Before the red tassel could react, Shui Lian Yue had disappeared behind her, and she hurried up to chase her flying skills.

Tonight is doomed to be a restless night. Some people are happy. Some people are creepy.
Back to Shuifu, it was still quiet, and there was no return to Lanxiang Pavilion. Instead, I rushed to Shuimu Yaowen Pavilion and went to Hongying, followed by my own lady.
Step by step, the two of them fell lightly into the yard and went outside to pull open and saw that the three big men had not come yet. Lianyue took out a bamboo tube from her pocket and blew it into the house. She didn’t study less in ancient times these years, but it has always been a rule to go to the dock to find a black hand to pick up the work.
Dock is the most unclean place, dirty trading, killing people, buying goods, selling people and selling people. There is no more suitable place to talk about business than dock.
Just as the water was rippling and the red tassel was kept outside for a while, three black shadows jumped into the yard and entered the room in the dark. Obviously, this is an old hand. The three of them cooperated with the sky to sew the door and sneak the door to pick the lock. I have to say that they have strong night vision ability.
The mansion is very big and the night is thick. It is dark in the mansion. Only when there is a patrol patrol can there be lanterns in their hands. They can avoid the patrol and reach their destination easily, which shows that they have a little effort [
In a blink of an eye, the door of Sunset Yao gently closed the room, except for finely stripping the man’s breath, which did not leak any trace. Shui Lian nodded with satisfaction.
Red tassel looked at the water in her eyes, which was the first time for her. It was so thrilling and scary. Who was Sunset Yao? No matter how arrogant, unruly and hateful, it is also the daughter of three big families who are separated by three big men. Will her heart be sympathetic to the poor lady?
In the dark, the eyes of the phoenix are flashing with strange light, and the corners of the mouth of the masked cloth are slightly evoked to reveal a sneer. You come and I come to the dark. I want to see your arrogance in the future. I want to see if your arrogance can still be brought into full play.
After complicated thoughts, Shui Lianyue pulled the red tassel, and they left the warm Yao Pavilion and quickly came to the dock. This time, Shui Lianyue took off the masked cloth to reveal that Zhang Qingcheng was still as cold as icehouse.
She slowly closed her eyes and took a deep breath again. The wind at the pier blew more and more, and there was a smell of moisture in the atmosphere. Gradually, raindrops were carried in the wind and swept to the pier.
Not far from a lamp of tea kung fu, three black shadows came, not to mention that the three men came to get the money.
Shui Lianyue made no secret of his appearance and phoenix eyes, and smiled at the three big men for the first time. At the moment, the rainstorm came and washed away all the three big men at the dock. First, they were one leng, and then their six eyes flashed with red fruit.
Long hair flying like a cat with its teeth bared, a black snake, a beautiful face, a charming phoenix eyes, not eclipsed by the rain, but added a bit of s-curve charm because of her smile. However, the three big men did not realize that the danger was approaching them step by step.
The smile became wilder and more moving, which puzzled the three big men.
The rain washed away the bright red blood, and the moon folded up and laughed and snorted. Three bodies were kicked into the lake and Red tassel was completely shocked behind her. Did she know Miss? Is that still her lady?
It’s like a different person. Miss seldom laughs on weekdays, but what she just laughed at didn’t make her feel beautiful at all. Chapter 34 After the storm.
The heavier the rain, the more violent the wind blows, the branches are swaying wildly on the lake, and the ship is also swaying with the wind. The atmosphere of the ship is not affected by the storm. The sky suddenly changes and the stars are unpredictable under the cover of dark clouds.
Shui Lian Yue Hong Ying returned to Lanxiang Pavilion and quickly changed into clean clothes. The scene in the front yard was more lively than the storm sweeping outside.
However, Shui Lianyue doesn’t intend to go in the past. Presumably, her father and aunt are here. The small bamboo tube fan Xiang won’t last long. Everything is under her control.
