Four-wing chicken is a middle-aged couple. "Do you accept it here?"

However, I shook my head and took out 2 yuan from my pocket and handed it to Mi Wan.
Chen Xiaoxing, who is being educated by the couple, watched with envy as more and more people came over there, but there was no good place nearby. He ran back and forth screaming, "It costs 55 yuan to park on your shoulders and have a private seat at the top of your head!"
"Pay the money quickly!"
Soon he had a pile of money in his hand.
The wooden club also holds its own stones to promote sales.
"A limited number of 55 private rooms are available on a first-come-first-served basis …"
Soon I rented out half my body stones.
Chen Xiaoxing’s mouth is watering. This is a lot of Qian Qian!
"You still envy others! Be good to me! " Xin Chen is in distress situation.
Zhang Lili said, "Look at how calm the six girls are and learn from them."
Six Eva looked up and saw his one eye, bowed their heads and took a small drawing.
They don’t know that Liuwa hired a lot of people today, and the income from selling all kinds of small businesses in the crowd is even much higher than these two little guys.
She is so calm because she is the boss.
After the restart of the exile era, the layout of Liuwa’s former exile era was completely white, but now that it has reconnected with the exile era, Liuwa Chamber of Commerce can naturally set sail again.
The middle-aged couple next to them are smiling at Xin Chen and Zhang Lili, shaking their heads and sighing, "This child needs a good education, otherwise it will be difficult to educate him when he grows up. You can’t listen to what he says."
"Yes, especially boys, if they are not careful, they don’t know what they have done."
"That’s how we get moths for us every day. We both regret how we didn’t educate him well when we were young. As a result, we grew up. Everyone is slower than others. Everyone else is married. My son didn’t even have a girlfriend! Don’t know we are in a hurry, we are still waiting to have grandchildren … "
"Our little star is quite good. It’s quite feminine." Zhang Lili next to him immediately touched Chen Xiaoxing’s head and said with a little pride.
Xin Chen felt something was wrong there. The middle-aged man looked familiar?
Zhang Lili has said, "But don’t worry too much about young people. Sometimes they just like to play. When they are tired of playing, they will know that they are relieved. When they get married, they always have to take their time. Where is your son now?"
"Well, there it is." The middle-aged man reached forward and pointed to "the second one on the left."
At this time, Zhou Ye, the groom’s official, has come out. His four groomsmen accompany him. The leftmost one in military uniform is a large group.
And the second is not far from Zhuang.
He was wearing the manor’s main shirt, which was obviously composed of newly woven lines and gold threads.
"Alas, this child is better to be obedient," sighed Zhuang Dad.
Then I reached out and touched Chen Xiaoxing’s head. "Don’t be like him, little guy."
Chapter 1424 Pandora’s Box
Hundreds of experts in white coats are busy in a heavily guarded facility in Nut State.
The outside wall of the laboratory was painted with the portrait of the robbery squad and a big red cross was made.
There are also huge words "fire prevention, theft prevention and robbery prevention"
There are all kinds of broken parts and instruments in the laboratory.
This is the only time piece from the explosion of Indigo Emperor that has been searched in Nut State.
All the important things were taken back by the robbery team, and all that was left was some junk.
However, what is left is also a valuable asset for Nut State. By deciphering the technology of factory owners, they have also broken through some technical problems.
Of course, the main force is not them.
In the corner of the laboratory, there is a man with long white hair wearing a red robe instead of a white coat. He is wearing reading glasses and lying on an independent workbench, fiddling with something like a square box.
He carefully packed all kinds of scraps from his machine into this small box.