"If it weren’t for the rebellion, I don’t know these local officials have come to this! I’d like to take this opportunity not only to "shake up" the rebellion in one fell swoop, but also to personally conduct a face-to-face investigation and replace all incompetent officials. At the same time, I will put some autonomous counties and departments under the direct jurisdiction of provinces to prevent such incidents from happening again! After you go back, you should also be alert that all ministries will be stationed in different places in the future. If you are so virtuous, it will not be as simple as sending you to a military court! There should be no mistakes in the empire’ fine’ and the provinces, and you should be doubly punished! " Sitting on the stool, Orca’s eyes swept severely over the people, and the warning was full of words.

"At the end, I will be deeply alert!"
Although I feel a little depressed because my colleagues were reprimanded by the governor for suffering from an accident, the incident of Fort Ace Delices is indeed in the account. These were strictly selected and outstanding in all aspects. The generals sounded the alarm and realized that they had not slackened their efforts in running the army for a moment
"Well, this matter has nothing to do with you. I still believe in the ability of you provinces to directly administer the’ fine’ sharp army!" When I saw my confidants in front of me, they were all seriously lost in thought. Oka was relieved and finally calmed down. He said, "The fort of Ace Delices is in danger and must be taken immediately. Now I order the infantry regiment to change its scheduled itinerary immediately and March to Manchester immediately to allow the military fortress garrison along the way to be’ pumped’ to form a joint regiment. The goal is to recapture the fort of Manchester and Ashley will be in charge!"
Oka’s voice fell, and a general immediately rose from the crowd, which should make the face look a little gloomy and his eyes deep, giving people the illusion that he is weak. This person is Ashley, the head of the accompanying infantry regiment. Ke Cerise
Trust Ashley’s ability, Oka nodded and continued, "The rest of the ministries will follow me to Nottingham immediately. I will personally sit in Nottingham County to renovate the central counties. siles Ting, you will take my guards and horses to support Estelesburg."
Since Notting Hill was assassinated, high-ranking officials in all provinces, including Oka’s partners, have insisted that whenever Oka travels, he will follow a powerful guard composed of 500 knights to take charge of security, and at this moment, it is just right to send a guard with amazing strength.
When I heard Oka’s command, the commander of the body guard, who always stays with me when traveling, immediately bowed down and accepted the command with awe. Although siles Ting is usually responsible for security and secret intelligence monitoring, it would be a big mistake if you underestimate his battlefield commander’s ability. In fact, siles Ting is brave and good at fighting and breaking the enemy. It is definitely among the top few generals of Oka’s people to help him. It is also the most reassuring to’ pay’ to Oka.
Oka will arrive one by one until the generals have been ordered to retreat. Oka called the guards to hand over an order on the spot and said, "Send military scouts to deliver this order to General Darryl at once!"
"Yes, Governor’s Pavilion" guards took the order and turned out of the camp.
Finally, the account was quiet. Orca suddenly got up and walked to the hanging map alone, swept the map one by one with dignified eyes, and murmured for a long time, "According to the eye situation, it seems that we can give up the original plan, prioritize and divide and conquer …" Please remember the website. If you like snowy romance, write Glory to Rome.
Section sixty-two Grizzly Valley War
Section sixty-two Grizzly Valley War
"Woo hoo ~ ~ ~! ! !”
It’s like a fierce herd howling in the sky, full of violence and blood!
Grizzly Valley near huntly, Scotland
In front of us is a killing taboo battlefield. The quiet and beautiful valley was destroyed by smoke and war. Every corner from Taniguchi to the depths of the valley is playing a desperate fight!
Bodies everywhere! Bleeding! The clouds cover the sky!
Against the identity of both sides is surprising! On the one hand, the grizzly bear, totem and indigo are the three most powerful tribes among the northern Scots gathered here, and on the other hand, they are not the British Isles but the tigers and wolves from the mainland across the sea-Germans!
Maybe you have already guessed that the Germans who appeared here are the Anglo-Saxon Jutes who invaded Britain by boat from Holland and other places! They gave them a solemn warning when they were afraid of Oka’s "handing over" prisoners, gave up the original plan of crossing the sea and invading the Roman-ruled area in the south, and changed to land in the north in an attempt to seize life from the Scottish aborigines.
The Germans suddenly attacked the’ Yin’ and succeeded. They landed smoothly. Except for several ships that were unfortunately swallowed up by the wind’ waves’, they did not suffer any more losses, and the Celtics near the landing site did not expect their arrival, which made their cross-sea migration successful.
The lessons of several defeats by the Romans taught the Germans that the Celts always have patience. After landing in Britain, the Germans quietly eliminated several nearby villages, so they chose to set up a temporary base at the landing site and wait and meet the arrival of subsequent people while preparing for the expansion step by step.
Because the northern Celtic ministries were loose, except for a few large families, the news that the root people in small villages scattered in remote areas were interested in the German invasion was delayed for nearly a month before the rest of the tribes learned it. At this time, the Germans had already established their foothold and corrected an auxiliary armed force!
So one is defending the land and defending the enemy, and the other is fighting for the land without compromise or concession.
Although the Germans were cautious and cunning, they won valuable time and certain advantages in advance, but when the war really came, the Celtics obviously took more initiative at home, especially in the northeast of Scotland. After the three tribes announced their alliance, the Celtics quickly regained their confidence. They planned to be best at’ Sao’ to disturb the war and make the Germans tired of coping with one attack after another, and then they had better try to divert the other’s lair and burn the warships. At that time, even if the Germans were fierce, I am afraid they would not be arrogant.
Unfortunately, the idea is beautiful, but the reality is cruel. The confident Celtics are looking forward to a beautiful self-defense counterattack. However, the war in Iraq has made them even more horrified!
The geographical position, people and two-thirds of the invaders were not occupied by the Germans, who were simply too tough to imagine. Those troops who went to’ Sao’ were either discovered by the sentinel that the raid had turned into an encounter, or they were lucky enough to succeed, but they were pursued by the Germans, and they often got rid of it and were annihilated one by one! In the original idea of attacking the lair and cutting off the way home, it was wishful thinking. When the German camp was heavily guarded, the Germans would leave enough troops to ensure that the camp was safe and stormed. Fighting with Rome’s most’ elite’ sharp and good fighting corps all the year round, the Germans stole a lot of military construction technology, and the defense facilities in the camp were impregnable, and the Celts were not idiots. If they choose to storm, they may not achieve the expected results, but it is inevitable to pay a heavy price.
The Celtics, who are the best at attacking and being restrained, made a small calculation. Instead, they lost one after another. Although they were all important and lost a lot, the ordinary people didn’t know that they knew that they couldn’t beat the Germans even in the mountains that were most beneficial to them. This appearance quickly caused a lot of fear and misunderstanding among the Celtic ordinary people, and rumors were formed. The Celtic side could not help but choose the decisive battle first.
Just three days ago, almost all the three Celtic clans dispatched an army of more than 1,000 troops, and at the eastern foot of the Grampian Mountains, the German army of 3,000 troops also wanted to fight it out.
Both sides tried their best, especially on the Scottish side. Many small Picot tribal chiefs, Celtic chiefs and Scottish chiefs all took the lead in leading the indigo raiders to the front, and the Germans also tried their best. The only precious cavalry also plunged into flank battles in the middle of the battle and finally fell into a tight encirclement and almost died.
The large-scale decisive battle on the battlefield can be called a bloody battle. Both sides did not play tricks, but ended up in a frontal "cross" battle, so there was nothing to be said about it. Except for the initial stage of mutual exploration, both sides barely maintained a simple formation, and later they forged a bloody battle. Both sides directly abandoned the array military pressure and fell into a "chaotic" war
Crazy roar, weapon collision, and heart-rending screams went back to "swinging" at the foot of beautiful mountains until sunset … The Celtic allied forces suffered setbacks and lost as much as 40%. Finally, they were forced to take the lead in quitting the battle. Fortunately, the Germans were also exhausted and did not continue to pursue, so the Celtic army had to leave safely and return to the Grizzly Valley, where the Grizzly family lived. After the war, the heads of many small clans of the three major clans of the allied forces were counted. The casualties were so heavy that they were almost half of the young and strong in the clan in World War I!
Afraid, the Celtic chiefs immediately gave up their independent resistance and planned to send messengers to seek support from Celtic tribes in other regions, and at the same time chose to shrink their troops and rely on the terrain of Grizzly Valley to defend themselves, and never dared to go to war easily again.
It’s a pity that Celtic admitted that they wanted to hang up their battle cards and wait for reinforcements to arrive. However, the victorious Germans didn’t intend to delay. Just two days after World War I, there was a "shock" increase in the number of Germans outside the Grizzly Valley. It was roughly estimated that the strength exceeded 7,000. Obviously, the Germans also "pumped" the troops left behind in the camp and all the young people who were able to fight. There were tens of thousands of disabled and demoralized in the Grizzly Valley, but the Celtics fell into the wind.
However, the Celtic tribes still came to the sea with a little luck. After all, the Germans are limited in number, and they will pay a great sacrifice to attack the village. This is obviously not a wise move for the Germans who have just set up a cone. It is only for the Celtics to take it for granted that it is what the Germans should do. However, just one night, the Germans let the Celtics get away with their actions and completely disillusioned!
The unexpected situation that the Germans made a brazen attack outside the camp at the mouth of Grizzly Valley made the families lose their colors. At the same time, a deep fear grew with the Germans. It was so fierce that they planned to take Grizzly Valley before the arrival of reinforcements!
The Germanic people’s cruel crime definitely made the families shocked, and they had to give up the last chance to prepare for the whole valley. On the other hand, a large number of rocks and trees in Gu Duo were made into simple guarding devices, and only nearly a thousand bows were partially sent. This was the only way for the Celtics to rely on themselves to kill the enemy in large numbers.
Waiting for the Celtics the next day ushered in the Germanic offensive such as’ tide’!

The bomber of a light bomber named "Camel dd" kept a close eye on the seat. The simple optical sight was on the restless sea. A yellow-green painted destroyer came into his sight. In that huge and complex fleet, white and silver-gray were mostly American warships, while Argentine warships were almost blue-gray painted. Only Brazilians painted their warships in completely different colors, so it was very convenient to distinguish them.

