When the royal clan and the king of Nanhai County saw the iron tower Han coming in, they looked up lazily and asked, "What?"

"The people in the Imperial Valley should have no problem."
Tieta Han said, "This man is profound but not me, but a few words about his youth have drawn my deep thoughts. He upholds the so-called chivalry like the people in the Valley of Kings in previous dynasties, but he also has the mind to pursue rich profits and high names."
"With a lot of criminal evidence, it has become a goal for him to make a name for himself. I think he is looking forward to someone singing his name and resuming the glory of the Imperial Valley after the official begonia is demoted and raped."
The king of Nanhai county evoked a smile "seeking a name?" That’s good. If he really has enough things, the king will not hesitate to give strong support to make his fame surpass that of the emperors and valley lords of past dynasties. "
Tower Han briefly relayed Huang Xuemei’s words.
The south China sea county king smile is even more obvious, holding the roll and clapping your hands. "Good! Ok! Having such an eye to kill the official begonia and then kill the enemy makes Wang look forward to it, especially if Wang Hui is confident that he can kill the official begonia. There are few people who can match him now? "
Tower Han’s face changed slightly.
It seems that he didn’t pay attention to him. The king of Nanhai County has naturally turned the conversation and said, "Maybe he will become a king soon, and his second love will be second only to you, the king of Tota."
Han Tieta immediately handed over and said, "I’m flattered."
"The official begonia is two days away from the southeast camp. We want her to kill her forty miles away from the southeast camp the day before she arrives."
The king of Nanhai County raised his hand and ordered, "A total of 27 people and 413 elite soldiers will arrive at the right time."
"This time can’t be too early or too late. You must make overall plans and continue to stare at the pigeon house."
Your health should be turned away.
As soon as he went out, a light suddenly flashed from the bottom of a beam five feet away from the right of Nanhai County King.
The light lit up the dark corner and showed a figure who had been crouching there.
This man is dressed in a pure black cloak and a black towel, half of his face is covered with an eye patch like a owl’s wing, and half of his face is covered with a thick beard. The whole person is mysterious and ferocious.
With a pair of blue eyes like the sea, this person adds a bit of "human" flavor.
Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum
The king of Nanhai County looked unhappy and said, "Jun’s health is not high, but when he was twenty years old, he practiced the golden bell jar with a thirteen-Pacific Insurance to the top of the door."
"When the martial arts conference was held in Houjiang Lake, the secret book was crazy, and he also benefited greatly. Ten years ago, he had already climbed from a rising star to a handful of top experts in Wulin. If you are positive, he may not be able to escape his magic fist."
The men in black disdained to smile. "It seems that there are still some guns in front of us that are unnecessarily arrogant. Why don’t we beat me in martial arts?"
"Before your layout, you transferred Cheng Shifei, the former Xu, and the first master around Guan Haitang to the sea. You also think that if I kill these two people, I can’t kill your female duke?"
The king of Nanhai County said calmly, "I want to make sure that this matter is more certain. Since my father and king planned to operate hateful iron guts for decades, they died suddenly and succeeded to the throne."
"This time, the selection of the most elite troops in terms of force, regardless of sacrifice, is to finish the battle. If there is a way to weaken the protection force around Guan Haitang, it will be achieved by hook or by crook."
In every sentence, the man in black seems to be smiling. "Hehehehehe, but I heard that there should be another master around her. Why don’t you transfer that?"
The king of Nanhai County waved his hand and stood up. "You mean that TIANYA DUAN, in the name of a royal guard, commanded the real king to find out for a long time that he must hide his identity and secretly go to Fusang to worship his master for two months every year."
"Now that commander is just an official begonia to help him cultivate an impostor."
Men in black are full of tongues.
"It seems that you have really done your best in this respect to some extent."
"Okay, I’m happy and relaxed, too."
"But after killing the official begonia, I will find them one by one and bring back the heads of the three men, and we will make an effective sacrifice of the Covenant."
As soon as the lights go out
The doors and windows are still closed, but the figure in black has disappeared.
The king of Nanhai County went to the beam and stared for a moment, and he put out the candle.
"King Hum, the barbarian of Fanbang, is looking forward to it …"
Chapter 39 An assassination outside the United States
It’s cool and breezy in autumn.
The team of Jing Shenhou has set out since the cock crows at dawn and the sun rises.
After they set off from Beijing, they will arrive at the Southeast Camp in about two hours according to the schedule.
The number of this team is nearly 1,000, all of them are powerful and powerful, and they are equipped with steel knives, which are an elite dedicated to guarding Jing Shenhou.
There are more than ten people around the guard frame, although their clothes and shapes are similar to those in the army, but they are armed with weapons. There are even more elderly people riding donkeys and carrying sticks, and women holding umbrellas. Obviously, it was originally a Wulin middleman who later defected to the court.
After they left the city, they soon came to a Okawabe and walked along the river bank.
There are boats and boats in the river, and there are people coming from several commercial cabins, large and small, parked by the Han River.
When the escort team passed by, they saw that one side was the river and the other side was the dense forest. In a sense, it was a good place to ambush, so they put on a slight guard.
And some shirtless men who were originally on the deck saw them dressed up and quickly fell into the cabin.
This is also the normal reaction of some businessmen and people when they see officers and men, so it is not worth making a fuss about.
However, when this team passed half the time, the largest boat moored on the bank of the river suddenly shook and squeezed a few feet towards the shore.
A large amount of mud on the shore was squeezed into the river by this, turning up a large muddy wave.
During the deformation of creaking wooden structure, the whole hull leans towards the shore.
A large shadow covered the soldiers’ heads, and the power of dumping huge objects made the whole team panic involuntarily.
Fierce horses hissed and ran away, guarding the scene closely, and the formation was suddenly scattered a lot.
"What all panic? !”
A muffled thunder is like drinking all over the fields.
The old man riding a donkey jumped out from the side, and dozens of soldiers stamped their heads over their feet. They got up again and flew to the side of the big ship with their hands pushing together.
Although such a big ship is far less than the imperial navy warship, it will weigh hundreds of thousands of pounds even if it doesn’t count the goods. Unless it is as peerless as the iron-hearted God Hou and the Emperor Valley Master, who dares to speak out of turn?