"Oh, wait, Oka, didn’t you just say that we still have a lot of things to do before we can recruit troops to the south?" Old Andrew hurried forward to hold Orca’s shoulder and face, as if to say whether you’re’ too excited’.

"That’s plan 1!" Oka said quickly while putting on his heavy armor, "Now that we have obtained ironclad evidence that the Queens are notorious and enemies all over the world, we don’t need to wait for the wave or do those precautions. Leah will immediately set up an army and we have work to do."
"Good, I’ll get ready at once." Leah finally turned away with a hint of excitement.
"It’s unbelievable. Are you going to lead an army of tens of thousands of people to make the Queen’s crimes public while going south?" Leah stepped away from the camp and Andrew immediately asked eagerly, "Do you know that this matter is not that simple? Are you going to throw them a multiple-choice question directly? Oka, you know politics needs politics. Roman proverb, we have enough chances to win, but we still need a little patience. "
Oka turned his head and his eyes revealed a kind of coldness and determination that had never been seen before.
"Listen, Andrew, I’m sorry, but I really hate damn politics, especially when it’s necessary to cut the gordian knot," Oka finally said, wearing a helmet. "So I’m no longer cautious. No one can predict that her ambition will make her continue to do something more terrible. We must stop her as soon as possible! Or simply destroy her. "
Even if you leave a message of * _ *, it will be a success. Please work hard!
& You can read the release chapter, please remember the website. If you like snowy romance, write Glory to Rome.
The seventieth day square bloody case
Trajan Square in Rome
"Mob! Crazy! Somebody catch those guys who spread rumors! No one is allowed to let me go! " The square covered with marble of various colors were packed with people and filled with noise. A sudden news spread all over the streets and lanes, which completely plunged the already jittery Rome into an atmosphere of trepidation.
But it was an officer in leather armor who was in charge of Rome’s public security. From his expression and roar, it can be seen that he was in front of him. These people were very embarrassed because they listened to rumors and flocked
It is no wonder that this officer was so angry that since the news of Gratian’s unfortunate assassination in northern Xinjiang arrived in Rome, the situation in the whole Italian peninsula has suddenly changed. For ordinary citizens or high-ranking nobles, Gratian’s death is not a simple obituary, but it is enough to shake the empire’s major events. In Rome, Milan and various cities, a cloud of rumors has instantly enveloped the whole Italian peninsula and the top of the Roman empire
Today, the unlucky officer was called up from the warm bed and hurried to the square early in the morning. As a result, it was such a scene of "mixing" and "chaos" in the lane of ten thousand people. There were rumors about the crowd that came out overnight. The rumors were simple, but they made everyone dizzy like a thunder!
Secretly sent a confidant to sneak into northern Xinjiang to "lure" and "buy privately", so Maximus, the garrison commander of the Paris Military Region in northern Xinjiang, colluded with the Germans, the number one enemy of the empire, to jointly plan the assassination of Gratian. The real culprit behind the assassination was the queen’s status as regent and mastered half of the Great Justina of the Western Empire!
This kind of news is extremely sensitive to the news, and Rome can imagine how terrible it will be!
For example, the hapless officer rushed to the square with hundreds of troops for a few hours and saw more and more people in the square, almost to the point of being packed in front of his chest and sticking to his back. What’s more serious is that the whole square is like boiling water, and there is no way to suppress it.
The officer was so angry that the three dead gods stormed, but he was helpless to catch those guys who first spread rumors, but it was dark and overwhelming with just a hundred hands. It was like looking for a needle in a haystack to catch those guys who were smoother than snakes.
However, this unfortunate officer also suffered. In fact, he didn’t want to get involved in this damn muddy water at all. Because of the catalysis of rumors, Rome is now a volcano Vesuvius that may erupt completely at any time. No one can predict what will happen if these emotions’ excite’ the people and are incited by those hidden guys! Think about how many times there have been riots in the history of Rome. Officers feel that the sweat behind their necks stands on end!
It happened that he didn’t have a choice from the news of rebellion in northern Xinjiang to Rome. After that, the Queen, who was alone and living in seclusion, immediately’ showed up’ and declared that Rome was in a state of emergency through the Senate. The capital Rome was directly executed by officers, guards and garrison troops. At the first time, the Queen ordered the commons to enter Rome, and the murderous soldiers took control of all the key points and main streets of the city. At that time, the whole Rome was in full swing, and the citizens were locked at home all day, and they dared not leave the’ door’ everywhere.
The martial law lasted for several days before it ended, but the tension showed no signs of easing. Because of a series of big moves after the queen took over the court affairs again, all those who care about it had a hunch that Rome, which has been "swinging" repeatedly in recent years, would face another new storm.
Several messengers with secret orders flew out of Rome and rushed to various provinces of the empire, including the provinces that really belonged to Gratian’s rule in the Locarno Agreement, and there was also a drastic reshuffle among the Senate and the nobles. A large number of Gratian allies or simply represented the elders in northern Xinjiang, and the nobles were almost forcibly deprived of their power. However, all the troops in Rome and Fiona Fang were under house arrest for dozens of miles, and all the members of the family belonged to the Sirata family were in charge. The original commanders were asked to return to Rome and were not allowed to make any changes nearby.
For these or undercurrents, it is the most clear that Rome’s top officials and big noble are suspected, but obviously, except those who have been grounded, closely monitored and even arrested, the rest of them have been very’ wise’ to realize all this. This theory is equally applicable to the rule of officialdom at all times and in all countries. They quickly joined the queen’s skirt
However, this seems to have been a situation of Tietong, but there is still a flaw. Two days ago, a northern Xinjiang scout brought the news that he rebelled against the chaos to quell the rebels’ murder of Maximus in Gratian. Otherwise, everything was shocked, so the news finally made the nerves tense to the extreme. Rome relaxed a little. Since the rebellion has quelled the northern Xinjiang and there are no signs of instability, it seems to many queens that the battle for the rule of the western empire, which lasted for several years, will finally be settled.
Gratian was assassinated, and the Valennians were the only blood. Although little Flavis was still an inexperienced child, less Rome had a’ smart’ and energetic queen, didn’t it?
Even those northern Xinjiang factions who hold high the banner of Roman revival are doomed to lose everything if they are unwilling to die in Gratian. Unless they dare to abandon their hard-earned banner of Roman revival and openly rebel against’ chaos’, they can no longer compete with the queen for chips. They can admit defeat and bow to Rome.
Although many Roman nobles have deep sympathy for the death of the kind, gentle and young Roman Caesar, they can’t help but sigh, but the political game has always been cruel. The loser is doomed to fall into the dust of history. No one will’ wave’ even a tear at the loser in the cheers of the winner.
Just as the Queen sent their attention to the victory scales gradually tilting towards them, they were ready to celebrate with each other. Just a sudden news from the people made it seem that victory was within reach and shattered like a bubble.
The Queen was accused by name of colluding with the Germans, buying off rebel leaders and plotting to assassinate Gratian!
This kind of news, whether true or not, will inevitably set off a stormy wave of public opinion. It turns out to be true. In just over ten hours from the news to now, the whole city of Rome has already set off a wave of discussion and quickly passed through the caravan. I’m afraid that the whole Italian peninsula Roman town will know the news in a day, which is even more frightening. Perhaps at this moment in the imperial province, these rumors that are enough to make people’s hearts "Sao" and "chaotic" have already been heard.
"catch! Grab it for me! Don’t worry so much. If you see anyone say rumors again, you will be arrested by our department and thrown into prison! " At last, his eyes were overwhelmed and his heart was disturbed by the impatience of being swayed by considerations of gain and loss. The officer finally lost his mind and pulled out his dagger and roared toward the sweating department around him in a ferocious manner.
"Yes, yes … yes!" Those soldiers were also scared silly. When they heard the sudden roar of the chief executive, they were all shocked and provoked. Then they rushed into the crowd, kicking, beating and cursing, and the sound system started.
When I saw the edge of the moving square here, I was watching the crowd turn around in a hurry. Other public security teams immediately seemed to have a backbone and rushed into the crowd with knives from all sides. The reckless intervention of the public security brigade made the situation in the square like throwing stones at water.
Those public security soldiers who didn’t know what to do rushed into the crowd purely according to orders, but raised their hands but didn’t know what to do or catch. The crowd around them scolded and shouted, and the waves struck the eardrum, which made these soldiers who were deeply immersed in the sea suddenly feel like they were submerged, and their minds were in a daze, so an involuntary violent mood developed.
Avoidable tragedy happened …
Ah! Abrupt a piercing scream rang out from the crowd gathered round and round. At the moment, the scream came to the core. The crowd around the core forcefully withdrew a few steps away from it, and everything was exposed in broad daylight.
"Kill people! Killing people! " Deadly silence lasted for several seconds until a sharp’ woman’ in the crowd woke the crowd up in a violent tremor.
There is no need to dwell on what happened next. The people who were’ excited’ by the angry crowd were like wild animals, and those who were’ forced’ by the angry crowd were undoubtedly able to fight against a bloody conflict in Trajan Square. It was not until an hour later that Gaius Cassius Longinus decisively sent troops to the square to disperse it that the old calm was finally restored. However, this calm paid the price of blood.
On the edge of the square, watching the soldiers drag away the dead horrible bodies from the crowd with a pale face, Gaius Cassius Longinus looked at the corner of the eye of the horrible bloody square and twitched slightly, and the blood faded.
Even if you leave a message of * _ *, it will be a success. Please work hard!
& You can read the release chapter, please remember the website. If you like snowy romance, write Glory to Rome.
Section seventy-nine Garrison
Midio Ranum in the Alps
This is a permanent fortress embedded in a sunken valley in the middle of the Alps in the north of Apennine Boots. It is small in scale, and the number of soldiers stationed all the year round is only a few thousand. However, its strategic position is particularly critical. It not only guards the’ gate’ that leads across the Alps to the heart of the Italian Peninsula, but also is the headquarters of the entire Alpine military garrison.
Thick snow, gray mountains and winding mountain roads constitute the monotonous background here for ten years. There are no restaurants, no women and no entertainment. For officers and men guarding here, they have nothing to do except training and duty every day. Chatting is isolated from the outside world and they can’t find anything new. Service is almost equivalent to punishment.
However, there are dozens of other garrisons along the Romarie Alps. These Italian Peninsula barriers, which block the vast northern Xinjiang continent, have irreplaceable and neglected significance, especially in the eyes of the Romans, who attach great importance to unity and reality. Although the northern border of the empire has been pushed to far away places in the past few centuries, a considerable number of Romans subconsciously still stubbornly believe that crossing the Alps is a wilderness and on the side of towering mountains. It is the real pure land of literature, so whether it is self-restraint or regional discrimination, the Alpine Military Region has always been established from the Republic period, and it has never been revoked one day. It is like an irregular huge shield that makes the Italian peninsula enjoy a quiet and rich life. The Romans’ hearts have faded away from the fear and worry about the savage land of ice and snow in the north and the barbarians living there, thus making Apennine Boots truly an undisturbed paradise.
However, this shield is not always able to protect the heart of Rome, Hannibal Expedition, Gaul invading the Germans in the Second World War. These Romans do not want to recall the past, and Rome has faced an unprecedented crisis. The enemy soldiers have more than once found the throat of the empire, and the Alpine garrison has been torn and torn many times. It is conceivable that the collapse of this final barrier means that Rome, including the eternal capital, is like a desperate resistance throughout Italy, but it is still exposed by brute force.
At present, it seems that the Alpine garrison will face another severe test, and this time it is not only military pressure, but also political choice. As we all know, whenever one thing is involved in politics, its trouble will increase by several orders of magnitude in an instant.
"General, this is a letter sent by a messenger from northern Xinjiang. The messenger said that you must open it yourself." There is only one building in the southeast corner of the camp that looks like something. All senior officers of the Ranum Garrison of Midio are gathered at the moment. Lukums, the supreme commander and a military tribune, is listening to the report of the front lieutenant with a hard face, but when his eyes consciously touch the latter, he can’t help but change constantly.
Although he knew very well how hot this letter was, Lukums had to bite his teeth and come over to read it carefully. Even after reading it, his face was as gloomy as the sky before the rainstorm.
And noticed that his god’ color’ changes around the other generals, as if they had got some confirmation from it, avoided each other’s test eyes without trace, and it was golden for them to play silence.
"How long are you going to keep this attitude? Wait until the northern Xinjiang army arrives in the city or wait for the queen to send a supervisor to take the sword across your neck? " Worried, Lu Combs saw that a bunch of generals were vowing not to take a stand to the end. Finally, he couldn’t help but break the silence first, because others might have to wait, but he, the commander of the garrison, could not continue to watch from the other side. He had to make a definite choice at once.
"You must know this letter if you don’t read it." Lukums lowered his voice to make his tone sound less anxious. "We have been colleagues for many years, and there is nothing to say at this time. I might as well put it straight. I’m afraid many generals present have received the" private "letter from northern Xinjiang before seeing this official letter, just like me."
As soon as Lukums’ voice just fell, the whole parliament hall suddenly burst into a buzz of whispering’ private’ words, and many generals were unable to hide their dismay. Obviously Lukums was sincere and let their hearts break completely.