After the bomber decisively pressed the bomb button, the whole plane seemed to be pulled back, which reduced the burden of 4oo kilograms. After that, the pilot’s driving was also much easier. At this time, the bomber stuck his head out of the cabin and saw the sea around the destroyer that was desperately turning left. The water was suddenly burst and the splash shook it. After counting the number of the splashes briefly, the bomber was a little disappointed and shrank his head back. The difference between the hit rate of medium-high bombing and low bombing was not small. Look, the bomb lost ground! After dropping the bomb, the bomber flew in the hovering area of the fighter plane and waited for other bombers to come back to form a formation.
On the sea, the situation of the Brazilian destroyer that has just been bombed is not optimistic. Wearing a vest at the bottom of the deck, especially in the cabin near the waterline, or simply shirtless sailors are soaking in seawater to rescue and plug the damaged bulkhead. A lot of seawater is pouring in.
Half an hour after the attack, the captain of the Brazilian destroyer Roncador announced that he had abandoned the ship. Many officers and men watched the 5-ton destroyer finally sink slowly to the bottom of the sea. Fortunately, it was the early summer in South America, and the officers and men wandering on the sea had to endure the cold and suffering. Although the sun was hot, the temperature of the battle was much higher than this.
"Torpedo volley!"
The pilot and squad leader of a swordfish torpedo machine led by a squad held up his right arm and made an out-of-body attack gesture around him. The other three torpedo machines all aimed their heads at the Argentine cruiser ahead.
Quietly, four 324 mm light torpedoes left their mother machine and fell behind perfectly. They plunged into deep-sea water for a long time before resurfacing. The plane’s ground navigation and its own motive power gave them nearly 40 knots, and a large number of bubbles formed a frightening white dead water mark behind them. Four torpedoes formed an attack more than 50 meters wide, and in the blink of an eye, they were seven or hundred yards away from the target.
"Left full rudder!"
"Full rudder left!"
In order to avoid the terrible torpedo attack, the officers and men of the Argentine cruiser held their breath and asked those torpedoes to have a game. Just after the other torpedoes landed, the captain reached a big turn order. On the 25th voyage, the cruiser was supported to draw a big mouth on the sea. The ship’s flag was still undulating in the sea, and the left side of the ship’s side was already wet by the sea. The auxiliary guns and machine guns were desperately moving towards the surface of the water. The attention of the ship was focused on the four torpedoes that came at the port.
But at this moment, another team, four torpedo planes, was quietly approaching the Argentine cruiser from the opposite direction. This was a tactic to attack the other side’s capital ship, but since the order was to attack these fast-moving, flexible-turning, frontal small cruisers and destroyers first, it was a good way to deal with a target.
Just as Argentine officers and men were about to escape the torpedo attack of the other side, they suddenly screamed from the starboard side.
"Torpedo! Torpedo on starboard side! Distance 6oo code! "
At 3: 35, after being hit by two torpedoes at the same time, the 626o-ton Argentine cruiser "Rocca" was able to salvage the sunken ship, and 55 officers and men were killed or injured. It was unfortunate and fortunate that the drowning person was rescued by a nearby American destroyer.
During the attack, most of the officers and men of the allied fleet felt that it was like a year. Even in those battleships that were not attacked, the atmosphere was extremely dignified. People were trying to help those shipwrecked partners and were depressed and sad about their own fate. The four central special observers of the American battleships "South Carolina" and "Michigan" and cruisers "Biloch West" and "Dayton" were recording the scene in front of them with their own pens and brains.
"The first Bode plane arrived at the battlefield around 3 o’clock and lasted for nearly 35 minutes. There were more than 100 bombs and torpedoes in the attack, which sank two cruisers and a destroyer. There was smoke everywhere in the battlefield, but it was estimated that there were fewer than 10 injured ships, especially the Brazilian cruiser’ San Lisi’ with a displacement of 72oo ootons. It ate the German plane and threw a torpedo, but no one knew when it would sink. As the second Bode plane flew to the battlefield to participate in the first wave of attacks, the German plane returned to their combat positions and was taken over by the latecomers. I think the fleet commander must keep calm at this time, and every decision he makes will probably decide the life and death of the fleet! "
"Bombs and torpedoes have made officers and men nervous. I saw that the gunners of the 59-inch gun, the 4-inch gun and the 24-inch gun were all desperately shooting into the middle, but few German planes were really shot down from the beginning to the end. The prestigious officers of the German HNA Force seemed to have lost their hands and feet. A Brazilian destroyer was almost alive when its own friendly ship collided with its main gun when it hit a friendly ship, but it seemed that no one cared so much."
"Emperor bless the Germans. The second wave of attacks finally ended. The guns around the fleet calmed down suddenly, but it made our ears and brains feel terrible. In the battle, another cruiser and a destroyer were sunk and some ships were seriously damaged. Fortunately, seven battleships in the fleet were all sick! According to previous estimates, if the Chilean Coalition fleet does not turn, then we will meet them in an hour! To maintain our existing strength in this hour, the naval battle will still be beneficial to us! But so far, we are puzzled by the strength shown by the German air force. Did they really defeat the mighty British navy? "
"Oh my god, the German fleet again! This is the third wave of attacks today. What do they want to do this time? Is it the same as the previous two attacks? Oh, no, I saw that more than a dozen planes were besieging the Brazilian battleship Grice, which was injured by a German submarine just when the war broke out. Is it still doomed this time? God, it’s shot. Oh, it’s another explosion. It must be caused by a torpedo. I think it’s dead. The German torpedo is very powerful! "
By about 4: 3o pm, the German naval air force had successfully completed the three-wave attack on the alliance fleet, sinking and injuring many cruisers and destroyers of the enemy fleet. At the same time, it only lost six planes, and three of them were still torpedoing the Brazilian battleship Grice. After the attack, Brazilians were surprised that Grice not only did not sink, but also continued to participate in the battle. Two German torpedoes drilled two holes on its starboard side, and the influx of dozens of tons of seawater made it slow down slightly. This class of battleship was afraid of damage.
At 4: 52, the fleets of both sides were able to see each other’s smoke and dust forming black clouds. In the south of the sky, there was a clear thunder. The calibrator assisted the Chilean allied fleet to shell the first landing shells at a distance of 30,000 yards. Although there were all o6 tons of shells weighing 360 mm, there is no doubt that these are two Fusang-class battleship shells. The Japanese navy finally got its first shot in this naval battle.
At this time, it is said that the largest naval gun equipped by the battleships of the United States, Brazil or Argentina is only a 3o5mm 5o-times diameter gun, and the longest range is less than 20,000 yards for the four German battleships. Nevertheless, the battleships of the Alliance Fleet still fired back in the direction where the shells flew, and of course, with one exception, they landed far away from the Allied Fleet.
At a distance of 250,000 yards, German and Chilean battleships also shelled for 6 times. Although the firing frequency of the previous waves of artillery shells was not high, one after another, they were closer to the target than the other. In the fourth round of volley, 305mm and 36omm heavy artillery shells landed in the middle of the two allied fleets. Unfortunately, an American destroyer became the first to sacrifice two 36omm near-lost shells and set off a huge wave. The destroyer was almost submerged by this big wave, and the powerful explosion made a big hole in its waterline hull. This destroyer fell behind two minutes later.
In the face of the enemy’s long-distance shelling, the alliance fleet’s shelling potential is still acceptable, but the hit rate is surprisingly low. After more than ten minutes of artillery war, one side of the alliance has gradually increased its losses, but the distance from the other side’s fleet has not continued to narrow. This shows that the other side’s fleet intends to consume its troops by long-distance shelling first.
Because the navigation is quite equal to that of Germany, Japan and Chile, the allied fleet of Germany, the United States and Afghanistan keeps a distance of 250,000 yards. At this distance, the Japanese and German battleships have the highest hit rate, among which the hit rate of the "Fusang" and the "Shancheng" keeps about 6% in the volley state of 12 45-diameter 360 mm guns, which means that on average, one of the two ships can hit the target with one volley. Although "Kai-2" and "King Albert" have 10 cannons with a diameter of 5o× 3o5mm, due to the limitation of turret arrangement, the volley hit rate of the cannon is close to 5%, and the average volley of four rounds can hit the target three times. The two Chilean battleships adopt the method of mixing German sailors with Chilean sailors, and the volley hit rate of the cannon with a diameter of 5o× 3o5mm is slightly lower than that of the German and Japanese fleets, but the volley of ten rounds can also hit the other side five or six times.
In this case, although the number of alliance fleets is dominant, this advantage is gradually lost in the fierce fire suppression of the other side, and this situation is reversed in one fell swoop. The commander of the fleet has ordered the fastest cruisers and destroyers to rush to the other side to fight for torpedoes and physically disturb the shelling of the other side.
Tu Mei Chapter seventy Giant cannon
"Hit again! Oh long live! "
Major General Dai Bingwei, the captain of the Japanese task force battleship Fusang, shouted with joy that this was the 25th volley of two Japanese warships, in which 31 shells in 16 rounds fell within meters of the other warship or hit directly, and the most direct result was to hit the Argentine battleship "Rivadavia" hard. According to the report of the German reconnaissance plane, the 20,000-ton giant ship built by Sihe Shipyard in new york, USA, has now left the battle sequence of the alliance fleet and was escorted out of the battlefield by two destroyers.
The excitement of the acting major general is in stark contrast to the sight of Lieutenant General Gong Bogong at his side. His own artillery shells were shot out in the deafening roar, and the other artillery shells fell heavily on the distant sea. All this failed to change the prince’s calm expression, but before he learned that two German aircraft carrier fleets had sunk and injured several light ships, he was still talking and laughing with the aides of the acting major general, but now he was completely silent.
Dai Major General didn’t bet on anything at all, but everyone knew that Prince Fujimiya was in a very depressed mood. The fact that the Japanese navy sent supporters of aircraft carriers was a great blow to him.
"Major general cabinet congratulations! When the battle is over, I will definitely ask the Emperor to honor you! " V see palace tone calm say
Dai is very modest. He said with his legs together, "It’s all a credit to the Prince’s Palace. I dare not take credit alone!"
Fujimiya added, "The future of the Imperial Navy is full of confidence if you have people with excellent artillery skills!"
"I’m flattered! The Emperor of Great Britain, the prosperity of the SHEN WOO Empire and the country’s first-class shipbuilding and gun-making technology can help us attack the enemy here! Therefore, it is the Emperor’s Palace and the Regent’s Palace! "
V see palace nodded slightly "major general pavilion is too humble! As far as I know, the officers and men of the cabinet ship practiced artillery day and night to make our army’s volley hit rate so high! "
Generation of major general no longer dodge "on the other hand, the German aircraft carrier in the Prince’s Palace is really big, which has made me wait for an eye today! Previously, I knew that there were balloons and planes to be calibrated in the sixth battle, but I didn’t know that it was so good to calibrate the plane in the naval battle! Now that I think about it, I am really ignorant. After returning to China, the frog at the bottom of the well will definitely discuss the construction of additional naval air forces to the navy, or the battleship team will give good reconnaissance artillery instructions! "
"That’s the case, but today’s events always make me feel a little strange, but I can’t tell the difference! I always feel that the power of the aircraft carrier does not stop there! " The last sentence shows that Gong Bo Gong Yin has dropped a lot, which is almost audible to him and his generation.
Generation of major general smiled, in his view, this is just to see the palace and find the steps. Since the prince wants to meet him, he will also give in to accommodate him. "The Prince’s Palace is absolutely right! In my humble opinion, countries have strengthened their fire prevention. As far as we know, most American warships have added 5-inch and 3-inch anti-aircraft guns. Perhaps it is their fierce artillery fire that makes it difficult for German aircraft to attack German pilots in close combat overseas. The bombing effect is naturally greatly reduced! Compared with cruisers and destroyers, the fire resistance is much weaker, which makes it the best choice for German pilots! "
V see palace carefully thinking for a moment clap your hands, "major general cabinet is really words wake the dreamer! It must be that the Germans cherish their fighters and pilots, so they are not like Pascal Flo’s desperate battle at sea. At this time, the alliance fleet is not the British fleet, so the German fleet has not achieved satisfactory bombing results! "
"Now it’s just a rough idea to go to the Prince’s Hall, but it has become a classic theoretical writing hall. It’s admirable to have a talent in the navy!"
Generation duly compliment before falling down to see the Prince of the Palace. Besides, the ship rang with a low volume but very emotional bell. It was the ten-second shooting alarm of the main gun. Because the power of 12 360 mm naval guns was too great when volley, not only the deck bridge near the front, middle and rear gun positions was not allowed, but also the control tower had to be closed to prevent the strong shock wave from damaging personnel and equipment.
Ten seconds later, the 30,000-ton hull of the battleship shook again with the earth-shattering noise. Of course, this shaking lasted for a moment. Twelve shells weighing 625 kilograms still had to fly in the air for nearly 25 seconds. After that, whether they hit the target or not would have to be reported by German warplanes hovering in the enemy fleet through the wire, and then the German battleship informed other ships through the semaphore. This process took about 2 to 3 minutes, which means that the report they got was a volley.
In a slightly boring waiting process, Prince Fukumiya thinks about the future of Japanese aircraft carrier battleships, the future of this battle, the era of the main ship, and the future. This weapon will never replace the battleship to become the protagonist of naval battles. Perhaps it is just a miracle that Germany created in Pascal Flo, which is not applicable to every naval battle.
There are so many thoughts about Fukien Gongbo Gong Prince, not only because of his vice admiral identity and interest in aircraft carriers, but also because Fukien Gongzhen loves Prince Gong Zhen. The succession crisis of royal families has been a long-standing problem, and only Fukien’s family is prosperous in the second place. After the third fall, I saw Gong Zhen’s love and gave Bo Gong the adoption to another branch of the family-Huading Gong Jia Fu Jian Gong Bo Gong soon became the heir of Huading Gong Gong Gong. However, things often fall. When Gong Zhen ‘ai was nearly two years old, he died. Seeing Gong Bangfang was sickly, which made Fu Jian Gong Bo Gong return to see Gong Gong Gong in 19o4 and became two co-heirs, with little influence in the Japanese royal family. On the other hand, in the naval competition on the 6th, the most influential royal family fell in love with Gong Gong Gong and Yuan Gong Gong Gong, but their teams were different. Courting the palace navy, however, fell in love with the palace backer, Gong Bogong and his father, both of whom were hard-line naval factions, and they all had a lot to say about the exhibition plan, budget, etc. If they wanted to fall in love with the palace navy, they would not go in two directions one day, and the emperor would not interfere in it himself.

