"You are the one who gained a powerful ability to travel freely through the past and the future after ten years."

"Don’t refute. Shut up, shut up, shut up!"
Fang Lingang to express doubt impatient ghost roar at the same time conveniently tore off another sleeve into Fang Lin mouth.
Fang Lin’s violence can also struggle to get the gay people. The ghost didn’t escalate the violence and simply said, "Then you were greatly dissatisfied with your past life, so you arranged everything to gently flick the beads and change your present fate."
"That’s it! Now I allow you to ask me a few questions. Ask them quickly! "
Fang Lin looked at a murderous ghost with a full face, and the blue-colored mountain in the fingertip gap fled quickly. Obviously, the mood was extremely unstable and it was possible to have a cow and go out at any time, so the first question was worship.
"Can you change the fire disambiguation to answer me? I think he speaks more logically! No! Tap … "Fang Lin haven’t finished speaking ghost grabbed his best strength and threw it aside to watch the fire disambiguation. Although he stretched out his hand and caught Fang Lin, it brought down the powerful inertia and rolled with Fang Lin.
After the fire disambiguation got up, it pulled up Fang Lin’s line of sight in the face of ghost killing, and gave up seeking justice. When the fire disambiguation was about to open, there was a sudden violent explosion and half of the warehouse was lifted away.
"I’m an insider of Oren Viking. Give me the hook and I’ll spare you!"
"There is madness again. This enemy didn’t tell us at the beginning!" Ghosts are violent and attacked by people. Of course, they are in a bad mood and have rushed out in a flash.
Fang Lin heard dada! Da da da da! In a short time, the ghost fell back in a mess, and at least 17 wounds kept bleeding.
"grandma! What magic weapon is this to have such power? "
Fang Lin can’t help but feel horror at seeing a ghost injured. But with his common sense, Fang Lin thinks this is a gunshot wound. But can modern firepower weapons deal with supernatural creatures? Fang Lin also puzzled.
Oren Viking occupied a high soil slope, and several machine guns were placed in front of him, carrying AK-47s and stabbing missiles shoulder to shoulder. It was he who caused the situation just now.
The sheer strength of Oren Viking will not be stronger than that of Moby Dick, but the western hunting group has developed psionic weapons in recent years, and even an ordinary person can use this weapon to deal with the powerful monster Oren Viking.
Headquartered in Europe, the American Ghost Hunting Group joined forces to develop the latest technology, the sacred secret silver casting magic-breaking gun, which imitates modern gun manufacturing. It can fill all kinds of ammunition, and besides ordinary ammunition, it can also make the sacred armor-piercing bomb have extraordinary power to destroy the magic, and it does not need to recite spells and is not prepared to belong to the perfect combination of modern technology and ancient occultism.
Just now, the ghost was shot back by Oren Viking. If it wasn’t for the unusual physical quality of the ghost, most of the bullets were almost screened in the crisis.
"oh! What a pain! Come out for me! " As the ghost broke off and the wound jingled, two bright silver metal bullets came out, forcing all the bullets out, and the ghost couldn’t help but look stunned. It seems that this kind of bullet can not only hurt the body, but also have a pair of spirits.
"Very interesting things! I went to see a ghost. They acted without interference. Li Bing’s figure rushed out of the warehouse and sensed Li Bing’s powerful spiritual power. Oren Viking immediately changed into a heavy weapon-Landauer combat gun. This is an American psionic martial arts master-Bill McDonald personally made a powerful weapon, and its size is as remarkable as its power. Oren Viking made it convenient to take a plane to hide from the airport inspection and carry all weapons with him. The powerful weapons in the dimension emerged one after another.
"Direction … good cunning" Li ice sheet intends to move at high speed against this strange magic weapon that has never been seen before, but Oren Viking fired the first shot at the warehouse. If Bing avoids Fang Lin inside, they will be in danger. They have seen the power of this weapon. Bing knows that there is a jack-o’-lantern disambiguation inside, and they simply cannot resist such a powerful attack.
"Quick-frozen ice sword! Hey! "
Bing opened his hand and lifted the cold and frozen air, and the atmosphere was instantly condensed by an ice sword. He just intercepted the shells fired by the Landauer combat gun. The huge explosive force caused the sand and stones on the nearby mud ground to fly over the explosion center, and the ground was blown out of a huge pit the size of a medium-sized shopping mall.
Bing flew to the sky to avoid the explosion power range, pointing at a piece of ice and rushing straight.
"No matter who you are, I don’t appreciate it. Calm down!"
Oren Viking has never seen Bing, but his demon force detector has been ringing wildly at this moment, and the cold breath attached to Li Bingbing silk also lets him know that it is irresistible.
"The demon power value is 16 thousand. What a strong guy!" Although Orenvikin marveled at his opponent’s earth, he was still full of confidence in himself. "Monsters! Human IQ is you after all! Powerful forces can’t determine the balance of the battle. "
Arrogant Oren Viking stretched out his left hand and the pentagram shone brightly and disappeared in a flash.
"teleport! There are also two "Bing" who are greatly amazed at the fighting style of Oren Viking. After so many years of seclusion, Bing has rarely started to see modern fighting skills for the first time, and he can’t help but burn up the fierce fighting spirit.
Oren Viking learned that Fang Lin and Moby Dick students would meet here, so he rushed over out of responsibility, with a face of I am very weak and down-and-out. What do Moby Dick students and others think is also a loser? Oren Viking certainly won’t put the sniper target on them.
Things are often so unexpected.
