Eyes riveted on the eyes bow ghost slave he smiled coldly "long time no see I heard that your hand was cut? Congratulations! "

One sentence poked the ghost slave’s anger, and she suddenly looked up and poisoned her eyes. "Nalanqing!"
"You can hear it if you don’t look so big … you are all old acquaintances!"
The ghost slave’s wrist was temporarily cut off by Long Ze and she lost her right hand. All the fighting methods were to train her left hand, but she could not reach the former ability.
Now, like a loser …
If not hate?
"Ghost slave, you’ve got a good face again!"
The ghost slave caught fire under her eyes. She sneered, "Don’t be a prime minister. It’s time for you to die!"
"King Lin ‘an, the princess of Qingzhen, seems to be planning well together!"
"No matter who joins hands with the Prime Minister, will you please die?" Princess Qingzhen smiled gently, and those who know her well know how mean this smile is.
She passed a glass of wine in her hand and raised her voice. "The princess didn’t congratulate you soon after the Prime Minister’s wedding. This is a toast to the Prime Minister!"
After that, she drank it in one breath and stared at Nalanqing’s sinister lips. "Please, Prime Minister!"
Just a handful of flavored wine won’t die suddenly on the spot, and blood will spill elsewhere after two hours.
Make a fair toast and let him refuse … and then she will do everything.
In this situation, you won’t say anything but poison yourself.
Na Lanqing took the glass in his hand and waved his eyebrows. "What poison?"
"Of course, it’s a poisonous drug that makes the Prime Minister’s belly rot and die …" Princess Qingzhen suddenly changed her face and put her hand over her lips and smiled. "Oh, princess is just a little joke. The Prime Minister’s adult won’t take it seriously?"
There are tickets, blades and rewards. Old drivers ask for them.
Welcome everyone to join the group. There is soft moonlight to flirt with.
Qingjie Story 53371262
Qingjie Story 53371262
Qingjie Story 53371262js3v3
562 Beauty Drunk Nalanqing Qiaochen Road (4)
562 Beauty Drunk Nalanqing Qiaochen Road (4)
"Ha ha … where is the toffee empress joking … it seems that I have to drink this glass of wine?"
"Is that please?" Princess Qingzhen smiled brilliantly. Who would have thought that she was laughing and laughing when she was in danger?
Looking up, she swallowed the poison in her mouth. She chewed the wine glass upside down. "Is Empress Toffee satisfied?"
"I am very satisfied to see the Prime Minister’s adult die with his face twisted in pain. It is especially pleasant to think about this picture!" Princess Qingzhen smiled softly and innocently.
She is a very dangerous person.
"But …" Suddenly, Princess Qingzhen turned to twist and chuckled. "But before the Prime Minister died, I had to fulfill a wish in the temple … Taidian seems to like the Prime Minister very much?"
Princess Qingzhen smiled even more happily, as if she thought of something interesting. Her eyes smiled like a crescent moon.
"It’s always best not to get it … Princess Huicheng Taidian is infatuated with the Prime Minister’s adult … let Taidian know that the Prime Minister’s adult is not as desirable as imagined … but as cheap as a worm, one thousand people can ride ten thousand people to sleep …"
"So I wonder if Taidian is still interested in the Prime Minister?" Qing Zhen infanta stroked Ba Gee and looked at her eyes.
"Positions to hide your daughter’s body princess already know believe too temple also know that you are a woman? Rest assured princess don’t want to expose your daughter … "
The more I watched it, the more excited I became. Naranqing, the princess of Qingzhen, threw back the cup in her hand. "Enough talking?"
Princess Qing Zhen looked at her with a sluggish expression and was about to go back. Suddenly, qi and blood surged in her chest, and a strange feeling rose in her heart …
Manic fever …
Hot …
Hot …
"You … what did you do to the princess?" Princess Qingzhen’s face changed. I can’t believe it.
Shouldn’t it be Nalanqing Chinese medicine?
Na Lanqing put a cup and clapped his hands, and the corners of his mouth evoked an evil smile. "It’s true that villains have died from many words since ancient times!"
"Na Lanqing, what did you do to the princess?" Princess Qingzhen is a little panicked and should visit Nalanqing. She drank it. Why did this happen?

The guards came to drag him to the door, and he didn’t react from the shock.

It didn’t come from his mouth until there was a sharp pain in his hip for help.
When Luo Yuxi changed her makeup and appeared in Cining Palace, she sent to report to Tuoli that the killer had been beaten half to death.
"Did the soldier outside the emperor do anything wrong?" Luo Yuxi walked into Cining Palace, and the Queen Mother turned and knelt behind her before slowly asking.
"It’s no big deal, no pains, the queen’s heart" answered with a straight face.
"Cao Tongling is kneeling here again?" Luo Yuxi continued to ask questions.
"Report back to the Empress. Someone just sneaked into the palace and rescued Princess Heshuo."
"What? That witch ran away? Did all the prisoners eat soft food that day? Zhuo Xiangdian is there? "
"Report back to the Queen’s Empress that this soldier who was scolded by the staff is the only one alive in the prison."
"Since the emperor is the only one alive, should he be blamed?"
"Therefore, people can’t advance and retreat together with their companions. They are always afraid of death, and people will be beaten to death."
"I see."
Although Luo Yuxi feels sorry for her own hands, she will never get upset with Tuoli at this time. It is a fair death for her to finish giving her to even the dead person.
It was a long time before Luo Yuxi asked, "What are you going to do with Huang Na Mo Zihan?"
Luo Yuxi continued, "Mo Zihan killed the Queen Mother and now killed the court etiquette. It should be a sin to escape from prison, but she fell in love with the emperor after all."
Now that she has made a big mistake and fled for fear of sin, she will never return to the palace. I hope the emperor can look at the old days and forgive people. "
Luo Yuxi’s intercession also didn’t get a response.
"You all go. I want to stay here with the queen mother."
There is no response to Cao Mu’s exhortation to Luo Yuxi for a long time before he comes up with such a sentence.
Everyone knows that the queen mother’s death was a great blow to the emperor, and everyone was well-advised to retreat without Mo Zihan.
More than 30 shadows on the periphery of an unremarkable house in Beijing almost guarded this house like an iron wall.
In the room, Du Lingyue and Huayue Dance are busy helping the doctor’s thugs around the bed.
Keeping in the cold wind and easy dust in the outhouse, watching the pots of blood being brought out, fidgeting.
"Don’t pull, don’t pull …"
Mo Zihan, who is already in a semi-coma state, is extremely pale. His mouth is still reading three words since he came out of the palace just now.
Now the knife has been pulled out of the abdomen and palm, and the wound has been bandaged by the doctor
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353 Chapter 353 where will you go [3]
The fastest update tyrant henpecked loser after the latest chapter!
"Can enter"
After helping Mo Zihan put the inner coat on, Du Lingyue gently called out a dust and cold wind and rushed in like an arrow.
"How is the doctor?" Even death has never been afraid of cold wind trembling asked.
"Ah …"
Seeing the doctor sighed and shook his head, all the people present were in their throats.
More than 30 shadows outside the house unconsciously moved closer to the center of the house, because there were people lying in the house who swore to be loyal to their lives, but now she was lying there quietly, unaware of life and death.
"This girl’s injury is not optimistic!"
"Then will she die?" The cold wind is going to be collapsed by this doctor Wen Tun and roared
"Are you her husband?"
The cold wind didn’t answer the doctor’s question. When the doctor saw that he was so anxious, he acquiesced.
"The dagger was so deep that even if the girl had been blocked by her palm at that time, the child still couldn’t keep it. I’ll let her drink some abortion pills later and try to clean up the congestion in her abdomen."
"You … what did you say?" I can’t believe the cold wind when I hear the truth.
"Doctor, you said she was pregnant?" Easy dust also frightened and asked.
Damn it, he didn’t even know she was pregnant. If he knew what he said, he wouldn’t let her risk her life and go back to the palace.
"How long has she been pregnant?" One side flower and moon dance asked
"This girl is still in early pregnancy, only one month, and more than one abdomen has been punctured, which is not enough to threaten her life."

