases. However, as part of the public policy and democratic system, everyone will still build some public and semi-public bases.
Huang Xuan mused, "A pet that can turn the wheel of history is generally called Xiaobai. Sometimes it is also called Xiaohei. Which do you like?"
? 1 in silence
Huang Xuan was in a high degree of excitement and quickly asked, "What ability do you have now? I mean a comprehensive base and a 16-level special place? "
"The medical part can cure the first-class trauma, and the production part can produce 6% of the second-class materials. I am biased towards the logistics comprehensive base, so I am in a weak position in mercenary and biological training, but I can solve the problem of the 16th-class biological epidemic. The construction of the 2nd-class information base and the short-term joint high-output energy should also reach the 1st level. In addition, I can travel on the plane accurately to a location plane in two years."
"What is a location?"
According to the buffer zone, the answer is Nick, who is quite jealous. "The higher the buffer zone energy, the larger the location range of the plane, while the lower the buffer zone energy, the smaller the location range of the plane. A location in the P plane can make us accurate about 15% similarity."
"So I can reach the plane with 5% similarity to P112 at will?"
"But this range is also his range." The answer this time is the new base. He continued to ask "My new name manager."
"Call me boss," said Xiao Huang, who took a glance and decided to take out his recent history. "This new guy, since you are biased towards logistics, you can call him Xiao. I’m Liu Xiu …"
The 16th-level base of "OK to determine the name Xiaohe" put the word "Xiaohe" on the energy screen greatly and then said, "By the way, Xiao’s boss is Liu Bang …"
Chapter two hundred and ninety Violation
Huang Xuan is deeply dissatisfied with Comrade Xiaohe’s violation of retrograde in the new base, but he still feels quite worried about having a new base.

"You’re here." Dou Re-mei woke up and saw Qin Shaojie’s hand on his chest and suddenly turned red, but she knew that Qin Shaojie was saving herself and speaking softly.

