An Shitou quickly dug out a paper box and put it in a box that smells strange, looks strange and feels even more strange. After stacking it tightly, the ribbon tied a beautiful dead button, hung a professional smile and handed it to Conan.

When Anshitong went to clean the tray, Baishi poured a coke with ice and put it in front of Conan.
Conan poked at the sweet box on the desktop with love. He came to buy mystery novels with this money, but it’s not too bad that he can save people from it …
Soon guests came into the store one after another.
At first, it was a beautiful woman. She looked at her watch frequently and looked like waiting for someone.
Conan paid attention to her for a while, but after the woman lost her temper with her, she ruled her out. He didn’t think Mao Lilan would make such friends.
Then came a gaunt college student who was rushing to finish his thesis. A strong man who went straight to the bar after entering the store and shouted out the manager; A beautiful woman with curly hair and a professional suit.
Chapter 1 is that you admit your mistake.
Fei Yingli was the last person to enter the door.
Conan’s intention was to meet her in the line of sight, and his heart suddenly felt cold-although he didn’t recognize Fei Yingli, he intuitively felt that the aunt couldn’t be provoked, so Conan turned around and turned to face the bar instead.
Just then he saw Baishi’s forefinger table point two times and then point forward implicitly.
Because the manager sat next to Baishi without a mouth.
But Conan understood his meaning in a second, which was to express that "Mao Lilan has to wait for someone."
Conan was immediately alert to follow the white stone, and when he turned around, he saw that Fei Yingli was moving towards a position at the door, and the shop door behind her was pushed, and a handsome guy with long shoulder hair came in.
After he entered the door, he looked around the door without looking for a seat
Can the clerk greet him and ask, "Sir, are you looking for someone?"
"Oh, I have an appointment with a girl, but she doesn’t seem to have arrived yet." The handsome guy looked for fruit and tossed his hair at the clerk. "Find me a seat for two."
What he said just now made Conan think wrong.
Conan critically examines the flirtatious gigolo who just entered the door, thanking Baishi in a low voice, and then before Baishi reacts, he runs off to the seat next to the gigolo and sits hostile and stares at the back of his head.
"…" Baishi looked down at his finger and reviewed the scene just now.
But he didn’t say anything
I didn’t point to the wrong person. Conan’s mistake is his business
Moreover, it is convenient for Conan to act by himself with the interference of passers-by
So thinking of Baishi turned to look at the woman who was excluded from Conan’s first entry.
He remembered that this man was the deceased when Fei Yingli appeared. She and the murderer were lovers, which just met the requirements of black widow.
Although it’s hard to imagine that a woman who kills more quickly than chopping watermelons will suddenly die at the hands of a passerby … it’s not surprising that this world is not a villain.
Baishi secretly watched the woman’s actions. After she went to the sanitation, Baishi walked along the staff aisle to the back door while no one was looking, hid her glasses in the next corner, and then turned into a cat and went straight to wash her hands.
Like many small and exquisite restaurants, this restaurant washes its hands and is mixed with men and women.
Yayoi Ji Ye patched up her makeup before she went into the sink.
Before, she used to kill a lover every two or three weeks or even a month.
But recently, I don’t know that her success has been particularly smooth.
After a series of killings, Ji Ye became addicted to strangling Hamanori. After a few days of quiet counting money, she couldn’t stand the loneliness and planned to start work on Temple Hill Thirteen, who had known each other for a month.
Thirteen types of temples and mountains, many people who don’t socialize widely are still lustful, which are all factors that attract Ji Ye Yayoi.
But he is too tough-looking and too burly, which is not Ji Ye Yayoi’s type. She doesn’t take the initiative many times, and they don’t progress as fast as with his lover.
Therefore, recently, Ji Ye Mi gave birth to a few words, and the 13th wife of Dianshan wanted to stir up his family, so that in case of "suicide", the police would give priority to suspecting that Mrs. Dianshan herself could have enough retreat.
Yayoi Ji Ye plans to leave Tokyo for a year or two while selling stolen goods and looking for a new place to live.
When Dianshan 13 pushed the door and pushed in, she looked at the fat sheep in the mirror and greeted it with a thoughtful smile.
But she never thought that Fat Sheep would stun her without saying anything and then stab her in the heart.
Dianshan thirteen money is not earned by himself as he usually boasts, but comes from his rich wife.
Therefore, although I dislike my wife who is old and ugly, I dare not quarrel with her because I can’t live without her.
Recently, when I heard that Ji Ye Yayoi always gets angry with his wife, I thought of novels and those common stories in the video, "I’ll tell your wife about us if I don’t get a divorce." The third mistress suddenly felt bad about Dianshan Thirteen.
He had a nightmare of "Ji Ye Yayoi stabbed two people in front of his wife, and then his wife, father and brother poured cement into the Pacific Ocean".
When people are under too much pressure, they will easily become abnormal. After a while of anxiety, they finally woke up their criminal intuition and came up with a clever killing method.
Ji Ye Yayoi was inexplicably stabbed in the heart and soon died.
Temple Hill Thirteen didn’t pull out the dagger in her heart. He first took his finger and wrapped it in a long bandage. One end of the bandage tied the root of the dagger blade and the other end temporarily tied his wrist.
Houdianshan 13 picked up the body and threw it in along the gap before the partition.
When it fell from behind the blocked door, Dianshan XIII knocked out Ji Ye Yayoi’s satchel and took the money out of her wallet, and scattered the rest of it from Fang to pretend to be a robber homicide.
Then he grabbed the bandage and pulled the dagger out of Ji Ye Yayoi’s chest to let the blood flow out. Finally, he untied the dagger bandage and threw the dagger into the compartment.
This can create the illusion that "the gangster hid in the compartment and killed Ji Ye Yayoi, and then escaped through the gap at the top"
As a result, a big guy like Dianshan 13 who can’t climb the gap was immediately ruled out.
After everything was done, Dianshan 13 pushed through a door and found that the body blocked the door very firmly. He breathed a sigh of relief.
-When it’s finally over, you must pay great attention to finding a mistress. You must never leave evidence of infidelity. You must search the receipt before you leave the house and take it yourself to prevent them from being cunning and threatening yourself …
Temple hill thirteen thought while preparing to flee the scene.
Being distracted, he was frightened by a stray cat that accidentally broke into the toilet.
After returning to the temple of God, thirteen felt a little ashamed of his reaction. He made a strange noise and drove away a few times, and his mind was slightly balanced, so he moved his sight away from the cat.
Twist the faucet, wash off your hands stained with blood, and carefully wrap the bandage around Dianshan 13. This just knocked on the door and returned to the restaurant as if nothing had happened.
Baishi ignored the strange man. After the door was closed, he went to the body and found that the blood had seeped out from the door.
Baishi visually measured a distance, jumped up from the run-up, and the doorknob successfully climbed the partition door and glanced at it along the probe.
Chapter 19 What? Is my teammate cold?
In the narrow compartment, the body lay on its side. Ji Ye Yayoi leaned back against the door leg and stuck to the side wall. The whole person folded into a ninety-degree angle.
There are a lot of things scattered on the ground, and blood spots or blood lines are splashed everywhere, which may be thrown out when the knife is drawn. The ground is not flat, and the body spreads to the side floor drain, where there is almost no foot.
Baishi looked at the sundries on the ground and didn’t find the pendant with a card necklace.
It looked down at the body again and observed it carefully for a moment. Baishi found something faintly reflecting in the neckline of Ji Ye Yayoi.
Squinting slightly, it quickly saw that it was a few grotesque necklaces and pendants, and the outermost one was still familiar. It seemed that Hamano had seen it before.