The black mamba sits in a crude truck container. Although the compartment is very crude, the ventilation system is quite good. Although the shock absorber is not good, the compartment bounces from time to time, but at least it won’t make people feel too hot or too cold.

Black Mamba is not young, it seems to be about fifty, but his shoulder muscles and weight have not caught his breath at all. It is said that his age has not affected his combat ability too much. Sitting cross-legged beside Black Mamba like him, he is a member of his squad.
There are a small number of 37 people in all. They are an entire war team, including blasters, assault fighters, fire fighters, man-machine reconnaissance, sniper teams, correspondents, etc., which are separate and connected in series. If it was ten years ago, the name of the black mamba in the mercenary circle made several people smell it.
That’s an old fox’s name and a name that means death. Of all the poisonous snakes in the world, the longest, fastest and most aggressive killer is the deadliest poisonous snake. The Black Mamba people are ashamed of this nickname and don’t know how many people died at his hands.
Even several jackals died at his hands, but no one knew that he did it. At that time, he did it under the guise of other mercenary groups. After this, he wisely chose to quit those mercenary groups. Those people were wiped out, but he was still alive.
It seems to be living well now. In fact, Black Mamba always thought he would die in the battlefield ten years ago because he couldn’t retreat until he really died himself. At that time, all his mercenaries died.
In a drug dealer battle somewhere in South America, the opponent is about to wipe out the Black Mamba team. However, a big man said that Black Mamba is alive. Today, Black Mamba doesn’t know who the big man is, who has the same experience as him, and those lucky people from different mercenary groups around him.
Here, we can see that some people in Iron Wall once belonged to King Arthur. These people were all told by some important people after the mercenary corps was almost wiped out. They were regrouped and pinched together, and then they were occasionally sent to carry out some training.
Their families have been settled, their wives and children live in the rich areas, their children live in the best schools, and their identity has also been washed away, and some companies have even become "freelance artists", and they will receive a reasonable fixed salary to keep them selling.
At the same time, they will often go to certain specific areas for joint training or war. None of them know who the big shot is. They are just a bald white man with a housekeeper’s appearance.
He will appear in front of them in a serious swallow tail and be polite, or smile to meet their reasonable demands, or smile to let them perform something they don’t know what to do. They are mercenaries, but they are a little different.
Now they are more like private soldiers, and they don’t even have a chance to meet their own owners. Fortunately, their owners are not interested in killing them, but they are more interested in letting them work. But retiring means losing their sources of income.
Losing the shelter from the host may mean that they are killed by their enemies. Even if they don’t want to, they can often go ahead and let them retire until the host thinks they are hardworking enough and no longer suitable for further execution.
In some venues, they have seen those retired old guys, some of whom they can even recognize ten years ago, but decades ago, they thought they must have died, and now these old guys are safely managing those venues.
It seems that there is no discomfort in giving them training and sorting out weapons. It was also at that time that they knew that they could still retire alive. It was also at that time that they stopped thinking about who their master really was.
This is very important, whether he is the head of a big family or the helm of an organization. He can guarantee that they have a fixed income now and will not completely clean them up after they are old. This is already very good. Why must he meet the master?
Maybe meeting the host will lead to disaster. They think it’s good to be a mercenary now. It’s impossible to know who arrived when they picked it up. They need to pick it up and finish it, and then get the commission from there. That’s it.
In fact, there is no difference between now and then. They have changed their employers to the same person, so they can not only get paid, but also ensure that the old-age care and living resources are very rich
What else do you need to consider? You don’t need to ask others, too. Black Mamba knows that there are still many teams fighting with them. They have cooperated with each other and even several of them have recognized each other.
Even if there is hatred, the reason is very simple. They all have their own identities, they also have their own families, they have concerns and hopes. No one wants to go back to the old life, and they don’t want to go back, and they don’t want to die at home. Then honestly forget something.
This time, the black mamba felt different from the past. Although it didn’t look different from the past, the black mamba found some clues from his subtle expressions
This time, it may be death. Almost everyone in they nest Black Mamba has observed several training grounds. All the old guys have gone to the building. Obviously, they have evacuated those places in an orderly manner. Some of the mercenaries have also lost contact.
