"Oh, wait, Oka, didn’t you just say that we still have a lot of things to do before we can recruit troops to the south?" Old Andrew hurried forward to hold Orca’s shoulder and face, as if to say whether you’re’ too excited’.

"That’s plan 1!" Oka said quickly while putting on his heavy armor, "Now that we have obtained ironclad evidence that the Queens are notorious and enemies all over the world, we don’t need to wait for the wave or do those precautions. Leah will immediately set up an army and we have work to do."
"Good, I’ll get ready at once." Leah finally turned away with a hint of excitement.
"It’s unbelievable. Are you going to lead an army of tens of thousands of people to make the Queen’s crimes public while going south?" Leah stepped away from the camp and Andrew immediately asked eagerly, "Do you know that this matter is not that simple? Are you going to throw them a multiple-choice question directly? Oka, you know politics needs politics. Roman proverb, we have enough chances to win, but we still need a little patience. "
Oka turned his head and his eyes revealed a kind of coldness and determination that had never been seen before.
"Listen, Andrew, I’m sorry, but I really hate damn politics, especially when it’s necessary to cut the gordian knot," Oka finally said, wearing a helmet. "So I’m no longer cautious. No one can predict that her ambition will make her continue to do something more terrible. We must stop her as soon as possible! Or simply destroy her. "
Even if you leave a message of * _ *, it will be a success. Please work hard!
& You can read the release chapter, please remember the website. If you like snowy romance, write Glory to Rome.
The seventieth day square bloody case
Trajan Square in Rome
"Mob! Crazy! Somebody catch those guys who spread rumors! No one is allowed to let me go! " The square covered with marble of various colors were packed with people and filled with noise. A sudden news spread all over the streets and lanes, which completely plunged the already jittery Rome into an atmosphere of trepidation.
But it was an officer in leather armor who was in charge of Rome’s public security. From his expression and roar, it can be seen that he was in front of him. These people were very embarrassed because they listened to rumors and flocked
It is no wonder that this officer was so angry that since the news of Gratian’s unfortunate assassination in northern Xinjiang arrived in Rome, the situation in the whole Italian peninsula has suddenly changed. For ordinary citizens or high-ranking nobles, Gratian’s death is not a simple obituary, but it is enough to shake the empire’s major events. In Rome, Milan and various cities, a cloud of rumors has instantly enveloped the whole Italian peninsula and the top of the Roman empire
Today, the unlucky officer was called up from the warm bed and hurried to the square early in the morning. As a result, it was such a scene of "mixing" and "chaos" in the lane of ten thousand people. There were rumors about the crowd that came out overnight. The rumors were simple, but they made everyone dizzy like a thunder!
Secretly sent a confidant to sneak into northern Xinjiang to "lure" and "buy privately", so Maximus, the garrison commander of the Paris Military Region in northern Xinjiang, colluded with the Germans, the number one enemy of the empire, to jointly plan the assassination of Gratian. The real culprit behind the assassination was the queen’s status as regent and mastered half of the Great Justina of the Western Empire!
This kind of news is extremely sensitive to the news, and Rome can imagine how terrible it will be!
For example, the hapless officer rushed to the square with hundreds of troops for a few hours and saw more and more people in the square, almost to the point of being packed in front of his chest and sticking to his back. What’s more serious is that the whole square is like boiling water, and there is no way to suppress it.
The officer was so angry that the three dead gods stormed, but he was helpless to catch those guys who first spread rumors, but it was dark and overwhelming with just a hundred hands. It was like looking for a needle in a haystack to catch those guys who were smoother than snakes.
However, this unfortunate officer also suffered. In fact, he didn’t want to get involved in this damn muddy water at all. Because of the catalysis of rumors, Rome is now a volcano Vesuvius that may erupt completely at any time. No one can predict what will happen if these emotions’ excite’ the people and are incited by those hidden guys! Think about how many times there have been riots in the history of Rome. Officers feel that the sweat behind their necks stands on end!
It happened that he didn’t have a choice from the news of rebellion in northern Xinjiang to Rome. After that, the Queen, who was alone and living in seclusion, immediately’ showed up’ and declared that Rome was in a state of emergency through the Senate. The capital Rome was directly executed by officers, guards and garrison troops. At the first time, the Queen ordered the commons to enter Rome, and the murderous soldiers took control of all the key points and main streets of the city. At that time, the whole Rome was in full swing, and the citizens were locked at home all day, and they dared not leave the’ door’ everywhere.
