The guards came to drag him to the door, and he didn’t react from the shock.

It didn’t come from his mouth until there was a sharp pain in his hip for help.
When Luo Yuxi changed her makeup and appeared in Cining Palace, she sent to report to Tuoli that the killer had been beaten half to death.
"Did the soldier outside the emperor do anything wrong?" Luo Yuxi walked into Cining Palace, and the Queen Mother turned and knelt behind her before slowly asking.
"It’s no big deal, no pains, the queen’s heart" answered with a straight face.
"Cao Tongling is kneeling here again?" Luo Yuxi continued to ask questions.
"Report back to the Empress. Someone just sneaked into the palace and rescued Princess Heshuo."
"What? That witch ran away? Did all the prisoners eat soft food that day? Zhuo Xiangdian is there? "
"Report back to the Queen’s Empress that this soldier who was scolded by the staff is the only one alive in the prison."
"Since the emperor is the only one alive, should he be blamed?"
"Therefore, people can’t advance and retreat together with their companions. They are always afraid of death, and people will be beaten to death."
"I see."
Although Luo Yuxi feels sorry for her own hands, she will never get upset with Tuoli at this time. It is a fair death for her to finish giving her to even the dead person.
It was a long time before Luo Yuxi asked, "What are you going to do with Huang Na Mo Zihan?"
Luo Yuxi continued, "Mo Zihan killed the Queen Mother and now killed the court etiquette. It should be a sin to escape from prison, but she fell in love with the emperor after all."
Now that she has made a big mistake and fled for fear of sin, she will never return to the palace. I hope the emperor can look at the old days and forgive people. "
Luo Yuxi’s intercession also didn’t get a response.
"You all go. I want to stay here with the queen mother."
There is no response to Cao Mu’s exhortation to Luo Yuxi for a long time before he comes up with such a sentence.
Everyone knows that the queen mother’s death was a great blow to the emperor, and everyone was well-advised to retreat without Mo Zihan.
More than 30 shadows on the periphery of an unremarkable house in Beijing almost guarded this house like an iron wall.
In the room, Du Lingyue and Huayue Dance are busy helping the doctor’s thugs around the bed.
Keeping in the cold wind and easy dust in the outhouse, watching the pots of blood being brought out, fidgeting.
"Don’t pull, don’t pull …"
Mo Zihan, who is already in a semi-coma state, is extremely pale. His mouth is still reading three words since he came out of the palace just now.
Now the knife has been pulled out of the abdomen and palm, and the wound has been bandaged by the doctor
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353 Chapter 353 where will you go [3]
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"Can enter"
After helping Mo Zihan put the inner coat on, Du Lingyue gently called out a dust and cold wind and rushed in like an arrow.
"How is the doctor?" Even death has never been afraid of cold wind trembling asked.
"Ah …"
Seeing the doctor sighed and shook his head, all the people present were in their throats.
More than 30 shadows outside the house unconsciously moved closer to the center of the house, because there were people lying in the house who swore to be loyal to their lives, but now she was lying there quietly, unaware of life and death.
"This girl’s injury is not optimistic!"
"Then will she die?" The cold wind is going to be collapsed by this doctor Wen Tun and roared
"Are you her husband?"
The cold wind didn’t answer the doctor’s question. When the doctor saw that he was so anxious, he acquiesced.
"The dagger was so deep that even if the girl had been blocked by her palm at that time, the child still couldn’t keep it. I’ll let her drink some abortion pills later and try to clean up the congestion in her abdomen."
"You … what did you say?" I can’t believe the cold wind when I hear the truth.
"Doctor, you said she was pregnant?" Easy dust also frightened and asked.
Damn it, he didn’t even know she was pregnant. If he knew what he said, he wouldn’t let her risk her life and go back to the palace.
"How long has she been pregnant?" One side flower and moon dance asked
"This girl is still in early pregnancy, only one month, and more than one abdomen has been punctured, which is not enough to threaten her life."