Buildings on this island are excellent places for sword racing. Because of the complex terrain, there are countless gates and turns. It can also be interesting according to your own requirements, for example, everyone must enter every room.

Before they visited the island, there were more or less similar trips. Of course, many people can’t afford swords-there are also races and jumps-just stepping on the road with their feet on the wall … which is parkour gravity.
Sword competition or jumping competition … These are all important questions in the outline of the questions formulated by the search and rescue team. The so-called key point is to thoroughly refine these questions-including whether there were any accidents, strange experiences, buildings and islands in the process of sword competition …
These specific details are asked by the search and rescue team, and it is not necessary for the short-haired guest to talk, but it is also necessary for him to listen patiently …
As in the first 47 times, all the questions were answered without doubt. Everything was normal in Saijian, and there was no sudden obstacle in the air. The island complex was very large and fit the island shape very well …
"Just now, it took you at least four hours to complete a complete island sword race, and most of your achievements were no less than this. Is that right?"
The search and rescue team’s question made the short-haired man a little strange, because he had asked this question, and this was the second time.
The other party nodded "yes"
"Even if you make LingShi to battery life? Are you sure your aura is enough to support the flying sword for four hours at high speed? "
The other party laughed. "Our level naturally can’t be compared with those masters of the Nine Factions, but if you ask me, even if the Nine Factions sent people to this island to compete for swords, it wouldn’t be shorter than four hours. This island root is a maze. If it’s not used to people, let alone four hours, even an hour may not come out."
"For many roads, you seem to be able to walk, but actually there is no way to go at the end. What really can walk in the past are some paths that have nothing to do with his direction … Do you know what I came here to avoid killing? It is because of the complexity of the maze here that outsiders dare not chase for four hours easily, which is the best result after we have walked through thousands of times, which depends on the degree of aura and familiarity with road conditions. "
The search and rescue team did not speak.
The other party added, "If you don’t believe me, ask the person who pushed me out … it will take him at least two or three hours to get me out of my sleeping position."
Short hair guest shook his head "less than half an hour"
"Half an hour?" The other party was surprised. "Have you been to this island before?"
Short-haired customers didn’t speak this time-they couldn’t answer this question.
In fact, this is also why they have been questioning that the search and rescue team keeps in touch with them through talking across a line-but they can accurately remember the path taken by everyone.
In previous surveys, no one has ever been delayed by getting lost on the island. Although they have been in this maze island for more than an hour, no one knows about it-everyone seems to be going well.
"There is something wrong with this island." The search and rescue team suddenly came from the line. "Go in and have a look."
It was not until half an hour later that the search and rescue team explained that the island problem was probably understood.
Everything is a calculation.
According to the diameter of the island calculated by the search and rescue team, it is not difficult for him to calculate how long it will take to pass through the whole island building completely according to the normal route.
The island is large and the road conditions are complicated-but it doesn’t take four hours to fly.
Note that these four hours are the least time-the most familiar with the structure of the building department to make the best route.
According to the calculation of the search and rescue team, if the building structure of the whole island is normal, it must be the closest to the diameter shortcut-this island is said to be a maze and a building complex, probably because of the need for refuge, the latecomers deliberately cut off some routes and caused the path to turn around seven times-so I have seen many changes in the island before.
But one thing is certain, that is, no matter how the route is changed, I am sure that people I know will take a shortcut to retreat quickly.
The first 47 islands and 47 search and rescue teams of the Ministry of Construction can find such a shortcut.
But the search and rescue team didn’t find it here-and this is the biggest discovery.
242 is hidden and huge.
According to the search and rescue team’s calculation of the island diameter, if a normal flyer flies from one end of the island to the other, the total consumption will generally not exceed one hour-that is, two hours according to the obstacle flight speed.
Considering the inevitable obstacles, the building must slow down, and the whole time will take three to four hours.
Below this speed, people can’t say that they are racing swords, but jumping-the road conditions are very complicated, and it is much faster to move forward by jumping than flying swords, which they have seen on the island of experience.
At present, the search and rescue team has come to a conclusion that the normal journey of this island is more than 8 hours at least, whether from the mouth of people who have lived in this building for more than 30 years or from the current speed of several searchers.
You know, the speed of flying swords is quite amazing even in the construction department. Even if it is calculated at a conservative 60 kilometers per hour, the whole path will exceed 480 kilometers, and the diameter of the whole island will barely exceed 100 kilometers.
What kind of path can make four people from different directions walk from one end of the island to the other along different routes, but the travel path is far more than twice the normal value? -the conclusion is naturally simple, but it is a detour.
It is not surprising if there is a detour in one direction.
After all, it’s the first time for them to come to this island. Even if the search and rescue team keeps track of everyone’s position information at any time, even if the search and rescue team can make a comprehensive judgment on the path they have traveled, even if the search and rescue team can know the relative distance of four people at any time and adjust it at any time-to prevent them from coming together unconsciously, it is still normal for the search area to deviate slightly in the face of unknown road conditions.
But the search and rescue team arranged four people at a time.
A fixed three-dimensional department starts from the same entrance and then comes out from the same exit-the search and rescue team is almost symmetrical about the route planning of four people.
This means that the average search efficiency of the last four people will be close to an average, which should usually be a number that can be easily calculated according to the size.
At present, four people in this island act according to the requirements of the search and rescue team, but they can’t get out of the theoretical figures calculated by the search and rescue team
The reason is very simple. The search and rescue team can easily draw a conclusion by calculating a manned route-an impassable area in the island building.
A more understandable statement is that the path that four people walk is like walking along six sides of a cube.
And everyone knows that the shortest path of a solid is often the line formed by connecting diagonal vertices.
This path is all over the island, but it disappears strangely here. Although the search and rescue team controls four people to try to bypass the central area of the island from four different directions, these temptations will always meet the wall in the end.
The short-haired guest finally stopped in front of a wall according to the guidance of the search and rescue team.
According to the search and rescue team, there is probably something they are interested in hiding behind this wall.
The wall is very ordinary and looks no different from the general metal wall. Almost most islands have such metal walls. After the sand and gravel outside many islands are peeled off, these bare metal parts can be directly seen.
The core area of Ascension is the place occupied by many major sects, so that once the metal structure approaches the warning site of other sects, it will be immediately controlled, and the people inside will be expelled or even killed directly-because there have been some sects attacking other sects with these metal structure bunkers for a long time.
Ascension is weightless, and the strength of these metal structures is different from that of flying swords-that is to say, these metals can almost perfectly resist the attack of flying swords.
For airmen, this seems to be a natural battleship in the realm of ascension. If this analogy is made, there is no doubt that every sect is full of fighter aircraft carriers.
Everyone knows that if the battleship approaches, even the aircraft carrier can completely bear the direct fire of the other side, and the best way to deal with these iron bumps is to directly destroy them before they approach.
And dismantling these metal tools … A long time ago, it was just a common instrument that came to work in various sects, and it was more a renovation and decoration of the sects. Now this instrument has long been broadcast with one person, and it has naturally become an artifact that everyone keeps secret.
Short-haired visitors have lived in heaven for more than 1,400 years. There are countless types of implements, but it is the first time to get the dry finger today … not to mention that there is a virtual stone beside the dry finger.
Although the light emitted by this piece of emptiness is usually too dim to be detected-it is still refreshing to look at people in this completely dark world
It’s been six or seven hundred years since Samadhi appeared as a real person. Short-haired people never thought that they would be able to make this strange combination in person one day-let alone make the virtual stone. Even Lingshi has long forgotten to make feelings and experiences.
"Don’t be nervous." The search team saw that the short-haired guest was cautious. "Dry Yang refers to a very intelligent tool … Lift it at the virtual stone and let it go … You can extract some aura first because you can’t repair it well, which is likely to drain your aura in an instant …"