"There are mosquitoes … Mr. Ling, aren’t you drunk?"

"Don’t you know best whether I’m drunk or not?"
Looked at Liu Guangxian ling day gherardini.
Look at Lu Guangxian’s scalp and tighten it.
This guy … It won’t be know what you do?
He kept staring at ling day suddenly laughed.
"Now that you know all about it, there is no point in continuing acting."
"Ling Tian, don’t blame me for being cruel."
"You really helped me, but you also stood in my way!"
"I can’t be at ease if you don’t die!"
In the final analysis, it’s just that I’m afraid that I will be possessed when I practice in the future.
Ling day saw through what he was going to sigh a way
"Lord Lu"
"I’m not from the city. If you think I shouldn’t stay here, I’ll leave."
He didn’t do it directly. He was giving Liu Guangxian a chance.
Although this guy is a little brainless, he should give each other a chance.
it’s a pity
Lu Guangxian obviously didn’t cherish it.
"Come on, what’s the point?"
"Ling Tian, you give in easily!"
"Your strength can’t leave the city!"
"I’m willing to let you live if you give in easily. Maybe you’ll have a chance later!"
Liu Guangxian doesn’t think Ling Tian still has the ability to resist.
Not everyone can get rid of his poison.
It’s even more naive. It’s impossible to talk to him if there is still room to fight back
Wouldn’t it be easier to do it directly?
Ling day looking at Liu Guangxian shook his head.
Qiao Peng would never have done such a thing.
Even if he does, he will probably beg for mercy directly when he sees that he is still moving.
But Liu Guangxian obviously didn’t mean to recognize planting.
A pair of eat his appearance …
I’m in a hurry to die. This is
"Lord Lu, are you really not considering one?"
"I have thought about it for so many years that I don’t need to think about it again!"
Liu Guangxian refused Ling Tian without thinking, and persuaded him to recruit a wave. More than a dozen guards came in at once.
"Ling Tian, you have no chance."
"Those people you brought are under my control."
"If you don’t want them to die, you’d better give up resistance!"
"But even if you want to resist, you have no chance!"
Say that finish Liu Guangxian recruit waved again.
But this time no one came in.
He is not one leng.
Anyone here?

The whole reaction to come over and shouted, "you big ye, you were blinded by lard! If I were really blinded by lard, would I be so kind to you? Yes, I will. Will you give your life to help you stop the arrow regardless of my own safety because of your sadness? If it weren’t for you, would I stay in this stupid palace and put up with those snake-hearted women cheating on me? I think you are the one who has no heart, but your heart is covered with lard! "