Eyes riveted on the eyes bow ghost slave he smiled coldly "long time no see I heard that your hand was cut? Congratulations! "

One sentence poked the ghost slave’s anger, and she suddenly looked up and poisoned her eyes. "Nalanqing!"
"You can hear it if you don’t look so big … you are all old acquaintances!"
The ghost slave’s wrist was temporarily cut off by Long Ze and she lost her right hand. All the fighting methods were to train her left hand, but she could not reach the former ability.
Now, like a loser …
If not hate?
"Ghost slave, you’ve got a good face again!"
The ghost slave caught fire under her eyes. She sneered, "Don’t be a prime minister. It’s time for you to die!"
"King Lin ‘an, the princess of Qingzhen, seems to be planning well together!"
"No matter who joins hands with the Prime Minister, will you please die?" Princess Qingzhen smiled gently, and those who know her well know how mean this smile is.
She passed a glass of wine in her hand and raised her voice. "The princess didn’t congratulate you soon after the Prime Minister’s wedding. This is a toast to the Prime Minister!"
After that, she drank it in one breath and stared at Nalanqing’s sinister lips. "Please, Prime Minister!"
Just a handful of flavored wine won’t die suddenly on the spot, and blood will spill elsewhere after two hours.
Make a fair toast and let him refuse … and then she will do everything.
In this situation, you won’t say anything but poison yourself.
Na Lanqing took the glass in his hand and waved his eyebrows. "What poison?"
"Of course, it’s a poisonous drug that makes the Prime Minister’s belly rot and die …" Princess Qingzhen suddenly changed her face and put her hand over her lips and smiled. "Oh, princess is just a little joke. The Prime Minister’s adult won’t take it seriously?"
There are tickets, blades and rewards. Old drivers ask for them.
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562 Beauty Drunk Nalanqing Qiaochen Road (4)
562 Beauty Drunk Nalanqing Qiaochen Road (4)
"Ha ha … where is the toffee empress joking … it seems that I have to drink this glass of wine?"
"Is that please?" Princess Qingzhen smiled brilliantly. Who would have thought that she was laughing and laughing when she was in danger?
Looking up, she swallowed the poison in her mouth. She chewed the wine glass upside down. "Is Empress Toffee satisfied?"
"I am very satisfied to see the Prime Minister’s adult die with his face twisted in pain. It is especially pleasant to think about this picture!" Princess Qingzhen smiled softly and innocently.
She is a very dangerous person.
"But …" Suddenly, Princess Qingzhen turned to twist and chuckled. "But before the Prime Minister died, I had to fulfill a wish in the temple … Taidian seems to like the Prime Minister very much?"
Princess Qingzhen smiled even more happily, as if she thought of something interesting. Her eyes smiled like a crescent moon.
"It’s always best not to get it … Princess Huicheng Taidian is infatuated with the Prime Minister’s adult … let Taidian know that the Prime Minister’s adult is not as desirable as imagined … but as cheap as a worm, one thousand people can ride ten thousand people to sleep …"
"So I wonder if Taidian is still interested in the Prime Minister?" Qing Zhen infanta stroked Ba Gee and looked at her eyes.
"Positions to hide your daughter’s body princess already know believe too temple also know that you are a woman? Rest assured princess don’t want to expose your daughter … "
The more I watched it, the more excited I became. Naranqing, the princess of Qingzhen, threw back the cup in her hand. "Enough talking?"
Princess Qing Zhen looked at her with a sluggish expression and was about to go back. Suddenly, qi and blood surged in her chest, and a strange feeling rose in her heart …
Manic fever …
Hot …
Hot …
"You … what did you do to the princess?" Princess Qingzhen’s face changed. I can’t believe it.
Shouldn’t it be Nalanqing Chinese medicine?
Na Lanqing put a cup and clapped his hands, and the corners of his mouth evoked an evil smile. "It’s true that villains have died from many words since ancient times!"
"Na Lanqing, what did you do to the princess?" Princess Qingzhen is a little panicked and should visit Nalanqing. She drank it. Why did this happen?

Among them, seven classes of girls are the most attractive.

Even wearing camouflage, many people can’t hide their natural beauty.
Of course, it is easy to attract the attention of reporters.
Eyes are a society that looks at faces. If there are beautiful women in news pictures, netizens will pay more attention to the words "school flower" and "goddess" in the headlines, and the click-through rate of entertainment news will be several times.
"Looking for the most beautiful school flower" was originally their entertainment topic in this issue.
Several reporters eyes rested on Jiang Jiang.
Her white skin in the middle of the first row is very attractive.
The camera was pointed at her, and a reporter took the lead in taking a picture.
"Report!" The clear girl suddenly rang.
Yan Han looked sideways at the tiger’s face and said, "Say!"
"Someone took pictures" Jiang Jiang Cu arch eyebrows a serious.
Yan Han turned to take a look. "What are you excited about?"
"I don’t like being photographed in the report," Jiang Jiang added obstinately with a stiff look.
Yan Han one leng smiled strangely.
This girl?
Are you afraid that those reporters will make her ugly or something?
He thought about it at random, and raised his hand to greet reporters who looked surprised not far away.
"What do you think?" Yan Han’s rare democracy turned to look at the team.
"Yeah, take some photos."
"Which newspaper are you?"
"What to interview? I feel a little nervous! "
The girls are talking noisily, and most people are looking forward to it.
It’s just that Jiang Jiang didn’t say a word and looked unusually cold.
"We are Yunjing Metropolis Daily News Network, and we will interview some common questions. Is military training hard or not? How do you feel when you come to school?" A girl was smiling with a camera.
"Quiet" Yan Han suddenly said "Yes, raise your hand"
"Shua" more than 30 girls raised their hands in unison.
Military training is really tiring. It’s hard to have such a chance to rest, so we must not seize it quickly.
Maybe even famous?
Who wouldn’t want to be such a showgirl at the National School?
Section 95
"That line" Yan Han turned to several reporters and said, "Give you half an hour."
"Thank you, instructor." Of course, several reporters smiled.
Jiang Jiang’s face suddenly turned ugly.
Seeing that the male reporter who just took a photo looked down at the photo, he came to him in two steps.
"Look at your beautiful shot." Boy, she was worried about being shot ugly and showed her the photo as soon as she presented a treasure.
"Delete" Jiang Jiang looked cold and said, "I deleted all the shots just now."
"Ah what? Let you delete it and you can’t hear it? " Jiang Jiang impatient way
"You this …" The male reporter is only in his early twenties, and his face is red and he hesitates.

Is it a crazy word?