"You are the one who gained a powerful ability to travel freely through the past and the future after ten years."

"Don’t refute. Shut up, shut up, shut up!"
Fang Lingang to express doubt impatient ghost roar at the same time conveniently tore off another sleeve into Fang Lin mouth.
Fang Lin’s violence can also struggle to get the gay people. The ghost didn’t escalate the violence and simply said, "Then you were greatly dissatisfied with your past life, so you arranged everything to gently flick the beads and change your present fate."
"That’s it! Now I allow you to ask me a few questions. Ask them quickly! "
Fang Lin looked at a murderous ghost with a full face, and the blue-colored mountain in the fingertip gap fled quickly. Obviously, the mood was extremely unstable and it was possible to have a cow and go out at any time, so the first question was worship.
"Can you change the fire disambiguation to answer me? I think he speaks more logically! No! Tap … "Fang Lin haven’t finished speaking ghost grabbed his best strength and threw it aside to watch the fire disambiguation. Although he stretched out his hand and caught Fang Lin, it brought down the powerful inertia and rolled with Fang Lin.
After the fire disambiguation got up, it pulled up Fang Lin’s line of sight in the face of ghost killing, and gave up seeking justice. When the fire disambiguation was about to open, there was a sudden violent explosion and half of the warehouse was lifted away.
"I’m an insider of Oren Viking. Give me the hook and I’ll spare you!"
"There is madness again. This enemy didn’t tell us at the beginning!" Ghosts are violent and attacked by people. Of course, they are in a bad mood and have rushed out in a flash.
Fang Lin heard dada! Da da da da! In a short time, the ghost fell back in a mess, and at least 17 wounds kept bleeding.
"grandma! What magic weapon is this to have such power? "
Fang Lin can’t help but feel horror at seeing a ghost injured. But with his common sense, Fang Lin thinks this is a gunshot wound. But can modern firepower weapons deal with supernatural creatures? Fang Lin also puzzled.
Oren Viking occupied a high soil slope, and several machine guns were placed in front of him, carrying AK-47s and stabbing missiles shoulder to shoulder. It was he who caused the situation just now.
The sheer strength of Oren Viking will not be stronger than that of Moby Dick, but the western hunting group has developed psionic weapons in recent years, and even an ordinary person can use this weapon to deal with the powerful monster Oren Viking.
Headquartered in Europe, the American Ghost Hunting Group joined forces to develop the latest technology, the sacred secret silver casting magic-breaking gun, which imitates modern gun manufacturing. It can fill all kinds of ammunition, and besides ordinary ammunition, it can also make the sacred armor-piercing bomb have extraordinary power to destroy the magic, and it does not need to recite spells and is not prepared to belong to the perfect combination of modern technology and ancient occultism.
Just now, the ghost was shot back by Oren Viking. If it wasn’t for the unusual physical quality of the ghost, most of the bullets were almost screened in the crisis.
"oh! What a pain! Come out for me! " As the ghost broke off and the wound jingled, two bright silver metal bullets came out, forcing all the bullets out, and the ghost couldn’t help but look stunned. It seems that this kind of bullet can not only hurt the body, but also have a pair of spirits.
"Very interesting things! I went to see a ghost. They acted without interference. Li Bing’s figure rushed out of the warehouse and sensed Li Bing’s powerful spiritual power. Oren Viking immediately changed into a heavy weapon-Landauer combat gun. This is an American psionic martial arts master-Bill McDonald personally made a powerful weapon, and its size is as remarkable as its power. Oren Viking made it convenient to take a plane to hide from the airport inspection and carry all weapons with him. The powerful weapons in the dimension emerged one after another.
"Direction … good cunning" Li ice sheet intends to move at high speed against this strange magic weapon that has never been seen before, but Oren Viking fired the first shot at the warehouse. If Bing avoids Fang Lin inside, they will be in danger. They have seen the power of this weapon. Bing knows that there is a jack-o’-lantern disambiguation inside, and they simply cannot resist such a powerful attack.
"Quick-frozen ice sword! Hey! "
Bing opened his hand and lifted the cold and frozen air, and the atmosphere was instantly condensed by an ice sword. He just intercepted the shells fired by the Landauer combat gun. The huge explosive force caused the sand and stones on the nearby mud ground to fly over the explosion center, and the ground was blown out of a huge pit the size of a medium-sized shopping mall.
Bing flew to the sky to avoid the explosion power range, pointing at a piece of ice and rushing straight.
"No matter who you are, I don’t appreciate it. Calm down!"
Oren Viking has never seen Bing, but his demon force detector has been ringing wildly at this moment, and the cold breath attached to Li Bingbing silk also lets him know that it is irresistible.
"The demon power value is 16 thousand. What a strong guy!" Although Orenvikin marveled at his opponent’s earth, he was still full of confidence in himself. "Monsters! Human IQ is you after all! Powerful forces can’t determine the balance of the battle. "
Arrogant Oren Viking stretched out his left hand and the pentagram shone brightly and disappeared in a flash.
"teleport! There are also two "Bing" who are greatly amazed at the fighting style of Oren Viking. After so many years of seclusion, Bing has rarely started to see modern fighting skills for the first time, and he can’t help but burn up the fierce fighting spirit.
Oren Viking learned that Fang Lin and Moby Dick students would meet here, so he rushed over out of responsibility, with a face of I am very weak and down-and-out. What do Moby Dick students and others think is also a loser? Oren Viking certainly won’t put the sniper target on them.
Things are often so unexpected.
Oren Viking had great confidence in his combat skills, and even though the strength of the other side was unfathomable, he did not waver in his determination.
