There must be two bodies here. Whether he lied to her or not, Owalin wanted him to live. "I have seen Sakanda" He didn’t think about it. It brought him eternal pain. He forbade himself to sob or whine and forced himself to spit out the words one by one in a calm tone. "There was a huge foggy ocean. It kept rolling and hitting the black rock, and the flame in the melting pot turned everything into red, flashing and splitting into a crazy day." He didn’t want to talk about it, but he forced himself to open his mouth again. "I used to walk. But I went all the way to the path in the hinterland of the demon valley, where the teeth-like rocks rubbed against my head. I walked all the way to the shore of a lava lake full of flames-"Don’t say it again! "The dark Lord is there, and it is in the abyss because he breathes evil spirits. Even at noon, it is still black."

Ovalin has straightened up now. Her eyes are wide open, not afraid, but shocked. "I’ve heard of it, too …" She said this softly, then shook her head and stared at him sharply. "Who are you? What, you’re here? Did someone abandon … Did the apostles send you? What I didn’t receive the notice? "
He looked up his hair and gave a laugh. "Do you want people like you to know what I accepted?" His Lugard accent is getting heavier again. In a way, it is his hometown. "The apostles will tell you everything?" There is a big voice in his heart that warns him of his mistake, but he hates the two performers, and so is the voice in his heart, "Be careful of the beautiful little two performers or they will give you to Modao to play with you."
Her eyes were like icicles stabbing him in the eye. "We’ll wait and see Paden, and I’ll clean up the trouble you caused, and then we’ll wait and see who is in a higher position in front of the apostles." After seeing the dagger, she withdrew from the room until Ovaline covered him for a whole minute.
He growled at himself like a fool, trying to play games with the two performers, bowing to the two performers, but it was hard to restrain his anger in an instant, but it ruined everything. He cut a hole in his body, then put the dagger back in his sheath and licked the wound while putting it in his coat. He was different from what she imagined. He used to be a dark friend, but now he has gone beyond this category, surpassing it and being higher than it. Some are different, some are even worse. If she is contacted by an abandoned light angel before he kills her … it’s best not to try to find the horn of Kawara Tsutomu now. He has followers waiting outside the city, and they should be waiting there. He has implanted fear in their hearts. He hopes those people are still alive.
Before sunrise, he walked out of the White Pagoda, left the island of Tavaron, and lived somewhere, and he was whole again.
Chapter 2 Zhang Jia Pass
Lan Dezheng, the world’s ridge with a vague outline, guided Jieding to climb the rock slope. From this foothill, it is the range of Zhang Jia Pass, and the dragon wall directly pierced the sky. All his peaks turned into short hills in front of it. In the hot sunshine in the afternoon, Rand could clearly see the dragon wall peak, the snow cap, a little bit of white clouds, which could move around the waist of these giant peaks. These clouds didn’t have a desert to bring a drop of rain. Rand couldn’t imagine that anyone would want to climb a mountain, but it was said that people who wanted to climb these peaks eventually turned back in the middle of the way
"… but the Kerian people have exhausted their strength because of the power game," Murray said beside him. "If they believe that you are strong, they will follow you and treat them firmly, but I ask you to treat them fairly. The ruler should achieve real justice …"
Rand tried his best not to pay attention to her, just as he didn’t pay attention to his riders and Hadang, who had left behind the broken canyons and valleys in the desert, but these jagged peaks and ridges in front of him were as barren as a desert and completely unfit for vehicles. It has been more than 20 years since no one has passed this road
From sunrise to sunset, Murray will keep talking to him. What she talks about is very small things at all levels-details of court etiquette in Kerian, Sha Dai Ya or some other place; It may also be some important events-the political influence of the white robes or perhaps commercial trade, such as influencing the rulers to make war decisions. It seems that Murray wants him to complete all the education of a noble before he reaches the other side of this mountain.
To his surprise, Murui sometimes said things that even people in Yimen village would regard as simple common sense; And sometimes she says other things that are completely unusual, and sometimes she says something that surprises people, such as except Murui, Alwen, He shouldn’t believe the news that the people in the White Pagoda and Elida are now a jade throne except Yilan and Nainiwei. Although she has sworn to Rand, she will never tell him how she knew the news. She said that it was someone else’s secret. Unless someone agreed, she revealed that Rand suspected that Murray said that others meant the wise men who could dream, but the wise men stared at him and didn’t even say "yes" or "no". He really hoped that they would swear like Murray that they would always interfere with his communication with the leaders as if he had contacted them through their leaders to be satisfied.
Now he doesn’t want to care about Elida or those wise men, and he doesn’t want to listen to Murray’s sermon. Now he wants to know about the pass in front of him. There is a gap winding forward in this mountain. It seems that the mountain has been chopped by a blunt axe, and each axe is not very successful. If you urge the horse to run for a few minutes, he can enter the middle.