Oh, by the way, we have to trade substances that can turn the garbage into reincarnation

Help Swift find her mother Uchibo Nanmu.
Tea table Chu Yun picked up the teapot to fill his father’s tea and then filled himself up.
Liu Liu took a few sips. Chu Yun couldn’t make tea, but his mother made tea and he tasted it no matter how he drank it.
Chu Yun: "Can the home intelligence team borrow one?"
Hyū ga Hizashi took a sip, which was considered as Chu Yun’s tea. "What to do?"
Chu Yun: "Your daughter-in-law’s mother Uchihiro Nanmu should still be alive. I want to borrow my family’s strength to find it."
Hyū ga Hizashi didn’t feel too surprised with the criminal record of harboring Uchihiro gens.
It’s the Uchihiro clan that is too sensitive, especially this kind of self-search without konoha information. If it is discovered, it will inevitably be suspected.
What’s more, even the top officials of Konoha, the intelligence network of the family department, will be staring at more than that and will even be undercover.
If ordinary people make this request, Hyū ga Hizashi will definitely decide to veto it directly without thinking about it.
But in his this height thoughtfully for a moment.
He said, "Since you are a daughter-in-law’s mother, you need help in reason, but the intelligence network at home is not monolithic. There are not many people who can really trust you. These people can’t execute this at the same time, but they can’t be discovered by a willing heart … It takes time to execute … method calculation."
Chu Yun also understands this truth. "If it’s okay, just find a few people to try their best to search. I’ll think of other ways myself."
The next day, Chu Yun came to Ninja School.
Got a score and went to class.
Chu Yun, a transfer student, was assigned to the basic class.
Of course, this is nothing. The students and teachers looked at themselves at the moment when Chu Yun entered the classroom.
Then the teacher asked him stupidly, "This classmate, are you in the wrong class?"
For a moment, Chu Yun felt that ten thousand alpacas were rushing in his heart.
At the same time, I finally feel how difficult it is to be a transfer student quietly.
Chu Yun’s first lesson was spent in the strange eyes of everyone looking at gorillas.
Soon after the class, Hyūga Neji’s name spread all over the school.
The topic is that there is a big ninja school.
Endure Inuzuka Kiba around Hinata Hyuga in a classroom in the school. "Hey, Ueda, I heard that there is a guy named Hyūga Neji who is the same sex as you at school. Do you know him?"
Ueda was buried in the exercise, and when he heard the name Hyūga Neji, an image flashed in his heart.
It was on her third birthday.
Hyūga Neji still had long hair at that time.
Ueda "Ninji Nissan (Japanese brother) is back?"
However, when Ueda got up and planned to take a look at his brother who had not seen him for a long time, the bell rang and the teacher came in.
Ueda had to sit down again.
But this class has always been a good student, and Ueda is doomed to listen to nothing.
Unfortunately, Chu Yun suddenly remembered Naruto.
He wants to see what Naruto is like now.
Chu Yun guessed that Naruto must be better than in the past now that Vortex Jiusinai has returned to Konoha.
Maybe it has been completed by now, but it is not necessarily a gorgeous turn from the tail of the crane to Xueba.
So Chu Yun decided to meet Naruto after class.
In the second class, Chu Yun passed fairly smoothly, because the course was a math institute, and the students were all racking their brains to do the questions. The teacher on the podium looked very strict with a straight face.
The students have no time to look at him.
At the same time, I don’t know if it is necessary to take care of Chu Yun, a new student in this class. The teacher has never asked Chu Yun, but Chu Yun is happy.
The number calculation in this world is still relatively simple, that is, to find a triangle angle and fan area.
Then there are some secrets that can be cracked by counting.
A class passed quickly, and after the bell rang, the teacher announced that Chu Yun had disappeared after class.
He has locked Naruto’s class through undead insects.
Golden Chengcheng Huang hedgehog has blue hair, eyes and six long and conspicuous beards.
Naruto is still very conspicuous in the crowd.
The clothes are familiar to Chu Yun, but some of them seem to be wearing other people’s clothes at first glance.

Fu Jingyun, Fu Jingyun, she doesn’t like her indecision.