"Being strong doesn’t mean that victory is coming. Only when you firmly believe in doing the right thing can you go forward bravely." Oren Viking is convinced of the battle motto of the hunting group.
The hand has changed to the psionic weapon with the fastest firing rate. Oren Viking keeps changing his position to avoid Li Bingkong’s being eroded by frozen gas. The protective cover of the holy power has moved to the sixth level. If it is not hit by Li Bingbing silk in the front, the cold will not be able to resist him.
Oren Viking’s hand weapon is five times faster than ordinary firearms, and its ballistic speed is also more than three kilometers per second. Even if the opponent’s speed can exceed the speed of sound, it is impossible to avoid other bullets.
"This thing is not enough to deal with me!" Bing’s self-confidence is due to his evil spirit and the cold air erosion, which makes the surrounding air naturally form a high-density air pressure. Oren Viking’s continuous shooting bullets are frozen in the middle, and so on. If there is defeat, Oren Viking remains calm and calm in the face of disadvantages, and his hands are flexibly changed. He has tried more than ten kinds of attack methods in a short time.
"well! It’s really strange to manipulate the frozen monster, but it’s also mixed with a lot of aura. It should be of human descent or I don’t know the factors, so the holy power can’t exorcise. Let me try the high-explosive flame bomb. "
Hoo hoo! Counting fireballs flying all over the sky
Bing and Oren Viking are fighting more and more fiercely.
Fang Lin holding a ghost has escaped from the collapse of the warehouse, and the wind and fire are different, so he handed this back to the least Fang Lin.
"I will have the strength later, and then I will definitely put everyone who dares to offend me into ten levels of hell and then step on ten thousand feet so that they will never turn over." Doomed Fang Lin swore and swore, and the ghost was very unhappy and interrupted him. "You are really a petty revenge guy. When you retaliate, you will not even let go of women, children and the elderly. It is an internationally famous shame scum."
"I depend! So don’t give face be careful after I get back at you "Fang Lin this sentence poked a hornet’s nest greatly, not only ghosts even fire disambiguation and wind qi qi compared with the middle finger hate scold a way" how about you? If it weren’t for your shame, how could you send us here to do this kind of hard work? "
Fang Lin was embarrassed to ask, "Am I that bad after I?"
"You even play with yourself. Can a normal person do that?"
Although the ghost is injured, it is still full of spirit when it comes to this topic. The character of Linde people slanders the ghost’s mouth. The future Fang Lin has simply become a three-dimensional model of the world’s evil source and criminal machine. Every action will become a classic case of world crime.
Fang Lin gaped and couldn’t believe that there would be such a nasty, obscene and shameless creature in the world, and he still grew up himself.
"After gaining strength, I became so reckless that no one would punish me?" Fang Lin tried to win some favor among the three people. I didn’t expect the ghost to cut off his efforts to turn evil into good without hesitation. "Your ability is the only thing beyond the time, so there is no power to deal with you, so you will never be full of evil, otherwise we would have chopped you up and fed you to the dog."
"Don’t go in such a hurry? Don’t say hello, everyone! "
Fang Lin and his party just touched two white lights on the highway! Shining up, an ordinary man leaned against a heavy car. It was he who hit car headlights. Just now, it was this man who made the voice.
A presentiment of bad fire disambiguation and wind hurriedly pulled Fang Lin behind.
Come and turn over a hand, and a small copper seal with four corners slowly floats in the air, and soon a blue manifold blooms and becomes a ball flash.
"Although I don’t want to, it’s probably impossible for me to let you fight if you want to!" The other party’s light and confident tone made the scene atmosphere dignified immediately.
"It’s a ghost boss’s ability. If it wasn’t for the boss’s injury and insufficient energy, two people just fought." Fire disambiguation felt the fighting spirit of the other party and said with regret.
The wind coldly swept away the other party’s forest and said, "You go first and we will stop this man."
A push on Fang Lin Feng’s figure turned into a faint void. This time, I saw Fang Lin with my own eyes and realized how fast the wind speed was. The wind raised the speed beyond the scope of visual nerve capture.
Almost at the same time, the man who blocked the road bloomed with dazzling light and formed a protective film cover. The continuous attack of the wind was played by this cover, but he just relied on a heavy truck and was picked up by a tornado and pushed four or five meters away.
"Fire disambiguation! Boom him! "
When the wind breaks and the fire is ambiguous, Fang Lin is also attacked. He is dissatisfied with his ability, but at this time, he doesn’t say that he is a hero. He picked up the ghost Fang Lin and took the opportunity to rush the truck and launched a machine to run wildly.
"What so many at sixes and sevens enemy shouldn’t I know in the future? How can you let yourself be so unlucky to run like a SangGuQuan every day? "
Fang Lin watched how to drive a car when he was in shock, but this kind of untested technology, the government machine didn’t give a driver’s license. Fang Lin suffocated the throttle to the maximum, and the heavy truck made a terrible roar, and the surrounding scenery quickly regressed.
"hmm!" I didn’t hear the ghost answer. Fang Lin was about to ask a question, but I was horrified to find that the ghost around me became very strange. The first tiny blue awn penetrated the top of the carport with a subtle sixth sense. Fang Lin’s first thought was that the ghost had left this body.
"It’s a nice night tonight! I’ll take your friends home. "
A very ordinary palm stretched out and turned back to Ma Jingjie’s body. In an instant, Ma Jingjie has disappeared.
Fang Lingang was startled, but he looked back and saw a face just like himself.

Jun Chen didn’t say a word from beginning to end. He took the top draft and solemnly handed it to Lin Yu.