Oren Viking had great confidence in his combat skills, and even though the strength of the other side was unfathomable, he did not waver in his determination.
"Being strong doesn’t mean that victory is coming. Only when you firmly believe in doing the right thing can you go forward bravely." Oren Viking is convinced of the battle motto of the hunting group.
The hand has changed to the psionic weapon with the fastest firing rate. Oren Viking keeps changing his position to avoid Li Bingkong’s being eroded by frozen gas. The protective cover of the holy power has moved to the sixth level. If it is not hit by Li Bingbing silk in the front, the cold will not be able to resist him.
Oren Viking’s hand weapon is five times faster than ordinary firearms, and its ballistic speed is also more than three kilometers per second. Even if the opponent’s speed can exceed the speed of sound, it is impossible to avoid other bullets.
"This thing is not enough to deal with me!" Bing’s self-confidence is due to his evil spirit and the cold air erosion, which makes the surrounding air naturally form a high-density air pressure. Oren Viking’s continuous shooting bullets are frozen in the middle, and so on. If there is defeat, Oren Viking remains calm and calm in the face of disadvantages, and his hands are flexibly changed. He has tried more than ten kinds of attack methods in a short time.
"well! It’s really strange to manipulate the frozen monster, but it’s also mixed with a lot of aura. It should be of human descent or I don’t know the factors, so the holy power can’t exorcise. Let me try the high-explosive flame bomb. "
Hoo hoo! Counting fireballs flying all over the sky
Bing and Oren Viking are fighting more and more fiercely.
Fang Lin holding a ghost has escaped from the collapse of the warehouse, and the wind and fire are different, so he handed this back to the least Fang Lin.
"I will have the strength later, and then I will definitely put everyone who dares to offend me into ten levels of hell and then step on ten thousand feet so that they will never turn over." Doomed Fang Lin swore and swore, and the ghost was very unhappy and interrupted him. "You are really a petty revenge guy. When you retaliate, you will not even let go of women, children and the elderly. It is an internationally famous shame scum."
"I depend! So don’t give face be careful after I get back at you "Fang Lin this sentence poked a hornet’s nest greatly, not only ghosts even fire disambiguation and wind qi qi compared with the middle finger hate scold a way" how about you? If it weren’t for your shame, how could you send us here to do this kind of hard work? "
Fang Lin was embarrassed to ask, "Am I that bad after I?"
"You even play with yourself. Can a normal person do that?"
Although the ghost is injured, it is still full of spirit when it comes to this topic. The character of Linde people slanders the ghost’s mouth. The future Fang Lin has simply become a three-dimensional model of the world’s evil source and criminal machine. Every action will become a classic case of world crime.
Fang Lin gaped and couldn’t believe that there would be such a nasty, obscene and shameless creature in the world, and he still grew up himself.
"After gaining strength, I became so reckless that no one would punish me?" Fang Lin tried to win some favor among the three people. I didn’t expect the ghost to cut off his efforts to turn evil into good without hesitation. "Your ability is the only thing beyond the time, so there is no power to deal with you, so you will never be full of evil, otherwise we would have chopped you up and fed you to the dog."
"Don’t go in such a hurry? Don’t say hello, everyone! "
Fang Lin and his party just touched two white lights on the highway! Shining up, an ordinary man leaned against a heavy car. It was he who hit car headlights. Just now, it was this man who made the voice.
A presentiment of bad fire disambiguation and wind hurriedly pulled Fang Lin behind.
Come and turn over a hand, and a small copper seal with four corners slowly floats in the air, and soon a blue manifold blooms and becomes a ball flash.
"Although I don’t want to, it’s probably impossible for me to let you fight if you want to!" The other party’s light and confident tone made the scene atmosphere dignified immediately.
"It’s a ghost boss’s ability. If it wasn’t for the boss’s injury and insufficient energy, two people just fought." Fire disambiguation felt the fighting spirit of the other party and said with regret.
The wind coldly swept away the other party’s forest and said, "You go first and we will stop this man."
A push on Fang Lin Feng’s figure turned into a faint void. This time, I saw Fang Lin with my own eyes and realized how fast the wind speed was. The wind raised the speed beyond the scope of visual nerve capture.
Almost at the same time, the man who blocked the road bloomed with dazzling light and formed a protective film cover. The continuous attack of the wind was played by this cover, but he just relied on a heavy truck and was picked up by a tornado and pushed four or five meters away.
"Fire disambiguation! Boom him! "
When the wind breaks and the fire is ambiguous, Fang Lin is also attacked. He is dissatisfied with his ability, but at this time, he doesn’t say that he is a hero. He picked up the ghost Fang Lin and took the opportunity to rush the truck and launched a machine to run wildly.
"What so many at sixes and sevens enemy shouldn’t I know in the future? How can you let yourself be so unlucky to run like a SangGuQuan every day? "
Fang Lin watched how to drive a car when he was in shock, but this kind of untested technology, the government machine didn’t give a driver’s license. Fang Lin suffocated the throttle to the maximum, and the heavy truck made a terrible roar, and the surrounding scenery quickly regressed.
"hmm!" I didn’t hear the ghost answer. Fang Lin was about to ask a question, but I was horrified to find that the ghost around me became very strange. The first tiny blue awn penetrated the top of the carport with a subtle sixth sense. Fang Lin’s first thought was that the ghost had left this body.
"It’s a nice night tonight! I’ll take your friends home. "
A very ordinary palm stretched out and turned back to Ma Jingjie’s body. In an instant, Ma Jingjie has disappeared.
Fang Lingang was startled, but he looked back and saw a face just like himself.