Without Herman Goering, Rudolf Hess and Goebbels, does this man still have a chance to become the devil of the world and change Germany into the world?

Chen Tianxin’s answer is very contradictory. Without such an environment, this person’s potential cannot be denied. You know, rebellion was doomed from the moment he was born, and living in Vienna gave him a profound understanding of reality. During the war, he disdained to join the Austrian army because he saw through the decay and decline of Habsburg dynasty and was crazy about war, which reflected his human nature on the other hand.
Just as Chentian was immersed in his thoughts, juliana woke up a little
This will make the atmosphere very awkward, and Chen Tian soon realized this.
"Major, I forgot you hurt your hand … is it okay to eat like this?"
After all, it is very likely that the lines designed by a dramatist are not in good condition in actual situations. It is hard to imagine in which direction this meeting will be held, whether it will be an instant hit or a blunt scene.
Obviously, this problem also caught Adolf off guard. Fortunately, this "celebrity" who has received a lot of attention has not shown the situation on this occasion.
"Positions although some difficult but less can also fork and spoon! Fact … It is a great honor to have lunch with your Queen’s Temple. Even so … there will be no regrets! "
"Major, don’t you worry that the attendants will cut the food for you!" Juliana comforted Adolf with a smile. "This is an informal dinner party. You see there is no stranger here … I said yes!"
"Yes!" Chen Tian hurriedly agreed that for a monarch who is not very sociable, a queen like juliana who grew up in a royal family and has a good grasp of etiquette and words on various occasions is a very useful supplement, but it is still the most important factor in politics for outsiders to see the combination of the two.
Adolf’s own free hand over there gently pulled the napkin and said in a small way.
"The Queen’s Palace … It’s very kind of you!"
Chen Tian nodded to the attendant on one side to signal that the dinner party was formal.
Fish roes from Russia are carefully cooked by the royal chef, and roasted rabbit meat makes people appetite at first sight. Fried steak, fragrant pine mushroom and clam soup, as well as local Spanish mackerel and sea shrimp are a normal lunch for Chentian and juliana, but it is definitely a rare delicacy for Adolf, a soldier who came from the front not long ago.
During the meal, Chen Tian and juliana tacitly reduced the frequency of speaking so that this special guest could focus more on the food. It can be seen that Adolf is really hungry. During the meal, he kept his proper manners as much as possible, but he forgot that when members of the royal family attended the high-level dinner, would anyone eat half a rabbit, three steaks, a fish and a plate of soup, even though these foods were cut by the attendants before putting them on his plate?
Fortunately, Chen Tianhe and juliana didn’t mind this, but looked kindly at Adolf, who was still eating. Before the temperature of some food on the table dropped to need to be reheated, he finally put the spoon in his hand. The squire immediately removed the table and tray to change coffee and tea for three people-Chen Tianhe and Adolf were both coffee and tea in juliana.
"I saw your story in General Hartman’s report. To be honest, you are one of the few officers I know who can combine wisdom, courage and command, so I specially arranged such a dinner party and asked them to keep it strictly confidential until you arrived here!"
Chen Tian’s words are a supplementary reason for inviting Adolf to dinner. Although this invitation doesn’t have to have any reason, Chen Tian hopes that this explanation can reassure Adolf. After all, it is impossible for him to tell him about another world.
Adolf brushed up from his position. "It’s my honor to be appreciated. It’s a high reward for me to have lunch with you. Now I hope to get well as soon as possible, return to the army as soon as possible, and contribute my strength to the empire and career, even if I have to sacrifice my life!"
It’s not surprising that this lofty aspiration comes from another person’s mouth, but who is this in front of you? Others don’t know Chentian, but it is very clear.
Is he really willing to live in a house? So his hidden ambition lost the opportunity to sprout?
At this time, there is an indescribable feeling that once a certain branch of history changes, many things will change with it, but this change is by no means complete. Herman Goering died in the battlefield. Rudolf Hess retired from the Sixth Army and went to a small factory. Goebbels worked as a teacher at the University of Heidelberg, but Deng Nici, Lei Deer, guderian, Manstein and Rommel have a life track quite close to history. Most of their talents have been recognized, especially Deng Nici and guderian, two heroes who have long been in Germany. Compared with Adolf, they are still unknown.
Chen Tian waved a face of excitement and Adolf sat down.
"Major, your courage and loyalty are beyond doubt. You deserve this medal after your contribution!"
A ring has already been prepared to stand beside Chentian, and the attendants will hit a delicate wooden box with a medal with two colors of blue and gold, which is lying quietly inside. The cross is made up of four arrow shapes, which is a kind of blue arrow between sky blue and sea blue, and four golden arrows are flying eagle.
This is the second place in the German army, second only to the Grand Cross. For a German soldier from a civilian background, winning the Blue Max Medal is already a very high honor.
When I got up, I personally took the medal out of the box and went to Adolf. I gently pinned it on Adolf’s chest and saluted.
"Pursuit …" Adolf’s eyes were full of tears. Since he was told at the door half an hour ago that "Emperor Pursuit invited you to have lunch", he was like entering a dream and was happier than dreaming.
Just when Adolf was too excited to know what to say, Chentian patted him on the shoulder. "Come on, I think we can have a good talk!" "
Adolf rushed nodded.