She has been lying on the table for a long time and can’t calm herself down.
This errand business is the easiest for this errand operator. The delivery person is in the building. He should be responsible for taking it.
When he left, the little errand boy said to Zhou Shiyu, "Sir, you still need me for such business."
"Know" Zhou Shiyu what looked up at her room direction.
Fu Jingxiao said that she was in a bad state, but the fever came back and some food was not available, so he went back to re-cook porridge, went to the Chinese medicine shop, selected several kinds of Chinese medicines, cooked tea and sent it over.
That kind of decisive words are for myself, but where can I put them?
He coughed twice and touched his forehead, which was very hot.
Zhou Shiyu shook his head and tried to stay awake before leaving the community.
She is ill.
How good can he be?
"Dong … Cousin hasn’t got up yet!" The bedroom door knocked and knocked.
Xia Lu frantically prone on the bed to curse.
She had to teach Lu Shi a good lesson. This kid dared to disturb her in her dream of the Spring and Autumn Period. She just dreamed of asking her male god for a noodle base and then took a step, but he interrupted her.
It took a great effort for her to turn over and shout "Come in"
Lu Shi pushed the door and came in. Xia Lu was draped over his shoulder and revealed a head. "Say something. If it’s not important, I’ll hit you."
"My aunt asked me to come, and I followed orders." Lu raised his hand.
Xia Lu gave him a white look. "Why are you so indecisive when she asks you to come?"
"It’s hard to send people to the fence."
"It’s late in the morning. I’ll ask Lu Shi to call you. What’s the matter? Look at what it looks like. No wonder no one wants it." Jiang Zhenshu didn’t know when it flashed into her room.
Anyway, I hate her all over my face
Xia Lu hummed, "Who doesn’t want it?"
"Then you’d better show it to me. Xiao Su is so good. Anyway, if you find a girl who is bigger than Xiao Su, I can’t see it, so don’t bring it back." Jiang Zhenshu snorted.
Xia Lu ha ha smiled. "He signed photos for your little sisters Shen Qi, didn’t he? It seems that he has to sell his daughter."
Shen Qi is the idol of Ms. Jiang Zhenshu, an old male god in the entertainment circle. Of course, Ms. Jiang’s younger sisters also like idolize to catch up with this one, which is Ms. Jiang.
It’s not a small thing to get some autographed photos in the entertainment circle, especially when the famous manager Su has to sell him a lot of resources.
"That’s Xiao Su’s kindness."
"Bullshit. He just wants to hook me up."
"Oh, you want to marry someone else in line. What kind of person are you? Look, every time you get drunk, he sends you back, and he can stand it. Ask Lu if his girlfriend is like you. Can he stand it?" Jiang Zhenshu looked at Lu Shi.
Lu Shi was busy catering to the nod.
Xia Lu yelled, "Who are you listening to when you land?"
Lu Shi turned and hurriedly shook his head.
"No opinion" she spat.
Lu Shi scratched his head. "I want to be an artist first. The assumption that artists can’t fall in love casually is not true."
Quite self-aware
No, the point is that Xia Lu wondered, "I wasn’t sent back by inkstone last night. I was at her house."
"It’s Xiao Su who sent you back. You can investigate how dangerous it is for you to be monitored at our door and get drunk every time. It’s also him who sent you a girl who always likes to get drunk without a man to protect you."
"My mother’s adult, I knelt down for you. I was wrong and I didn’t dare."
"It’s best to invite Lai Su home for dinner these days. Thank you for always taking care of you. Although you are not a son-in-law, I like him." Jiang Zhenshu agreed with Chen Jiaxue to shorten the distance between them in another way.
Xia Lu, etc. will scold Xu Jinyan for not staying for her, and let To Hoai whales send her. Now, there are so many things for her, and Ms. Jiang will not let her go
"I have a reunion today, and I have something to do the day after tomorrow, and I have plans to wait for me the day after tomorrow." Xia Lu counted her fingers one by one.
Jiang Zhenshu snorted softly, "I won’t talk to you, I’ll talk myself."
"Cut it for you" Xia Lu plan will never catch up with Ms. Jiang’s change
Lu Shi said, "Cousin, how do I feel that you are going to collapse the house?"
Chapter three hundred and twenty-six Avoid evil spirits
"My marble heart is indestructible and can’t collapse." Xia Lu got into bed again after defeating Ms. Jiang. "I have to sleep when I am disturbed."
Ms. Jiang can’t walk when she sees that the mud can’t help the wall.
Lu Shi shrugged his shoulders and cured my aunt. My cousin was the only one.
Suddenly the words rang.
"Xia Lu is a high school reunion tonight. Did you see the address posted in the high school classmates?" At the other end of the sentence, her high school classmate contacted her.
She muttered a "didn’t look"
"Then look at it. Remember to come later."
"Let me see."
"If you don’t come, it means you are guilty."

Ji Fa frightened all the immortals, and they all looked at the thin fairy one by one to listen to his explanation.

Thin fairy took a look at the crowd and shook his head with a wry smile. "Just now, you all said that this Xibohou is a kind person, so how can he shoot and hunt, and such a great master will make a move?" 」
After listening, everyone was relieved to look at the fairy with more contempt. Ji Fa was also relieved to shake his head and say with smile, "Sir, you misunderstood me. I just said that my father wanted to see all the brave things, so this is nothing."
Thin fairy sneered, "Wrong, wrong, if that’s the case, he wouldn’t be Xibohou. Although he sometimes does something that makes people look bad, others are really kind. Although he is occasionally small, he doesn’t hide his benevolence. Do you really think he will do something against the rules when he is a child? 」
The immortals just found out that it was not right. One by one, their faces changed slightly, and there were more faces. It seemed cautious. The fat fairy brain turned fastest. He was already white and thin. The subtext of the fairy changed his face and blurted out, "No, isn’t it true that we think it’s bad?" 」
At this time, Ji Fa has gained a lot of experience from all the immortals for many reasons. At this time, on second thought, he can’t help but nod, "It was such a close call." Then he gave a gift to the thin fairy and solemnly said, "If it weren’t for Mr. Day, I would definitely make an irreparable mistake. Mr. Dade Ji Fa will never forget it."
All the immortals have nodded their heads in this matter and concentrated on thinking about how to deal with the public.
On the second day, Zhou Bo Hou Jichang led ninety-nine people across the dragon’s colt to go out of the city and go to Kong Xuanren to spy on the clues closely, but he saw that Zhou Bing was well-equipped with armor and armor. Although there were not many soldiers, there were only three thousand troops, but the elite level was no less than that of Pojun, the northern army they had trained
It won’t surprise you if you see Qiang Bing and Kong Xuan in the North. After all, there are many wars in the North, but now the troops are fighting in the West, which doesn’t make people feel a little hard to believe.
No matter how well trained a recruit is, he will always be the first song before the battlefield. He is a qualified veteran after three battles and never dies. Without the war, a recruit will never become a qualified veteran. But where did Xibohou’s army take part in the battle?
Kong Xuan has a headache here. I don’t want anyone to see him like this. I can’t help but chuckle. Li Suiyun says that he doesn’t pay attention to Kong Xuan. But how can he actually stand by and watch Kong Xuan, after all, is his eldest brother and his empty pulse? I hope he can’t sit back and watch Kong Xuan suffer. The slogan of the empty slogan is "Try to take advantage of it and would rather die than suffer".
Li Suiyun can see clearly that this Jichang is not just to see which brother is more benevolent. It’s ridiculous that this old man is too kind to rule heaven.
This Ji Chang’s view of all the people, personalities, and things is natural at a glance. Those who are good at practitioners’ kindness will do their best. When the time comes, they can also be selected to inherit the great people.
At this time, he also figured in his heart that now the singing song has been occupied by the fox, and the ginger queen is afraid that she will not be safe, so that her two grandmothers will be killed, and it will be a good thing if she will receive it herself.
Mind moves, but he turns his mind. Cutting the father is a bad rule, that is, cutting the father should not help others. The court broke the ancestral inheritance. You can’t do such a thing yourself. Let Guangcheng and Chijing do it. The big head will send the babies full of holes to these two guys and then take care of them. Anyway, those babies who have turned against the teachings will come into their own doors.
Li Suiyun, who has been established in his heart, has also put his mind at ease. This Kong Xuan has done a good job here, and there is no need to mind his own business and let him play at will. That is, Kong Xuan will always be independent in the future, but he will always limit his development with his side. He has thought about it in his heart, and then he will leave a busy statue and drive back to the floating cloud island.
Kong Xuan still doesn’t know Li Suiyun’s mind. He cares about the ninety-nine hands of Ji Chang, but says that the ninety-nine hands of Ji Chang, except those who are young and the oldest, have tried their best to shoot and kill their prey with bows and arrows, and all the turning ends are full.
However, seeing the blood flowing in the wound where the prey is piling up, there are animals that have not died for a while, but they are still struggling for their lives. There are big animals that have nurtured their young animals, and they are shot. The little animals still refuse to leave straight and follow them like crying. Even man of iron can’t help but grieve at the moment.
Immediately, some officials ordered that some of the prey were shot one or two or five or six times, and the bow and horse skillfully shot more than a dozen animals, but Boyikao and Ji Fa did not even shoot one rabbit.
Ji Chang saw this scene in the heart more sad dark hate myself lost calculation let this help children wantonly hunt wild animals, he took a look at the Boyi exam low way "my son never hunt game? 」
Boyi takes an examination of the right path "so that my father can learn that my son’s family is full of food and clothes, and it is necessary to slaughter creatures. Nowadays, wild animals are mostly in the breeding season, so it is really harmful for the child to stay at the lake for a while and then turn around."
Ji Chang nodded slightly and knew that the Boyi exam was a sincere one, and you and your temperament were similar. Nodding slightly and smiling was very comforting, and then he asked Ji Fa, "What happened to you? How did you never shoot a prey?" 」
Ji Fa shook his head and said with a wry smile, "Father, we are hunting for food. Now we are short of food. Although my father wants to see us brave and brave, I know that martial arts are not as good as yours. If it is necessary to kill wild animals, it is necessary, so I have never made a move."
Ji Chang’s mind is secretly moved, and it is known that Ji Fa-fei is the kind of abusive person, and he has scored high on the public.
Chapter 19 Although it is said that the fairy is at large, the clouds have started to shade the sun.
Li Suiyun didn’t pay attention to Ji Chang’s things. He didn’t think those things were worth his attention. Although what he said was serious, it really stimulated many other experts in Kong Xuan, but none of his twelve eldest brothers could be independent. Fortunately, Yuan Hong had some experience. He said from his head that he could barely dominate the party, but his training was too poor.
Xingtian, phase liu and other demons are also masters of their own, but after all, there is still a certain gap between them and Kong Xuan. You should know that they are not their brothers, but they get along well and have far and near points. Worse still, they are all taboo people who are cultivated by Tianqun. If they are really sent, they will surely suffer from taboos of various religions. If they are, they will lose more than they gain.
He had expected the outcome of this matter, but he was not at ease, but it made him feel a little unbearable. Recently, Western religions seem to have moved a lot, and they also infiltrated Xiqiao, which is not small.
Xiqi has a chance to win the throne. There are three people. One is Boyi Kao. This person is expensive. The position and identity of Xibo Hou are naturally different, and it is natural to inherit the unification as the first leader.
The second nature is Ji Fa. Although he is a word, he has always been famous for his talent. Compared with his brother, he is better at being a man. Besides being well-known in the west, he is also well-versed in military affairs. He has a certain strength in civil servants and military commanders, and his wife is also smart. His father-in-law is also very strong. He has attracted a lot of assistants. It is hard to say that he has no ability and opportunity to compete with Boyi for the throne.
In the third person, it is very unlucky for Ji Gan, who is a reckless man in terms of everyone’s fiery temper, but he still has a lot of popularity in the three armed forces, although he is not as high as his two brothers, but he is also a strong candidate.
The key point is that nowadays, Boyi has the support of Li Suiyun Yunfu Yundao, while Jifa has the support of explaining and teaching the immortals. If Ji Shugan wants to have anything, he can only choose to seek the support of western education and be a mortal. He is not as clear as those monks and does not care so much about the ambitions of western education.
Coldly thoughtfully for a moment, finally more silk regrets in the eyes, killing is inevitable. He sighed lightly and immediately called Xingtian, phase liu and the rain master to come to the three great wizards, and they did not hesitate to go straight into the main hall.
Li Suiyun took one look at these three guys and nodded gently. "Now the battle to seal the gods is a muddy pool. It’s really interesting. Now if I don’t stir up this war, wouldn’t it be a pity that I was born with a spirit?" Anyway, if you want to play naturally, you should play big, don’t you think! 」
The three wizards were taken aback and stared at each other. Obviously, it took a long time for the three guys to wake up, but they still felt unbelievable. Isn’t this guy always advocating minimizing the damage? Why is it so rampant now? Maybe he wants to destroy the world, make everything chaotic and re-evolve the world?
Li Suiyun laughed when he saw the people’s faces. He also guessed the people’s thoughts. He glanced at them and nodded and smiled. "It’s true that I didn’t want the East to suffer too much loss because I was afraid that we had too much strength and let others take advantage of it. But now the situation is so good that those guys who taught in the West are involved. Hum, anyway, it’s all in chaos. I hesitate why not make him more chaotic."
Xingtian several startled face show surprise, they have some hard to believe that this will be Li Suiyun said, isn’t he afraid to destroy the world?
Li Suiyun suddenly smiled and turned cold. He sneered, "I won this battle, and everything is easy to say. If I lose, hum, it’s no big deal to refine the earth again, that is, who’s afraid of who? Hum, I have a dry hand. I don’t care if there are more holes in the sky, I’ll see what they can fill."
Xingtian suddenly revealed a smile. He is the kind of person who is not afraid of the earth. Li Suiyun was quite dissatisfied with the defense of the four religions some time ago. Even after Li Suiyun issued a war mobilization, there was still nothing to worry him more. But now Li Suiyun has no longer what Gu Nianru doesn’t make him excited.
Inspired by the wildness, Xingtian’s previous avenue: "What do you want me to do, island owner? Just tell us that we will meet those guys and see what else is tough this day."
Li Suiyun gently nodded and revealed a strange smile. He looked at Xingtian and said softly, "There are still many experts this day. I know that there are two scattered repairs, one is Xiao Sheng and the other is Cao Bao. The repairs of these two guys are average, but it is rare to have a treasure in hand, even if it is tianbao first, it can end up as a good treasure."
Phase liu’s well-connected people are full of cunning. Hearing Li Suiyun’s words, they can’t help but be taken aback and blurt out, "It’s terrible not to think that there is such a strange treasure in the world."
Li Suiyun chuckled lightly and said, "If this is the case, it’s just like there are four-spirit monkeys and exotic birds and animals. One day, there is a Dapeng who is omnipotent, second only to Kong Xuanxiu and even Yousheng Xuanpu."
The Rain Master smiled and said softly, "Even so, this Dapeng is much worse than the lost treasure money. After all, he will suffer a lot if he hits Tianbao first."
Li Suiyun gently nodded and replied, "Today, although the sea of blood is dry, the bodhi old zu in The Hunger is ignorant of life and death, but I don’t think Emperor Heaven of Science will kill him. After all, it is a good thing that he is also called a generation of masters if he will earn money."
Sula Wong in the Shura world or the Six Kings cultivated from The six great divisions in the wheel of karma may not lose their two magical powers to the saints, but if they are right, they will have a headache. "
Xingtian and other three dwarfs were surprised that Li Suiyun said it so solemnly. Sula Wong knew that Wu Daodao was a unique place to dominate the world. Although it was narrow and harsh, it was also called a good place to avoid the world. He had dominated for tens of thousands of years and had an opponent. This shows his business, but the six kings were the first time they heard the famous names. I don’t know. It’s a little strange to hear them at this time, but since the other party can be as famous as Sula Wong, it’s natural that they are not equal.
Xingtian had better ask never to pretend to understand this. He looked at Li Suiyun and said, "What is the origin of the six kings of the island owner? Why have we never heard of his place name? Listen to you, this man seems to have great magical powers, but if there is such a thing, why is his name not obvious?" 」
Li Suiyun shook his head and said with a wry smile, "Those six Wang Chengdao were late, but her identity was also extraordinary. At that time, the Empress Houdi turned The six great divisions in the wheel of karma into the world of Yin and Yang, but she inadvertently left a drop of blood. This blood absorbed the aura of heaven and earth in The six great divisions in the wheel of karma, and finally cultivated successfully. It seems that this person’s seniority is higher than the three of you."
Xingtian three slightly surprised eyes dew surprised light after a while phase liu mouth way "reality is to want us to contact the two masters? When the time comes, let them join the gods’ war? 」
Li Suiyun’s eyes flashed with disdain and laughed. "The Six Kings don’t sell anything. The six great divisions in the wheel of karma is her. She is The six great divisions in the wheel of karma. She is innocent. No one looks at her pleasing to the eye. Who doesn’t want his brother to remain sane when he is reincarnated?" But the other party must follow the rules. Can this not make them angry? She even won’t help anyone with the character of the six kings. "
Speaking of this, Li Suiyun said with a smile, "You don’t have to worry that he can’t live without my support in Sula Wong now. Every year, I give him a grain shop, and he supports more than half of the people. Now he can’t live without my support."
Xingtian’s eyes are full of doubts. He pondered for a long time and finally sighed, "What did you call us for? 」