"Yes, yes, it’s all my fault. I shouldn’t treat you like that, but I assure you that I am absolutely sincere to you now."
"Don’t pull these old niang don’t eat you this one I have made up my mind." The whole city pushed Jun Yujue, but Jun Yujue held her tightly. How did the whole city push him to hold her still?
"Jun Yujue, you are an emperor at least. What kind of woman you want doesn’t have to pester me like this? You are not afraid of being laughed at when you go out!"
Jun Yujue has the cheek to hold the whole city. "I want a woman to have you!"
"Jun Yujue, let’s get together and come to an end. Don’t force me to hate you. The root of keeping me around now is to raise … well …" Before the whole city finished, Jun Yujue leaned over and captured the whole red lips.
The whole city mercilessly stared at Jun Yujue Ya, who actually came to this recruit in the idol drama, thinking about how the heroine in the idol drama usually faces strong kisses.
Suddenly a flash of light flashed through my mind. Bite him!
The whole city opened its mouth and Jun Yujue quickly slipped into her mouth and teased her with the tip of her tongue. She * * * * * * pestered and searched all the flavors in her mouth.
The whole city looked at Jun Yujue and forgot to bite him. When she reacted, Jun Yujue’s tongue had withdrawn from her mouth, but the taste of Jun Yujue still remained in her mouth.
Maybe I think the whole city is too noisy or I feel that I really want to explain it, but it turns out that this method is really effective.
At least her ears are no longer noisy, and she is quiet. Although she has great opinions about him in her eyes, her eyes are visible.
Jun Yujue held her teeth in the back of her head and chewed the tender lip in the morning. He thought he must be crazy. He was the emperor, just like she talked. What kind of woman did he want? Nothing insisted on pestering her and not letting go.
But in my heart, I just can’t let myself go, and I’m being eaten by the whole city
The right prime minister now insists that the whole city is fine, but he can ignore it and pretend to be self-deceiving. This statement has never been heard, but the identity of the whole city has always been a mystery. Her amnesia is so coincidental, and so is her appearance, and later she appeared with Ning Shulang.
He once doubted Qingcheng, but he wanted Qingcheng to stay with him for a day, so he had to trust her. He believed Qingcheng wouldn’t hurt him.
I believe this little fool who is willing to give his life to stop the arrow will not hurt him.
In her memory, she wants to stay with her. He doesn’t care about everything before. Yu Ning Shu Lang flashed a cold mans in his deep eyes.
W w w collect and organize, return or leave the club.
Chapter 566 You are not allowed to go anywhere (5)
The more fierce he is, the more he bites the tender lips of the whole city, and the whole person unconsciously exudes a faint rage.
The whole city was really hurt by Jun Yujue, with a thin layer of fog in his eyes, with a hint of injustice. Ya belongs to the dog, so why bite it?
Beat Jun Yujue with both hands, but Jun Yujue reacted with kerosene, and the whole city was forced to be anxious. Hum, will you bite? So will aunt!
Open your mouth and bite Jun Yujue’s lip. Even if the whole city bites Jun Yujue’s lip, Jun Yujue can’t bear to bite her hard
Two people kissed the mouth and were licked by a bloody smell sweeping the whole city, only to find that their mouth was too heavy to bite his lip.
But Jun Yujue didn’t want to put the whole idea, and he still kissed the whole city selflessly until the whole city was cleaned up by him.
The whole city is soft, leaning on the white face in Jun Yujue’s arms, stained with some Tuo red breath, and slightly short of breath. On the other hand, Jun Yujue, although his lip was bitten by the whole city, was still stained with some blood, but there was no sense of embarrassment. On the contrary, with a hint of evil spirit, his lips were holding a bad smile, and his eyes were deep and dull, and the eyes of the whole city met unexpectedly, but their emotions were completely different.
The whole city snorted and glared at Jun Yujue "Bastard!"
"This is an asshole?" Jun Yujue’s lip angle evokes a touch of s-curve radian, which makes the whole city feel a tingle. What does she feel about Jun Yujue’s plot?
Before the whole city could react, she was picked up by Jun Yujue and walked to the window. "I will show you what is real-mixing and eggs!"
"You …" The word "go" hasn’t been said yet, and it was blocked by Jun Yujue again. The man threw her in bed and threw her down.
Jun Yujue easily found the sensitive point of the whole city, provoking the thin lips of the whole city with her sensitive earlobe, which made her tremble all over. Soon, Jun Yujue made crazy in love.
A deep voice came from the ear of consciousness chaos. "You can’t leave me in this life!"
The whole city has just been pulled back to a little bit of thoughts, followed by the kiss of Jun Yujue, and the thoughts are instantly scared by Jun Yujue’s hot kiss and dispersed in a hubbub.
Jun Yujue seems to be deliberately torturing her. When she was in crazy in love, Jun Yujue stopped and waited for her to come back. Jun Yujue was deliberately disturbing her thoughts.
In the end, the whole city is really forbearing. What does this man mean? Do you want to do it?
Do you know that it is very uncomfortable to tease her like this? It’s like a feather gently brushing the tip of your heart, which makes you tremble and itch all over. You reach for it, but you can’t catch the itchy place.
Jun Yujue looked at the whole city consciousness slightly during the preparation to provoke him again. When the whole city rolled over, Jun Yujue was riding on his crotch. Although this posture was ambiguous, it was very difficult to look down on this man. The whole city naturally could not miss this opportunity to throw its weight around.
"Aunt, I managed to turn over today. The serfs let you have a good knowledge of singing." Say that finish and learn to kiss her like Jun Yujue at ordinary times and bend over to block Jun Yujue’s lips.
W w w collect and organize, return or leave the club.
Chapter 567 You are not allowed to go anywhere (6)
"Aunt, I managed to turn over today. The serfs let you have a good knowledge of singing." Say that finish and learn to kiss her like Jun Yujue at ordinary times and bend over to block Jun Yujue’s lips.
Jun Yujue was tortured by the whole city and wanted to turn over and put her under pressure again. Who knows, this little thing pressed him and forbade him to turn over and kiss Jun Yujue, and at the same time reached out and faded Jun Yujue’s clothes.
"Well …" Jun Yujue was invited by the whole city into the moment when the body almost ended at one time.
The whole city can’t help but look back at the moment when Jun Yujue enters the body, revealing a white neck like a proud white swan.
The whole city seems to be testing the endurance of a man. It seems to be revenge for the man’s torture to her just now.
Jun Yujue’s lip corner evoked an evil smile. Suddenly, he grabbed the waist of the whole city and screamed at her. He was ashamed and annoyed and stared at Jun Yujue. "Bastard!"
"You’ve had enough. Now it’s time to give me back the initiative." Say that finish a turn and put the whole city under pressure again.
One night is touching and one room is charming.
There were many people outside this night who blushed because of the noise coming out of the room.
The whole city is exhausted by Jun Yujue, and naturally there is no other strength to make a fuss, so this is also a good opportunity for Jun Yujue to explain to the whole city and guide the whole city.
Jun Yujue put his arm around the whole waist and said that the misunderstanding had finally turned over this night.
He really feels like he’s selling out, asking for explanation and forgiveness.
It’s late at night, and a shadow suddenly flashed across the palace. Ling Wei blinked and noticed the shadow that flashed by the window. "Take tea and cool it and make a pot again."
"It’s the Empress" Caier turned away with a teapot.
At the same time, Caier was pushed from the window and the figure flashed into the room. Lingwei looked at Hugh Ze at the table. "The emperor has very few things for you."
The emperor especially believed that Hugh Ze was not in the palace, but supervised everything in the Dark Owl Pavilion, which was second only to the emperor.
Hugh ze took out a bottle from his arms with a look on his face, "Act before the Lord says."
"Before the action? !” Ling Wei looked at the table and frowned before acting. She didn’t guess it. She said something in front of Hugh Ze. It’s not easy to say it. If you say it, you will get angry.
The emperor suddenly turned against Zhenfei because of the letter. I think the emperor must have known about it. Now the effect is not the same as she expected, but it is similar.
Isn’t that what she wants?
"There are some things that the Lord doesn’t say, but it doesn’t mean that the Lord doesn’t feel white." Huezer said faintly, and his voice was a little cold
Ling Wei looked up at Hugh Ze playing with the medicine bottle on the table. "I’m just giving the emperor a favor. What he always wanted to get rid of was Zhen Fei. Isn’t it good that I helped the emperor find a justified reason?"

Of course, Chu Yi did put a considerable amount of energy into practice, and now Chu Yi has reached the peak of his innate cultivation.