"Is that okay?" Chen Tian smiled and looked at the tea being served. juliana, a former Dutch princess, was very keen on tea from the East when she came here. This time, it is natural to taste all kinds of famous teas in person. It seems to Chen Tian that her English drinking method of pouring milk into tea can not taste the real taste of tea.
"Of course!" Juliana elegantly held the teacup in front of him. This happy major is certainly not a dangerous man. What can men talk about together besides being keen on the military?
So when Chen Tian and Adolf had a long face-to-face talk in the room, Adolf was still a little restrained, so Chen Tian deliberately chose some things like military career, Adolf, such a light topic as battlefield anecdote, gradually let go. When talking about Austria, especially Vienna, Adolf showed his knowledge in humanities, history and art. Before he knew it, Chentian changed from a protagonist to an audience, and Adolf became a speaker from a guest. He not only gave Chentian, an art layman, a small lesson in modern art, but also did not shy away from pointing out the existing establishment of the Navy’s Sixth Team. Some shortcomings of equipment warfare mode Adolf euphemistically expressed his view that Japanese people are stubborn and despicable and can be saved. They and their emperor system should be eliminated, but it is too expensive to directly land on the 6 th island. It is more suitable to deal with such island bombing and water blockade.
Three hours of long talk, let Chen Tian tell the world adolf? Hitler got some deeper understanding, but before he gave Adolf a new position, the wounded man who even had problems walking freely had to take care of his injury honestly.
Destroy the day Chapter one hundred and thirty-five Artificial hero ()
On the second Wednesday after Chentian came to Qingdao, Christmas came quietly in 1929. It was windy outside, and it was cloudy but there was no snow. In Germany, the square and buildings next to the streets in Qingdao, the military and economic center of the Far East, were carefully arranged according to the German Christmas habit. Small lights and gift boxes can be seen at the entrance of shops and hotels, and a Christmas carriage will be placed to attract people’s attention. Even if the economic conditions are poor, some merchants will write "Merry Christmas" in German with pictures or large banners.
Because the street is busy, it takes a little longer than usual for the bus to cross the city to go to the Far East Group headquarters. However, it will calm down if you look at the cheerful pedestrians outside the window and the children with different heights, western faces and oriental faces in the church choir, and then listen to the heavenly carols sung by their children’s voices.
"Merry Christmas!"
It’s only a few tens of meters away from the entrance of the headquarters to the main battle command room, and the oncoming officers greet each other. In Germany, Christmas is a good day to drink beer and eat roast duck and go out for a trip. Although the soldiers here have to continue to struggle in their respective posts because of their duties, everyone is very relaxed except one person, that is, the nephew of Marshal mackensen, the first assistant intelligence officer in Chentian.
"This came from Berlin an hour ago!" As soon as he entered the door, Schobert had an extremely serious expression, which made people know at a glance that he brought bad news.
Chen Tian took a document from him, which occupied half of the paper. Three paragraphs roughly said that Rheinische Zeitung published an encouraging anti-war article today, accusing the government of spending huge manpower and material resources to fight a war far away from Wan Li and killing a large number of outstanding German soldiers in the distant battlefield. This is neither rational nor responsible. Because Rheinische Zeitung has a great influence in central and western Germany, especially in small and medium-sized cities, this article is likely to let more German civilians join the anti-war camp. In addition, the intelligence department learned that opposition parties and some civil organizations, such as the Freedom League, which has always held peaceful and anti-war views, are actively preparing for an anti-war demonstration, and their activities are mainly aimed at workers in major factories. Although their demonstrations will be arranged for most workers to rest on Sundays, such activities will obviously affect the enthusiasm of workers to continue the national war machine.
After reading this report, Chen Tian’s expression is a little serious, he said to Schubert
"I know you go first! I’ll call you again if I have any orders! "
"Yes!" Schubert left with that look on his face when he came in.
Thinking alone for three or four minutes, Chen Tian rang the bell and asked the attendants to call Lundstedt and Manstein, who had just returned to the headquarters to report on their work.
Five minutes later, the three generals walked into Chentian’s office in turn according to their ranks. Today, they are all wearing the new 6 th Army, and they are all very clean and tidy. However, the color of the Kleist Army is a little lighter than that of the other two, which is not obvious. But when the three of them are side by side, the difference is still obvious. This is the difference between commanding the first-line troops to weather the wind and rain outside and staying in the room most of the time.
"Please convey my Christmas greetings to your families and ministries, wishing them a merry Christmas, happiness and health!"
Almost unanimously, the three men replied, "Thank you, we will give it to you!"
"Please sit down!" Chen Tian led them to the square sand room on the side of the office. When everyone was seated, he said, "I called everyone here today to tell you that the anti-war sentiment in China is gradually rising, and there are more and more calls for us to end the war as soon as possible!"
Of the three people, only Kleist was surprised that Lundstedt and Manstein stayed in the group headquarters so that they could hear more outside the battlefield, and they didn’t deliberately hide it.
Lundstedt was the first to say, "I beg your pardon, the voice of opposing war has been there since we fought against the Japanese. I think these people are either economically or otherwise connected with the Japanese and are afraid that the war will damage their interests;" Either it is biased against the government and the army; There are still some people who I think are Japanese spies or bought by the Japanese early! "
"Yes, I think so!" Manstein then said, "No matter when trying to maintain peace by non-war means, there are people, but history has proved that only by force can a country’s security be guaranteed and real peace be achieved!"