But Shen Wei’s affair has also been made known to everyone, knowing that To Hoai whale is not a simple smiling tiger. Once he is offended, there is no good chance.

"Sue always says that I have to go to see a doctor if it bothers me." It’s not good to be a good person because she has to go around in this circle and offend To Hoai whales.
To Hoai whale walked out of the emergency room.
Cheng Kang car has been waiting for him at the door.
"Cheng Kang took me to the airport"
"Su Shao, don’t you need to recuperate?" Cheng Kang can’t help but worry.
To Hoai Whale came, that is, just transferred to Yuncheng. There was a film and television IP bidding meeting in Haicheng in the afternoon. He needed to be present in person. The itinerary was full. He could have flown directly. Because he hadn’t seen Xialu for a long time, he came to Yuncheng for a connecting flight. I saw it, but it wasn’t as good as I hoped.
"How many people have to feed behind Su Shao? Can I rest?" To Hoai whale’s face is hard to show.
It’s not easy for Cheng Kang to be a boss when he looks haggard at To Hoai whales.
"Sue, don’t work hard."
"You also worked hard. I’ll send you a big red envelope. Why don’t you jump ship and come to my Su family? I’ll change my little assistant to Fu Jingxiao."
"Sue is less want me to lose my job? I’m quite satisfied with my current boss. "Cheng Kangke doesn’t want to be beaten.
To Hoai whales can’t help but nod "Young people have a future."
"Xie Sushao"
"scene words"
"I didn’t take it seriously."
Fu Jingxiao’s special assistant is just like him.
It’s a pity that To Hoai whale can’t fly to Haicheng first because of work.
After work this day, Xia Lu has been waiting for Xu Jinyan at the gate of Renhe. Tonight, Xu Jinyan has a special freedom to take a day off.
"Let’s go with the spicy hot pot," Xia Lu called.
Chapter two hundred and fifty-one Baby
"Crazy, don’t you say that you don’t eat spicy food recently?" Xu Jin looked at Xia Lu with a pox on his forehead. This guy can be an ascetic if he wants to be beautiful.
Xu Jin inkstone has no concentration.
"A dog is angry and wants to eat a hot pot to mend it." Xia Lu snorted.
Xu Jinyan is going to eat melon. "This dog won’t come from Beijing, will it?"
"You’re a little bit of a melon eater."
"I was wrong," Xu Jin snorted. "I’ll go to the doll machine and catch a bear for you later."
"Who wants a bear?" Xia Lu scratched her hair and the big bear was still lying in her room. At that time, the restaurant student asked her to take it away without even throwing it. She threw it in their trash can and personally sent someone to send the bear to the car, which led Xia Lu to sleep with the bear every day.
If she goes on like this, she may know more about this bear than men.
The two arrived at the hotpot.
Sure enough, eating your favorite hot pot still needs to have the same taste and ingredients with your girlfriends.
She and Fu Jingxiao can eat Yuanyang pot when they eat hot pot.
There are still a lot of ingredients restricted by Fu Jingxiao.
Xu Jinyan and Xia Lu sat face to face, with hairy bellies in their chopsticks, and then silently counted "123123" in their mouths.
After completing the "seven", two people picked it up and stuffed it into their mouths at the same time, and said "praise" after chewing it twice.
Two people smile at one another after eating.
"By the way, have you arranged the annual leave in your hospital? Are you going back or what?" Xia Lu ate and asked her, "Or do you want to go back with me? My parents are very welcome."
"I … haven’t thought it over yet." Although Corey said that Xu Jinyan was the only one who was calm and didn’t arrange it, mainly because he didn’t expect it.
"Are you connected over there?" Xialu low question
Xu Jin inkstone ate a piece of meat and felt a hot throat. She took a sip of water. "I’d rather not contact me. It’s easy and troublesome."
"Then don’t go back. Come with me."
"I think so."
"Did Fu Jingxiao ask you if he wanted to take you back?" Xia Lu forgot that this year is different from previous years, and there is Fu Jingxiao.
This kind of thing is Chinese New Year.
"No, we haven’t developed to this point." Xu Jin’s face sank.
It’s also the Fu family, not an ordinary family. It should be difficult for their family to accept that the wealthy family is an ordinary person
"Although there are many objective factors, his subjective factors are also very important. If you don’t make a statement, you don’t want such a boyfriend." Xia Lu learned.
Xu Jinyan scalded a fat cow and sent it to the summer deer bowl. "Brother Lu, can we enjoy hot pot? You affect my appetite like this."
"I’m talkative."
Xu Jinyan scooped a piece of mutton roll into the pot and put it into the bowl. Suddenly, a sour smell came out of his throat, and some of it turned to nausea.
"inkstone, what’s wrong with you? Don’t you like mutton rolls best?" Xia Lu looked at her face and turned white.
Xu Jin got up and said, "I’ll wash my hands."
"I will accompany you!"
"Don’t look at things, I’ll be right back." Xu Jinyan turned around and washed her hands.
By the time she comes back, nothing will happen.
"How long have you been here?" Xia Lu squinting at Xu Jin inkstone with some worry.
Xu Jin inkstone picked his eyebrows. "How long has it been, Dr. Xia? Don’t give me a consultation."
"I’m not afraid, or have you experienced it?" Who told Xia Lu to watch these pregnant women every day, which made her think that every vomiting woman might be pregnant.
Xu Jinyan shook his head. "It’s impossible without it."
"Don’t be impossible. Is menstruation on time?"
"Soon, there are no signs that you have a problem. Go to my place to check it one day." Xia Lu looked at Xu Jinyan nervously. "Some things are still planned early."
Xu Jin was worried before the inkstone, but there were no signs these days. Today, I don’t know how to smell mutton rolls, so I feel a little uncomfortable.


