Tophro naturally doesn’t like winning skin color, but if he wants this, he will be driven away … It’s only for members of the uneducated class, and he obviously won’t be so impulsive.

He knows very well that Changsheng is Lotito’s loyal lackey, and he has made Lotito’s position stable in Lazio.
Because he can really bring champions to Lazio, which Toflo has to admit.
The China man is right. Lazio fans will support him if he can still win the championship.
All we have to do is get him out of here
But how do you get it away?
During this time, Toflo let his hands go around to collect information and intelligence, hoping to find something that can benefit him.
If he finds it, he will definitely fry it to achieve the goal of forcing the palace …
An hour and a half before the game, the stadium finally put all the ticket gates to let the fans in.
Untouchable fans have been entrenched outside several entrances of the North Stand before they moved.
The north stand is their territory. They always watch the home game like this. They just wait outside the north stand and check in. They just go inside and know who they are, and they don’t check in at all.
Then Lotito came, and the good days ended.
It’s time to check in!
No tickets allowed!
After a period of struggle, the incorrigible faction still didn’t win because Lotito said that the club’s financial crisis existed in every euro.
Even if their ticket money is divided by the city Council, it is better than nothing.
So they gave in and paid for the tickets.
Now the incorrigible fans take out their tickets and prepare to enter the stadium.
Lotito is also waiting in the queue for admission.
But after waiting for a few minutes, the team did not move, and he felt strange.
Look at the other entrance teams next to them. They have already filed in!
What is going on here?
While wondering, there was a commotion in front.
"What happened? !”
He asked to drink.
Soon someone came back panting and reported the situation.
"Commander! No way to the entrance! !”
"What? !” Tophro was surprised.
Then he pushed the messenger and strode past hand in hand.
He saw the entrance door through the crowd without walking a few steps.
There’s no worker at the ticket gate. The door is carved with iron and closed!
Really not!
Chapter one hundred and seventeen Closed North Stand
Toflo had a bad premonition, which made him feel bad. He didn’t care about himself. It was all his hands. He waved his hands and pushed those who were in the way aside and strode to the ticket gate.
To heaven, there are people who check tickets here, and the non-indoctrinated fans check tickets here. Of course, they have to go through security check.
But security here is generally sloppy.
It is natural for non-indoctrinated people to get through these festivals
If the security check is too strict, the uneducated will enter the stadium with their fists and mouths. How can we create a home atmosphere? Who is responsible for the flood of slogans, portraits and huge flags in the North Stand? It’s their incorrigible faction!
Then the iron gate will be hit behind the security checkpoint.
After passing the ticket check and security check, the uncivilized fans will step up from here and enter their territory to decorate the home atmosphere with various slogans.
There are four such entrances in the North Stand of the Olympic Stadium.
Thousands of non-indoctrinated fans can enter the stadium at half an hour faster-they have to enter the stadium quickly because they have to set up the stands first because the security check is not very satisfactory.
Setting up the stands is the best support for Lazio …
It seems that they have won every special item for supporting Lazio …
But this time things are different.
There is no one at the security checkpoint. The iron door is closed.
He climbed over the low security checkpoint and came to the tall iron gate with more than two people through a passage
He looked up at the iron gate and then grabbed the railing and shook it hard.
The door clattered, but it just wouldn’t pull.
It’s really locked
Damn it!
A bad feeling took shape in Toflo’s heart.
He thought of the former Lazio club official.
They said that they would ban the more than 230 untraceable fans for one year at home!
They are serious! ?
But there are still many people here who didn’t take part in that incident!