The martial law lasted for several days before it ended, but the tension showed no signs of easing. Because of a series of big moves after the queen took over the court affairs again, all those who care about it had a hunch that Rome, which has been "swinging" repeatedly in recent years, would face another new storm.
Several messengers with secret orders flew out of Rome and rushed to various provinces of the empire, including the provinces that really belonged to Gratian’s rule in the Locarno Agreement, and there was also a drastic reshuffle among the Senate and the nobles. A large number of Gratian allies or simply represented the elders in northern Xinjiang, and the nobles were almost forcibly deprived of their power. However, all the troops in Rome and Fiona Fang were under house arrest for dozens of miles, and all the members of the family belonged to the Sirata family were in charge. The original commanders were asked to return to Rome and were not allowed to make any changes nearby.
For these or undercurrents, it is the most clear that Rome’s top officials and big noble are suspected, but obviously, except those who have been grounded, closely monitored and even arrested, the rest of them have been very’ wise’ to realize all this. This theory is equally applicable to the rule of officialdom at all times and in all countries. They quickly joined the queen’s skirt
However, this seems to have been a situation of Tietong, but there is still a flaw. Two days ago, a northern Xinjiang scout brought the news that he rebelled against the chaos to quell the rebels’ murder of Maximus in Gratian. Otherwise, everything was shocked, so the news finally made the nerves tense to the extreme. Rome relaxed a little. Since the rebellion has quelled the northern Xinjiang and there are no signs of instability, it seems to many queens that the battle for the rule of the western empire, which lasted for several years, will finally be settled.
Gratian was assassinated, and the Valennians were the only blood. Although little Flavis was still an inexperienced child, less Rome had a’ smart’ and energetic queen, didn’t it?
Even those northern Xinjiang factions who hold high the banner of Roman revival are doomed to lose everything if they are unwilling to die in Gratian. Unless they dare to abandon their hard-earned banner of Roman revival and openly rebel against’ chaos’, they can no longer compete with the queen for chips. They can admit defeat and bow to Rome.
Although many Roman nobles have deep sympathy for the death of the kind, gentle and young Roman Caesar, they can’t help but sigh, but the political game has always been cruel. The loser is doomed to fall into the dust of history. No one will’ wave’ even a tear at the loser in the cheers of the winner.
Just as the Queen sent their attention to the victory scales gradually tilting towards them, they were ready to celebrate with each other. Just a sudden news from the people made it seem that victory was within reach and shattered like a bubble.
The Queen was accused by name of colluding with the Germans, buying off rebel leaders and plotting to assassinate Gratian!
This kind of news, whether true or not, will inevitably set off a stormy wave of public opinion. It turns out to be true. In just over ten hours from the news to now, the whole city of Rome has already set off a wave of discussion and quickly passed through the caravan. I’m afraid that the whole Italian peninsula Roman town will know the news in a day, which is even more frightening. Perhaps at this moment in the imperial province, these rumors that are enough to make people’s hearts "Sao" and "chaotic" have already been heard.
"catch! Grab it for me! Don’t worry so much. If you see anyone say rumors again, you will be arrested by our department and thrown into prison! " At last, his eyes were overwhelmed and his heart was disturbed by the impatience of being swayed by considerations of gain and loss. The officer finally lost his mind and pulled out his dagger and roared toward the sweating department around him in a ferocious manner.
"Yes, yes … yes!" Those soldiers were also scared silly. When they heard the sudden roar of the chief executive, they were all shocked and provoked. Then they rushed into the crowd, kicking, beating and cursing, and the sound system started.
When I saw the edge of the moving square here, I was watching the crowd turn around in a hurry. Other public security teams immediately seemed to have a backbone and rushed into the crowd with knives from all sides. The reckless intervention of the public security brigade made the situation in the square like throwing stones at water.
Those public security soldiers who didn’t know what to do rushed into the crowd purely according to orders, but raised their hands but didn’t know what to do or catch. The crowd around them scolded and shouted, and the waves struck the eardrum, which made these soldiers who were deeply immersed in the sea suddenly feel like they were submerged, and their minds were in a daze, so an involuntary violent mood developed.
Avoidable tragedy happened …
Ah! Abrupt a piercing scream rang out from the crowd gathered round and round. At the moment, the scream came to the core. The crowd around the core forcefully withdrew a few steps away from it, and everything was exposed in broad daylight.
"Kill people! Killing people! " Deadly silence lasted for several seconds until a sharp’ woman’ in the crowd woke the crowd up in a violent tremor.
