"I’m not a good father, and my daughter didn’t even get married. Even if I gave my daughter a dowry," Wu Shijun handed the check to Wu Jing to see Ma Hang. Ma Hang nodded. "Elders can’t push it." Wu Jing collected the check.

Wu Shijun ha ha a smile. "Well, this matter has just passed. I want to ask you what you plan to do in the future. You can’t stay long in the capital, Tianjin and Zhili."
Ma Daodao: "To tell my father-in-law, I didn’t come to Beijing this time. My long stay was due to the death of my ex-wife at the hands of a Japanese. I have been chasing this matter from Nanhe to here, and I am going to the Northeast."
"To the Northeast" Ma Hang nodded. "My second brother is Zhang Lingong and Zhang Xueliang, the king of Northeast China, and I want to take refuge in him."
"Ha ha is very good," Wu Shijun praised. "Our China is divided and humiliated by the great powers. I also do business to save the country. I want industrial means to save my China. The gentleman is determined to do everything in the world. I will recognize you as a son-in-law if you don’t abandon Jinger and humiliate a China person."
Wu Shijun was very happy that he didn’t agree with Wu Jing’s marriage with the Wangs. The Wangs were Yuan Shikai’s "God of Wealth". He must not let the Wangs intervene in business. When Wu Jing got married, he was still worried that Ma Xingyi had helped him but saved him a great event.
Wu Shijun led Ma Hang and Wu Jing around the company, shipyard and wharf, and told them about a trick to do ship business. Ma Hang also benefited a lot. In the afternoon, Wu Shijun got a table in Guanshengyuan, the best hotel in Tianjin, and invited a few friends who were like-minded to introduce his son-in-law Ma Hang to them.
This banquet is not only for eating, but also for eating a lot about the future and future of the horse line. Many people have pointed him out and helped him in the future road of the horse line.
Chapter one hundred and sixty-four Yuan Shikai’s Emperor Dream
It’s almost the end of the year. Every family is busy in the New Year, and the business of every shop is getting better. Ma Hang is still watching Wu Jingshou together all day. The other people are very envious of the newlyweds. It’s understandable that Liu Wu stopped Heiwa and Longjie from disturbing them. It’s very comfortable to have a sweet life.
At noon this day, Ma Hang and Wu Jing were whispering in the sun in the courtyard. Han Xiaomo came at the same time as Chang San, which surprised Ma Hang very much. Chang San was a gangster and a Yuan Keding native. Han Xiaomo was arranged by Zhang Lin to explore two camps in Beijing. It was really shocking.
Han Xiaomo brought a letter from Zhang Xueliang from the Northeast. In the letter, Zhang Xueliang congratulated Ma Hang on his marriage and felt sorry for leaving without saying goodbye. By the way, according to Zhang Xueliang’s news, Yuan Shikai will be enthroned as soon as this year, and the Japanese have made great efforts. Ma Hang’s enemy, Kazuo Noda, has been appointed as Yuan Shikai’s personal adviser.
Seeing this, Ma Hang screamed and scared Han Xiaomo and Chang Sandu. A Ma Hang asked, "Are you sure that Scar has been appointed as Yuan Shikai’s personal consultant?"
Han Xiaomo nodded. "According to the agreement signed between the Japanese and Yuan Shikai, the Japanese Yuan Shikai ascended the throne and borrowed 10 million yuan. This Noda is the representative of Japan."
Chang San also said, "Dagong doesn’t like these Japanese people either. He is going to launch an army to remonstrate Yuan Shikai’s abdication on the day he ascended the throne. He sent me to invite Ma Hang to discuss it."
"Military remonstrance" Ma Hang looked at Han Xiaomo. "Yuan Keding, this is a drunkard’s sake. Yuan Shikai proclaimed himself as the emperor. He is the emperor when Yuan Shikai dies. He will launch a military remonstrance."
Chang San laughed. "You can’t say that Heaven and Republic are the general trend. Yuan Shikai will defeat Dagong sooner or later, which is also good for Yuan Shikai."
Han Xiaomo said, "Tell the truth. What is Yuan Keding doing with Ma Dage?"
Chang Sanxiao said, "Brother Ma’s marksmanship is magical, for example, if a soldier fails to remonstrate, he still hopes Brother Ma."
"Do you want to assassinate Yuan Shikai? He’s Yuan Keding’s father." Han Xiaomo couldn’t believe that Yuan Keding still wanted to assassinate Yuan Shikai. Yuan Shikai had already seen through this time. If Yuan Shikai didn’t succeed, how could he live in Yuan Keding again? Han Xiaomo looked at Ma Hang.
Ma Daodao "But it’s a pity that the gun that Yuan Keding gave me was taken away by the police. There is no suitable guy."