Full of uproar
And some like expected.
All the people in the temple wondered who the emperor would give this decisive sign to.
If you give it to Tang Jinfeng, Lin Yu will lose completely.
If you give it to Lin Yu, it’s a draw. There’s still a chance.
But in the end, there is not a word to evaluate the emperor’s decision, which is enough for people to see clearly.
Now the situation is-
Tang Jinfeng’s eleventh signing champion Lin Yu’s eleventh signing champion.
The two men really tied regardless of height!
Tang Jinfeng’s eyebrows moved and looked at Lin Yu’s eyes with how much profound meaning Lin Yu calmly looked back.
Wenwu Baiguan is worried.
Holding the dust aside, Ling Yan is also worried.
How can this be good?
How can they decide if they are tied?
Mujunze took one ugly look at his brother Jun Chen and didn’t give him half a day’s response.
Lin Yu corners of the mouth a hook staring at the plush chair now.
If she didn’t guess wrong, there must be a turn for the better. She and Tang Jinfeng will definitely decide on a high level!
"Master Fu is here!"
A sharp and loud voice rang at the door, and Lin Yu shook three times unconsciously.
Fu Yi, a veteran of the Four Dynasties, walked steadily into the hall with a dark red waist, purple gold and jade belt. Even Jun Chen, who had been sitting in the dragon chair without saying a word, stood up in awe at once.
Fu Yi went to Jinjie and saluted Jun Chen, saying, "Long live the old minister to visit the emperor."
Jun Chen immediately looked up and said, "The Fu is old."
His eyes motioned MuJunZe MuJunZe immediately to hold Fu Yi Fu Yi nodded slightly to him.
"Today, palace examination Fu Lao is here. It’s really my luck in Francis Blackwell Forbes!" Mu Ninglang paid tribute to Fu Yi before saying
Fu Yi will no longer respond at a glance.
He has been in his teens and died three years ago. Now, the visit to palace examination is a sign of honor to the emperor.
Mu Ninglang’s kindness is not to curry favor with him.
Although their royal brothers are all Fu Lao brothers, Fu Lao always knows that teaching students in accordance with their aptitude is not the same, and the talents cultivated are also great in all aspects.
For example, Lin Xin Yao, his favorite pupil, became the first wonderful woman in China.
For example, Mu Junchen, his favorite pupil, became the first youngest emperor in China.
From the moment Fu Yi stepped into the Lizheng Temple, Lin Yu could feel that the gas in the temple was like condensation. Even Sun Re-ling, Tang Tiande and others were staring at her impudently, and her eyes flashed like a thief.
She is also a gambler. Although she is different from Jun Chen in controlling the situation, she has fully demonstrated her advantages.
She waited for Fu Yi to make the final decision.

A complete tour of the geocentric park takes less than one day, even if it starts from the mantle layer subway, it takes at least half a day and the environment is closed … It is really suitable for communication.

This meeting with the search and rescue team is not an official meeting-at least it is not an official meeting with the first earth. Strictly speaking, the search and rescue team is only invited by the consul of the second earth. Of course, the name of the invitation is to familiarize the search and rescue team with the virtual world environment
The ship sped up the sinking speed, and Changbai could feel the gravity become slightly weaker. The dark blue water gradually became dark, which was as dark as ink. Changbai realized that he had thought of the stars. In the past three years, he and Changxing looked at the bright dark stars several times and worried about their future fate … Now their fate has been linked with other complete strangers.
The sightseeing ship soon descended to the bottom of the sea. At this time, a large number of similar broken patterns suddenly appeared on the ship’s glass-many new tourists were scared and screamed, but Changbai knew that these cracks were just some gimmicks that provoked tourists’ nerves-not to mention that this is not the real underwater world, and even the federal technical level is not worried about this level of water pressure … The pressure can be tens of millions of times higher than the requirements of this ship.
I don’t know why Changbai immediately remembered what Changxing once said when commenting on this war. He said that this war is not a real war, but it is a gimmick for politicians to attract people’s attention. Ironically, politicians find that people are not moving at all. From beginning to end, they are only those who are called rebel AI.
After the ship entered the tunnel, there was a little light around it. They could see a depth sign every dive distance. As the number of this sign became bigger and bigger, Changbai felt that his weight became lighter and lighter. Finally, when his weight reached zero, the ship stopped-and then the ship door was hit immediately.
Other tourists all went out in diving, and there was Changbai who left the cabin alone, but there was no difference. The water outside was still slowly penetrating along the door, and the gap was toward the center of the earth. Although theoretically it was the deepest time of the ball water, there was no water pressure coming in here, and it was hard to see the characteristics of the liquid. They were more like a mass of clouds and bubbles, flying and moving slowly in the cabin air, like a deformed cloud being blown by the wind.
When Changbai saw a com, he counted the countdown in his heart. At this time, a man came in from the outside. After entering the cabin, he seriously looked at Changbai a lot. Then he seemed to recognize his identity and went straight to sit beside Changbai.
"I’m Wu Xiaoqing from the search and rescue team." The other party introduced themselves voluntarily. "It’s much easier for us to talk like this before."
Changbai looked at each other’s virtual world, and now his figure looks no different from that of normal federal people.
Immediately after Wu Xiaoqing, another man came in. He was still wearing a gorgeous gift, and rows of medals were shining on his chest.
"I’m the current consul of the Second Earth." Someone introduced himself. "Welcome to the Second Earth."
23 literary art forms
"Does it bother you to change into our physical appearance?" The consul of the second world seems to be a very diligent person, and after letting the sightseeing boat continue to move forward along the route, he took the initiative to make a conversation.
"No …" Wu Xiaoqing said, "Your body structure is not much different from ours as a whole … it’s just a size gap."
"This is thanks to the fact that when we met," the consul joked. "If we met tens of thousands of years ago, we might be predators and prey in the food chain."
Wu Xiaoqing smiled faintly and then pointed to the tunnel wall outside the window and asked, "How did you solve the high temperature of lava in the planet?"
"It’s very simple," said the consul. "Let’s just dig up the planet first …"
Wu Xiaoqing patted his head, and it was true that he was a "small literary mind" from the earth, and he forgot that they were capable of planetary transformation.
"I also think you will pay attention to the authenticity of this world first …" The consul is curious about the model essay. "Is there a similar virtual world design in your article?"
Wu Xiaoqing shook his head. "Our virtual world is still very rough. It is impossible to do it just by imitating the physical level of the real image. This is far worse than yours."
"But you don’t seem surprised at all."
Wu Xiaoqing didn’t answer his question, because to answer it is bound to involve A. According to the search and rescue team, he immediately changed a topic, "I heard that you wanted to ask me about the second earth."
"It’s the second earth." Although there’s only three of them in the cabin at the moment, the second consul can’t help but lower his voice. "It is said that you and the first earth also invited rebels to participate in this meeting. Are you here to mediate this war?"
"In a way."
"Then you should also know that this war …" The second consul hesitated before saying, "There is no such thing as justice and evil … quality is still a dispute between the two sides."
"There is justice and evil only when there is a struggle for interests," Wu Xiaoqing said. "The interests are always greater and longer, and that is more just, but if it is outside the interests, it doesn’t matter whether it is good or evil."
"Then which side in this war do you think represents greater and longer-term interests?"
This is a cliche that can’t be more obvious. Wu Xiaoqing took a look at each other-he was not used to dominating this furry body, but he was sure that the meaning should be expressed-that is, he was not very willing to cooperate with these problems, and then he said, "I heard that the second earth is already an independent country in name."
"That’s true … but we are still a member of the Federation."
"But I heard that you represent several members of virtual social groups to express their opinions on this war."
"Yes," the second consul said directly, "We have always reserved our opinions on the federal government’s hasty war to deal with this so-called’ rebellion’. Do you have any opinions or suggestions on our attitude?"
Wu Xiaoqing rejected the consul’s rich imagination. "No, we pay attention to these problems because they are part of the war. We hope to mediate this war. That’s all. From this point of view, our goals should be the same."
The consul was silent for a while and could feel that at this moment he must be playing a game by practicing others to get more information. Sure enough, a minute later, the consul asked Wu Xiaoqing, "We also want to know what is the basis for your judgment on the intervention in the Wen War."
"The simple question is whether a text has enough potential, and the war can destroy this potential … We will try our best to save the health text that died due to accidents."
"Healthy?" This is a new law. "Do you think our language … is healthy?"
"Of course," Wu Xiaoqing said in surprise. "Don’t you think so?"
The second consul shook his head slowly. "I’m afraid there will be no more than ten thousand people in the whole Federation who have this kind of cognition … maybe one thousand."
"What?" Wu Xiaoqing had guessed the reason, but he still took the initiative to ask for this purpose.
"It’s very simple because no one pays attention to real practical problems anymore," the consul said. "Nearly 95% of the people in the whole Federation are more concerned about the virtual world than the huge consequences that this war may have. They are more concerned that their wealth will not be destroyed because of hundreds of years of games."
"Game wealth?"
"Yes," the consul said, "the government has proposed several times to levy a part of the war tax on maintaining virtual world resources directly to the war industrial production."
This view is very surprising in the eyes of Wu Xiaoqing, a pure earth person-shouldn’t it?
The social phenomenon of dwarven literature has been popularized by the former search and rescue team-this is the social normal for literature entering the virtual age.
It sounds impossible for the game to consume resources and affect a war on the earth, but it is a very serious social reality in the dwarf literature. For a highly mature literature like them, it is an inevitable trend for the normal development of society to put most of their energy into the game when they did not love rebels before.