With the help of the altar of fate, Chu Yi tried to accumulate the details and try to hit a realm. However, whenever Chu Yi tried to hit a realm, he felt a bottleneck, which made Chu Yi delay in entering a realm.
In the past few days, gas transportation has lost more than 1000 yuan, but there is no progress in terms of bottleneck breakthrough except its own accumulation.
However, Chu Yi is not in a hurry to practice. It is not a matter of one day or two, and Chu Yi will break through without much progress for several days.
When Chu Yi went out of the secret room and kept it outside, Qi Hu, the protector of Chu Yi, couldn’t help but flash a light in his eyes and saluted Chu Yi for the first time. "You are finally out, Chief Manager!"
Chu Yi heard something wrong with Jihu’s words and emotions. He couldn’t help but glance at Jihu with his eyebrows and said, "Oh, can anything happen when King Jihu closes?"
Jihu gave a wry smile: "I can’t tell the manager clearly at the moment. I’d better go and see a Huating Royal Guards by myself."
Chu Yi sat in the room and had a wash and dress. It was an urgent report from Huating Royal Guards.
Looking at the urgent report, Chu Yi looked calm and didn’t see Chu Yi’s mood at all.
Cao Shaoqin, Lin Ping, Jihu and others are all silent at the moment, and the atmosphere there is afraid to breathe.
Urgent report theory is Cao Shaoqin or Jihu. They already know that after all, the case that Huating Shipyard Company was destroyed has shaken the whole court.
That’s a proper yamen set up by the imperial court, including one official, five officials, six or seven officials, and some help. In total, there were dozens of people, but dozens of people died in a fire, and not even one of them was able to escape.
If it is an ordinary fire, no matter how severe it is, it is impossible for even one person to escape. If it is not silly to see the report submitted by Huating County magistrate, we can see that this fire is not that simple.
Chu Yi looked up at Cao Shaoqin calmly after reading the urgent report, saying, "It has been nearly seven days since the case of the ship company’s annihilation in Huating City, Cao Shaoqin. The news road was delayed for almost four days, which means that the court has received the urgent report for three days. What countermeasures can the Chinese court take in these three days? What has happened to the East Factory and the Royal Guards?"
Being directly named by Chu Yi has almost replaced Chu Yi in charge of the whole East Factory. When Cao Shaoqin faced Chu Yi, he still dared not have the slightest carelessness.
See Cao Shaoqin look a grave respect toward Chu Yi a ritual way "Report back that the main manager positions have consulted with the cabinet and ordered punishments to send capable people to Huating County to find out the case of Huating City’s shipping company."
Chu Yi nodded slightly. It is reasonable that Zhu Houzhao made such a decision with all the civil servants. This case is not that simple. It would be strange if the court did not thoroughly investigate it.
But Chu Yi is watching Cao Shaoqin Cao Shaoqin take a deep breath and devoting himself to saying, "The handmaiden sent the right-hand man of the East Factory for the first time to lead the East Factory to secretly go to Huating to investigate the case. I want to have arrived at Huating at the moment."
Chapter four hundred and forty-five Big don’t sign the country
Glancing at Cao Shaoqin faintly, Chu Yi said slowly, "The case of the East Factory and the Royal Guards must be investigated in the end!"
Cao Shaoqin Su said, "Don’t worry that the handmaiden will personally supervise the case and will live up to the expectations of the Chief Manager!"
huating county
A fire completely burned the entire Huating City Shipping Company to white ground, but it was only the second day that the original Huating City Shipping Company was rushed to the Royal Guards to take over the fierce flames. Even Huating County Order did not dare to show any dissatisfaction.
If it is true, the civil service is on the rise, even if the Royal Guards don’t have the support to face these civil servants, they are quite afraid.
However, today’s world can be said to be the low tide of civil servants, and the whole court is respected by Chu Yi, while the sword in the hands of Chu Yi of Dongchang and Jinyiwei can be said to have reached its peak.
Of course, Chu Yi’s restraint, even though the influence of the Royal Guards and the East Factory has skyrocketed, is more to deal with those civil and military officials. People can’t feel the changes of the Royal Guards and the East Factory.
In fact, whether it is the East Factory or the Royal Guards has nothing to do with the common people.
After all, the East Factory and the Royal Guards were set up by heaven to supervise civil and military officials, not to deal with ordinary people.
There are so many people in heaven that I really want to supervise them. They are afraid that everyone in the Royal Guards and the East Factory will be exhausted alive.
There is no connection between the Royal Guards and the East Factory and the common people, but these two institutions are people, and they have no good names. It can be said that the Eastern Factory and the Royal Guards are notorious, as if these two are disasters for the country and the people.
In the final analysis, the real fear of the Royal Guards is that those civil and military officials, the Royal Guards, and the East Factory put all their energy into these civil and military officials. Where can they find time to trouble ordinary people?
Royal Guards directly took over the garrison of Huating City Shipping Company from Huating County Government, and blocked the whole garrison.
The whole city trade company was burnt to a white ground. The leader of the local Royal Guards in Huating County is only a royal guard with hundreds of hands and a dozen royal guards.
Chu Yi’s tenure of the Royal Guards can be said to have undergone some changes since then. Many officials of the Royal Guards have been transferred, and some places have been taken away, such as the Royal Guards, Qian and a captain.
If today’s Royal Guards in Huating County are still afraid that they were not busy looking for clues at the scene for the first time, but were busy destroying traces.
Lin Fangzheng is the new Huating Royal Guards. It’s a pity that the big fire was too thorough. The whole city’s shipping company’s headquarters burned into white land. Lin Zhengfang led the search for the ruins of Royal Guards, but there was no clue.
However, on the 3rd, while the people in Huating County were privately discussing the burning of Huating City’s shipping company, a group of people went straight into Huating County.
This group of people was none other than the officials sent by the court to investigate the fire in Huating City. This time, more than a dozen officials of Huating City were killed. It can be said that the court has attracted a lot of officials’ attention. This time, the team was led by an assistant minister of punishments, and it was also a good investigator of punishments. It can be said that this time the court is really serious, and it will never stop until the case is solved.
Zuo Anqiu, assistant minister of punishments, directly refused the invitation-only banquet of Huating county magistrate, and immediately took people to the scene of the fire in Shiboshi.
In fact, the site of the whole city shipping company has already become a ruin. It can be said that the site has already been destroyed because of many people involved in the fire fighting at that time. It is very difficult to find any clues from it.
The whole scene is searched carefully, not only the punishments, but also the East Factory and the Royal Guards.
Whether it’s the Royal Guards or the East Factory, or the punishments, these investigative experts are under a lot of pressure. It seems that many such cases have been seen for these people, and many of them have often become the first case-solving. Of course, some can solve the case through some clues.
Therefore, the court involved in the case set up a yamen, and all the people in the yamen were burned to death by a fire, not to mention them. Even ordinary people knew that this fire was no accident, even if someone wanted to kill them.
Tongzhi, the commander of the Royal Guards, the second stall leader of the East Factory and the assistant minister of punishments gathered together and looked dignified.
Don’t underestimate the imperial power. When the Royal Guards and the East Factory Punishment Department joined forces, many clues surfaced one after another.
The most important thing is that when Gangcun waited for a while and the Japanese pirates entered the city, there was so much noise that many people saw these people through the crack of the door.
Maybe some people were scared at that time and didn’t know what was going on, but it didn’t take long for the company to suddenly ignite a fire, which naturally made people associate.
That is to say, at that time, the Royal Guards paid attention to the scene of the fire at Shiboshi, and did not expect to find clues in the city.
When the East Factory and the Royal Guards’ punishments are fully staffed, clues will emerge completely.
I heard Zuo Anqiu, assistant minister of punishments, with a dignified face. "On the night of the fire, a group of suspected enemy villains rushed to the company, and it didn’t take long for the company to ignite a fire. The officials suspected that the fire was caused by these people."
The commander of the Royal Guards made Tongzhi frown and said, "Zuo’s adult city trade company fire is 100% certain that a group of people killed the owner of the city trade company and then set fire to destroy the bodies. All we have to do is to identify this group of people and dig them out."
Although the second stall leader of the East Factory is a martial man, it is impossible for Cao Shaoqin to send a Beowulf to come. Naturally, it is equipped with capable people.
I heard the second stall head of the East Factory sneer at a way: "Anyway, that group of villains can actually enter the city in the middle of the night and commit arson in the city. I dare say that someone in Huating County must have colluded with these people. Otherwise, how can so many villains enter Huating County so easily?"
Several people looked at each other and heard Zuo Anqiu saying, "Check that even digging three feet will dig out those bad guys."
The eyes of the second stall leader in the East Factory narrowed and sneered repeatedly. "Let’s leave these to the East Factory. There will be grievances in the mark, but the cruel punishment will certainly pry some people’s mouths and the big manager will stare at us. The case has a very bad influence. If it can’t be solved as soon as possible, I think it’s not good for the two adults to explain it."

In fact, Ruth is not the king’s own daughter, but was adopted when she was seven years old.