"There is still half an hour to arrive at the destination, and we have fifteen minutes to choose weapons, equipment and ammunition." A cold voice came from the earphone. "The map of the target area has been sent to your hand-held gs. The goal this time is to kill all living people there."
Chapter five hundred and sixty Coke
Coke has had a terrible headache recently. Since he received an order from the housekeeper to escort a group of people to a certain country in Asia, Coke has had a worse headache. It is a country where guns are banned. Coke doesn’t know what else to do without guns.
There is nothing wrong with him being a soldier, but he is not an expert in fighting. Without guns, it will cost him more to perfectly protect his goal, but Coke can’t refuse because his family has moved and he doesn’t know where his family has been moved.
The most important thing is that he needs to move those young masters, grandfathers and princesses. These people keep complaining about accommodation and food conditions along the way, which almost drives Coke crazy. Even an idiot knows that it is time to flee.
When I fled, I thought I was wearing leather shoes instead of calfskin, and I wanted to order my own scarves in Milan. Coke felt that it was natural that those families had raised too much waste, and Coke wanted to leave these idiots and run away on his own.
You know, they are not running through the channel now. He has spent a lot of time asking for absolute concealment along the way, but these gentlemen not only failed to understand his hard work, but also complained to him about accommodation and food.
These young masters and gentlemen are loved and protected so well that they are no longer eating people’s food. They are used to enjoying their life of horse racing and hunting in the manor, and they are used to wearing famous clothes and eating food. Coke misses the logistics director day when they serve these people.
Although those arrangements are also very complicated, many times we have to argue with our comrades-in-arms, but few king eggs will not dislike the fact that the field dry food is not delicious, nor will they feel that it is wrong to live in a jungle tent.
They will be happy to accept the occasional lunch meat and thank Coke. They will feel that they have not slept in the thorny vines in the jungle. This is very good. Ammunition should not blame women for not getting guns. They will quarrel, but at least they are never picky.
Even if they get the meat, these gentlemen don’t like it’s not Australian veal. Fortunately, all this will be over soon, and Coke will soon leave these damn bastards alone. They need to watch them go to that country in Haikou.
Then someone else will take over his job. Although it is more dangerous to take over the trade union, Coke thinks it will at least relax himself, and at worst it will be several times better than serving these damn idiots.
In fact, from the moment Coke received the housekeeper’s instructions, he knew that the war he had guessed had entered a white-hot stage. Behind him, his master was fighting a life-and-death battle with some behemoths he didn’t know.
Coke and Black Mamba knew each other, and from the moment they lost contact, Coke knew that the war had broken out on both sides and it was very serious. King Arthur and those people were coke contacts, but he concealed his identity at that time.
When King Arthur and his men fell, Coke knew that it was a big deal. Coke was not a black mamba. Those people who were almost separated from the former mercenary circle still had their original foundation, and the housekeeper needed him to contact them from time to time
"d12 team, you still have half an hour to prepare. In fifteen minutes, the specific coordinates of the target will be sent to you. This time, it is to annihilate all the coordinate areas and remember all the living."
Now coke repeats this sentence, and he knows how many people will die if he repeats this sentence, but he doesn’t mind anymore. He is now thinking about one thing, whether he can safely withdraw after work.
The housekeeper told him that he would receive the message after the work was completed, and that was because his family, even now Coke, could contact the family video once a day to confirm that Ann’s family dared not disclose their location, but told Coke that it was safer now.
Coke can also be carried out step by step according to the housekeeper’s instructions until he can finally evacuate, and even coke himself is ready to be cleaned up. He knows that there are too many things, and no one knows that it is coke now.
Segmented reading 44
I have a ring of explosives tied to me.
He knows very well that he can’t be a prisoner. He knows that if he can be captured, then death is the best choice. He doesn’t know if he can survive the torture, so he won’t suffer if he dies. Even if he is finally cleaned up, then suicide is the best choice.
Take a deep breath, but the music is low and cold until "d1 team coordinates have been started. Now set out and remember to kill all the survivors."