Small mosquito glanced at his eyes some weird "slave … slave dare not read"

"I am afraid of being punished by the empress."
Damn it, how did the mosquito tell the truth?
"I’m worse than Yueyue!"
The mosquito said softly, "Empress’s writing is all night."
"The night is like a stranger? Who is it? " Nan Lichuan curled his lips. "I hate it when he takes him to prison!"
Zhuge Yue "…"
I can’t see that this fool is still a tyrant, but it would be better to catch this night like a stranger, which would save her from looking for him all over the world!
The little mosquito silently said, "Emperor, you can’t catch this night like a stranger."
"This night is like a stranger, but the strength of the main palace of Xiaoyao Palace … people can’t even get close to him, and even the Lord of God VI can’t do it!"
Zhuge Yue listened to the mosquito’s words and kept running in his head. I didn’t expect this night to be so bad as a stranger!
So if he really taught her something, wouldn’t she even be afraid of Nan Haochen?
Isn’t this what she has been pursuing?
Just as Zhuge Yue’s eyes were turning around, Nan Lichuan tore the paper to pieces. "I don’t like it when you write his name and I teach you to write my name."
He actually tugged at her hand and taught her the words Nan Lichuan carefully, which is the only thing he can write!
ZhuGeYue although a full face of nai, but also from his meaning.
I didn’t expect this stupid emperor to be so possessive …
-dividing line-
It was dark, and it was hard to wait until South Lichuan fell asleep and Zhuge Yue slipped out of the palace again. Once she met a place where the night was like a stranger, she remembered it vividly.
That kiss made her thunderous!
In fact, after the escape, she has been struggling. On the one hand, she really wants to get close to him and let him help him send her back with one arm, but think about the fact that the man is overbearing and powerful. I don’t know what the chances are that he will help him if he tells the truth. Chapter 15 is too weak.
She walked according to the second route, and this time she found a sign standing at the door of the land with the word "forbidden area" written on it.
That dark and gloomy place turned out to be a forbidden area!
Are you going in or not?
I was wondering if someone was coming …
A pair of patrol guards came, walked through here, made a turn and then left.
When they left Zhuge Yue, they leaned out from behind. It seems that this place is really forbidden!
She swept the card with dark eyes and finally went in …
The lush forest is as full of yin as last time. This time, crows can be heard vaguely. It’s so unlucky!
"Murderous" Since the last time she actually saved the egg enemy, the egg was actually angry for a long time and didn’t talk to her. It seems that it is really dangerous and healthy!
ZhuGeYue immediately from bring up the dragon blood wand clenched face alert into combat mode!
Suddenly, a light came closer and closer until Zhuge Yue, about ten meters away, saw that it was actually a huge lantern.
But these lanterns are bulging with big eyes and staring at her suddenly. It’s scary!
Zhuge Yue, a modern man who is well informed, has never seen such a terrible creature. He immediately turned pale and shivered with fear …
She clung to the wand but had no strength at all!
"Attack! Attack! Are you going to die here? " She can’t get out without turning the ring’s balls.
As those terrible creatures get closer and closer, the terrible face almost sticks to hers and suddenly cracks. It seems that its mouth is red and its teeth are sharp!
Look, that big mouth can wrap her in one bite!
Zhuge Yue still has no ability to act. In addition to fear or fear …
At this moment, the slim waist suddenly burst into a hot temperature followed by two words "too weak!" "
She was driven to fly, and a light flashed in front of her eyes, followed by all the lanterns, and there was nothing left …
ZhuGeYue this just have exhaled breath again like a drowning man back to the road!
Her chaotic brain controls her limbs and takes the initiative. She looks back at the people who are close at hand.

