Chen Yi knows that the problem in the later stage is that he has experienced the wounds of the Three Kingdoms. The experience is absolutely enough, just like the battle between ag and R. Even if he plays an advantage, he is still killed by R’s rich experience.

The more you hit the late Chen Yi, the more cautious you are now.
But at the last minute, I was pulled back by the wounds of the Three Kingdoms. The output of the troops was too wild, and Gao Chengfeng’s clockwork was directly shot by a big mouse in the dark because of his position.
Missing a key output point lk, I fell in love and retreated.
Was it finally changed to 4?
The second game was defeated by the Three Kingdoms.
Chapter 74 Game 3 of the playoffs
"The situation is a little complicated."
Lk didn’t complain about losing the second game, but he was aware of the danger.
"I can’t beat them later."
Erhong found the obvious problem, even though he had great advantages in the early stage, lk was dragged to the later stage by the Three Kingdoms, and then suffered losses in the team battle, which led to the final defeat.
"array problem"
It is an indisputable fact that Chen Yi saw that the output mechanism of horses and mice made them unable to fight against the late stage, so it can be said that lk fell behind the Three Kingdoms in selecting candidates.
If you lose, you lose at a point in the mouse. The output of the mouse is too high in the later stage.
This is beyond lk’s control, but everything else is under lk’s control.
"Why don’t we have another pre-array?"
Er Hong also thinks no about Riven’s extreme exercise.
"You can’t fight until Riven is released from the opposite side. We can’t make a set of Riven plans, and Riven will definitely not be released again."
After hearing Chen Yi’s words, Erhong also knows that he is too young. After all, it is rare for a hero like Riven to be released after losing money once.
"Well, think about countermeasures. We can’t beat this situation again in the later period."
Erhong has a headache at the thought of mice. This kind of super-large meat shield is in the front row, which makes him force to vomit.
"Well, it’s time to consider how to restrain this thing."
Chen Yi was also annoyed by horses and mice. With Lulu protecting lk, she could hardly touch the mice.
In the third game, lk returned to the blue side and ban dropped Lulu, big mouth and revenge spear.
Compared with the big mouth and revenge spear, the mouse threat is still not very classy.
In the Three Kingdoms, ban lost Riven, cask and tsar.
"Hey, what’s the situation?"
Gao Chengfeng, a man from ban, got excited instantly.
"What’s wrong with Gao?"
Looking at Gao Chengfeng so excited, Erhong didn’t see white.
"They don’t have ban Victor."
Erhong discovered that the wounds of the Three Kingdoms did not ban Victor, but ban dropped the barrel.
"Yes, yes."
Gao Chengfeng is quite happy that Victor is a hero who plays very well, and now it is rare for him to be released in the playoffs.
"I took it"
Erhong directly locked Victor’s wounds in the Three Kingdoms with the first hand and took Ritz and Rexay.
And the wounds of the Three Kingdoms finally took out a single Virus to fight against Victor, which made the field cheer again.
"It’s interesting."
Seeing Verus appear, I understand the meaning of the Three Kingdoms. Single Verus not only has output but also control. Plus is an ad, but he doesn’t lose Victor in the middle of the road.
The two sides are lk Dannar, Wild Leopard Girl, Zhong Dan Victor, Lu Shi Aircraft and Bloom.
The Three Kingdoms war was fought by Dan Ruiz, and the single-virus road was played by Lunma and Bud.
The wounds of the Three Kingdoms are very fond of Bud’s assistance.
"Bud again"
Erhong saw that the aid of the Three Kingdoms was very useful. Although Bud was not very strong, his skills were combined and controlled too much.
Wang Dongdong saw that this guy also had some headaches. Wire control combined with ad output was a more annoying guy, but Zhou Qiang didn’t like this assistant very much. After several times, the effect was not satisfactory and he finally gave up.
Now it’s time to talk about seeing the Three Kingdoms ruin playing very smoothly.
However, Bud is not the enemy’s control, which is bound to sacrifice the output, which also leads Bud to eat teammates very much in the later stage, which is equivalent to lk being five to four.
"God, what if you lose?"
Before being pulled back, confidence swelled, and Erhong was a little restless. It is a pity that victory is closer than falling here.
"If you lose, you will make a comeback with Hao. What are you afraid of?"
For Chen Yi’s words, Erhong is a strong refutation, and Zhang Hao is still lying quietly in the hospital at the moment.
"Let’s play the game seriously."
In the cheers of the game, once again, the Three Kingdoms Wounded chose the tactics of late development, and the team fighting ability of lk was not lost to the Three Kingdoms Wounded. Both sides were set to see the real chapter in the team fighting.