"That’s right. I’ll freeze the magma with XuanBing sword. You split the rock with purple Raytheon whip. I just noticed that there will be gas in the moment. Although it’s not too much, we can benefit from this gap … 75 Chapter 75 You see, I can still kiss you …

"I don’t have time to take risks," Huang Junyi refused. Controlling one breath is to reduce some breath, which is very dangerous for them now!
"Just accompany me to try how much progress …"
It’s really no way for the emperor to run like this, but it’s too risky. Can he protect her from illness if there is an emergency?
You don’t have to protect her from illness!
"Don’t hesitate-"Ziyun proudly ordered suddenly. "Xuan Bing, listen to me and pour your strength to freeze-"
"Purple Raytheon whips rocks-"
The sudden solidification of the monstrous waves
The rock was split before freezing.
Ziyun proudly stood in the arms of Emperor Junyi. After two people looked at each other, they looked coldly at the magma-
"Sand and stones flying, listen to my order-"
"I change clouds, I change sunlight, I change …"
Gather water into the sea, gather soil into mountains, gather stones, and everything will be stiff.
The two men manipulated the huge rock and changed their positions quickly. Almost in an instant, everything has changed. They actually succeeded in changing the flow direction of magma!
The frozen magma flows in completely different directions.
"Game we succeeded! !” Ziyun proudly hugged Huang Junyi and found that his body suddenly trembled. "Are you hurt …"
He barely uttered a groan and said simply, "It’s just a minor injury."
Ziyun proudly pulled back his finger and walked behind him, but he hid it lightly.
"Let me see."
"Aoer, no, we should find the exit as soon as possible."
"Let me see!" She stubbornly bent over his body. "If you hide from me again, you won’t go anywhere!"
Emperor Junyi didn’t move again
Ziyun Ao saw that a large piece of lava burned behind him was almost bloody, and her vision was blurred for a moment. What kind of pain would make him moan?
What? He can do this every time. If everything hurts like this, how can it be okay?
"The proud son …"
"I told you it was a minor injury."
Silence …
"The proud son-"
"Where did I throw my iced nephrite cream? Where did I throw it?" Ziyun ao kept groping for it. No, no, I couldn’t find out where it was!
"Aoer, I am fine!" Huang Junyi pressed Ziyun’s proud arms to "keep the change"
"How can it be okay to be hurt like this! Every time you say nothing, nothing, no pain, no pain, no pain, no pain, no pain, no pain, no pain, no pain, no pain, no pain, no pain. Are you made of iron? "
Ziyun ao was kissed by Huang Junyi before he finished …
Well, I won’t lie to you, my son, it hurts a little, but what is the pain compared to hurting you? I am nervous and anxious to see you, as if I were a very important person.
I’m not made of iron. I want to be your hero.
I don’t want you to feel distressed because of me. Seeing the pain doesn’t call it pain. Saying it hurts is not pain. The real pain is unspeakable and there is no way to express it.
How can I hurt with you?
I am the injured person, not you. How can I feel pain?