"how about it? Do you feel better? " Qin Shaojie cross picked up DouReMei worry asked.
"It’s okay … I can’t help you anymore," said Dou Ruomei.
She was badly hurt by the palm of Chiyou’s hand. Even if Qin Shaojie woke her up, her training would be reduced a lot. Don’t say Chiyou, even if you fight again, it will be hard for you.
"He gave it to me, and you went to kill Xiao." Qin Shaojiesong Dou Ruomei said and turned to fly to Chiyou.
"I’m going to kill you today, Chiyou," Qin Shaojie said coldly, looking at Chiyou holding the amber sword.
"Ha, ha, ha, you said this sentence thousands of years ago." Chiyou laughed wildly and seemed to despise Qin Shaojie’s words. "But am I still alive now?"
"You see," said the tip of the tip of the human-god sword. "The Sanjie Road has been hit by the ghost world, and there is no stop, even if it is a mountain soldier, how can it be?" Ha ha ha "
"Cut the crap" Qin Shaojie suddenly launched a shadow flash and a palm thunder hit at the same time.
Chi-you, however, does not flash or avoid the amber sword. The palm of his hand thundered together and disappeared in situ after giving a dazzling light.
"bang" one
Disappear suddenly appeared behind Qin Shaojie human-god, and the white palm with a mass of black light was printed on Qin Shaojie’s back. Qin Shaojie was immediately beaten forward and at the same time turned around in the middle, and a sword was also issued.
When Chiyou printed a palm on Qin Shaojie’s back, the amber sword also swung out just as Qin Shaojie’s golden shock wave collided and gave a violent explosion.
"Mom, a coward knows to hide." Qin Shaojie swore that this human-god had disappeared after slapping him.
At this moment, Qin Shaojie suddenly felt a dangerous breath coming from the top of his head. He knew that Chi-you was there, but this time Qin Shaojie couldn’t avoid the corners of his mouth, and then when the palm of Chi-you was patted again, Qin Shaojie disappeared in place like Chi-you.
"Shit" When the Chiyou tunnel is not good, I feel that the danger behind it is just about to disappear again, and suddenly I am horrified to find that my body can’t move.
"How about my mind?" Qin Shaojie appeared behind the human-god disdain said
The disappearance of Chi-you is similar to a spell, and Qin Shaojie’s mind skills have also been enhanced a lot after he entered the realm of Luo Tianxian. Qin Shaojie simply controlled Chi-you with his mind skills. Although Chi-you can’t move, he can’t launch the spell, but Qin Shaojie knows that he can’t stay trapped by himself for long.
"Can you control me like this?" Chi-you disdained to say that Qin Shaojie felt a domineering breath in his mind.
"How can I seal Sanjie Road?" Qin Shaojie asked.
He must get the answer as soon as possible. He already feels that his mind will not last long.
Just after Qin Shaojie finished speaking, he felt dizzy in his brain, and then when his chest was stuffy, the doctor highlighted one mouthful blood.
And Chi-you has also broken away from Qin Shaojie’s control, but Qin Shaojie’s mind art has not stopped, and he is still in control, and Chi-you can’t launch the spell.
"Ha-ha. Now who’s going to lose her mind?" Strange human-god said with a smile
"Don’t you want to know how to seal Sanjie Road? I might as well tell you, "said Chiyou." If you want to seal the Sanjie Road, you must have the magic Dan and the Tiandan people enter the light column at the same time to seal it yourself. Do you think I will help you? Ha ha ha "
Qin Shaojie was worried and watched the ghost world army fight in the crowd, and the shadows kept popping up in the light. Qin Shaojie knew that if it was not stopped as soon as possible, it would be a disaster.
"Will you help me?" Qin Shaojie glanced at Lingfang far away and seemed to decide what the corners of his mouth hung with a faint smile and looked at Chiyou and said.
"What?" When Qin Shaojie, a human-god, didn’t know what to do, he suddenly burst into a strong golden light, which directly submerged Qin Shaojie in the water, which made Human-god even more frightened that the golden light actually produced a huge suction. Did he desperately resist or was dragged to Qin Shaojie by the suction?
"Bastard bastard" Chiyou swore while waving a amber sword while resisting the suction.
He was shocked that this guy dared to deal with himself in this way.
This is a real yuan, that is, a real yuan from the depths of the abdomen. To put it bluntly, this real yuan is wasting one’s life and repairing to break out the strongest attack.
And that suction force is the effect of Qin Shaojie’s starting his mind again after he broke out.
A few swords of Human-God hit the golden light, and Qin Shaojie was suddenly bounced to the center. Qin Shaojie didn’t even have any damage, and Human-God was also pulled in by the suction.
"If you don’t help me, I’ll help myself. Haha," Qin Shaojie said with a smile.
"Xuanyuan let me, I and you split the sky equally." Some human-god panicked and said that he had come here for nothing. What did Qin Shaojie want to do? He really wanted to seal the Sanjie Road himself.
No, I can’t die, thought Chiyou, but no matter how he broke free from Qin Shaojie’s life, he couldn’t break free.
If Ling Fangqiu and Fengling and everyone saw Qin Shaojie’s vision here, but Ling had a bad feeling in her heart.
Seeing the golden light, I vaguely saw two figures, and the direction in which they flew was the light beam that penetrated heaven and earth.
Qin Shaojie took the human-god and flew directly into the light without thinking. The golden light that Qin Shaojie broke out was also covered up by the light, and the two men just disappeared into the light.
They were surprised when they looked at the light beam. Suddenly, the light of the light beam was suddenly full, and then there was a loud bang. The ground shook violently again.
Then everyone saw that the light beam that had just penetrated the heavens and the earth actually converged from two sides and then formed a huge ball of light in the middle.
There was another loud noise, and the ball of light, like the original bomb explosion, formed a huge mushroom cloud in the forest. A strong wind blew everyone stagger, and the ghost world army suddenly disappeared as a black smoke after the explosion.
After that dazzling light, Lingfang gawked at the disappearance of Tian Chiyou and Qin Shaojie.
Elder Tian didn’t know where to come up. When he saw the light beam of Human-God disappear, he suddenly found that the situation was not good. Without Human-God and the ghost world, the death and injury of the magic road were accelerating rapidly.
"Withdraw quickly" Elder Tian panicked and shouted, regardless of the magic brother. He turned around and flew back with the door master.
The general ran away, and the little soldier wouldn’t be silly and desperate again, so all the brothers of Magic Road retreated for a moment and disappeared in a short time.


