"The Covenant heaven stands upright."

"The farm environment is bad"
"The manor is now in good condition and completely destroyed."
"The manor is out of control."
"The manor armed defense force is destroyed"
"This manor has no profit value, only some natural resources can be used."
Not far from Zhuang, I don’t know what to say.
The lock-picking device has accumulated a lot of "time oil". Not far from Suozhuang, I tried my best to hit the biggest door nearby.
When I first heard that this is a "manor continent", Zhuang was not far away and was pleasantly surprised.
Lanshiye Manor is just a manor city, and it is already so huge and rich.
Get rich! Get rich!
But when the manor was tested, it was like a pot of cold water pouring over the head, which destroyed the illusion that Zhuang was not far away.
Mom lost her eggs!
It turned out to be such a dilapidated manor!
Zhuang walked around the top of the mountain not far, and the temperature on the top of the mountain made him shiver, so he quickly put on down to keep out the cold.
After searching in the hall for a long time, I found that there were really no profitable resources, so I resigned myself.
It seems that even life is extinct at the top of this mountain. After staying for less than an hour, Zhuang couldn’t stand it. He looked around at the foot of the statue and found a place to plant grass.
Manor said, "At present, the flow rate is gradually increasing when it is out of control. Are you sure to dock?"
Not far from Zhuang, I thought that the velocity of the manor is different, and the velocity of the manor can be controlled by the great power of God. It should be nothing, right?
Besides, this is a valley clause. At most, it will develop into a manor and a small village. It’s a big deal to throw the rabbits over and then lose the door not far from the village.
After confirmation, the manor was docked, and the servants of the manor appeared not far behind the manor.
"Why is the landlord so fast?"
"Yes, I planted it in the blink of an eye?"
Blink of an eye?
Is the speed so fast here?
But now is not the time to consider.
It’s serious to deal with rabbits quickly
The manor servant hit the rabbit cage, and the rabbits rolled out of the rabbit cage like a group of plush balls, and the tide flowed from the mountain.
If it weren’t for the rabbits who didn’t take Zhuang not far away, I felt that I would certainly hear the rabbits cheering.
"Oh, what a fright!"
"Run, run!"
But not all rabbits left directly.
Not far from Zhuang, I found many rabbits with scales crawling and his feet gently touching his feet.
At this time, Zhuang heard a sign not far away.
"Congratulations to the owner of Renci Manor for domesticating a new species-Rabbit Dragon Man and making his complex thinking reach the intermediate domestication stage."
"Congratulations to the owner of Renci Manor for his domestication achievement. 2/5 of the current domestication progress of’ Minzhida’ is dog dragon and rabbit dragon."
That moment not far from Zhuang is simply in distress situation.
Mom, are you sure this is not a joke?
These rabbits can also become rabbit dragons?
And when you wake up next time, can you be early?
Forget it, forget it. Now the rabbit is free, and you can’t regret it.
Not far from Zhuang, he squatted and touched a rabbit’s head and said, "Well, this vast world already belongs to you. Go and multiply at will."
"The Creation of the Rabbit Dragon Code" recorded that "in the first year of the creation, the ancestor garden of the Rabbit Dragon made a big mistake, and the two-legged god was furious and wanted to put the Rabbit Dragon to death, and the King of God was merciful and the Rabbit Dragon opened up a new world to thrive"
"All rabbit dragons are guilty, so we should make penance, beg the forgiveness of the king of two feet and return to the kingdom of God … The king of God blessed me with spiritual wisdom to lead our rabbit dragons to thrive. I am the first generation of high priests with white claws."
Chapter 595 Military Competition
A military training ground in a state has been in the middle of a military actual combat contest.
A total of five days, four nights, and dozens of simulated combat events have been completed, which is several times harsher than Malasson’s. All the participating teams have reached their limits in physical strength and spirit.
And even the team leaders who accompanied the competition had heavy psychological pressure in their hearts.
Military honor and blood are sometimes above everything else.