"Is this the way to get through?" Sun Sheng wondered that monsters that are supposed to block the east-west passage should be very powerful. These are not as powerful as before …

Because the ground is covered with a thick layer of snow, Sun Sheng didn’t notice that the melted snow water didn’t flow along the ground, but gathered in a limited way. Even when there was snow outside, it would avoid gravity and flow in many places like water. As more and more snowmen melted, blood water gathered more and more.
In less than half an hour, the snowman was cleaned up by Xiao Yan and Xiao Hei. Although Sun Sheng was somewhat puzzling, he didn’t stop and wanted to ride on the gray.
When Sun Shengcai entered the range of melting snow, he made a sound when he stepped on the ground and found that something was wrong. He quickly let Gray go back, but it was too late.
After listening to a "click" sound, the snow on the ground froze into ice in a few seconds, and even the gray limbs were frozen inside. Sun Sheng quickly asked the small flame to come and breathe fire, but at this time the ice was not as easy to melt as the snowman just now, and the small flame sprayed out. At a high temperature, it could only melt the ice a little, and then it was frozen again.
With the ice quivering, a monster with an ice crystal body rose from the ground, and Gray was turned into hands. The pile of ice was brought up by Sun Sheng, who saw that the situation was not good, jumped on the back of Gray and took Gray back to his pet.
Sun Sheng looked around and wanted to take advantage of the fact that this monster has not yet formed, but the ice crystals on the ground can’t be stepped on casually, and it seems that those thorns are erected on the ice crystal monster. If you force through, you may be shot down.
Just as Sun Sheng tried to find a way to do it in such a short time, an ice crystal monster with a height of 10 meters, a width of 5 meters and a thickness of 4 meters rose from the ground and sent Sun Sheng a big gift. Dozens of ice thorns as thick as thighs fell from the sky and covered Sun Sheng with three meters near him.
Sun Sheng scolded a fly and spread it aside.
At the sight of Sun Sheng hiding from monsters, those who waved stopped like rain and ice thorns, but it was dark a few tens of meters above Sun Sheng’s head. Sun Sheng was still prone to look back, and his eyes almost popped out. He hurriedly called Xiao Yan and Xiao Hei to interrupt the monster to cast spells. Xiao Hei was faster and fit. He rushed over and hit the ice crystal monster. The ice crystal monster was stabbed to pieces, and the splash monster was hit by Xiao Hei. The casting was also interrupted. Sun Sheng’s head was scattered again.
At this time, Sun Shengcai took one look at the monster attribute.
Iceberg gatekeeper (level 9); Life 1; Yuanqi 5
Not the kui is a gatekeeper really fierce! That 100,000 lives alone will not be solved for a while, even if Xiaohe and Xiaoyan are together, they may not be able to fight.
Black attack bases rely on hand-to-hand combat claws, teeth and tails. These are its combat weapons. Every time you hit this monster, it will break up a part of the monster’s body with ice thorns. Although it seems that its body is harmless, Sun Sheng sees that white black life is consumed in this attack again and again, which is better than small black flames. The ice crystal monster spits out waves of cold and dodges back and forth. Although it will occasionally suffer some injuries, the situation is still optimistic.
It is this ice crystal monster that is too resistant to being hit. It doesn’t hurt to hit it. If you don’t forget that point of health, it is almost negligible compared with its total health.
After the ice crystal monster sprinkled frost-colored gas on himself once, Blackie lost her life when she hit it. Moreover, the ice thorns on the monster’s body didn’t smash this time, but two were broken, while Blackie was picked up by those ice thorns and screamed with pain.
Xiaoyan no longer retains the transformation into a flaming phoenix, but all her skills are greeted by the monster. However, the effect is still very small. On the contrary, it is no longer easy to escape from the monster’s frozen gas and ice thorns because of the larger body. The life drop speed is also accelerated, and the transformation effect base is also offset by these injuries.
Look at the little black with half his life left, and then look at some embarrassing little flame. The monster with more than 90,000 lives gritted his teeth and turned to retreat outside the canyon. Guess it’s about time Sun Sheng rode Xiaoyu to greet the little black and little flame out of the valley together.
"I can’t beat you myself. I’ll find someone to pick you up!" Sun Sheng looked at Xiaohei’s miserable eyes and felt a little distressed, and Xiaoyan lost several beautiful feathers.
"Let’s go find someone and have a good meal!"
Chapter one hundred and ninety-six Glass
Still walking along the iceberg, two days later, Sun Sheng finally came to the first inhabited place in the west, a small village with a place where novices were born. The western village has a distinctive style. Although I don’t know which country it is, it is not big for Sun Sheng. In Sun Sheng’s view, all European countries are the same.
There is still a small flame on the top of his head, and Xiaohei was taken into the pet Sun Sheng riding into this small village because of his ostentatious appearance.
There are still a dozen novice players in the village who saw Sun Sheng coming. Although they were a little surprised, they didn’t care too much. After all, there are many people with oriental faces in Europe, and Sun Sheng doesn’t talk to these players. After a round of the village, he found a man who was cleaning up a vegetable garden. He asked him about the way to the city.