"That’s right. I’ll freeze the magma with XuanBing sword. You split the rock with purple Raytheon whip. I just noticed that there will be gas in the moment. Although it’s not too much, we can benefit from this gap … 75 Chapter 75 You see, I can still kiss you …

"I don’t have time to take risks," Huang Junyi refused. Controlling one breath is to reduce some breath, which is very dangerous for them now!
"Just accompany me to try how much progress …"
It’s really no way for the emperor to run like this, but it’s too risky. Can he protect her from illness if there is an emergency?
You don’t have to protect her from illness!
"Don’t hesitate-"Ziyun proudly ordered suddenly. "Xuan Bing, listen to me and pour your strength to freeze-"
"Purple Raytheon whips rocks-"
The sudden solidification of the monstrous waves
The rock was split before freezing.
Ziyun proudly stood in the arms of Emperor Junyi. After two people looked at each other, they looked coldly at the magma-
"Sand and stones flying, listen to my order-"
"I change clouds, I change sunlight, I change …"
Gather water into the sea, gather soil into mountains, gather stones, and everything will be stiff.
The two men manipulated the huge rock and changed their positions quickly. Almost in an instant, everything has changed. They actually succeeded in changing the flow direction of magma!
The frozen magma flows in completely different directions.
"Game we succeeded! !” Ziyun proudly hugged Huang Junyi and found that his body suddenly trembled. "Are you hurt …"
He barely uttered a groan and said simply, "It’s just a minor injury."
Ziyun proudly pulled back his finger and walked behind him, but he hid it lightly.
"Let me see."
"Aoer, no, we should find the exit as soon as possible."
"Let me see!" She stubbornly bent over his body. "If you hide from me again, you won’t go anywhere!"
Emperor Junyi didn’t move again
Ziyun Ao saw that a large piece of lava burned behind him was almost bloody, and her vision was blurred for a moment. What kind of pain would make him moan?
What? He can do this every time. If everything hurts like this, how can it be okay?
"The proud son …"
"I told you it was a minor injury."
Silence …
"The proud son-"
"Where did I throw my iced nephrite cream? Where did I throw it?" Ziyun ao kept groping for it. No, no, I couldn’t find out where it was!
"Aoer, I am fine!" Huang Junyi pressed Ziyun’s proud arms to "keep the change"
"How can it be okay to be hurt like this! Every time you say nothing, nothing, no pain, no pain, no pain, no pain, no pain, no pain, no pain, no pain, no pain, no pain, no pain. Are you made of iron? "
Ziyun ao was kissed by Huang Junyi before he finished …
Well, I won’t lie to you, my son, it hurts a little, but what is the pain compared to hurting you? I am nervous and anxious to see you, as if I were a very important person.
I’m not made of iron. I want to be your hero.
I don’t want you to feel distressed because of me. Seeing the pain doesn’t call it pain. Saying it hurts is not pain. The real pain is unspeakable and there is no way to express it.
How can I hurt with you?
I am the injured person, not you. How can I feel pain?