Before she was seven years old, she had been wandering in the streets and had long been used to it.
"But aren’t you a little young now? Why don’t I find you a place to go and come back to help them when you are older?"
Shen Mengyao naturally has a way. Her adoptive father is still here and can take care of Ruth.
"No, this is my home. I’m young. Aren’t you saved by people my age? I want to rebuild the land kingdom. I can’t let them wander around like this."
Ruth is really childish, but she has a responsibility that adults don’t take.
Make up her mind that she will stay here.
This kind of lofty sentiments made Tang Yi all admire him very much.
Ok, but you must be careful. I’ll leave you a message. You can contact her if you have difficulty.
Since Ruth has made such a decision, Tang Yi can’t say anything more.
He left a voicemail directly, and Rose took care of it for him.
"I’ll look like you have something to do, too. I’ll take you out first, but there’s nothing I can do without the land kingdom."
Ruth feels so mature when she speaks, perhaps because of the influence of her living environment.
After a short rest, Ruth once again took three people through the low collapsed area and took them all the way to an exit.
Here is a subway trunk line, hiding behind the iron gate, and Ruth is reluctant to wave at the three people.
Yu Sanren crossed the subway line and walked all the way along the maintenance passage.
With Ruth pointing the way, they soon came to a subway.
"Let’s get the information back as soon as possible and then leave quickly. The other party should also arrange people to look for us constantly now."
The first thing is to retrieve the mysterious information.
Now the king betrayed them, but he also helped them from another angle
After all, four access channels can definitely contain half the power of black gloves.
It’s a good thing to take this opportunity for three people to touch the ground.
"I want to end this damn thing, too."
Li Yun really can’t smell the bad smell. Recalling the smell that she just entered, I’m afraid her body is stinking now.
This has nothing to do with the excitement she imagined.
I was chased all the way to hide, and now I have to run all night to escape from black gloves.
Touched the maintenance channel and three people filed out.
Climbed to the top exit along the iron ladder, and Tang Yi held up the top cover with both hands and looked outward.
This is a corner of the street. At this time, there was no figure on the road just now.
Push the manhole cover to Tang Yi’s first turn, followed by Shen Mengyao and Li Yun.
Although there were no searchers around, three people dared not take a taxi.
The target location is three blocks away from here, and they can go on foot.
"I’m really curious now what your teacher’s secret research institute will be."
Walking in a lonely street, Ruth gave them a map of the city with her hands, and they were looking for a path to go forward.
The closer I get to that position, the more excited I am.
After all, it is unheard of for teacher Shen Mengyao to master a lot of technology.
"At least it won’t be the enemy backyard, hoping to take a shower and change clothes."
Li Yun still cares about his bad smell.
These days, you don’t even have to wash your face without water to bathe.
This makes Li Yun, who loves cleanliness at ordinary times, feel a little worried.
"Don’t worry, you will get used to this life soon."
For Li Yun reaction, although some melodramatic, it is also a normal reaction.
It’s beyond ordinary people’s imagination to spend seven days in the foul-smelling and moldy waterway.
It’s good not to get sick.
Tang Yi smiled, not to mention that ten days and a half months, even months and a half years, may not have a chance to take a bath.
When Li Yun grows up at a high speed, she will fight for nothing. Don’t treat yourself like a human being.
"I don’t want to become a smelly man like you."

The demon army sent 33 meteors to the wisdom sky, and the first saint of the wisdom sky returned them three "moons"