There is no doubt that Su Jing has made great achievements again, and the real person is very busy there with the treasure blade of luck. After he has finished his business, he will not delay greeting his companions and return to the East.
Su Jing also declined princess royal’s request not to go with her to visit the Six Wings Imperial Pool. The temptation curse is to go back to the body collector and kill a thousand knives in the hot sun. It’s 960 knives away from dzogchen. This last step is not finished. Su Jing, if you can get unnecessary entertainment, hurry up and practice.
Su Jing left in a hurry without even eating a meal. princess royal was a little lost in his heart. How can I say this feeling? It’s not Su Jing’s contempt, but it seems that there is no place worthy of attention … But princess royal didn’t expect that a great event will happen soon after the end of the mountain alliance.
A full-accumulated monster with a huge spirit state went straight into the sphere of influence of the final mountain alliance. A large group of demon fairy soldiers will be wearing helmets and armor, and the new leader will lead a group of immortals to worship the mountain. They want to ask the monsters who came here to ignore a member of the general, and if you dare to step half a step, you will invade Tortoise State. Then fight!
The ferocity of demon fairy’s fierce and fierce Lingzhou is amazing. This group of fierce immortals is by no means affordable to the final mountain alliance.
When the new leader was at a loss, the tortoise state leader, the big snake monster, the second leader, the commander-in-chief of the Silver Dragon, the third leader, the mighty general, and the fourth leader … One-inch black snake, I don’t know what’s going on, and a group of leaders and commanders were fierce. demon fairy went directly to the Six Wings Imperial Pool, and the monsters in the field were diffuseness, and there was no more ferocity. The root was to visit friends and worship the mountains.
Turtle state moves into southeast fairy heaven
This state is a small light-headed family territory, and specially went to the Southeast Six Wings Imperial Pool to watch the neighboring areas. From then on, the Six Wings Imperial Pool swung its arms and turned its somersaults. Let’s eat the sea and see who dares not to be black and windy. Let’s see who dares to covet Dongtiandao and give a stack of resources to princess royal!
Su Jing will return to the sun of the corpse collector and then escape into the sun where the predecessors left a hundred miles. Continue to practice killing thousands of knives and practice leisure. Su Jing will also think of one thing … a lance.
Although there is a joke in Gao Cailie’s words, it is also a fact that Su Jing didn’t match the technique today.
Gan Lin’s sword has been refined into himself. Without Su Jing, he is a sword. He is a weapon himself, and he doesn’t need to take it anymore. This is true, but if there is another magic sword, Su Jing’s combat power will rise to a new level.
Besides, Zhenyang and Zhenmo are both good magic swords, and Su Jing’s two swords can bear Su Jingli’s display. However, these two swords can only ensure that Su Jing can exert one hundred percent of his fighting power, while good magic is one hundred percent of his bonus, which is very different.
It’s Su Jing who is too powerful today. The universe is vast and poor. It’s not easy to find a weapon while taking advantage of it. It’s hard to find a weapon material even if you ignore the length of time.
For example, when the fake Buddha got the "Tianyuan Iron Moon", it was already a great material. Otherwise, the fake Buddha wouldn’t have to cast a special spell to hide the treasure, but the treasure cast by the iron moon was far from being worthy of Su Jing.
Life and death can’t be too close and far apart, but they don’t delay talking. Obviously, Jin Liangliang has already told the Xiaojinwu that when he saw Su Jinglai, Jin Liangliang waved "ask, ask".
A group of kids saluted in disorder, saying that they were all younger generations. See the only one who didn’t bow down to Su Jing’s robe, but called him uncle.
After the ceremony, it was a mess to sign up for the big sun, which was very taboo to the body collector. It also affected the little sun dolls, and they all dared not look Su Jing in the eye. So did the little girl who gave a gift to Su Jingxing’s peers. His name was Jin Lao, and it was so easy to remember the name.
Jin Liangliang, the young man who signed up, touched his hair and said to Su Jingdao, "Don’t underestimate him. Don’t look down on him. Although it’s a doll, you and I respect him. He has great talent. Three hundred years ago, he was proved to be a cunning general."
Ascending to the seventh rank will not change the seniority of the God Crow, but the God Crow will not show seniority and treat each other with courtesy.
The phrase "asking the spirit" is too vague. Su Jing is not very platinum and bright. He knows that he is puzzled. He patted the "little old child" with his palm. "Can it be put to good use here?"
"Can anyone die here?" It seems that Jin Lao, who is only five years old, nodded happily and followed his hands, respectively. He pressed his eyebrows and his heart to curse, and then Su Jing and others suddenly heard a heavy sigh.
This sigh comes from the depths of the star stone, which is old, naive and sad. It is by no means a movement in a group of large and small suns.
Su Jingxian is one leng before blinking … The star stone near the corpse collector’s sun has been visited by him, so we know that this star stone has a named body. Ordinary immortals don’t know whether it was hunted down or why he died alone. This star stone has been there for many years before Su Jingcheng’s corpse collector.
Su Jing won’t disturb the dead and ignore it.
At the moment a sigh from the body nearby.
"A sigh before death is not a last word, but also an obsession. It was his last thought when he died … so long after he died." Jin Lao blinked and explained vaguely, but shed tears. The tears of the sun fell to the ground and became a flame. It was beautiful. The small spark easily burned this star stone through the hole of little finger thickness.
"Ask the spirit" is not a dialogue between the dead, let alone wake up the corpse soldiers. Ghosts will only restore their "scattered thoughts" before they die, but ask the spirit that when they die, the sad little Sun feels the same way, and he will shed tears unconsciously.
Nothing to do … but it’s amazing enough. God knows how evil Buddha’s mind was before he died. How long did he die?
This star stone body is the most common fairy family, and it is amazing that it has been dead for countless 50,000 years or 500,000 years, and it can also restore a sigh before his death.
Su Jing looks strange and magical, but he doesn’t have much practical experience to seal the crow’s nest.
Anyway, god crow is all kinds of crooked ways and tricks, and once you get to the extreme, you can seal it
Jin Liangliang shook his head. "He can help you a lot, and then … this child will have a big place in the future. God knows, please take good care of him."
God knows what will make sense. Su Jing immediately nodded and followed Jin Liangliang and pointed to his little sun "still … and this group of children are all the younger generations in my family who want you to take care of them."
Su Jing has experienced too many dangerous and strange things, and her body and mind are deep enough to be really surprised, but after hearing Jin Liangliang’s words, Su Jingxin’s earthquake was extremely terrible!
What is this?
Divide into orphans
Unless there is a catastrophe, what else can make the big sun take care of the child again and ask them to send it to the corpse collector to look after it?
Su Jing’s face sank. "What’s going on?"
"In the future, my uncle will personally tell you that" Jin Liangliang’s eyes are dim "and that I won’t travel far or far recently. You can look at each other from afar, and we can take care of the little babies together, but it is more and more appropriate for them to follow you."
The body collector is unlucky, but the body collector is very powerful. This fairy is stronger than Su Jing. A few little girls in the fairy family are more secure in the sun.
Jin Liangliang is also a god who will not fight, but he is far from Su Jing.
However, Su Jing’s strength may not be able to "offset" his bad luck. It is still a god knows what will happen. His old man’s house has its own meaning, and the sun needs to ask and do it.
Su Jing won’t refuse to nod his head and want to ask the truth of "trusting an orphan" again. Jin Liangliang shook his head. This matter will be told to Su Jing by God crow in the future …
I have seen Jin Liangliang, and Su Jing has a few hundred little things around him. Su Jing frowned when he went back.

"You have a girlfriend. Have you thought about how I feel?" Meng Jia Wu frowned tightly.

