Shui Lian Yue method imagines that having such a soft voice is like being in a fantasy and being casual and indifferent. It turns out that the person will be a general in Dongshuo country.

"You are always so calm. Somehow you are also my first general in Dongshuo." The thyme gamer ordered Beichen Rong’s chest to laugh and say.
Beichen Rong’s light eyebrow eye seems to be very dissatisfied with the second emperor’s words. "These are all given by parents to Rong and can’t be controlled. Besides, is it necessary to win the battlefield by sound?"
The voice just fell, the game was a little stunned, and then a grin seemed to cover up his embarrassment. "Hey, Rong, you are so old everywhere, or are you like a child? Can you change your temper?"
Nazhi, this sentence seems to have provoked Beichen Rong again. He frowned slightly and looked at it indifferently. He hummed, "Is it true that the second emperor recognizes Rong as a child’s temper and wins the position of general? In that case, please ask the second emperor to take back his command and not be the general?"
"You, what’s going on today? You came back from the palace, so unless you cherish fragrance and commit tomfoolery." Pack up your smile and look at Beichen Rong with a full face of sadness [
"Can Rong blame the princess?" The voice just fell and the game burst out laughing again.
"Ha, ha, ha, Xi Xiang was spoiled by my father since childhood, and I, a princess in Dongshuo, have a bad temper naturally, but her heart is still kind. Please excuse me a lot. Besides, it is a miracle that I open the princess in Dongshuo to listen to your general’s words. What are your complaints?"
Beichen Rong snorted and turned away from watching the game sound of thyme, which was even more indifferent. "If you come here, you can’t say this."
After the thyme game smell speech, I sobbed and put away my smile at the corners of my mouth. Wen Ya’s face suddenly gave a faint chill and looked at the night sink. He said, "The four emperors of san huang have started to act. In these five days, they have raised a lot of hay, and even the commander of the barracks has been bought by them. Although you have a lot of troops here, it is far away from water and can’t put out the near fire. It is to leave from this moment except for exposing too much, which will arouse my father’s suspicion and even make it impossible to catch up."
Beichen Rong Zheng wanted to think and asked, "But they are not afraid to act like this under the emperor’s eyelids."
"Hum" listening to the hundred-mile game, with a cold hum, my eyes flashed with a sharp color. "The great emperor is now serving around his father day and night, and he has won a lot of letters from his father. It is not easy for him to know if he does something."
Beichen Rong frowned and looked at Baili Game lightly. "What do you mean?"
"The emperor wants to get rid of a big emperor from his two hands first, and then he will lose an arm."
Beichen Rong looked very dignified after hearing this. "But are they your own brothers?"
What do you mean by "Huang Bai"? The hundred-mile game sighed lightly and his face was a little more melancholy. "It is essential to be born in the royal family, and it is this truth that everyone in the royal family is good at being bullied and ridden, especially when it comes to that brother’s affection. If cool thin Emperor doesn’t make moves, that person will be himself. Do you want to see me die?"
Turn his eyes to Beichen Rong. They haven’t spoken for a long time, and a touch of melancholy lingers in the courtyard.
Shui Lianyue, who has been hiding in the dark outside the hospital, overheard them stop talking and got up and started to move. Unexpectedly, when I wanted to squat, my calf was too long and numb. I accidentally bumped into a plum tree stem, and many plum petals began to fall off.
"Who’s who outside the courtyard? Didn’t I tell you not to go near here without my permission?" Beichen Rong heard the movement and immediately opened the door in the direction of the gate, looking for the sound just now and walked over to find that there were a lot of plum petals falling in that faint plum blossom fragrance, which seemed to be mixed with another elegant fragrance.
After a while, the game of thyme followed and came out to Beichen Rong’s side. He looked at the place with a dignified expression and whispered, "Send someone quickly to find out if it is a big emperor."
"Well" Beichen Rong gently sniffed the quietly elegant fragrance in the air and nodded slightly.
Shui Lianyue’s hiding all the way to Tibet was almost discovered by patrol guards. After leaving the general office of Beichen, he relaxed. Looking back at the gate not far from the general office, he felt that it was not easy to move the hundred-mile game and the dialogue between Beichen Rong. It would also cause him a lot of trouble. It should be the turbulent period of Dongshuo State Department, but what a pity it would be if he missed it.
So Shui Lianyue will target the four emperors of san huang. If she can save the lives of the four emperors san huang, waiting until the emperor leaves the palace will make him more distressed and angry than killing the game of thyme.
After returning to the inn, Shui Lianyue simply tidied up and lay down, only to hear Nangong Yu’s low voice, "Wang advised you not to make trouble or it would not be so easy to go to Tianchishan and his party."
Shui Lian-yue’s body froze but soon recovered. He laughed lightly and said, "You don’t believe me when you say you are afraid of death. Don’t worry, I won’t delay finding an antidote for you."
Nangong Yu’s mind is really stupid if it doesn’t know what she is going to do.
"Hum Wang is afraid of death, but it’s really a great misfortune in life if he is dragged down by you."
I can’t see the Nangong Yu expression in the darkness, but I can also imagine the contemptuous expression and sarcastic expression from his tone. Shui Lian smiled a light way. "Since you said so, let me drag you down to death. Chapter 196 Syracuse.
The next morning, according to the original plan, I should leave Hu City to find the entrance of Tianchi Mountain, but suddenly I decided to change my plan because of the water ripple, and I took Nangong Yu to Pingyang City, ten miles away from Hu City.