Just as the Great Sage raided for a moment, the Great Sage suddenly burst into tears. There were blood lines dripping from the tender girl’s seven orifices. She cried hoarse and piercing. "It’s worse for me to die than for me to break, and it’s worse for me to break up when I die …! Corpse! Wan! Duan! Ah! "
During the piercing wailing, the whole wisdom day suddenly exploded and rolled. One moment, the earth cracked and the mountains collapsed, and then in a blink of an eye, a whole demon altar and supernatural state collapsed.
Before the meteor really hit Lingzhou, it broke itself. This Lingzhou burst and tasted that it blew out tens of millions of pieces of broken star meteorites. This explosion force was so fierce that it blew out rubble, which contained extraordinary power, sand and stones flying, and the sharp roar of thousands of miles rushed towards the mountain array.
Lingzhou itself collapsed. Three or three meteors didn’t hit the target, and naturally there was no chance of an explosion. It went through the dust and fell to the depths of the fairy sky, but the wisdom of the sky collapsed and the stars and stones were overwhelming.
When the wisdom day completely broke into a huge corpse, it showed a corpse with a head, an arm, a left leg and a right foot. The corpse was riddled with holes … Mao Mao called himself the Great Sage, and stayed in the wisdom day all day. It was not just to bully phase liu. She had serious business. There are three moons. There is an ancient corpse buried in the depths of Lingzhou. It is indisputable and its identity is known, but its corpse is rare and wonderful.
This is not a corpse-raising place. On the contrary, this is a town corpse-raising place. When Taikoo Xian was killed by a giant Lao, he was afraid that this Lao would cheat the corpse again, but it was difficult to destroy the corpse, so he sealed a remnant corpse. This Mao Mao was happy to refine the corpse for thousands of years.
The body discovered in Lingzhou collapsed Mao Mao and wanted to sit on the shoulder of the giant corpse. Unexpectedly, there was a muffled roar in the belly of the giant corpse, such as Horri-bull’s anger. The meaning was no longer white, but Mao Mao was not allowed to be close to the Millennium refining, which was too short to evoke its corpse and make it "alive". It was still far from being able to recognize the Lord.
The fierce corpse is terrible, and Mao Mao doesn’t dare to make a mistake. I’ll curse the body discovered. I’ll do some work. It’s not a credit for your hard work, but please help me go our separate ways after a while.
The mutilated body discovered hesitated a little, and turned into a mass of six hundred miles and nine poisonous ghosts and bones, and the fire rushed to the demon army outside the sky! It’s impossible to help fight, but it doesn’t matter which direction the giant corpse is going to leave. It’s so-called that it’s still alive, and it’s directly left after it’s rushed to the front …
When the giant corpse dodged the fire, it was clear and the dragons cut across the sky. Qiu Pinghua Silver Dragon, driving the golden wind to attack the uneven silver dragon, a giant-winged black loach on the left and a fierce eagle on the right of the silver dragon. There were 729 people around the silver dragon-729 young people with cold faces and strict eyebrows, phase liu Jr.
Nine in one, eleven in nine, eleven in one, and then one in three in nine. This is the strongest collar made by little phase liu after flying fairy, and the seven hundred and twenty-nine little phase liu will not be reduced in the slightest except for the respect, and each end has the power of respecting ten percent.
Seven, twenty-nine men all turned into nine-headed snakes and entered the enemy line!
The evil spirit comes from the wisdom day. Everyone has a counterattack. The strength to meet is far better than that of Shan Yao’s 100 thousand troops
Suddenly, the demon army was caught off guard, and the corpse fell like rain. Yuan Dujun, a white-faced ape, was full of anger. "Nine blasphemies, how do you lead troops? Is this a defeat?"
Nine blasphemes cursed in the heart but did not dare to show the slightest anger. "The warlord made an unexpected surprise attack on the enemy, and our army was frustrated, but in the end, only a few of them could not turn over the warlord, so please rest assured."
Yuan Dujun has a pale face. "Can you win?"
"It’s a little tricky to win, but it’s nothing more than eroding the three moon knives of Hai Xiaoer, but even if he is covered in iron, how many nails can he win!" After saying "nine blasphemies", the demon army array was closed in the initial chaos, and soon calmed down and became orderly.
One hundred thousand days is by no means a well-trained demon army, and then … Even the lowest pawn in this army was once a world soaring in demon fairy!
The eclipse of the sea is called "Lord, dare you fight in front of the eclipse of the sea!"
"If a small demon kills you like a chicken, you have to be shot by my general himself!" Demon army qi qi exclaims to answer nine blasphemies. He can’t cope with those three rounds of red snake crescent moon blade.
Erhai didn’t think about the other side’s battle. He still had a hidden knife, but the demon army array was quite strange. The Lord was hiding in the army, and it was difficult to tell the trace of Erhai. He hoped that the other side would be able to tell the attack by the other side. He directly killed the enemy Lord, but he was also a clever monster army, and he didn’t give him a chance to sneak attack.
Fight again, a demon army regroups, three demons legally form a nine-demon array, and then form a large array, and then move like a precision machine. The magic method is one after another, gradually showing its power and wisdom, and the saints in heaven are struggling. The fall of "Little phase liu" has been beheaded one after another. Every death will inevitably attract Mao Mao to scream and make her tired.
Nine blasphemies have a good eye. As he said, the only difficulty is to erode the sea, but it’s just grinding time.
Seeing the situation, Yuan Dujun, a white-faced ape, looked relaxed, but still said with a straight face, "This war has damaged a lot of good players!"
Nine blasphemies can’t understand the meaning of the overseer’s adult. He immediately replied, "It is at the end of the day that you will be confused and lead the troops to death. It depends on Yuan’s overseer’s command in a crisis. If you decide to turn the tide and reduce evil spirits."
Nine blasphemies are well-advised, and great credit has been sent. Naturally, you can’t really punish Yuan Dujun. The tone is slow and soft. "It’s not that the general is brave and good at fighting. It’s never wrong that the enemy is fierce and rare. How many years have passed since we touched the general and killed the wisdom group demon? The credit must be …" Said Yuan Dujun with a smile on his face.
Then he has been laughing like this. If his head doesn’t rot, this smile will last until the universe is destroyed … A sword light flies from nowhere and beheads the white-faced ape in the demon army!
Soon the sword man appeared in Tsing Yi robe, and the scarred man was wrapped in 19 fierce swords and mangs and entered the demon army!
"Ye Fei? Why are you here? " Yinlongkou is a strong northeast dialect.
Ye Fei is away from Shandi’s erosion of the sea, phase liu, Langlang and Qiuping. He doesn’t care if the black wind evil spirit lives or dies, but Qiu’s mother-in-law is away from Shanda demon. He can’t ignore her trouble.
Don’t wait for Ye Fei to answer another rebuke in the far sky. "Do you remember the little light top in the evil spirit of wisdom day? ! Today is the time for revenge. Wait for your life! "
With the roar of a round of hot sun, Su Jing suddenly appeared in the hot sun.
Su Jingjue’s scalp is fried, and her 40,000 pores are violently closed for two years and ten months. I finally didn’t come late!
Since Fierce Xiao Er received another stack of spiritual news, Su Jing immediately turned around and even threw away the small light ceiling, and galloped the universe to the wisdom day. Yan Luowang blessed that it was not too late!
The universe is so fucking big!
Chapter one thousand and nineteen The sun collapsed and the array was killed in prison.
It’s not a top secret to attract people, and it happens all the time in the universe. There’s nothing new, but Su Jing’s news is blocked and he’s wandering in the northwest. He doesn’t know that something is going to happen in the wisdom day.
Fortunately, his news was blocked and another stack of tentacles developed. Two years and ten months ago, he told Su Jing that the news of 100 thousand mountains had to deal with wisdom.
Outside, there is a great hatred for the wisdom of the small light top, but the identity of the little Yin Gui, who has been seen in another stack of sixteen masters, will be known when several elders in the Temple of Heaven of Wisdom come and go, and then they will probably guess that the wisdom of the small light top is true.
I can’t guess, but it can’t be wrong to tell Su Jing the news that hundreds of mountain ambassadors are fried and ready to fight to the death.
Sure enough, Su Jing changed his face as soon as he heard it.
Then it was two years and ten months, and Su Jing felt that his wings had lost weight for three times, and finally he arrived at his eyes and saw that his companions were all well and settled down immediately.
A bright sun shines high.
Su Jing was independent before the vast sun.
Su Jing has long known that the greatest advantage of bringing the sun around him is that he can shine all the time.
Hundreds of Shan Yao army commanders forward … Su Jing was beheaded by the demon evil because of the white-faced ape Yuan around him!
Ye Fei has already come.
He didn’t look for a daughter-in-law, but he also wandered around the universe like Su Jing, wiping out a small demon altar that provoked him. When he heard the news that 100 thousand mountains were about to send troops to 100 thousand mountains, he immediately set off for Wisdom Day. He arrived there seven months ago. He was not interested in dealing with people like Erhai, and he was too lazy to persuade Qiu’s mother-in-law to leave. Since the monsters decided to fight him and wait to fight together, it would be good to choke the tactic and be invisible and seal the air to stand by and wait.
First-class rectified
Erhai and others are struggling to find the enemy. Ye Fei is a bystander. Qing discovered the core of the demon army early and quietly exploded with a blow and a sword to kill Yuan Dujun.
Ye Fei can probably see that the governor of the White-faced Ape around the March Dispatching Lord Nine blasphemes the Lord’s position is higher than the war and has too much influence. However, the demon Lord’s sneak attack with a sword may not kill him. The governor is different in foundation, shallow and impetuous, and naturally the sword will kill him. Ye Fei chose the White-faced Ape.
The overseer died tragically, and General Jiu blasphemed with horror! When the overseer is dead, I don’t want to know when I go back to the backcourt! Nowadays, the only way to survive is to kill all the enemies and go back to the mountains to sincerely plead guilty.
This errand is done properly, and then ask the saints to be merciful. If you look at yourself in the past, you may still be able to save your life in the official class. Then you don’t want to be condemned as a slave, and it is estimated that you will be tortured … This is already the best game.
Want to know nine blasphemy can get this opportunity to lead troops to war and spent a lot of money to dredge the level. Tao is a good job that is easy to achieve and easy to build, but it turned into a life-and-death disaster!
People can predict that they will be angry when the field is extremely miserable, and it is no exception to be shocked and angry, which makes the water mill change, but the loss is minimal, and the tactics are stormed and fought, but a lot of children’s lives are saved. At this time, Su Jing arrived
Linglong tan shan Wanshan is a little thing in the eyes, but it is always interesting to marry someone. There are still some goblins in the mountains who will pay attention to what happened in Linglong altar. They generally know something about Jiublaspheme and know that the wisdom of Xiaoguangding is at odds.
See Su Jing present nine blaspheme a little heart, after all, the enemy is the enemy to deal with wisdom day. Everyone has the same position. Many foot soldiers and a captain in the demon army also know that Su Jing and wisdom day are refreshed.

To put it bluntly, this tattoo is castrated.