However … This is NaLanQing!
The imposing manner shocked the other party. Lin Zhi was stabbed by his own soldiers and finally tied up as a sacrifice to ask the fiend for forgiveness!
Lin Zhi never thought that one day he would lose so badly. He felt what despair was from the inside out.
He was tied up by Wuhua and thrown in front of Nalanqing. His head was trampled on by Hu Sanli. Hu San was covered in blood and showed fierce eyes. "What should I do with this?"
"What can I do if I can’t eat or cook?" She can’t help but be funny. Although Hu Sanping was gentle and honest when he was bullied, no one was afraid of him when he really launched a malicious attack.
He is no different from the winner in fighting.
"You can’t eat or cook it, but it’s good to beat it like a sandbag!" Hu San shrugged his shoulders, and his big face made the fierce expression more fierce.
"Hu three why are you so fierce? It’ s almost as good as that group of winning people! " Xie Shi patted him on the shoulder with a face of Nai, who usually looks like he will have a meal. He didn’t win anything when he was fierce.
"Don’t always associate the winners with the Chani people, do you understand?"
"Yes, yes, yes … I’ve never heard of a tribe and I don’t know where they are!" Xie Shi patted him on the shoulder with a face of perfunctory fundus surprise.
The flaming army laughed all around. What is the Chani nationality? Hu San keeps saying this, but they have never heard of it …
Flame army as a joke but NaLanQing she didn’t as a joke!
Eyes staring at Lin Zhi waved "Kill!"
Lin Zhi kept staring at NaLanQing in the end with a face of hatred, wishing to let her eyes kill her.
Waving at Hu San, Hu San came to her and bent down …
"Are you a Chani?" LanQing she asked
"Yes!" Hu San truthfully answered his doubts. "I didn’t say it?"
"You didn’t say that!" She’s pretty sure that a Chani is in her eyes. How could she not know?
Hu San touched his head and looked embarrassed. He said, "I forgot … My name is not Hu San, but He San!"
"Well, the heads of the Cheni clan have a long history …" Hu San is not holding his head with some bad intentions.
Hector three looked at NaLanQing truthfully said, "I’m actually out looking for my missing sister since I was a child … but I’m out of money … I heard that the army has enough to eat and drink …"
So I joined the army …
NaLanQing with black line "…"
Looking at HeSan, a big man wriggled like a little girl. She reached out and rubbed her eyebrows. "Did your sister find it?"
Speaking of which, Hector three fundus flashed a trace of disappointment and a trace of discomfort.
"My sister disappeared from the Cheni clan when she was five years old. She was about to wander to a corner of this continent … The Cheni clan is belligerent, and even a five-year-old child’s fighting capacity is comparable to that of an ordinary adult … My sister should not die and live somewhere in this world …"
I forgot my way home.
Na Lanqing looked at him and suddenly thought of something. "How many years have you been looking for your sister?"
"About ten years …"
Na Lanqing "…"
Looking for it at the age of ten?
Ten years old or a child? Let one child go out and look for another child … How can you rest assured?
Hector three sitting on the ground some depressed "looking for ten years didn’t find my sister …"
How can you find nonsense in the army?
"I heard that all of you Chani people are very poor and full of close combat … is everyone like this?"
He sighed deeply and nodded. "It’s the winning clan. It’s our Cheni clan who stayed in the blood thousands of years ago. The outsiders intermarried to produce the semi-Cheni clan … that is, the winning clan … the fighting capacity of the Cheni clan men, women and children is much higher than that of the winning clan … at the same time, they can remain rational in the battle … but the Cheni clan will not be born if they obey the orders of Emperor Yan!"
Listen to HeSan talking a little bit about the Cheni people, Nalanqing. She listened very carefully.
She has a lot of mystery and curiosity about these Yan Emperor’s families.
"Your sister is a Chani, so she should be particularly conspicuous … Is it possible to be mistaken for winning the race?"
Hector three leng leng and then shook his head. "It should be impossible … the winning royal family is equivalent to the destructive power of the Chani family … the general physical quality of the people is not very good … If my sister is recognized as a winning family, it may be the royal family … but I didn’t hear that the winning family has a princess!"
Suddenly NaLanQing mind flashed a picture …
Shang shallow sing!
She has great destructive power and can win against Yan Che … At that time, she was a winner … Now think about the general winner, who will win against Yan Che?
Impossible, right?
There’s an incredible look on her face. If it’s a coincidence, it’s a coincidence …
"Hector three you go to the twilight chamber of commerce to find a business shallow singing girl …"
"Huh?" Hesan is not too white.
"You go and have a look first!"
Hector San is not too white to ask him to find a little girl, but he will still obey the orders of the adults.
Xie Shi looked at He Sanli’s back and smiled. "Did you find his sister, Commander?"
"I’m not sure at present. Let him go and see …"
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62 Fire Magic Soldiers This is Na Lanqing (1)
Xie Shi nodded and looked at NaLanQing gently. Suddenly, his face sank and he came to her again. He plopped down and knelt down directly …
"At the head of the adult belongs to one thing has not said …"
"You’re not from a tribe, are you?" NaLanQing she ponder hook lip joking.
Xie Shi a face of serious "is a day wave people … at present, I have received orders from the heads of the fathers to monitor you, but it is a member of the Flame Army, and everything is at the head of the adult first …"
He LanQing face take a smoke.
"Are you kidding?"

"If it weren’t for the rebellion, I don’t know these local officials have come to this! I’d like to take this opportunity not only to "shake up" the rebellion in one fell swoop, but also to personally conduct a face-to-face investigation and replace all incompetent officials. At the same time, I will put some autonomous counties and departments under the direct jurisdiction of provinces to prevent such incidents from happening again! After you go back, you should also be alert that all ministries will be stationed in different places in the future. If you are so virtuous, it will not be as simple as sending you to a military court! There should be no mistakes in the empire’ fine’ and the provinces, and you should be doubly punished! " Sitting on the stool, Orca’s eyes swept severely over the people, and the warning was full of words.

"At the end, I will be deeply alert!"
Although I feel a little depressed because my colleagues were reprimanded by the governor for suffering from an accident, the incident of Fort Ace Delices is indeed in the account. These were strictly selected and outstanding in all aspects. The generals sounded the alarm and realized that they had not slackened their efforts in running the army for a moment
"Well, this matter has nothing to do with you. I still believe in the ability of you provinces to directly administer the’ fine’ sharp army!" When I saw my confidants in front of me, they were all seriously lost in thought. Oka was relieved and finally calmed down. He said, "The fort of Ace Delices is in danger and must be taken immediately. Now I order the infantry regiment to change its scheduled itinerary immediately and March to Manchester immediately to allow the military fortress garrison along the way to be’ pumped’ to form a joint regiment. The goal is to recapture the fort of Manchester and Ashley will be in charge!"
Oka’s voice fell, and a general immediately rose from the crowd, which should make the face look a little gloomy and his eyes deep, giving people the illusion that he is weak. This person is Ashley, the head of the accompanying infantry regiment. Ke Cerise
Trust Ashley’s ability, Oka nodded and continued, "The rest of the ministries will follow me to Nottingham immediately. I will personally sit in Nottingham County to renovate the central counties. siles Ting, you will take my guards and horses to support Estelesburg."
Since Notting Hill was assassinated, high-ranking officials in all provinces, including Oka’s partners, have insisted that whenever Oka travels, he will follow a powerful guard composed of 500 knights to take charge of security, and at this moment, it is just right to send a guard with amazing strength.
When I heard Oka’s command, the commander of the body guard, who always stays with me when traveling, immediately bowed down and accepted the command with awe. Although siles Ting is usually responsible for security and secret intelligence monitoring, it would be a big mistake if you underestimate his battlefield commander’s ability. In fact, siles Ting is brave and good at fighting and breaking the enemy. It is definitely among the top few generals of Oka’s people to help him. It is also the most reassuring to’ pay’ to Oka.
Oka will arrive one by one until the generals have been ordered to retreat. Oka called the guards to hand over an order on the spot and said, "Send military scouts to deliver this order to General Darryl at once!"
"Yes, Governor’s Pavilion" guards took the order and turned out of the camp.
Finally, the account was quiet. Orca suddenly got up and walked to the hanging map alone, swept the map one by one with dignified eyes, and murmured for a long time, "According to the eye situation, it seems that we can give up the original plan, prioritize and divide and conquer …" Please remember the website. If you like snowy romance, write Glory to Rome.
Section sixty-two Grizzly Valley War
Section sixty-two Grizzly Valley War
"Woo hoo ~ ~ ~! ! !”
It’s like a fierce herd howling in the sky, full of violence and blood!
Grizzly Valley near huntly, Scotland
In front of us is a killing taboo battlefield. The quiet and beautiful valley was destroyed by smoke and war. Every corner from Taniguchi to the depths of the valley is playing a desperate fight!
Bodies everywhere! Bleeding! The clouds cover the sky!
Against the identity of both sides is surprising! On the one hand, the grizzly bear, totem and indigo are the three most powerful tribes among the northern Scots gathered here, and on the other hand, they are not the British Isles but the tigers and wolves from the mainland across the sea-Germans!
Maybe you have already guessed that the Germans who appeared here are the Anglo-Saxon Jutes who invaded Britain by boat from Holland and other places! They gave them a solemn warning when they were afraid of Oka’s "handing over" prisoners, gave up the original plan of crossing the sea and invading the Roman-ruled area in the south, and changed to land in the north in an attempt to seize life from the Scottish aborigines.
The Germans suddenly attacked the’ Yin’ and succeeded. They landed smoothly. Except for several ships that were unfortunately swallowed up by the wind’ waves’, they did not suffer any more losses, and the Celtics near the landing site did not expect their arrival, which made their cross-sea migration successful.
The lessons of several defeats by the Romans taught the Germans that the Celts always have patience. After landing in Britain, the Germans quietly eliminated several nearby villages, so they chose to set up a temporary base at the landing site and wait and meet the arrival of subsequent people while preparing for the expansion step by step.
Because the northern Celtic ministries were loose, except for a few large families, the news that the root people in small villages scattered in remote areas were interested in the German invasion was delayed for nearly a month before the rest of the tribes learned it. At this time, the Germans had already established their foothold and corrected an auxiliary armed force!
So one is defending the land and defending the enemy, and the other is fighting for the land without compromise or concession.
Although the Germans were cautious and cunning, they won valuable time and certain advantages in advance, but when the war really came, the Celtics obviously took more initiative at home, especially in the northeast of Scotland. After the three tribes announced their alliance, the Celtics quickly regained their confidence. They planned to be best at’ Sao’ to disturb the war and make the Germans tired of coping with one attack after another, and then they had better try to divert the other’s lair and burn the warships. At that time, even if the Germans were fierce, I am afraid they would not be arrogant.
Unfortunately, the idea is beautiful, but the reality is cruel. The confident Celtics are looking forward to a beautiful self-defense counterattack. However, the war in Iraq has made them even more horrified!
The geographical position, people and two-thirds of the invaders were not occupied by the Germans, who were simply too tough to imagine. Those troops who went to’ Sao’ were either discovered by the sentinel that the raid had turned into an encounter, or they were lucky enough to succeed, but they were pursued by the Germans, and they often got rid of it and were annihilated one by one! In the original idea of attacking the lair and cutting off the way home, it was wishful thinking. When the German camp was heavily guarded, the Germans would leave enough troops to ensure that the camp was safe and stormed. Fighting with Rome’s most’ elite’ sharp and good fighting corps all the year round, the Germans stole a lot of military construction technology, and the defense facilities in the camp were impregnable, and the Celts were not idiots. If they choose to storm, they may not achieve the expected results, but it is inevitable to pay a heavy price.
The Celtics, who are the best at attacking and being restrained, made a small calculation. Instead, they lost one after another. Although they were all important and lost a lot, the ordinary people didn’t know that they knew that they couldn’t beat the Germans even in the mountains that were most beneficial to them. This appearance quickly caused a lot of fear and misunderstanding among the Celtic ordinary people, and rumors were formed. The Celtic side could not help but choose the decisive battle first.
Just three days ago, almost all the three Celtic clans dispatched an army of more than 1,000 troops, and at the eastern foot of the Grampian Mountains, the German army of 3,000 troops also wanted to fight it out.
Both sides tried their best, especially on the Scottish side. Many small Picot tribal chiefs, Celtic chiefs and Scottish chiefs all took the lead in leading the indigo raiders to the front, and the Germans also tried their best. The only precious cavalry also plunged into flank battles in the middle of the battle and finally fell into a tight encirclement and almost died.
The large-scale decisive battle on the battlefield can be called a bloody battle. Both sides did not play tricks, but ended up in a frontal "cross" battle, so there was nothing to be said about it. Except for the initial stage of mutual exploration, both sides barely maintained a simple formation, and later they forged a bloody battle. Both sides directly abandoned the array military pressure and fell into a "chaotic" war
Crazy roar, weapon collision, and heart-rending screams went back to "swinging" at the foot of beautiful mountains until sunset … The Celtic allied forces suffered setbacks and lost as much as 40%. Finally, they were forced to take the lead in quitting the battle. Fortunately, the Germans were also exhausted and did not continue to pursue, so the Celtic army had to leave safely and return to the Grizzly Valley, where the Grizzly family lived. After the war, the heads of many small clans of the three major clans of the allied forces were counted. The casualties were so heavy that they were almost half of the young and strong in the clan in World War I!
Afraid, the Celtic chiefs immediately gave up their independent resistance and planned to send messengers to seek support from Celtic tribes in other regions, and at the same time chose to shrink their troops and rely on the terrain of Grizzly Valley to defend themselves, and never dared to go to war easily again.
It’s a pity that Celtic admitted that they wanted to hang up their battle cards and wait for reinforcements to arrive. However, the victorious Germans didn’t intend to delay. Just two days after World War I, there was a "shock" increase in the number of Germans outside the Grizzly Valley. It was roughly estimated that the strength exceeded 7,000. Obviously, the Germans also "pumped" the troops left behind in the camp and all the young people who were able to fight. There were tens of thousands of disabled and demoralized in the Grizzly Valley, but the Celtics fell into the wind.
However, the Celtic tribes still came to the sea with a little luck. After all, the Germans are limited in number, and they will pay a great sacrifice to attack the village. This is obviously not a wise move for the Germans who have just set up a cone. It is only for the Celtics to take it for granted that it is what the Germans should do. However, just one night, the Germans let the Celtics get away with their actions and completely disillusioned!
The unexpected situation that the Germans made a brazen attack outside the camp at the mouth of Grizzly Valley made the families lose their colors. At the same time, a deep fear grew with the Germans. It was so fierce that they planned to take Grizzly Valley before the arrival of reinforcements!
The Germanic people’s cruel crime definitely made the families shocked, and they had to give up the last chance to prepare for the whole valley. On the other hand, a large number of rocks and trees in Gu Duo were made into simple guarding devices, and only nearly a thousand bows were partially sent. This was the only way for the Celtics to rely on themselves to kill the enemy in large numbers.
Waiting for the Celtics the next day ushered in the Germanic offensive such as’ tide’!

