In fact, Ruth is not the king’s own daughter, but was adopted when she was seven years old.

Before she was seven years old, she had been wandering in the streets and had long been used to it.
"But aren’t you a little young now? Why don’t I find you a place to go and come back to help them when you are older?"
Shen Mengyao naturally has a way. Her adoptive father is still here and can take care of Ruth.
"No, this is my home. I’m young. Aren’t you saved by people my age? I want to rebuild the land kingdom. I can’t let them wander around like this."
Ruth is really childish, but she has a responsibility that adults don’t take.
Make up her mind that she will stay here.
This kind of lofty sentiments made Tang Yi all admire him very much.
Ok, but you must be careful. I’ll leave you a message. You can contact her if you have difficulty.
Since Ruth has made such a decision, Tang Yi can’t say anything more.
He left a voicemail directly, and Rose took care of it for him.
"I’ll look like you have something to do, too. I’ll take you out first, but there’s nothing I can do without the land kingdom."
Ruth feels so mature when she speaks, perhaps because of the influence of her living environment.
After a short rest, Ruth once again took three people through the low collapsed area and took them all the way to an exit.
Here is a subway trunk line, hiding behind the iron gate, and Ruth is reluctant to wave at the three people.
Yu Sanren crossed the subway line and walked all the way along the maintenance passage.
With Ruth pointing the way, they soon came to a subway.
"Let’s get the information back as soon as possible and then leave quickly. The other party should also arrange people to look for us constantly now."
The first thing is to retrieve the mysterious information.
Now the king betrayed them, but he also helped them from another angle
After all, four access channels can definitely contain half the power of black gloves.
It’s a good thing to take this opportunity for three people to touch the ground.
"I want to end this damn thing, too."
Li Yun really can’t smell the bad smell. Recalling the smell that she just entered, I’m afraid her body is stinking now.
This has nothing to do with the excitement she imagined.
I was chased all the way to hide, and now I have to run all night to escape from black gloves.
Touched the maintenance channel and three people filed out.
Climbed to the top exit along the iron ladder, and Tang Yi held up the top cover with both hands and looked outward.
This is a corner of the street. At this time, there was no figure on the road just now.
Push the manhole cover to Tang Yi’s first turn, followed by Shen Mengyao and Li Yun.
Although there were no searchers around, three people dared not take a taxi.
The target location is three blocks away from here, and they can go on foot.
"I’m really curious now what your teacher’s secret research institute will be."
Walking in a lonely street, Ruth gave them a map of the city with her hands, and they were looking for a path to go forward.
The closer I get to that position, the more excited I am.
After all, it is unheard of for teacher Shen Mengyao to master a lot of technology.
"At least it won’t be the enemy backyard, hoping to take a shower and change clothes."
Li Yun still cares about his bad smell.
These days, you don’t even have to wash your face without water to bathe.
This makes Li Yun, who loves cleanliness at ordinary times, feel a little worried.
"Don’t worry, you will get used to this life soon."
For Li Yun reaction, although some melodramatic, it is also a normal reaction.
It’s beyond ordinary people’s imagination to spend seven days in the foul-smelling and moldy waterway.
It’s good not to get sick.
Tang Yi smiled, not to mention that ten days and a half months, even months and a half years, may not have a chance to take a bath.
When Li Yun grows up at a high speed, she will fight for nothing. Don’t treat yourself like a human being.
"I don’t want to become a smelly man like you."