"I am the devil, the devil is me! Demons are born, monty is heaven! The magic door of heaven! " Suddenly, there was a hoarse voice in Wang Gan’s ear, and there was unyielding will in his tone.

When this remark came out of his ear, he heard a rumbling sound, like a huge monster walking on an invisible wall and making footsteps. With the rumbling sound, the sky shook violently and there was a strong Skyquake
Suddenly I saw a pair of bony black claws sticking out of the void and tearing the sky like a rag!
Even the influence of this force, Tiandaoli, has all dissipated. After nine days, the vision has gradually subsided, and there is a ferocious crack left. The sky is dark and the people are at a loss.
"Practice is practice breath! What the hell is Wang Gan? " Miao Zezhen’s face "color" looked uglily at the middle school, and his hands trembled slightly, and a very bad feeling rose in my heart.
As he felt, a pure black magic light appeared in the crack, and the surface of the underworld was "shot". All kinds of scenes were full of magic shadows, and the chaotic magic light "shot" Wang Gan like the Buddha’s light, and this magic light also penetrated into the world.
However, this magic light changed beyond Wang Gan’s imagination and made him question everything in the world.
Chapter one hundred and sixty-five demons light magic bet on
In fact, Wang Gan’s world speed is ten thousand times faster than that of the outside world, so it has only been more than ten days since the outside world, and his world has completed the crustal movement and has a complete geographical form.
And then the magical scene caused by magic light is such a fast flow rate.
The magic light "shoots" straight from the void and penetrates into the rivers and lakes covered by the Buddha light all over the world.
Water is the source of life, especially this light water is produced by extremely high concentration of "liquid" qi, which can be said to be the essence of life, so there are several invisible life spores in these lakes.
But it is strange that the temperature and environment are very suitable for life activities, but these spores do not move at all as if they were asleep
It turns out that these life spores will not die, not even their vitality, but when the source of reincarnation appears, the rear wheel pulls back and flows into the river through the ditch outside the wellhead, so these life spores have a cycle of life and death.
But even so, it still makes people feel full of vitality.
Moreover, their life time is too short, and they are almost life-and-death without any signs of evolution.
However, when the magic light came, a strange scene happened. In the micro-world, these life spores actually devoured each other and grew up rapidly. The vitality grew stronger and changed with each generation.
Life forms have become bigger and bigger, and finally they have formed creatures that can be seen by the naked eye. They float on the water or eat algae or devour other creatures, thus continuing life.
Seeing this scene, Wang Gan suddenly understood the meaning of this magic light-it gave life.
According to the theory of cultivating immortals, * * is the demons. It seems that this magic light is the first magic light. Life is born at first. * * Without desire, these lives can’t have a "motive" and will eventually starve to death.
If life has a historical trajectory, then life is a point before the magic light appears, and the length will not advance half a step. However, after the magic light appears, life draws a method to predict the trajectory and gives birth to an evolutionary history that makes people sigh.
Later, as life forms become more and more complicated, there will be differences, and appetite, sex, curiosity and so on will stimulate life to produce "motivation" in different directions
Even the most intelligent human beings will be dominated by * *, and wisdom is just a tool to exercise * *
After discovering this fact, Wang Gan suddenly realized that the six pure and four lustful bliss roots advocated by real Buddhism and Taoism are a concept of stealing and violating the original intention of life.
It is true that satisfying * * can enjoy bliss, but it is a practice to abandon doubt in the process of satisfying * *.
Wang Gan has the deepest understanding of this point, because he has seen with his own eyes that people chasing bliss are the first three peaks of his appearance. Those brothers are like walking dead all day long, and only with Xiaoyao pills can they bring bliss. Except Xiaoyao pills, he is indifferent to everything.
Before that magic light appeared, there were two kinds of life spores. What are the differences between those Buddha’s light enveloping believers?
If Wang Gan hadn’t saved them, all the possible "sex" of these people in the future would have been completely destroyed by Xiaoyao Pill, and a generation could enjoy illusory bliss.
If everything in heaven and earth is also "fascinated" by bliss, I am afraid that life will immediately go back to prehistoric times and return to an original point.
He couldn’t help shuddering at the thought that the Buddha’s Light was to save himself from Monty’s self-attack, but now it seems that if he is "fascinated" and "confused" by Elysium, he will become like a brother of the Three Realms, which is simply a wish to die.
He once heard that the Buddha was feeding the tiger, and later he knew that it was the Buddha who jumped out of the chessboard and gave up his desire for survival without being controlled by the invisible, but now he understands a deeper truth. It is also impossible for the Buddha to do so. The root cause is to give up even the most basic characteristics of life
Can that desire for Buddha still be called life?
"I am the devil, the devil is me! The devil is born, and the devil is heaven! " Recalling what Monty said, Wang Gan suddenly understood the meaning.