If you continue to stay in Hucheng, you won’t be discovered by a hundred-mile game. Although Hucheng is big, the people here almost know each other. Because of the climate in Dongshuo, people from other countries don’t want to come here, except for two strange faces like businessmen and fur vendors. Last night, she was almost discovered by Beichen Rongbaili game. If they trace it, they will definitely find them.
Along the way, the two hired a carriage and went to Pingyang City at a rapid speed. The carriage Nangong Yu never said a word, and the decision was made by Shui Lianyue. It was not until he was close to Pingyang City that he slowly said, "Wang wakes you up, don’t be smart and witty, so you can’t fight the big emperor. This shows that the big emperor san huang and the four emperors still have some things."
"That’s like" water ripple month light swept the eye Nangong Yu continue to repose [
The nangongshan Yu hum a pair of water ripple on this careless attitude was a little angry damn what he was angry about.
"Although the third is poor in martial arts, he is smarter than the National People’s Congress. Almost all the machines in the imperial palace are designed by the third, and the fourth is poor in brain, but he is born with great strength and poverty. Earlier, Wang Zeng and his opponents were slightly inferior to Wang."
After hearing the Nangong Yu’s remarks, Shui Lianyue slowly opened her eyes to see if she seemed to be carrying coals to Newcastle. If it is really like Nangong Yu said, it is not easy to send someone to assassinate the third or fourth child in the thyme game. I didn’t hear any concerns about the thyme game yesterday. If I didn’t know the fatal flaw of those two people, I would never be so confident.
Take back your thoughts and look at Nangong Yu. I can’t help but ask, "What are the shortcomings or fatal points of the old three or four, or hobbies that are more important than life?"
The nangongshan Yu smell speech slightly zheng eyes cold look at the water ripple on this damn woman really want to kill old three old four does she want to help thyme game?
"If you want the king to tell you, unless you tell the king your plan, the king will never tell you a word and then wake you up. The king knows all about their secrets."
Looking at Nangong Yu’s handsome and resolute face with a sly color, he tried to calm down the impulse to slap him, smiled and got up and gathered around Nangong Yu to gently pick an eyebrow and say with smile, "I can tell you the plan, but you must ensure that everything you say is correct, or the aunt will never spare you."
Just as Nangong Yu was about to speak, the carriage bumped suddenly, which made the water ripple on the moon fall into Nangong Yu’s arms, and a touch of elegant fragrance instantly floated into Nangong Yu’s nose, and his soft body was rippling in his heart because of the bump of the carriage in his arms.
And Shui Lianyue didn’t think that she meant to threaten Nangong Yu in the past. By the way, if he doesn’t pay attention to his acupuncture points, if he doesn’t tell the truth, he’ll be rude to him. Who would have thought that the carriage would be jumping at this time? The powerful heartbeat and broad chest made her white cheeks red in the dark carriage.
"Hey, what’s the matter?" Shui Lianyue barely sat up and shouted outside the carriage.
After hearing this, the driver outside the carriage apologized and said, "I’m sorry, madam, but the road just now was bumpy, so it was bumpy."
Shui Lian was embarrassed to move back to his original place and stop talking, and Nangong Yu turned his head to hide his embarrassment. The soft body left his arms and his heart gave birth to a bit of sadness. Damn it, how could he have such an idea?
For a long time, the carriage slowly pulled into Gongyu, south of Pingyang City, and then gently coughed to continue the topic "You haven’t said your plan yet"
Shui Lian Yue has already returned to normal. After all, she is a modern person. She quickly accepts and adapts to it. She glanced at Nangong Yu lightly. "Do you know that Baili Game designed you?"
"What did you say?" The nangongshan YuWenWen immediately surprised drink a way.
"Ying Du thing is a hundred-mile game". Suddenly, the water ripples on the moon, and Chu Yihua stopped. If it hadn’t been for that time, maybe we would have become very good friends.
Nangong Yu saw that Shui Lian Yue stopped talking and was impatient, but he sat up on his own. "Who is he and you are quick to say?"
"Hundred Li Game Chu Yihua"
"How do you know?" Nangong Yu looked puzzled at Shuilian Month. She didn’t seem to have left Wangfu since she married into Wangfu. She knew the outside world and more than he did [
Shui Lianyue Zheng smiled at random and laughed. "If people don’t know, I have my own way, but this is a fact. I think you should have checked for a long time. Today, you don’t know who is behind the things in Ying Du, including the fighting in taoranju. They also have it."
Nangong Yu pondered over the water ripple and recalled what happened in Yingdu. Later, the interception on the way became more and more wrong. It happened in Yingdu for quite a while, but Nangong Ling didn’t respond until things in Yingdu were about to be sorted out. Was it that the interception on the way was framed by others for Nangong Ling, which made them fight forever? Once there was turmoil in Chaogang, the biggest beneficiary was Canglan Guo Dongshuo Guo.
"But Chu Yihua also participated in it, which is somewhat puzzling. He is a Jinxi person. What good will it do if Jin Xi has any changes?"
Shui Lianyue shrugged his shoulders and shook his head. "I don’t know about this. Maybe the hundred-mile game has made him a lot of benefits, but I am sure that if you follow his hundred-mile game, you will find it."
"But this is also my business. You have to help the old three and the old four."
Water ripple month sneer at a "you Nangong Ling things they know, and I am the emperor, they also know very well that if I die in Yu Wangfu, what do you think will be good for you?"