"I don’t know if Director Zhou has any plans?"

San Niang jiao Xiao kou
"You haven’t married yet, but you can arrange this. How many sisters can take care of me in my room?"
"A person’s life is inconvenient, and it will be much better if someone takes care of him."
She knows Zhou Jia’s identity, age and potential. Her sisters can’t be married, but my concubine doesn’t matter.
This kind of person recruits women from wealthy families in the city to fight for it even if they are afraid.
Right wife
I heard that people in front of Elder Chen’s daughter are close, so don’t get involved.
Zhou Jia looks up and looks cold.
"This won’t bother San Niang."
San Niang face a stiff shan shut up.
Zhou Jia closed his eyes and silently adjusted his breath.
His goal has always been to live on this foundation and become stronger, and then explore the world step by step.
It would be best if we could go back to where we came from.
But with the passage of time and the deepening of his understanding of the market world, he has been full of confusion about some naive ideas at the beginning
Go back …
I’m afraid I’ll never go back
But I don’t know if it’s a good thing or a bad thing if I have the opportunity to meet my former friend.
at present
His goal is also very true. With the help of the Tianhu gang, he will start with the super-source quality and then advance to the black iron territory after the completion of the tenth.
Then start from Xuantianmeng to practice the method of black iron realm
After …
He should be able to dive incognito, stop asking his trivial matters and explore the world while expanding his strength, which is expected to impact the silver realm
"Director Zhou"
San Niang is obviously not a person who can center her heart. She was silent for a moment, stopped matchmaking and changed the subject.
"My body feels that Mr. Qian’s life should be numbered."
"Really?" Zhou Jia’s expression is indifferent and doesn’t seem to be very heart-warming.
"If you see it?"
"A few years ago, Master Qian was injured when he helped the military to exterminate the Thirteen Hawks’ Nest. Since then, he has not been good again and again."
"The rich master is in charge of the money house, and he should be dying now to think about building a foundation for future generations while he still has some strength."
Speaking of which, she gently snorted and her face was full of anger.
"But their choice of gambling houses depends on whether we answer or not."
"Money home …" Zhou Jia mused.
"What do you rely on?"
Although Shicheng is big enough, several gambling houses are more than enough, but the money family dares to snatch food from the tiger’s mouth and even thinks about the consequences.
"What else?" San Niang pie mouth.