Chapter five hundred and sixty-nine Battle
Hou Dacheng raised his wrist and looked at his wrist watch, but when he met him, the hour hand pointed to the nine-minute hand, and it was five. He knew that it was less than an hour before the other party reached the standard. The jackal could almost move, and all the teams were in this area.
Now, if the jackal headquarters is raided, it can resist those automatic weapons that have been set up, and then there are a lot of lame and blind people who have no place to go to the old jackal headquarters to get mixed up to that point. Even Hou Dasheng himself would not have thought of this day.
On weekdays, the most common action followed by Hou Dasheng is the black group. The black group has lost several groups of people and changed blood several times, but the fighting capacity is still basic to ensure that other teams will have certain losses more or less in execution.
Fortunately, the jackal channel and salary are always better than others, and it is not particularly difficult for many peripheral teams to supplement excellent manpower. If it were for other mercenaries, they would either be disbanded early or die.
However, even so, the jackals’ losses are extremely alarming, especially during Hou Dasheng’s reign. The jackals’ losses almost exceeded their losses in the last ten years, but no one thought it was not worth it. The treatment of disabled old jackals and living jackals was more than doubled.
At the same time, jackal’s speech weight gain is also the core of jackal. The players all know that if you don’t get the facts, you don’t have to pay. You get what you want, so you have to pay the harvest and have to pay the price.
In the past, everyone just eats the knife and licks the blood. There is nothing to complain about this. It is worthless. Sacrifice should be valued. But if it has achieved value, then sacrifice is worth it. Especially, they sacrificed jackals and made progress, even though it has not been achieved since its establishment.
At this time, Hou Dasheng had almost reached the head of the jackal at Jackal’s sight. At this time, even if he ordered Jackal to attack the capital of a small country, no one would question his order. Of course, Hou Dasheng seemed to have done so, even though it was a war-torn country
"The surrounding area of 200 kilometers has been blocked for 72 hours, and no one will enter this exercise area." The hound was slightly tired according to his headphones and whispered to Hou Dasheng. "All teams have entered the scheduled area and the battle plan has been deduced for ten times."
Hou Dasheng gently nodded with his tea in his hand. "Tell everyone that we will be able to earn a fortune for our children and grandchildren after we finish our work, so don’t say anything. We all died here, including your head and me."
"Don’t think too much about it, just hit it." Take a breath and sip tea gently. "This is our other Grozny. The difference is that this time we hand over enough money to win the position."
Bite a tooth Hou Dasheng knuckles a little pale "so many brothers lost their lives, and the team leader and the old jackals gave everything. We are now the closest to the target, and we are all so shivering. At this time, if the chain is broken, let alone the living jackals are dead, we will be ashamed to see those old brothers."
The black mamba is now dressed in forest camouflage 4a1, equipped with red dot aiming and afg2 corner grip. He carefully crawled forward according to the gun and carefully cleaned up the traces around him. The black mamba has sneaked into this forest with his team for more than 20 minutes, and no abnormalities have been found so far.
They have been moving steadily and safely towards their destination, but the more so, the deeper the black mamba’s heart sank, and the other side obviously concentrated all its strength on important nodes. They gave up unnecessary external defense, thus strengthening the internal defense range and cross-fire guarantee.
Black Mamba doesn’t know who he’s dealing with, but he can be sure that these people are not novices. These experts know better than them that when the attack range is compressed to the mutual support area, the force can play its strongest role.
In particular, although there are a large number of attack force, Black Mamba doesn’t feel that these people have too many advantages. They haven’t finished joint training, and it is very problematic for each team to run in, but their opponents are a whole. They will be more tacit than themselves and others.
"Try to slow down as much as possible. Don’t fire without my order. Remember that we don’t want to be the first crossfire. We just need to find the right time to cut into the battlefield and end the battle." This set of orders was issued in code. "Don’t rush to attack the team and ensure that we can support each other."
Chapter five hundred and seventy You are here and I am here.
Unlike the black mamba, the pumpkin code word keeps reaching the command in the earphone for 30 seconds, and it must be confirmed by a fixed contact for two minutes. The briefing team is advancing towards the goal in an orderly and rapid manner.