There is nothing good about the attack of Hertha youth team. The youth team’s own mind is not on this side.
The standard of victory or defeat in this game is not how many goals they scored, but that they won’t let Golka score a goal.
People in the stands don’t care about the youth team’s attack. Everyone still expects Golka to perform.
Former Golka passed a man but the ball was broken by a second man. They thought it was a coincidence or a mistake.
No matter how high the level is, who has no mistakes? Even Wang, who is born to pass the ball, can’t guarantee that he will succeed every time he passes the ball in the game unless he passes someone once in a game.
Stop talking about them. Even Golka doesn’t recognize it.
He raised his hand again to signal his teammates to give him the ball.
The football soon reached Golka’s feet again.
This time, Golka just got the ball and felt the huge impact from the other side before coming to a stop.
He was hit, stumbled and accidentally touched the football, and the football was stopped three meters away by him.
There is no chance to cheer for Golka this time.
Stop. Golka didn’t chase the ball, but looked back at the player who hit him. He was a little surprised
Because that’s exactly what used to be the only one who followed him …
What’s going on?
He can’t understand it
Then the cheers from Golka in the game never sounded again.
Because of the 433 meat grinder tactics in Hertha Youth Team, he can’t display his skills.
He can keep losing the ball, losing the ball and losing the ball again when the players of Hertha youth team are rushing around!
He will lose the ball as soon as he receives it.
He will lose the ball if he takes two steps.
Finally, Golka got a shot and everyone in the stands cheered up and prepared to cheer.
But in Carlos Campo, a tackle interfered and he flew straight away.
Damn it!
Golka waved his hand in annoyance after flying the ball.
Then he saw Carlos Campo get up from the ground.
Two people look at each other.
Carlos Campo smiled smugly at Golka like a fierce beast staring at his food.
This kind of look and expression makes Golka very uncomfortable.
He moved his eyes.
He cursed the damn bastard in his heart!
But he dare to scold him in his heart and dare not express his thoughts in front of this person.
Because he’s afraid of angering the youth team, he’ll give himself a hard blow if he breaks his leg in this game. What’s the point?
Golka has been completely contained. Of course, the youth team has not paid no price. Now three of the four people in the defense line have a yellow card. If they get another one, they will have to play.
But anyway, at present, the youth team is in charge. They didn’t let Golka score a goal!
Changsheng is fulfilling his promise little by little.
At the same time, he also let everyone see Golka’s weakness a little bit-he is very bad at physical confrontation and even afraid of physical confrontation.
Because in the end, everyone can clearly see that Golka simply avoided Carlos Campo, the most fierce and vicious person who forced him-he didn’t even want to directly take the football out if Carlos Campo forced him to Golka, and he would never let the football stay under his feet for one second.
Juan Lopez, the former first-team coach with a relaxed expression, gradually became serious.
The fans also lost their interest in cheering.
The reporter in that stands who were invite to witness also looked at each other, wondering what this was like-didn’t they come to see Golka? Why does Golka look so embarrassed now?
Someone thought of what Chang Sheng said.
"He’s not a genius once in ten years. In fact, he’s not even a genius once in a year. I’m not sorry at all, and the club will think so …"
There was a whispering sound in the stands.
Because the first team was bent on setting off Golka, all the opportunities were given to Golka, where other players didn’t shoot or score. The score at the end of the half-time game was surprising.
When the players from both sides return to their dressing rooms, the discussion is getting bigger and bigger.
"I can’t believe this is the level of Golka?"
"His performance is really not so good …"
"Don’t talk nonsense! It’s just an occasional bad state! "

Duan Ciyu is a little better, but the players in the group can’t keep up with him, and they are no better. It seems that I have to come out and turn the situation around.