This castration has two meanings.
The first is that they have children by physiological methods.
But since they entered the realm of ascension, they have never seen a child or an old man. Many people seem to be old people, but they are just pretending to be real. Everyone will be in good health-even if they have illness, it is not a big problem for these flying people. They need to die once and come back to life, and everything will return to the original healthy and happy appearance.
This sounds very beautiful. Everyone lives in the prime time of life, but this kind of beauty is just like being picked and put into a fruit bowl. It looks very touching, but it has lost its life and is a dead thing for the whole fruit.
For a text, the loss of reproduction is equivalent to the loss of metabolic ability-although this text looks good, it may be a paradise with a little transformation.
But it seems that Shen Changwen and yevgeny have stepped into the coffin. Even if they save it, the only thing they can do this time is to listen to it and continue to catch a few more breaths in the coffin.
The second is that the spirit of this article is also castrated.
This castration is precisely self-confidence in their own culture, which can be seen from their active choice of life style such as flying man
This article used to be nothing more than a text similar to the original clan era of the earth-such an organizational structure can be said to be just a kindergarten student, not to mention facing the whole universe, even by the standard of the earth language.
And come to their planet and finally make a deal with them, that is, make the whole planet. Even the most conservative speculation is an ecological article that can shuttle stars and easily transform a star.
Earth standard this is an absolute strongman-yevgeny, they don’t know to what extent the strongest text in the universe is, but the earth standard can naturally draw a conclusion-they are at least four or five grades higher than the earth.
It’s like an ordinary kindergarten child facing a superman … Superman left a lot of things for the child. He used weapons to wear clothes and learned knowledge, but he inadvertently took away the most important thing from the child-that is, to grow up confident.
In yevgeny’s words, it’s not too bad to take all the modern scenes, such as skyscrapers, cars, planes and trains, into various pictures and then let a person take them through the past. Go to Europe in the Middle Ages or China in the Song Dynasty more than a thousand years ago and let the ancients look at these things and tell them that you want to make them in the next thousand years.
What would the ancients think? Will you be very happy and proud?
I’m afraid it’s not necessarily like a billionaire telling him what great achievements he will make when he returns to his business … This huge expectation is almost beyond imagination and will crush the other party at the first time.
This is the biggest problem facing this flying man.
They are different from the "wild" text of the earth. The development of the earth is all figured out by itself. Whether it is success or failure, whether it is pride or lesson, it is the history of the people of the earth.
For people on earth,
We have stepped on our own historical footprints step by step, and we can be proud of today’s achievements, and we will have enough confidence to deal with the current problems.
Because of history, we have dealt with it several times, whether it is handled well or not, we have survived anyway.
247 Wen pathological way
This is the lucky deviation.
For the fact that everything has happened, no matter how difficult it is and how cruel it seems, it is already a thing of the past. If the results are still satisfactory, all historical pains are just like scars left by warriors, and everyone can tell them proudly with stories and history.
But if you put these same things in front of a warrior again and let him experience them again …
I’m afraid few people in this world can bear it.
If suffering has any meaning, its greatest meaning is that behind it, success is possible and those are unsuccessful.
A warrior’s body scar is a glorious death … It can be called a historical lesson.
Just find an original text to show them the history of the earth for thousands of years.
Tell them to be brave, persevere, study agriculture, build a country, try to turn people into slaves, try to resist slavery, create a religious war and stop the war.
Tell them that everyone needs to work all day and finally die of famine and war. Only those who are the luckiest can get the support in this bloody fire …
After telling them, they will become wise, understand the world, try to observe the earth and the stars, try to smelt steel and make machines for production, self-defense and killing …
Tell them to try to think of one ideal after another and watch them burst again and again …
Tell them that after thousands of years of this ordeal, if this poor man is not doomed by all kinds of possibilities in this long ordeal, then they will probably master a higher standard of living, and they can control everything in the world like gods, understand the world and transform it according to their own wishes.
"Even a confident nation will feel scared when it hears such tortuous progress," yevgeny concluded. "Why do these flying people want to completely abandon all the technologies they have learned? Go back to this foolish life? Simply because they feel worried and afraid about their future … "
"If we take the current life style of the earth and the cost of many world wars to the Middle Ages, people in that era will be scared out of mental illness, not to mention thousands of years. When I was 10 years old, if someone told me that I needed to detonate a nuclear bomb myself in the future, I might be too scared to eat and grow up."
"For the weak, knowledge is both the greatest weakness and the greatest wealth," yevgeny added. "But now we just tell them that they can’t know it anymore."
"These people must have made great determination to decide to transform their memories and live in such an environment, and we appeared and pulled them back."
"If we tell them how to avoid the causes of this crisis, it will mean that they have made a full circle when the history of ascending to heaven for more than 1400 years is over, and they have returned to the starting point-maybe it is still a worse starting point."
"With all due respect, this reformed tattoo life style is fragile, just like the modern life style-the more complicated things are, the more easily they are destroyed."
"Even if these ships they won’t destroy that other aspects? Now we know that the high-energy laser tools with magnetic field on this planet-ask them to aim the laser at the outer shell material that wraps the whole planet-maybe they will do it later. Aren’t they always envious of the outside world of the universe? They also called it the virtual environment … "
"If they really smoke this wind one day, the whole planet will collapse like a punctured balloon for the first time. You know, this planet has no gravity source, just like a soap bubble floating in it."
"To tell the truth, this planet can last for more than 1,400 years … I think it is incredible that the history may be longer before calculation."
Yevgeny’s statement can be summed up in one sentence-it is a miracle that these flying people can live to the present, and God knows how they will toss and die.

How can we fight this war?

Especially looking at Li Yuanqing Ying Ting’s confident smile on her face, Shu Murong simply felt very hateful.
But in her heart, it was already faintly felt that these distant ethnic groups across from her were going to be pound-foolish.
She really wants to run to them and tell them to leave this eternal life without bothering them, but she can’t do it at all.
Shumurong bit her red lip tightly and her two small hands were constantly entangled in front of her.
At this point, she also wants to see whether this man will handle the present situation.
At this time, not far from the front, there was a bitter north wind. Instead of feeling the slightest cold, Li Yuanqing’s blood in his chest seemed to be boiling.
Opposite the Tatar Coalition forces have reached the track as he expected.
They have built a bonfire to cook and eat.
Many auxiliary soldiers have scattered to the surrounding old forests to find firewood.
It can be seen that they are not carrying enough firewood.
This is actually inevitable.
After all, in the north, on the banks of the vast Heilongjiang River, there are old forests everywhere looking for firewood. Naturally, these Tatars don’t want to March in time and bring a lot of firewood.
It’s about 12 o’clock, and the snow has decreased a little in the day, but the wind is getting stronger and stronger, and it’s freezing cold.
In the east, the Tatar Coalition camp has collected firewood, and many slave soldiers have come back. It’s about time.
Li Yuanqing suddenly smiled and waved to Niu Gensheng, saying, "Our military orders let Huang Guoshan and Kong Youde attack! Kill as many tartars as you can! "
Niu Gensheng’s spirit can’t help but respect: "Yes!"
Hurry to order!
Soon as the passionate horn sounded, two thousand teams, Huang Guoshan and Kong Youde, outside the east gate quickly rushed out from behind the warm snow wall and came to the front array.
Aside ShuLuoHuan and his minions and around two hundred minions allied forces also quickly lined up around Huang Guoshan and Kong Youde two flanks!
This way, the Tartars rode out of their wits and hurried to report to the Coalition camp.
Soon, with the new orders of Li Yuanqing Zhongjun, the two armies suddenly sang the slogan "General wins!"
"Changsheng Camp wins!"
"Great victory!"
Kong Youde, the sixth thousand corps, rode a tall brown Mongolian horse, waved his hand with a steel knife and shouted, "Boys kill Tartars!"
"Wan Sheng!"
Almost without thinking, all the idlers shouted, led by officers in various ministries, like a red tide rushing in the direction of Houjin camp.
The same is true of the Fifth Thousand Corps of Huangguoshan next to it.
The heavy snow and the terrain have not stopped the two brilliant red figures from moving slowly but quickly.
Opposite the Tatar Coalition forces also returned to absolute being and quickly called their respective forces out to prepare for the military offensive.
Unfortunately, there are very few war horses in this weather, and they have to step into battle. There are hundreds of cavalry archers wandering in the wings to prepare for the army charge.
Against the snow-white world, the bright red figures of the immortals are particularly conspicuous.
Even though they have rushed out of the nearly two miles, they can still see each and every one of them in Chengtou Shumurong.
The contrast between the filthy skins of the bright red allied forces here is so fresh!
Seeing that the two films are about to collide, Shu Murong’s heart is in her throat.
Although the end has almost been predicted in my heart, there is still the last glimmer of hope in Shu Murong’s heart until the fact really happens.
At this time, Huang Guoshan’s vanguard has approached the Tatar Coalition forces before the war.
The archer on the left arrow rain like fireworks’ scratching’ towards the army side.
"Lift the shield! ! !”
Wang Sanwa, their chief pioneer, is on the left wing of the team.
Seeing the rain coming, he dared not neglect and quickly shouted.
For a moment, nearly one hundred and fifty idlers neatly raised their round shields and greeted the rain of Tartars and arrows.