A steep cliff on one side of the entrance of the pass has been cut out for more than a hundred steps. There is a weathered stone carving on the ground-a giant snake coiled around a 300-piece high column. On whether this is a monument, a road sign or a symbol of the ruler, it must have come from an ancient country before Yatu Eagle Wing. Perhaps its history is earlier than the war between the beast and the monster. Rand has seen the disappeared countries before, leaving traces, and even Murray does not necessarily know their source.
On the other side of the mountain (the place is so high that Rand is not sure whether he can really see it), there stands something even more strange on the snow line, which makes the thousand-year-old monument on the mountain become an ordinary sculpture. Rand can swear that it must be the remnants of some buildings. The black mountain wall makes these gray ruins have a shiny feeling. The strangest thing is that the shape of the ruins is like a port, and all kinds of shipping facilities have collapsed. If it is really not from his imagination, it must have collapsed from the world. In the era when the relics remained before the destruction, the surface of the world changed dramatically. It used to be an ocean. He could ask Yasmodine because even he sometimes probably didn’t want to go to that height to investigate to satisfy his curiosity.
The giant snake face is located in Tyne, a medium-sized town with a high wall, which is also a relic. When the Kerian people were allowed to send caravans across the Three Jedi, a lot of wealth was poured into the town from Shata along the Silk Road, but now it gives people a sense of silence. The town seems to have a few birds and gray stone walls arranged in a black patch equidistantly. Matt nut stirrups frowned, a pair of eyes and a wide-brimmed hat looked at the pass in the shadow. Lan Jianyin’s face showed no expression, but he and Mai obviously had no expression. Teke was watching intently as a gust of wind blew around the pass and it became a little cooler. The haze-changing cloak was also slightly tilted for a moment. From shoulders to legs, the haze seemed to become a part of rocks and thorns distributed by those stars.
"Did you listen to me?" Murray suddenly asked her to let her white mare get closer to Rand. "You must!" She took a deep breath. "Come on, Rand, there are so many things I have to tell you. There are so many things you have to know."
The pleading in Murray’s tone made Rand have to take a look at her. He still remembers when he was completely shocked by the two ceremonies. Although she still maintained elegance and dignity, now she looks really small. He should feel protective for such a woman, but this idea is really stupid. "We still have plenty of time after Murray." He said gently, "I won’t pretend that I know as much about the world as you do. I plan to keep you with me from now on." He hardly realized how great changes have taken place in their state.
"Of course," Murray sighed. "As you wish, we still have enough time."
Rand urged his spotted gray stallion to trot, and everyone else followed him, and the carriages behind him also sped up. However, they still couldn’t keep up with the front person, Yasmodine-Jacin Netta-the singer’s patchwork cloak fluttered with the flag he had set up in the stirrup. The bright red flag was painted with the black and white emblem of the ancient two-instrument division in the center, and his face was horribly gloomy. It made him unhappy that this mark was the place where Rand signed. This was perhaps Rudian’s prophecy.
The patches on Tyne city wall are corpses. They were twisted into strange shapes in pain before they died, and they were swollen and swollen by the sun. All the corpses were tied by their necks and hung on the city wall. It seems that these corpses hung around the city wall for a whole circle. Those birds were covered with black light, and their heads and necks were covered with blood. Vultures, some crows were perched on corpses and devoured carrion. It was not surprising that the new arrivals were dry and smelly, and there was a pungent burning smell. The iron door was open and exposed, and there were no living things except birds.
Just like Maros, Rand tried his best to get rid of this idea, but he could still clearly see in his mind the scene when the huge city was recaptured. The huge tower was burnt black or collapsed into a pile of rubble. At every intersection, he could still see the remnants of the big fire. All those who refused to swear allegiance to the shadow would be tied up and thrown into the fire alive. Rand knew whose memory these scenes came from, but he didn’t tell Murray about it. I’m Rand Arthur. Lu Si Serin Tramon has been dead for 3,000 years. I’m myself! This is a war that he wants to win. Even if he must die, he wants to die as himself. Thinking of this, he forces himself to turn his mind to other things.
It’s been half a month since Rudian. In the past half a month, Eigil has been walking from sunrise to sunset every day, and even the horses that follow them have been exhausted. But Kulaiding started a week earlier than them. If they shorten the distance from him, he will ravage Kerry for a long time. And if he wants to trap the sand, it will take longer, which is also not a pleasant idea
"There is someone watching us behind the stone on the left" Lan said quietly that he seemed to be observing the ruins of Tyne City with rapt attention "not Eigil, otherwise I wouldn’t even see a trace of them"
Rand was glad that he let Elvin and Ailinda stay with the wise men. This town gave him a new reason, but those monitors just met his original plan. At that time, he had hoped that Tyne would survive. Alwen still wore the same Eigil dress as Ailinda, but Tyne from Eigil was not welcome, and the lucky people in this town would not welcome them.