"The trumpet didn’t just say that I want to regret that I didn’t see you outbursts." Bai Xihuang slipped past my eyelids with a bow ball and didn’t forget to tease me. It was very leisurely.
This is a provocation from Chiguoguo, and I glared at him.
If you dare to look down on my aunt, give me some color.
"Ling Mo and my palace are going to show their talents."
I waved back and called Ling Mo, then rushed to Bai Xihuang in front like a sailboat.
By the way, I forgot to tell you that I am a fan in modern times, the kind that is very fanatical.
But I don’t have any talent for football, but I work hard the day after tomorrow and try my best to hone my skills.
Everyone who plays basketball despises me before the game, but after the game, they will sigh and throw a word that I have lost you.
What tricks do I have to make everyone sigh at me? It will be revealed in a gorgeous way.
I rushed to Bai Xihuang like a sailboat and waited a few steps away from him. I aimed at the position and used my unique skill.
"Flying Squirrel" I jumped lightly to the target and pounced on Bai Xihuang accurately.
Bai Xihuang probably didn’t expect me to come here. At this moment, I have thrown myself at him and clung to his thigh.
Suddenly the alarm sounded, probably praising me for this beautiful jump.
I turned my head and shouted at Ling Mo with joy, "Mo Er, come and grab the ball. I’ll hold him down and you grab it quickly."
Behind me, Ling Mo petrified his eyes and looked at me strangely.
I woke up like a dream when I yelled, and then it was hard to see that I grabbed the ball and twisted it like a great determination to kick it away.
Bai Xihuang was probably thrown down by me and hurt his back. The handsome man with heroic spirit turned into a meat pie. He stood up and his phoenix eyes were full of disbelief. He raised his hand and trembled and pointed at me and could not speak.
I clapped my hands and looked down at him. "How do you know I’m good? I told you you’d regret it."
I made a face at him and quickly dodged so that he could catch me and beat me up.
I took Xie Tingjun’s sleeve and turned my head. "Don’t hesitate to rob Duan Ciyu."
I held Muwan’s waist and grabbed her. I couldn’t move "Ling Mo"
I trample Bai Xihuang on his body and "shoot before he can get up"
Because of my heroic flying, pulling, stalking and playing all kinds of incredible defensive moves, the other team members had a big headache. At the sight of me rushing over, the scalp was numb and the ball could not be controlled, and the situation was greatly reversed.
Our team beat our opponents by five to three.
When I changed back to my clothes and came back with a victory smile, the scene was silent, and everyone was unanimous in their amazement and strange eyes to nourish me as a great hero.
This group of people is really rare and strange. Although my football style is not mainstream, the most important thing is to win the game. The key is to get Bai Xihuang to work smoothly.
Just now, I was more excited to see his face turned black, nai and frustration.
Bai Xihuang changed back to the dark gold moire and often had a big bag on his forehead. He was just hit by my head and stared at me with a black line.
"You that calculate cuju? It’s just that I’ve played Cuju so many times. I’ve never seen an opponent drag, hug and overwhelm like you … What’s wrong is that you look at everyone’s eyes and they’re almost falling out of my face. "

According to the scene, the one who destroyed

"Come on, no matter what chariots. No matter how powerful it is, it can’t be worse than what I put in the clock of heaven and earth. "
According to the scene, the one who destroyed the chariot was probably the broken halberd that Fang Yun met. Now that you have got the most powerful halberd, you don’t have to participate in the battle for the wreckage of the car. So as not to be greedy, you will lose big because of small.
Fang Yun knows, however, that there is a "Hall of All Demons" and the Emperor’s Prince and his party hidden in the dark.
The wind swings, Fang Yun without hesitation to another direction.
"Dragon saliva Gentiana!"
"Chaos tung skin!"
"Yin and Yang stretch grass …"
Fang Yun is constantly collecting the medicinal materials here.
"This time, or try to collect enough. Otherwise, out of here, I’m afraid I can’t find it again! It’ s too pale to have a prescription, but there is no material, but it’ s a very troublesome thing. "
Fang Yun frowned slightly while collecting medicinal materials. The value of "Tai Cang Shen Ding" is far above the general ancient instruments. But one problem that he has to face is that it is impossible for him to find so many places with ancient materials.
Besides, there are many strong people here. A conflict, a fight, can easily make this place, devastated. Besides, so many people are staring. It’s impossible for Fang Yun to sweep the whole piece away.
After all, no one is stupid who can cultivate to the realm of six or seven products of Tianchong. Probably, just seeing some bare spots, I guess someone got the formula of the ancient God Dan.
Suddenly, Wu Guang flashed in my mind, and Fang Yun suddenly had to laugh: "Hey! I actually ignored such a simple fact. " A breeze blew, and another flower disappeared out of thin air. Only this time, not only the roots, stems, flowers and leaves on the surface were collected, but even a piece of soil disappeared.
At the same time, just below a mountain peak, there was a newly transplanted herb.
Transplanting the exotic flowers and herbs in the ancient small world into the universal clock of heaven and earth, and establishing a medicine garden. Use the time of "the clock of heaven and earth" to accelerate energy, breed continuously and cultivate herbs! This is Fang Yun’s solution.
The so-called incoming fans, onlookers see clearly. Fang Yun kept thinking about how to collect more herbs, but ignored the simplest fact. With a complete space, Fang Yun can cultivate itself in it.
The concentration of primordial energy in the Middle Ages and the Near Ages is no longer suitable for cultivating ancient plants and medicinal materials. However, this is not a problem. Fang Yun can completely create an ancient environment in it.
"Ha, ha, ha, unexpectedly, I also made such a low-level mistake. Fortunately, I reacted in time. "
Da3 Yun4 smiled and relaxed completely. Now, really speaking, as long as he cultivates the medicine garden. There can be no one here who has gained more than him.
Sometimes, the harvest of killing is not necessarily the biggest!