The bomber of a light bomber named "Camel dd" kept a close eye on the seat. The simple optical sight was on the restless sea. A yellow-green painted destroyer came into his sight. In that huge and complex fleet, white and silver-gray were mostly American warships, while Argentine warships were almost blue-gray painted. Only Brazilians painted their warships in completely different colors, so it was very convenient to distinguish them.

After the bomber decisively pressed the bomb button, the whole plane seemed to be pulled back, which reduced the burden of 4oo kilograms. After that, the pilot’s driving was also much easier. At this time, the bomber stuck his head out of the cabin and saw the sea around the destroyer that was desperately turning left. The water was suddenly burst and the splash shook it. After counting the number of the splashes briefly, the bomber was a little disappointed and shrank his head back. The difference between the hit rate of medium-high bombing and low bombing was not small. Look, the bomb lost ground! After dropping the bomb, the bomber flew in the hovering area of the fighter plane and waited for other bombers to come back to form a formation.
On the sea, the situation of the Brazilian destroyer that has just been bombed is not optimistic. Wearing a vest at the bottom of the deck, especially in the cabin near the waterline, or simply shirtless sailors are soaking in seawater to rescue and plug the damaged bulkhead. A lot of seawater is pouring in.
Half an hour after the attack, the captain of the Brazilian destroyer Roncador announced that he had abandoned the ship. Many officers and men watched the 5-ton destroyer finally sink slowly to the bottom of the sea. Fortunately, it was the early summer in South America, and the officers and men wandering on the sea had to endure the cold and suffering. Although the sun was hot, the temperature of the battle was much higher than this.
"Torpedo volley!"
The pilot and squad leader of a swordfish torpedo machine led by a squad held up his right arm and made an out-of-body attack gesture around him. The other three torpedo machines all aimed their heads at the Argentine cruiser ahead.
Quietly, four 324 mm light torpedoes left their mother machine and fell behind perfectly. They plunged into deep-sea water for a long time before resurfacing. The plane’s ground navigation and its own motive power gave them nearly 40 knots, and a large number of bubbles formed a frightening white dead water mark behind them. Four torpedoes formed an attack more than 50 meters wide, and in the blink of an eye, they were seven or hundred yards away from the target.
"Left full rudder!"
"Full rudder left!"
In order to avoid the terrible torpedo attack, the officers and men of the Argentine cruiser held their breath and asked those torpedoes to have a game. Just after the other torpedoes landed, the captain reached a big turn order. On the 25th voyage, the cruiser was supported to draw a big mouth on the sea. The ship’s flag was still undulating in the sea, and the left side of the ship’s side was already wet by the sea. The auxiliary guns and machine guns were desperately moving towards the surface of the water. The attention of the ship was focused on the four torpedoes that came at the port.
But at this moment, another team, four torpedo planes, was quietly approaching the Argentine cruiser from the opposite direction. This was a tactic to attack the other side’s capital ship, but since the order was to attack these fast-moving, flexible-turning, frontal small cruisers and destroyers first, it was a good way to deal with a target.
Just as Argentine officers and men were about to escape the torpedo attack of the other side, they suddenly screamed from the starboard side.
"Torpedo! Torpedo on starboard side! Distance 6oo code! "
At 3: 35, after being hit by two torpedoes at the same time, the 626o-ton Argentine cruiser "Rocca" was able to salvage the sunken ship, and 55 officers and men were killed or injured. It was unfortunate and fortunate that the drowning person was rescued by a nearby American destroyer.
During the attack, most of the officers and men of the allied fleet felt that it was like a year. Even in those battleships that were not attacked, the atmosphere was extremely dignified. People were trying to help those shipwrecked partners and were depressed and sad about their own fate. The four central special observers of the American battleships "South Carolina" and "Michigan" and cruisers "Biloch West" and "Dayton" were recording the scene in front of them with their own pens and brains.
"The first Bode plane arrived at the battlefield around 3 o’clock and lasted for nearly 35 minutes. There were more than 100 bombs and torpedoes in the attack, which sank two cruisers and a destroyer. There was smoke everywhere in the battlefield, but it was estimated that there were fewer than 10 injured ships, especially the Brazilian cruiser’ San Lisi’ with a displacement of 72oo ootons. It ate the German plane and threw a torpedo, but no one knew when it would sink. As the second Bode plane flew to the battlefield to participate in the first wave of attacks, the German plane returned to their combat positions and was taken over by the latecomers. I think the fleet commander must keep calm at this time, and every decision he makes will probably decide the life and death of the fleet! "
"Bombs and torpedoes have made officers and men nervous. I saw that the gunners of the 59-inch gun, the 4-inch gun and the 24-inch gun were all desperately shooting into the middle, but few German planes were really shot down from the beginning to the end. The prestigious officers of the German HNA Force seemed to have lost their hands and feet. A Brazilian destroyer was almost alive when its own friendly ship collided with its main gun when it hit a friendly ship, but it seemed that no one cared so much."
"Emperor bless the Germans. The second wave of attacks finally ended. The guns around the fleet calmed down suddenly, but it made our ears and brains feel terrible. In the battle, another cruiser and a destroyer were sunk and some ships were seriously damaged. Fortunately, seven battleships in the fleet were all sick! According to previous estimates, if the Chilean Coalition fleet does not turn, then we will meet them in an hour! To maintain our existing strength in this hour, the naval battle will still be beneficial to us! But so far, we are puzzled by the strength shown by the German air force. Did they really defeat the mighty British navy? "
"Oh my god, the German fleet again! This is the third wave of attacks today. What do they want to do this time? Is it the same as the previous two attacks? Oh, no, I saw that more than a dozen planes were besieging the Brazilian battleship Grice, which was injured by a German submarine just when the war broke out. Is it still doomed this time? God, it’s shot. Oh, it’s another explosion. It must be caused by a torpedo. I think it’s dead. The German torpedo is very powerful! "
By about 4: 3o pm, the German naval air force had successfully completed the three-wave attack on the alliance fleet, sinking and injuring many cruisers and destroyers of the enemy fleet. At the same time, it only lost six planes, and three of them were still torpedoing the Brazilian battleship Grice. After the attack, Brazilians were surprised that Grice not only did not sink, but also continued to participate in the battle. Two German torpedoes drilled two holes on its starboard side, and the influx of dozens of tons of seawater made it slow down slightly. This class of battleship was afraid of damage.
At 4: 52, the fleets of both sides were able to see each other’s smoke and dust forming black clouds. In the south of the sky, there was a clear thunder. The calibrator assisted the Chilean allied fleet to shell the first landing shells at a distance of 30,000 yards. Although there were all o6 tons of shells weighing 360 mm, there is no doubt that these are two Fusang-class battleship shells. The Japanese navy finally got its first shot in this naval battle.
At this time, it is said that the largest naval gun equipped by the battleships of the United States, Brazil or Argentina is only a 3o5mm 5o-times diameter gun, and the longest range is less than 20,000 yards for the four German battleships. Nevertheless, the battleships of the Alliance Fleet still fired back in the direction where the shells flew, and of course, with one exception, they landed far away from the Allied Fleet.
At a distance of 250,000 yards, German and Chilean battleships also shelled for 6 times. Although the firing frequency of the previous waves of artillery shells was not high, one after another, they were closer to the target than the other. In the fourth round of volley, 305mm and 36omm heavy artillery shells landed in the middle of the two allied fleets. Unfortunately, an American destroyer became the first to sacrifice two 36omm near-lost shells and set off a huge wave. The destroyer was almost submerged by this big wave, and the powerful explosion made a big hole in its waterline hull. This destroyer fell behind two minutes later.
In the face of the enemy’s long-distance shelling, the alliance fleet’s shelling potential is still acceptable, but the hit rate is surprisingly low. After more than ten minutes of artillery war, one side of the alliance has gradually increased its losses, but the distance from the other side’s fleet has not continued to narrow. This shows that the other side’s fleet intends to consume its troops by long-distance shelling first.
Because the navigation is quite equal to that of Germany, Japan and Chile, the allied fleet of Germany, the United States and Afghanistan keeps a distance of 250,000 yards. At this distance, the Japanese and German battleships have the highest hit rate, among which the hit rate of the "Fusang" and the "Shancheng" keeps about 6% in the volley state of 12 45-diameter 360 mm guns, which means that on average, one of the two ships can hit the target with one volley. Although "Kai-2" and "King Albert" have 10 cannons with a diameter of 5o× 3o5mm, due to the limitation of turret arrangement, the volley hit rate of the cannon is close to 5%, and the average volley of four rounds can hit the target three times. The two Chilean battleships adopt the method of mixing German sailors with Chilean sailors, and the volley hit rate of the cannon with a diameter of 5o× 3o5mm is slightly lower than that of the German and Japanese fleets, but the volley of ten rounds can also hit the other side five or six times.
In this case, although the number of alliance fleets is dominant, this advantage is gradually lost in the fierce fire suppression of the other side, and this situation is reversed in one fell swoop. The commander of the fleet has ordered the fastest cruisers and destroyers to rush to the other side to fight for torpedoes and physically disturb the shelling of the other side.
Tu Mei Chapter seventy Giant cannon
"Hit again! Oh long live! "
Major General Dai Bingwei, the captain of the Japanese task force battleship Fusang, shouted with joy that this was the 25th volley of two Japanese warships, in which 31 shells in 16 rounds fell within meters of the other warship or hit directly, and the most direct result was to hit the Argentine battleship "Rivadavia" hard. According to the report of the German reconnaissance plane, the 20,000-ton giant ship built by Sihe Shipyard in new york, USA, has now left the battle sequence of the alliance fleet and was escorted out of the battlefield by two destroyers.
The excitement of the acting major general is in stark contrast to the sight of Lieutenant General Gong Bogong at his side. His own artillery shells were shot out in the deafening roar, and the other artillery shells fell heavily on the distant sea. All this failed to change the prince’s calm expression, but before he learned that two German aircraft carrier fleets had sunk and injured several light ships, he was still talking and laughing with the aides of the acting major general, but now he was completely silent.
Dai Major General didn’t bet on anything at all, but everyone knew that Prince Fujimiya was in a very depressed mood. The fact that the Japanese navy sent supporters of aircraft carriers was a great blow to him.
"Major general cabinet congratulations! When the battle is over, I will definitely ask the Emperor to honor you! " V see palace tone calm say
Dai is very modest. He said with his legs together, "It’s all a credit to the Prince’s Palace. I dare not take credit alone!"
Fujimiya added, "The future of the Imperial Navy is full of confidence if you have people with excellent artillery skills!"
"I’m flattered! The Emperor of Great Britain, the prosperity of the SHEN WOO Empire and the country’s first-class shipbuilding and gun-making technology can help us attack the enemy here! Therefore, it is the Emperor’s Palace and the Regent’s Palace! "
V see palace nodded slightly "major general pavilion is too humble! As far as I know, the officers and men of the cabinet ship practiced artillery day and night to make our army’s volley hit rate so high! "
Generation of major general no longer dodge "on the other hand, the German aircraft carrier in the Prince’s Palace is really big, which has made me wait for an eye today! Previously, I knew that there were balloons and planes to be calibrated in the sixth battle, but I didn’t know that it was so good to calibrate the plane in the naval battle! Now that I think about it, I am really ignorant. After returning to China, the frog at the bottom of the well will definitely discuss the construction of additional naval air forces to the navy, or the battleship team will give good reconnaissance artillery instructions! "
"That’s the case, but today’s events always make me feel a little strange, but I can’t tell the difference! I always feel that the power of the aircraft carrier does not stop there! " The last sentence shows that Gong Bo Gong Yin has dropped a lot, which is almost audible to him and his generation.
Generation of major general smiled, in his view, this is just to see the palace and find the steps. Since the prince wants to meet him, he will also give in to accommodate him. "The Prince’s Palace is absolutely right! In my humble opinion, countries have strengthened their fire prevention. As far as we know, most American warships have added 5-inch and 3-inch anti-aircraft guns. Perhaps it is their fierce artillery fire that makes it difficult for German aircraft to attack German pilots in close combat overseas. The bombing effect is naturally greatly reduced! Compared with cruisers and destroyers, the fire resistance is much weaker, which makes it the best choice for German pilots! "
V see palace carefully thinking for a moment clap your hands, "major general cabinet is really words wake the dreamer! It must be that the Germans cherish their fighters and pilots, so they are not like Pascal Flo’s desperate battle at sea. At this time, the alliance fleet is not the British fleet, so the German fleet has not achieved satisfactory bombing results! "
"Now it’s just a rough idea to go to the Prince’s Hall, but it has become a classic theoretical writing hall. It’s admirable to have a talent in the navy!"
Generation duly compliment before falling down to see the Prince of the Palace. Besides, the ship rang with a low volume but very emotional bell. It was the ten-second shooting alarm of the main gun. Because the power of 12 360 mm naval guns was too great when volley, not only the deck bridge near the front, middle and rear gun positions was not allowed, but also the control tower had to be closed to prevent the strong shock wave from damaging personnel and equipment.
Ten seconds later, the 30,000-ton hull of the battleship shook again with the earth-shattering noise. Of course, this shaking lasted for a moment. Twelve shells weighing 625 kilograms still had to fly in the air for nearly 25 seconds. After that, whether they hit the target or not would have to be reported by German warplanes hovering in the enemy fleet through the wire, and then the German battleship informed other ships through the semaphore. This process took about 2 to 3 minutes, which means that the report they got was a volley.
In a slightly boring waiting process, Prince Fukumiya thinks about the future of Japanese aircraft carrier battleships, the future of this battle, the era of the main ship, and the future. This weapon will never replace the battleship to become the protagonist of naval battles. Perhaps it is just a miracle that Germany created in Pascal Flo, which is not applicable to every naval battle.
There are so many thoughts about Fukien Gongbo Gong Prince, not only because of his vice admiral identity and interest in aircraft carriers, but also because Fukien Gongzhen loves Prince Gong Zhen. The succession crisis of royal families has been a long-standing problem, and only Fukien’s family is prosperous in the second place. After the third fall, I saw Gong Zhen’s love and gave Bo Gong the adoption to another branch of the family-Huading Gong Jia Fu Jian Gong Bo Gong soon became the heir of Huading Gong Gong Gong. However, things often fall. When Gong Zhen ‘ai was nearly two years old, he died. Seeing Gong Bangfang was sickly, which made Fu Jian Gong Bo Gong return to see Gong Gong Gong in 19o4 and became two co-heirs, with little influence in the Japanese royal family. On the other hand, in the naval competition on the 6th, the most influential royal family fell in love with Gong Gong Gong and Yuan Gong Gong Gong, but their teams were different. Courting the palace navy, however, fell in love with the palace backer, Gong Bogong and his father, both of whom were hard-line naval factions, and they all had a lot to say about the exhibition plan, budget, etc. If they wanted to fall in love with the palace navy, they would not go in two directions one day, and the emperor would not interfere in it himself.

The guards came to drag him to the door, and he didn’t react from the shock.

