Eyes riveted on the eyes bow ghost slave he smiled coldly "long time no see I heard that your hand was cut? Congratulations! "

One sentence poked the ghost slave’s anger, and she suddenly looked up and poisoned her eyes. "Nalanqing!"
"You can hear it if you don’t look so big … you are all old acquaintances!"
The ghost slave’s wrist was temporarily cut off by Long Ze and she lost her right hand. All the fighting methods were to train her left hand, but she could not reach the former ability.
Now, like a loser …
If not hate?
"Ghost slave, you’ve got a good face again!"
The ghost slave caught fire under her eyes. She sneered, "Don’t be a prime minister. It’s time for you to die!"
"King Lin ‘an, the princess of Qingzhen, seems to be planning well together!"
"No matter who joins hands with the Prime Minister, will you please die?" Princess Qingzhen smiled gently, and those who know her well know how mean this smile is.
She passed a glass of wine in her hand and raised her voice. "The princess didn’t congratulate you soon after the Prime Minister’s wedding. This is a toast to the Prime Minister!"
After that, she drank it in one breath and stared at Nalanqing’s sinister lips. "Please, Prime Minister!"
Just a handful of flavored wine won’t die suddenly on the spot, and blood will spill elsewhere after two hours.
Make a fair toast and let him refuse … and then she will do everything.
In this situation, you won’t say anything but poison yourself.
Na Lanqing took the glass in his hand and waved his eyebrows. "What poison?"
"Of course, it’s a poisonous drug that makes the Prime Minister’s belly rot and die …" Princess Qingzhen suddenly changed her face and put her hand over her lips and smiled. "Oh, princess is just a little joke. The Prime Minister’s adult won’t take it seriously?"
There are tickets, blades and rewards. Old drivers ask for them.
Welcome everyone to join the group. There is soft moonlight to flirt with.
Qingjie Story 53371262
Qingjie Story 53371262
Qingjie Story 53371262js3v3
562 Beauty Drunk Nalanqing Qiaochen Road (4)
562 Beauty Drunk Nalanqing Qiaochen Road (4)
"Ha ha … where is the toffee empress joking … it seems that I have to drink this glass of wine?"
"Is that please?" Princess Qingzhen smiled brilliantly. Who would have thought that she was laughing and laughing when she was in danger?
Looking up, she swallowed the poison in her mouth. She chewed the wine glass upside down. "Is Empress Toffee satisfied?"
"I am very satisfied to see the Prime Minister’s adult die with his face twisted in pain. It is especially pleasant to think about this picture!" Princess Qingzhen smiled softly and innocently.
She is a very dangerous person.
"But …" Suddenly, Princess Qingzhen turned to twist and chuckled. "But before the Prime Minister died, I had to fulfill a wish in the temple … Taidian seems to like the Prime Minister very much?"
Princess Qingzhen smiled even more happily, as if she thought of something interesting. Her eyes smiled like a crescent moon.
"It’s always best not to get it … Princess Huicheng Taidian is infatuated with the Prime Minister’s adult … let Taidian know that the Prime Minister’s adult is not as desirable as imagined … but as cheap as a worm, one thousand people can ride ten thousand people to sleep …"
"So I wonder if Taidian is still interested in the Prime Minister?" Qing Zhen infanta stroked Ba Gee and looked at her eyes.
"Positions to hide your daughter’s body princess already know believe too temple also know that you are a woman? Rest assured princess don’t want to expose your daughter … "
The more I watched it, the more excited I became. Naranqing, the princess of Qingzhen, threw back the cup in her hand. "Enough talking?"
Princess Qing Zhen looked at her with a sluggish expression and was about to go back. Suddenly, qi and blood surged in her chest, and a strange feeling rose in her heart …
Manic fever …
Hot …
Hot …
"You … what did you do to the princess?" Princess Qingzhen’s face changed. I can’t believe it.
Shouldn’t it be Nalanqing Chinese medicine?
Na Lanqing put a cup and clapped his hands, and the corners of his mouth evoked an evil smile. "It’s true that villains have died from many words since ancient times!"
"Na Lanqing, what did you do to the princess?" Princess Qingzhen is a little panicked and should visit Nalanqing. She drank it. Why did this happen?