No, no, no …

She can’t be fooled by the red spirit! O evil is the past six kings, and now she has decided to love her. It doesn’t matter whether O evil is dead or not. The six kings in her heart are O evil, and this evil spirit can be purified! ?
The spirit of red chaos saw that she was in a trance for a moment, but she could take the opportunity to suppress her. Who knew that her soul was weak and her body ached and she still had the mind to sing?
Ziyun proudly sings, but the red spirit can’t pick up this song. How can she pick it up if she hasn’t even heard it? So if Ziyun proudly sings, the demon can tell who is fake.
It’s you!
Demon Thousand Charms reached out and held the red spirit. When his palm scattered spirit liquid touched the soul, it suddenly turned into bloodthirsty residual red.
The red chaos spirit was pulled out of the body alive, and it seemed that the soul was torn apart, and the pain kept it rolling.
Its soul seems to be mutilated and eaten away everywhere.
Ink prison evil spirit take this opportunity to seal it.
How long and hard did it take for the Red Chaos Spirit to shrink the lock soul tower and roll it continuously before it ran out, and now it’s actually brought in again. The broken tower has been repaired before it wants to crack it again, and I don’t know how long it will take!
And it was also seriously injured by the strong self-attack of Ziyun’s proud body.
It shrinks and locks the soul tower and screams.
"Ziyun ao, you damn stupid woman, if you hadn’t tricked me into entering your body, I would have swallowed up Jingling and become the king of the world. You know that I will be more careful than if I leave this soul lock tower one day, I will crush you to pieces!"
Ziyun Ao was also badly hurt. Her mouth was full of blood, but her eyes were as cold as iron. "Let’s talk about it when you come out."
The eyeful disdain made the red spirit almost crazy, and it almost succeeded, but it was destroyed by this damn woman!
"Ha ha ha ha ha ….." Red spirit suddenly laughed instead of cursing "You saved the emperor’s game? No, everything you do can’t make up for it. He will die soon, and he will die completely soon. "
"Shut your mouth!" Ziyun proudly said coldly.
"Are you afraid? As you know, he can’t live beyond twenty years old … "The red spirit laughs more and more indulgently." There is not a red spirit in this world. "
A proud Ziyun was secretly taken aback when I heard this. Don’t you know where the red spirit is making waves?
Red spirit root didn’t give her a chance to think carefully, but continued to laugh. "This is your cheating on us. You wait and see. You are watching you in an unexpected place … the feeling of being blocked when you want to touch, the feeling of watching your lover love others …"
"Even if six king woke up is dead! Ha ha ha ha ha! "
"I don’t believe in fate. I know that fate is in my own hands and you are the one who should consider when you will die!" Ziyun proudly said coldly.
The red chaos spirit remembered what hit the soul lock tower desperately. "Let me out! Let me out!"
"I really can’t figure out whether this evil spirit can be purified?" When the demon thousand spirits saw the crazy red spirit in the lock soul tower, they said dismissively, "Don’t worry about it. Reagan is a rumor to mislead people."
"A demon god, have you considered your feelings?" The ink prison picked his eyebrows in a sly way and added a spell to the red chaos spirit to make it lose the four words of talking nonsense and confusing people. I really shouldn’t have said it from the mouth of the demon!
Ink prison evil spirit this seal to red disorderly spirit finally don’t talk.
The world is finally a little quieter
The ink prison evil spirit closed the lock soul tower and looked at the two of them and continued, "Don’t worry, I will try to get rid of this red spirit. After twenty years of burning at the stake, the lock soul tower will forget the past. Now it is weakened and has no net spirit to eat for two hundred years, and it is impossible to escape." The red spirit saw that she was in a trance for a moment and she could take the opportunity to suppress her. Who knew that her soul was weak and her body ached and she still had the mind to sing?
Ziyun proudly sings, but the red spirit can’t pick up this song. How can she pick it up if she hasn’t even heard it? So if Ziyun proudly sings, the demon can tell who is fake.
It’s you!
Demon Thousand Charms reached out and held the red spirit. When his palm scattered spirit liquid touched the soul, it suddenly turned into bloodthirsty residual red.
The red chaos spirit was pulled out of the body alive, and it seemed that the soul was torn apart, and the pain kept it rolling.
Its soul seems to be mutilated and eaten away everywhere.
Ink prison evil spirit take this opportunity to seal it.
How long and hard did it take for the Red Chaos Spirit to shrink the lock soul tower and roll it continuously before it ran out, and now it’s actually brought in again. The broken tower has been repaired before it wants to crack it again, and I don’t know how long it will take!
And it was also seriously injured by the strong self-attack of Ziyun’s proud body.
It shrinks and locks the soul tower and screams.
"Ziyun ao, you damn stupid woman, if you hadn’t tricked me into entering your body, I would have swallowed up Jingling and become the king of the world. You know that I will be more careful than if I leave this soul lock tower one day, I will crush you to pieces!"
Ziyun Ao was also badly hurt. Her mouth was full of blood, but her eyes were as cold as iron. "Let’s talk about it when you come out."
The eyeful disdain made the red spirit almost crazy, and it almost succeeded, but it was destroyed by this damn woman!
"Ha ha ha ha ha ….." Red spirit suddenly laughed instead of cursing "You saved the emperor’s game? No, everything you do can’t make up for it. He will die soon, and he will die completely soon. "
"Shut your mouth!" Ziyun proudly said coldly.
"Are you afraid? As you know, he can’t live beyond twenty years old … "The red spirit laughs more and more indulgently." There is not a red spirit in this world. "
A proud Ziyun was secretly taken aback when I heard this. Don’t you know where the red spirit is making waves?
Red spirit root didn’t give her a chance to think carefully, but continued to laugh. "This is your cheating on us. You wait and see. You are watching you in an unexpected place … the feeling of being blocked when you want to touch, the feeling of watching your lover love others …"
"Even if six king woke up is dead! Ha ha ha ha ha! "

Of course, although it can shoot cyan flame at present, it is also quite powerful. This cyan flame is different from the flame’ Vulcan War’ emitted by the Golden Sun Vulcan body. It has been refined by human sacrifices for less than ten thousand years, and the flame must be completely reimbursed.