It didn’t come from his mouth until there was a sharp pain in his hip for help.
When Luo Yuxi changed her makeup and appeared in Cining Palace, she sent to report to Tuoli that the killer had been beaten half to death.
"Did the soldier outside the emperor do anything wrong?" Luo Yuxi walked into Cining Palace, and the Queen Mother turned and knelt behind her before slowly asking.
"It’s no big deal, no pains, the queen’s heart" answered with a straight face.
"Cao Tongling is kneeling here again?" Luo Yuxi continued to ask questions.
"Report back to the Empress. Someone just sneaked into the palace and rescued Princess Heshuo."
"What? That witch ran away? Did all the prisoners eat soft food that day? Zhuo Xiangdian is there? "
"Report back to the Queen’s Empress that this soldier who was scolded by the staff is the only one alive in the prison."
"Since the emperor is the only one alive, should he be blamed?"
"Therefore, people can’t advance and retreat together with their companions. They are always afraid of death, and people will be beaten to death."
"I see."
Although Luo Yuxi feels sorry for her own hands, she will never get upset with Tuoli at this time. It is a fair death for her to finish giving her to even the dead person.
It was a long time before Luo Yuxi asked, "What are you going to do with Huang Na Mo Zihan?"
Luo Yuxi continued, "Mo Zihan killed the Queen Mother and now killed the court etiquette. It should be a sin to escape from prison, but she fell in love with the emperor after all."
Now that she has made a big mistake and fled for fear of sin, she will never return to the palace. I hope the emperor can look at the old days and forgive people. "
Luo Yuxi’s intercession also didn’t get a response.
"You all go. I want to stay here with the queen mother."
There is no response to Cao Mu’s exhortation to Luo Yuxi for a long time before he comes up with such a sentence.
Everyone knows that the queen mother’s death was a great blow to the emperor, and everyone was well-advised to retreat without Mo Zihan.
More than 30 shadows on the periphery of an unremarkable house in Beijing almost guarded this house like an iron wall.
In the room, Du Lingyue and Huayue Dance are busy helping the doctor’s thugs around the bed.
Keeping in the cold wind and easy dust in the outhouse, watching the pots of blood being brought out, fidgeting.
"Don’t pull, don’t pull …"
Mo Zihan, who is already in a semi-coma state, is extremely pale. His mouth is still reading three words since he came out of the palace just now.
Now the knife has been pulled out of the abdomen and palm, and the wound has been bandaged by the doctor
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353 Chapter 353 where will you go [3]
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"Can enter"
After helping Mo Zihan put the inner coat on, Du Lingyue gently called out a dust and cold wind and rushed in like an arrow.
"How is the doctor?" Even death has never been afraid of cold wind trembling asked.
"Ah …"
Seeing the doctor sighed and shook his head, all the people present were in their throats.
More than 30 shadows outside the house unconsciously moved closer to the center of the house, because there were people lying in the house who swore to be loyal to their lives, but now she was lying there quietly, unaware of life and death.
"This girl’s injury is not optimistic!"
"Then will she die?" The cold wind is going to be collapsed by this doctor Wen Tun and roared
"Are you her husband?"
The cold wind didn’t answer the doctor’s question. When the doctor saw that he was so anxious, he acquiesced.
"The dagger was so deep that even if the girl had been blocked by her palm at that time, the child still couldn’t keep it. I’ll let her drink some abortion pills later and try to clean up the congestion in her abdomen."
"You … what did you say?" I can’t believe the cold wind when I hear the truth.
"Doctor, you said she was pregnant?" Easy dust also frightened and asked.
Damn it, he didn’t even know she was pregnant. If he knew what he said, he wouldn’t let her risk her life and go back to the palace.
"How long has she been pregnant?" One side flower and moon dance asked
"This girl is still in early pregnancy, only one month, and more than one abdomen has been punctured, which is not enough to threaten her life."