Sun Sheng is not interested in English, and he has never studied it seriously, especially after passing CET-4. Now it is really difficult to talk with NPC in English.
Finally, Sun Shengcai got a rough idea. Xie Sunsheng turned and was about to leave when he was stopped by a novice player.
Sun Sheng looked at him strangely and thought, Is it to be equipped?
"Are you from China?" Sun Sheng listened and thought that this year is really different. Although it sounds awkward for foreigners to speak Chinese, his nasal voice is too heavy. But since he asked Chinese, he saved himself the trouble of translation, so he smiled and said, "Yes, I am from China."
"You just came from China?" This man looks a little excited for questioning. Look at Sun Sheng’s hair. This guy is not a glass, is he …
"Do you have any questions? If not, I think I have to go. "
"No, no, no, please wait a moment. I think we can be friends, can’t we?" Hearing this, Sun Sheng’s face suddenly changed and he quickly turned his horse’s head and left the glass, especially the glass he was interested in. Sun Sheng thought it was better to hide away.
I don’t want this person, but I’m determined to grab the reins of the horse and say to Sun Sheng, "Dear friend, don’t go, please stay and let us know each other better …" What else did he want to say, but Sun Sheng didn’t want to give him the chance to jump out of the horse and rushed to the village. I thought the distance was enough before the horse was still in that person’s hand.
Walking out of the village, Sun Sheng rode Xiaoyu for more than ten miles, only to slow down a little and catch his breath, thinking that he was really unlucky to meet the first player who talked to him here. It turned out to be a glass, which really turned me off.
According to the principle that Dahu was Sun Sheng’s flight to the southwest for more than ten miles, he finally saw a decent city. When he entered the city, Sun Sheng’s first thing to do was to collect barbecue in various hotels first, and collect almost two tons of barbecue all the way.
Sun Shengcai stopped at a restaurant and ordered some food and drinks.
Before drinking two glasses of wine, I heard the stairs thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump.
"dear oriental friend, we meet again. can you invite me to sit down and have a drink with you?" The tone of this man’s voice is familiar to Sun Sheng, but it was in the novice village that he met the glass.
"Ahem, ahem …" Sun Sheng was frightened by this sound and ran into the trachea, coughing and pointing to the man, not knowing what to say.
"Yes, you remember me, don’t you? We just met, but that was my leisure to practice a trumpet."
Now that Sun Sheng is surrounded by people, he is not going to leave again. Will he still be afraid of a glass? Besides, it doesn’t make sense to say that this glass bubble has found four people to help it. How can a glass bubble man put on such a big fight for fear that no one in the world will know?
"What do you want with me?" Sun shengshun shun qi you’re welcome asked
"It’s nothing, just seeing that you are very beautiful, I can’t help but want to make friends with you and ask you something."
Hearing this, Sun Sheng almost spit out what he had just eaten, and a man with black hair and eyes like Sun Sheng tugged at this man’s clothes.
"what’s that matt, dear Hai?"
The word "boast that men can’t be beautiful" is a clear pronunciation and mellow voice. Chinese makes Sun Sheng look at him more than he can help.
I’m even more embarrassed by Sun Sheng’s look at the sea. I secretly said two words in the glass ear. Sun Sheng also took a look at the glass with his eyes open. His name is spelled in letters, but Sun Sheng was at a loss for this name. Fortunately, there is a Chinese translation … I didn’t expect that he really called the glass crystal. The glass grade is quite high, reaching level 5 higher than Sun Sheng.
I was told by the sea that my face was a little red, and I was sorry to say to Sun Sheng, "Please forgive my dear friend, and I’m sorry if I caused you trouble earlier."
He said this is quite sincere, and Sun Sheng is not good. He nodded slightly to his face.
The glass turned to the sea and said a few bird words. Sun Sheng didn’t recognize what he said. Then the sea sat on the glass and Sun Sheng explained it to Sun Sheng.
Sun Shengcai knew that his current position was Ukraine, the easternmost country in Europe, and this crystal glass was the biggest gang in Ukraine at present. The lion-awakening leader discovered Sun Sheng’s game not long ago when he was playing trumpet to relieve boredom in the novice village. It was strange that orientals talked to Sun Sheng with an intuition and inference before trying to understand a Sun Sheng’s calendar, but he was misunderstood by Sun Sheng.
Sun Sheng didn’t want to let go of the glass before he made things clear, so he quickly changed the size and sent four people to the gang to look for Sun Sheng’s trace. Although there were many oriental faces, there were still a few, especially Sun Sheng, who bought barbecue everywhere in a big way as soon as he entered the city. It was too distinctive and was quickly recognized by the lion rouser, and then he reported it to the glass and glass and came here with several people.
"Come on, what’s the matter?"
The waves smiled and said, "Nothing. We just want to know how you came here. Did you come directly from the East in the game or did you just play in Europe?"
Sun Shengliu knew what they were thinking about when he thought about it. It was also the national war. "I came directly in the game."