"This is difficult." Chang Sanyi waved and someone came in at once, and there was a long box in his hand. Chang Sanyi walked over, shook his sleeve, reached for the box and picked up the gun. "This is German goods, which are much better than one, and can play for miles. This is specially made by Dagong. This operation cost a lot of money."
Ma Hang took the gun and Wu Jing twisted her head and leaned in to see "karabiner9k". Wu Jing gently read out a row of letters of various shapes on the gun body. Everyone looked at Wu Jing and laughed. "I didn’t expect my wife to know all this. It’s really a talented woman among women."
Wu Jing smiled shyly and bowed his head to the street. "That’s my wife, but high flyers of Beijing University will be much more than that."
A good gun, of course, is to be collected from Yuan Keding’s invitation to Ma Hang, who didn’t promise to let Chang San tell Yuan Keding that he would definitely go when Yuan Shikai ascended the throne.
In the capital, Yuan Shikai was enthroned, and preparations are being stepped up. Cao Kun led his troops to clean the Forbidden City. In those days, Xuantong was preparing for the throne. Some ceremonies were rummaged out by the ceremony department. Yuan Shikai personally patrolled the most famous shoes and hats store in Beijing to prepare himself for the throne robes.
Everything is ready, but it is announced to the public that this day should be a day when the National Assembly is sparse according to the daily arrangement. Several members of parliament entered the venue, and the speaker has not yet sat down. Cao Kun led a large group of soldiers into the venue, and the members immediately got angry and got up and abused.
Cao Kun ignored them and went straight to the podium in front of the speaker. "You are ordered by the President to dissolve the National Assembly from now on. If you have any objections, you can go to the Presidential Palace to complain. Please go back."
"Yuan Shikai is crazy"
"Yuan Shikai really wants to restore my excellent national government and will be buried in the hands of Yuan Shikai, a thief. It’s a pity but hateful."
One by one, members of parliament stamped their feet and wailed. Facing the armed deputy soldiers, what can they do? A large group of people, old and young, were thrown out of the parliament gate and surrounded by people. They had never seen these well-dressed gentry crying like this.
Just at the gate of the National Assembly, Cao Kun said again that he would dissolve the National Assembly in front of the people, and announced that "from now on, all the national flags of the government of the Republic of China will be replaced with new ones."
Cao Kun said, glancing behind him, a soldier walked slowly into the parliament with a flag in his hands. Soon the flag on the roof of the parliament fell slowly, and there was a red ball flag flying slowly at the top of the parliament in a strip made of five colors. No one had ever seen this flag before, and the people looked up and watched it.
On Cao Kun Avenue, "The Republic of the Five Ethnic Groups is rising in the sun. This is our new national flag. Let’s hurry home and change it. Some people will check it and arrest all those who don’t hang it." As soon as everyone heard it, they immediately turned home and rushed to make the five-color national flag.
What do you think of the new national flag sent by Chang San? Heiwa said with a smile, "It’s the same as that of people who have no money in our hometown, and they have a patch when they are connected one by one."
Everyone laughed and Wu Jing shook his head. "You look at the five colors, red, yellow, blue, white and black, which represent our country’s five ethnic groups, namely, Han, Hui, Mongolian, Tibetan and Manchu. The red circle in this center means that the sun rises, which means very good. It seems that Yuan Shikai does not resist the Republic and hopes to go to a monarchy like Great Britain and Japan."
"Sister-in-law said that Yuan Shikai is not bad and hopeless," leoco asked.
Wu Jing nodded. "After Japan’s reform, its national strength rose greatly, and the Beiyang Navy was defeated in the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895. At that time, some people made reforms, but the Qing court didn’t have the courage. If Yuan Shikai can really succeed, it may not be a bad thing for China."
Ma Hang smiled. "I don’t want so much to kill Scar and avenge the fire sisters. It doesn’t matter to us whether Yuan Shikai is the emperor or not."
Chapter one hundred and sixty-five He ascended the throne ceremony
There are faint snowflakes in the sky, and the north wind blows people cold. Soldiers lined up neatly outside the gate of the Temple of Heaven in the north wind, and dozens of black cars roared in from the main gate, followed by nine loud guns exploding in the middle, which shocked the whole capital.
Ma Hang was lying on the roof of a shop not far from the Temple of Heaven. He vaguely saw the figure of the Temple of Heaven shaking and the car door being beaten. Some people dressed in strange expressions walked aside the car. Longjie handed the telescope to Ma Hang. "Look at the big brother."
Yuan Shikai is wearing a newly-made dragon robe with a flat crown on his head, which is not too big for him. Perhaps it is because the weather is too cold that Yuan Shikai is very fat when he wears too much inside. He looks even more bloated. Yuan Shikai, accompanied by several officers, walked step by step to the top of the Temple of Heaven.