Chapter VII Blood red

London, England
In a very ordinary warehouse of the British Navy, a group of very unusual people are waiting for a very special cargo.
A small motorcade came, except for a truck covered with thick canvas, all the other cars were auxiliary armed gendarmes. The motorcade stopped near the warehouse, and soldiers drove around to form a tight security circle. A car and the truck in the motorcade entered the warehouse.
After the canvas was removed, the eyes of the group lit up. A plane with bullet holes and skewed wings appeared in Huo Ran, a truck. This plane was the motive of the German attack on Pascal Flo port and was forced to land on the dock o11 "Swordfish" torpedo machine.
The British navy transported the plane with complete main structure to London as soon as possible, including the Secretary of the Navy, and a large group of senior generals came to see this weapon that bombed their warships in a mess, along with the best British aircraft and motive engineers.
No, it’s far less exquisite than the furniture in an Englishman’s house. It’s ugly. It’s covered with bullet holes of different sizes. Some are British destroyer machine guns, while others were later tried to destroy it. The German plane left a long strip-shaped fuselage, which was neither a cylinder nor a square. The cloth wrapped it in a semicircle and a half.
No, one of its wings was broken during the forced landing, and now it is lying like a wounded bird, and I have tried to imagine it in good condition through the other wing.
Narrow cabin, crude instrument, black machine gun
People are puzzled. Is this the thing that blew up the majestic and noble British battleship everywhere? It seems that the appearance of the aircraft recently produced in Britain is not much different from it. When the Germans attacked Pascal Flo, most of the British aircraft were deployed on both sides of the English Channel and on the French front. There were several old water reconnaissance planes in Pascal Flo. I don’t believe that the Germans dared to leave the port to challenge the British navy, let alone attack the British naval port far from German soil on a large scale.
"According to you and your research group, does Mr. Paul have a great advantage over our plane in studying the performance of German planes?" After studying for a long time, a navy general asked him that there was a middle-aged man with a tired face next to him. Before he was on the way to ship, he and his technical team made a preliminary study of the plane.
"Structurally, their plane is stronger and more stable in flight, which is better than ours, but the gap is not much greater than the motivation. We need to do further research, but according to the sailors at the battle site, it is faster than most British planes, and their weapons are also very interesting. This simple device allows machine bullets to pass through the propeller gap without hitting the blades. It is gratifying that this device is very easy to copy!"
"That’s great! We urgently need to produce a large number of fighter planes that can compete with German planes to protect the capital and ports. In addition, we are actively studying more effective ground defense weapons. The Germans will never stop there after the attack. I believe they will soon attack British soil! Mr. Paul, the king and the people need you to develop a fighter plane no less than this German plane in one month, and come to our factory to work together to produce a British plane that can protect you in two months! " Churchill, the secretary of the navy, was extremely excited. Although most of the responsibility for the destruction of the British fleet was attributed to the captured Admiral Gerald, Churchill, the secretary of the navy, was also under great pressure from all sides.
The problem facing the British is not only to deal with German planes, but also to lose control of the North Sea, and to add German submarines everywhere. Their lifeline is in jeopardy, which is even more frightening. The main German fleet may appear outside the port at any time.
Although the engineers said that the problem was not serious, Churchill knew very well that two months could produce enough pilots in such a short time, so why did he come?
In fact, the Germans didn’t even plan to give to Churchill for two months.
The huge fleet of Port William is ready to set sail again. One week after the attack on Pascal Flo and the annihilation of the British fleet, the German sailors actively repaired and equipped the aircraft carrier. The materials needed for the aircraft carrier were also transported from East Prussia by railway line, and the bombs, torpedoes and fuel were continuously delivered to the carrier fleet. Everyone in the fleet was full of energy and gearing up.
Include Deng Nici and his uo39, have been busy in that submarine force for a long time. They patrol the North Sea and the ports in the east of England day and night. The bold captain even broke into the British harbor at night to attack merchant ships and small warships. The St. George’s Cross flag of the British empire rarely fluttered in the whole North Sea. The first batch of German merchant ships slowly sailed out of the port. The cruisers escorted them into the North Sea, sailed into Norway, sailed out of the North Sea and sailed to the Americas, and sailed to the outside world. Although Britain still had strong naval strength in overseas colonies, the Germans’ move was a solemn gesture to the world. The British
For the reborn sea trade, Erpitz is worried about not only the British overseas fleet, but also the British submarine force, which is not inferior to Germany in quantity and quality. If they sail into the North Sea, they will stifle the still fragile German sea transportation line at the door of the German house. However, the British have not done so. Many submarines are scattered around the Turkish ports to guard against and defend the German navy, especially the German aircraft carrier, which is still separated by a mist.
On the morning of September 10, the German high seas fleet, including 12 formidable battleships, 7 old battleships, 1 light cruiser, 2 aircraft carriers, 2 seaplane carriers, 36 destroyers, 11 submarines and 5 transport ships, slowly sailed out of the dock of Port William. German soldiers paid their attention to the capital ship moving like a hill, and other sailors moored in the harbor were even more envious. Since the post-war Germany has won brilliant victories on all fronts, they knew that this fleet would also triumph with great victory.
The flagship of the fleet is still "frederick the great" and the commander of the fleet has been replaced by Prince heydrich. He is as confident as all naval officers and men in the fleet. At this time, Britain has no ability to compete with the fleet. There are only four new battleships and two battle cruiser in the sunset empire, while 4o old battleships are widely distributed in soil ports, the Mediterranean and the Pacific. This is also the main reason why the British defend most submarines in the soil.
The German fleet is out of port!
This is a news that almost suffocated the whole of Britain. At one time, my heart had turned into a beast with a big mouth. The whole royal family was in a panic. Churchill’s Admiralty was ordered to keep a close eye on the movements of the German fleet, so as to stop them from threatening London. In King George’s view, London was their most valuable goal.
Churchill was so impressed by this. Now the British navy is not what it used to be. The cruiser patrol fleet in the North Sea has already withdrawn to Britain. What should we do to closely monitor the German fleet?
After leaving the port, the German fleet went northwest and then disappeared into the vast sea and disappeared into the sight of British spies.
Britain’s main fleet berthed on the Thames will be led by the new fleet commander David Betty. This fleet is mainly composed of two dreaded battleships and 23 old battleships. Betty will only be the flagship of the British navy’s George V battleship Ajax, and the other dreaded battleship is the hunting battleship Ray. The rest are all water-armored battleships 19o6 years ago. Although they are not formidable rivals, which dreaded ship will suffer more in the fleet battle?
Betty didn’t go with this German fleet, but scattered cruisers and destroyer submarines at 10 nautical miles outside the river estuary, while dozens of British planes took off from the airport near Dover and searched in the northeast sector at 1o5o nautical miles in front of the fleet.
Looking at many British planes in the sky, Betty and all the British sailors who have experienced Pascal Flo’s attack are relieved. They don’t know that many of those planes are unarmed and have two-seater planes. The co-pilot temporarily moved the machine guns to combat effectiveness, which is really flattering.
Manfred and his companions are blowing sea breeze at a temporary airport near Calais. In this hot summer, even the sea breeze is warm. Manfred is sitting in a big tree and watching the ground crew busy refueling and loading. His fighter squadron just moved here yesterday afternoon. He doesn’t understand why he wants to come to this coastal city far from Paris and the front line. Why should he bomb the British on the other side of the strait? But it should be a bomber squadron? Although the strait is about 3o miles from Dover, the British coast, it is a full 1oo miles to London. His hummingbird can barely show his face from here and must return to the suburbs of London.
Manfred closed his eyes and cultivated himself, but soon he heard the mid-team leader’s order.