He glanced back at the stop, and after seeing clearly the decoration of Tyne City and the city wall, the coachmen were whispering that Hadang was dressed in white again today and was wearing a big handkerchief to wipe his face with a hooked nose. He looked quite calm and pursed his lips thoughtfully.
Rand predicted that Murray would find a group of new drivers after he passed the pass, and Hadang and others might run away at the first opportunity, and he could let them run away. This is not appropriate or fair, but only in this way can Yasmodine be protected. How long has he been doing what must be done instead of doing what is just? In a just world, the idea that these two things should be the same made him laugh, but the sound was more like a hoarse gasp. He was no longer the country boy, but sometimes the boy would sneak into his heart and others would turn to look at him, while he tried his best to stop himself from telling them that he was not crazy.
After a long time, two men and a woman without coats got up from the gravel. All three of them were dressed in rags, barefoot and covered in filth. They came to the crowd hesitantly, turned their heads uneasily to one side and looked at the riders one by one, and then looked at the caravan and the back of the caravan. If someone in this team shouted, they might immediately turn and run away, but their haggard faces and vain steps said that they had not eaten for a long time.
A man in "Thank Light" finally said that his hair had turned gray and his face was covered with deep wrinkles. All three of them were not young. His eyes stayed on the lace to decorate the neckline and cuffs for a while, but a team leader shouldn’t ride a mule and hold a flag. Finally, he grabbed the stirrup of Rand anxiously. "Praise Everbright for walking out of that terrible place alive." This person might call Rand this way because of his blue silk coat. Embroidery with gold thread on the shoulder and the flag behind him or his intention to flatter Rand, despite his gorgeous clothes, there is no reason for this person to recognize that the team in front of him is not a caravan. "Those murderous barbarians came again, and the Eigil war broke out again. No one could have predicted that they would climb over the wall late to kill all those who dared to lift their hands and take away everything that was not fixed."
"Late?" Matt immediately asked him that he was still looking at the destroyed city with his hat down. "Are your sentries asleep? You must have a sentry so close to the enemy, right? If you set up a sentry, even Eigil is not easy to attack. "Lan gave Matt a look.
"We don’t have a sentry, my Lord." The gray-haired man winked at Matt, but answered Rand. Matt can wear a Lord’s body after his green silk coat, but he hasn’t buckled a button and his clothes have been squeezed out. It looks like he even wears this dress when he sleeps. "We … We have a vigil at each door. We haven’t seen barbarians for a long time, but this time … they will set fire to it if they can’t steal it. They will starve us all to death, these dirty beasts! Thank you for coming to save us, my Lord, or we will all die here. I’m Tal Naisin. I’m … I used to be a saddle maker. I’m very good at it, my Lord. This is my sister Ari and her husband Andel Cole. He can make very good boots. "
"They not only robbed things, but also robbed adults," said the woman, whose voice was still full of pain. She may have been quite beautiful, but she was frightened and worried. Rand suspected that the lines would never be completely gone. Her husband’s eyes were lost and vacant, as if he didn’t know that he was in "my daughter’s adult and my son. They took away all the young people, all aged 16 to 30, and they stripped off their clothes in the street and got together to drive away those barbarians, saying what they were and what they served …" The pleading voice dropped to her.
Murui immediately jumped into the saddle and came to Ari’s side. As soon as the hands of the two performers touched this gaunt woman, she immediately gasped and shivered. She looked at Murui with questioning eyes, but Murui held her body as if to support her.
The woman’s husband suddenly opened his mouth wide and stared at the gold-plated belt buckle that Ailinda gave Rand. "His arms are marked like this, so they are all coiled together like cliff snakes."
Tal looked up at Rand uncertainly. "The barbarian leader has this pattern on his arm. They are all wearing the same clothes, but the leader cut off his sleeves and he wants everyone to see the pattern."
"This is a gift I got when I was in the desert," Rand said. He put his hands behind the saddle bridge. His sleeves covered his arms. The dragon pattern is that if someone looks closely, they will see the back of his hand. A pair of leading players, Ari, have stopped guessing what Murray did. Now all three of them are posing as if they are about to escape. "How long have they been away?"
"Six days, my Lord," Tal said uneasily, "They stayed here for a night and a day, and then they left us. They should also leave, but what should we do if we meet them turning back? They will definitely turn back to Selyn? " Seleen is the town at the other end of the pass, and Rand suspects that the situation there will not be any better than Tyne.
"How many people are alive besides the three of you?"
"Maybe there are a hundred people, maybe more than that."