Lian Fangzhou has a kind of arguable feeling that he only has a wry smile.

Where is she asking too much? The point is that the little guy is too demanding of himself!
It was he who kept chanting the first prize in front of her all day, which made her unconsciously influenced and asked her out!
Alas, she is really worried at the moment. I don’t know what will happen if he doesn’t win the first place in the exam!
Of course, these words can’t be told to everyone. In the face of all kinds of persuasion, she can recognize them and quickly express that she will change her attitude immediately when she knows her mistakes.
In less than two quarters of an hour, even Che and Jane finally came back, and people in the village gathered one after another to congratulate them, including Zhang Lizheng, village elders, Mr. Xue Li and other Qin stewards, and so on. Congratulations and admiration rang out.
Even Che’s face is full of smiles. The little guy smiles with bright eyes, and his little face is flushed with excitement, showing a bit of pride.
He won the first place in the exam!
Even Fang Zhou’s heart was completely glad when a stone fell.
Sun got the news and came here. Even Hai Bian came with him.
Today is a good day, even Fangzhou and others naturally won’t care about him, but he soon found himself uncomfortable.
Everyone has not seen him, but he has met him. Many people put him together and said that even the family is really talented. One is better than the other! Lianhai is the first scholar in the village. Forget it, Che Er was admitted to Tongsheng at such a young age or first place!
It’s really amazing!
This used to be a fact that everyone said, but it forced Lian Hai to recognize others as sarcasm. It was better for Lian Che to be unhappy at the moment.
He’s not angry. He thinks he’s just a boy. It’s not even a serious fame! That’s just getting started!
How many prodigies finally "disappeared from the crowd"! This is nothing!
Lian Hai couldn’t help laughing. "Tong Sheng is nothing but a small trial. You can’t be proud. Make persistent efforts to get a scholar as soon as possible. Let’s win glory for our family!"
Most of the villagers were simple and honest and didn’t recognize the different flavor in his words. Many people also echoed with smiles.
Even Fang Zhou’s Jane looked at each other, but she was slightly unhappy. How can this person be so annoying? He must come to spoil others’ fun when others are happy!
You can’t get used to his stupid problem. You really think he’s amazing!
Even fangzhou then forward to even che laughed. "Cousin said it was very che’s son. You can listen to cousin’s teaching! Cousin didn’t win the first place in the examination of Tong Sheng and Scholar, but she got in at least, didn’t she? Well, it’s still your predecessor! He is so concerned about you, you must live up to your expectations and get a good score to show him! "
Sun had listened to even the sea words and some eyebrows. Even Fang Zhou couldn’t help laughing. How could she suffer?
He also smiled and said, "Yes, Cher, you have to refuel! Your qualifications are better than ours. We didn’t get your grades at your age! "
Lian Che was busy, respectfully agreed and generously thanked Lian Hai.
Looking at Lianhai is a bit at a loss. Even Fangzhou did Sarah laugh! Who told you nothing to spoil the fun!
On the second day, Lord Lu, the grandfather of the county, gave a banquet in the county government’s back office to entertain the newly admitted students. The dean and gentlemen of the county school will also be present, and local celebrities and squires will also be invited. Some scholars who have passed the exam will also choose the best among them and invite several to the banquet.
Even Hai and Sun are invited.
However, adults did not expect that it was Ding Taifu who accepted the invitation to attend!
Of course, local celebrities with the oldest qualifications and the highest reputation are invited, but no one expected that he would agree to attend.
After all, this is just a little boy’s exam! Last year, a county grandfather gave a banquet after the list of Chinese scholars was released, and Mrs. Ding was not present!
Everyone is excited and has a little curiosity.
Of course, even if you are curious, no one dares to ask Dr. Ding, let alone accuse Dr. Ding of not attending last year.
Ding Taifu’s status does not need to explain to others or consider how others feel when doing things here. Who dares to say anything when his mind comes?
Some wise people, such as Lord Lu, speculated that there must be a reason why Dr. Ding did this, so they looked forward to this banquet even more!
In the early morning of this day, Lian Che was dressed neatly, accompanied by Jane and Lian Ze, and accompanied by Lian Hai and Sun.
"Don’t forget your sister told you to go!" To the county yamen mouth Jane helped him the car patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile
"I’ll take care of Cher. Don’t worry!"
Even che nodded and smiled at Jane. "Jane’s brother can rest assured! I know! "
Jane smiled and even Ze watched him go in step by step.
It’s not very kind of Jane to even talk about Shanghai. Think to yourself, it’s not enough that you’re too busy making people. Where can you take care of Cher?
Besides, you don’t really care about Cher, so don’t take care of it. The more you take care of it, the more you help …
It wasn’t until the moment of the bid that everyone came out one after another, talking and laughing, and it looked very pleasant.
"It’s finally out!" Even ze breathed a sigh of relief.
He and Jane have been waiting here for a long time.
Suddenly, I saw a group of people pouring out, in which Lian Che was waving and calling out "Che Er!" Rush forward
Jane followed.
"This son! You are out! " Even ze beaming laughed
"Brother!" Even che with a gray beard, wearing a light brown dark-striped Confucian shirt, good-natured, tall and thin old man looks quite respectful. Chapter 556 Apprentice
He quickly smiled at the old man. "Master, this is my second brother!"
"Oh, it’s your brother!" Ding who swept Hu smiled and nodded his head.
"I met the old gentleman in Lianze!" Even ze busy polite upon.
He doesn’t know Taifu Ding.
Jane knows each other.
Jane was just about to meet Ding Taifu before, and by the way, from the side point, even Ze’s two sentences. In case he says something wrong, it’s always wrong, but he sees that even Ze is quite reproachful and frowns. "What old gentleman? This is Taifu Ding! "
Then he bowed down and bowed deeply, saying, "Dr. Ding is polite to the sea!"
Jane picked his eyebrows and didn’t go to the side to avoid it.
"Ding Taifu?" Even ze was taken aback and exclaimed with disbelief. He looked at Ding Taifu and said, "You, you are Ding Taifu! That’s the one who retired from the capital and returned to his hometown, Ding Taifu! "
Ding Taifu Zheng couldn’t help laughing and nodded and smiled. "Well, it’s the old man!"
Even ze face reddish embarrassed scratched his head hurriedly back two steps upon "wang li also please forgive me a teacher! You have taken my son Che as a disciple, and my sister will not be happy if she knows! "
Even ze couldn’t help but raise his mouth. Everyone could see that the joy in his heart could not help but be influenced by his flamboyant emotions.
"hinder hinder! He who doesn’t know is not guilty! By the way, why didn’t your sister come? " Ding Taifu couldn’t help but smile when he saw it, and he sighed in his heart that even his brothers and sisters are very close, so that the family would not do anything to corrupt this disciple.
Think this Ding Taifu is in a happier mood!
You know, scholars usually enter the county school after they have passed the examination of Tong Sheng, so that they can study for scholars.
Today, the director of the county college and several gentlemen are here. The main purpose is to meet the students in the new exam and choose their apprentices by the way.
Lian Che Tong Sheng won the first place in the exam at such a young age, just like a piece of rough jade, which has great potential for exploration and carving.
Several teachers in that county school, including the dean, are eyeing him now! Everyone has mustered all his strength to take him into the door today.
Think about what can make a teacher more gratified if he can train a champion to explore flowers in the future?