What’s more, Yao is the protagonist in today’s play, even if she doesn’t go to heaven now, she knows the same.
Tonight, the whole Shuifu is afraid that people in Lanxiangge sleep the most practically [
Yu palace
The nangongshan Yu leaned on the head of a bed and listened to the off-balance-sheet report. The original sleepy black eyes were suddenly sleepy and deep, and there was a faint chill that made the house temperature drop no warmer than outside.
"Hum, this is the king to marry a woman? But the little trick is really vicious. "For a long time, the Nangong Yu cold hum a black eye unexpectedly flashed a hint of approval. The color is green outside the account, but I can’t see that Yu Wang hates that woman more."
"Report, but that Shuijia Shuimu Yao did things too much. It seems that rumors are rife in the capital this time, and her mother has" Green wind seems to have a ripple of water on the defense and replied with his head down.
At this time, although he changed into clean clothes, his black hair was fluffy and wet as if he had just washed it.
"Well, this matter is thoroughly investigated. No matter whether that woman is under the banner of my future princess Yu Wang, it will be interesting to see who ate the bear heart leopard and dared to insult my reputation in Wangfu." Nangong Yu nodded slightly and added, "Keep staring at her for more than a month, and it is the wedding day. Don’t let her get out of anything for the king and give her a hand when necessary."
When Qingniao heard Nangong Yu’s words, she misheard Wang Ye and let herself help the Shuigu girl? Haven’t come to react, Nangong Yu waved his hand and motioned for the green wind to recede.
After exiting the house, Qingmadao smiled slightly. It seems that his report is not Leng Shi’s heart. It’s really the first time that I haven’t seen the report’s heart for this woman. Maybe she will be the first lady of Chengyu Wangfu. You should be more careful when you see her later.
After a storm swept through, the sun was particularly charming, and there was not a trace of white clouds in the blue sky. Occasionally, Lan Xiangge laughed and laughed, which showed that the weather was good and people were in a good mood.
After breakfast, Shui Lian Yue Hong Ying wandered around the mansion. If it were normal, they wouldn’t have this luxury, but it’s just different. In the past, the eldest lady’s most precious daughter was calculated by Shui Lian Yue. Of course, they should go to "comfort" Shui Mu Yao.
However, Shui Lianyue won’t be stupid enough to go directly to Shui Muyao’s dad. It is stipulated that she should go to Muyan Pavilion every day to pay her respects. Not only will she go every day after today’s visit.
As soon as I arrived at the Sunset Smoke Pavilion, it was as usual, but I could still find something missing.
"Miss, have you found that there is a lot less assume in the Sunset Smoke Pavilion?" Red tassel observed around and said with a low water ripple on the moon.
Shui Lian-yue glanced at her eyes lightly, and her lips started to sound very low. "This is nothing. After the big lady loses her position in the government, you will find that this sunset smoke pavilion is not worse than Lanxiang Pavilion."
HuaLiYouHua red tassel suddenly a shiver what do you mean after the big lady has no status? She swallowed her throat and didn’t think about it in the future. She followed her young lady into the twilight chapter 35 and smiled.
After the servant girl came into the room to leave, the red tassels of the water ripple on the moon came into the house in tandem, and she swept her eyes lightly, and the phoenix eyes lightly carried the water. Sunset Yao was not in the water ripple on the moon, but she couldn’t help laughing at it. At this time, Sunset Yao should be crying in the warm Yao Pavilion.
"Greet your aunt." Shui Lianyue was as indifferent as before. She didn’t even bend her body, but the red tassel behind her was different. She leaned slightly and asked for a greeting.
The first lady is sitting in the center seat, but the third lady wonders why the second lady is not here today.
"Yi Ernian likes to join in the fun on weekdays. Why haven’t you seen her today?"? Water ripple month slightly lock eyebrow peep out one silk surprised way
The first lady’s pale face turned green after hearing the surprise of Shui Lianyue. "Will she come or not?"? Big lady slow slow mood didn’t good the spirit said [
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