Their way of fighting is just a little more advanced than the original tribe.

"Dude, I just smelled horse manure. There should be no shortage of war horses here!" Jing Su Qin Dao
Zhantian nodded. "Of course, we all send goods by horse."
"No horses have fought?" Jing Su Qin has some doubts
Zhantian shook his head. "I also wanted to learn from Mobei’s thieves to ride horses and fight, but we have no problem riding horses, and the attack on horseback will not work!" Then I gave up the idea. "
Scene Su Qin dark sigh in the heart is such a vast territory in the north is suitable for cavalry attack unexpectedly gave up the idea he patted Zhantian "lead the horse for me! I will make a demonstration! "
Although Zhan Tian had doubts, he did so
"Brothers, I am an outsider, but today I want to teach you how to fight like cavalry!" Jing Su Qin took the dark horse and shouted
The soldiers who are training have a lot of disdain when they hear this. Isn’t this tall, thin man a small white face and dare to teach us the natural power to fight against the sky?
Jing Su Qin didn’t pay attention to the soldiers crowding out the cold and wanting to fly to the horse, but at this time Zhantian also came along the trail. "If it’s really not good, I’m afraid there are mobei thieves in this cavalry!"
Jing Su Qin suddenly burst into flames with a clap of horses, and the horses roared with hoofs. He smiled and danced with his feet again and again, getting closer and closer to the horses. Suddenly, his feet sank and he stepped on a dead tree, twisting his body and jumping to the middle of the school beyond the normal jumping range. He accurately settled his horse by playing three spins.
"good!" Just flying a horse with one hand made the warriors of Zhantian clan applaud one after another. Everyone said that it was really wrong to underestimate this Han family just now. Zhantian also blushed. It was really rude just now.
Jing Su-qin didn’t stop to sit on horseback, suddenly pulled out his pike and thrust it at the surrounding bushes. It’s not a mess to miss the place accurately! Only this move will play the scene of Su Qin’s imposing manner!
"Woo …"
Pull the reins Jing Su Qin hands tightly holding two small glass bottles heart way or jump potion so that!
Soldiers from Zhantian clan cheered in succession, and Zhantian also came to make amends. Jing Su Qin laughed. "Dude, organize troops now and we will set up cavalry!"
There are 50 horses in the fortress, and the rest of them have been plundered by the desert north country. There is no way out. A 50-man cavalry team was formed temporarily. Jing Su Qin personally selected the troops and personally trained them. At that time, the horses in the barracks also screamed and killed the sky.
Near noon, Su Qin just sat on the ground and had a rest.
"Big … elder brother … have a drink." A pretty girl handed Jing Su Qin a bowl of water.
"Thank you!" Jing Su Qin also you’re welcome. One day, Mi Shui didn’t bite his teeth and took the water. He gulped it up and watched the bronze face of the girls in Zhantian gens and some exotic customs.
Zhantian came over with a full face of quipped, "Did the younger sister see the younger brother? Ha ha ha … "
"Big Brother!" The girl made a big blush and got shy and ran away.
"This is?"
Zhantian smiled. "My second sister is seventeen this year!" Said the meaning to the scene Su Qin picky seems to be some awkward.
"Second sister?" But the focus of Jing Su Qin is not here.
"Yes, my eldest sister was lost many years ago. I don’t know if she is alive now." Zhantian looked dim.
Jing Su Qin patted him "Look a little"
"The boss is ready!" Then Ye Wutong came up with a full face of joy.
Zhantian looked at Jing Suqin and nodded, wondering, "What’s ready?"
Originally, when Jing Su Qin was training to organize cavalry, Ye Wutong didn’t idle select about forty or fifty warriors from Zhantian clan according to his instructions, and planned to form a powerful archer. Because of the scenery, Su Qin’s selection of soldiers in the old clan, Ye Wutong became easier.
How can there be Gong Bing when the Zhantian clan doesn’t even have cavalry? This can make everyone curious. I ran over to see how to train. I saw Ye Wutong holding a very shabby long bow in his hand and facing a big tree in front. I temporarily marked the red heart and raised my hand. It was like an arrow breaking through the general impact, and it was as accurate as a burst hurricane. Nailed in the center by mistake!
"good!" Everyone shouted good, and then someone booed Jing Su Qin to show it. If everyone was watching the cavalry demonstration in the afternoon, then the bow and arrow demonstration was the soldiers’ heartfelt expectation
Jing Su Qin gave a coquettish smile, but his heart couldn’t be played. Otherwise, he was too lost and took the long bow in Ye Wutong’s hand, followed by a beautiful side roll and a half squat. Suddenly, an arrow slammed out like a shell.
Bang! A muffled sound made everyone stay where they were. The center of the big tree was shot through a hole directly, but it collapsed before everyone could react!