"Two years passed quickly." Jiang Zhuoning saw that she didn’t leave, so she just sat on the bench by the side of the road, holding hands together and calmly said, "I know that you are definitely not willing to do this, but love is not a life department, it should be a driving force, not a resistance, and it should make people become better, not a standstill. It is not as short as three to five years after we are together. It is quite normal to treat it rationally."
"Didn’t you do this before?" Meng Jia Wu also sat by his side "can you not be so rational? I know I made a mistake this time, but I have already explained that you haven’t cooled down yet? "
"I said I’m not angry." Jiang Zhuoning raised his hand and pressed it between his eyebrows. "Applying for an exchange student is not angry. I decided on the basis of future career development. I have already explained it."
"You don’t have me in your future plan" Meng Jia Wu pursed her lips.
Jiang Zhuoning looked at her seriously. "I told you this is a career plan. I have you in my life plan."
"Do you love me?"
"Since you love me, can’t I give up such an opportunity?" Unblinkingly Meng Jia Wu eyes looked at him with expectation.
Jiang Zhuoning sipped his thin lips and shook his head "No"
Meng Jia Wu nails are clenched in his hand to "what kind of love is this?"
Jiang Zhuoning looked at her and said nothing.
The mood is indescribably complicated, so I got up and left directly.
Meng Jia Wu grabbed his sleeve for a long time, took a deep breath and said slowly, "What if I say you leave?"
Jiang Zhuoning looked at her deeply, clean and deep, as if he could see through all her thoughts. He slowly said, "Meng Jia Wu, what are you worried about? Worried about my change of heart or … yourself? "
Meng Jia Wu breath consciously loosened his sleeve.
She doesn’t know what she’s worried about.
She knew that she had thought it over for two days and still felt that she had to keep Jiang Zhuoning.
First, because she has never talked about such a long-term, long-distance relationship, most of the men she goes to can come and go at will, and even if she can’t get it, there will always be other people who come after her to play.
She must be worried that her passion will be exhausted by time and distance. Especially recently, Jiang Zhuoning has gone abroad to prepare, and the two people are almost very close.
Secondly, Jiang Zhuoning has gone further and further.
He’s already the first in the hospital. What else do you want?
He studied journalism and law, and his second major was to be an exchange student.
His future is clear and sure, and she knows that people like him are sure to succeed.
It’s not that she doesn’t want him to succeed, but she’s really worried that she feels that Jiang Zhuoning is getting farther and farther away, but she still has the heart to learn about it.
She has no patience to do things, and it is difficult to persevere. Even if she wants to study hard, she is often hot for three minutes.
It’s not that I don’t want to learn, but I really can’t help it
She has never loved learning such a thing, and she is so preoccupied with Jiang Zhuoning that she can’t study hard.
What should we do?
What can she do to keep him?
Meng Jia Wu frowned thinking about the in the mind suddenly flashed an idea.
The second time she and Jiang Zhuoning had their period, they just had nothing to do. When Jiang Zhuoning specially bought emergency contraceptives at lunch, she didn’t even know that she was relieved in a moment of peace.
In this case, he must be afraid that she will get pregnant. People like him …
A child may be able to keep him?
Meng Jia pursed his lips and thought of looking up at him and whispered, "Is it because that man is Jiang Jiang?"
"What?" Jiang Zhuoning one leng don’t know how she suddenly got ginger again and was diverted for the first time.
Meng Jia Wu looked at him with a wry smile. "I’m worried that Jiang Jiang liked her before. You know that she also applied for an exchange student this time, and her professional grades are also very good. There are people behind her. It is very likely that you will get a place. You two will go out to a foreign country and a school together. Maybe you will have feelings for her again after a long time."
Two people have been in love for so long, except for a Meng Jia Wu, who has never cared about ginger for a long time.
Eyes suddenly talked about Jiang Zhuoning’s coming back to life.
His face changed a few times, and suddenly his head turned to one side without looking at her and asked, "Do you know what you are talking about?"
Meng Jia Wu sipped his lips and didn’t talk.
Jiang Zhuoning seems to have breathed a sigh of relief. "You are simply insulting and questioning me."
It is hard for him to accept
Jiang Zhuoning looked at the passing vehicles in the night and felt that Meng Jia Wu seemed to challenge his bottom line again and he was not as angry as before.
His handsome side face is really cold. Meng Jia Wu raised his hand and hugged him.
Hold him tightly and whisper, "But I’m really afraid that I’ve never been so swayed by considerations of gain and loss, and I don’t want you to make this decision. It really pains me, you know? I’m jealous that Jiang Jiang Jiang can see you at any time in two years."
She buried her face deeply in Jiang Zhuoning’s arms.
Close your eyes slightly.
Jiang Jiang is married. She knows that.
She used to play, but she never said such things against her will.
Whether Jiang Zhuoning or Jiang Jiang has feelings for Yan Shaoqing, she can’t be more white.
She needs to keep Jiang Zhuoning.
According to the day, it should be in a critical period today. She has to leave Jiang Zhuoning outside.
The dormitory is about to open at 11: 30. Jiang Zhuoning, who has always followed the rules, is definitely not willing to stay in a hotel after class.
Not only will she stall him from going back, but she will also provoke him.
I really don’t dare other boys to stimulate him again
I want to think about the matter of Jiang Jiang. She said a few words, but she did not care about her before Jiang Zhuoning. She didn’t know that she wouldn’t hurt a hair.
Yes, Jiang Jiang didn’t know anyway.
She felt a little guilty because she hadn’t stimulated Jiang Zhuoning with such words for a long time.
It’s nothing. Just think of it as a catalyst for her relationship with Jiang Zhuoning.
Anyway, Jiang Jiang doesn’t know
Meng Jia Wu took a deep breath and held Jiang Zhuoning’s waist and arms and tightened some cheeks. He rubbed his hard chest over and over again and felt so helpless.
Section 374
Jiang Zhuoning was depressed and slowly distressed Naidao. "You let me say what you are good for."
"I love you. I love you so much." Meng Jia Wu lifted her face and her delicate lips looked lovely in the night.
Jiang Zhuoning Adam’s apple rolling a shortness of breath.
Meng Jia Wu tiptoed to kiss him.

There must be two bodies here. Whether he lied to her or not, Owalin wanted him to live. "I have seen Sakanda" He didn’t think about it. It brought him eternal pain. He forbade himself to sob or whine and forced himself to spit out the words one by one in a calm tone. "There was a huge foggy ocean. It kept rolling and hitting the black rock, and the flame in the melting pot turned everything into red, flashing and splitting into a crazy day." He didn’t want to talk about it, but he forced himself to open his mouth again. "I used to walk. But I went all the way to the path in the hinterland of the demon valley, where the teeth-like rocks rubbed against my head. I walked all the way to the shore of a lava lake full of flames-"Don’t say it again! "The dark Lord is there, and it is in the abyss because he breathes evil spirits. Even at noon, it is still black."