"Why don’t you see Scar this bastard?" Ma Hang carefully searched the crowd for Longjie and shook his head.
According to the ancient ceremony, Yuan Shikai made his own ritual of offering sacrifices to heaven. The etiquette officer shouted "Drink Yuan Shikai" and all the people followed this shout and made kowtows to incense. This ritual was very complicated and tedious, and it didn’t end for two hours.
Ma Hang has been looking for scar in the crowd, but unfortunately he didn’t see it. Seeing that the sacrifice to heaven will end, Ma Hang put away his gun and said to Longjie, "Let’s go and start the Forbidden City."
According to the arrangement of Yuan Keding Yuan Shikai’s enthronement ceremony, Yuan Shikai worships heaven and earth first, and then the enthronement ceremony will be held in the Hall of Supreme Harmony in the Forbidden City. At that time, all officials will go to the venue and choose three places. The Temple of Heaven is the best place to assassinate, but the scar does not appear. It seems that we can go to the last place.
The Forbidden City is the place where emperors of Qing Dynasty lived and worked. Yuan Shikai chose this place to control the sky from the Forbidden City just like those emperors.
At 12 noon, the ceremony of enthronement was officially another drum music and salute. Yuan Shikai walked slowly up the steps just in front of the Hall of Supreme Harmony. A Zhang Long chair had already been placed there on both sides. The so-called imperial secretary waited on Yuan Shikai to be an old pedant and read a yellow scroll.
Ma Hang, they were far away, and they didn’t hear anything. Longjie suddenly shouted, "Over there, over there, I saw scar, right over there in the car."
Ma Hang quickly adjusted the angle of the telescope. It’s good that his hateful face is disgusting. Ma Hang will never forget to put the telescope on for a generation. Ma Hang took up the rifle. "You keep an eye on him and see how I kill him."
This rifle is very fond of its style or comfort. I don’t know how many times it is better than hunting a shotgun by myself. Five methods Huang Chengcheng pressed it into the gun chamber and pulled the bolt to aim it at the gun. Looking through the mountain and the sight, those figures in the crowd suddenly became clear.
Scar, that is, Kazuo Noda, is a representative of the Japanese legation who came to watch the ceremony. Next to him, representatives from France, Britain, Russia and other countries are sitting neatly. It is also the first time that they have seen the ceremony of Emperor China’s accession to the throne, and they still have a lot of curiosity.
Looking at those people in Taiwan, they performed Scar like singing opera, thinking that this ceremony of enthronement is too complicated and the emperor’s ceremony is not so good.
"Bang!" There was a noise from far away in the silent square, which was particularly harsh. Scar quickly turned his head. Just in the east of a shop, the fire flashed on the roof. Scar was a genius. He immediately made a mistake, didn’t wait for others, and immediately bent down to lie down.
Behind Scar, the Russian representative screamed, and a blood hole in his right shoulder was bleeding outward. Scar couldn’t help thinking about it. He rolled over and hid behind the car, and two bombs exploded one after another where he rolled, destroying two pieces of blue bricks.
"An assassin" didn’t react until this time when the crowd scurried around. Yuan Shikai glared at his side with a black face. Cao Kun Cao Kun swallowed hard and quickly turned away. A good enthronement ceremony was messed up by three shots.
"His mama this little too cunning" Ma Hang didn’t hit the center three times.
The opposite situation of Longjie can be clearly seen. "Let’s go, big brother. People have already come out. If you don’t leave, you can’t leave."
Scar slowly poked her head out from behind the car and looked east. When she saw no movement, she shouted "Hurry up in the east"
In the face of the panic crowd, Yuan Shikai looked sullenly for a long time and finally didn’t hold back and roared, "Give it to me." Behind him, Yuan Keding smiled, with an easy grace and Liu secretly glanced at his heart and immediately became white.
Liu secret to Yuan Keding side "great grandfather, why are you afraid?"
Yuan Keding smiled. "Afraid of it? Three shots are all those foreign ghosts. What do you want me to see? It must be those who don’t like the foreigner revolutionary party, but it’s lucky that the bullet didn’t hit here. If you pursue it."
Liu Mi quickly covered Yuan Keding’s mouth and Yuan Keding pushed Liu Mi’s hand and smiled, "Don’t you think so?"
Cao Kun will be back soon. Facing Yuan Shikai’s eyes, he can shake his head awkwardly. Yuan Shikai glanced at it. "You are all Chinese imperial officials. In the face of such a trivial matter, you have to continue honestly."
An accident didn’t interrupt Yuan Shikai’s successful ascension to the throne. The second half of Yuan Shikai’s enthronement ceremony ended hastily. Yuan Shikai said, "From today, the Chinese Empire was founded and I acceded to the throne in accordance with God’s will and people’s will. Dier and others should remember that their duty is to make contributions to the Chinese Empire."