Twelve instruments dare not approach the Yuto way, but their power is limited from time to time. After all, they are not artifacts, but they can also reach the level of fairy instruments at most. Playing in the’ Vulcan War’ is just a slight scratch.
At that time, the twelve instruments of "Vulcan War" were deadlocked, and half of China and France made progress.
Chapter 26 Twelve Gods Will Four
Chapter 26 Twelve Gods Will Four
In Jinyang, the’ Vulcan War’ sent out 12 beams, all of which were light blue and slightly blue starlight, and turned into 12 beams to fight against 12 weapons respectively.
Palace which is the first 12 people at Jinyang unexpectedly use’ Vulcan war’ face suddenly turned heavy. Everyone knows that this magic power can’t have the slightest neglect, and they have hit several Tao tactic to instruct twelve multiplier to increase attack power.
Jinyang eyes shot green light and stared at the twelve people, especially Gong Piluo. He felt the strength they showed in his heart and gave a little sigh. Twelve people must have been seriously injured and have not recovered.
Otherwise, they would never have had this strength in the fame of the universe. These twelve people were also famous figures during the era of the universe. After the war of the universe, they did not know where to live or die, and they also hid in this person.
Clan 1′ Garuda’ Clan Wang Dapeng Golden Wing King Ninth King Peacock Throne Twelve Gods will be twelve of them.
If they were at their peak, their strength would be much higher than that of the western Buddha today, but the strength they show now can only be a fight with ordinary immortals.
Twelve powerful weapons are guns, swords, halberds, boring tools, cymbals, palladium, whips, maces, hammers, forks, knives and spears. Although they are not "Vulcan wars", they are not comparable to ordinary fairy wares.
Half of China’s light is overflowing and clouds are churning. The power of the thirteen weapons’ Vulcan War’ naturally needs no words, but the twelve weapons are expensive in Qi Xin. The two sides are also inextricably linked, but you can’t tell if you can stand still.
Gong Piluo looked at the’ Vulcan War’. Although it didn’t have the power seen in the flood season, it was also white in his heart that weapons such as himself and others couldn’t take advantage. Slightly consider and immediately instruct the mount to rush out and attack Jinyang from the foot to bully Jinyang’s feet.
Jinyang was slightly angry in his heart, but he didn’t care if they waved their hands and told half of the Vulcan War to send out hundreds of millions of clothes and beat twelve weapons with great power, and they dared not seize the edge to Yuto.
Although 90% of the power of "Vulcan War" is sealed, unless Jinyang’s "The True Solution of Vulcan" reaches half the level of Vulcan Zhu Rong, it is absolutely powerful in the middle of the magic weapon, but after all, it is a magic weapon in the universe, even if the tiger falls to Pingyang, it is definitely not comparable to the weapons of Gong Piluo and others.
Although the twelve spirit beasts are condensed by energy, they all have the strength to spend a thunder robbery. Twelve people, such as Gong Piluo, have ordered them to send out loud roar and attack from Jinyang in the positive direction. Several attacks with fireballs and wind blades are mixed with roaring and direct to Jinyang suspended in the middle.
Watching the foot attacks arrive in succession, but Jinyang root didn’t care. Just at the moment of the fireball wind blade body, a red armor was printed on the surface of Jinyang body, and the faint flame suddenly rose to the sky and directly shot the foot to attack and devour it.
Feel the power of this armor, especially the twelve spirit beasts contained in the universe. I don’t know if it should be so good. Zhu Rong, the Vulcan in the universe, is famous. Even if it has been done today, it is more than enough to simply scare these twelve spirit beasts.
This one leng twelve spirit grant shape also naturally stopped Jinyang suddenly laughed and slammed thirty-six golden lights, and it was divided into twelve parts. Every three golden lights automatically became a group and directly trapped these spirit beasts and dragged them to Jinyang.
Twelve people, such as Gong Piluo, suddenly became frightened. Although this mount is not powerful, it has its own unique features. With the help of twelve people, the power of heavenly stems and earthly branches’s large array of killing immortals is enormous. Although these twelve mounts are missing, Gong Piluo and others can also evolve this large array, but the power is really different.
Seeing that the twelve spirit beasts were entangled in many golden buddhas, the hearts of twelve people were suddenly in a hurry, and the tactic of pinching method was surrounded. The beast suddenly shone brightly and constantly drove Dan to shoot golden light to attack the golden Buddha around the whole body.
It turns out that although the twelve spirit beasts have cultivated Dan, they are all condensed by twelve people’s condensed aura and dense method. They don’t have the source consciousness, and they are driven by twelve people like magic weapons. When the dense method is destroyed, they suddenly roar and make efforts to break free from the bondage of the Golden Buddha.
Jinyang made every effort to resist the attack of 12 people’s hands. Ouyang Jian’s six eyes were straight and white. Finally, the Jinyang gap was white. Looking at the sky, Huaguang’s big heart was naturally white. Among them, the power figure could not stand back and dared not slightly sharpen its edge.
Seeing that the twelve spirit beasts are about to fight for the control of the golden Buddha, Jinyang immediately smiled coldly and continued to destroy the Vulcan war with one hand and resisted the twelve weapons with the other hand, but hurriedly pinched the tactic and murmured. Thirty-six golden buddhas immediately suppressed the twelve spirit beasts’ resistance.
At the same time, Jinyang quickly bit his finger, and a drop of green light wrapped around his blood immediately shot into thirty-six pieces and shot into thirty-six golden buddhas. Although its own jingxie destroyed the power of the golden Buddha, it took a lot of effort, but it didn’t take too much at this time.
The golden Buddha suddenly exudes a more intense golden Buddha’s light, as if it were a oiled machine. Thirty-six golden buddhas converged into one place and evolved into a huge battle, firmly suppressing twelve trapped beasts and fighting spirits in the battle. Twelve people in the palace can’t afford to destroy the secret method if they are pinched.
Knowing that the plan was reached, Jinyang immediately smiled coldly and gave a wink to stay not far away. The latter immediately flashed his knowing figure behind the twelve men and casually waved out twelve blue shirts.
Twelve people will think that Jinyang will ask for help, and there is no defense behind it. In their impression, Vulcan, the most murderous place in the wild, has never asked for help in the battle.
The light flashed twelve blue shirts and then shot into the palace. Twelve people, such as Piro, suddenly felt very dizzy and kept their bodies suspended in the semi-secret method and immediately failed to fall.
Chapter 27 Peacock King
Chapter 27 Peacock King
Twelve people were instantly controlled, and the weapons they made were lost. The tactic instructed them to immediately send out a faint light like a dead thing and float motionless in the middle.
Jinyang stood still and looked around at the twelve weapons emitting precious light. Suddenly, their faces lit up. Although they were compared with Vulcan War, they were all in the wild. Naturally, the baby wouldn’t let go of the twelve weapons wrapped in a green screen with a wave of his hand and dragged them into his other dimension.
After receiving the baby, I ignored a face of contempt for a dust. Jinyang suddenly looked at the people who were lying in the ground and moving the palace, but they were puzzled. It is reasonable to say that twelve people have been restrained, and the uneasiness should have been eliminated.
But Jinyang stared at the palace intensely, and the inexplicable uneasiness in twelve people’s hearts not only did not eliminate the sense of urgency, but also turned to look at the still color Zilanxian Zilanxian, and it was just as tight as frowning and looking around quickly. The forehead was full of police color.
In violet orchid fairy, this didn’t get the answer. Jinyang hurriedly turned to look at the dust. The latter didn’t nod slightly, and it was obviously a force defense.
There is still something strange in Jinyang Bai’s hall. If we can find out the anxiety in our hearts, it will not disappear, and it will always be a shadow. If we don’t eliminate it, it will be extremely unfavorable for future practice.
Jinyang’s face was full of doubts, but he didn’t dare to be careless. The scene was weird and abnormal. Everyone’s heart seemed to be depressed by something.
Suddenly, the purple light flew out from the palace of twelve people to the celestial spirit, and with a burst of strange laughter, it quickly condensed into one place and turned into an oval energy egg, the size of a basketball, suspended in a hundred meters high and radiant.
Before Jinyang could react, a strong breath of the universe erupted from the energy egg like skyfire and purple flame, and Jinyang’s expression was suddenly urgent. Zhu Rong old ghost left a broken memory in his heart. Can you be sure that the owner of this breath is a person?
The peacock king is the fierce and famous peacock king of Honghuang Town. Although he is the ninth king of Dapeng Golden Wings, he was born to a Asura woman. The Asura family is extremely ugly in men and beautiful in women. This peacock king has inherited the nature of Asura family.
Born with a strange appearance and extremely shadowy personality, it is good to kill his claws and ghosts. Even than Vulcan Zhu Rong, it is absolutely not rich to let the means be extremely cruel, unlike Garuda gens.
Jinyang was in a great hurry. Purple orchid fairy was covered with colorful glow, and colorful Xiangyun was slowly rising with a full face of vigilance and holding a colorful treasure light. I don’t know that it was the first time that Jinyang saw it.
See purple orchid fairy is so nervous, Jinyang hurriedly sound The Hunger old ghost let him keep Ouyang Jian six behind him, although he is a cheap brother, but after all, he swore an oath that if Ouyang Jian six was attacked, Jinyang must also try to save it, or he must be punished by that oath. If the rescue is bound to be distracted, it will naturally be magical.