Ovalin has straightened up now. Her eyes are wide open, not afraid, but shocked. "I’ve heard of it, too …" She said this softly, then shook her head and stared at him sharply. "Who are you? What, you’re here? Did someone abandon … Did the apostles send you? What I didn’t receive the notice? "
He looked up his hair and gave a laugh. "Do you want people like you to know what I accepted?" His Lugard accent is getting heavier again. In a way, it is his hometown. "The apostles will tell you everything?" There is a big voice in his heart that warns him of his mistake, but he hates the two performers, and so is the voice in his heart, "Be careful of the beautiful little two performers or they will give you to Modao to play with you."
Her eyes were like icicles stabbing him in the eye. "We’ll wait and see Paden, and I’ll clean up the trouble you caused, and then we’ll wait and see who is in a higher position in front of the apostles." After seeing the dagger, she withdrew from the room until Ovaline covered him for a whole minute.
He growled at himself like a fool, trying to play games with the two performers, bowing to the two performers, but it was hard to restrain his anger in an instant, but it ruined everything. He cut a hole in his body, then put the dagger back in his sheath and licked the wound while putting it in his coat. He was different from what she imagined. He used to be a dark friend, but now he has gone beyond this category, surpassing it and being higher than it. Some are different, some are even worse. If she is contacted by an abandoned light angel before he kills her … it’s best not to try to find the horn of Kawara Tsutomu now. He has followers waiting outside the city, and they should be waiting there. He has implanted fear in their hearts. He hopes those people are still alive.
Before sunrise, he walked out of the White Pagoda, left the island of Tavaron, and lived somewhere, and he was whole again.
Chapter 2 Zhang Jia Pass
Lan Dezheng, the world’s ridge with a vague outline, guided Jieding to climb the rock slope. From this foothill, it is the range of Zhang Jia Pass, and the dragon wall directly pierced the sky. All his peaks turned into short hills in front of it. In the hot sunshine in the afternoon, Rand could clearly see the dragon wall peak, the snow cap, a little bit of white clouds, which could move around the waist of these giant peaks. These clouds didn’t have a desert to bring a drop of rain. Rand couldn’t imagine that anyone would want to climb a mountain, but it was said that people who wanted to climb these peaks eventually turned back in the middle of the way
"… but the Kerian people have exhausted their strength because of the power game," Murray said beside him. "If they believe that you are strong, they will follow you and treat them firmly, but I ask you to treat them fairly. The ruler should achieve real justice …"
Rand tried his best not to pay attention to her, just as he didn’t pay attention to his riders and Hadang, who had left behind the broken canyons and valleys in the desert, but these jagged peaks and ridges in front of him were as barren as a desert and completely unfit for vehicles. It has been more than 20 years since no one has passed this road
From sunrise to sunset, Murray will keep talking to him. What she talks about is very small things at all levels-details of court etiquette in Kerian, Sha Dai Ya or some other place; It may also be some important events-the political influence of the white robes or perhaps commercial trade, such as influencing the rulers to make war decisions. It seems that Murray wants him to complete all the education of a noble before he reaches the other side of this mountain.
To his surprise, Murui sometimes said things that even people in Yimen village would regard as simple common sense; And sometimes she says other things that are completely unusual, and sometimes she says something that surprises people, such as except Murui, Alwen, He shouldn’t believe the news that the people in the White Pagoda and Elida are now a jade throne except Yilan and Nainiwei. Although she has sworn to Rand, she will never tell him how she knew the news. She said that it was someone else’s secret. Unless someone agreed, she revealed that Rand suspected that Murray said that others meant the wise men who could dream, but the wise men stared at him and didn’t even say "yes" or "no". He really hoped that they would swear like Murray that they would always interfere with his communication with the leaders as if he had contacted them through their leaders to be satisfied.
Now he doesn’t want to care about Elida or those wise men, and he doesn’t want to listen to Murray’s sermon. Now he wants to know about the pass in front of him. There is a gap winding forward in this mountain. It seems that the mountain has been chopped by a blunt axe, and each axe is not very successful. If you urge the horse to run for a few minutes, he can enter the middle.
A steep cliff on one side of the entrance of the pass has been cut out for more than a hundred steps. There is a weathered stone carving on the ground-a giant snake coiled around a 300-piece high column. On whether this is a monument, a road sign or a symbol of the ruler, it must have come from an ancient country before Yatu Eagle Wing. Perhaps its history is earlier than the war between the beast and the monster. Rand has seen the disappeared countries before, leaving traces, and even Murray does not necessarily know their source.
On the other side of the mountain (the place is so high that Rand is not sure whether he can really see it), there stands something even more strange on the snow line, which makes the thousand-year-old monument on the mountain become an ordinary sculpture. Rand can swear that it must be the remnants of some buildings. The black mountain wall makes these gray ruins have a shiny feeling. The strangest thing is that the shape of the ruins is like a port, and all kinds of shipping facilities have collapsed. If it is really not from his imagination, it must have collapsed from the world. In the era when the relics remained before the destruction, the surface of the world changed dramatically. It used to be an ocean. He could ask Yasmodine because even he sometimes probably didn’t want to go to that height to investigate to satisfy his curiosity.
The giant snake face is located in Tyne, a medium-sized town with a high wall, which is also a relic. When the Kerian people were allowed to send caravans across the Three Jedi, a lot of wealth was poured into the town from Shata along the Silk Road, but now it gives people a sense of silence. The town seems to have a few birds and gray stone walls arranged in a black patch equidistantly. Matt nut stirrups frowned, a pair of eyes and a wide-brimmed hat looked at the pass in the shadow. Lan Jianyin’s face showed no expression, but he and Mai obviously had no expression. Teke was watching intently as a gust of wind blew around the pass and it became a little cooler. The haze-changing cloak was also slightly tilted for a moment. From shoulders to legs, the haze seemed to become a part of rocks and thorns distributed by those stars.
"Did you listen to me?" Murray suddenly asked her to let her white mare get closer to Rand. "You must!" She took a deep breath. "Come on, Rand, there are so many things I have to tell you. There are so many things you have to know."
The pleading in Murray’s tone made Rand have to take a look at her. He still remembers when he was completely shocked by the two ceremonies. Although she still maintained elegance and dignity, now she looks really small. He should feel protective for such a woman, but this idea is really stupid. "We still have plenty of time after Murray." He said gently, "I won’t pretend that I know as much about the world as you do. I plan to keep you with me from now on." He hardly realized how great changes have taken place in their state.
"Of course," Murray sighed. "As you wish, we still have enough time."
Rand urged his spotted gray stallion to trot, and everyone else followed him, and the carriages behind him also sped up. However, they still couldn’t keep up with the front person, Yasmodine-Jacin Netta-the singer’s patchwork cloak fluttered with the flag he had set up in the stirrup. The bright red flag was painted with the black and white emblem of the ancient two-instrument division in the center, and his face was horribly gloomy. It made him unhappy that this mark was the place where Rand signed. This was perhaps Rudian’s prophecy.
The patches on Tyne city wall are corpses. They were twisted into strange shapes in pain before they died, and they were swollen and swollen by the sun. All the corpses were tied by their necks and hung on the city wall. It seems that these corpses hung around the city wall for a whole circle. Those birds were covered with black light, and their heads and necks were covered with blood. Vultures, some crows were perched on corpses and devoured carrion. It was not surprising that the new arrivals were dry and smelly, and there was a pungent burning smell. The iron door was open and exposed, and there were no living things except birds.
Just like Maros, Rand tried his best to get rid of this idea, but he could still clearly see in his mind the scene when the huge city was recaptured. The huge tower was burnt black or collapsed into a pile of rubble. At every intersection, he could still see the remnants of the big fire. All those who refused to swear allegiance to the shadow would be tied up and thrown into the fire alive. Rand knew whose memory these scenes came from, but he didn’t tell Murray about it. I’m Rand Arthur. Lu Si Serin Tramon has been dead for 3,000 years. I’m myself! This is a war that he wants to win. Even if he must die, he wants to die as himself. Thinking of this, he forces himself to turn his mind to other things.
It’s been half a month since Rudian. In the past half a month, Eigil has been walking from sunrise to sunset every day, and even the horses that follow them have been exhausted. But Kulaiding started a week earlier than them. If they shorten the distance from him, he will ravage Kerry for a long time. And if he wants to trap the sand, it will take longer, which is also not a pleasant idea
"There is someone watching us behind the stone on the left" Lan said quietly that he seemed to be observing the ruins of Tyne City with rapt attention "not Eigil, otherwise I wouldn’t even see a trace of them"
Rand was glad that he let Elvin and Ailinda stay with the wise men. This town gave him a new reason, but those monitors just met his original plan. At that time, he had hoped that Tyne would survive. Alwen still wore the same Eigil dress as Ailinda, but Tyne from Eigil was not welcome, and the lucky people in this town would not welcome them.
He glanced back at the stop, and after seeing clearly the decoration of Tyne City and the city wall, the coachmen were whispering that Hadang was dressed in white again today and was wearing a big handkerchief to wipe his face with a hooked nose. He looked quite calm and pursed his lips thoughtfully.
Rand predicted that Murray would find a group of new drivers after he passed the pass, and Hadang and others might run away at the first opportunity, and he could let them run away. This is not appropriate or fair, but only in this way can Yasmodine be protected. How long has he been doing what must be done instead of doing what is just? In a just world, the idea that these two things should be the same made him laugh, but the sound was more like a hoarse gasp. He was no longer the country boy, but sometimes the boy would sneak into his heart and others would turn to look at him, while he tried his best to stop himself from telling them that he was not crazy.
After a long time, two men and a woman without coats got up from the gravel. All three of them were dressed in rags, barefoot and covered in filth. They came to the crowd hesitantly, turned their heads uneasily to one side and looked at the riders one by one, and then looked at the caravan and the back of the caravan. If someone in this team shouted, they might immediately turn and run away, but their haggard faces and vain steps said that they had not eaten for a long time.
A man in "Thank Light" finally said that his hair had turned gray and his face was covered with deep wrinkles. All three of them were not young. His eyes stayed on the lace to decorate the neckline and cuffs for a while, but a team leader shouldn’t ride a mule and hold a flag. Finally, he grabbed the stirrup of Rand anxiously. "Praise Everbright for walking out of that terrible place alive." This person might call Rand this way because of his blue silk coat. Embroidery with gold thread on the shoulder and the flag behind him or his intention to flatter Rand, despite his gorgeous clothes, there is no reason for this person to recognize that the team in front of him is not a caravan. "Those murderous barbarians came again, and the Eigil war broke out again. No one could have predicted that they would climb over the wall late to kill all those who dared to lift their hands and take away everything that was not fixed."
"Late?" Matt immediately asked him that he was still looking at the destroyed city with his hat down. "Are your sentries asleep? You must have a sentry so close to the enemy, right? If you set up a sentry, even Eigil is not easy to attack. "Lan gave Matt a look.
"We don’t have a sentry, my Lord." The gray-haired man winked at Matt, but answered Rand. Matt can wear a Lord’s body after his green silk coat, but he hasn’t buckled a button and his clothes have been squeezed out. It looks like he even wears this dress when he sleeps. "We … We have a vigil at each door. We haven’t seen barbarians for a long time, but this time … they will set fire to it if they can’t steal it. They will starve us all to death, these dirty beasts! Thank you for coming to save us, my Lord, or we will all die here. I’m Tal Naisin. I’m … I used to be a saddle maker. I’m very good at it, my Lord. This is my sister Ari and her husband Andel Cole. He can make very good boots. "
"They not only robbed things, but also robbed adults," said the woman, whose voice was still full of pain. She may have been quite beautiful, but she was frightened and worried. Rand suspected that the lines would never be completely gone. Her husband’s eyes were lost and vacant, as if he didn’t know that he was in "my daughter’s adult and my son. They took away all the young people, all aged 16 to 30, and they stripped off their clothes in the street and got together to drive away those barbarians, saying what they were and what they served …" The pleading voice dropped to her.
Murui immediately jumped into the saddle and came to Ari’s side. As soon as the hands of the two performers touched this gaunt woman, she immediately gasped and shivered. She looked at Murui with questioning eyes, but Murui held her body as if to support her.
The woman’s husband suddenly opened his mouth wide and stared at the gold-plated belt buckle that Ailinda gave Rand. "His arms are marked like this, so they are all coiled together like cliff snakes."
Tal looked up at Rand uncertainly. "The barbarian leader has this pattern on his arm. They are all wearing the same clothes, but the leader cut off his sleeves and he wants everyone to see the pattern."
"This is a gift I got when I was in the desert," Rand said. He put his hands behind the saddle bridge. His sleeves covered his arms. The dragon pattern is that if someone looks closely, they will see the back of his hand. A pair of leading players, Ari, have stopped guessing what Murray did. Now all three of them are posing as if they are about to escape. "How long have they been away?"
"Six days, my Lord," Tal said uneasily, "They stayed here for a night and a day, and then they left us. They should also leave, but what should we do if we meet them turning back? They will definitely turn back to Selyn? " Seleen is the town at the other end of the pass, and Rand suspects that the situation there will not be any better than Tyne.
"How many people are alive besides the three of you?"
"Maybe there are a hundred people, maybe more than that."

"White" Shen Qiqi’s eyes were dull for a moment and then returned to normal.

"Good, then let’s go home now." Thyme Haoran Shen Qiqi kissed her face and hugged her waist, just like when she came.

Junyang and others have been waiting for a long time in the dining room, but they haven’t seen Shen Qiqi come over. It’s a little strange.
It stands to reason that even if she felt shy, she would never be so careless to keep her elders waiting for so long.
Jun Yang felt a little uneasy. He got up from his chair. "I’ll go and see."
"Go, if you are too tired, you don’t have to come," said your mother thoughtfully.
Jun Yang should be a person but has disappeared outside the door.
The unusual silence outside their hospital aggravated his anxiety.
He walked quickly to the door of the house. Sure enough, outside, he saw a few maids lying on the ground.
"July 7!"
He dashed into the room without finding Shen Qiqi.
"Come on, come on!" Jun Yang was completely panicked this time and cried hysterically.
"Little Master" soon appeared behind him.
"What’s going on? July 7th? "Jun Yang pointed to swing room was livid and asked.
"This is to check" behind the sound and figure disappeared again.

"young master"
Soon the sound came back.
"What’s the matter?"
"I asked several people on duty in the yard and didn’t see anything."
"Didn’t you see it?" Jun Yang’s voice has been stained with frost.
"There are no signs of fighting in the young master’s room. Could it be that the young lady left by herself?" Jun Shi carefully speculated.
"No," Jun Yang closed his eyes to suppress the surge of emotion in his chest. "There must be something we didn’t notice because July 7th won’t leave me to continue to check."
"Is this to check" say that finish jun ten figure again into the shadows.
Junyang approached the room and ran his fingers across the furniture that was still full of festive atmosphere.
Finally, the dressing table stopped. Chapter 6 Changes suddenly occurred [3]
There is still her breath in the room, but unfortunately the Iraqis are missing now.
Suddenly, his eyes sank after he swept the dresser.
Dresser He Shen Qiqi chose ruby jewelry and lay there quietly, but what should have been a pair of earrings was left.
Junyang suddenly wondered if he was taken away when he was dressing up in front of the dressing table.
He held out his hand and shook the earrings tightly.
I don’t want to know that Qiqi must have been taken away by thyme Haoran.