"Listen up, everyone. Now, more than 40 British planes have taken off from several temporary airports in Dover, and now they are hovering northeast of Dover. According to the order of the level, we will take off now to repair those British planes!" As soon as the mid-team leader finished speaking, the pilots cheered as if the British had become their food.
"Well, everyone back to their own machine to prepare! I wish everyone a full return, but don’t underestimate these British people! "
In a roar of engine start-up, 3o hummingbird fighters glided on the ground, followed by a flying Manfred cockpit with a big 11 painted next to it, which was the number of his fighter in the squadron.
No one spoke during the flight, and everyone’s face was full of longing and excitement, because this time their target was no longer the small fish and shrimp, but the plane, the British plane.
Shortly after this fighter squadron took off, two other fighter squadrons were stationed a little far from the coast, and two bomber squadrons also sent out their bombs to deal with old battleships and cruisers there.
Fighter pilots saw from a distance that the British planes hovering in the sea broke up in a neat formation, and they picked their respective targets and rushed like wolves.
Manfred aimed at flying low, and a British two-wing single-seat reconnaissance plane rushed over. This was his first real battle. Manfred felt his heart suddenly hang up. He tried to calm down and remember every step of the attack in training and simulation. On the 11th, he suddenly turned around a big bend and occupied the excellent attack position on the side and rear of the British plane.
British pilots have already seen these ill-fated German planes. They are either old birds who have gone through the chase in France and returned to England, or rookie who has never participated in the battle in England. In front of Manfred, the rookie who let his clumsy plane swing from side to side and escape around the big bend will know at a glance that he was guided by the old bird-still a junior rookie.
Knights don’t need pity for rookie opponents at a distance of 15 meters. Manfred made a long shot and then made a sharp turn. The whole attack process ended in just a few seconds, as if a knight gracefully raised his knife and fell to see the enemy fall off the horse. Everything was so coherent that the bullets were fired from the fuselage of the plane to the wings, and the wooden fragments scattered in the middle. It suddenly lost its balance and staggered to the sea, quickly spinning around and finally splashing a small splash on the sea.
Manfred glanced back at his prey, but he soon realized that this feeling was far from what he wanted. The battle in his dream was that two knights came to each other and each raised his own combat knife. The man continued to live and fight, and the loser slowly fell off the horse.
Manfred, who was wandering in melancholy, soon found a new prey. A British plane was chasing another German fighter plane and fled to his side. The British plane kept spitting out a series of white spots, forcing the German plane behind him to swing from side to side in confusion to avoid bullets.
Manfred was already excited after just trying his hand. He naturally made every move, turn and climb as in the usual training simulation, and then plunged into his prey. Almost when both pilots could see each other’s faces, Manfred made a short shot and then suddenly turned in front of the British plane dozens of meters to leave the British pilot with wide eyes and blood pouring into his chest and his smoking motivation. Just now he saw a horrible dark knight flash past him, and then this fatal blow.
Another British plane dragged smoke into the sea, and Betty and his sailors stood there again in less than ten minutes. In the day, there were almost German planes painted with huge iron crosses that made them gnash and fear, and only a few planes in the distance were still playing cat and mouse games.
The British sailors clung to the ship’s machine guns and the guns also rose to the maximum angle. However, those German planes had no intention of attacking these warships after the war. They circled tirelessly at a height of 1000 meters.
Manfred hasn’t recovered from the excitement of the battle just now, and his physical strength is not consumed, but he is panting heavily when another fighter plane leans over and the pilot shouts while waving his fist.
"Manfred, you’re so young that you grab the late beer from my mouth. It’s your treat!"
Manfred smiled and finally killed two enemy planes. Perhaps he was a born knight as the prince said.
A few minutes later, dozens of German bombers appeared in the British fleet. The bomb explosion echoed across the sea with the British sailors’ frightened screams. The British people’s long-held anger was finally vented by counting machine guns and machine shells. The whole place was covered with shiny white spots. When the German bombers saw it, they quickly raised it, but two planes were unfortunately hit by bombs. One of them was very angry. The German pilots were stunned just now. Pascal Flo was attacked. Although the British have moved as many machine guns as possible to warships for a short week, their machine guns and shrapnel have a certain level of flying aircraft.
At this time, Manfred’s fighter squadron found the British airport in a meadow in Dover, and several British planes were parked on the ground. Manfred pressed his No.11 nose and slid it obliquely from more than 50 meters until it was more than ten meters high. Then he pulled up two shuttles and drilled two rows of neat bullet holes on the ground, and several German fighters followed suit, while others ravaged the ground and strayed around the British.
Manfred checked one of his bullets and was able to fire again, so he circled in the middle and fired again from the same position just now
At this time, not far from those parked British planes, several British soldiers were hiding next to the warehouse and shooting rifles at them, but their move seemed futile, because no German plane gave up attacking because of them, but they never gave up.
At the moment when the nose was pulled up, Manfred suddenly felt a numbness in his right arm, and a rifle bullet penetrated the thin cabin wall and hit him.
"Damn it!" Manfred gritted his teeth and pulled the plane up, then treated a wound urgently. When almost all the British planes had collapsed on the ground, the German fighters left satisfactorily.
When he returned to Calais, Manfred’s right arm was soaked with blood. After the plane stopped, he looked at his blood and vowed to let all the enemy’s blood pay him back.
Emperor pitied the young pilot’s right hand, and he kept the opportunity to fulfill this oath, but Manfred had to leave this battlefield for three months. Fortunately, the war will not end so soon, and the battle here will be more intense in three months.
Betty looked at the wreckage of a British plane floating on the sea, and the fleet formation became chaotic. She felt in her heart that the delay in the arrival of the main German fleet made her mood more complicated. Even he didn’t know whether he was expecting the fleet to appear or continuing to speculate anxiously about the German whereabouts.
Soon the Germans solved this puzzle for him.
At 1: 34 pm on September 10, Newcastle was attacked by Germans and several naval fortresses in northeast England were shelled.
Chapter v raging
After leaving Hong Kong, the main force of the German high seas fleet led by Prince heydrich did not go straight to them as the British imagined. The first goal of this fleet was Newcastle, the main shipbuilding base of the British Navy. There were not only the famous Armstrong Shipyard, but also many other small and medium-sized shipyards. They were building new warships day and night, including the Queen Elizabeth battleship built in October 1913 and expected to be flooded in mid-1915. There were many other surface ships and submarines.
In the eyes of Navy Secretary Erpitz and Prince heydrich, London, the British political and cultural center, is probably the best target to attack. Both the naval fleet and bombers taking off from the French coast can attack there. However, it is depressing that Kaiser Wilhelm II has great expectations for relatives across the strait. He believes that the British will soon withdraw from the war. If they are attacked at this time, Germany and Britain will be in a state of fire and water, so he has not approved the attack plan for London, and Erpitz has been expecting to limit it. The submarine-making war is not over yet. With the approval of William II, submarine forces are allowed to attack British merchant ships. At present, there are still many neutral ships sailing between British ports. However, in the first month after the war, especially in the week when Germany won the North Sea War, the record of German submarines has been staggering. They sank 17 British merchant ships with a total tonnage of more than 5 million tons.
Extremely disappointed that they couldn’t attack London, Erpitz and heydrich could settle for the second best. They turned their targets to major British shipyards in the hope of minimizing the British war potential.
The sea surface is undulating, and the atmosphere in the North Sea is much calmer than the sea surface. Apart from seabirds and hovering reconnaissance planes, people can see this fleet, such as forest masts and thick smoke columns. The sailors are doing their own work in the cool sea breeze, and one plane is sent to the deck of the aircraft carrier. From time to time, reconnaissance planes take off and land, and there is an orderly and busy scene.

