She said that Han Fei made herself like that. Will others believe her? No!

Hanfei gives people the impression that she is always soft and moist, and she is an overbearing advocate.
Others will say that she is not only domineering but also ridiculous, even so shameful! Will she say more?
"risk your life?" Even Fang Qing ridiculed a smile "auspicious noble this is a bit interesting! So you are not afraid of death? "
"yes! Does the imperial concubine want the life of a concubine? " Auspicious noble one leng immediately replied
It’s hard to ride a tiger. She can say the same thing.
"That’s good!" Even Fang Qing clapped his hands and sneered, "You keep saying that Gong beat her, so be it! The palace is right here. If you don’t fight back, you can still hit the palace! It’s more pleasant and straightforward to avenge her than to complain to the emperor! "
Everyone was surprised and there was a low pumping. Even the princess was still weeping and sobbing.
Auspicious noble also froze suddenly a little unprepared.
Lian Fang laughed coldly. "Dare not? You’re not even afraid of death. Are you afraid of this? "
Xiang Guiren was overwhelmed by Lian Fangqing’s words.
Every word she says is from the bottom of her heart, and when she says it, she is half-fake. She wants to ask Han Fei for justice, even if it is in front of the emperor, even if it costs her life!
That’s not true! It’s not like this!
Let her slap the imperial concubine in the face in front of the public, and Han Fei will take revenge. She dare not do it!
But if she doesn’t hit her, how can she face justice before the emperor?
And in the future, will she still face Han Fei? Like facing other concubines?
Xiang Guiren gritted his teeth with a cruel heart and said, "We have sinned!" Yang hand toward Lian Fang Qing face.
"Sister Xiang!" Hanfei secretly called "Oops!" Fiercely hugged the auspicious noble arm and grabbed her desperately and shook her head and cried, "No! Never! I don’t blame the imperial concubine for her heart! It’s not her fault! You can’t do this! No! "
Of course, she can’t let Xiang Guiren beat Lian Fangqing.
If she did, wouldn’t the injustice she suffered today be halved? Then what’s the point of her suffering and careful planning?
"Sister Han Fei, you!" Xiang Guiren glared at Lian Fangqing with anger and love, deeply hating himself for not moving fast enough just now!
"Sister Xiang!" Han Fei’s attitude is more determined and sincere than crying, "Is it difficult for my sister to force her to death?"
Auspicious noble Zheng suddenly lost his struggling strength and turned around to hold Han Fei. She looked at her with red cheeks, red eyes and a full face of tears. She couldn’t help but feel a sour tear in her heart.
Two people holding a cry.
Even Fang Qing looked annoyed and disgusted, and turned to leave with a cold hum.
Ning Er, bright son hurriedly with.
Silverscreen and the others had just gathered around Princess Han and the noble Xiang to make a bitter exhortation.
This matter seems to have inserted wings and soon spread to the sixth house.
To everyone’s great surprise, I think it’s actually reasonable. The personality of the imperial concubine Empress is now spoiled by Han Fei. It’s only 153. Chapter 153 is not wronged.
Is that Han Fei is too weak to cry after being beaten!
Well, who will the emperor help?
Everyone is excited! Look forward to it!
The news also reached the Ganqing Palace. Emperor Guangyuan was in the process of approving the memorial. When he heard the news, Xiao Liao also stayed away.
After determining the mistake, I was puzzled and ordered Xiao Liaoguifei to go to the Qing Palace to see it.
After such an unexpected and shocking thing, it wouldn’t seem abrupt for him to call the imperial concubine.
Even Fang Qing is awkward, disgusting and uncomfortable! Hanfei, what the hell is this? Just to frame her to get more love? Well, congratulations! She made it!
Now she must have been in the sixth house, right?
And in the process, there must be all kinds of embellishments. Her image must be more brilliant than she can imagine! Shock ratio!
Even Fang Qing knew that it must have happened when Xiao Liao came to do the Qing Palace by himself. Without saying anything, he said, "Let’s go!" Lift your feet and go
At this moment, she also misses him very much. Only with him can she get rid of that strange feeling in her heart!
Only he will be suspicious and believe what she says!
Into the south room of Ganqing Palace, Lian Fangqing called out "Emperor!" Then he ran towards Emperor Guangyuan and threw himself in his arms and refused to look up.
Guangyuan emperor couldn’t help heart took her down and smiled "qing son what’s going on? You still look unhappy when you hit someone? Does it hurt to hit your hand? Let me have a look! "
Even Fang Qing giggled and looked up at him and said, "Does the emperor also think that I hit your beloved concubine?"
Emperor Guangyuan’s eyes narrowed dangerously. "Qing’s son will be punished for saying the wrong thing!"
It seems that he thought of punishing Lian Fang with a red face and saying, "How can I be happy when I was severely fooled by her!"
Said, and will say out the original things, of course, skip the culvert princess that crazy before that.
Guangyuan emperor heard heart fire up grind scold a way "that woman is crazy! This kind of thing can be done in order to compete for pets! "
Emperor Guangyuan suddenly felt a little shudder because he told him that the woman was his beloved Qing son.
Not only because of love, but also because he believes in her! She won’t deceive herself.
They came to pretend to be at odds with her, and it is even more impossible to beat her out because of "jealousy" of Hanfei.
But if you tell him that it is not his beloved Qing son but someone else? Can she believe such a ridiculous story? Hanfei feels soft, gentle and soft, and she doesn’t look like a person who would do such a thing!
Emperor Guangyuan suddenly felt that he had decided to be a Qing son, and that being with her all his life decided the English ratio.
In this way, his harem will become very clean! A lot less unjust, false and wrong cases
"Yes!" Even Fang Qing than humbled depressed way "I really have the guts-"
Her forehead was struck by lightning! It’s so unreal! That’s what makes a man look bad! Gee! Fortunately, you believe me! I knew you would believe me! "
Guangyuan emperor ha ha a smile to say with smile "I don’t believe who you believe? I am definitely not such a person! Even if you really hate her rivalry, you won’t hit her! "
"That is!" Lian Fangqing curled her lips and blurted out, "I’m afraid I’ll get my hands dirty!"
Provoked Guangyuan emperor to laugh.
"Since she is trying to compete for favor, I will be her!" Guangyuan emperor slightly sneer at.
Even Fang Qing nodded "hmm". "You don’t have to worry about my feelings! Emperor, we can’t wait any longer! You ….. You take the opportunity to love her more and give her more opportunities. She should do something because she can’t stand it! Because she is already shooting! "
Emperor Guangyuan caressed her hairline judo "wronged you!"
Lian Fangqing blinked and smiled mischievously. "Then you have to compensate others later!"
Emperor Guangyuan took her and laughed. "I’ll make it up to you tonight!"
Lian Fangqing’s eyes are red, and she hides her face from time to time. She has never been embarrassed. Although she tries her best to do things, she still makes people see clearly.
Back in Changchun Palace, even Fang Qing’s face collapsed into the temple, so he ordered everyone to go out and stay with his aunt.
Ning Er, bright son they generally indecision indefinite exit two people’s duty is to watch the people are strictly prohibited near.