The influence of Zhang Hao’s wild rhythm on heroes is clear. He has found that blade master’s sense of rhythm is important for blade master to get the head at this stage for later development

At the same time, I also have a clear set of play in my mind, which is a very good one. I have already had a preliminary feeling when I first started a hero, saying that I still have some adaptability to this hero.
It happened that blade master is still an assassin hero, which is in line with Zhang Hao’s recent style and gives Zhang Hao the motivation to continue practicing.
"Grasping the rhythm is of great benefit to blade master."
Chen Yi wakes up and rings at the right time. Zhang Hao’s current performance is still very standard. The template explained by Chen Yi is also a little surprised by this situation.
Back home, Zhang Hao quickly made blue wild clothes and shoes to increase the speed of line support. Chen Yi’s explanation in the past inspired Zhang Hao a lot. It is true that sometimes a difference of one or two seconds leads to a different ending of a team battle.
Now Zhang Hao’s understanding of speed has also changed differently.
At 6 minutes, Zhang Hao was heading for the road, and it was not easy to beat Riven. After all, it was highly mobile and explosive, and once Riven’s Q skill level rose, it could not be suppressed.
Man’s only advantage is that the ank robot and Lucian pushed the blind monk into the overall situation, followed by the blind monk who took the lead in killing ez, and Nami was also besieged in the defensive tower to get buff Fisherman and blade master to quickly go to the road for support.
Nami killed the blind monk by walking on his own, but he couldn’t escape being killed. The fate robot and Lucian completed the killing and quickly retreated. The fisherman kept marking blade master to follow.
Zhang Hao will watch the map closely and never give ez and the robot a chance to escape.
Fortunately, there is no eye for the road. Lucian and the robot tried to push the tower, but then they found out that the situation was wrong. After all, the map fish man had disappeared, and the robot and Lucian quickly retreated, but blade master had come from the river.
Seeing them made a big move at the first time.
The robot didn’t hesitate to start the treatment and accelerate its progress.
"Don’t hand in your skills first"
Chen Yi woke up to make Zhang Hao faster. blade master first rushed to the robot, and the fisherman was behind him. blade master kept leveling A robot and caused damage. After the robot handed over E skill, blade master was hammered, and blade master decisively made a Q skill.
At this time, Lucian came to try to kill blade master, but a Q skill put Lucian himself in danger.
Nerusian quickly escaped with E skills, and the robot’s blood was running out.
"You fight against the tower and continue to chase it even if you are dead, so that the fisherman can kill and play an advantage."
At this time, another routine of Chenyi was verified. blade master’s anti-injury teammates made output opportunities to play an advantage
Blade master is still chasing after him, and at the same time, he keeps marking to signal the fisherman not to retreat. Of course, Zhang Hao is also gambling. After all, there is nothing Zhang Hao can do if the fisherman is afraid.
Fortunately, the fisherman understood blade master’s meaning and continued to pursue with blade master. At this time, the robot’s blood volume was already very low, but the speed was too fast to enter the defense tower first, and Zhang Hao A hung up after the last one.
At this time, the stage was given to the fisherman with a Q skill. The fisherman easily approached Lu Xi ‘an and handed over the ignition at the same time. Moreover, the fisherman was very clever and didn’t have the first-hand skills to constantly let the defensive tower attack at the tower output.
At this time, the robot saw the opportunity to turn around and try to attack the fisherman. Look at the opportunity, an E skill leaps up and then slams the robot instantly, while a flat A takes Lu Xi ‘an away.
Zhang Hao secretly praised a really good job, and blade master’s advantage was played out.
"How about this hero?"
"Yeah, it’s good. I found some feelings."
Zhang Hao feels that his state is gradually picking up, which is a good situation.
Chapter 61 Anti-injury story
When the fisherman tried to escape, the clockwork rushed over in the middle. The fisherman quickly vacated and then hit all his injuries. However, it was a big trick for the fisherman to meet him. Even if he handed over the flash, he was still sucked back.
Fortunately, ez has once again rushed to the line to cooperate with the output of the fisherman, which made the clockwork hurt. Finally, the clockwork was poisoned by the fisherman. The situation became:
Zhang Hao breathed a sigh of relief. It depends on the situation. When the situation is stable, blade master Day will get better and better.
At 9 minutes, blade master crouched in the grass of Fanghe River, waiting for gank’s opportunity. Once the fisherman was trapped, it was blade master’s wild charge opportunity.
When the clockwork moved slightly ahead, the fisherman finally seized the opportunity and a big move floated out.
See sharks scurrying from the ground quickly and then grow gorgeous.
"I’ll go"
Zhang Hao covered her face and whined. Can this fucking play happily? No, this is a big move
Just say it
And more importantly, the blind monk came out.
It’s obvious that the blind monk and blade master are both squatting together.
The output of blind monks and clockwork is obviously more than that of fisherman. After all, fisherman has made a big move.
Fortunately, Fisherman didn’t panic and hit all his injuries. E skill and Q skill were flat. The A output part hit the blade master output of the clockwork and made his own contribution.
Zhang Hao didn’t live up to the fisherman’s expectation, but he killed the clockwork in the case of killing the fisherman and then confronted the blind monk one-on-one
At the moment, there is no ability and no big move. The blind monk does not dare to retreat with the double buff blade master, but it is the most brilliant moment for blade master to let the blind monk go.
Wild Ping A kept hitting the blind monk and forced him to hand over the flash, but blade master wouldn’t miss such a good opportunity to flash at the same time and follow up and chase the blind monk until he reached the tower.
Zhang Hao is still chasing, and Q skill once again avoids a defensive tower attack, which is very deadly, but blade master is much better after hiding.
Seeing that he couldn’t run away, the blind monk had to turn around and fight back, but Zhang Hao was afraid that his equipment was better than that of the blind monk, and at the same time, the blind monk had no big move output and blade master was not in the same class.
When the blind monk Duan Q arrived at blade master’s side, after all, there was no more health support and he slowly fell to the ground.
Blade master harvests a head again, and at the same time quickly retreats to the last defensive tower. The damage keeps chasing blade master. If it hits, it will be hard for Zhang Hao and blade master to deal with it.
Zhang Hao is also more comfortable.
"Sharp and awesome, you are a great god"
It’s nice to see blade master play like this, but it seems really nice to say the effect.