There is no need to dwell on what happened next. The people who were’ excited’ by the angry crowd were like wild animals, and those who were’ forced’ by the angry crowd were undoubtedly able to fight against a bloody conflict in Trajan Square. It was not until an hour later that Gaius Cassius Longinus decisively sent troops to the square to disperse it that the old calm was finally restored. However, this calm paid the price of blood.
On the edge of the square, watching the soldiers drag away the dead horrible bodies from the crowd with a pale face, Gaius Cassius Longinus looked at the corner of the eye of the horrible bloody square and twitched slightly, and the blood faded.
Even if you leave a message of * _ *, it will be a success. Please work hard!
& You can read the release chapter, please remember the website. If you like snowy romance, write Glory to Rome.
Section seventy-nine Garrison
Midio Ranum in the Alps
This is a permanent fortress embedded in a sunken valley in the middle of the Alps in the north of Apennine Boots. It is small in scale, and the number of soldiers stationed all the year round is only a few thousand. However, its strategic position is particularly critical. It not only guards the’ gate’ that leads across the Alps to the heart of the Italian Peninsula, but also is the headquarters of the entire Alpine military garrison.
Thick snow, gray mountains and winding mountain roads constitute the monotonous background here for ten years. There are no restaurants, no women and no entertainment. For officers and men guarding here, they have nothing to do except training and duty every day. Chatting is isolated from the outside world and they can’t find anything new. Service is almost equivalent to punishment.
However, there are dozens of other garrisons along the Romarie Alps. These Italian Peninsula barriers, which block the vast northern Xinjiang continent, have irreplaceable and neglected significance, especially in the eyes of the Romans, who attach great importance to unity and reality. Although the northern border of the empire has been pushed to far away places in the past few centuries, a considerable number of Romans subconsciously still stubbornly believe that crossing the Alps is a wilderness and on the side of towering mountains. It is the real pure land of literature, so whether it is self-restraint or regional discrimination, the Alpine Military Region has always been established from the Republic period, and it has never been revoked one day. It is like an irregular huge shield that makes the Italian peninsula enjoy a quiet and rich life. The Romans’ hearts have faded away from the fear and worry about the savage land of ice and snow in the north and the barbarians living there, thus making Apennine Boots truly an undisturbed paradise.
However, this shield is not always able to protect the heart of Rome, Hannibal Expedition, Gaul invading the Germans in the Second World War. These Romans do not want to recall the past, and Rome has faced an unprecedented crisis. The enemy soldiers have more than once found the throat of the empire, and the Alpine garrison has been torn and torn many times. It is conceivable that the collapse of this final barrier means that Rome, including the eternal capital, is like a desperate resistance throughout Italy, but it is still exposed by brute force.
At present, it seems that the Alpine garrison will face another severe test, and this time it is not only military pressure, but also political choice. As we all know, whenever one thing is involved in politics, its trouble will increase by several orders of magnitude in an instant.
"General, this is a letter sent by a messenger from northern Xinjiang. The messenger said that you must open it yourself." There is only one building in the southeast corner of the camp that looks like something. All senior officers of the Ranum Garrison of Midio are gathered at the moment. Lukums, the supreme commander and a military tribune, is listening to the report of the front lieutenant with a hard face, but when his eyes consciously touch the latter, he can’t help but change constantly.
Although he knew very well how hot this letter was, Lukums had to bite his teeth and come over to read it carefully. Even after reading it, his face was as gloomy as the sky before the rainstorm.
And noticed that his god’ color’ changes around the other generals, as if they had got some confirmation from it, avoided each other’s test eyes without trace, and it was golden for them to play silence.
"How long are you going to keep this attitude? Wait until the northern Xinjiang army arrives in the city or wait for the queen to send a supervisor to take the sword across your neck? " Worried, Lu Combs saw that a bunch of generals were vowing not to take a stand to the end. Finally, he couldn’t help but break the silence first, because others might have to wait, but he, the commander of the garrison, could not continue to watch from the other side. He had to make a definite choice at once.
"You must know this letter if you don’t read it." Lukums lowered his voice to make his tone sound less anxious. "We have been colleagues for many years, and there is nothing to say at this time. I might as well put it straight. I’m afraid many generals present have received the" private "letter from northern Xinjiang before seeing this official letter, just like me."
As soon as Lukums’ voice just fell, the whole parliament hall suddenly burst into a buzz of whispering’ private’ words, and many generals were unable to hide their dismay. Obviously Lukums was sincere and let their hearts break completely.