Section 72

The tree lay in bed and thought solemnly, "Well, I promised to try dating first."
"Wow, my dear, you have finally taken this step. I can guarantee that this is the most correct decision you have ever made. Believe me, I can’t be wrong in judging people. He is indifferent to others, but he is fond of you. I really feel that this man has given all his enthusiasm to you, dear. I wish you happiness."
"Well, I will try my best to make myself happy." After listening to Ruoyan’s words, Lin Shu also had confidence in this relationship.
"If we will be happy," Ruoyan nodded as if he were determining something.
Happiness also requires hard work and commitment. I hope that she will try her best to make herself take this step and will not let her down. They will keep going like this.
It’s gone today. That’s all!
73 Christmas gifts
Confirmed that the relationship is backward, the enthusiasm hangs over the trees like a raging fire, and the trees feel full of vitality every day. Every morning, they wake up full of expectations, and the cold wind outside the window is not harsh, and it is particularly refreshing rather than biting.
The sunshine is especially warm, which she has never experienced before. She feels that being with Anchen before is more like being a grown-up parent who has made amends for settling down for a long time. She also feels guilty for a long time, which has become a habit and should.
But now it is true love, like all men and women in love, which is occupied by sweetness every day. Because of the good mood, even the employees of the company feel that the president is happy from the inside out, even if he accidentally does something wrong, he will not be reprimanded and compared. The employees of the company feel that the day is as beautiful as spring.
On Christmas day, every female employee of Shi’s received a flower and a cake unexpectedly, and everyone was boiling. The president should have thought so carefully and arranged so much. This gift was so sweet to them.
On behalf of the female employees, the chief secretary of the president’s office expressed gratitude to the president. "The president insisted that I thank you. This is the most expensive gift they have ever received."
I quickly signed the document "I remember that every Christmas before, I would send a sum of money to the treasury."
"The president’s family has given us enough money, and we prefer this year’s gift." The secret director is married, but she expresses her excitement like a girl. Everyone can imagine that this is a Christmas gift from the president. Even in simplicity, it is more gratifying than Jinshan Yinshan.
After expressing his thanks, the secret secretary went out and pressed a number, "What’s so special about this Christmas present?"
The cheerful sound of Lu Ming sounded from the inside. "How about a rose and a piece of cake? Am I creative? Now our family is as happy as the Chinese New Year. After I said, you should change your money into this kind of thing. No woman will not like it and save a sum of money … Oh, I said that you didn’t directly treat them. It’s not your idea. Don’t discourage employees … "
"You are getting more and more bold, and you don’t even ask my opinion."
"Hey, before you thought these things were tacky, the company was nervous and lifeless with you. Now that you are in love and energetic, you have to let everyone feel it together."
I hung up before he could speak because Lin Mu sent a short message "Thank you for the flowers and cake"
Lean down and relax, forgive Lu Ming this time, and know that you don’t forget a share of the trees.
He clumsily typed the new news letter by letter, and the Chinese character "It will be a bigger surprise to have dinner together at night".
The forest tree replied, "Can a handsome guy reveal something before?"
Being praised and handsome is in a good mood. "Is there a reward?"
The trees have a big red lip.
I remembered to owe me a real kiss.
Trees "…"
"Is my present ready?"
"Give me a gift again."
"I want to label myself so that I can think of you even when I breathe."
"Stop it. It’s disgusting."
"Where’s the hemp? I’ll rub it for you."
Trees "…" can’t communicate any more, otherwise it may be even worse, and you can’t listen.
"I’m going to see the patient. You’re busy."
Put away his mobile phone, and now he can finally understand his father’s mood. He is like a follower behind his mother. He hasn’t seen you for a second, like Sanqiu.
At the international airport, a petite girl came over with a suitcase and covered half of her face with a pair of big black sunglasses. She couldn’t see her expression and appearance. Her small nose and skin made people feel that she must be a particularly beautiful person. She still looked slim in her coat in such a cold day. She was really weak and lovable.
She never stopped walking with her suitcase. It was dark outside, and the night was about to cover the earth. She walked out of the airport and walked to the road with something called rejection, without even looking at the traffic lights.
"Squeak" The car in front rubbed against the ground with her footsteps and stopped. The car behind had to brake suddenly, causing several cars to collide, and she was unfortunately scratched to the ground.
Many drivers shake the glass from the window and scold her badly. No one cares whether she is a beauty or not. Even Changmei is a crazy woman. Why do so many cars run red lights?
She was lying on the ground clutching her ankles, and her thin black stockings were scratched and oozing blood, and her white coat was stained with dust.
She seems to faint at any moment, and all the drivers know that she is responsible, but they can’t touch her.
She took out her cell phone and made a call.
The handsome man at the other end of the mobile phone is playing with the woman he loves, and it is Christmas and a popular holiday abroad, but it is no different from Valentine’s Day for lovers in love.
Gifts, flowers, wine, beauty, night, everything is so beautiful
The gift turned out to be a simple and dazzling necklace. It is simple because the chain has no complicated patterns. It is a simple chain. It is dazzling because there is a ring hanging in it. The ring is huge and bare, and the edges and corners as big as glass reflect colorful light.
Good. He’s trying to propose.
The city may have passed the first round and then the second round pk. I love you at 12 o’clock.
74 refused (second watch)
Section 73
It’s not the right time for the cell phone to ring. He frowned and took it out. He saw the number displayed on the screen and thought about it or hung up. This is such an important moment. Even if he tried his best, the forest may not be able to promise. If it is interrupted, it is conceivable that the atmosphere will lose sincerity, nature and marriage proposal will fail.
How could he give up all this? He is so obsessed with trees.
The phone didn’t stop because he hung up, and then it rang again.
Lin Muchao made a face at him. "It seems that God doesn’t want to help you. You also said that it was an auspicious day to lie to me."
Angry and anxious, the preparation machine saw that the number displayed on the screen was not the original one, but the 11 police called. His face was so cold that he couldn’t help but answer "What’s the matter?"
It’s not the police’s rough voice, but the girl’s weak trembling and crying. "Third brother, I’m at the gate of the international airport. I’m in a car accident. I’m so scared. Can you come and pick me up?"
Look dignified. I changed my mobile phone in one hand and "give it to the police"
The girl handed the phone to the police.
"The degree of injury?"
The police were shocked by the momentum coming from the mobile phone. The girl couldn’t help but report that "there was blood on her ankle, and she had to go to the hospital to know that no trauma was found elsewhere for the time being."
"What’s the matter?"
"When she crossed the road, the brakes of the vehicle hit 12 from time to time." The police heard his cold voice and were afraid that he would hang up immediately and quickly added, "Sir, are you a family member? Please come and deal with an accident and you will be responsible. "
"Okay, I get it."
I called Lu Ming immediately after I hung up. Lu Ming happened to be near the airport, so let him pass. Lu Ming also knows that the most important thing for him now is a beautiful date every day, and he will be handed over to him when things fall down. He is really unlucky
However, there is something wrong with the wine and he has just returned from abroad. His brother should go there anyway. Oh, it’s so heartless that nothing can compete with his date.

Their way of fighting is just a little more advanced than the original tribe.

"Dude, I just smelled horse manure. There should be no shortage of war horses here!" Jing Su Qin Dao
Zhantian nodded. "Of course, we all send goods by horse."
"No horses have fought?" Jing Su Qin has some doubts
Zhantian shook his head. "I also wanted to learn from Mobei’s thieves to ride horses and fight, but we have no problem riding horses, and the attack on horseback will not work!" Then I gave up the idea. "
Scene Su Qin dark sigh in the heart is such a vast territory in the north is suitable for cavalry attack unexpectedly gave up the idea he patted Zhantian "lead the horse for me! I will make a demonstration! "
Although Zhan Tian had doubts, he did so
"Brothers, I am an outsider, but today I want to teach you how to fight like cavalry!" Jing Su Qin took the dark horse and shouted
The soldiers who are training have a lot of disdain when they hear this. Isn’t this tall, thin man a small white face and dare to teach us the natural power to fight against the sky?
Jing Su Qin didn’t pay attention to the soldiers crowding out the cold and wanting to fly to the horse, but at this time Zhantian also came along the trail. "If it’s really not good, I’m afraid there are mobei thieves in this cavalry!"
Jing Su Qin suddenly burst into flames with a clap of horses, and the horses roared with hoofs. He smiled and danced with his feet again and again, getting closer and closer to the horses. Suddenly, his feet sank and he stepped on a dead tree, twisting his body and jumping to the middle of the school beyond the normal jumping range. He accurately settled his horse by playing three spins.
"good!" Just flying a horse with one hand made the warriors of Zhantian clan applaud one after another. Everyone said that it was really wrong to underestimate this Han family just now. Zhantian also blushed. It was really rude just now.
Jing Su-qin didn’t stop to sit on horseback, suddenly pulled out his pike and thrust it at the surrounding bushes. It’s not a mess to miss the place accurately! Only this move will play the scene of Su Qin’s imposing manner!
"Woo …"
Pull the reins Jing Su Qin hands tightly holding two small glass bottles heart way or jump potion so that!
Soldiers from Zhantian clan cheered in succession, and Zhantian also came to make amends. Jing Su Qin laughed. "Dude, organize troops now and we will set up cavalry!"
There are 50 horses in the fortress, and the rest of them have been plundered by the desert north country. There is no way out. A 50-man cavalry team was formed temporarily. Jing Su Qin personally selected the troops and personally trained them. At that time, the horses in the barracks also screamed and killed the sky.
Near noon, Su Qin just sat on the ground and had a rest.
"Big … elder brother … have a drink." A pretty girl handed Jing Su Qin a bowl of water.
"Thank you!" Jing Su Qin also you’re welcome. One day, Mi Shui didn’t bite his teeth and took the water. He gulped it up and watched the bronze face of the girls in Zhantian gens and some exotic customs.
Zhantian came over with a full face of quipped, "Did the younger sister see the younger brother? Ha ha ha … "
"Big Brother!" The girl made a big blush and got shy and ran away.
"This is?"
Zhantian smiled. "My second sister is seventeen this year!" Said the meaning to the scene Su Qin picky seems to be some awkward.
"Second sister?" But the focus of Jing Su Qin is not here.
"Yes, my eldest sister was lost many years ago. I don’t know if she is alive now." Zhantian looked dim.
Jing Su Qin patted him "Look a little"
"The boss is ready!" Then Ye Wutong came up with a full face of joy.
Zhantian looked at Jing Suqin and nodded, wondering, "What’s ready?"
Originally, when Jing Su Qin was training to organize cavalry, Ye Wutong didn’t idle select about forty or fifty warriors from Zhantian clan according to his instructions, and planned to form a powerful archer. Because of the scenery, Su Qin’s selection of soldiers in the old clan, Ye Wutong became easier.
How can there be Gong Bing when the Zhantian clan doesn’t even have cavalry? This can make everyone curious. I ran over to see how to train. I saw Ye Wutong holding a very shabby long bow in his hand and facing a big tree in front. I temporarily marked the red heart and raised my hand. It was like an arrow breaking through the general impact, and it was as accurate as a burst hurricane. Nailed in the center by mistake!
"good!" Everyone shouted good, and then someone booed Jing Su Qin to show it. If everyone was watching the cavalry demonstration in the afternoon, then the bow and arrow demonstration was the soldiers’ heartfelt expectation
Jing Su Qin gave a coquettish smile, but his heart couldn’t be played. Otherwise, he was too lost and took the long bow in Ye Wutong’s hand, followed by a beautiful side roll and a half squat. Suddenly, an arrow slammed out like a shell.
Bang! A muffled sound made everyone stay where they were. The center of the big tree was shot through a hole directly, but it collapsed before everyone could react!